Game On 16 Rubric

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Game On Rubric for Div. C (rev 6/29/15)

(Note: all tasks listed under each section are worth a maximum of 2 points unless otherwise stated)

Game Mechanics Game Play

a. Introduction (4 Points) j. Implementation of theme (10 Points)

______ game title is present ______ game follows/related to theme
______ buttons/keys used to access other ______ (4 pts) appropriate principles
screens/options applied to theme
b. Help/instructions (6 Points) ______ (4 pts) level of scientific thought
______ game objective stated applied to theme
______ movement controls explained k. Graphics (12 Points)
______ scoring explained ______ (4 pts) quality/complexity of UC
c. User controlled (UC) sprite (6 Points) sprite
______ movement complexity ______ (4 pts) quality/complexity of
______ speed is appropriate Autonomous sprites
______ sprite orientation ______ (4 pts) quality/complexity of
d. Autonomous sprites (6 Points) backgrounds
______ movement complexity l. Sound (8 Points)
______ speed is appropriate ______ sounds are used
______ sprite orientation ______ volume is appropriate
e. Collision management (6 Points) ______ (4 pts) quality/complexity of sounds
______ sprite interactions m. Play balance (12 Points)
______ environment interactions ______ (4 pts) level of difficulty
______ appropriate interactions for theme ______ (4 pts) speeds are appropriate for
f. Scorekeeping (6 Points) the game
______ functions properly in game ______ (4 pts) movements in the game are
______ scoring appears on screen appropriate
______ scoring is appropriate for gameplay n. Overall game (8 Points)
g. De-briefing (6 Points) ______ (4 pts) overall impression of the
______ clear outcome for the game and game
game play stops ______ (4 pts) originality of the game
______ items remaining on screen are
______ how to replay/start over present
Game Play Subtotal (50) = ____________
h. Documentation (4 Points)
______ coding comments included
______ main sections of coding explained
i. Code organization (6 Points)
______ elements are named/titled
______ elements are logically grouped and
______ coding has appropriate flow

Game Mechanics Subtotal (50) = ____________

GAME ON TOTAL SCORE (100) = ________________

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