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Diagnostic markers for hyperemesis gravidarum: a
systematic review and metaanalysis
Maartje N. Niemeijer, MD; Iris J. Grooten, MD; Nikki Vos, MD; Joke M. J. Bais, MD; Joris A. van der Post, MD;
Ben W. Mol, MD; Tessa J. Roseboom, PhD; Mariska M. G. Leeflang, PhD; Rebecca C. Painter, MD

OBJECTIVE: Currently, there is no consensus on the definition of did not find an association between ketonuria and presence
hyperemesis gravidarum (HG; protracted vomiting in pregnancy) and or severity of HG in 5 studies reporting on this association.
no single widely used set of diagnostic criteria for HG. The various Metaanalysis, with the use of the hierarchical summary
definitions rely on symptoms, sometimes in combination with labo- receiver operating characteristics model, yielded an odds ratio
ratory tests. Through a systematic review, we aimed to summarize of 3.2 (95% confidence interval, 2.0e5.1) of Heliobacter
available evidence on the diagnostic value of biomarkers for HG. This pylori for HG, as compared with asymptomatic control sub-
could assist diagnosis and may shed light on the, as yet, not under- jects (sensitivity, 73%; specificity, 55%). Studies on human
stood cause of the disorder. chorionic gonadotropin and thyroid hormones, leptin, estradiol,
progesterone, and white blood count showed inconsistent
STUDY DESIGN: We searched Medline and Embase for articles about
associations with HG; lymphocytes tended to be higher in
diagnostic biomarkers for either the presence or severity of HG or
women with HG.
nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. We defined HG as any combination
of nausea, vomiting, dehydration, weight loss, or hospitalization for CONCLUSION: We did not find support for the use of ketonuria in
nausea and/or vomiting in pregnancy, in the absence of any other the diagnosis of HG. H pylori serology might be useful in specific
obvious cause for these complaints. patients.
RESULTS: We found 81 articles on 9 biomarkers. Although Key words: biomarker, diagnosis, hyperemesis gravidarum, nausea
65% of all studies included only HG cases with ketonuria, we and vomiting, pregnancy

Cite this article as: Niemeijer MN, Grooten IJ, Vos N, et al. Diagnostic markers for hyperemesis gravidarum: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol

N ausea and vomiting in pregnancy

(NVP) is common in early preg-
nancy; 50-80% of pregnant women
by weight loss, disturbance of electrolyte
balance, ketonuria, and dehydration or
hospitalization2; however there are no
the topic of etiologic biomarkers for
HG, which can be categorized into 3
pathoetiologic notions: placental growth
experience daily nausea and occasional unequivocal diagnostic criteria for HG. and function,6 maternal endocrine
vomiting in the rst half of gestation.1 In HG occurs in approximately 0.3-2% of function,6 and preexisting gastrointes-
hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), nausea pregnancies3 and is the single most tinal disease.7 In addition, psychopath-
and vomiting is more severe. Various HG frequent reason for hospital admission in ologic condition could play a role in the
denitions combine a number of symp- the rst half of pregnancy.4,5 cause of HG.8,9 HG therefore seems to be
toms that include protracted vomiting The cause of HG is understood poorly. a heterogeneous illness. Because of this
and nausea in pregnancy, accompanied There is a growing body of literature on heterogeneity, HG may be unsuitable for

From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical Centre Alkmaar, Alkmaar (Drs Niemeijer, Grooten, Vos, Bais, and Painter), and the
Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Drs van der Post, Mol, and Roseboom) and Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Bioinformatics,
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (Dr Leeang), the Netherlands. Dr Niemeijer is currently with the Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus
MCeUniversity Medical Center, Rotterdam. Dr Grooten and Dr Painter are currently with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academic
Medical Center, Dr Vos is with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, and Dr Mol is with the
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Paediatrics and Reproductive Health, University of Adelaide, Australia.
Received Dec. 6, 2013; revised Jan. 14, 2014; accepted Feb. 11, 2014.
The authors report no conict of interest.
Presented at ESHRE Campus 2012, a symposium organized by the Special Interest Group on Early Pregnancy of the European Society of Human
Reproduction and Embryology, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Nov. 29-30, 2012.
Reprints: Rebecca C. Painter, MD, PhD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academic Medical Centre, PO Box 22660, 1100 DD Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
0002-9378/$36.00  2014 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

MONTH 2014 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e1

Research Obstetrics

a uniform therapeutic approach.10 Cur- only the study with the most complete inclusion of patients with mild NVP
rently, there are no effective therapeutic data was included. Case reports were symptoms but does guarantee the in-
options.11 Moreover, the differential excluded. clusion of biomarkers across the disease
diagnosis of HG is broad and includes To metaanalyze diagnostic accuracy, severity spectrum. Control subjects were
gastrointestinal, infectious, and metabolic studies were considered if they reported dened as pregnant women who had no
conditions.2 Further research into addi- numeric data that allowed construction complaints of nausea and vomiting.
tional therapeutic options is hampered of a 2  2 table that cross-classied
by the fact that there is no unequivocal biomarker value and occurrence or Data analysis
test or biomarker for HG. Therefore, a severity of HG. For metaanalysis of diagnostic test ac-
sensitive diagnostic test would make an Study selection was done in 2 stages. curacy, we used the hierarchic summary
attractive addition to the clinical assess- First, 2 reviewers (M.N.N., I.J.G.) inde- receiver operating characteristics
ment in ruling in HG but is currently pendently assessed identied titles and model,13 using the Metandi package in
lacking. abstracts, after which we obtained full Stata software (version 10.0; Stata Cor-
Traditionally, patients who experience manuscripts of all selected studies. Sec- poration, College Station, TX). From
HG undergo a diagnostic workup that ond, 2 reviewers (M.N.N. and I.J.G., N.V. this model follows the summary hierar-
includes testing for ketonuria and thy- or R.C.P.) per paper independently as- chic summary receiver operating char-
roid function and an ultrasound scan to sessed whether the studies were suitable acteristics curve and its parameters, but
rule out molar pregnancy and multiple to be included. Any disagreement was it is also possible to calculate a summary
gestation. However, such a workup is not resolved by consensus meetings. sensitivity and specicity from this
based on reliable data from literature. model, if appropriate. We attempted to
To summarize the available evidence Data extraction and quality taper clinical heterogeneity by including
on biomarkers of HG and their value in assessment studies for metaanalysis that used the
diagnosis and estimating disease severity, For each included article, data on both same index tests and included only pa-
the identication of new indicators for clinical and methodologic study char- tients who had been diagnosed with HG
HG could assist diagnosis and may also acteristics were extracted independently and not NVP. All outcomes were evalu-
shed light on the, as yet, not understood by 2 reviewers on piloted data-extraction ated with a random-effects model. Forest
cause of the disorder. forms. We evaluated quality of included plots were made using Review Manager
studies according to the quality assess- (RevMan, version 5.2; The Cochrane
M ETHODS FOR R EVIEW ment of diagnostic accuracy studies Collaboration, Baltimore, MD). Sensi-
Search strategy (QUADAS)e2 guidelines.12 QUADAS-2 tivity and specicity were displayed in a
The search strategy (Appendix) was summarizes the risk of bias of diag- forest plot when applicable. We followed
composed by one of the authors (M.N.N.) nostic accuracy studies in 4 domains: the the PRISMA statement14 and meta-
in collaboration with a clinical librarian. study participants, the index test, the analysis of observational studies in
We searched PubMed and Embase from reference standard, and ow and timing. epidemiology (MOOSE)15 guidelines in
inception through January 2013 to It also assesses potential concerns re- writing this review.
identify articles that have reported on garding applicability, which has to do
biomarkers in NVP and HG. We with the representativeness of the study. R ESULTS
searched citation lists of review articles Although most studies on biomarkers Search results
and eligible primary studies. Reference in HG were not diagnostic accuracy The electronic search identied 3442 in-
manager (version 12.0.3; Thomson studies, but rather etiologic studies, we dividual articles (Figure 1). We excluded
Reuters, New York, NY) databases were decided to use QUADAS-2 because we several articles because there were <5
established to incorporate the results of had the explicit aim to determine diag- articles on the biomarker that was dis-
all the searches. nostic biomarkers. cussed. None of these articles were of high
quality, nor did they report on a large
Study selection; in- and exclusion Case and control definition study population. Eventually we included
criteria For HG, there is no clear reference stan- 81 articles in our study (Table 1). One
Etiologic, prognostic, predictive, and dard or a standard diagnostic workup. study could not be retrieved from several
diagnostic studies that have reported on This makes it difcult to dene cases and national and international libraries and
biomarkers in plasma, serum, urine, control subjects in our study. an e-mail address of the author could not
feces, or exhaled air in women with NVP We dened the reference test as a be found. This study, however, was not
or HG were included if they were written history of any combination of nausea, feasible for our study because it was a
in English (n 68). At least 5 eligible vomiting, dehydration, weight loss, or review.16
articles had to be available on the bio- hospitalization based on nausea and/or
marker that had been studied for in- vomiting in pregnancy in the absence of Quality assessment
clusion in our review. When 2 studies any other obvious cause for these com- A summary of the QUADAS-2 scores for
reported on the same study population, plaints. This denition may lead to the risk of bias and concerns regarding

1.e2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2014 Obstetrics Research

Selection process of articles

Flowchart of the selection process of articles found in the electronic search.

Niemeijer. Diagnostic markers for hyperemesis gravidarum. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014.

applicability is given in the Supplementary vomiting episodes per day as part of the that reported on NVP, 17 articles used
Figure. On the risk of bias, many studies reference standard; 23 articles described nausea and vomiting, 4 articles used
had unclear quality regarding the index persistent vomiting but did not quantify weight loss, and 3 articles used hospita-
test. This is caused by unclear reporting the frequency of vomiting. Thirty-two lization as part of the diagnosis. Three
on blinding the interpretation of test re- articles on HG used weight loss of >5% articles had no description of diagnosis
sults. Quality was often unclear concern- prepregnancy weight or >3 kg, and 39 other than that patients had been identi-
ing patient selection and ow and timing. articles used ketonuria as part of the ed as HG cases.
The reference standard was well-dened diagnosis. Other elements were dehy- In most studies, there were no concerns
in most articles (65/81 studies); however, dration (3 studies) and hospitalization regarding applicability. Exclusion criteria
it varied among articles. In 60 articles (11 studies). In 13 studies, no clear refer- were unclear in 30 of 80 articles. Patients
on HG, 20 articles used >3 or >4 times ence standard was described. Of 21 articles with hepatic disorders (27 articles),

MONTH 2014 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e3

1.e4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2014

Studies included in review
Participants, n Biomarkers
Control Heliobacter Human chorionic White blood
Study Year Cases subjects Condition Ketones pylori gonadotropin Thyroid Leptin Estradiol Progesterone count Lymphocyte
Aka et al76

2006 18 18 HG X X X
Al-Busaida and Krolikowski48 2001 15 15 HG X
Al-Yatama et al59 2002 50 50 HG X X
Arslan et al 2003 30 26 HG X X X
Asakura et al 2000 110 30 NVP/HG X
Asakura et al 2003 24 20 HG X X
Aytac et al41 2007 52 55 HG X
Berker et al22 2003 80 80 HG X X X
Bouillon et al 1982 33 52 HG X
Bruun and Kristoffersen 1978 35 57 HG X
Cevrioglu et al23 2004 27 97 HG X X
Chihara et al 2003 17 37 HG X
Chou et al 2011 59 0 NVP X X
Demir et al 2006 54 42 HG X X
Depue et al 1987 35 35 HG X X
Derbent et al20 2011 115 110 HG X X X
Dokmeci et al83 2004 17 13 HG X
Erdem et al 2002 47 42 HG X
Evans et al 1986 342 0 NVP/HG X
Fairweather and Loraine 1962 90 11 HG X
Frigo et al25 1998 105 129 HG X
Goodwin et al52 1992 57 57 HG X X X
Goodwin et al 1994 39 23 HG X
Guney et al 2007 25 35 HG X
Guven et al27 2011 40 40 HG X
Hatzivies et al 2007 25 85 HG X
Niemeijer. Diagnostic markers for hyperemesis gravidarum. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014. (continued)
Studies included in review (continued)
Participants, n Biomarkers
Control Heliobacter Human chorionic White blood
Study Year Cases subjects Condition Ketones pylori gonadotropin Thyroid Leptin Estradiol Progesterone count Lymphocyte
Hayakawa et al29 2000 34 29 HG X
Jacobson et al 2003 30 75 HG X
Jarnfelt-Samsioe et al 1985 62 40 NVP X
Jarnfelt-Samsioe et al 1986 62 40 NVP X X
Jarnfelt-Samsioe et al 1986 62 40 NVP X X
Jordan et al49 1999 20 20 HG X X X
Juras et al 1983 33 30 HG X
Karaca et al 2004 56 90 HG X
Karadeniz et al 2006 31 29 HG X
Kauppila et al 1979 42 115 HG X
Kaupilla et al64 1984 14 12 NVP X
Kazerooni et al 2002 54 53 HG X
Kimura et al 1993 27 24 NVP/HG X X
Kocak et al 1999 95 116 HG X
MONTH 2014 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Kuscu et al21 2003 10 10 HG X X X

Lagiou et al 2003 209 53 NVP X X
Lao et al 1988 51 28 HG X
Larraz et al 2002 162 156 NVP X
Lawson et al 2002 92 0 NVP X

Lee et al35 2005 40 42 HG X
Leylek et al55 1996 24 20 HG X X X X
Leylek et al 1999 30 15 HG X X X X
Mansour and Nashaat 2011 80 80 HG X

Masson et al 1985 65 48 NVP X X X
Minagawa et al97 1999 18 20 HG X X
Mori et al 1988 111 41 NVP X X
Niemeijer. Diagnostic markers for hyperemesis gravidarum. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014. (continued)
1.e6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2014

Studies included in review (continued)
Participants, n Biomarkers
Control Heliobacter Human chorionic White blood
Study Year Cases subjects Condition Ketones pylori gonadotropin Thyroid Leptin Estradiol Progesterone count Lymphocyte
Murata et al84 2006 44 53 NVP/HG X

Ndungu et al 2009 72 0 Emesis X X
Panesar et al 2001 62 58 HG X X
Panesar et al 2006 43 329 HG X
Peled et al57 2012 73 146 HG X
Perez-Perez et al37 1999 42 47 HG X
Reymunde et al 2001 45 44 HG X
Salimi-Khayati et al 2003 54 54 HG X
Sandven et al 2008 244 244 HG X
Sekizawa et al73 2001 16 23 HG X
Shirin et al 2004 185 0 GI symptoms X
Soules et al 1980 37 9 NVP/HG X
Swaminathan et al 1989 71 43 HG X X
Tan et al 2006 192 0 HG X X X
Tan et al18a 2006 192 0 HG X X X
Tan et al 2009 167 0 HG X X X X
Tareen et al 1995 30 15 HG X X
Taskin et al 2009 20 20 HG X X X X X X
Thornton et al75 1979 12 12 HG X
Tlolka et al44 2010 29 43 NVP X
Tsuruta et al 1995 55 24 NVP/HG X X
Unsel et al 2004 40 30 HG X X
Ustun et al 2004 35 39 HG X
Weyermann et al45a 2003 898 0 GI symptoms X
Wilson et al66 1992 10 50 HG X X
Wu et al 2000 54 0 GI symptoms X
Niemeijer. Diagnostic markers for hyperemesis gravidarum. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014. (continued) Obstetrics Research
thyroid disorders (46 articles), gastro- Presence of HG/NVP
intestinal disorders (31 articles), endo- Ketonuria
crine disorders (15 articles), urinary Ketonuria among patients with NVP was
tract infection (6 articles), psychiatric not described in any study. We found 2
disorders (12 articles), previous treat- studies that described ketonuria and the

ment against Heliobacter pylori (4 arti- presence of HG: Derbent et al20 (cases,
White blood

cles), pregnancy complications (6 115 patients; control subjects, 110 pa-

articles), and chronic medication (6 tients) described an increase in degree of
Thyroid Leptin Estradiol Progesterone count

articles) were excluded from studies. ketonuria between women with HG and
Molar pregnancies were excluded in pregnant control subjects (r 0.622;
13 studies; multiple pregnancies were P < .001). They found a median of 3 of
excluded in 21 studies. In 3 articles, a possible 4 with an interquartile range
women were excluded if there was un- of 3/4 in cases and 0/4 (interquartile
certainty about their gestational age. We

range, 0.5/4) in control subjects. In a

did not exclude any studies from our much smaller study, Kuscu et al21 (cases,
review on the grounds of poor quality. 10 patients; control subjects, 10 patients)
found no signicant difference between

Severity of HG ketonuria in patients with HG compared

We found 3 studies that described with pregnant control subjects. In this
biomarkers in relation to markers of study, cases had a mean grade of keto-
disease severity.17,18,19 Severity was nuria of 1.1  0.3; control subjects did
determined as readmission rate in 1 not have ketonuria. Ketonuria among
study and as a hospital stay of >4 days patients with NVP was not described in
Heliobacter Human chorionic

in the 2 other studies. These studies any study. Neither of these studies re-

described the association with keto- ported the absolute prevalence of keto-
nuria, human chorionic gonadotropin nuria among patients with HG and
(hCG), thyroid-stimulating hormone, control patients.
free thyroxine 4 (FT4), estradiol, and

white blood count (WBC). Helicobacter pylori

The grade of ketonuria, as deter- We included 26 studies on H pylori in
Ketones pylori

mined through a dipstick (studies our review. Most studies used immu-

2006, 0-3 vs 4 urinary ketones of a noglobulin G (IgG) antibodies against


possible 4; study 2009, 0-2 vs 3-4 H pylori to determine whether women

urinary ketones) was described in were infected. More than one-half of the
relation to severity of HG. Only a studies showed a signicant positive as-
minority of patients with HG had sociation between H pylori and NVP or
Niemeijer. Diagnostic markers for hyperemesis gravidarum. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014.
Year Cases subjects Condition

GI, gastrointestinal; HG, hyperemesis gravidarum; NVP, nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.

ketonuria. Ketonuria was not signi- HG compared with pregnant asymp-

cantly associated with prolonged hos- tomatic control subjects. In Figure 2,

pital stay in the study of 2006 (adjusted results for the metaanalysis on presence
odds ratio, 2.1; 95% condence in- of positive serologic ndings in women
Participants, n

terval [CI], 1.0e4.6); P .06).17 with HG compared with asymptomatic


Neither of the 2 other studies showed control subjects are displayed, with an
a signicant association between the overall odds ratio of 3.2 (95% CI,
Studies included in review (continued)


grade of ketonuria and severity of HG 2.0e5.1). In Figure 2, B, the sensitivity

in terms of readmission.18,19 and specicity of these studies are dis-

HCG was increased in women with played. Diagnostic metaanalysis of these

HG who were hospitalized for >4 days 19 studies showed a summary sensitivity
compared with women who were of 73% (95% CI, 62.0e81.4%) and a
hospitalized for <4 days.19 Thyroid- specicity of 55% (95% CI, 47.4e61.5%)
stimulating hormone and FT4 were in the diagnosis of HG, as compared
Not a case-control study.


not associated with a higher read- with control subjects without hyper-
Yoneyama et al
Yoneyama et al

mission rate.18 Estradiol of women emesis.22-40 Figure 3 shows the studies

who were hospitalized for >4 days
Xia et al40

that used methods other than IgG se-


were similar to levels of women hos- rology to determine H pylori infection in


pitalized for <4 days.19 WBC level was women with HG and NVP.23,29,32,37,41-45

not associated with severity.17-19 Two studies were not displayed in forest

MONTH 2014 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e7

Research Obstetrics

Metaanalysis, sensitivity, and specificity of Heliobacter pylori immunoglobulin G

Metaanalysis, sensitivity and specificity of H pylori immunoglobulin G in women with hyperemesis gravidarum compared with asymptomatic control
subjects. A, Metaanalysis of diagnostic accuracy of H pylori immunoglobulin G in women with hyperemesis gravidarum compared with asymptomatic
control subjects. B, Sensitivity and specificity in individual studies.
M-H, Mantel-Haenszel.
Niemeijer. Diagnostic markers for hyperemesis gravidarum. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014.

1.e8 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2014 Obstetrics Research

Heliobacter pylori

H pylori in women with hyperemesis gravidarum (measured with other methods than immunoglobulin G or nausea and vomiting in pregnancy
compared with asymptomatic control subjects. A, H pylori in women with hyperemesis gravidarum. B, H pylori in women with nausea and vomiting in
CagA, cytotoxin-associated gene A; CUBT, 13C urea breath test; HG, hyperemesis gravidarum; IgA, immunoglobulin A; M-H, Mantel-Haenszel; NVP, nausea and vomiting in pregnancy; PCR, polymerase chain
reaction; SA, stool antigen.
Niemeijer. Diagnostic markers for hyperemesis gravidarum. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014.

plots because of reporting incomplete the lack of reporting biomarkers in mul- were not described; therefore, no
data for 2  2 table construction; Rey- tiple of medians. This is a measure for number of true- or false-positive and
munde et al46 determined IgG in women individual test deviance from the median true- or false-negative ndings can be
with HG and found a signicant associ- and is calculated by dividing the individ- extracted from the study, and it was
ation (P < .001) between HG and the ual patient result by the median of the not possible to perform a diagnostic
presence of IgG antibodies. Wu et al47 population. In Figure 4, we display forest metaanalysis.
determined IgG in women with gastro- plots of studies that report hCG levels and
intestinal complaints in pregnancy but reported outcomes in a form that is suit- Leptin
did not nd a signicant association be- able for forest plot display. Five studies reported on leptin levels.
tween these complaints and H pylori Chou et al63 showed signicantly lower
status. Thyroid hormones levels of leptin in women with severe
Thyroid hormones were described in NVP compared with women with mild
HCG 34 included articles.20,21,23,49,52,55,56,59- NVP. Aka et al76 showed signicantly
We included 35 studies on hCG, of which ; 65% of the higher levels of leptin in women with HG
18 studies showed a signicant associa- studies showed decreased thyro- compared with asymptomatic control
tion between raised hCG levels and the tropin,20,23,49,52,59,60,62,69,70,72,81,82,84 and subjects. Aka et al and Chou et al both
occurrence of NVP or HG.20,21,48-64 67% of the studies showed increased adjusted leptin levels for gestational age
Three studies showed a lower hCG in FT4 in symptomatic patients com- and body mass index. Demir et al82
women with HG or NVP65-67; the other pared with asymptomatic control showed no signicant difference in lep-
13 studies did not nd a signicant as- subjects.20,23,52,55,56,59,61,66,69,70,72,77,81- tin levels between women with HG and
sociation.22,68-79 83,86,87,90,91
Similar results were found asymptomatic control subjects but did
It was not possible to perform meta- for total thyroxine 4 (65%),59,62,87,88 to- show a signicant higher level of adjusted
analysis on hCG, because of large clinical tal thyroxine 3 (50%),52,62,83,87 and free leptin levels, where leptin was adjusted
heterogeneity and the skewed distribu- thyroxine (53%).55,72,77,81,82,86,87,90 for only gestational age, not body mass
tion of hCG during pregnancy that It was not possible to construct 2  2 index. The 2 other studies did not show
was caused by the lack of matching for tables from studies that reported on a signicant association between leptin
gestational age in most articles and thyroid hormones because cutoff values levels and occurrence of HG.61,85

MONTH 2014 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e9

Research Obstetrics

Human chorionic gonadotropin

Human chorionic gonadotropin levels in women with hyperemesis gravidarum or nausea and vomiting in pregnancy compared with asymptomatic control
subjects. A, HCG, matched for gestational age; B, b-hCG, matched for gestational age; C, Free hCG, hCG in 24-hour urine sample, free a- and b-hCG,
matched for gestational age; D, HCG, not matched for gestational age; E, HCG levels in women with nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.
hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; IV, inverse variance; NVP, nausea and vomiting in pregnancy Std, standard.
Niemeijer. Diagnostic markers for hyperemesis gravidarum. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014.

Estradiol and progesterone signicant association22,49,51,94,95; 3 reported on women with HG and 2

Eight studies were found on estradiol studies found increased estradiol levels studies reported on women with
levels, which showed inconsistent re- in women with HG.52,68,96 Five studies NVP. The latter 2 found a lower pro-
sults. Five studies did not nd a covered progesterone, of which 3 studies gesterone level compared with control

1.e10 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2014 Obstetrics Research
subjects.94,95 Of the 3 studies in women H pylori may point towards a potentially the diagnostic accuracy of thyroid func-
with HG, 2 studies found an increased treatable cause of HG. Mansour and tion testing, however, because of the lack
level of progesterone,58,60 and 1 study Nashaat36 described 8 women with HG of reported cut-off values in the included
found no association.51 who were treated for H pylori infection (etiologic) studies. Based on these nd-
during pregnancy. Six of these women ings, we recommend thyroid function
WBC and lymphocytes showed marked improvement of nausea testing be carried out only to rule out
Five studies reported on and vomiting; however, because there overt thyroid disease among patients
WBC,55,56,60,91,97 and ve studies re- was no comparison with control sub- with HG but not to diagnose or dismiss
ported on lymphocytes55,56,60,97,98 in jects, this provides insufcient evidence HG. Based on the supposed interaction
women with HG compared with women to introduce H pylori eradication as a between hCG and the thyrotropin re-
without HG. WBC differed between means of alleviating HG symptoms. It ceptor, it may prove useful for future
different studies, lymphocyte levels ten- must be noted that most studies that studies into hCG in HG to always include
ded to be higher in patients in HG were included in our metaanalysis were thyroid hormone testing to gain more
compared with control subjects. performed in non-Western countries understanding of this mechanism in the
(19/26 countries; 73%), where the cause of HG.
C OMMENT prevalence of H pylori infection tends to We included studies on a number
Our systematic review of biomarkers for be higher than in Western countries.99 of other biomarkers, including WBC,
NVP and HG was unable to identify a Whether eradication of H pylori among lymphocytes, sex hormones, and leptin.
single biomarker with the ability to patients with HG is a useful strategy to Although it is beyond the scope of this
identify HG or HG severity. shorten HG symptoms has not yet been article to discuss each of these bio-
Ketonuria reects catabolism of adi- investigated accurately. markers, they have all been suggested to
pose stores and could be an indicator of Studying the effect of eradication of play an etiologic role in HG. In our sys-
HG patients who unable to tolerate oral this bacterium during pregnancy in tematic evaluation of the literature, we
intake or prolonged fasting. It is used women with HG might reveal a new found no consistent association between
frequently in the diagnostic workup for therapeutic option. these biomarkers and the presence or
patients with HG, as is shown by the Most studies showed an association severity of HG, which makes an etiologic
fact that 65% of the studies that were between higher hCG levels and the link unlikely.
included in this review used ketonuria in presence of HG. This reects the etio- Our study also has some limitations.
the diagnosis of HG. Therefore, it is logic notion that rising hCG levels either Our review aimed to investigate whether
remarkable that only 5 studies have been affect areas of the brain involved in any single biomarker had the ability to
published to date that have described the nausea directly or indirectly by inducing identify HG cases with reasonable diag-
diagnostic accuracy of ketonuria in HG rises in other hormones (thyroid hor- nostic accuracy. We used a combination
or its severity. The results are equivocal, mone, estradiol) with the ability to affect of symptoms to serve as a reference
although the largest study did nd an nausea. We could not perform a meta- standard for HG cases, although the
association between HG and ketonuria. analysis because of the skewed distribu- combination we chose was arbitrary. We
None of the studies that investigated tion that was caused by the fact that included etiologic and diagnostic
ketonuria and HG severity reported an hCG levels show a marked peak in early studies. This introduced heterogeneity in
association. Based on these ndings, we gestation, thus rendering crude hCG our review, but we wanted to summarize
cannot recommend the use of ketonuria levels that have not been standardized for all available information from a diag-
in the diagnosis of HG at this point, but the duration of pregnancy incomparable nostic perspective. The unclear report-
further research into the relation be- (eg, by reporting them as multiple of ing of methods in the primary studies,
tween ketonuria and diagnosis is medians). Our ndings do suggest an which is a common problem in diag-
necessary. etiologic contribution for hCG in HG. nostic reviews, hindered quality assess-
H pylori was associated signicantly For future research, we recommend ment in our study. Poor study design and
with HG. However, the odds ratio of reporting of hCG in multiples of the conduct can affect estimates of diag-
3.2 (95% CI, 2.0e5.1) could be inated median to account for the steep increase nostic accuracy,100,101 although it is not
because of comparison with asymp- in early pregnancy. entirely clear how individual aspects of
tomatic control subjects, because in HCG may have stimulatory effects on quality may affect accuracy and to what
early pregnancy most women experience the thyrotropin receptor and, through magnitude. Of many strategies applied
nausea to some extent.1 Despite the sig- this, control thyroid function.52 Most to account for differences in quality,
nicant association with HG, which studies that were included in our sys- none have systematically led to less
implies an etiologic association with HG tematic review found an association be- optimistic estimates than that of ignoring
symptoms, the pooled sensitivity and tween increased thyroid activity and the quality in diagnostic metaanalyses102,103;
specicity is insufcient to warrant its presence of HG, which supports an therefore, we did not exclude articles
diagnostic application. Despite this lim- etiologic role for thyroid function in HG because they had low quality. Although
itation, the ndings on seroprevalence of symptoms. We were unable to investigate the broad search strategy that we used

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Summary of quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies scores

QUADAS, quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies.

Niemeijer. Diagnostic markers for hyperemesis gravidarum. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014.

MONTH 2014 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e15

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