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Newport Band Boosters Meeting Minutes

From Wednesday, March 1th 2017 at 7pm at NHS

Attendance: Rachel Steward, Jody Hanna, , Jennifer Reinhart, Denise Rundell, Sheryl Young,
Elaine Beck, Ron Beck, Pam Lind, Cathy Piazza and Jennie Scarborough. Students present are
Hailey Young and John Lind.

Minutes from last meeting read, accepted and filed.

Treasurers Report: Left the bank statement at home. No changes except a deposit for $2074
($300 was cash back in from Big Band Blast) from the Big Band Blast and outstanding shirt

Directors Report: There will be no George Fox College festival, did not get the application in on
Will need chaperones for the OWC concert band festival on Thursday April 6 th. Cathy Piazza and
Sheryl Young can do it.
Will need chaperones for the Loyalty Days Parade on Saturday May 6th. Many are planning to
help with the parade.
The band was not accepted into the Starlight Parade this year, they said we had done it for
several years and they want to give the opportunity to other bands. We need to explore other
options for a trip this year. Suggestions: Rhododendron Parade in Florence, Strawberry Parade
in Sweet Home, jet boat trip, etc Newport marathon is Saturday June 3 rd can do a BBQ or
something after the marathon.

Calendar: Spring Concert is Thursday March 23rd at 7pm at the PAC.

OWC concert band festival is Thursday April 6th in Philomath.
Loyalty Days Parade is Saturday May 6th.
Newport marathon is Saturday June 3rd.
Old Business: The Big Band Blast went great it was busy but not crowded. We could do more
seating with chairs around the outside walls, and flip the food table toward the dessert table.
Pre-plan for the next Big Band Blast to be February 24th, 2018.

New Business/Fundraising: The students need to continue collecting donations for the Spring
Concert. Boosters will meet on Wednesday March 22nd at 6pm in the band room to put baskets
Do we want to plan a BBQ after the Loyalty Days parade?
We need to look at revamping the booster bi-laws. Rachel will email suggestions out to the
booster board members.

Fundraising: We should plan something for during the eclipse around August 21 st. It is a great
opportunity to earn funds for the students. We could see about renting out the east and west
parking lots (along with NIS possibly) to motorhomes for the weekend of the eclipse. Rachel is
to talk to Principal Zagel ASAP.

Next regular booster meeting will be Wednesday April 5th at 7pm in the NHS band room.

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