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Good News

August-September 2010

A Newsletter from the Mount Ayr Community School District

“. . . caring and working together to create excellence in a dynamic educational process for the global citizen.”

Many notices offered for new school year

Insurance an
First day for
students Aug. 23
Student/parent rights important part of
First day of school for the 2010-11
year for Mount Ayr Community school
district will be Monday, Aug. 23.
in identification, new school year
As families across the state be-
gin making preparations for another
School pictures to
be taken Aug. 30 evaluation, placement school year, the Iowa Department of
Public Health is making every effort
to put children’s health care coverage
Individual pictures of all Mount The following is a description of student and parent rights granted by
Ayr Community school students will at the top of families’ back-to-school
federal law. The intent of the law is to keep you fully informed concerning checklist - right up there with buying
be taken Monday, Aug. 30. decisions about your child and to inform you of your rights if you disagree
An opportunity will also be given school supplies and new school shoes.
with any of these decisions. Parents need to know that they can
for preschool children to have their
pictures taken at the same time. The earn as much as $40,000 for a fam-
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO: ily of four and their children could
preschool pictures will be taken from 1. Have your child take part in, and receive benefits from public educa-
7:10 to 8:15 a.m. on the stage at the qualify for Hawk-I, (lowa’s State
tion programs without discrimination based on a disability. Children’s Health Insurance Program)
elementary gymnasium. 2. Have the school district advise you as to your rights under federal which provides low-cost or free health
No school will be 3. Receive notice with respect to identification, evaluation, or placement
According to statewide statistics,
held on Labor Day of your child.
4. Have your child receive a free appropriate public education. This in-
approximately 40,000 children in Iowa
There will be no classes in the do not have health care coverage. And
Mount Ayr Community school district cludes the right to be educated with other students to the maximum extent without insurance, these kids will face
Monday, September 6, because of the appropriate. It also includes the right to have the school district make rea- obstacles in school that their peers sit-
Labor Day holiday. sonable accommodations to allow your child an equal opportunity to par- ting at the desks next to them may not.
Classes will resume Tues., Sept. 7. ticipate in school and school-related activities. The U. S. Department of Health and
5. Have your child educated in facilities and receive services comparable Human Services reports that children
Orientation set to those provided students without disabilities. without health care coverage are less
6. Have your child receive special education and related services if she/ likely to receive proper medical care
for elementary he is found to be eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education for sore throats, ear aches and asthma,
An elementary meet-the-teacher- Act (IDEA) (PL 10 1 -476), or to receive reasonable accommodations under the common childhood illnesses that
night and open house has been set for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. often cause school absence. In fact,
Thursday, Aug. 19. 7. Have evaluation, educational, and placement decisions made based a Florida study found that uninsured
The session begins at 6:15 p.m. in upon a variety of information sources, and by individuals who know the Florida children are 25 percent more
the elementary gym with a school- student, the evaluation data and placement options. likely to miss school than insured
wide Title I meeting for all parents, 8. Have transportation provided to a school placement setting at no children. Without health insurance,
followed by an open house from 6:30 greater cost to you than would be incurred if the student were placed in a there’s a large chance that health prob-
to 7:30 p.m. for students, parents and program operated by the school district. lems will get in the way -- of their at-
the community. 9. Give your child an equal opportunity to participate in nonacademic tendance, of their ability to focus and
and extracurricular activities offered by the school district.
Locker padlocks 10. Examine all relevant records relating to decisions regarding your
learn, and in their likelihood of trying
out for sports and recreational activi-
available again child’s identification, evaluation, educational program and placement.
11. Obtain copies of educational records at a reasonable cost if the fee
ties due to risk of injury.
Padlocks will be available for rent Eligibility in the Hawk-I is based
would effectively deny you access to the records. on family size and household income.
at the Mount Ayr Community high
12. Receive a response from the school district to reasonable requests Benefits include doctor visits, vision
school again this year for an afford-
for explanations and interpretations of your child’s records. exams, hospital care, prescriptions,
able rate.
13. Request amendment of your child’s educational records if there is dental visits and emergencies. For
Padlocks will cost $5 to rent for the
reasonable cause to believe that they are inaccurate, misleading or other- more information on the program, call
year and $3 will be returned to stu-
wise in violation of the privacy rights of your child. If the school district 1-800-257-8563 or visit the website at
dents when they return the padlock at
refuses this request, it shall notify you within a reasonable time, and advise
the end of the year.
you of the right to a hearing.
Copy of curriculum 14. Request mediation or an impartial due process hearing related to de-
cisions regarding your child’s identification, evaluation, educational pro-
objectives available gram, or placement. You and your child may take part in the hearing and
Parents who would like a copy of have an attorney represent you.
the school’s curriculum objectives can
notify the principal’s office with the
15. Ask for payment of reasonable attorney fees if you are successful on
your claim.
Season tickets
child’s name, grade level, and subject
areas desired. Allow two weeks for
16. File a local grievance.
available again
processing. The person in the school district who is responsible for section 504 com- Season tickets will be available for
pliance is: superintendent Joe Drake, 641-464-0500. adults and students for several of the
Senior citizen passes sports seasons this year.
These tickets provide a conve-
available again nience for those attending events regu-
Once again the Mount Ayr Com-
munity school district will be offer-
Open enrollment notice to parents larly as well as a savings on admission
throughout the course of the season.
ing senior citizens who are 65 or over Parents/guardians considering the use of the open enrollment option to Seasons include football, volley-
and live in the Mount Ayr Community enroll their children in another public school district in the state of Iowa ball, basketball, softball and baseball.
school district senior citizen passes. should be aware of the following dates: Please call the high school office
This pass will be good for admis- March 1, 2011 -- Last date for regular open enrollment requests for the at 464-0512 before the beginning of
sion to Mount Ayr Community athletic 2011-12 school year. each sport season to get pricing infor-
events with the exception of any home Open enrollment requests for entering kindergarten students and those mation for season passes.
district or state athletic events. falling under the “good cause” definition must be filed by the Thursday be- Passes may not be used for invita-
No passes can be used for school fore September 1 of any given school year. tional tournaments nor state sponsored
musicals. For further details, contact the school office. tournaments.

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