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25th May17


Dear Rajdeep Saha,

With reference to your interview with our client we are pleased to inform you that you have been
appointed for the below post as per the terms and conditions already agreed upon between us. Your
salary will be as per Annexure 1.
We are pleased to appoint you as a DT Engineer Your employee ID will be activated once you submit
Joining report to our office. You have to return all statutory declaration forms duly filled in, within 3
days and balance Joining formalities to be completed within 7 days from your joining, until which your
name will not be entered into Payroll Cycle.
The terms of appointment of employment and acceptance thereof is final and irrevocable for both
parties and any party contravening the terms of appointment letter con-tract shall be liable for
payment of PENALTIES/damages. Subject to Vadodara Jurisdiction.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Accord Synergy Ltd

Authorized Signatory
Ripan Einjen
Encl: As above
I will join the services on or before _______________. If I fail to join the services of the Company on
the date mentioned above or do not get permission in writing from the Company to join on such other
extended date, my appointment may be cancelled.
Place: ___________
Date: ____________
Terms and Conditions of employment

1) Your date of Joining with Accord Synergy Ltd. will be the date of joining at our clients end. Please
confirm us the date of joining the services of the Company by endorsing the same in the duplicate copy
of this letter attached herewith. We expect to have from you the endorsed copy on or before your
joining at our client company, failing which our offer stands cancelled without making any further
reference to you.

2) As the Project work awarded to us by our Clients is only for a certain period, your assignment with
us will be till date and as per the terms mentioned in the Letter of Engagement provided by our client.
If however, the project work is extended; your association with us may be extended for such further
period as may be decided by us. Hence this contract of employment does not provide you the status of
permanent employee of the company and will not be considered as base for demanding permanent
employment with the company.

3) If however the project work awarded to us is completed before time or if is terminated for any
reasons whatsoever earlier, then your service shall be terminated on such earlier date as the situation

4) In the event of either you or the company, during the period of your Contract, being desirous of
termination of this appointment, you shall be at liberty to do so, at any time, by giving to the company
One month's notice in writing of such desire or 30 Days salary on your basic in lieu of notice.

5) We reserve the rights to assign to you any additional or new work or As per the requirement of our
client, you need to work for different projects and likely to be deputed in any establishment within the
city or outside the city including outside the state for the purpose of discharging your duties either on
temporary basis or permanently as and when the situation demands, at the said working hours.

6) Your salary will be on CTC basis as mutually agreed between you and ACCORD. The detail of salary
are attached as per Annexure 1:

7)You will get the Reimbursement of Lodging and Boarding as per the rules and regulation mention in
the agreement provided by client. The Reimbursement claim must be signed and approved by Circle
Head. Company will clear the reimbursement as per their settlement process after receipt and bill
made to Client Company.

9) Assets provided to you by the company and client will require at most care, failing to do so will
attract a penalty.

10) You need to bear all the expenses related to your joining. Company will not entertain or
reimbursement expenses for the same

11) You will act within the framework of organizational structure and policies and directions as may be
laid down by the management from time to time. During the tenure of your employment with us, you
will not undertake any other employment or business activities, work or public office of payment or
otherwise except with the written permission of the management. Of you are found involved in any act
which in the opinion of the company is detrimental to the interest of their business interest,
management shall be at liberty to dispense with your service immediately and without any notice or
compensation. At all time during the tenure of this Contract of employment you will be bound by any
Rules & Regulations enforced by the management from time to time in relation to the conduct,
discipline, leave, holidays or any other matters relating to service conditions.

12) Your appointment is based on the assumption that you have never been charged with any criminal
offence under the Indian Penal code or any other Law in force. In case you are so charged during the
period of your association with us, or if any past record of your having been so charged come to light,
your appointment will stand terminated automatically.

13) Your appointment is subject to your being fit, physically and mentally at all times, to carry out
with clarity and in team spirit, the functions assigned to you. As and when required, the Management
may require you to submit medical examination report by a physician. Any physical disability or any
history of disease of surgery, which may or may not have been disclosed by you prior to your selection,
will result in termination of this assignment, if it results in your frequent absence from work or
inefficient performance of the work assigned to you.
Any party can terminate the contract during the continuation of work assignment, as per the terms laid
out in the offer letter. You shall no point of time stake any claim or right to claim employment,
damage, loss or compensation of any sort whatsoever against our clients.

14) Initially you will be on probation for a period of Six Months after the expiry of which you
will be confirmed in writing in the services of the Company, if your progress is found
satisfactory. However, the Company reserves the right to extend the period of probation for
such further period as may be found necessary. In the absence of any specific confirmation you
shall continue to be on Probation until confirmed in service.

15) If you are desirous of leaving the services of the Company during the period of Probation, you
will be required to give one month's notice on executive level, on manager/ head/ team lead level
you will be required to give 2 months notice period or consolidated Salary in lieu of notice.
However, the Company can terminate your services without giving you any notice or compensation
during the period of probation in case of inevitable circumstances.

14) Ethical Practices

While you are enjoying the job with us, you will have to adhere to the below conditions.
A) You will always speak politely and softly.
B) You will not take bribe and you will not give a bribe for what so ever reason it may be.
C) You will always remain an honest candidate throughout your association with us.
D) You will always give a prompt answer on each call & you will always remain in coverage.
E) You will always be obedient to the client and their partners.

15) Assets Policy

A) You will do everything necessary for the proper upkeep of companys property / equipment
entrusted to you for operation/use. Any negligence on your part in such upkeep or any loss or theft
taking place as a result, will not only entail recovery of the value of the loss from payments due to
you, but will also be deemed sufficient ground for termination of this appointment. Any intellectual
property rights that belong to the company and any partly completed assignments or works in progress
will also be considered as companys property for the purpose of this clause.
B) Any company property entrusted to you for your personal use during your association with the
company must be returned to the company, after use, in good repair, normal wear and tear exempted.
In case the property had deteriorated, while in your custody, due to negligence on your part, the
Company reserves the right to recover from you the cost of repairing and restoring it.

C) Non return of company property, intentionally or otherwise, after use, while in service or on your
relinquishing association with the company, or failure to return or account for the cash as aforesaid,
shall be deemed misconduct and will attract appropriate action. The company also reserves the right
to recover such dues from the amounts due to you.
16) The terms of offer of employment and acceptance thereof is final and irrevocable for both parties
and any party contravening the terms of offer letter con-tract shall be liable for payment of damages
in the jurisdiction of our Corporate Office.

17) At the end of Contract, you need to complete exit formalities of our company which comprises
filling of exit forms, submission of infra at our office or at our coordinator. Your Full and Final
settlement will be done from our end. Release of Full and Final settlement amount will be based on
receipt of balance clearance certificate from client end. ACCORD and due approval from Circle. Same
will be released by 6 to 90 days.

Tips for maintaining the Laptop

1) Clean it with a dry and soft cloth.
2) Do not download antimalware Scripts/Data.
3) Always keep internet page history as 0

(Path: tools > Internet Settings > Keep Pages in history 0.)
4) Always keep Tools / Internet Settings on Never remove
5) Keep the laptop when not in use, at a proper place to avoid any damages.

Laptop Policy

1) Laptop is a property of Accord Synergy ; it is individual and moral responsibility of each employee to
carry it safely.

2) Any damage due to negligence and carelessness of employees, results in refund of market value
of laptop form his/her salary.

3) Laptop is provided only for official use. No employee is allowed to utilize it for his personal

4) Employee is not allowed to transfer the laptop internally without prior permission and if the same
happen then it is the responsibility of first user to intimate the same to concern person so that the
effect becomes modified.

5) No employee is allowed to bring the laptop without numbering the same. It is his own responsibility
to checkout whether proper numbering is done or not.

6) At the time of allotment IT department note down the Laptop serial no, battery no, charger no, and
other accessories. In case if the process is not done then individual employees are responsible for
communicating the same information to concern person.
7) No employee is allowed to rent, lease or sold the laptop as it is property of company.

8) IT department installs the necessary Programmers, Software, and operating systems in Laptops.
Employees are warned not to install unnecessary or unusually programmers or software without prior
confirmation of IT Department If anyone found to do so then company may take actions against him.

9) Employees are bound to follow the IT policies time to time

10) If an employee found guilty of any of offence mention above, or the records stored during his
usage period in the foam of files, folders, video or audio not pertaining to official use, he will
punished by management by imposing monetary value or some other means.

11) Management will be final authority for any decision regarding company assets.

1) The Receiving Party shall keep all Information received from the Disclosing Party in whatever form
as strictly confidential and shall not disclose it to third parties without the prior written permission of
the Disclosing Party
2) The Information received hereunder shall not be used for any purpose, other than the above
mentioned Purpose, without the prior written permission of the Disclosing Party
3) Subject to the foregoing Receiving Party shall restrict access to Information received from Disclosing
Party to only those of its employees to whom such access is necessary for carrying out the Purpose and
advise such employees of the obligations assumed herein.
4) The Receiving Party shall in no event use a lower degree of care in safeguarding the Disclosing
Party's Information than it uses for its own information of like sensitivity and importance and upon
discovery of any unauthorized disclosure of Information in its possession the Receiving Party shall use
its best endeavors to prevent any further disclosure or unauthorized use thereof
5) The foregoing obligations shall not apply to any information which
(a) is in the public domain at the time of disclosure or later becomes part of the public domain
through no fault of the Receiving Party; or
(b) Was known to the Receiving Party prior to disclosure by the Disclosing Party as proven by the
written records of the Receiving Party; or
(c) Is disclosed to the Receiving Party by a third party who did not obtain such Information, directly or
indirectly, from the Disclosing Party; or
(d) Was independently developed (by personnel having no access to the information) by the Receiving
Party as proven by the written records of the Receiving Party

For the purpose of the foregoing exceptions, disclosures which are specific, e.g. as to engineering and
design practices and techniques, products, software, operating parameters, etc. shall not be deemed
to be within, the foregoing exceptions merely because they are embraced by general disclosures which
are in the public domain or in the possession of the Receiving Party. In addition, any combination of
features shall not be deemed to be within the foregoing exceptions merely because individual features
thereof are in the public domain or in the possession of the Receiving Party, but only if the
combination itself and its principle of operation are in the public domain or in the possession of the
Receiving Party. Further, the confidentiality provisions herein shall not apply to any Information which
is required to be disclosed to a third party pursuant to any applicable law or the order of any court of
competent jurisdiction, provided that Parties use reasonable efforts to give each other prior notice and
the opportunity to obtain an order to prevent or restrict any such disclosure

(6) This Agreement shall govern the communications relating to Information between the parties
hereto until such time as the present Agreement is expressly superseded by a subsequent agreement
between the parties hereto the obligations set forth in this Non-Disclosure Agreement shall survive the
termination or earlier expiration of this Agreement.

(7 ) Neither this Agreement nor disclosure or receipt of Information shall constitute or imply any
promise or intention by ACCORD to make any purchase of products or services by or any commitment
by ACCORD hereto with respect to the present or future marketing of any product or service or any
promise or intention to enter into any other business arrangement.

( 8 ) No license to a party hereto, under any trademark, patent, copyright, or any other intellectual
property right, is either granted or implied by the conveying of information Disclosing Party to
Receiving Party. None of the Information which may be disclosed or exchanged by Disclosing Party shall
constitute any representation, warranty, assurance, guarantee or other inducement by either party to
the other of any kind, and, in particular, with respect to the non-infringement of trademarks, patents,
copyrights or any other intellectual property rights, or other rights of third parties.

( 9 ) All material embodying Information or relevant or related thereto whether or not supplied by the
Disclosing Party, including, without limitation, rejected drawings, scrap papers, photographic
negatives, or computer input or output, and including all copies of any kind shall be returned or
destroyed upon written request of the Disclosing Party.

(10) The Receiving Party shall adhere to any relevant export control laws and regulations with respect
to the Information or products received from the Disclosing Party.

(11) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India. Any
dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any question regarding its
existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in New Delhi
in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of Indian Council of Arbitration ("ICA Rules")

(12) Arbitration: Any dispute emanating from this Letter/Purchase Order shall be referred to
Arbitration under Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, Accord Synergy Ltd MD/CEO or his duly
appointed nominee shall be the sole arbitrator whose decision shall be final and binding on both the
Parties. The proceedings of the Arbitration shall be conducted in English. Place of Arbitration shall be
Vadodara, Gujarat.

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