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Australian Dental Journal 2008; 53: 281285

doi: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.2008.00063.x

Remineralization of deep enamel dentine caries lesions

JM ten Cate*
*Department of Cariology Endodontology Pedodontology, Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Enamel remineralization is generally studied in superficial (up to 100 lm) lesions, but in vivo caries lesions may be tenfold
deeper. This article addresses the question whether deep lesions, and extending into dentine, can be remineralized under
optimal conditions and if this process is influenced by agents affecting calcium phosphate precipitation and dissolution.
Lesions through enamel into dentine were first formed in thin sections and then continuously remineralized for periods up to
200 days. With longitudinal assessment by transversal microradiography it was showed that remineralization throughout
the depth of the lesion and into the dentine was possible, although this process is very slow. Fluoride and bisphosphonate
treatments affected mainly the deposition in the outer enamel. Although it was assumed that this would affect the diffusion
of ions to deeper layers, the treatments had no impact on remineralization in the inner enamel or dentinal parts of the
lesions. These findings are discussed with relevant theoretical considerations, and in their possible clinical implications.
Key words: Remineralization, dentine, minimal intervention dentistry, fluoride, bisphosphonate.
Abbreviations and acronyms: DEJ = dentino-enamel junction; GIC = glass ionomer cements; KHN = Knoop Hardness Numbers; MID =
minimal invasive dentistry; QLF = quantitative light fluorescence.
(Accepted for publication 19 May 2008.)

comprehensive packages of non-invasive care. New

methodologies of caries diagnosis have been developed,
The past decades have led to major changes in using the early changes of fluorescence induced by caries
restorative and preventive dentistry. Various investiga- in the tissue detected by Quantitative Light Fluorescence
tors reported that early caries lesions can be remineral- (QLF),4 or with chromophores produced by bacteria (in
ized from saliva. This process was studied in detail in the Diagnodent device)5 as indicators.
laboratory experiments and in clinical trials.1,2 Adhesive Remineralization of enamel and dentine is studied
dentistry has resulted in new non-metallic filling mate- from two perspectives. First of all, it is the process of
rials, such as composites based on acrylate resin and mineral deposition from saliva or plaque fluid filling up
glass ionomer cements (GIC) based on an acid base small enamel or dentine defects formed during the
precipitation mechanism. Restorations made with demineralization episodes resulting from acid attack on
adhesive materials no longer require a large cavity the tooth. The relative magnitudes of demineralization
preparation, but merely the removal of the tissue and remineralization determine whether a tooth surface
affected by caries. Moreover, the notion became gener- remains sound or a caries lesion develops. This lesion
ally accepted that restorative intervention is generally may then increase in severity eventually resulting in
the beginning of a long sequence of re-restorations, a (deep) cavity. (For more details about this caries
often leading to crowns and implants, irrespective of equilibrium, see Featherstone.2) Alternatively, reminer-
how well the first filling was prepared. alization is studied and described as the repair of
The concept of minimal intervention or minimal established lesions. Such lesions have developed over a
invasive dentistry (MID) has combined these three long period but may be filled in with calcium phosphates
major (paradigm) shifts in operative dentistry and when external conditions favour mineral deposition.
this philosophy is currently accepted worldwide. MID This type of remineralization may either be complete
now has its own materials, congresses and research and partial; when the mineral precipitating in the lesion
organization.3 is less soluble than the original tissue, this remineraliza-
In caries prevention, most protocols are still built tion will help in preventing or limiting future tissue loss.
around fluoride, although improving oral hygiene, sugar Remineralization of superficial enamel lesions is
substitutes and antimicrobials are also part of the more well documented in hundreds of studies completed at
2008 Australian Dental Association 281
JM ten Cate

numerous laboratories in the last century. Studies with the addition of 0.1 ppm KF to prevent surface
on the basic mechanism of remineralization and on loss.10,11 Next the lesions were immersed in solutions
methods to stimulate this process have led to the supersaturated and stochiometric to hydroxyxapatite
conclusion that the caries preventive effect of fluoride is (HAP), so as to achieve remineralization (1.5 mM
beyond any doubt. This is partly attributed to the CaCl2, 0.9 mM KH2PO4 20 mM HEPES buffer pH 7.0
enhancing effect of fluoride on calcium phosphate and 130 mM KCl). All steps in this process were
precipitation, hence remineralization.6 monitored and recorded by taking microradiographs, as
A topic that has received limited attention is whether was the remineralization phase by taking microradio-
there is a point of no return beyond which remineral- graphs weekly during 200 days. Profiles were scanned
ization can or does no longer occur. Koulourides (one at fixed positions of the specimens. Five independent
of the pioneers in remineralization research), stated that specimens were run at each condition.
if caries has weakened the tooth structure to below a Treatments tested were control (no additional treat-
hardness of 150 Knoop Hardness Numbers (KHN), ments), weekly five-minute fluoride rinses with 1000
remineralization could no longer be achieved.7,8 Con- ppmF, addition of 1 ppmF to the remineralizing
ceptually this was seen as the point where the mineral solution, and a five-minute single treatment with the
structure is destroyed to the extent that reprecipitation calcium phosphate precipitation inhibitor bisphospho-
of mineral on remaining hydroxyapatite crystallites was nate (as 2 mMethaneHydroxy-BisPhosphonate).
no longer possible. In caries diagnosis using X-rays, the The primary findings of these experiments are given
extent of caries is graded at various depth levels in the in Fig 1. To average out variation between specimens in
enamel and dentine, realizing that loss of tissue has enamel thickness and overall lesion depth, data are
occurred also considerably beyond the depth identified expressed as percentage repair in four zones: outer
on the X-ray picture. The current consensus is that enamel, inner enamel, outer dentine, inner dentine. The
caries beyond the dentino-enamel junction (DEJ) relative remineralization parameter shows that remin-
should be treated with restorations, and lesions up to eralization in dentine (panels C and D) may be up to 80
that point should receive extra preventive care. How- per cent after 200 days, while remineralization in inner
ever, it was never studied whether deep lesions, enamel (panel B) plateaus at around 40 per cent. Only
extending into dentine, can be remineralized if such in the outer enamel (panel A) is the remineralization
lesions are subjected to a continuous remineralization significantly affected by the various treatments, thus
scheme. Obviously, such lesions should be protected resulting in relative remineralization values between 40
from mechanical damage. Ideally, a study with this and 100 per cent. (For full experimental details and
objective should be carried out in vivo or using an in results, see ten Cate.9)
situ model. However, given the fact that remineraliza-
tion is a very slow process, it seemed technically
Theoretical considerations
impossible to complete such a study with volunteer
subjects or with patients, within an acceptable time Whether remineralization occurs in enamel-dentine
period. lesions extending beyond the DEJ depends on several
This article reiterates previous results from in vitro factors. First, the concentration of mineral ions at the
remineralization experiments of deep lesions, extending site of precipitation should exceed supersaturation to
into dentine.9 The aim was to explore whether such hydroxyapatite. This requires that not all calcium and
lesions can still be remineralized and how this could phosphate ions entering through the lesion pores have
be affected by treatments that would stimulate or inhibit already been precipitated in the layers closer to the
calcium phosphate precipitation. These findings are then surface. Secondly, the site of precipitation requires
discussed from a theoretical and clinical perspective. nuclei for precipitation, considering that substantially
larger degrees of supersaturation are needed for
de novo precipitation of apatite or precipitation onto
Experimental design and results
remaining organic matrix than on fragments of enamel
The experiment was performed in groups of 100 lm or dentine apatite crystals. Detailed electron micro-
thick sections cut from ground bovine incisors. Sections scopic analysis of crystallites in various zones of the
were fully embedded in Araldite, and after setting of the lesion confirmed that remineralization occurs by
resin the outer 200 lm of the enamel was cut with a growth of existing crystals to dimensions larger than
diamond coated wire sectioning machine. This was the original crystallites.12
done to remove surface enamel and to reduce the
enamel thickness to the DEJ. Lesions through enamel
Rate control
and into dentine were formed during 1015 days
in individual solutions containing 1.5 mM CaCl2, Considering the theory of crystallization kinetics,
0.9 mM KH2PO4 and 50 mM acetate buffer (pH 4.8), a precipitation at greater depth requires that the
282 2008 Australian Dental Association
Remineralization of deep caries lesions

(a) 120 (c)



Relative remineralization (%)



(b) (d)






0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200

Time (days)
Fig 1. Average relative remineralization, with time of remineralization, for the five experimental groups in the four zones of interest: a: outer
enamel, b: inner enamel, c: outer dentine, and d: inner dentine (n = 5 per Group). Markers indicate the five experimental groups: control (r),
weekly 1000 ppm fluoride treatments (m), continuous presence of 1 ppm fluoride (s), single MHBP treatment (h), and combination
treatment: single MHDP treatment at start followed at 56 days by weekly 1000 ppm treatments (n). Relative remineralization is defined as the
percentage of mineral deposited at a given depth to fill in the mineral removed during lesion formation. (Reprinted with permission from JM ten
Cate; J Dent Res 2001;80:14071411.)

precipitation reaction is slow compared to mass transfer concentrations throughout the depth of the grooves with
of ions, thus allowing diffusion to supply ions throughout microelectrodes. The observed gradients in pH and
the lesion. If such a condition is met, the mineral ion calcium activities pointed to diffusion inhibition for
concentrations are uniform throughout the lesion. demineralization even in the 250 lm wide grooves (ten
Little data are available to confirm this assumption. Cate and Buijs, unpublished data). Making this compar-
With Arrhenius plots (temperature dependence of ison it should be noted that precipitation rates are
reactions), we previously determined that the activation probably 10 times slower than dissolution rates at
energies of remineralization of subsurface lesions versus relevant super- and undersaturation conditions.
surface softened enamel were significantly different. We
then concluded that diffusion processes were rate
Enamel-dentine continuum
limiting in the lesion remineralization (judging from
the lower activation energies), while surface softened Even if enamel and dentine form a continuum within the
lesion remineralization was controlled by surface tooth, their respective apatite crystallites differ in size
reactions.13 The current findings seem to contradict and composition, reflected in differences in solubility. In
these early observations. an aqueous environment this would eventually lead to
the complete dissolution of the dentine crystallites in
favour of the enamel crystallites, a process known as
Ostwald ripening in crystal chemistry. Findings in
More potentially relevant data are available on enamel accordance with this principle were observed when
demineralization, showing that its rate is determined by enamel and dentine (lesions) were de- and remineralized,
diffusion processes, although differences in mechanism respectively, when placed in juxtaposition.16
were noted between demineralization in vitro and
in vivo.14,15 Recently, we developed an artificial groove
model, in thin sections, to simulate demineralization in
fissures. In this model we periodically monitored mineral For in vivo remineralization, additional mechanisms
loss with microradiography and pH and calcium could play a role as indicated by in situ studies
2008 Australian Dental Association 283
JM ten Cate

completed by van Strijp and colleagues.17 In a compar- (a) enamel dentine

ison of various fluoride toothpastes they observed full
remineralization of dentinal lesions in many of the
participating subjects, and small changes in the contra-
laterally placed enamel lesions. This observation hints
that remineralization conditions for dentine lesions may
be favourable compared to enamel lesions, although the mineral

full explanation of this finding is yet lacking. One may concentration (IP)

formulate the hypothesis that the demineralized organic

(b) enamel dentine
matrix of dentine may constitute a scaffold to enhance
Furthermore, non-collagenous components of this
matrix (SIBLINGs, osteocalcin, proteoglycans).18,19
may interact directly with crystal formation and crystal
growth during dentine remineralization. In the context mineral
of the current experiment, this all could suggest that
concentration (IP)
remineralization of dentine proceeds faster than for
enamel and would create a concentration sink beyond (c) enamel dentine
the DEJ.

Many of the abovementioned findings need further
study. However, given the duration of remineraliza- mineral

tion studies of deep lesions, it seems worthwhile to concentration (IP)

consider in silico experiments; computer simulations
of remineralization using model parameters that can (d) enamel dentine

be determined individually or are available in the

literature (rates of apatite precipitation, dissolution,
diffusion constants, etc.). Obviously, as with any
simulation model, this approach helps to identify or
illustrate the relative importance of the individual
steps in a complex process, in this case diffusion,
concentration (IP)
precipitation, tortuosity, etc. It is beyond the scope of
this presentation to describe the numerical approach in Fig 2. Computer simulation of diffusion precipitation processes in
pore in enamel lesion extending into dentine. Two dimensional
detail or give all the equations for the separate steps in diffusion was modeled using Ficks law of mass transfer, and
the process (for details see ten Cate).20 Examples of precipitation using the thermodynamic laws of dissolution and
such computational exercises are included as illustra- precipitation (for details see ten Cate).20 Various conditions were
modeled: a, b: fast precipitation resulting in concentration gradient
tion in Fig 2. in pore and preferential deposition in outer enamel c: slow
precipitation resulting in homogeneous concentration and precipita-
tion throughout the depth of the pore d: preferential deposition of
Enhancing remineralization of deep lesions mineral in dentine, resulting in concentration sink towards dentine.

significantly affect precipitation of mineral in the inner
Traditionally, the focus in the development of agents enamel and dentine. Fluoride treatments, whether as
aimed to enhance remineralization has been on fluoride. 1000 ppm topical treatments or continuously present at
The presence of low levels of fluoride increases the 1 ppm, were both beneficial for repair of deep lesions,
degree of supersaturation with respect to fluoridated at least in the outer enamel.
hydroxyapatite. This thermodynamic property is the
rationale for the enhancement of remineralization
by fluoride. This, however, could lead to excessive
remineralization of the surface layer of lesions and After analysing comprehensive literature data on
consequently lesion arrestment.21 In the described in situ remineralization, saliva and plaque mineral
experiments (Fig 1) the tested agents (fluoride and ion compositions and saliva flow dynamics, we have
bisphosphonates) were found to give rise to diverging proposed that, in addition to fluoride, calcium may be
results in the outer enamel, but these treatments did not rate limiting in remineralization.22 Since then many
284 2008 Australian Dental Association
Remineralization of deep caries lesions

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Address for correspondence:
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Professor JM ten Cate
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2008 Australian Dental Association 285

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