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At the end of the semester, we have accomplished all the practicals for the
course, ASA0101 (Introduction to Agriculture) which consist of 12 practicals in
the farms and the nurseries. Students gained a lot of experiences and new
knowledges throughout the practicals such as the types of herbs in Malaysia,
the fruit nursery and the types of coffee in Malaysia. During the practicals,
students enable to recognize the various species of plants, fruits and animals in

We hope that these agriculture practicals can help the students improve their
way of life as the slogan used AGRICULTURE INNOVATION LIFE as this can
provide them a better and good way to continuing the life. Plus, we hope that
students can apply the knowledges that have learnt during the practicals in
daily life such as marcotting, re-planting the plants and preparing the soil
medium for planting.

In suggestions, we hope that during semester 2, we will have the oppurtinity to

visit and carry out the practical at the other places in UPM that we have no
chance to visit during the semester 1 such as SISFEC and the the fisheries unit
in order to gain more knowledges in agriculture. Lastly, we hope that during the
practical activities, we will get more knowledges that are exciting and useful
instead of teaching and learning during theory class to enable the students
applying the knowledges in daily life.

Agriculture is a sector that has the potential to go bigger and flourish as the
technology improved as time passes. What do we lack is the effort,
commitment and passion we put into this sector. We cant even give support to
the people who is trying their best to survive in this by working in this sector. So,
we hope, that the community will gain consciousness regarding the importance
of this agricultural sector to our country, nation, family and even for ourselves.


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