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Global Unit Tests Answer Key

Unit 1
Individual & Society

Part A
Grammar and vocabulary (60 marks)

A (10 marks)
1 How do you spell your last name? (2)
2 Are there many kinds of identity theft? (2)
3 What do ID cards look like? / How do identity cards look? (2)
4 After she left university, did your sister keep in touch with her old friends?
5 Does Sven-Johan often put new photos on his webpage? (2)

B (8 marks)
6 Do you often work late? (2)
7 I usually finish at four in the morning, (2)
8 and I work till six once a week. / and once a week I work till six. (2)
9 Im always exhausted. (2)

C (10 marks)
10 Im staying (2)
11 hes usually (2)
12 Im reading (2)
13 Theyre wearing (2)
14 I dont believe (2)

D (10 marks)
15 a (2)
16 c (2)
17 b (2)
18 b (2)
19 c (2)

E (6 marks)
20 b (2)
21 a (2)
22 b (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 1

Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010
F (8 marks)
23 e (1)
24 d (1)
25 a (1)
26 b (1)
27 g (1)
28 h (1)
29 c (1)
30 f (1)

G (8 marks)
31 Describing people: overweight, medium-height, middle-aged, shoulder-
length (4)
32 Everyday objects: chewing gum, credit card, mobile phone, lipstick (4)

Part B
Reading, listening and pronunciation (40 marks)

H Reading (20 marks)

33 D (2)
34 T (2)
35 F (2)
36 F (2)
37 D (2)
38 F (2)
39 T (2)
40 T (2)
41 D (2)
42 F (2)

I Listening (10 marks)

43 b five (2)
44 c 80,000 (2)
45 b keeps information about what we bought. (2)
46 a find out free information about the presenter. (2)
47 b setting up an experiment. (2)

J Pronunciation (10 marks)

48 things we do every day 5 (2)
49 taking money out of a cash machine 7 (2)
50 what happens when we buy something 6 (2)
51 keeps records about our surfing habits 6 (2)
52 find out as much information as he can 8 (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 2

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Unit 2
Eating & Drinking

Part A
Grammar and vocabulary (60 marks)

A (20 marks)
1 c (2)
2 c (2)
3 a (2)
4 b (2)
5 a (2)
6 b (2)
7 a (2)
8 c (2)
9 b (2)
10 a (2)

B (8 marks)

11 b (2)
12 b (2)
13 c (2)
14 a (2)

C (8 marks)
15 bitter
16 lunch
17 breakfast
18 serve

D (8 marks)
19 bottles / water (2)
20 carton / juice (2)
21 glass / milk (2)
22 can / cola (2)

E (8 marks)
23 oven/cooker (2)
24 toaster (2)
25 sink (2)
26 spoon (2)

F (8 marks)
27 back (2)
28 nails (2)
29 brain (2)
30 muscle (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 3

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Part B
Reading, listening and pronunciation (40 marks)

G Reading (20 marks)

31 T (2)
32 T (2)
33 F (2)
34 D (2)
35 F (2)
36 F (2)
37 D (2)
38 T (2)
39 T (2)
40 F (2)

H Listening (12 marks)

41 True (2)
42 False (2)
43 True (2)
44 True (2)
45 False (2)
46 False (2)

I Pronunciation (8 marks)

47 kettle: coffee, cook, quite, milk (2)

48 chocolate: temperature, much, cheese, match (2)
49 ketchup: chicken, question, cappuccino, kitchen (2)
50 neither sound: saucepan, champagne, knife, muscle (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 4

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Unit 3
Art & Music

Part A
Grammar and vocabulary (60 marks)

A (10 marks)

1 was searching (2)

2 discovered (2)
3 dug (2)
4 was listening (2)
5 directed (2)

B (10 marks)

6 didnt have (2)

7 used to keep (2)
8 didnt have (2)
9 bought (2)
10 used to watch (2)

C (8 marks)

11 was working (2)

12 bought (2)
13 didnt go (2)
14 was painting (2)

D (8 marks)

15 miserable (2)
16 frightened (2)
17 tense (2)
18 excited (2)

E (8 marks)

19 rewind (2)
20 MP3 players (2)
21 player (2)
22 cassette (2)

F (8 marks)

23 self-portrait (2)
24 manuscript (2)
25 photographs (2)
26 cave art (2)

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G (8 marks)

27 a (2)
28 b (2)
29 e (2)
30 d (2)

Part B
Reading, listening and pronunciation (40 marks)

H Reading (20 marks)

31 Thirteen Days, Persepolis (2)

32 Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Persepolis (2)
33 The Joy Luck Club, Murder in Three Acts, Persepolis (2)
34 The Joy Luck Club, Murder in Three Acts (2)
35 Thirteen Days, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2)
36 Murder in Three Acts, Persepolis (2)
37 Thirteen Days, Murder in Three Acts (2)
38 The Joy Luck Club, Persepolis (2)
39 Thirteen Days, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2)
40 Thirteen Days, Persepolis (2)

I Listening (14 marks)

41 T (2)
42 F (2)
43 D (2)
44 T (2)
45 F (2)
46 T (2)
47 D (2)

J Pronunciation (6 marks)

/d/ discovered, arrived, examined, identified. (2)

/t/ helped, shopped, asked, liked (2)
/Id/ visited, decided, included, needed (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 6

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Unit 4
Hopes & Fears

Part A
Grammar and vocabulary (60 marks)

A (16 marks)
1 m getting together / m going to get together (2)
2 ll make (2)
3 ll do (2)
4 study (2)
5 will get (2)
6 s going to have/s having (2)
7 re going to call (2)
8 wont like (2)

B (12 marks)
9 seeing /(2)
10 come (2)
11 go (2)
12 be (2)
13 leave (2)
14 get (2)

C (8 marks)
15 Geographical features (4)

16 Global issues (4)


D (8 marks)
17 fascinating (2)
18 horrified (2)
19 interesting (2)
20 terrifying (2)

E (8 marks)
21 back (2)
22 around (2)
23 away (2)
24 up (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 7

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F (8 marks)
25 excellent (2)
26 smart (2)
27 wealthy (2)
28 wonderful (2)

Part B
Reading, listening and pronunciation (40 marks)

G Reading (20 marks)

29 F (2)
30 T (2)
31 T (2)
32 D (2)
33 F (2)
34 F (2)
35 T (2)
36 F (2)
37 D (2)
38 T (2)

H Listening (12 marks)

39 c (2)
40 c (2)
41 a (2)
42 b (2)
43 b (2)
44 b (2)

I Pronunciation (8 marks)

45 (2) 46 (2) 47 (2) 48 (2)

Oo oO Ooo oOo
future contained homelessness pollution
desert around differently infertile
vision control serious resistance
transport despair terrified prediction

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 8

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Unit 5
Work & Leisure

Part A
Grammar and vocabulary (60 marks)

A (8 marks)

1 had to (2)
2 both (2)
3 have (2)
4 didnt have (2)

B (10 marks)

5 must (2)
6 cant (2)
7 dont have to (2)
8 can (2)
9 mustnt (2)

C (16 marks)

10 swimming (2)
11 cycling (2)
12 ve cycled (2)
13 ve never taken (2)
14 running (2)
15 Playing (2)
16 playing (2)
17 ve been (2)

D (8 marks)

18 training (2)
19 interview (2)
20 lunch break (2)
21 salary (2)

E (10 marks)

22 d (2)
23 a (2)
24 e (2)
25 f (2)
26 b (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 9

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F (8 marks)

27 just
28 say / add
29 why
30 add / say

Part B
Reading, listening and pronunciation (40 marks)

G Reading (20 marks)

31 c (2)
32 b (2)
33 a (2)
34 b (2)
35 a (2)
36 c (2)
37 c (2)
38 a (2)
39 b (2)
40 a (2)

H Listening (10 marks)

41 C (2)
42 G (2)
43 E (2)
44 A (2)
45 B (2)

I Pronunciation (10 marks)

46 I havent got a job as a call centre manager. (2)

47 You dont have to take it. (2)
48 Weve never been to Moscow. (2)
49 She cant telephone you. (2)
50 They were watching in the park. (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 10

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Unit 6
Science & Technology

Part A
Grammar and vocabulary (60 marks)

A (12 marks)

1 the happiest (2)

2 a lower (2)
3 the saddest (2)
4 the most content (2)
5 more cheerful (2)
6 happier than (2)

B (8 marks)

7 as (2)
8 a bit more (2)
9 less (2)
10 much (2)

C (8 marks)

11 She shut down her computer. / She shut her computer down. (2)
12 I forgot to back up my files. / I forgot to back my files up. (2)
13 Write it down before you forget. / Before you forget write it down. (2)
14 Look them up in the book. (2)

D (8 marks)

15 memory stick (2)

16 text message (2)
17 headphones (2)
18 laptop (2)

E (8 marks)

19 relationships (2)
20 Friendship (2)
21 kindness (2)
22 silence (2)

F (8 marks)

23 turn (2)
24 plug (2)
25 type (2)
26 print (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 11

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G (8 marks)

27 So have I. (2)
28 Neither can I. (2)
29 I have. (2)
30 Me too. (2)

Part B
Reading, listening and pronunciation (40 marks)

H Reading (20 marks)

31 c (2)
32 b (2)
33 b (2)
34 c (2)
35 b (2)
36 c (2)
37 a (2)
38 b (2)
39 a (2)
40 a (2)

I Listening (10 marks)

41 Which speakers generally feel positive about technology? A, B & D (2)

42 Which speakers use the internet for work? A, B & C (2)
43 Which speakers mention people other than themselves? A, B & D (2)
44 Which speakers are concerned with visual images? B & D (2)
45 Which speaker uses the internet most, and which least? B & D (2)

J Pronunciation (6 marks)

46 set up your own company (2)

47 Im out of the office for a day (2)
48 Its got about a hundred photos (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 12

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Unit 7
Time & Money

Part A
Grammar and vocabulary (60 marks)

A (10 marks)

1 since (1)
2 at (1)
3 for (1)
4 yet (1)
5 at (1)
6 on (1)
7 in (1)
8 in (1)
9 already (1)
10 for (1)

B (8 marks)

11 since (2)
12 for (2)
13 since (2)
14 for (2)

C (8 marks)

15 Have you been to the bank yet?

16 Susan has already done the shopping today.
17 Have you found your wallet yet?
18 Hes already wasted a lot of time on this project.

D (8 marks)

19 Time flies when youre having fun. (2)

20 Time waits for no man. (2)
21 So many things, so little time. (2)
22 Life is short and time is swift. (2)

E (8 marks)

23 lend (2)
24 borrow (2)
25 charge (2)
26 spend (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 13

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F (10 marks)

(in any order)

27 cash a cheque (2)
28 take out a loan (2)
29 earn a salary (2)
30 pay a bill (2)
31 have change for a euro (2)

G (8 marks)

32 b (2)
33 a (2)
34 a (2)
35 b (2)

Part B
Reading, listening and pronunciation (40 marks)

H Reading (20 marks)

36 Lottery origins (2)

37 Earliest lotteries (2)
38 A lottery revolution (2)
39 Instant money (2)

40 b (2)
41 a (2)
42 c (2)
43 a (2)
44 b (2)
45 c (2)

I Listening (14 marks)

46 c (2)
47 b (2)
48 a (2)
49 c (2)
50 b (2)
51 b (2)
52 c (2)

J Pronunciation (6 marks)

53 outside, mobile, why, child (2)

54 email, player, waste, break (2)
55 London, come, government, month (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 14

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Unit 8
Home & Away

Part A
Grammar and vocabulary (60 marks)

A (10 marks)

1 was designed (2)

2 were held (2)
3 was opened (2)
4 is located (2)
5 was destroyed (2)

B (16 marks)

7 g (2)
8 h (2)
9 f (2)
10 c (2)
11 i (2)
12 b (2)
13 j (2)
14 e (2)

C (10 marks)

15 Ill pay (2)

16 will (2)
17 could (2)
18 would (2)
19 dont leave (2)

D (8 marks)

20 hamster (2)
21 rabbit (2)
22 spiders (2)
23 budgie (2)

E (8 marks)

24 about, in (2)
25 of, off (2)
26 in, up (2)
27 of, through (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 15

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F (8 marks)

28 put you through (2)

29 This is Olga / Speaking (2)
30 I take a message (2)
31 calling about (2)

Part B
Reading, listening and pronunciation (40 marks)

G Reading (20 marks)

32 1 & 2 (2)
33 2 & 3 (2)
34 5 (2)
35 2, 4 & 5 (2)
36 3, 4 & 5 (2)
37 2 (2)
38 3 & 5 (2)
39 5 (2)

40 b (2)
41 c (2)

H Listening (14 marks)

42 F (2)
43 F (2)
44 F (2)
45 T (2)
46 D (2)
47 F (2)
48 D (2)

I Pronunciation (6 marks)

home honest happy
heart hour hat
heir health hard-drive

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 16

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Unit 9
Health & Fitness

Part A
Grammar and vocabulary (60 marks)

A (10 marks)

The swine flu virus is new, so no one must have immunity to it

and everyone should be at risk of catching it. If you think you (1) could (2)
have swine flu, you shouldnt check your symptoms on line. (2) should (2)
Then you will be told the nearest place to collect your anti-viral
drugs. You shouldnt stay at home, and you can ask a friend or (3) should (2)
relative to pick up your medicine. Your flu friend must to show (4) must (2)
their ID and yours. If you suddenly get much worse, you could (5)
should/must (2)
contact your doctor.

B (14 marks)

6 had sailed (solo) (2)

7 had sailed (solo) across (2)
8 had become (2)
9 had videoed (2)
10 had (only) slept (2)
11 had sailed (solo) round the world (2)
12 had retired (2)

C (12 marks)

13 He said (that) he had a terrible headache. (2)

14 She said (that) she thought she had a cold because she was always
sneezing. (2)
15 He said (that) he was looking for some tablets. (2)
16 I said (that) I thought Id broken my leg. (2)
17 He said (that) she had had to leave early. (2)
18 She said (that) she felt sick and (that) her back hurt. (2)

D (8 marks)

19 go (2)
20 do (2)
21 play (2)
22 go (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 17

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E (8 marks)

23 told (2)
24 said (2)
25 asked (2)
26 telling (2)

F (8 marks)

27 go for (2)
28 have (2)
29 visit (2)
30 taking (2)

Part B
Reading, listening and pronunciation (40 marks)

G Reading (20 marks)

31 2, 3, 4 (2)
32 3, 5 (2)
33 2 (2)
34 4 (2)
35 5 (2)
36 3 (2)
37 2, 4 (2)
38 3, 5. (2)
39 the highest / a mountain in Scotland (2)
40 mountain (2)

H Listening (12 marks)

41 c (2)
42 a (2)
43 b (2)
44 b (2)
45 a (2)
46 c (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 18

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I Pronunciation (8 marks 2 marks per group)

47 48 49 50
Number of Number of Number of Number of
syllables: 3 syllables: 3 syllables: 4 syllables: 4
Stress pattern: Stress pattern: Stress pattern: Stress pattern:
Ooo oOo oOoo ooOo
alcohol infection discoveries sanitation
finally pollution embarrassing recommended
exercise prescription photographers operation
Arabic diseases ingredient individual

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 19

Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010
Unit 10
New & Old

Part A
Grammar and vocabulary (60 marks)

A (8 marks)

1 A SIM card is a piece of plastic inside a mobile phone which / that contains
information about the mobiles owner. (2)
2 Scrabble is a board game which / that is played by two or four players. It is
probably one of the most famous board games. (2)
3 Bling is an informal word which / that means cheap jewellery. (2)
4 A luddite is someone who believes that technology is bad. (2)

B (14 marks)

5 were (2)
6 was limited (2)
7 had joined (2)
8 have always had (2)
9 has been banned (2)
10 is now facing (2)
11 was / had been (2)

C (8 marks)

12 Ive travelled, Ive never been (2)

13 play (2)
14 was driving, got (2)
15 watched (2)

D (6 marks)

16 produces jam (2)

17 has caused/produced/generated a lot of problems (2)
18 is created/developed by people contributing their own knowledge (2)

E (16 marks)

19 capital (2)
20 village (2)
21 plane (2)
22 get off (2)
23 planets (2)
24 the underground (2)
25 wheels (2)
26 state (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 20

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F (8 marks)

27 most recent (2)

28 cutting-edge (2)
29 brand new (2)
30 fresh (2)

Part B
Reading, listening and pronunciation (40 marks)

G Reading (20 marks)

31 F (2)
32 D (2)
33 T (2)
34 T (2)
35 F (2)
36 T (2)
37 D (2)
38 T (2)
39 F (2)
40 T (2)

H Listening (12 marks)

41 b (2)
42 c (2)
43 c (2)
44 a (2)
45 b (2)
46 c (2)

I Pronunciation (8 marks)

47 I played in the street when I was a child. (2)

48 Please dont stop the car. (2)
49 The train stops at Reading and London only. (2)
50 The plastic bag was very strong. (2)

Global Pre-intermediate Teachers Resource CD Unit Tests Answer Key 21

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