Chappathy Tips

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Wheat Flour- 2 cup

Water- 1 cup
Salt- to taste
Oil/Ghee - as required (optional)

Soft Chappathi Tips........Chapathi is an Indian flat bead made from
wheat flour.There are some golden rules to make soft chapathis.For
me,I use only 3 ingredients and not following any tips. Flour,water and
salt are the common ingredients to make a dough though some people
are not satisfied with their result .Dont be,I post how to make
soft chapathi with a detailed recipe and some important tips.

In a bowl,add wheat flour and salt.Add little water to knead it.The
amount of water is 1 cup for two cup flour.Add the water little by little
to knead well.Finally you will get a smooth dough.Make sure that the
dough shouldnt stick on your hands.Apply some oil to the dough to get
more softness.

Make small balls and roll it using your palms.Now flatten the ball and
dust this with the flour or sprinkle some flour to this.Take your
Chapathi board and keep the flattened ball, roll it to a flat, round shaped

At first,You will not get the correct round shape.Keep on doing ,you can
make good shaped Chapthis.

Heat Tava in a medium flame,cook the Chapathi on it.

Cook one side in medium flame.Then flip it ,cook the other side,wait till
it start to puff and brown spots appears.When it puffs,you can press
with the back of a spatula/ladle.

Now you can remove Chapathi from the Tava,apply ghee if u

needed.Store the Chapathis in a Casserole.

There are three methods which I am following.I explained the first

method above.The remaining are follows.


Keep the Chapathi on the tava and cook for few seconds(less than 15
seconds),turn it to other side .

This side to be cooked little more time than the other side.
Now remove it from the tava and Keep Chapathi on the direct
flame,then it will puff up.

Fulka is ready.
3.When u roll Chapathis,you can make triangle shaped Chapathis.For
that,roll into a round shape,then fold it from edges,apply some oil,fold
again.Now roll with a roller to a triangle shape.This triangle shaped
Chapathies are tastier than the normal one.

There are my tips to make a good chapathi, try it out.

Flour,water and salt are the common ingredients to make a dough

though some people are not satisfied with the result.For that ,You can
add milk,Curd or oil to get a smooth dough.(Optional).

Dough should be smooth,so Chapthis will be smooth as well.

Kneading with required water, also adding water little by little(as

batches)..This is the golden rule of getting a smooth dough.If the dough
is hard or watery, Chapathis will not be puffy and soft.

When the dough is ready,cover it with a wet cloth and let it rest for 15
minutes. Normally ,I will not keep the dough for few minutes to rest ,I
make Chappathis when the dough is ready .If you keep dough to set for
15 minutes may get soft Chapathis.

Dont dust too much flour while rolling chappathis.

While rolling Chapathis,make sure the edges to roll thinner than the

Tava should be heated well in medium flame.

Tava should not be over heated.

Press chapathi slowly with a flat spoon as it starts to puff.

You can apply ghee if you want soft Chapathis to keep for a long time.

Do not over heat Chapathis,remove from the tava when it cooked


Always Tawa should be in a medium flame.

You can store the Chapathis in a Casserole or in a closed container to

maintain the softness.

Fulkas are more healthy,you can buy fulka stands in super markets.

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