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don Und Crh oa eptember. 2017 ‘wrernraen” 2 ceases raoconmnonnir — September idee ae = |S ny Sen bare a0. 3 4 2p Sunday Orn Tone ol ‘em 10 i 2 Sunday Oday Tne Coles Ba a) 17 18 19 20. 21 22 23 240 Sunday n Ora Tine ar iets Zain Ts fm ier ie 24 25 a5 27 fag oor 39 see teneey cree tice |” vena | an Es cemmnitomoss|) fe fee | ee Tayi Cat Pe (Wee ae ra] Minister's Musings Jesus is still looking for people who will get out of the boat. Why risk it? I believe there are many reasons: It is the only way to real growth, is the way true faith Gevelops, it is the alternative to boredom andl stagnation that causes people to wither up and die, it isthe part of discovering and obeying your calling I believe there are many good reasons to get out of the boat. But there is one that ‘trumps them all: The water is where Jesus is. The water may be dark, wet, and dangerous. But Jesus isnot in the boat. The main reason Peter got out of the boat is that he wanted to be where Jesus was. Matthew keeps referring to this reality. Peter's request is, “Lord, ift'syou, command me to come to you.” Then Peter got ont of the boat “and eame toward Jesus.” Because Peter di this, both he and his friends came to a deeper understanding of their Master than ever before. They came to see more than ever that they could place their destinies in his hands with confidence. ‘They understood that the One in their boat was the One alone who treads the ‘waves ofthe seas-and they worshiped him. How about you? When was the last time you got out ofthe boat? etieve that Goé’s general method for growing a deep, adventuresome faith in usis by asking us to get aut of the boat. More than hearing a great talk, or reading a great book, God uses recl-world challenges to develop our ability to trust in him. We tend to seek 2 world of comfort. We try to construct manageable lives with some security and predictability to maintain the illusion that we are in control. ‘Then God “passes us by” and shakes everything up. ‘The all to get out of the boat involves eriss, opportunity, often failure, generally fear, sometimes suffering, always the calling oa task too big for ts. But there is no other way to grow faith and to partner with God, ‘Maybe there wasa time in your life when you were walking on the water on a regular asi, A time when your heart was much like Peter's: “Command me. Tell me to come to you” A time when you would risk sharing your faith even fit meant rejoicing; siving, even if it meant sacrifice; serving, even ifit meant the possibility of failure. Sometimes you sank. Sometimes you sored. But you lived on the edge of faith ‘Maybe now, though, you haven't been out of the bot in along time. You may Ihave avery nice boat, with padded deck chairs and stabilizers so you never get seasick in ‘the storm, You may have gotten quite comfortable sitting in your boat. But the Lord is passing by! Jesus isstil looking for people who will zet out ofthe ‘boat. don’t know what this means for you. Ifyou get ont of your boat-whatever your ‘boat happens to be-you will have problems. There isa storm out there, and your faith swill not be perfect. Riskalways holds the possibility of failure. But if you get out, [believe two things will happen. The first is that when you fail-and you will fail sometimes-Jesus will be there to pick you up. You will not fail ‘alone. You will find that he is still wholly adequate to save. And the other thing is, every ‘once in a while, you willwalk on water. So, do something religious. Get out ofthe boat. 1 You Wont to Walk on the Water, You've Got to Get Out ofthe Boot-John Ontberg September Scripture Readings September 3 ~ Exodus 3:1-15, Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 4b ot Jeremiah 15:15-21, ‘sel 26:1-8, Romans 12:9-21, Matthew 16:21-28 September 10—Evodus 12:1-14, Psalm 149 or Ezekiel 33:7-11, Psalm 119:33-40, Romans 13:8-14, Mathew 18:15-20 September 17 - Exodus 14:19-31, Psalm 114 or Exodus 15Ib-11, 20-21 or Genesis 50:15-21, Psalm 103:(1-7), 8-13, Romans 14:1-12, Matthew 18:21-35 September 24 ~ Exodus 16:2-15, Psalm 105:1-6,37-45 or Jonah 3:10-4:11, Psalm 145:1-8, Philippians 1:21-30, It's time to start thinking about the church "| ATION Seprenber 10, 2017 Confins Sunday School begins September 10, 2017 September Usher List Jeff & Sherr Guerrero, Tim Doreen Koch September 19,2017 Camtll & Karsn Olsen Seplember 17,2017 ‘Tom & Michelle Nelson September 24,2017 Jeremy & Cassie VanArsdot October Usher List October 1.2017 Richard & Vivian Dau, Art & Kris Brockhoff October 8, 2017 Elie Brazeal & Sydney Morley October 15,2017 Jenry & Amanda Muley October 22,2017 Ryan & Jill Schroeder October 29,2017 Gary & Karla Wedel ahd ‘eleiiions »station: aS events in our Church Life September 10 —Sunday School Begins 9:00 - Confirmation Sunday 1 ‘September 12— MOPS 6-7:30 September 20 - Group 3:16-, Neola, 6-7:30 Online Giving is Here! ‘You now have the option to give to our church using an app on your smart phone! ‘ is the company we are using. You can download the app from iTunes or Google Play and sive from that app. Seazch Tithelly at either place. After a quick account set up you'll be able to give to our church and set up reoccurring giving! If much of the preceding sentences are Greek to you don't worry. In the next couple of weeks, we'll he unveiling our brand-new ‘website where you'll be abe to click on a link to give also. Another way to give is to use your ‘online bill pay from yourbank website end have a check mailed to the church monthly or ‘weekly or whatever, Weare trying to make it easier to give in a digital age. ‘Why even set up online giving? Good question and I'm glad you asked. We ate quickly moving to a place where cash and checks are becoming les and les used. Ts this good or bad? Tdon't lnow, but itis a reality. People are using their phones and computers to do more and more business, We 1 church do not want to miss an opportunity to provide to people all the options they want in order to give. Another big razon to try, and to ‘encourage, online giving isthe option to set up reoceurring giving. Right nov, the vast sajority of our offering somes in through the offering plat Sunday Hye trent there Sunday torning yon don't give. And if yeni lke mos folks you dont make op forthe Sundays you mised the next Sunday you come. Onin giving allows ust be ore hal givers throng eoctring giving. "That way your itso ed ave given een. ‘when you can't make ito cre ‘The’ no way around th fing like he chorch asking or more money T supose Oaline giving opens uprore end ese opportunitie to give buck tn Go Online gig lo lp borne or fal giver and God rly Hewes thf and cheer givers, Plate check thie spp ot and be onthe lookot for more on this abject. "The Minden UCC Church Board Puzzije! ee the ues to complet this rasan bout women nthe Be, Inmemonle ngusge in Reelation, God elie | | church it Lace, “Tem about to spit you out of ‘ay mouth” because is metaphorical | (ais the ban. - Arvobot | Bicoeat Cranes Dibtewa ee God's left hand ‘Gerald rama wat raver sx “safe eos ee noon med anh, Cos ed chee of hen tered “eld ber rod nd he died” Feploed Gna sed "Why doyouriek Gad | uglieisthonteoceneat esi “Bec nd he boy tery e ened in} Sent hos Gath ne soil 2 Salala'y eee eae 2 "SER Gan 1 Senate cesses Tse Tabor Diy, Senbw 4, 2077 National Graeparents Dj Seeder 1, 2017 Patsoe Day, Stenber I, 2017 Hisgane ertage Month, Spe 15- Oc. 15, 2017 int day of autumn, September 22, 2017 From a worship bulletin ! Hollowed be thy name Suche done _omhseLisinadam nomenothe Is nothing hallowed anymore? “Charlotte's always wing t> subetiiteonveryshorerotie” |) sett can oul os cits tom or bse: ‘ A TIES PAGE VOLUME 38, NUMBER 8 APFLL J APPLE OF HIS EYE Scarceac schoo day by remembering God's loving cae fr you Dat: Sing a Ky hom ad occ, cc enh wa The nee war ie ts cane Pal 17 Thuseay ips rake ey taeinacho ack What you need * apples, cored and ‘uti 1/8" rings «Lange bowl * spoon 1 esepoons cinnamon 1 2easpoons su + akan sees prayed) hat you do 1. Place apple slice inthe bowl Adel cinnamon and sugar Str so apples are coated evenly nth the 2, lace apple slices onthe sprayed baking sheets in ae ai absingle layer 8. 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Deparment, VBS. material 23929 ‘Youth Camp mao Misstneous: Kishen Supplies nas ‘Toul Expenses S760 Balas in Banke Jay 31, 2017 5 646 THE CORNERSTONE ON-PROFIT oRG. | i NON-PROFIT ORG. | iS. Postage parD vane, Tox Permit Return Service Requested Med Hgus 28, 2017\ Sprritt Love! FORGIVE! "Keep THE SPIRIT" , Atv "BE YOURSELF" [y 7 wot (te, nd exOnUS 15:1 | ‘| @ §

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