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The Mahila Shakthi CLF, whose headquarters are coming up at Rajgarh, is a shining example of how
such an organisation should be run. Its services and training are remarkably well organised and
structured as evidenced by the profits it is making within six months of its formation. However, it is
badly affected by the lack of exposure, and inherently limited in its scope unless expansion plans are
taken up with zeal.

Key Factors:

1. Public Exposure

It is remarkable that such an organisation, with over 2000 members and turning appreciable profits
within months is so starved of media attention or even just general exposure outside the bounds
of Rajgarh. It could and should serve as testament to the efficiency of the Indian administrative
services. Exposure will serve it well in gaining more members, more support and more funds, as well
as providing a willing market to ensure sustainability.
To alleviate this issue, we suggest approaching it from a multitude of fronts. First, to ensure a strong
presence in the social media aspect, which connects with the youth (who could be willing helpers
or consumers) we have already begun taking videos to eventually upload onto YouTube, and other
similar platforms. A website has also already been created ( ,
and is operational. On the traditional media front, we plan on using our insititutes Media
Committee as well as contacts to inform people of this.
The brochure, which already exists in Hindi, will be translated into English to be presented to willing
corporates, donors, or NGOs. Other IIMs across the country will also be invited to contribute their
best and brightest to aid the development.

2. External Influence

It must be noted that with the influx of external funds comes external influence, whether for good or
ill. Although undoubtedly some donors/corporates behave altruistically, a few will seek to transform
the CLF to work for their selfish benefit. To remedy this, we can set some conditions on the people
who seek to donate, such as reminding them that administrative power over the CLF will rest
entirely with the women. Alternately, to foster sustainability, we can take these funds as long-term
loans at low interest rates, which will be eventually paid back by the CLF to the companys charity
of choice over a period of time. Another option is to obtain the funds in kind such as training,
education and so on.

3. Community Development

The CLF organisation is doing its utmost to develop the community of which it is a part. Many
important efforts such as operating a library, organising sports and more are being conducted. To
add on to this, we suggest that the CLF organisation also arranges for development of useful skills of
the youth of the area, such as speaking/presenting, critical thinking and so on through interactive
games like conducting street plays, puzzle contests and more. Another important development will
be to set up a channel to provide the women information about the outside world. To enhance the
current facilities it is providing, we will contact organisations in the cities who might be willing to
assist by providing books, sports equipment, training or some similar items.
Looking Forward:

Now that pressing issues are dealt with, we can look to the future of the CLF organisation. With
expansion and training, it can be capable of handling numerous groups like the CFL makers at
Kachnaria, producing a number of products ranging from bulbs to clothing to other articles.

Our ambitious future plan involves grouping all these together to establish a brand of Mahila
Shakthi, the same way that the Aurobindo Ashram at Puducherry has a brand. It even has separate
outlets where it sells its agarbatti, pictures, pendants etc. at premium prices, because its consumers
are conscious of the brand.

Similarly, Mahila Shakthi can become a statewide even nationwide brand standing for social
consciousness, as its products will be manufactured by rural women. Once these products are
produced with sufficient quality, our distribution strategy can use multiple channels.

Items such as bulbs and other durable goods can be sold through ordinary distribution channels, or
in villages. However, handicrafts, clothing, bangles and the like can be sold through retail outlets at
major cities, where the socially conscious consumers will actively prefer our brand over the others.

Over time, Mahila Shakthi can come to mean society and empowerment.

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