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English Prepositions

Preposition Exercises

Choose either in, at, to, or .

1. He lives ____ Zagreb.

2. She went ______ home.

3. Goran works ______ Kra.

4. He went _______ his friend's house.

5. She arrived ________ Karlovac for the celebrations.

6. I'm going to stay ________ home this weekend.

7. Joanna works _____ the hospital.

8. Why don't we go ______ the movies tonight?

9. I'm going to see Marina ________ France this summer.

10. I arrived _______ work early this morning.

11. She came home _______- early.

12. We stayed _____ the Dubrava Hotel.

13. They visited _______ England last summer.

14. She's going to travel ________ Finland this summer.

15. I'll be ______ school later today.

Choose either for, while or during.

1. He's been working ______ three weeks.

2. I fell asleep _______ the film.

3. Did you see Donata ________ your holiday?

4. We talked _______ an hour.

5. He watched TV _____ I cooked.

6. ______ our stay in London, we visited a lot of museums.

7. What did you do _____ you were in London?

8. I think I need to study Polish ______ a few months before I go there.

9. I came up with a great idea _______ I was thinking about my class.

10. They drove through the countryside _______ they were staying in France.

11. He was out of work ______ six months before he found a new job.

12. I broke my finger _______ I was playing squash.

13. Please, don't interrupt the teacher _______ he is speaking.

14. Magda broke into tears _______ the film.

15. Could you hold on ______ a few moments?

Test you knowledge of the prepositions in / at / on - showing time and date.

1. Let's meet ______ seven o'clock.

2. He was born ______ July.

3. I went there _______ 1998.

4. She'll be at work _______ Thursday.

5. We met ________ Christmas day.

6. They drove to Barlinek ________ September 15th.

7. We arrived in this country _________ September.

8. I love to go shopping ________ Christmas time.

9. We get up early _______ the morning.

10. Do you dream ______ night?

11. What do you like doing ______ the weekends?

12. He's doing his homework ________ the moment.

13. I lived in Holland _______ the 1990s.

14. I'll see you _______ a few weeks.

15. We like going to the cinema ______ Fridays.

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