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7th Grade Social Studies Suggested Scope and Sequence

Week 1-4 Intro To World History

Unit 1: Historical Skills/Review-

Essential Vocabulary
Key Theme Key Topics State Standards
Question(s) C3 Connections
Describe core What are some 5 Themes Primary source 7 H1.2.1 Explain how historians use a variety of sources to
concepts ways in which Eras Artifact explore the past (e.g., artifacts, primary and secondary sources
people study and Maps/graphs/charts Secondary source including narratives, technology, historical maps,
Examine understand Primary and Secondary Chronology visual/mathematical quantitative data, radiocarbon dating, DNA
Sources Bias analysis).
authentic history? 7 H1.2.2 Read and comprehend a historical passage to identify
sources to build Historical Perspectives Social
Terms and foundational Economic basic factual knowledge and the literal meaning by indicating
knowledge of who was involved, what happened, where it happened, what
social studies
understandings Geographic
events led to the development, and what consequences or
Foundations of government Political
content outcomes followed.
Foundations of economics Tyranny
7 H1.2.3 Identify the point of view (perspective of the author)
Political systems Limited government
Explore and context when reading and discussing primary and
meaningful Government
secondary sources.
questions about Democracy 7 H1.2.4 Compare and evaluate differing historical
sources and Nation-state perspectives based on evidence.
content to build Monarchy 7 H1.2.5 Describe how historians use methods of
understanding Empire inquiry to identify cause effect relationships in history
City-state noting that many have multiple causes.
7 H1.2.6 Identify the role of the individual in history and
the significance of one persons ideas.
7 C1.1.1 Compare and contrast principles and
competing ideas about the purposes of government in
historical societies.
7 C1.1.2 Examine what it has meant to be a citizen in
the era under study
7 E2.3.1 Explain how governments during the eras
under study made decisions that impacted the economy of
that society and other societies.
7 E3.1.1 Explain some of the economic, social and political
factors influencing the movement of people among regions
during the eras under study.

National Heritage Academies 7th social studies Last updated 8/12/17

Weeks 5-11 Early Humans & Ag Rev
Unit 2: Beginning of Human Societies Time: 3 weeks, 45 min lessons

Essential Vocabulary
Key Theme Key Topics State Standards

Anthropology 7 W1.2.1 Describe the transition from hunter

Geography Artifact gatherers to sedentary agriculture (domestication of
Students learn How do Hunter-gather
Paleolithic plants and animals).
how environmental
Neolithic Culture 7 W1.2.2 Explain the importance of the natural
environmental changes Nomad
Agricultural Revolution environment in the development of agricultural
changes and impact human Sedentary
Intro to what makes a civilization? settlements in different locations (e.g., available water
geography life and (traits Populate for irrigation, adequate precipitation, and suitable
impact human settlement? Fertile river valleys, cities gave Adapt growth season). (G)
settlement, early rise to the worlds first civilizations Migration
7 W1.2.3 Explain the impact of the Agricultural
humans, and What are the Cities and Civilizations (e.g.- Agriculture
Revolution (stable food supply, surplus, population
eventually the consequences Sumerians, city of Uruk,) Domesticate
growth, trade, division of labor, development of
development of of technology? Features of Civilizations Irrigation
settlements). (G) 7 W1.2.4 Compare and contrast the
the first (organized government,
established religion, job Specialization environmental, economic, and social institutions of two
specialization, social classes, Division of Labor early civilizations (e.g.,Yangtse, Indus River Valley,
public works, art and culture) Revolution Tigris/Euphrates, and Nile). (G, C, E)
Settings of Early Civilizations Civilization
(river valleys) Tigris/Euphrates

Weeks 12-18 Ancient Civilizations

Unit 3: Ancient Civilizations- The Ancient Near East Time: 6 weeks, 45 min classes

Essential Vocabulary
Key Theme Key Topics State Standards
The Fertile Crescent Fertile Crescent 7 W2.1.1 Describe the importance of the development of human
Students o Civilization of Mesopotamia language, oral and written, and its relationship to the development of
explore the Sumer Barter culture verbal vocalizations standardization of physical (rock, bird)
How do o Babylon
critical role of Irrigate and abstract (love, fear) words pictographs to abstract writing
geography and o Assyrian and
geography in City-state (governmental administration, laws, codes, history and artistic
environment Persian Empires
the Hammurabis expressions)
impact Ancient Egypt and Nubia
development Code 7 W2.1.2 Describe how the invention of agriculture led to the
civilization? Kingdoms of Egypt
of the ancient Empire emergence of agrarian civilizations (seasonal harvests, specialized
o Egyptian Religion
river valley o Art, Architecture Pharaoh
crops, cultivation, and development of villages and towns). (G)
civilizations and Learning Dynasty
o Trade Artisan
National Heritage Academies 7th social studies Last updated 8/12/17
o Conquest and Cataract 7 W2.1.3 Use historical and modern maps and other sources to
Conquers Delta locate, describe, and analyze major river systems and discuss the
Civilizations in Early India Mummification ways these physical settings supported permanent settlements, and
Indus River Valley Commerce development of early civilizations (Tigris and Euphrates Rivers,
Agriculture/Pastoralism in Cultural diffusion Yangtze River, Nile River, Indus River). (G, C, E)
Central Asia Monsoons 7 W2.1.4 Examine early civilizations to describe their common
Ancient China and the Subcontinent
Chinese Empire features (e.g., ways of governing, stable food supply, economic and
Citadel social structures, use of resources and technology, division of labor
Shi Huangdi Unites China Caste System
and forms of communication).
7 W2.1.5 Define the concept of cultural diffusion and how it
resulted in the spread of ideas and technology from one region to
another (e.g., plants, crops, plow, wheel, bronze metallurgy).
7 W2.1.6 Describe pastoralism and explain how the climate and
geography of Central Asia were linked to the rise of pastoral societies
on the steppes.

National Heritage Academies 7th social studies Last updated 8/12/17

Weeks 19- 26- Classical Empires
Unit 4: Classical Empires Time: 45 min lessons

Essential Vocabulary
Key Theme Key Topics State Standards
Question(s) C3 Connections
Students What factors Chinese Empire- Expansion under the Silk road . 7 W3.1.1 Describe the characteristics that classical
explore how make a Han Dynasty Monopoly civilizations share (e.g., institutions, cultural styles,
permanent civilization o Silk Road Envoy systems of thought that influenced neighboring peoples
settlements can influential? o Society and Achievements Merchant and have endured for several centuries).
only thrive with Aristocracy 7 W3.1.2 Using historic and modern maps, locate three
Ancient Greece Citizen
common rules o The rise of the City-State major empires of this era, describe their geographic
and Acropolis characteristics including physical features and climates,
o Geography Democracy
organizational o Greek Society and Economy and propose a generalization about the relationship
structures. o Democracy in Athens between geographic characteristics and the development
They will also o Oligarchy in Sparta of early empires. (G)
explore the role o Persian Wars and dominance of 7 W3.1.3 Compare and contrast the defining
Athens Direct democracy
war plays in Military state characteristics of a city-state, civilization, and empire. (C)
advancing o Alexanders Empire 7 W3.1.4 Assess the importance of Greek ideas about
o Ancient Greek beliefs and Art Conquest
civilizations. Mythology democracy and citizenship in the development of
o Ancient Greek Learning
Ancient Rome Olympic Games Western political thought and institutions. (C)
o The Roman Republic- Socrates and Plato 7 W3.1.5 Describe major achievements from Indian,
geography Hippocratic oath Chinese, Mediterranean, African, and Southwest and
o government of the Republic Republic Central Asian civilizations. (G)
o Roman society Forum 7 W3.1.6 Use historic and modern maps to locate and
o Growth and Crisis Legion describe trade networks among empires in the classical
o Culture and Legacy Constitution era. (G)
Consul 7 W3.1.7 Use a case study to describe how trade
Assemblies integrated cultures and influenced the economy within
Senate empires (e.g., Assyrian and Persian trade networks or
Magistrates networks of Egypt and Nubia/Kush; or Phoenician and
Villas Greek networks). (G, E)
Hannibals Invasion with 7 W3.1.8 Describe the role of state authority, military
power, taxation systems, and institutions of coerced
labor, including slavery, in building and maintaining
empires (e.g., Han Empire, Mauryan Empire, Egypt,
Greek city-states and the Roman Empire). (C)
7 W3.1.9 Describe the significance of legal codes,
belief systems, written languages and communications in
the development of large regional empires
7 W3.1.10 Create a time line that illustrates the rise
and fall of classical empires during the classical period.

National Heritage Academies 7th social studies Last updated 8/12/17

7 W3.1.11 Explain the role of economics in shaping the
development of classical civilizations and empires (e.g.,
trade routes and their significance, supply and demand
for products). (E)

National Heritage Academies 7th social studies Last updated 8/12/17

Week 27-29 World Religions
Unit 5: World Religions Time: 45 min lessons

Essential Vocabulary
Key Theme Key Topics State Standards
Students explain How did world Major world religions Worship 7 W3.2.1 Identify and describe the beliefs of the six major
how world religions or o Hinduism, Judaism, Parable world religions.
religions or belief spread and Buddhism, Byzantine Empire 7 W3.2.2 Locate the geographical center of major religions
systems of influence Christianity, Strait and map the spread through the 3rd century C.E./A.D. (G)
Hinduism, civilizations? Confucianism and Pope 7 W4.2.1 Growth of Islam and Dar al-Islam [A country,
Judaism, Islam Prophet territory, land, or abode where Muslim sovereignty prevails]
Buddhism, Geography centers of major Mecca Identify and explain the origins and expansion of Islam and the
Christianity, religions creation of the Islamic Empire including The founding
5 pillars of Islam
Confucianism and Spread of Religion Interdependence
geographic extent of Muslim empires and the artistic, scientific,
Islam grew and Origins of Christianity technological, and economic features of Muslim society
their significance. Interregional trading systems diverse religious traditions of Islam Sunni, Shia/Shiite, Sufi
Decline of the Roman Caliphate
(Islam is included Empire (G) role of Dar al-Islam as a cultural, political, and economic
here even though Byzantine Empire force in Afro-Eurasia the caliphate as both a religious and
it came after 300 Islamic Civilizations political institution, and the persistence of other traditions in the
C.E./A.D.) Arab World including Christianity (G)
Beliefs of Islam
7 W4.1.2 World Religions -- Using historical documents and
historical and current maps, analyze the spread and interactions
Polytheism of major world religions from 300-1500 C.E. (G)
Muslim Empires and 7 W4.1.3 Trade Networks and Contacts Analyze the
Achievements development, interdependence, specialization, and importance
Trade Networks and of interregional trading systems both within and between
Contacts societies including land-based routes across the Sahara,
Caliphate Eurasia and Europe water-based routes across Indian Ocean,
Persian Gulf, South China Sea, Red and Mediterranean Seas

National Heritage Academies 7th social studies Last updated 8/12/17

Weeks 30-38- Regional Studies Geographical Inquiry and Analysis
Unit 6: Regional Studies Geographical Inquiry & Analysis
Unit 7: Final Inquiry

Essential Vocabulary
Key Theme Key Topics State Standards
Analyze and compare How do hemispheric Africa to 1500s Hemispheric
important hemispheric interactions Ghana, Mali, Songhai Bantu Interaction
interactions and cross- influence the Achievements Crusades
7 W4.3.1 Africa to 1500-- Describe the diverse
regional developments, development of Gold/Salt trade & Spread of Islam
Renaissance characteristics of early African societies by: Comparing
Colonization post apartheid, and contrasting at least two of the major states/civilizations
including the growth other regions? struggle for independence Feudalism
and consequences of Internal and external of East, South, and West Africa (Aksum, Swahili Coast,
an interregional system Americas to 1500s Restoration Zimbabwe, Ghana, Mali, Songhai). Using maps to
of communication, Characteristics (5 Themes of Hierarchy explain the Bantu migration patterns and describe their
trade, and culture Geography) Slash and Burn agriculture contributions to agriculture, technology and language. (G)
exchange during an era Inca, Aztec, Maya, Eastern Silk Road
Woodland, Pueblo maps 7 W4.3.2 The Americas to 1500 -- Describe the diverse
of increasing regional Plague characteristics of early civilizations in the Americas by
power and religious Famine
China to 1500
comparing and contrasting American Indian civilizations
Characteristics (5 Themes) and societies such as the Maya, Aztec, Inca, Pueblo,
Dynasties and/or Eastern Woodland peoples.
Mongols 7 W4.3.3 China to 1500 -- Identify major Chinese
Marco Polo dynasties and describe ways they responded to internal
and external challenges by investigating the Tang and
Western Europe to 1500
Location Sung Dynasties, Mongol rule, and restoration of Chinese
Feudalism rule under the Ming.
Plague Church 7 W4.3.4 Western Europe to 1500 -- Explain the
Crusades workings of feudalism, manorialism, and the growth of
centralized monarchies and city-states in Europe including
the role of the Roman Catholic Church, the growth of
towns and cities, the Crusades, and the impact of the

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National Heritage Academies 7th social studies Last updated 8/12/17
National Heritage Academies 7th social studies Last updated 8/12/17

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