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Levey Middle School Course Syllabus

Mrs. H. Golfin

Course Title: World History E-mail:

Grade Level: 7th Grade Phone: (248) 746-8741

Course Description:
This course introduces students to major world historical events and patterns from eras 1- 3. An emphasis will
be placed on Early World History and the development of human societies through:

Social Institutions (Politics, Economy, Religion)
An emphasis on ones place in the world, vs. the Other

A core focus for Early World History will be to expose repeated themes of human development that recur
throughout human history.

Goals of the Course:

Students will be knowledgeable, able to describe, compare, explain, apply, and analyze content in the following
a) Recognize the interdependence of all the people in the world and recognize issues
that are global in scope.
b) Acquire a social studies vocabulary and comprehend social studies materials.
c) Participate in group activities by working cooperatively with others.
d) Keep informed of issues that affect society and the world as a whole.
e) Strengthen writing and reading skills in the social studies.
f) Apply the use of technology in the social studies.
g) Strengthen literacy in the content area.

Goals are designed to ensure that all students are fluent in reading and writing in the Social Studies content
area. Reading successfully empowers students to discover, create, and analyze spoken, written, and electronic
texts. The following historical fiction/ non-fiction novels which support our Curriculum Standards are
incorporated into this course:

Organization of the Course:

Unit 1: Historys Beginnings Unit 3: Ancient and Classical Greece
Unit 2: Ancient African and Asian Civilizations Unit 4: The World of Ancient Rome
Assessment Strategies:
Teacher-created Tests (Online & Written) Classroom/Group Participation (Online & In-Class)
Homework (Online & Written) Individual/Group Projects and Presentations
Warm-ups/Journals/ Skill Checks (In-Class) Historical Queries & Investigations
Formal Essays Class Discussions/Debates
Grade Level Content Expectations:
Historical Understanding
Use historical concepts, patterns, and themes to study the past.
People of the Earth
Describe the spread of people in the Western Hemisphere in Era I.
Geographical Inquiry and Analysis
Use geographic inquiry and analysis to answer important questions about relationships between people,
cultures, their environment, and relations within the larger world context.
Global Topic Investigation and Issue Analysis
Use geography, history, economics, and government to inquire about major contemporary and historical global
Purpose of Government
Analyze how people identify, organize, and accomplish the purposes of government.

Standards/Requirements for Successful Completion of the Course:

1. Students must attend class regularly. If absent, students are responsible for any assignments given.
2. Students must complete all reading assignments (novels, articles, textbook, and online articles).
3. Students must complete daily journal/warm-up and skills check activities, as well as homework
4. Students must have moderate to high levels of success in Assessment strategies.
5. Students should complete all assigned group or individual projects.

Textbook: World History: Ancient through Modern Times, McDougal-Littell

Grading Policy: Course Grading Categories:

100-94/A 77-74/C Warm-ups/Skill Checks
93-90/A- 73-70/C Tests/Quizzes
89-88/B+ 69-68/D+ Projects/Compositions
87-84/B 67-64/D Homework/Class work
83-80/B- 63-60/D-
79-78/C+ 59 & Below Unsatisfactory

**Online Communication- As teaching and learning shifts more and more into a 21st Century environment, our
classroom has grown to incorporate a variety of teaching, learning, and communication opportunities online.
My class webpage,, provides easy-anytime access for students and parents to
stay connected with our classroom. Many assignments, project rubrics, student updates, classroom updates,
parent communications, tests/quizzes, and homework assignments will be communicated via my online
webpage. Although, ALL assignments will be communicated in-class, it is expected that students check as needed. In the event there is not an update or post on my class website,
students are 100% responsible for ALL homework/class assignments and announcements given in class.
Classroom Folders: Students are provided a color coded folder which stays in the classroom and
serves as an organizational tool. Each day, students will complete a unit related Warm-up and Skills Check
activity which will remain in their classroom folder. Students will periodically turn in their warm-up and skills
check sheets for a grade.

Homework: Homework will consist of activities designed extend and enrich each unit of study. Such
assignments may stem from: the class period, related vocabulary, reading assignments (web based or
handout), or project related. All work is to be turned in on time or as requested by the teacher.

Late Work- All assignments are due at the time they are collected. Late work will be accepted at the teachers
discretion, within a short window of time following its original due date, and will receive partial credit. Work
that is not handed in on time is noted as missing and registers as a zero on Zangle until it is handed in and

Absences- If a student is absent, they are solely responsible for ensuring they follow up with the teacher and
obtain any assignments they have missed during their absence. The number of days absent is equal to the
number of days allowed to complete make-up work. In extenuating or pre-arranged circumstances additional
time may be given.

Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism- Student work must be original and not copied in any way from any other
source including print and computer sources. Students may not copy from another students work or answers.
Proper citation or bibliography must accompany the use of language and/or ideas from outside sources.
Dishonesty of this kind will result in a ZERO for both parties.

Behavioral Expectations:
PROMPT: Be inside the classroom, seated, and ready to begin when the bell rings.
POLITE: Be respectful to your teacher and your classmates.
PREPARED: Arrive to class with all classroom materials and assignments.
PRODUCTIVE: Use your time efficiently, and put forth 100% effort.
POSITIVE: Engage in all classroom activities with a positive attitude.

*Please refer to the Students Code of Conduct for district expectations for behavior.

World History Supply List:

Pencils/Pens (Blue or Black) 2 highlighters
Editing Pens (Red or Green) 2 glue sticks
Color Pencils 2 single subject spiral notebooks
Pencil Sharpener-Hand-held non-electric 2 double pocket folders
1 Pack of college ruled notebook paper Correction fluid
**Flash Drive Notebook Divider Tabs
Please sign and return for an assignment grade by Friday, September 9, 2016.

Student Name: ______________________________________

I have read and understand the 7th grade World History Syllabus listed on:

Please be sure to review and check the following:

Late Work Policy

Absence Policy
Plagiarism Policy
Online Communication Policy

Parent/Guardian email: ____________________________________________________

Contact: Cell#_(_____)______________________ Home/Other_____________________________

_________________________________________ ________________________________________
Print Parent Name Print Student Name

_________________________________________ ________________________________________
Parent Signature Student Signature

Are there any special needs or considerations that may help me better assist your child?





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