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| TEACHERS GUIDE TO KEYSTONE NEW 600 SET KEYSTONE VISUAL INSTRUCTION SERIES FOREWORD to keep sep with this progres his petod, to tevie the 600 Set several times, Constant vigiace, has teen exercised i order to keep sep with progress in education, “Av investiga ion and mature experience have suggested changes, improv The New 600 Set ie a complete revision of the set. New subjects fave been ut ito the pce of old subjects in onder ‘able the modem aspets of life to be properly presated ‘conventional subject retained ithe order to bring up to date the proces Pictures that would not contribute (0 Shima : The Teuchert Guide tas teen completely reed 10 ac- cord withthe changes nthe se Ie wl be mated tha the ‘most important change in the Teachers Guide bas been in of sinplifeation ‘The Geography Paralely.for iv FOREWORD meri published separately, are now included in tabular form Behe Guides “The Index, which fas always been recognize Nag the mone important part of the Teachers Gu Th REE remade after most thorough end exhaustive search CONTENTS {RE dictut references, both ato the book and tothe oat iP ene hope of the pss ha this new elton ad ree ee z relecd Swit rece the tame ind sept Exc ie Hoenig € Bae, Do TEenbat ia they have ncrdd a revo clon sa La Trangporeion Emory Rr Jebeno, PRD” SeD. 5 ae of Al Lande Mark Jeferson, MA. §2 fe eighhors James 9 Chanberan, RAB, 8B. 93 ENGLISH ngles Compotion. Jame Pleing Hos, Ph.D. 158 CONTENTS iis ote Me rae, PRD. CONCRETENESS IN DUCATION kely to be datacted hy the multitude of deals. and’ the imporant lessons ate then certain to he overbadowed, atl Seuae Yauemarve ——_Edetve teaching depends very trgely HOE tee. wom the ability to choos. jut the righ Stare deals that wil fore home the portant vit CONCRETENESS IN EDUCATION right yoiat, ‘The teacher who is really an artist in the work A ac now both ew and here to make the a cat dalle stand oat sharp and clear—how and ehere to Mert emplain The rats in the ext modern txt Semmens Te tay well selected from the pint of view of the AND LANTERN SLIDES sate way Seale they represent eypicaslumtons. The wrt rely, bower, eruch more chy realized by apes teed trough the steerpicon, by moving ic miu Peccgraphn, The advantage of the sterograph ss FOS OF LIE Ha a the as of realty es the fact that the objets a a thre Gaensons. i this respet iis superior sat ai Ce saree sa a ie prejeced picture in which the approach o fealty oo oy aon tping the sve of te objects represented, a 2c elton is even superior tothe wering Be a fas the advantage of being more rely adap ge and they even tral print in that tae. How extensively we asus do! advertners fey upon pictures fot nears ‘magazines; and the great picture the world quite posily exert as much ifluence ve views of ‘The fist need, of course, is for accra ne danger of the rd age ay ad BAEAERIR SET and typical pictures taken by, sll se ne ots ring «Som ARB MEAGWAre pic photographers ender the guidance of wo cle eo ports inthe varius fs, This feeds happy met Dy th St red hat he Sa te fs escrirrve avo The second need is for supplementary BERRA crpretive materials, al these are supped wet f0 avoid falling n--20 actal seemed the ieee ty the explanatory text on the revers ch pictres guarantee reality. Since excellence in ‘iy the Teashers Guide. With thse rid of prescling ideas is largely measired by the vivid shold find no dfiaty i taining the chid cs wih which sitations are thas vnwalze, these pitares if ito the ictreditnation —ectally to fel tat overs a decided guperority ove textboks. ef therein lose contact seas or taking an a his very superiority lads to « erious fast. Since p {ikon of ones set into the picture isthe fst condition tote taal vo amvey thei facts ively on sight, witha am schon enatitates the aiiue advantage of te sero ‘OGRAP 1S RN SLIDES tte ges pitare alow rank as a means of istration, for Mlowstone Canyon, of w large factory, one's tind has 40 work aeiely, if one sees sna! rat ane exter in olber words, iy stodyif one gota mach pro In took are not i are sggented ly the rit, pro ied hee awake So the pineal thoughis de have to be sot Tnteligent visitors to pitt galleries often Mose i not all of these sc undredsercgraps and aster face, and in thei study some of the spirit of the real stu Ta onder to avoid careless observation, the theme af the picture, a6 suggested inthe title, shonld be noted. Also, the Uncover its detailed facts a8 questions that rwers, These questions should bear on the mai theme ror; ete real sty cling for some iniiatve. at thet Tacere largely determiner the vale of the study. They ae STEREOGRAPHS AND LANTERN SLIDES =i he soarce of motive for observation and the basi inition of ets and 8 much time may well be aig the questions a In finding their answer 3. The questions having been fixed upon, the more thing we can ducover that Lear spon them, the teter: for this ner determines the thorghness of the knowledge re force with which inprestions aze dtiven home, On the rd facts unrelated to rich questions shod be d ruption, Proper sudy ‘of thee. pictes. wil be. dita fed. almost as mnch by what Is ented as by: whats elidel STEREOSCOPE AND THE STEREOGRAPH xii THE STEREOSCOPE AND TH STEREOGRAPH ih bu Uy this instrument that eet iso heightened ppetes of the same thing, for the cbviou reason tht ty fk from points two or thre faces apart. iy means of de wo diferent views of an object the mind, as it were, feels jgned forthe sereocope, ir ‘ard of introduc he scragey branches of a tee in the foreground runout at us an it they woul scratch oar eyes cut. The elbow ch Firue stands forth vo a to ake we tmoet inenfortaie Then there is sch frig of deta that we STEREOGRAPHS AND LANTERN SLIDES x guage po _Dooks and wld oral istration do nt HBPEREIREE? comply enperiences. They can be of terest SP Pata nly when thi subject mater relted to some experience that the reader Ins had. Compre: ces ia neting is codon upon body of related ex rence i te mined of the render. When x pup read, any Shavtdlowing nce ncwtions ray ecear® (1) The pup tiny vse lene t mental pee of te thing be fing te may visualize an incorrect oF i al dnhcae lanier side will supply those HOW TO USE STEREOGRAPHS AND LANTERN SLIDES ont i eaton tan the modern eft to rake el Tapert of jurer meaningful to children, Enormous su vefcaces mexesary for the papil to, vsmalxe correct and cational pre been spent on the ecdocation of the America re icares of he steaton detailed in the write of ey ne ya ty yeas. No one contends tht these ra omg To short, hese materials wil make the pup’ retin bath rapid and efectve. Steregraphs, Intern slides nt nal a wll never displace a any degree the topo. Into far as dey simulate rap and comprehen see Te tas Ysa deylopnent that willbe nderston Therein, thon, very cose relationship between the wie eer and hnera slides and the effective reading Jo einen wasted. Many educators do mista, fore Give ot gotten from these expenditure ower roportonae to the onlay. Children have pute that were realy in then a fal of feu Meh luca made have been driven to the solving ig matting facts of Wie, Stadents tedious stay boars and oll rds a hoe wad iboriousiy through I dare ied Medal eeures, Final, after a certain ibe eee This relationship ie self-evident fn the pari re ee pen obiained, che pupils have gladly let schoo tert, This sehen Tal ie ciel of cis world where things have meanings and where thet TE Sed ony tt connection with what are considered wo ova sperarys _Modera eyinlogi, properly ie ae ee ae eee eee BEES Mou cata drs mon nal hl They bing de Se a i et rena ce gesagt, to sec em veel atitades towards the hook, the teacher, and the whole ys, to turn the child absolutely fovan appredstion and a lave of it st vi his ace if2?" The experimental laboratory Wer StSSarcen, the tecing of applied arts, and all ps tae (ial trang Have come ito education in anvwer Sacer The oe of visual sis, which fs for the met ti oy a aplication of abraory technique and meth rane eching of socal sie, i along ste in the dre uy of many othervite abstract stbjec HREIES creer tomar sresing reais, and ‘and meaningfl xvii STEREOGRAPHS AND LANTERN SLIDES or reciaion period. ‘The cass as a whale hast changed al procedure at all; and yet the whole activity has bee Warelouly wie by the real visual contac I wi the eubject mater in question. teachers prefer fo have the views placed on a reference tble ees simpler, more eonveneat and mote effective met BEE ETE lvay by indie jet eee A meat efective use of steregraphs isto assign ida done seer wee vache gee see ta pee Ieiap nce Nev 17 ofthe New 00 Seta aN Eh nad soon Tere agin eo errant the subject and an appreciation of its STEREOGRAPHS AND LANTERN SLIDES xix he pupil's reaction to complete preparation strengthened by ELANTERY Oe Where serengraph ae wed fom day tat can excel dir ase Jn the review ccitaton. A record Ins been kept of the sercagraphs ta fave been used, kt us sy, on iron and ated. Now we be te duplicate anern sides to review and sur nt dt ave given the pupils their impression of realness mf clearness and that have furnished sch id ured sition ‘which will sccentuate the miues of the projected lantern aides. Pi tes with which we are fannliar always raean more to us We put per retin the pictures of places that we have vnted in fa-away sn more to us than they mean 10 our friends. The pupil fon as studied the stereograph an standing atthe pe meted Tantern aide with pointer in hasd isin somewt th ‘Shi atuton. Te ses withthe eyes of interest abd under dag tat eing from him spontaneous sel-exprestion STEREOGRAPHS AND LANTERN SLIDES oo ofthe knowledge gotten bythe individual from the tere fencers who seem > the iajor past tecm to care wheter GEOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION thing wich cones pp discsson a. preiminary ier sds that are to be wed presented bth from rae direct contac wih the word h es of pietifes, i alays the most tractive ks i only do teachers make constant se of the pictures in he tentbok itself, but thy frequently Bnd too few to mee asi STEREOGRAPHS AND LANTERN SLIDES out the imple ‘Soo of the Knowledge gotten bythe indivi arf lantern slides alone are sed, the burden 0 and reeaion rests upon te teacher In fact there area few Te oe ert of thereat. Sch teachers dom they care nether or nt the pps have ada prepara Tea (OSES tern side Teson, But she teacher who wants Sealy sna arality sighted when = pop fal for te of Tag sre the indivi inthe cass to the dupe stereo rats of the lanier aides that ae to be wed treet habits of speech and the Te carrying out a ae ie The combined wee of Taster sles and scereographs scouve program. Certain fondamenal, beng mm a ti formiyorcunted, both fron an ndidual and ‘isleSeanings are fixed. Tels program tha i GEOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION res that the Ss iden wil be aes aling to mae tet contact with the word that les beyond rns horizon, eilren forthe mos art lar of through {he tedium of the spoken word, the prited page, oF He pe th sab they requ Sind 10 few Yo met n perio, Collections of this sort ate valtable inp they show lerly and acirately the Tetares or Te taught, and tothe degree tat some rystem of clasieaton nd The pictues in the Keystone alleton have teen caret coven because of thee etching qualities and Beem they a tmeptie of deat and simple explanation, They are phot frapie and poses the incomarle advantage of theatre pictire fh there the clnmess of perspesive—the third Siensioo—dhat is found in views of ths sort Te moving picture fala eractly a9 doce the Dat photo raph, to show this perspective quality tid is for that vey ato often ale sending ia the impression that ives Forliconore, he moving piture canmot be stdied. Even th last inflammable of mn ean be “held” for only a brief time without being daaged or detoyed. Tt fickers'on and off te screen with no explanation a all or with the briefest of ming comment. ‘The opportnicy for a qiiet and careful aogether lacing. To other dnadvartages connected withthe ond the difiees and dangers connected with showing ther Toa rearaleegres the views of the New 600 Set mect the needs of teacher and cidsen. They have been carey Sa precast Ty are tom ere indexed hy expert. They my be studied at any tie, ix chusfeation inmediately following test the sabe geography from various viewpoints and with considerable GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION AND TITLE LIST his it of 600 views is a complete catalog of the New a Set with tes given in full In elasifeations following bis Geographical Clssfcation, tiles are somewst aire ony caper cony be tore cleary pecaetod. Ta every cate reve, the stereograph or later side may b iden if by the serial number which i alwaye given. Ifthe fll rung mer in this list in which the views ste reamered fnsceatvely from 1 to GOD. eachers ee pil wl be well repaid hy oak recat II its main divisions and subdivisions. A earefal the ‘act tide and, geogeaphial leat individual scene ine mapa of the Unked Slates and of each continent, spproprat paces. Bape in the textbook in geography ise, ell ape, can he weed fo adage locating epite Uist of tap sides” Te order of the counties i mull followed by modem textbooks fn genera 4 GEOGRAPHY prove rel delight to the intrctor, By nowing well the scenes ‘Sf the ist andthe geographies setting of each, the teacher can oe rly the classien He is prepared also to selec quickly any scene of Erou? scenes that may ear on any topic that may come incidental a soo work Tie piel Tndcx (p35) ovale foun en ovent at elpfl in aking up these exalt sta Note especialy the careful dstrition of these super range, Rerudles of the replon stdie, you wil usualy find en exes da ls New 600 Se tint beers Grey oe th fork fa bod This ins ltinct chiercent wach oul the States is represented. Strep, thie ie important consi ton to the tractor who would present our great na a comprehensive way: The other countie of the world an Yisalized with a completeness that i as pleatng asi 9 ral GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION 5 JOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION 17

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