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Mineralogical Magazine, June 2014, Vol. 78(3), pp.



Growth of continental crust:

a balance between preservation and recycling

Department of Earth and Environmental Science, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM 87801 USA
[Received 1 October 2013; Accepted 6 February 2014; Associate Editor: C. Storey]


One of the major obstacles to our understanding of the growth of continental crust is that of estimating
the balance between extraction rate of continental crust from the mantle and its recycling rate back into
the mantle. As a rst step it is important to learn more about how and when juvenile crust is preserved
in orogens. The most abundant petrotectonic assemblage preserved in orogens (both collisional and
accretionary) is the continental arc, whereas oceanic terranes (arcs, crust, melange, Large Igneous
Provinces, etc.) comprise <10%; the remainder comprises older, reworked crust. Most of the juvenile
crust in orogens is found in continental arc assemblages. Our studies indicate that most juvenile crust
preserved in orogens was produced during the ocean-basin closing stage and not during the collision.
However, the duration of ocean-basin closing is not a major control on the fraction of juvenile crust
preserved in orogens; regardless of the duration of subduction, the fraction of juvenile crust preserved
reaches a maximum of ~50%. Hafnium and Nd isotopic data indicate that reworking dominates in
external orogens during supercontinent breakup, whereas during supercontinent assembly, external
orogens change to retreating modes where greater amounts of juvenile crust are produced. The most
remarkable feature of eNd (sedimentary rocks and granitoids) and eHf (detrital zircons) distributions
through time is how well they agree with each other. The ratio of positive to negative eNd and eHf does
not increase during supercontinent assembly (coincident with zircon age peaks), which suggests that
supercontinent assembly is not accompanied by enhanced crustal production. Rather, the zircon age
peaks probably result from enhanced preservation of juvenile crust. Valleys between zircon age peaks
probably reect recycling of continental crust into the mantle during supercontinent breakup. Hafnium
isotopic data from zircons that have mantle sources, Nd isotopic data from detrital sedimentary rocks
and granitoids and whole-rock Re depletion ages of mantle xenoliths collectively suggest that 570%
of the continental crust was extracted from the mantle between 3500 and 2500 Ma.

K EY WORDS : continental growth, crustal reworking, supercontinents, Nd isotopes, Hf isotopes.

understood. Both igneous and detrital zircon
ALTHOUGH it is well established that U/Pb ages of populations show that major age peaks or peak
zircons dene episodic populations (Rino et al., clusters (2700, 1900, 1000, 600 and 300 Ma) are
2004; Iizuka et al., 2005; Condie et al., 2009; global in extent (Condie and Aster, 2010). The
Condie and Aster, 2010; Belousova et al., 2010; common interpretation of these peaks has been
Hawkesworth et al., 2010), the origin of this that they represent periods of enhanced produc-
distribution and how it is related to the growth and tion of continental crust (Taylor and McLennan,
preservation of continental crust is not well 1995; Condie, 1998; Wang et al., 2009).
Geochemical data from oceanic basalts and
subduction-related volcanics have been inter-
* E-mail: preted to support new growth of continental
DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2014.078.3.11 crust during collisional orogenies (Niu and

# 2014 The Mineralogical Society


OHara, 2009). However, as pointed out by active on one or both continental margins and
several investigators in recent years, there is a nal closure is marked by a continent-continent
striking correlation of major zircon age peaks collision or a large terrane collision (Fig. 2). The
with the assembly of supercontinents and this has ages of juvenile additions preserved in many
led to the suggestion that they are not crustal Proterozoic orogens date mostly to the ocean-
production peaks, but crustal preservation peaks basin closing stage and not to the actual collision
(Fig. 1) (Condie, 1990; Kemp et al., 2006; (Condie et al., 2011; Condie, 2013). However,
Hawkesworth et al., 2009; Condie and Aster, crust is preserved in orogens during collisional
2010). Another feature of zircon age spectra that phases, with the highest degree of preservation
is not well understood are the age minima accompanying the nal collisions (Hawkesworth
between times of supercontinent formation. Do et al., 2009).
these represent true minima in juvenile crustal Hafnium and Nd isotopes together with U/Pb
production or could they be due to enhanced zircon ages can be used to constrain the growth
recycling of crust into the mantle and thus also be and recycling of continental crust (Wang et al.,
related to crustal preservation (Kemp et al., 2006; 2009; Belousova et al., 2010; Hawkesworth et al.,
Roberts, 2012)? The answer to these questions 2010; Condie et al., 2011; Condie and Aster,
partly depends on our understanding of collisional 2013; Condie, 2013). We know that most juvenile
orogens, where most juvenile crust is preserved. crust preserved in orogens is produced in
Orogens are of three types, but only two are of continental arcs and back arcs with only small
importance in the production and preservation of amounts produced in oceanic arcs and other
juvenile continental crust: accretionary and oceanic tectonic settings (Condie, 2013; Condie
collisional orogens (Cawood et al., 2009). As and Kroner, 2013). What is not well constrained is
ocean basins close, accretionary orogens are the location of orogens from which detrital

FIG. 1. Distribution of U/Pb zircon ages in granitoids and detrital zircons since 4.5 Ga (from Condie and Aster,
2010). The vertical sample count axis is the number of samples as a function of time for a Gaussian kernel bandwidth
of three standard deviations (30 m.y.). The multiple lines in each spectrum represent error bounds of one standard
deviation and their tightness conrms the robustness of the major peak clusters in the various sample distributions.
Supercontinent history is also summarized on the gure.


FIG. 2. Diagrammatic cross-sections of accretionary and collisional orogens.

zircons are derived, as most zircons are recycled orogens. Note that many of the compiled orogens
multiple times in the geological record. are orogen segments, which, upon reconstruc-
Furthermore, primary zircon sources may not tion of past supercontinents, may continue into
reside on the same continent as derivative detrital other cratons. Both accretionary and collisional
zircons due to past supercontinent breakup and orogens are included in the compilation. The age
assembly. Unlike detrital zircons, both the of onset of subduction is equated with the ages of
location and tectonic setting can often be the oldest (post-basement) arc volcanic and
constrained for igneous-rock Nd isotopic data. plutonic rocks and is assumed to represent a
Common to all isotopic studies are geographic minimum for the onset of ocean-basin closing.
sampling biases, either by geologists or by river Duration of subduction is estimated as the
systems and this appears to be responsible for difference between the age of the onset of
some decoupling between the isotopic systems. subduction and the onset of collision, which is a
In the present study, the main focus is on the maximum age for the duration of closing of an
questions of when, how and where juvenile oceanic basin, as subduction associated with the
continental crust is generated at convergent accretionary stage of an orogen may have started
margins. To evaluate these questions, data from before the actual closing of the ocean basin. The
150 post-Archaean orogens (or orogen segments) onset of collision is estimated from the oldest
are compiled in Supplementary Appendix 1 syntectonic granitoids and structures accompa-
(Supplementary Appendices 1 and 2 have been nying major collisions. The termination of
deposited with the Principal Editor of collision is more difcult to estimate because
Mineralogical Magazine and are available from these processes generally have a gradual rather
www.minersoc. org/pages/e_journals/ than abrupt ending as colliding plates are
dep_mat_mm.html), with corresponding informa- annealed to each other and subduction and
tion on tectonic settings and juvenile crust delamination cease. The termination is estimated
distribution. The Archaean is not included from the oldest post-tectonic intrusions and
because the relatively hot orogens in the structures, which is a maximum age for the end
Archaean may have been quite different in of collision, because delamination and crustal
preservation potential from the cooler orogens foundering may continue after collision.
thereafter (Sizova et al., 2013). Subduction (ocean-basin closing) duration
ranges from 57 to >900 m.y. but most durations
are between 50 and 200 m.y. and collision
Durations of orogeny duration ranges from 10 260 m.y. with most
It is useful to examine the duration of both the falling between 40 and 150 m.y. Orogens fall into
ocean-basin closing (subduction) and collisional two broad groups: those with subduction dura-
stages, estimates of which are compiled in tions 4600 m.y. (mean = 115 m.y.) and those
Supplementary Appendix 1, in order to better with durations of >600 m.y. (mean = 750 m.y.)
understand how and when crust is preserved in (Fig. 3). Only seven examples of the >600 m.y.


Altaids and Xionger. However, the actual

number of orogens in each group depends on
how orogens are divided up (lumpers vs. splitters).
The rst three orogens in the list above comprise
the Great Proterozoic Accretionary Orogen
(GPAO), which may be the longest-lived orogen
of all time, in some segments enduring for
>800 m.y. (Figs 3 and 4) (Condie, 2013)
(Supplementary Appendix 1). The GPAO began
as a segmented accretionary orogen during the
amalgamation of Nuna and did not terminate in
collisions until Rodinia formed at
1200 1000 Ma. It is noteworthy that the subduc-
tion duration of most post-Archaean orogens is
considerably longer than the lifespan (oldest
igneous rock age minus accretion age) of typical
terranes in these orogens (50 300 m.y.; Condie,
FIG. 3. Duration of subduction (ocean-basin closing)
2007). This means that, on average, arc
compared to duration of collision of post-Archaean magmatism in terranes continues for several
orogens. Data from Supplementary Appendix 1. hundred million years after terrane docking.

Tectonic settings preserved in orogens

group are recognized: Penokean-Yavapai- It is important to characterize ancient tectonic
Mazatzal, Makkovikian-Labradorian-Grenville, settings preserved in orogens in order to better
Baltica (Svecofennian-Sveconorwegian), understand the distribution and origin of juvenile
Amazonia (Sunsas and Oaxaquia components), crust. Together with geochemical features,

FIG. 4. Reconstruction of the supercontinent Nuna at 1600 Ma after Pisarevsky et al. (2014), showing the Great
Proterozoic Accretionary Orogen.


petrotectonic assemblages are key in identifying and the reason for this is an important outstanding
ancient tectonic settings. Details of how tectonic question. The peak in greenstone ages at ~500 Ma
settings are identied and how juvenile and corresponds to the breakup of Pannotia and the
reworked crust are estimated, using a combination peak at 200 100 Ma corresponds to the breakup
of Nd isotopes and geological maps, are given in of Pangea. The latter peak, which is dominated by
previous papers (Condie, 1993; Condie and within-plate oceanic greenstones, also reects
Chomiak, 1996; Condie, 2007). Such assemblages increased preservation of ophiolites and
either survive subduction during ocean-basin increasing numbers of studies of ophiolites of
closing or form during collision and they this age (Fig. 5) (Dilek and Furnes, 2011).
include oceanic and continental tectonic regimes If petrotectonic assemblages are divided into
as represented by both supracrustal and plutonic three groups (continental arc, oceanic settings and
rocks. Greenstones are particularly useful in reworked crust), the most abundant assemblage
identifying ancient tectonic settings and both arc preserved in orogens is the continental arc ranging
and within-plate oceanic greenstones show similar from 10 90% by volume (mean = 53%) (Fig. 6),
distributions with age (Fig. 5). The large preser- but there is no relationship between abundance of
vational peak in both types of greenstones in the continental arc assemblages and orogen age, at
late Archaean probably reects rapidly propa- least since the end of the Archaean. In most
gating plate tectonics at this time (Condie and orogens, remnants of continental arcs comprise
ONeill, 2010) as well as formation of the rst 40 80% of supracrustal rocks, but in a few
supercratons (Bleeker and Ernst, 2006). Another examples, such as the Limpopo, Usagaran-
preservational peak at 2100 1700 Ma corre- Tanzania, Ubendian, New Quebec and Angara
sponds to the assembly and stasis of the super- orogens, they comprise 420% (Supplementary
continent Nuna. Unlike Nuna, very few Appendix 1). Some of these orogens may have
greenstones that accompanied the assembly of involved a large transpressive subduction compo-
Rodinia between 1200 and 1000 Ma are preserved nent, such that arc magmatism was minimal. Only

FIG. 5. Histogram showing abundances of greenstones with age. The supercontinent cycle (from Condie and Aster,
2013) is also shown. Greenstone types: WP, oceanic within-plate; arcs, convergent margin.


FIG. 6. Relative abundances of continental arc, oceanic terrane and reworked crust petrotectonic assemblages in
orogens. Data from Supplementary Appendix 1. Details of data compilation are given in Condie (1993, 2007) and
Condie and Chomiak (1996).

in the Wopmay and Tanami orogens do remnants Fig. 6). Microcratons, such as the Sask craton in
of continental arcs comprise 590% of the the Trans-Hudson orogen, are difcult to identify
preserved rocks. In contrast to continental arcs, without geophysical data, because they are often
oceanic terranes (including arcs, oceanic crust, not exposed at the surface. Thus, microcratons
serpentinites, pelagic sediments, oceanic islands may be more abundant than suggested by the data
and LIPs (large igneous provences)) comprise a in Supplementary Appendix 1. Four orogens are
very small proportion of tectonic settings unusual in that they comprise 580% reworked
preserved in orogens (usually 410%) and in components (Limpopo, Usagaran-Tanzania,
some orogens, oceanic assemblages are not Angara and Ubendian) and all of them fall in
recognized (Fig. 6). Three exceptions stand out: the 2100 1800 Ma time window. It is possible
the Trans-Hudson, Arabian-Nubian and Birimian- that these four orogens involved largely trans-
Transamazonian orogens, all of which contain pressive collisions with minimal amounts of
30 40% of oceanic terranes (Supplementary concurrent arc magmatism.
Appendix 1). Also, there is no apparent secular
change in relative abundances of oceanic terranes
Juvenile crust preserved in orogens
with orogen age, except in the last 200 m.y. where
the number of preserved ophiolites increases as The proportion of juvenile crust (crust derived
mentioned above. The small number of fragments from the mantle with a short crustal residence
of oceanic arcs preserved in orogens is in time) preserved in orogens can be estimated from
agreement with the results of Condie and Kroner a combination of Hf and Nd isotopic data
(2013), who suggest that oceanic arcs are not interpreted together with geological maps of
major components of continental growth. various scales (Condie, 2007, 2013; Condie and
Almost everything else in orogens comprises Aster, 2010; Belousova et al., 2010; Dhuime et
reworked crust, which includes some combination al., 2012). One uncertainty in this approach,
of Archaean basement, accreted terranes with however, is that if the zircon ages are biased by
older crust and detrital sediments. Reworked selective preservation, this will also affect Hf and
components comprise between 10 and 90% of Nd model ages. On average, continental arcs
orogens (most between 20 and 50%) with an contain about 40 50% of juvenile crust, whereas
average of 40%, (Supplementary Appendix 1; oceanic terranes (including oceanic arcs, crust,


FIG. 7. Relative abundances of juvenile crust in orogens grouped by tectonic setting. Data from Supplementary
Appendix 1. Details of data compilation are given in Condie (1993, 2007) and Condie and Chomiak (1996).

islands and plateaus) comprise ~90% juvenile tional potential of igneous rocks formed at
input (Condie, 2013; Condie and Aster, 2013). As convergent margins and high potential of syn-
shown in Fig. 7, most juvenile crust preserved in collisional igneous rocks, our results show that
orogens occurs in remnants of continental arcs, most juvenile crust (60 90%) is generated during
with only minor amounts in oceanic arcs and the ocean-basin closing stage rather than during
other oceanic tectonic settings. The fraction of the actual collision (Fig. 9) (Supplementary
juvenile crust preserved in orogens ranges from Appendix 1). Although the preservational poten-
5 60% (mostly in the range of 20 40% with a tial is probably highest during the collisional
mean = 30%) and the corresponding reworked phase, most juvenile crust trapped in collisional
crust from 40 95% (mostly in the range of
60 80% with a mean = 70%). Although there is a
scatter in the data, with the exception of six
orogens in the 2000 1800 Ma time window,
there is a suggestion of a decrease in the fraction
of juvenile crust preserved with decreasing age
(Supplementary Appendix 1; Fig. 8). The
Limpopo orogen contains the smallest amount of
juvenile crust (~5%) and 16 other orogens
containing 420% are mostly associated with the
assembly of either Nuna or Gondwana. At the
other extreme are 10 orogens that contain 550%
juvenile input and these are mostly associated
with the assembly of Rodinia or Nuna. The
Arabian-Nubian orogen at 750 Ma contains the
largest amount of juvenile crust at ~60%. The
decrease in juvenile crust with time in orogens
reects an increasing volume of reworked crust
with time.
Although Hawkesworth et al. (2009, 2010) FIG. 8. Fraction of juvenile crust preserved vs. collisional
make a case for the poor to moderate preserva- age of orogens. Data from Supplementary Appendix 1.


FIG. 9. Distribution of juvenile crust produced during the FIG. 10. Fraction of juvenile crust preserved in orogens
ocean-basin closing stage of orogens. Percents refer to as a function of the duration of subduction (ocean-basin
juvenile crust produced during ocean-basin closing. closing). Data from Supplementary Appendix 1. P-Y-M,
Data from Supplementary Appendix 1. Penokean-Yavapai-Mazatzal orogen.

orogens has already survived earlier subduction. 2009; Roberts, 2012). Condie and Aster (2013)
An example of this, based on Nd isotopic data, is have also shown that the combined use of Hf and
presented by Dickin et al. (2010) for the Grenville Nd isotopes is more useful in understanding the
orogen in eastern Canada. supercontinent cycle and its relation to juvenile
One might expect the longer the duration of crust preservation than the use of Hf isotopic data
ocean-basin closing the greater the amount of only from detrital zircons. Unlike detrital zircons,
juvenile crust preserved, however, this is not where sources cannot be located precisely
supported by the data. Although the seven because of crustal recycling, both the location
orogens with subduction durations of >600 m.y. and tectonic setting can often be constrained for
all contain ~50% juvenile components, many of Nd isotopic data from granitoids. Murphy (2003)
the orogens with shorter subduction durations has suggested that supercontinents form in two
contain similar amounts of juvenile crust tectonic scenarios: extroversion, which involves
(Fig. 10). This indicates that the duration of closing of external ocean basins and introversion,
ocean-basin closing is not a major control on the which involves closing of internal ocean basins.
fraction of juvenile crust preserved in orogens. It Extroversion and introversion have different
is important to note that the seven orogens with signals in eNd and eHf distributions in the rock
subduction durations >600 m.y. all have long- record (Murphy and Nance, 2003; Collins et al.,
lived accretionary phases. Three out of the seven 2011; Roberts, 2012; Condie and Aster, 2013).
comprise part of the GPAO, which contains the The extroversion types show rapid drops in e
largest volume of juvenile crust preserved during assembly, which lasts the order of 100 m.y.
globally between 2 and 1 Ga (Condie, 2013). (Fig. 11) (Condie and Aster, 2013; latest update
of Nd isotopic data given in Supplementary
Appendix 2). This decrease in e values begins
Supercontinents and juvenile crust during supercontinent breakup as shown by the
Several investigations have shown that major breakup of the late Archaean supercratons
U/Pb zircon age peaks correlate with super- (2150 2050 Ga), Rodinia (750 650 Ma) and
continent assembly and may represent preserva- Pannotia (550 Ma) and reects reworking in
tional rather than production peaks of continental external orogens as they converge and collide
crust (Fig. 1) (Condie and Aster, 2010, 2013; with each other. Breakup of the Archaean
Hawkesworth et al., 2009, 2010; Kemp et al., supercraton, Kenorland, using the reconstruction


FIG. 11. eHf for detrital zircons and eNd for whole-rock sediments and granitoids with increasing age. eHf and eNd
are median values from our combined Hf and Nd database (Condie and Aster, 2013; latest update of Nd isotopic data
given in Supplementary Appendix 2). Trends are displayed as the median value within a 100 m.y. time window
stepping in m.y. increments. Also shown are assembly and breakup times of supercontinents (Condie and Aster,
2010). Points are median e values for assembly and breakup time windows; vertical black bar is one standard

of Bleeker and Ernst (2006) also supports an preserved crust? Another intriguing question is
assembly of Nuna by extroversion. However, why Nuna appears to be the only supercontinent
there is no evidence in Nd or Hf isotope records with a long-lived (5800 m.y.) accretionary
for the breakup of Nuna (Fig. 11). The only orogen (the GPAO) leading into the assembly of
supercontinent that clearly formed by introversion the next supercontinent? These questions are also
is Pangea (Murphy et al., 2009) and both eNd and related to what determines whether a super-
eHf show a rapid increase during its assembly continent forms by extroversion or introversion
around 400 Ma. This is consistent with external and why the introversion case is so rare?
orogens shifting to retreating modes as internal
oceans close, where a greater proportion of
Recycling of continental crust into the
juvenile crust is added to the continents. The
breakup of Pangea around 150 Ma is accom-
panied by a sharp decrease in both eNd and eHf, If the major U/Pb zircon age peaks result from
followed by an abrupt increase. If the correlation enhanced preservation of continental crust during
of Nd and Hf isotopic data with supercontinent the assembly of supercontinents, do the valleys
evolution shown in Fig. 11 is correct, it implies between the peaks represent (1) relatively few
that external orogens may have a signicant zircon-producing magmatic events during these
control on detrital zircon populations and times, (2) sampling biases by geologists and
Roberts (2012) reached a similar conclusion rivers, (3) the background extraction and recy-
based solely on Hf isotope data. cling rates of continental crust from the mantle as
Although the combined Nd and Hf databases suggested by Condie et al. (2011), or
increase our insight into the supercontinent cycle, (4) enhanced recycling of continental crust into
they also present several new and important the mantle? When both Hf and Nd isotopic data
questions. It appears that external orogens often are considered, 1 and 2 seem very unlikely
control both eNd and eHf distributions when (Condie, 2013; Condie and Aster, 2013).
considered on a global scale (Hawkesworth et al., Numerous accretionary orogens were active
2010; Collins et al., 2011; Condie, 2013) and if during the minima between zircon age peaks
this is correct, we must ask why internal orogens and most or all of these produced zircon-bearing
(accretionary or collisional) do not contribute granitoids. Also, as discussed in previous papers,
signicantly to isotopic signatures in the it is unlikely that geologists and rivers have


similar sampling biases such that both show age regions and preferentially preserved in back arc
minima at the same times (Condie et al., 2009; regions (Fig. 12a) (Kemp et al., 2009; Cawood et
Condie and Aster, 2010). It is difcult with our al., 2009). In contrast, advancing orogens may
existing data to distinguish between possibilities 3 lose signicant volumes of crust by recycling into
and 4 and thus both possibilities need to be tested the mantle at subduction zones by a combination
against future data. of subduction erosion, sediment subduction and
If the zircon peaks were truly crustal generation delamination (Cawood et al., 2009; Scholl and
peaks, the ratio of positive to negative eNd and von Huene, 2007, 2009; Clift et al., 2009; Stern,
eHf should increase at the same times and if 2011). Studies of both the Japanese and Andean
recycling does not discriminate between juvenile orogens show that large volumes of juvenile and
and reworked crust, the ratio of juvenile to reworked crust have been recycled into the mantle
reworked crust should be about the same in age during the Phanerozoic (Kay et al., 2005; Scholl
peaks and valleys. The most remarkable feature of and von Huene, 2007, 2009; Clift et al., 2009).
the e curves is how well they agree with each Enhanced subduction erosion in the Andes in the
other through time (Fig. 11). At times of super- last 250 m.y. may reect the opening of the
continent assembly, median eNd and eHf do not Atlantic basin, during which the Andean arc
show peaks in positive e, but are close to zero, changed from a retreating to an advancing arc
thus not favouring new crustal production at these (Fig. 12b). Scholl and von Huene (2007, 2009)
times. Both e values are also close to zero for have estimated that continental crust around the
supercontinent breakups. The somewhat high Pacic basin is being recycled into the mantle at a
positive e values at 700 and 1400 Ma reect rate of 3.2 km3/yr, approximately equal to the rate
juvenile crust generation in long-lived accre- at which it is being extracted from the mantle. At
tionary orogens (Arabian-Nubian and Central this rate, the entire width of an accretionary
Asian Orogens at 800 600 Ma and the GPAO orogen can be destroyed in a few hundred million
at 1900 1300 Ma) and not fragmentation of the years and if this rate is typical of the last 3 g.y., a
supercontinents. The large difference between volume equal to the current continental crust
eNd and eHf at 100 Ma is puzzling and it may be would have been recycled into the mantle during
that the continued fragmentation of Pangea and this time interval.
the beginning of the assembly of a new super- If recycling can explain age gaps in single
continent (Amasia) have caused decoupling in orogens, could it also explain the large minima in
these isotopic systems. In summary, the eNd and ages between the global zircon age peaks
eHf distributions do not favour enhanced produc- (Fig. 1)? At least in part, two of these age
tion of juvenile continental crust either during or minima correlate with supercontinent breakup.
between supercontinent assemblies. During the 1500 1250 Ma minimum, Nuna may
Accretionary orogens go through retreating and have partially fragmented leading into the
advancing phases and during retreating phases assembly of Rodinia (Pisarevsky et al., 2014).
new continental crust is generated in forearc Consistent with this possibility is the fact that

FIG. 12. Diagrammatic cross-section of closing and opening of ocean basins showing (a) enhanced production of
juvenile crust during closing and (b) enhanced recycling during opening.


crustal remnants of this age occur in the GPAO as much smaller using the d18O ltered data. The Nd
well as in other external accretionary orogens model ages of sediments and granitoids show
such as Namaqua-Natal, Kibaran, Irumides and much the same pattern as the Hf isotope data
Albany-Fraser (Supplementary Appendix 1). (Fig. 13c). The Archaean peak is somewhat
During the 900 700 Ma minimum, Rodinia younger, centred ~3000 2700 Ma and the
fragmented and minor pieces of crust of this age Proterozoic peak somewhat older at
are widespread in external accretionary orogens 2300 1400 Ma. There also is a suggestion of
such as the Irumides, Kibaran, Jiangnan, Arabian- renewed crustal growth around 900 600 Ma in
Nubian, Central Asian, Zambezi and East African the Nd data and 600 400 Ma in the Hf data (both
Orogens. Although the 400 Ma mimimum ltered and unltered).
correlates with the beginning of the assembly of Other than the late Archaean peak in Nd model
Pangea, crustal remnants of this age formed ages, there is no correlation of model age peaks
chiey in external accretionary orogens, although with zircon age peaks (Fig. 1), which supports the
they are now preserved in collisional orogens interpretation of the zircon peaks as preservation
(examples include the Taconic-Caledonian, peaks rather than production peaks of continental
CAOB, Qinling-Dabi-Sulu, Antler, Variscan, crust. However, both Nd and Hf model ages may
Pampean and Acadian Orogens). Neodymium also be biased because an unknown number of
and Hf model ages from these orogens indicate model ages reect mixing rather than isotopic
that continental crust must have formed during the growth. Another way to test the preservation
age minima, but that it was not preserved. This model is using Re/Os isotopic ages of mantle
observation supports a recycling explanation for xenoliths (Carlson et al., 2005; Pearson et al.,
the large valleys between the major zircon age 2007). Rhenium depletion ages of xenoliths may
peaks (Fig. 1). The large, well established crustal record major melting events in the mantle and if
age gap at 2400 2200 Ma (Condie et al., 2009) so, there is strong evidence of a major event
correlates with stasis of the late Archaean around 2800 2500 Ma (Fig. 13d). The broad
supercratons, which fragmented at peak in Re depletion ages in the last 1000 m.y.
2150 2050 Ma. Although this age gap was probably reects a sampling bias, as many
originally suggested to record a slow-down in isotopic studies have concentrated on mantle
global magmatism and plate tectonics (Condie et xenoliths in volcanics underlain by Phanerozoic
al., 2009), it more likely reects recycling of crust. If most weight is given to the ltered Hf
continental crust into the mantle. Supporting this isotopic data in zircons, the whole-rock Nd
interpretation are widespread Hf and Nd model isotopic data from granitoids and sediments and
ages as well as detrital zircon ages from South the whole-rock Re depletion ages of mantle
America and south China ~2300 Ma (Sun et al., xenoliths, it would appear that most of the
2009; Berman et al., 2010; Teixeira et al., 2014). continental crust (570%) was extracted from
the mantle between 3500 and 2500 Ma
(Belousova et al., 2010; Condie and Aster,
Growth rate of continental crust through time
2010; Collins et al., 2011; Dhuime et al., 2012).
The best estimate of the net growth rate of
continental crust uses a combination of model
ages of Nd in sediments and granitoids and of Hf Conclusions
in zircons. To avoid inclusion of signicant (1) Most orogens have durations of 4600 m.y.
volumes of reworked continental crust, it is whereas a few, with long-lived accretionary
important to consider Hf isotope data in zircons phases, can last for up to 800 m.y. or more. The
that are ltered with O isotopes so as to include deformation in orogens generally ends with a
only those with mantle isotopic signatures (d18O = continentcontinent collision, although some
4.5 6.5% (Kemp et al., 2006; Iizuka et al., 2012; segments of accretionary orogens can end with
Wang et al., 2011; Dhuime et al., 2012). A terrane collisions. Most of the long-lived accre-
comparison of d18O ltered and unltered data tionary orogens are part of the gigantic GPAO,
shows a similar distribution of juvenile crust with which extended along the southern margins of
broad model age peaks at 3500 3000 and Laurentia and Baltica (present day coordinates)
2000 1200 Ma, which is in striking contrast to from 2.0 to 1.2 Ga.
the sharp peaks of the zircon age spectra (Figs 1, (2) The most abundant tectonic setting preserved
13a,b). Note that the 2000 1200 Ma peak is in orogens is the continental arc, at least since the


FIG. 13. Hafnium and Nd model age distributions with age. (a) Hf isotope model ages of detrital zircons from modern
river sediments; (b) Hf model ages from (a) that have d18O in the range 4.5 6.5%; and (c) Nd isotopic model ages
for whole-rock detrital sedimentary rocks and granitoids (data from Condie, 2013); (d) histogram of Re depletion
ages in mantle xenoliths (data from Carlson et al., 2005; Pearson et al., 2007).

end of the Archaean. Oceanic terranes (arcs, crust, (4) Supercontinents that form by extroversion
melange, LIPs etc.) are uncommon in most show rapid drops in eNd and eHf during their
orogens as they appear to be easily subducted assembly, which lasts the order 100 m.y. This
into the mantle. Approximately 50% of the crust decrease in e begins during supercontinent
preserved in orogens is reworked older crust. breakup and reects extensive reworking in
(3) Juvenile continental crust is generated and external orogens as they converge and collide
preserved in accretionary orogens during ocean- with each other. The only supercontinent that
basin closing, chiey in external orogens, but in clearly formed by introversion is Pangea and both
some cases also in internal orogens. The ultimate eNd and eHf show a rapid increase during its
preservation of juvenile crust occurs during assembly. This is consistent with a greater
continental collisions, or in some instances in proportion of juvenile crust production in external
accretionary orogens, during collision and accre- orogens, which shift into retreating modes as
tion of large terranes. internal oceans close.


(5) The most remarkable feature of eNd C., Sandeman, H.A. and Skulski, T. (2010)
(sedimentary rocks and granitoids) and eHf Petrological and in situ SHRIMP geochronological
(detrital zircons) distributions through time is constraints on the tectonometamorphic evolution of
how well they agree with each other. The ratio of the Committee Bay belt, Rae Province, Nunavut.
positive to negative eNd and eHf does not Precambrian Research, 181, 1 20.
increase during supercontinent assembly (co- Bleeker, W. and Ernst, R.E. (2006) Short-lived mantle
incident with zircon age peaks), which suggests generated magmatic events and their dyke swarms:
that supercontinent assembly is not accompanied The key unlocking Earths paleogeographic record
by enhanced crustal production, assuming recy- back to 2.6 Ga. Pp. 3 26 in: Dyke Swarms Time
cling does not discriminate between juvenile and Markers of Crustal Evolution. (E. Hanski, S.
reworked crust. The proportions of positive to Mertanen, T. Ramo and J. Vuollo, editors). A.A.
Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
negative eNd and eHf also do not correlate with
Carlson, R.W., Pearson, D.G. and James, D.E. (2005)
supercontinent breakup.
Physical, chemical and chronological characteristics
(6) Neodymium model ages from detrital
of continental mantle. Reviews of Geophysics, 43,
sedimentary rocks and granitoids, Hf model
ages from mantle-sourced zircons and whole- Cawood, P.A., Kroner, A., Collins, W.J., Kusky, T.M.,
rock Re depletion ages of mantle xenoliths Mooney, W.D. and Windley, B.F. (2009)
collectively suggest that 570% of the conti- Accretionary orogens through Earth history.
nental crust was extracted from the mantle Pp. 1 36 in: Earth Accretionary Systems in Space
between 3500 and 2500 Ma. and Time (P.A. Cawood and A. Kroner, editors).
(7) Although some age minima can be related Geological Society, London, Special Publication,
to the breakup of supercontinents, others may 318, London.
correlate with supercontinent assembly or stasis. Clift, P., Schouten, H. and Vannucchi, P. (2009) Arc-
Minima between U/Pb zircon age peaks at continent collisions, sediment recycling and the
1500 1250 Ma and 900 700 Ma may reect maintenance of the continental crust. Pp. 75 103
recycling of continental crust into the mantle and in: Earth Accretionary Systems in Space and Time
correspond to either partial or complete breakup (P.A. Cawood and A. Kroner, editors). Geological
of supercontinents. In contrast, minima at Society, London, Special Publication, 318, London.
2400 2200 and 400 Ma correspond to stasis or Collins, W.J., Belousova, E.A., Kemp, A.I.S. and
growth of supercontinents, respectively. No peaks Murphy, J.B. (2011) Two contrasting Phanerozoic
or minima occur during overlap of supercontinent orogenic systems revealed by hafnium isotope data.
assembly and breakup between 750 and 500 Ma Nature Geoscience, 4, 333 337.
and 4150 Ma. A major question that must be Condie, K.C. (1990) Growth and accretion of con-
addressed is that of what mantle processes control tinental crust: Inferences based on Laurentia.
the balance of extraction and recycling of Chemical Geology, 83, 183 194.
continental crust out of and into the mantle and Condie, K.C. (1993) Chemical composition and
why should one or the other be more important? evolution of the upper continental crust:
Contrasting results from surface samples and shales.
Chemical Geology, 104, 1 37.
Acknowledgements Condie, K.C. (1998) Episodic continental growth and
supercontinents: A mantle avalanche
This paper is based on the Hallimond lecture
Condie, K.C. (2007) Accretionary orogens in space and
given at the meeting How to Build Strong
time. Geological Society of America Memoir, 200,
Continents, September 2 4, 2013 in 145 158.
Portsmouth, UK. The author acknowledges the Condie, K.C. (2013) Preservation and recycling of crust
Mineralogical Society of the UK for the invitation during accretionary and collisional phases of
to give this lecture. Proterozoic orogens: A bumpy road from Nuna to
Rodinia. Geosciences, 3, 240-261.
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