Acceptable Use Policy

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(Insert School System Name)


(Insert School Year)
The (Insert School System Name) School System Acceptable Use Policy applies to all employees and students of the (Insert School
System Name) School System. This policy covers all use of technology resources including computer hardware, software, and
network resources. It also includes the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for using technology as well as policies regarding Bringing
Your Own Device (BYOD) to connect to the network and Internet. The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate
use may result in termination of those privileges.

The Technology resources that are provided by the (Insert School System Name)
School System are available to enhance teaching and learning, facilitate
professional development, and support school business systems.

Internet Safety Policy: It is the policy of the (Insert School System Name) School System to:
prevent user access over its computer network to, or transmission of, inappropriate material via Internet, electronic
mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications
prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity
prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use or dissemination of person identification information of minors. The
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that
protects the privacy of student education records
comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)]
AUP: Acceptable Use Policy refers to the acceptable use of the school network, technology resources, and Internet
BYOD: Bring Your Own Device refers to student-owned Internet-enabled wireless devices. These devices include
any internet enabled device such as laptops, netbooks, MAC Books, iPods, iPads, Kindles, Droids, Blackberries,
Smart Phones, etc.
CIPA: Children's Internet Protection Act
MINOR: The term "minor" refers to any individual who has not attained the age of 17 years.
Other definitions are defined by CIP

Access to Inappropriate Material: To the extent practical, technology protection measures (or "internet filters") shall be used to
block or filter the Internet, or other form of electronic communications. Specifically, as required by CIPA, this must protect against
access by adults and protect students and minors against visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, and/or with respect to
use of computers with Internet access by students and minors, harmful to students and minors. Depictions that are deemed obscene,
pornographic, and harmful to students and minors shall be defined by the (School System Name) Board of Education when applicable.
The technology protection measure may be disabled for adults engaged in bona fide research or other lawful purposes.
Currently, (School System Name) School District has a CIPA compliant content filtering solution in place. The (School System
Name) Board of Education or representative is responsible for reviewing and maintaining this technology protection measure. At any
time the protection measure may be replaced if it is not functioning properly or is determined not to protect our students and minors in
a sufficient manner.

BYOD: Based upon principal discretion, students may bring their own wireless devices provided they adhere to and sign off on the
Internet Safety Policies of the System. Each school that participates in the BYOD program, shall develop a BYOD Policy that
outlines the specific terms and conditions that shall be followed. The purpose of BYOD is to allow students to access school network
resources, including the Internet, from their mobile devices. Such access is intended to enhance learning and will allow students
greater opportunity for developing 21st century skills:

Critical thinking and problem solving

Creativity and Innovation
Acceptable uses for student owned device - Accessing the Internet for research in educational areas, communicating through school-
provided email services, and collaborating on a teacher-approved Web 2.0 Internet sites.

Unacceptable uses of the Network (Including BYOD) - Technology Resources, the Network, the Internet, and student-owned
devices may not be used for:

Violation of person's privacy
Actions compromising personal and/or school safety
Cyber Bullying - Posting malicious remarks electronically on the Web or by E-Mail
Other illegal and/or unethical activities
Transmitting obscene, abusive or inappropriate language or images
Violation of the law
Altering system software
Placing unauthorized information, computer viruses or harmful programs on the computer or network
Sharing personal passwords or using someone else's password
Unauthorized access including so-called "hacking"
Unauthorized access to E-Mail
Unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors
Any other conduct that violates another discipline code as outlined in the student code of conduct

Portable electronic devices (BYOD or school owned devices) are prohibited from being used in classrooms where the teacher
does not give explicit permission to use the device.

Internet Safety Education: Staff members shall provide instruction for their students regarding the appropriate use of technology and
online safety/security.

Warranties: The (Insert School System Name) School System does not warrant computer or network functionality or accuracy of
information found on the Internet. In addition, the District does not warrant against lost or corrupted data that may be accessed or
stored on District computers, servers, or student-owned devices. On occasion, an inappropriate website may get through the Internet
filter. Students should bring the website in question to the attention of a staff member who shall contact the District Technology
Coordinator so that these websites can be added to the blocked site list.

Photographs of students on the (Insert School System Name) Schools Websites: Teachers and students may create the web pages
that are published on our web site which is located at (insert school website). Occasionally, photographs of students will appear on
some of those pages. The full name of the student should not appear on these pages.

Ownership of Student Produced Computer Materials: Rights of ownership to any computer material, instructional material or
devices shall be exclusive property of the District when any such item is produced by a student utilizing district supplies and/or
equipment as a dominate resource in producing materials.

Consequences and Disciplinary Action: If a student is suspected of misuse of their device, authorizes may confiscate and search the
mobile device and take disciplinary action against the student.

Parent and Student Signature Forms: Students and parents are required to sign a written agreement to abide by the terms and
conditions of this policy before students are permitted access to the technology resources of the District. By signing the form, they
agree to the terms of the Internet Safety Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, and the Bring Your Own Device Policy.
(Insert School System Name)
Technology User Agreement and Release Form
(Insert School Year)

Student: ______________________________________________
(Please print name)

School: ______________________________________________

Grade: ______________________ School Year: ____________

In consideration for the privileges of using the District and/or Network resources, including Internet, I agree to abide by the Internet
Safety Policy, the Acceptable Use Policy and the BYOD Policy which include, are not limited to, the information contained on Pages
1 and 2 of this form.

Student Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________________

As the student's parent or legal guardian, I agree to the terms of this policy and I hereby release the District, Network, their operators
and administration for any and all claims, fees, expenses or damages incurred as a result of my child's misuse of the Network
resources or Internet.

Parent Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________________

I agree to allow photographs of my child to appear on the school's web site in accordance with the District policy outlined on page 2.

Parent Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________________

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