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Newport Band Boosters Meeting Minutes

From Wednesday, February 1th 2017 at 7pm at NHS

Attendance: Rachel Steward, Jody Hanna, Bill Reinhart, Jennifer Reinhart, Denise Rundell,
Sheryl Young, Cathy Piazza and Jennie Scarborough. Students present are Hailey Young and
John Lind.

Minutes from last meeting read, accepted and filed.

Treasurers Report: Checking balance is $3682.52, saving balance $5060.79. A total of $111 was
deposited from the band shirt invoices.

Directors Report: The Oregon Western Conference jazz band festival competition is on
February 15th at the Newport Performing Arts Center. Since we are hosting 2-3 parents will be
needed to help out from 8am to 1pm. Jennie said she could volunteer.

Calendar: Jazz band festival is Wednesday, February 15th at the PAC.

Big Band Fiesta is Saturday, February 25th at Newport Intermediate School.
Festival at George Fox College will be either March 9th or March 10th.
Spring Concert is March 23rd at the PAC.
OWC concert band festival is Thursday April 6th in Philomath.

Old Business: none to address

New Business/Fundraising: We need to work on advertising the Big Band Blast. News Lincoln
County, News Times, Chamber of Commerce and local radio stations are all good options.
Saturday market will allow one non-profit per weekend at the market. Donations are still
needed for both the Big Band Blast and Spring Concert raffle baskets more students and
parent help would be much appreciated.
Next fundraising meeting will be Wednesday February 15th at 6pm in the band room to firm up
Big Band Blast plans.

Next regular booster meeting will be Wednesday March 1st at 7pm in the NHS band room.

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