1977 Jun Singhota&Goyal DesignPenstockWyes BasiHydroStat

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The design of penstock wyes for the Basi hydro station By J. S. Singhota and M. R. Goyal ‘Secretary, Bhakr Senior Design The limited facilities of developing countries place rest 205 Management Board Mydel Dosigns Directoratot ons on designers of large-scale equipment which might not normally exist elsewhere. The way in which two penstock wyes were designed for use in a hydro-power station in Himachel Pradesh, India, is a typical example where a sat ing design was evolved despite local constraints, ‘ie TAILRACE waters from the Shanan powerhouse, neat Josindernagar in Himachal Pradesh, Ind, are being Used for further power generation in another cascade power- house at Batt The firace waters at Shanan are taken by {power flume tang info a diurnal balancing reserve ‘ASS mmedameter penstock designed fora dischargs of 11:33 m/s cares Row from the reeroie tO the Bast Dowerhouse about 1100 m"away. ‘The penstock i of Welded ste! pipe construction, supported at bends by Scaciet sno blocks and nerd pot By Sonerete saddle supports, An expansion joint frovided between every two consecutive acho blocks A lower level, the peastock diameter is reduced to 1524 tim, to.use the avaliable pte thickness, Near the power- Fouse this 1324 mmediameter penstock bifurates Tato {wo 1219" mmediameter ranches, which feed the (WO Unis in the powerhouse. A 1219) mmdiameter branch pipe has also been taken om the main penstock to feed fhestanasby unit in view of the facilites available, it was decided to manufacture the wyes from plate sts. The pat thickness ted for the penstock varied from 9 mm to 41 mm. The {btcign exchange component forthe project being limited, tnost ‘of the stcl was obtained from indigenous sources Some mith plates became avilable as spare from Bhakra penstocks which had just been completed, Th teas the maximum thickness ofthe plate availabe forthe Basi penstock “THE wyes made of plate scl require citer intemal or external reinforcement at the junctions, feral ein forcement is in the shape of @ web, and or external Feinforement, curved girders are provided a the junto. of m 1K Diameter of main pie, upsteam of Be ein pe do ttm | 124mm ameter of main pipe downsream, cf junction 124mm | 1219 mm ‘Bitmeter of branch pipe 1219 mm | 1219 ma oat oat mating} 2? | aternal design pressure (Incuding srater harnme) Beglem* | 435 kalemt ‘Assumed persibe sas in see= 1050 glo? work- Internal web reinforcement Consider the crosesection of a thin hollow cylinder (Fig. 1). Located on the circumference are two points, [a] and (b] lying equi-distant from the plane [COD]. The total stress T at either point [a] or [b] is: r internal pressure, and rs radius of the eylinder. where Fig. 1. Cross section ofa tin holow elinder, where Ty and Ty ire the asses at pats a and b an te ccumfeence, equ? Gistat from tne. plane’ COD. The varical and harzonal ‘Components of Te ad Ty ae Ineted by V and respective, This stress acts tangentially to the membrane. If tan- agitlfores such a8 7, and 7, having the magnitude of T are applied at points [a] and [b} respectively, then arc {ADE} could be removed without aflecting are [eCo) assuming that the internal pressure remains undisturbed Resolving the forces 7, andy ito. horizontal and terticl components as fdcated in Fig. I, we ete Hy Hy=prsing=py and Water Power & Dam Constuction June 1977 the Tee have and 1 inF Fi, ‘The point The whose ~The is give Tot areao Extor Trifor shapes and ttiforn strengt tober of the pressu: branch water v, ce proosp=px Fig. 2 shows a typical wye branch. Any section through the wye such as [PQR} indieates portions of two circular ares joined at points [a] and [b] Ifthe adi ofthe branches are equal, the horizontal components Ham. Hac, Hox and ‘Hy, balance each other. Since the vertical Components have the same direction and line of action: Viet Van2¥, and Vant Voo=2¥e ‘The loading diagram for the internal web reinforce- ment is, therefore, represented by the shaded arca shown in Fig. 2, multiplied by the intensity of pressure, sectan of we poe i, £4 bpical mye branch. Any section, for instance POR, Inte potion fo ta wet oad jae The tensile force carried by the web, V =pLr and its point of application is ata distance [CEY/3 feo [E} ‘The shape of the web plate is indicated by [FC,GE], whose critical section is at the eentreline [CE], The moment, M, of force V about the ceatreline [C,E], is given by the equation: M= V(CEV2~[CEY3) V/A-+MIZ, where A is the cross-sectional plate at (CEJ and Z the section modulus. area of the web External reinforcement e most commonly used extemal reinforcement is the Taform type (Fig.'3) Tt consists of thee horses steps Jon att open ens emtracng bots rach and ‘main pipes, The Steps involved ithe: design or inorm reinfoeement ace he detemnaion ihe oot strength ratio ofthe untenforosd branch pect ie ng to be sustained by the renforcement und the dines oa of the reinforcement required to sustain this load, Tis pressuelstrength ratio a the ratio of the stern O's Branch pipe under internal pressure compared with that Water Po "4 Dam Construction June 1877 ‘enforcement [OC] | (a | 8 ee ee | fe, 3.4 yal tem ence comping tee of the equivalent straight pipe. The symbol used for this factor is'S. From the experiments conducted by Blair, it has been calculated that the S of « 90° equal branch is 0:7 and for ‘any other branch angle 2, S=07sina (Fig. 4). Obviously, less reinforcement is required and therefore, Sis larger, if the branch is smaller than the main pipe. Since $i to 1 ifthe branch has no diameter, and is equal to O7sinx when the branch has diameter qual 10 that of the main pipe, as a first approximation, @ linear relations ship may be taken between the complement of the Sand the ratio of the diameters of the branch and the main pipes. Thus, if this ratio ad be equal to , then for a branch at any angle; s: (1 ~07sina) ‘The zone requiring reinforcement consists of that part of the main pipe bounded by lines at right angles to its axis which pass through the points where the bore of the branch meets the main bore. Since § for an unreinforced branch js less than unity, it may be considered that eertain amount of the zone requiring reinforcement is juasupported by the surrounding pipe material. The area Fequiring support therefore, is equal to (IS) times the projected area of the zone requiring reinforcement (Projected on the plane containing the axes of the branch nd the main pipe, which is shown shaded in Fig. 4). That area multiplied by the interaal pressure, gives the load which the reinforcement is required to carry. ‘To determine the required dimensions of the triform ‘cinforcement plates which are in the shape of horse. 8 + Fin, 4, The angle a affets the pressuretrengih ratio. S Su6h that S07 sin 2 The shadid porn fe. pegected | srt othe zane nosing refercemenk shoes, itis necessary to know the strength of such short curved beams. Some actual tests were carried out by Blair on horse-shoes and rings of about the proportions considered reasonable for this work. It is interesting to rote that the tests indicated that both the horse-shoes and the rings were far stronger than would be predicted trom either simple bending theory or the more complex theories ut forward for curved beams. This difference was 30 marked that an ‘empirical formula for their strength should be used. For triform reinforcement, the strength ‘of cach horse-shoe, as obtained from the test results is given by (74a) +(RIZ where, Across sectional area of the triform, Z= section ‘moduius, and R=(K + B)/2 (for K and B, reler Fig. 4). Blair tecommends that the formula. ‘may be applied sufficiently accurately within a range of 5 em to 45 om internal diameter, and with a. widthsto-thickness ratio ranging from 2 t0 8. Outside these limits, an additional Tactor of safety is advised ‘Welding st the junction point of the horse-shoe is somewhat difficult if the three shoes are merely attached at their ends. If the three horseshoes are welded to a round bar standing out from the surface of the branch piece, more satisfactory join's can be made, and larger junction point is obtained, transferring the load more tuniformally to the reinforcement. The radial width of the three shoes is kept the same, so that they may meet at the same level at the junction piece Basi penstock wyes Two wyes (IX and 1) have been provided in the Basi penstocks, The dimensions of the main and branch pipes For the two wyes are given in the Table on p42. ‘The wyes were designed as intersections of equal cylinders/cones. Inthe case of 1X, the branch pipe diameter was made by introducing a reducer just downstream of the wye piece. ‘As the internal pressure in the two wyes is nearly equal, the design of reinforcement for only one Wye (IX) isidetailed hereafter forcement design ing to Fig. 5; load to be carried by the web, = shaded area multiplied by p, where p=43 ke/em". Shaded area (in cm?) =2% 762 x 76-2cot(a/3) +2 76-2, ‘Assuming *=41 em which is the maximum available plate thickness, then, Joe 3831254 (61/2) x 328 = 11884672186 em ‘Therefore, the shaded area = 2 (1622) 3125-42 162 186, 18 150+2850=21 000 em? V=43 21 000: 13.000 ke. Distance of load centre from the edge (E] of the web plate = 1/21 000[2850 x (18-6/2)seca/2+ 18 150% (186 see a/2-+ (762%328)/3)) (27 800 + 1 865 800)/21 000-902 em. ‘A minimum thickness of the web plate is obtained when the load and plate centre coincide. Therefore, to obtain a minimum thickness, the length of web plate is provided as 180-4 em, Design thickness 48 mm, ‘Adding 1-5 mm as corrosion allowance, required thick- ness of plate=50 mm, which is more than 1 mm, the ‘maximum thickness available 13 000/(180-4> 1050)=48 et Triform reinforcement design Pressure-stength ratio, sin35" 29°) (1-0-7 x058)=0406 Load, V=(pdd'jsina\1—S). = 43x (1524 x 152-4/0-58) (1 0-406) = 1020 000 kg. Providing equally loaded triform reinforcement, the load ‘on each horse-shoe =(1 020 000)/3, = 340 000 kg Keeping B=8 t (ee Fig. 4), Fig. 5. Dimensions and data rltng to one of ie two nye brarches, designated Xone ‘lo Fable. The cher branch {1} 18 of sm lar eonsriction. Water Power & Dam Construction June 1877 wat

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