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Headword Part of speech Phonetic transcription Frequency star

Unit 1
bald (adj) /bld/
blonde (adj) /blnd/ *
curly (adj) /kli/
dark (adj) /dk/ ***
fair (adj) /fe/ ***

good-looking (adj) /gd lk/

handsome (adj) /hns()m/ **

long (adj) /l/ ***

medium-height (adj) /midimhat/

overweight (adj) /vwet/

plain (adj) /plen/ *

pretty (adj) /prti/ *

short (adj) /t/ ***

straight (adj) /stret/ **

tall (adj) /tl/ ***

thin (adj) /n/ ***

ugly (adj) /gli/ *

well-built (adj) /wel blt/

arrogant (adj) /rgnt/

bossy (adj) /bsi/

cheerful (adj) /tf()l/

clever (adj) /klev/ **

friendly (adj) /fren(d)li/ **

funny (adj) /fni/ ***

hard-working (adj) /hdwk/ *

impatient (adj) /mpe()nt/ *

lazy (adj) /lezi/ *

nice (adj) /nas/ ***

patient (adj) /pe()nt/ **

quiet (adj) /kwat/ ***

reliable (adj) /rlab()l/ *

selfish (adj) /self/

serious (adj) /sris/ ***

shy (adj) /a/ *

talkative (adj) /tktv/

tidy (adj) /tadi/ *

unfriendly (adj) /nfren(d)li/

untidy (adj) /ntadi/

Synonyms and partial

attractive (adj) /trktv/ **
beautiful (adj) /bjutf()l/ ***
bright (adj) /brat/ ***

difficult (adj) /dfk()lt/ ***

elderly (adj) /eldli/ **

fat (adj) /ft/ **

glad (adj) /gld/ **

happy (adj) /hpi/ ***

hard (adj) /hd/ ***

intelligent (adj) /nteld()nt/ **

old (adj) /ld/ ***

outgoing (adj) /atg/

skinny (adj) /skni/

slim (adj) /slm/ **
sociable (adj) /sb()l/

Other words and

actually (adv) /ktuli/ ***

annoy (v) /n/

apart from (prep) /pt frm/

appointment (n) /pntmnt/ ***

attach (v) /tt/ *

avatar (n) /vt(r)/

barbarian (n) /bberin/

barrier (n) /bri/ *

believe (v) /bliv/ ***

belt (n) /belt/ *

bowler hat (n) /bl ht/

break down (= destroy) (v) /brek dan/

breathe (v) /bri/ **

care about (v) /ke(r) bat/

chips (n) /tps/
clear (adj) /kl/ ***

clutch (v) /klt/

coast (n & v) /kst/ **

confident (adj) /knfdnt/ ***

count on (v) /kant n/

curry (n & v) /kri/

decade (n) /deked/ ***

deny (v) /dna/ ***

descent (n) /dsent/

dish (= e.g. a Spanish di (n) /d/ **

downstairs (n) /danstez/

dressing gown (n) /dres gan/

face (n) /fes/ ***

fast food (n) /fst fud/ *

guess (v) /ges/ **

handkerchief (n) /hktf/

hope (v) /hp/ ***

housework (n) /haswk/

hungry (adj) /hgri/ *

icon (n) /akn/

interested in (adj) /ntrstd n/

interrupt (v) /ntrpt/ *

item (of clothing) (n) /atm/ ***

kind (adj) /kand/ *

lifestyle (n) /lafstal/

look like (somebody) (v) /lk lak/

luxury (n) /lkri/

mad about (phr) /md bat/

married (adj) /mrid/ ***
mix (n) /mks/

move (v, = move house) (v) /muv/ ***

muscular dystrophy (n) /mskjl(r) dstrfi/

nowadays (adv) /nadez/ **

occasionally (adv) /ke()nli/ **

opposite (= black opposit(n & adj) /pzt/

own (v) /n/ ***

portrait (n) /ptrt/ *

product (n) /prdkt/ ***

quality (n) /kwlti/ ***

rally (n) /rli/

representation (n) /reprzente()n/

roast beef (n) /rst bif/

sell (v) /sel/ ***

show (v) // ***

side (= aspect) (n) /sad/ ***

smart (adj = elegant) (adj) /smt/ *

snore (v) /sn/

soldier (n) /sld(r)/ **

sort (n, = type) (n) /st/ ***

sound like (v) /saund lak/

spectacular (adj) /spektkjl/

status symbol (n) /stets smbl/

struggle (v) /strg()l/ *

thoughtlessly (adv) /tlsli/

tie (n) /ta/ *

trainers (n) /trenz/

treat (v) /trit/ ***

turn (n) /tn/ ***

ultimate (adj) /ltmt/

vote (v) /vt/ ***

whether (conj) /we/ ***

wife (n) /waf/ ***

Definition Example sentence

with little or no hair on your head a bald spot on the top of his head
blonde hair is pale yellow in colour long blonde hair
forming curves curly hair
close to black in colour He was dressed in a dark suit.
fair hair is blonde or very light brown Rapunzel had fair hair
in colour
physically attractive What a good-looking man!
a handsome man or boy has a very Joe was tall, dark, and handsome.
attractive face
long dresses, trousers, sleeves etc a shirt with long sleeves
cover your arms or legs
neither tall nor short Sarah was of medium height.
heavier than you should be I was about 10 pounds overweight
after my pregnancy.
not very attractive He seems to go for plain quiet
attractive or nice to look at or listen to His girlfriends very pretty.

measuring a small height, length, or Shes short and slim, with light brown
distance hair and blue eyes.
without bends or curves a straight line/road
a tall person or object has greater a tall thin woman
height than the average person or
someone who is thin has very little fat Charles was thin and very tall.
on their body
unpleasant to look at She wont wear T-shirts because she
thinks her arms are ugly.
a well-built person has an attractive, Tom was handsome and well-built,
strong body but his brother was quite small.

someone who is arrogant thinks that his arrogant disregard for other
they are better or more important than peoples opinions
other people
someone who is bossy is annoying Dont be so bossy!
because they keep telling other
people what to do
behaving in a happy friendly way Stephen was a cheerful, affectionate
good at learning or understanding Id like to be a doctor but Im not
things clever enough.
1 someone who is friendly is always 1 He will be remembered as a kind,
pleasant and helpful towards other friendly person. 2 Janet and I used to
people 2 if you are friendly with be very friendly.
someone, you are their friend

someone or something that is funny a funny story

makes you laugh
putting a lot of effort into your work She was very hard-working and
annoyed because something is not Come on! said Maggie, becoming
happening as quickly as you want or impatient.
in the way that you want
not willing to work or do anything that Get out of bed, you lazy slob!
involves effort
friendly, kind, and pleasant Shes a nice girl.
someone who is patient is able to wait Susans very patient with the children.
for a long time or deal with a difficult
situation without becoming angry or
not talking, or not usually talking Hes a quiet sensitive boy.
able to be trusted a reliable workman/car

thinking only about yourself and not a greedy selfish man

caring about other people
thinking carefully about things and not Peter seems serious but he actually
laughing much has a good sense of humour.

nervous and embarrassed in the Id love to meet her but Im too shy to
company of other people, especially introduce myself.
people who you do not know

someone who is talkative talks a lot The twins have different personalities.
Jane is talkative but Sue is very quiet
and shy.
a tidy person always puts their things I wish I could be more tidy.
away in the correct place
not friendly I dont know why she was so
not keeping things tidy Hes always criticizing me for being

nice to look at a stunningly attractive woman

a beautiful woman or child is What a beautiful baby!
extremely attractive
1 intelligent 2 happy and lively 1 one of the brightest students in the
class 2 She gave him a bright smile.

never seeming happy or satisfied Martin was a difficult baby.

old Not all elderly people can live with
their relatives.
a person or animal that is fat has too She can eat whatever she likes and
much flesh on their body and weighs she never gets fat.
too much
happy and pleased about something Were having a great time. Im so
feeling pleased and relaxed, with no The children seem very happy at
worries school.
1 unpleasant and full of problems 2 1 My grandmother had a very hard
strong and not easily frightened 3 life. 2 He likes to pretend hes hard,
unkind, or angry but hes really soft underneath. 3
Dont be too hard on her she was
only trying to help.

good at thinking, understanding, and He was highly intelligent, but disliked

learning studying.
someone who is old has lived a long A lot of old people live alone.
someone who is outgoing is friendly Norman is very shy but his wifes outgo
and enjoys meeting and talking to
very thin As a kid she was always really skinny.
thin in an attractive way She had a slim youthful figure.
a sociable person is friendly and Im not feeling very sociable today.
enjoys being with other people

1 used for emphasizing what is really 1 Weve spoken on the phone but
true or what really happened 2 used weve never actually met. 2 I think she
for emphasizing that something is actually agreed to go out with him. 3 It
surprising 3 used when correcting a was yesterday, no actually it was
statement 4 used for admitting Monday morning. 4 Did you spend
something much money? Well, yes. Quite a lot,

to make someone feel slightly angry I dont dislike her she just annoys
or impatient me sometimes.
except for someone or something I hardly know anyone in the village apa
an arrangement to see someone, for Why dont you make an appointment
example a doctor, at a particular time with one of our doctors?

1 to fasten one thing to another 2 to 1 Attach the rope to the branch of a

send another document with a letter tree. 2 I attach a copy of his reply.
or an email
a picture on a computer screen that When David plays online his avatar
represents a particular computer user, looks like a cartoon character.
especially one of several users who
are having a conversation with each
other on the Internet

someone who does not respect The sports fans ran onto the field like
culture or who is extremely violent barbarians.
and cruel
1 a structure that stops people or 1 Fans broke through the barriers and
vehicles from entering a place 2 rushed onto the pitch. 2 High levels of
something that prevents progress or debt are a major barrier to economic
makes it difficult for people to development. 3 The river is the last
communicate or achieve an aim 3 barrier between the rebel army and
something that separates one thing the city.
from another

1 to think that something is true 2 to 1 Astronomers knew the Earth was

have an opinion about what is true or round, but few people believed it. 2
what might happen, although there is Scientists believe a cure for the
no proof disease will be discovered soon.
1 a narrow piece of leather or cloth 1 a leather/plastic belt 2 remember to
that you wear around your waist 2 a check the fan belt in the car
circular band that turns or moves
something in a machine
a hard round black hat, worn The actor put on a bowler hat and
especially by businessmen in the past spoke with an English accent.

1 if a relationship or discussion 1 At one point, the talks broke down

breaks down, it stops being completely. 2 The substance is easily
successful 2 if a substance breaks broken down by bacteria. 3
down, or if it is broken down, it Firefighters had to break down the
separates into the parts that it is door.
made up of 3 to hit something such as
a door or wall very hard so that it falls

1 to take air into your lungs through 1 Doctors said he was having difficulty
your nose or mouth and let it out breathing. 2 I dont want to breathe
again 2 to bring other substances other peoples smoke.
than air into your body as you breathe

to do the necessary things for someoneHe really cared for her.

a long thin piece of potato cooked in hotfish/sausage/egg and chips
1 obvious and certain to be true 2 1 It appears to be a clear case of
transparent 3 not confused discrimination. 2 a clear glass bottle 3
Are you clear about the purpose of
the meeting?

to hold someone or something firmly An officer stumbled and clutched at the

1 an area of land along the edge of a 1 the east coast of England 2
sea 2 to be successful without making Scotland coasted to a 3112 win over
much effort Argentina.
1 certain about your abilities and not 1 a confident mood/smile/manner 2
nervous or frightened 2 certain that We were confident of victory.
something will happen or be
1 to be sure that someone will do 1 You can always count on him for
what you want or expect them to do 2 good advice. 2 Tournament directors
to expect that something will happen are counting on good weather.

1 an Indian food consisting of meat, 1 a chicken/lamb/vegetable curry 2

fish, or vegetables cooked in a sauce we curried the rest of the meat
with a hot flavour 2 to cook something
such as meat or vegetables in a
sauce with a hot flavour

a period of ten years Prices have risen sharply in the last

1 to say that something is not true 2 1 A spokesman denied that the
to refuse to admit that you have a company had acted irresponsibly. 2 I
particular feeling, illness, or problem 3 had been denying this anger for
to not allow someone to do or have years. 3 Doctors were accused of
something denying treatment to older patients.

1 the act of moving down to a lower 1 The plane began its descent. 2
place or position 2 the origin of your Theyre all of Irish descent. 3 her
parents or other older members of gradual descent into alcoholism
your family 3 the process of gradually
changing to a worse condition

food that has been prepared and Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
cooked in a particular way
the floor of a building that is at ground I ran downstairs to see if he had come

a piece of clothing like a long loose I threw my dressing gown on before

coat that you wear in your house answering the door
1 the front part of your head, where 1 She wiped her face. 2 the
your eyes, nose, and mouth are 2 a mountains north face
side of something
food that is made and served very the biggest fast food restaurant chain
quickly, and that you can take away
with you
1 to say or decide what you think is 1 a competition to guess the weight of
true, without being certain about it 2 the pig 2 He had already guessed the
to be correct about something that answer.
you guess
a small piece of cloth or paper that borrow my handkerchief and blow
you use for wiping your nose or eyes your nose

to want and expect something to It wouldnt be sensible to hope for

happen or be true immediate success.
the work that you do in order to keep She did a lot more housework than
your house clean and tidy her husband.
1 feeling that you want to eat 2 1 We were cold, tired, and hungry. 2 a
wanting something very much hungry young actor
1 a small picture on a computer 1 Open the document you want to
screen that you choose by pressing a print and click on the printer icon. 2
button with your mouse in order to one of the best-known pop icons of
open a particular program 2 someone the 1980s 3 the icon of St Basil
who is very famous and who people
think represents a particular idea 3 a
picture or model of a holy person that
is used in religious worship in the
Russian or Greek Orthodox Church

wanting to know about or take part in Joes always been interested in politics
1 to say or do something that stops 1 Please dont interrupt her while
someone when they are speaking or shes working. 2 Rain interrupted the
concentrating on something 2 to tournament for an hour this afternoon.
make something stop for a period of

an individual piece of clothing take two items into the changing room

behaving in a way that shows you Thank you, Mark, youve been very
care about other people and want to kind.
help them
the type of life that someone has, for a healthy, outdoor lifestyle
example the type of things that they
own and the type of activities that
they do
be similar to He looks like Tom Cruise

1 a situation in which you are very 1 They live a life of absolute luxury. 2
comfortable because you have the She likes to have a few luxuries like
best and most expensive things 2 fresh flowers.
something expensive that you enjoy
but do not really need

very much in love with someone Jack and I were mad about each other.
a married person has a husband or a married woman/man
1 a combination of different types of 1 There was a good mix of people at
people or things 2 a powder that you the party. 2 a cake mix
buy and mix with liquid to make a
particular type of food
to begin to live in a different house or Were moving next week.
a serious illness in which your He needs to use a wheelchair
muscles gradually become weaker because he suffers from muscular
at the present time Lots of people get divorced
sometimes, but not frequently or Simmer the sauce for ten minutes,
regularly stirring occasionally.
completely different The car smashed into a lorry coming
in the opposite direction.
to legally have something, especially Who owns that house by the lake?
because you have bought it

a painting, drawing, or photograph of A portrait of her three children hangs

someone behind her desk.
something that is made, grown, or dairy/pharmaceutical/software
obtained in large quantities so that it products
can be sold
the quality of something is how good poor-quality workmanship
or how bad it is
1 a public meeting that a lot of people 1 a pro-democracy rally 2 There has
go to in order to support something or been a sharp rally in the price of gold.
protest against something 2 an
increase or improvement in

1 a sign, symbol, or picture of 1 The dove in the picture is a

something 2 a person or group that representation of peace. 2 France
officially speaks or does something had no representation at the peace
for someone else talks.
meat from a cow cooked in an oven we will have roast beef for dinner
or over a fire
1 to let someone have something in 1 Weve decided to sell our house and
exchange for money 2 if a shop or move to Spain. 2 Do you think they
company sells a particular product, sell childrens books here?
people can buy that product from

1 to let someone see something 2 to 1 This is the first time the painting has
explain something to someone by been shown to the public. 2 A young
doing it once and letting them watch girl showed me how to operate the
one aspect of a situation or subject I still havent heard her side of the
clean and tidy in appearance and smart new clothes
dressed in nice clothes
to breathe noisily while you sleep Andrew's snores could be heard all
over the house
someone who is a member of an John wants to be a soldier when he
army leaves college
a group or type of people or things What sort are you looking for?
with the same qualities or features
shares some qualities but is not exactl Their situation sounds like ours.
extremely impressive We had a spectacular view of the coast

a possession that is a symbol of His car collection was an important

someones money or power status symbol in the town.
1 to try hard to do something that is 1 She was struggling to cope with her
very difficult 2 to use your strength to work. 2 The man grabbed him, but he
fight against someone or something struggled free.

not thinking about what others need She thoughtlessly shut the door as he
came round the corner.
a long narrow piece of coloured cloth He wore a silk tie at the wedding.
that a man wears around his neck
with a shirt
a type of comfortable shoe that you When he started his new school his
wear in informal situations or for doing mum bought him new trainers for PE.
to behave towards someone in a Rachel felt she had been unfairly
particular way treated.
1 the time when you can or must do 1 Youve already moved your piece
something, because you are part of a its my turn now. 2 He made a left turn
group of people who are each doing into a quiet street.
the same activity, one after the other
2 a change of direction made by a
person or vehicle

happening at the end of a process or Independence remains their ultimate

activity political goal.
to decide something, or to choose a The Council will vote on the proposal
representative or winner, by officially next Friday.
stating your choice, for example in an
used when someone does not know They asked us whether we were
which of two possibilities is true married.

the woman that a man is married to Id better phone my wife and tell her
Ill be late.
German translation


gutaussehend, attraktiv









gut gebaut



1 freundlich; 2 befreundet













1 klug; 2 frhlich





1 schwierig; 2 hart; 3 hart





1 eigentlich/wirklich; 2
tatschlich; 3 in
Wirklichkeit; 4 sogar



1 befestigen; 2 anhngen


1 Absperrung; 2 Hindernis;
3 Grenze/Schutzwehr

1 glauben; 2

1 Grtel; 2 Riemen


1 abbrechen; 2 auflsen; 3

1 atmen; 2 einatmen

Pommes (frites)
1 offensichtlich;2
durchsichtig; 3 im Klaren

sich festhalten/ergreifen
1 Kste; 2 etwas mhelos

1 selbstsicher; 2

1 auf jdn. zhlen; 2 sich

auf etwas verlassen

1 Currygericht; 2 als Curry



1 leugnen; 2 etw.
unterdrcken; 3

1 Abstieg; 2 Abstammung;
3 Abstieg/Niedergang


im Erdgeschoss/Parterre/
eine Treppe tiefer/unten

Hausmantel (BE)/
1 Gesicht; 2 Seite


1 raten; 2 erraten



1 hungrig; 2 hungrig

1 Symbol/Icon; 2 Idol; 3

an etw. interessiert sein

1 unterbrechen/
dazwischenreden; 2




hneln/aussehen wie jmd.

1 Luxus; 2

verrckt nacheinander
1 Mischung; 2 Mischung




gelegentlich/hin und





1 Kundgebung; 2 Markt-,

1 Symbol; 2 Vertretung


1 verkaufen; 2 verkaufen

1 zeigen; 2 vorfhren





hnlich sein/klingen

1 sich abmhen; 2




behandeln/umgehen mit

1 (an der) Reihe (sein); 2





Headword Part of speech Phonemics Frequency star Definition

Unit 2
Travel and transport
arrivals (n) /rav()lz/ the part of an airport that deals with
passengers who are arriving. The part that
deals with passengers who are leaving is
called departures.
cancel (v) /kns()l/ to say that something that has been arranged
will not now happen
catch (n & v) /kt/ ** to get on a train, bus, plane, or boat that is
travelling somewhere
coach (n) /kt/ * a comfortable bus for long journeys
delay (n) /dle/ ** a situation in which something happens later
or more slowly than you expected
departures (n) /dp(r)t(r)z/ the part of an airport that deals with
passengers who are leaving. The part that
deals with passengers who are arriving is
called arrivals.
fare (n) /fe/ the money that you pay for a journey
ferry (n) /feri/ a boat that makes short regular journeys
between two or more places
hot-air balloon (n) /hte blun/ an extremely large bag full of hot air, with a
basket attached that people can ride through
the air in
lorry (n) /lri/ a truck
luggage (n) /lgd/ bags and suitcases that you take on a
miss (v) /ms/ *** to be too late for something such as a train or
motorbike (n) /mtbak/ a road vehicle that has two wheels and an
platform (n) /pltfm/ * an area next to a railway track where
passengers get onto and off trains
return (adj) /rtn/ a ticket that allows you to travel to a place
and back again
rocket (n) /rkt/ a vehicle that is shaped like a tube that
travels in space
single (adj & n) /sg()l/ *** a ticket for travelling to a place, but not for
returning from it
spaceship (n) /spesp/ a spacecraft
ticket office (n) /tkt fs/ a place where you buy tickets for travel
van (n) /vn/ * a vehicle that is used for carrying goods
yacht (n) /jt/ a boat that is used for racing or sailing

bed and breakfast (n) /bed nd brekfst/ a small hotel or private house that provides
this service
campsite (n) /kmpsat/ a place where people on holiday can stay in
tents or other temporary shelters
caravan (n) /krvn/ a vehicle that people can live and travel in on
hotel (n) /htel/ *** a building where you pay to stay in a room
motel (n) /mtel/ a hotel for people who are travelling by car
tent (n) /tent/ a structure made of cloth and supported with
poles and ropes. You sleep in it when you are
youth hostel (n) /ju hst()l/ a cheap place where travellers can stay for a
short period of time

Phrasal verbs connected with travel

break down (v) /brek dan/ if a machine or vehicle breaks down, it stops
check in (v) /tek n/ to arrive at a hotel and give your personal
details to the person at the reception desk
get away (v) /get we/ to go somewhere different from where you
live in order to have a rest or a holiday
get in (v) /get n/ if a train, plane etc gets in, it arrives
get into/out of (v) /get ntu, at v/ to board or alight from a train/car/aeroplane

get on/off (v) /get n, f / to board or alight from a bus/underground

set off (v) /set f/ to start a journey

take off (v) /tek f/ if an aircraft takes off, it leaves the ground
and starts to fly

Other words and phrases

accident (n) /ksd()nt/ *** a crash involving a car, train, or other vehicle

anticlockwise (adj & adv) /ntiklkwaz/ moving in the direction opposite to the
direction of the hands of a clock
against (prep) /genst/ *** used for stating which plan, idea, or action
someone opposes and thinks is wrong
ages (= a long time) (n) /edz/ a long time
alternative (n) /ltntv/ ** something that you can choose to do instead
of something else
at least (adj & adv) /t list/ not less than a particular amount or number,
and possibly more
basket (n) /bskt/ * a container for carrying or keeping things in,
made from thin pieces of plastic, wire, or
wood woven together
bill (n & v) /bl/ *** a written statement that shows how much
money you owe for goods or services that
you have received
bridge (n) /brd/ ** a structure that supports a road, railway, or
path going over a river, over another road etc

cash (n & v) /k/ *** money in the form of notes and coins

challenge (n) /tlnd/ ** something that needs a lot of skill, energy,

and determination to deal with or achieve
choice (n) /ts/ *** 1 the opportunity or right to choose between
different things 2 a decision to choose
someone or something

choose (v) /tuz/ *** 1 to decide which person or thing you want
from a number of people or things 2 to decide
to do something
clockwise (adj & adv) /klkwaz/ moving in a circle in the same direction as the
hands on a clock
coast guard (n) /kstgd/ a person who watches for ships in danger
and works to prevent illegal activities in the
collect (v) /klekt/ *** 1 to get things and keep them together for a
particular reason 2 to get money from
someone for a particular purpose
commander (n) /kmnd/ an officer who is in charge of a military group
or operation
complain (v) /kmplen/ *** to say that you are not satisfied with
connection (= travel connectio(n) /knek()n/ *** a train, bus, or plane that allows you to
continue a journey
credit card (n) /kredt kd/ ** a small plastic card that you use to buy things
now and pay for them later
crew (n) /kru/ ** the people who work on a ship, aircraft etc

current (n) /krnt/ a strong movement of water or air in one

dawn (n) /dn/ the beginning of the day, when it begins to
get light
deserted (adj) /dztd/ a deserted place has no people in it
destination (n) /destne()n/ * the place where someone or something is
double room (n) /dbl rum/ a room that is large enough for two people to
sleep in, especially one in a hotel or a rented
drop (v) /drp/ *** to let something fall
emperor (n) /emp()r/ a man who rules an empire
end up (v) /end p/ to be in a place or state after doing
something, or because of doing something

engine (n) /endn/ *** the part of a vehicle that makes it move
entertainment (n) /enttenmnt/ ** performances that people enjoy

exaggerate (v) /gzdret/ * to describe something in a way that makes it

seem better, worse, larger, more important
etc than it really is
exceptionally (adv) /ksep()nli/ in a way that is different from what happens
in other cases or situations

exhausting (adj) /gzst/ extremely tiring

expedition (n) /ekspd()n/ 1 a long journey to a dangerous or distant

place 2 a short journey for pleasure

experience (n & v) /ksprins/ *** 1 knowledge and skill that you get by doing a
particular job or activity 2 the knowledge that
you get from life and from being in different
situations 3 something that happens to you,
or a situation that you are involved in 4 if you
experience a problem or situation, you have
that problem or are in that situation 5 to feel
an emotion or a physical feeling

fill (n & v) /fl/ 1 to make something full 2 to become full of

something 3 to put something into a hole or
gap so that the hole or gap no longer exists 4
if someone fills a job or position, they are
given that job or position

first class (adj) /fst/ * of the best quality, or of the highest standard

fortunate (adj) /ftnt/ lucky

fuel (n & v) /fjul/ ** 1 a substance such as oil, gas, coal, or wood
that produces heat or power when it is burned
2 petrol or diesel used in vehicles 3 to make
something increase or become worse
global warming (n) /glbl wm/ * the increase in the temperature of the Earth
that is caused partly by increasing amounts of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

gold (n) /gld/ ** 1 a valuable yellow metal that is used for

making jewellery 2 a medal made of gold that
is given to the winner of a race 3 the colour of

ground (n & v) /grand/ *** 1 the top part of the Earths surface that
people walk on 2 the layer of soil and rock
that forms the Earths surface 3 an area of
land 4 an area of land or sea that is used for
a particular purpose 5 grounds: the land and
gardens that surround a large house or public
building 6 grounds: a reason for what you say
or do 7 the subject, idea, or information that
people are talking about or writing about 8 the
level of success or progress that someone or
something has achieved 9 to stop a plane
from leaving the ground 10 to base an idea or
decision on a particular thing 11 to punish a
child or young person by stopping them from
going to places that they enjoy

grow up (v) /gr p/ 1 to change from being a child to being an

adult 2 to stop behaving like a child and
become more sensible
gun (n) /gn/ *** 1 a weapon that shoots bullets or large shells
2 a tool that forces something out of its
container using pressure
hard (= difficult) (adj) /hd/ *** 1 difficult to do 2 involving a lot of effort

hole (n) /hl/ *** 1 a space that has been dug in the surface of
the ground 2 a space in the surface of
something that goes partly or completely
through it 3 a part of something such as an
idea or explanation where important details
are missing

huge (adj) /hjud/ *** 1 extremely large 2 extremely successful and

well known
hurricane (n) /hrkn, hrken/ a violent storm with extremely strong winds
and heavy rain
iceberg (n) /asbg/ a very large piece of ice floating in the sea
with only a small amount of it above the
surface of the water
immediately (adv) /miditli/ *** very quickly and without delay
inland (n) /nlnd/ * not near a coast
instead (adv) /nsted/ *** used for saying that one person, thing, or
action replaces another
kayak (n) /kak/ a small covered canoe
keep doing (something) (v) /kip du/ to continue with an action
knock somebody out (v) /nk smbdi at/ 1 to make someone unconscious 2 to make
someone leave a competition by defeating
lie (n) /la/ ** something that you say or write that is not
true and that you know is not true
line (n, = rope) (n) /lan/ *** a piece of string, rope, or wire used for a
particular purpose
luckily (adv) /lkli/ used for saying that something good happens
in a lucky way
means (of transport) (n) /minz/ *** way of moving from one place to another by
monsoon (n) /mnsun/ a period of heavy rain in India and Southeast
occasion (n) /ke()n/ *** 1 a time at which something happens 2 a
special or important time or event

on top of (adj) /n tp v/ 1 covering someone or something 2 in

addition to something else 3 in control of what
is happening 4 very close to someone or

packet (n) /pkt/ * 1 a box, bag, or piece of plastic wrapping,

containing food that is ready to be sold 2 a
small parcel or envelope containing a set of
similar things
pass (v, = an exam) (v) /ps/ *** to be successful in an examination or test, by
achieving a satisfactory standard
pedalo (n) /ped()l/ a very small boat that you move by pushing
pedals with your feet
pedal-powered (adj) /ped()l pad/ operating a bicycle, vehicle, or machine by
pushing with your feet
pepper (n & v) /pep/ 1 a black or white powder that adds a strong
flavour to food 2 a green, red, or yellow
vegetable with small white seeds inside it 3 to
hit something many times and in many
different places 4 to be in many different
places all over a surface 5 to fill something
such as a speech or piece of writing with a lot
of examples of something

pick up (v) /pk p/ 1 to improve 2 to start a relationship with

someone because you want to have sex with
them 3 to learn a new skill, or to start to have
a habit, without intending to 4 to get an illness
5 to pay for something 6 to lift someone or
something up from a surface 7 to go to a
place in order to get someone or something
and take them somewhere, usually in a car

postal service (n) /pstl svs/ the organisation that delivers the post/mail

pour in (v) /p(r) n/ used for saying that large numbers of people
or things, or large amounts of something,
arrive somewhere
pull (n & v) /pl/ 1 a strong physical force that causes things to
move in a particular direction 2 to move
someone or something towards you using
your hands 3 to use force to remove
something that is fixed somewhere 4 to move
your body or part of your body using effort or
force 5 to move something along behind your
vehicle by fixing it to the vehicle 6 to attract
customers, voters, or an audience 7 to take a
gun or a knife out of your pocket and be
ready to use it

push (n & v) /p/ * 1 a movement in which you push someone or

something 2 a determined attempt to do
something 3 an occasion when you
encourage or force someone to do something
4 to move someone or something away from
you using your hands 5 to press a button on a
machine 6 to move through a group of people
using the force of your body 7 to make
something reach a particular level or standard
8 to force someone to do something 9 to
make someone work very hard 10 to make
someone impatient or annoyed by behaving
in an unreasonable way

raft (n) /rft/ 1 a simple flat boat made by tying long pieces
of wood together 2 a small light boat made of
rubber or plastic
realise (v) /rlaz/ *** 1 to know and understand something 2 to
gradually begin to understand something that
you did not know or notice before 3 to
achieve something that you have planned or
hoped for

replace (v) /rples/ *** 1 to get rid of someone or something and put
a new person or thing in their place 2 to do
the same job that someone or something did
before 3 to put something back in its correct
place or position

rescue (n) /reskju/ * an act of saving someone or something from

danger or from an unpleasant situation

rescuer (n) /reskju/ A person who saves someone from danger or

an unpleasant situation
reservation (n) /rezve()n/ 1 an arrangement to have something such as
a room in a hotel or a seat in a theatre kept
for you to use 2 a feeling of doubt about
whether something is good or right
risk (v) /rsk/ ** to do something although you know that
something that is bad could happen as a
Rollerblade (n) /rl(r)bled/ a type of boot with a single row of small
wheels along the bottom, used for moving
quickly along, especially for fun or as a sport

rotate (v) /rtet/ 1 to move in a circle around a central point, or

to move something in this way 2 if people or
things rotate, or if you rotate them, you
change them regularly in a fixed order
route (n & v) /rut/ ** 1 the roads or paths that you use when you
go from one place to another 2 a way of
doing something 3 to send someone or
something along a particular route

scared (adj) /sked/ * frightened, or worried

screen (n & v) /skrin/ ** 1 the flat surface on a computer, television, or

piece of electronic equipment where words
and pictures are shown 2 the flat surface in a
cinema where the picture is shown 3 a flat
structure that is used for separating one area
of a room from another 4 to broadcast a
television programme, or to show a film 5 to
hide someone or something by being in front
of them

set fire to (v) /set fa tu/ to make something start burning

single room (n) /s()l rum/ a room that is large enough for one person to
sleep in, especially one in a hotel or a rented
single-handed (adj) /s()l hndd/ done by one person without help from anyone
smoke (n) /smk/ ** 1 a grey, black, or white cloud that is
produced by something that is burning 2 a
cigarette, or an act of smoking a cigarette
solo (adj) /sl/ 1 done by one person alone, without any help
2 performing alone, not as part of a band,
orchestra etc 3 performed by one musician or

space (= room to move) (n) /spes/ *** 1 an empty or available area 2 an area used
for a particular purpose
standard (adj, for ticket/fare) (adj) /stndd/ *** the normal price of a ticket
station (n) /ste()n/ *** 1 a building or place where trains or buses
stop so that passengers can get on or off 2 a
building or place where a particular service or
activity is based 3 a company that broadcasts
television or radio programmes

steal, stole (v) /stil, stl/ to take something that belongs to someone
else without permission
storm (n & v) /stm/ ** 1 an occasion when a lot of rain or snow falls
very quickly, often with very strong winds or
thunder and lightning 2 a situation in which
many people are upset or excited 3 to go
somewhere very quickly because you are
angry or upset

strength (n) /stre/ *** 1 the physical energy that someone has to lift
or move things 2 the ability of something to
pull, push, or support something without
breaking 3 the ability to deal with difficult
situations 4 power in a military, political, or
economic situation 5 something that
someone does very well 6 the amount of
influence that a person or group has

suddenly (adv) /sd()nli/ *** quickly and without any warning

suit (= costume, uniform surv(n) /sut/ ** 1 a set of clothes made from the same cloth,
usually a jacket with trousers or a skirt 2 a
type of clothing that you wear for a particular
survival (n) /svav()l/ * the fact that someone is still alive, or the fact
that something still exists
switch off (v) /swt f/ if you switch off something such as a light or
a machine, or if it switches off, it stops
terrifying (adj) /terfa/ extremely frightening
thrill (n) /rl/ 1 a sudden feeling of being very pleased and
excited 2 something that makes you feel
throw, threw (v) /r, ru/ to use your hand to send an object through
the air
trip (n & v) /trp/ ** 1 an occasion when you go somewhere and
come back again 2 to hit your foot on
something and fall down, or to make
someone hit their foot on something and fall
down 3 to make a switch go on or off,
especially by accident

typhoon (n) /tafun/ a tropical storm with strong winds

unicorn (n) /junkn/ an imaginary creature like a horse with a
single long horn on its head
unlock (v) /nlk/ to open the lock on something, usually with a
vacancy (n) /veknsi/ 1 a job that is available 2 a room in a hotel
that is available

vehicle (n) /vik()l/ *** 1 a machine that you travel in or on,

especially one with an engine that travels on
roads, for example a car, bus, van, truck, or
motorcycle 2 a way of expressing ideas or of
making something happen 3 a film, television
show etc that is created for one actor
wave (n, = sea) (n) /wev/ ** a line of water that rises up on the surface of
a sea, lake, or river
wish (v) /w/ *** 1 to want something to happen although it is
unlikely 2 used for saying that you feel sorry
or disappointed about something that you did
or did not do 3 to want something, or to want
to do something 4 used for saying that you
hope someone enjoys something or that
something good happens to them

yacht (n) /jt/ a boat that is used for racing or sailing

Gateway to Exams
Units 12
attach (v) /tt/ * 1 to fasten one thing to another 2 to send
another document with a letter or an email 3 if
one thing is attached to another, it is part of it
4 to be sent to work temporarily in a different

book (v) /bk/ * 1 to arrange to have or use something at a

particular time in the future 2 to arrange for
someone to perform or speak at a public
event 3 if a sports player is booked, the
referee writes their name in an official book
because they have broken the rules
channel (n) /tn()l/ ** 1 a television station and the programmes
that it broadcasts 2 a way of communicating
or expressing something 3 a narrow passage
made in the ground so that water can go
along it

cheap (adj) /tip/ *** 1 not expensive 2 not expensive and not of
good quality 3 not considered important or
valuable 4 not willing to spend money

convenient (adj) /knvinint/ ** 1 easy for you to do, or suitable for your
needs 2 near to the place where you want to
form (n, = a paper you fill in) (n) /fm/ *** 1 a type of something 2 the particular way in
which something appears or exists 3 an
official document with spaces where you write
information 4 the level of someones ability at
a particular time, especially in a sport 5 the
body of a person, or the shape of an object

in advance (phr) /n dvns/ if you do something in advance, you do it in

preparation for a particular time or event in
the future
involve (v) /nvlv/ *** 1 to include something as a necessary part of
an activity, event, or situation 2 to include or
affect someone or something in an important
way 3 to encourage or allow someone to take
part in something
major (adj) /med/ *** 1 important, large, or great 2 in the musical
scale that is used for most tunes in western

ruin (v) /run/ 1 to spoil or destroy something 2 to make

someone lose all their money or power

scenic (adj) /sink/ providing beautiful views of nature

underground (n) /nd(r)rand/ * a system of public transport consisting of

trains that travel in tunnels below a city.
Example sentence German translation

Meet him in the arrivals hall 30 minutes after the Ankunftsbereich

plane lands.

The 4.05 train has been cancelled. absagen/stornieren

I caught the next train to London. nehmen/mit etw. fahren

We travelled to Oxford by coach. Reisebus

After a long delay, the plane finally took off. Versptung/Wartezeit


Have you given the kids their bus fares? Fahrtkosten

They took the ferry to Dover. Fhre


a ten-ton lorry Lastwagen/Laster

I have a lot of luggage in the car Gepck

I missed the last train home again. verpassen


The train to Brussels will depart from platform 3. Bahnsteig

Did you buy a return ticket? zurck/Rckfahrt, -kehr/

The astronauts blasted off to Jupiter in the Rakete
Id like a single ticket to Dover. Einzelfahrkarte

the ticket office is on platform 3 Fahrkartenschalter
a delivery van Kleinbus/Van

We found a nice little bed and breakfast in the Hotel/Pension garni

centre of town.

a six-berth luxury caravan Wohnwagen

He always stays in the best hotels. Hotel

Pitch the tent under the trees, please. Zelt

The car broke down just outside Winchester. kaputt gehen/ausfallen/
Panne haben
Have you checked in yet? einchecken/sich anmelden

On days like today, I just want to get away from weggehen/davonkommen

it all.
The London train gets in at 10.05. ankommen
Get into the first carriage ein-/aussteigen

Get on the number 19 bus ein-/aussteigen

We set off early the next morning. sich auf den Weg machen/

The plane should take off on time. abheben

The accident was caused by ice on the road. Unfall

gegen den Uhrzeigersinn

Im against all forms of censorship. gegen

He took ages to answer the phone. Ewigkeit

There was no alternative we had to close the Alternative
The journey will take a year, at the very least. mindestens/wenigstens
a laundry basket Korb

a telephone bill Rechnung

Go over the bridge and then turn right. Brcke

Do you want to pay in cash or by credit card? Bargeld

I felt I needed a new challenge at work. Herausforderung

1 We try to provide greater choice for our 1 Auswahl; 2 Wahl

customers. 2 He was facing a difficult choice
between staying with his family or working
1 Do you feel that you chose the wrong career? 1 auswhlen; 2 whlen
2 More and more people are choosing to live
im Uhrzeigersinn

the coast guard saw the ship in distress Kstenwache

1 A lot of families collect newspapers for 1 sammeln; 2 sammeln

recycling. 2 She is collecting money for charity.

What are you complaining about? sich beschweren/beklagen

My train was late and I missed my connection. Verbindung

I bought it with my credit card. Kreditkarte

All the passengers and crew on board the jet Besatzung

were killed.
Strong currents and winds swept their boat out Strmung
to sea.
We had to get up at the crack of dawn very early Morgendmmerung/
in the morning. Sonnenaufgang
the deserted streets verlassen
a popular holiday destination Urlaubs-, Reiseziel/

The box was so heavy I almost dropped it. fallen lassen

the Emperor Napoleon Kaiser
Somehow they all ended up at my house. enden/letztendlich so

the ships engine Maschine

A jazz band provided entertainment for the Unterhaltung
Dont exaggerate! It wasnt that bad! bertreiben
Exceptionally, candidates with other ausnahmsweise/
qualifications will be considered for admission to im Ausnahmefall
the course.
a long exhausting day at work anstrengend/erschpfend/

1 the 1910 expedition to Antarctica led by 1 Expedition; 2

Captain Scott 2 We plan to go on a shopping Tour/Ausflug
1 You dont need any experience to work here. 2 1 Erfahrung; 2
I can say from personal experience that its hard Lebenserfahrung; 3
not having a job. 3 our childhood experiences 4 Erlebnis; 4 erfahren; 5
Almost every country of the industrial world is spren/wahrnehmen
experiencing economic problems. 5 Are you
experiencing any pain?

1 Let me fill your glass. 2 The bar was slowly 1 fllen; 2 sich fllen; 3
filling with people. 3 We used cement to fill the ausfllen; 4 besetzen
cracks. 4 All the vacancies have now been filled.

first class service erstklassig

Not everyone is as fortunate as we are. Glck habend

1 a shortage of food and fuel 2 The stolen car 1 Brennstoff; 2 Treibstoff;
was abandoned when it ran out of fuel. 3 3 antreiben
Peoples fear of crime is fuelled by
sensationalist reports.

1 The picture frames were made of solid gold. 2 1 Gold; 2 Gold; 3 Gold
We always thought Sally was going to win gold.
3 The boat was painted in black and gold.

1 People were sitting on the ground in small 1 Boden; 2 Erdboden; 3

groups. 2 the destruction caused by getting coal Land; 4 Gelnde; 5
out of the ground 3 an acre of ground 4 soldiers Auenanlagen/Gelnde; 6
on the parade ground 5 She found him Begrndung; 7 Thema; 8
wandering around the grounds. 6 The army Grund; 9 Startverbot
turned him down on medical grounds. 7 Well be erteilen; 10 gegrndet
covering a lot of new ground in todays lecture. 8 sein; 11 Hausarrest
Most stock markets lost ground after their recent erteilen
gains. 9 All of their planes have been grounded.
10 Kims theory is grounded in practical
experience. 11 His parents grounded him for
two weeks.

1 Shes really starting to grow up now. 2 It 1 aufwachsen; 2

wasnt until my marriage ended that I really erwachsen werden
started to grow up.
1 Enemy guns fired a shell every two or three 1 Geschtz/Kanone; 2
minutes. 2 a paint/glue/staple gun Pistole

1 Some of the questions were very hard. 2 1 schwierig; 2 schwer

Lifting stones this size is pretty hard work.
1 Workers dug a 30-foot hole in the ground. 2 All 1 Loch; 2 Loch; 3 Lcke
my socks have holes in them. 3 His argument
was full of holes.

1 She arrived carrying two huge suitcases. 2 1 riesig; 2 sehr erfolgreich

The band is huge in both Britain and the US.

The Titanic hit an iceberg and sank. Eisberg

She decided to leave immediately. sofort

the inland waterways of southern England (In)Land
If you dont have olive oil, you can use sunflower anstatt
oil instead.
1 He hit me and nearly knocked me out. 2 1 jdn. bewusstlos
England had been knocked out of the World schlagen; 2 herauswerfen
Cup by West Germany.
He told them he could drive, but it was a lie. Lge

a washing line Leine

Luckily he wasnt injured. glcklicherweise

What means of transport are at our disposal? (Transport)Mittel

the monsoon season Monsun

1 On one occasion once the defendant was 1 Fall/Gelegenheit; 2

seen trying to get in through a window. 2 a great Ereignis
occasion in the nations history !
1 His bike fell on top of him. 2 On top of all his 1 auf; 2 zustzlich; 3
financial problems, his wife left him. 3 I try to obenauf; 4 drauf und dran
stay on top of things. 4 The truck was almost on
top of me.\

1 The ingredients should be listed on the 1 Verpackung; 2 Pckchen

packet. 2 A packet of brochures arrived in the

Do you think youll pass? bestehen


1 Do you want salt and pepper? 2 red pepper 1 Pfeffer; 2 Paprika: 3
salsa 3 Bullets peppered UN planes. 4 His chin durchsieben; 4 bersen;
was peppered with grey stubble. 5 a letter 5 bersen/voller sein
peppered with spelling mistakes

1 The economy picked up slightly towards the 1 bessern/"berappeln"; 2

end of the year. 2 She picked up some guy in a abschleppen; 3
bar. 3 She picked up a few German phrases aufschnappen; 4
while staying in Berlin. 4 I must have picked up einfangen; 5 bezahlen; 6
a bug on holiday. 5 Her father picks up the tab auf-/hochheben; 7
for her expensive lifestyle. 6 She rushed to pick abholen
up the baby. 7 Will you pick me up at 11.00?

Use the postal service for small parcels and Post

Crowds poured in from everywhere to watch the hereinstrmen
1 the pull of gravity 2 The little girl pulled gently 1 Zug; 2 zu sich
at my sleeve. 3 She was pulling up the weeds in herziehen; 3
the garden. 4 He needed all his energy to pull herausziehen; 4 ab-,
himself up off the ground. 5 Two horses were wegziehen; 5 ziehen; 6
pulling the plough. 6 The show is pulling huge anziehen; 7 ziehen
audiences all over America. 7 His attacker
suddenly pulled a knife on him.

1 Jan helped me give the car a push. 2 The two 1 Anschieben/Sto; 2

sides began a final push to reach an agreement Vorsto; 3 Ansto; 4
before the deadline. 3 I knew I could do it I drcken; 5 drcken; 6
just needed someone to give me an extra push. drngeln; 7 drcken; 8
4 Push as hard as you can. 5 To turn on the drngen; 9 antreiben; 10
television, you push this switch. 6 Stop pushing treiben
and just wait your turn. 7 The strong sun pushed
temperatures into the nineties. 8 The police
pushed her into giving evidence. 9 Some
parents really push their children. 10 If you push
him too far, hell resign.

1 Holzflo; 2 Flo
1 We realize that this is upsetting for you, but its 1 anerkennen/einsehen; 2
for the best. 2 I soon realized my mistake. 3 He realisieren; 3 verwirklichen
finally realized his dream to become a dancer.

1 Well have to replace all the furniture that was 1 austauschen; 2

damaged in the flood. 2 Have they found ersetzen; zurckstellen
anyone to replace me yet? 3 She carefully
replaced the plate on the shelf.

Soldiers carried out a dramatic rescue of the Rettung

hostages last night.

Rescuers searched the rubble for survivors. Retter

1 Do you have a reservation? 2 The government 1 Reservierung/Buchung;

has expressed reservations about the cost of 2 Zweifel
the project.

He risked a lot of money on the company. Risiko


1 The Earth rotates 360 degrees every 24 1 sich drehen/rotieren; 2

hours. 2 xxx durchwechseln/rotieren
1 The tunnel is the route taken by most drivers. 1 Route; 2 Weg; 3 weisen
2 Ill need to think carefully before deciding what
route to take next. 3 xxx

Im scared stiff extremely scared of having the ngstlich/besorgt

1 Suddenly the screen went blank. 2 a new 14- 1 Bildschirm; 2 Leinwand;
screen cinema 3 She got undressed behind a 3 Paravent/spanische
folding screen. 4 The series is currently being Wand; 4 ausstrahlen; 5
screened on BBC2 on Fridays. 5 A line of fir verdecken
trees screened the house from the road.

A group of youths had set fire to an old truck. in Brand stecken


a single-handed boat race across the Atlantic eigenhndig

1 A column of black smoke slowly rose above 1 Rauch; 2 Zigarette

the building. 2 Im just going out for a smoke.

1 his first solo flight 2 She is releasing a solo 1 allein/solo; 2 solo; 3 solo
album. 3 the solo violin part

1 We replaced the bath with a shower to create 1 Platz; 2 Platz

more space. 2 a parking space
1 It was dark when we arrived at the station. 2 1 Haltestelle; 2 Station; 3
Astronomers at the Salyut Research Station Sender
discovered the star. 3 Listen to your local radio
station for travel information.

They were jailed for three years for stealing stehlen

1 A fierce storm hit the west coast of Florida 1 Sturm; 2 (An)Sturm; 3
early this morning. 2 His arrest provoked a strmen
storm of protest. 3 Rob stormed out of the
house and slammed the door.

1 upper body strength 2 Test the strength of the 1 Kraft; 2 Strke; 3 Strke;
rope. 3 She has great strength of character. 4 4 Strke/Macht; 5 Strke;
the strength of the dollar against the euro 5 6 Macht
Rons main strength is his ability to motivate
players. 6 the strength of public opinion

A strange feeling suddenly came over him. pltzlich

1 He was wearing a dark suit and a tie. 2 a 1 Anzug/Kostm; 2 Anzug
diving/jogging suit

survival equipment berleben

I parked the car and switched off the engine. ausschalten

a terrifying experience schrecklich

1 Their recent success has thrilled the whole 1 Erregung; 2
community. 2 Scottish audiences have thrilled to (Nerven)Kitzel
his music.
Ill throw the ball and you try to catch it. werfen

1 a fishing/camping/sightseeing trip 2 Im sure 1 Ausflug; 2 stolpern; 3

she tripped me! 3 The electricity tripped when schalten/auslsen
she plugged in the kettle.

There is a unicorn on the college coat of arms. Einhorn

He unlocked the door. aufschlieen

1 We have several vacancies to fill in the Sales 1 Stelle; 2 freies Zimmer

Department. 2 We have no vacancies at all
during July.
1 Watch out for oncoming vehicles. 2 He 1 Fahrzeug; 2 Aufhnger;
launched the newspaper as a vehicle for his 3 Instrument/Medium
campaign. 3 The film was a vehicle for Tom
The boat was smashed by a huge wave. Welle

1 I wish I was rich! 2 I wish Id never come! 3 1

You may attend the meeting if you wish. 4 May I wnschen/herbeisehnen;
wish you all a very Merry Christmas. 2 wnschen; 3
mgen/wollen; 4


1 Attach the rope to the branch of a tree. 2 I 1 befestigen; 2 anhngen/

attach a copy of his reply. 3 There is a riding als Anlage beifgen;
school attached to the farm. 4 She is now 3 anschlieen; 4
attached to the American Embassy in Beijing. vorber-
gehend ttig sein

1 Shall I book a room for you? 2 Several leading 1 buchen; 2 verpflichten;

businessmen were booked to speak at the 3 verwarnen
conference. 3 Adams was booked for dangerous
1 Whats on the other channel? 2 It is important 1 Sender; 2 Kanal;
to keep channels of communication open. 3 The 3 Kanal
water ran through the channel to the sea.

1 People should have access to cheap, fresh 1 gnstig; 2 billig; 3

food. 2 cheap wine 3 It happened during the war wertlos;
when life was cheap. 4 Shes so cheap she 4 geizig
wouldnt even buy her own mother a birthday

1 If its convenient, call me tomorrow. 2 a house 1 praktisch; 2 gnstig gelegen

that is convenient for the centre of town

1 He developed a rare form of cancer. 2 The 1 Art; 2 Form; 3 Formular;

information is also available in electronic form. 3 4 Form/Zustand; 5 Gestalt
Use the order form to get new office supplies. 4
Williams blames a foot injury for her recent loss
of form. 5 Three forms gradually emerged out of
the darkness.

Details of the meeting had been circulated well im Voraus

in advance.

1 The course involves a lot of hard work. 2 1 beinhalten; 2 beteiligen;

Forty-six vehicles were involved in the accident. 3 einbeziehen
3 The goal is to involve workers in the decision-
making process.
one of the major problems facing our planet 1 hauptschlich/Haupt-;
2 Dur

1 She had ruined her mothers chances of 1 zerstren; 2 ruinieren

getting a job. 2 The scandal that totally ruined
a scenic cruise down the Nile malerisch/landschaftlich
The Underground in London is also called the U-Bahn
Headword Part of Phonemics Frequency Definition
speech star

Unit 3

Cities and houses

block of flats (n) /blk v flts/ a building with a lot of flats in it

bungalow (n) /bgl/ a house that is all on one level

city centre (n) /sti sent/ the part of a city where the main
shops and businesses are
cottage (n) /ktd/ * a small house in a village or in the
detached house (n) /dttt has/ a detached house is not joined to
another house
factory (n) /fktri/ *** a building where large quantities of
goods are produced using machines

flat (n) /flt/ ** a set of rooms for living in, usually on

one floor of a large building
inner city (n) /n sti/ * an area near the centre of a large city
where a lot of social problems exist

port (n) /pt/ ** an area of water on the coast where

ships stop, or a city with a port

semi-detached house (n) /semidttt haus/ a semi-detached house is joined to

another house by one wall that they
skyscraper (n) /skaskrep/ a very tall building containing offices
or flats
square (n) /skwe/ *** an open area of land in the shape of
a square with buildings around it
suburbs (n) /sbbz/ an area or town near a large city but
away from its centre, where there are
many houses, especially for middle-
class people
terraced house (n) /terst has/ a house in a row of houses that are
joined together
town hall (n) /taun hl/ a building that has all the offices of a
towns local government
Adjectives describing cities
busy (adj) /bzi/ *** full of people or vehicles
crowded (adj) /kradd/ * containing a lot of people or things
dirty (adj) /dti/ *** not clean
historic (adj) /hstrk/ important enough to be remembered
as a part of history
lively (adj) /lavli/ full of people
noisy (adj) /nzi/ * making a lot of noise, or full of noise

Extreme adjectives
ancient (adj) /en()nt/ ** very old
boiling (adj) /bl/ extremely hot
dreadful (adj) /dredf()l/ very unpleasant
enormous (adj) /nms/ ** very large in size or quantity
filthy (adj) /fli/ very dirty
freezing (adj) /friz/ very cold
packed (adj) /pkt/ extremely crowded
silent (adj) /salnt/ ** not talking or making any noise
stunning (adj) /stn/ very impressive or beautiful

tiny (adj) /tani/ ** extremely small

Other words and phrases

active (adj) /ktv/ *** always doing things, especially with
energy and enthusiasm
aim (n) /em/ *** 1 the thing that you hope to achieve
by doing something 2 your ability to
hit something when you throw, kick,
or shoot something at it

as for (prep) /z f/ used for introducing a subject that is

related to what you have just been
talking about
attract (v) /trkt/ ** 1 to make someone like something,
or be interested in something 2 to
cause people to behave in a
particular way towards something 3 if
you are attracted to someone, you
are interested in them in a romantic
or sexual way 4 to make something
move near someone or something

attraction (= place to visit) (n) /trk()n/ 1 an interesting place or object that

people come to see 2 a reason for
liking something or being interested
in it 3 the feeling of liking someone in
a romantic or sexual way
benefit from (v) /benfit frm/ an advantage you get from a
board (v, transport) (v) /bd/ to get onto a ship, aircraft, train, or
bunch up (v) /bnt p/ if a group of people bunch or are
bunched, they get very close to each
canal (n) /knl/ an artificial river
capsule (n) /kpsjul/ 1 a small round container filled with
medicine that you swallow 2 the part
of a space vehicle in which people
castle (n) /ks()l/ ** a large strong building with thick walls
that was built in the past to protect
the people inside from being attacked

commuter (n) /kmjut/ someone who travels regularly to and

from work
contribute (v) /kntrbjut/ *** 1 to give money, goods, or your time
and effort in order to help someone to
achieve something 2 to be a part of a
group or an activity and help it to be
successful 3 to be one of the causes
of something

convenience (n) /knvinins/ 1 a condition that helps you to avoid

wasting time or effort 2 a piece of
equipment that makes things easier
for you
countryside (n) /kntrisad/ ** areas away from towns and cities,
with farms, fields, and trees

customer (n) /kstm/ *** 1 a person or company that buys

goods or services 2 a particular type
of person
dock (n) /dk/ 1 an area in a port where ships stay
while goods are taken on or off or
while repairs are done 2 the dock: the
part of a court of law where the
person who is accused of a crime
stands or sits

due to (= time, due to arrive) (adj) /dju t/ *** if something is due to someone, they
should receive it

entry (n) /entri/ *** 1 the right or ability to go into a place

2 the right to become a member of an
organization, profession, or other
group 3 a set of information that is
written in a book, on a list, or on a
computer 4 a piece of work that you
do to try to win a competition

exhibition (n) /eksb()n/ ** 1 a public show where art or other

interesting things are put so that
people can go and look at them 2 a
particular way of behaving or
fee (n) /fi/ ** 1 money that you pay to a
professional person or institution for
their work 2 an amount of money that
you pay to be allowed to do
something such as join an

flight (n) /flat/ *** 1 a journey in a plane 2 the process

of moving through the air, or the
ability to move through the air 3 the
act of running away, or of trying to
escape from someone or something
4 a set of stairs that go from one level
to another

grass (n) /grs/ *** 1 a very common plant with thin

green leaves that covers the ground
2 a particular type of grass
have a good time (v) /hv gd tam/ to be involved in something that is
hide (v) /had/ *** 1 to put something in a place so that
no one can find it or see it 2 to go
somewhere or be somewhere where
no one can find you or see you 3 to
make something difficult or
impossible to see clearly 4 to prevent
people from knowing your thoughts
or feelings, or the truth 5 to try not to
accept something, or to try not to be
affected by something

hometown (n) /hmtan/ the city or town where you live

hurt (v) /ht/ *** 1 to feel pain somewhere in your
body 2 to cause someone physical
pain or injury 3 to cause someone
emotional pain 4 to cause damage or
problems, or to harm someones
chance to succeed at something

insurance (n) /nrns/ *** 1 an arrangement in which you

regularly pay a company an amount
of money so that they will give you
money if something that you own is
damaged, lost, or stolen, or if you die
or are ill or injured 2 a situation or
action that is intended to prevent
something bad from happening or
affecting you

land (v) /lnd/ ** 1 if an aircraft lands, or if you land it,

it comes down to the ground 2 to
arrive at a place by boat 3 to come
down to a surface after falling or
flying 4 to put someone in an
unexpected or unpleasant situation,
or to be in this kind of situation 5 to
get something that you wanted

leaflet (n) /liflt/ a printed sheet of paper that is

provided free and gives information
about something
middle-class (adj) /mdl kls/ * belonging or relating to the middle
mile (n) /mal/ *** 1 a unit for measuring distance, equal
to 1.609 kilometres or 1760 yards 2
miles: a long distance
nearby (adj & ad/nba/ not far from where you are
or so (= more or less, 20 or so) (adv) / s/ used after an amount of time, money
etc to show that the amount is not
paradise (n) /prdas/ a perfect place or situation

path (n) /p/ *** 1 a way from one place to another

that people can walk along 2 a way
from one place to another passing
through a lot of people or objects 3
the direction that someone or
something is moving in 4 the way that
someone takes to achieve
something, or the way that their life

pioneer (n & v) /pan/ 1 one of the first people to do

something important that is later
developed by other people 2 to do
something that no one else has ever

price (n & v) /pras/ *** 1 the amount of money that you have
to pay in order to buy something 2
the bad things that you have to
accept in order to achieve something
that you want 3 to set the price of a
product or service
property (n) /prpti/ *** 1 the things that you own 2 land and
the buildings on it 3 a quality or
feature of something

pull down (v) /pl dan/ to destroy a building that is old or

queue (n & v) /kju/ * a line of people that are waiting for
race track (n) /res trk/ a track used for racing cars, horses
or people
rent (n & v) /rent/ ** 1 an amount of money that you pay
regularly for using a house, room,
office etc that belongs to someone
else 2 to pay money regularly to use
a house, room, office etc that belongs
to someone else 3 to allow a house,
room, office etc that you own to be
used by someone who pays you
regularly for using it

satellite (town) (n) /stlat/ * a country, city, or organization that

depends on or is controlled by a
larger, more powerful one
save (time and money) (v) /sev/ *** to avoid using something such as
money, time, or energy, or to use less
of it
sealed (adj) /sild/ * closed with a lid, cover etc so that
nothing can get in or out
shadow (adj, n & /d/ 1 used for showing what position a
member of the UK parliament would
hold if their political party were in
power 2 an area of darkness that is
created when something blocks light
3 to secretly follow someone
wherever they go

sightseeing (n) /satsi/ the activity of travelling around a

place in order to see the interesting
things in it
sleeve (n) /sliv/ 1 the part of a piece of clothing that
covers your arm 2 a paper or plastic
cover that protects something such
as a record or book

souvenir (n) /suvn/ something that you buy to remind you

of a place that you visited on holiday
or of a special event
stadium (n) /stedim/ a large building, usually without a
roof, where people watch sports
events such as football matches or
stranger (n) /strend/ * 1 someone who you do not know 2
someone who does not know a place
telephone box (n) /telfn bks/ a small structure that contains a
telephone that you pay to use
theme park (n) /im pk/ a large park where people pay to play
games and have fun and where all
the entertainment is designed
according to one theme
track (v) /trk/ 1 a path or road with a rough surface
2 a railway line 3 tracks: marks that a
person, animal, or vehicle leaves on
the ground 4 a piece of ground that is
used for running or racing 5 a song or
piece of music that is recorded on a
CD 6 to follow someone or something
by looking for evidence that shows
where they have gone, or by using
special equipment 7 to follow the
development of something

unique (adj) /junik/ * 1 very special, unusual, or good 2 not

the same as anything or anyone else
3 only existing or happening in one
place or situation

usage (n) /jusd/ 1 the way that words are used by

people when they speak and write
their language 2 the process of using
something 3 the amount of
something that you use

valid (adj) /vld/ * 1 legally or officially acceptable 2

reasonable and generally accepted 3
accepted by a computer system
value (n) /vlju/ *** 1 the amount that something is worth,
measured especially in money 2 the
degree to which someone or
something is useful or important 3 the
amount that something is worth
compared to the money that it costs

vanish (v) /vn/ * 1 to disappear in a sudden or

mysterious way 2 to stop existing

village (n) /vld/ *** a very small town in the countryside

wave (v) /wev/ ** 1 to move your hand in order to say

hello or goodbye 2 to move your
hand in order to tell someone to
move, to leave, or to stop annoying
you 3 to move something around in
the air 4 to move smoothly and gently
from side to side

wet (adj & v) /wet/ *** 1 covered with water or another liquid
2 not yet dry or solid
wheel (n & v) /wil/ *** 1 a circular object that turns round in
order to make a car, bicycle, or other
vehicle move 2 the wheel: the
steering wheel that is used for
controlling a car or other vehicle 3 to
move something that has wheels by
pushing it 4 to move someone in or
on an object that has wheels

without (adv & p /wat/ *** used for saying what someone or
something does not have
Example sentence German translation

The family live on the fourth floor of Apartmenthaus/Mehrparteienhaus

a block of flats.
Lets go to the city centre. Stadtzentrum


a four-bedroomed detached house freistehendes Haus

She works in a factory. Fabrik

The family live in a fourth-floor flat. Wohnung/Apartment

Suburban life styles are very Innenstadt

different from those in the inner city.

New York is the busiest port on the Hafen

East Coast.


The hotel is in the main square. Platz

Once we have kids, well probably Vorstadt/Auenbezirk

move to the suburbs.



a busy main road geschftig

a crowded street/train/restaurant voll/berfllt
piles of dirty washing dreckig
historic buildings historisch

lively bars and restaurants belebt

noisy neighbours laut

an ancient city/book/tradition alt/historisch

It was a boiling hot day. kochend
The journey was dreadful. furchtbar
an enormous birthday cake riesig
the kitchen was filthy dreckig/verdreckt
Its absolutely freezing in here. eiskalt
The cinema was packed. brechend voll
a crowd of silent onlookers still/ruhig
The view from the top of the hill is berwltigend
She is one of a tiny minority of winzig
female motoring journalists.

Rose is still active at the age of 87. aktiv

1 My main aim on this course is to 1 Ziel; 2 Treffvermgen/

gain confidence. 2 My aim isnt very Zielgenauigkeit

As for the children, they were happy was ... betrifft

enough to spend all day on the
1 The show attracts viewers from all 1 anziehen; 2 hervorrufen; 3
walks of life. 2 His paintings have reizen/hingezogen werden; 4
attracted considerable criticism. 3 anlocken
Shes old enough now to be
attracted to boys. 4 Insects are
often attracted by smells that arent
obvious to us.

1 XXX 2 XXX 3 XXX 1 Attraktion; 2 Anziehungskraft; 3

Even Liza derived little benefit from profitieren
the changes.
She boarded the wrong train. ein-/besteigen

The girls were bunched up on one zusammendrngen

side of the room.

the Panama Canal Kanal

1 Take two capsules three times a 1 Kapsel; 2 Kapsel
day. 2 the crew were in the rocket's

Nottingham Castle Burg

a train packed with commuters Pendler

1 Many local businesses offered to 1 beisteuern/einen Beitrag leisten; 2

contribute to the fund. 2 Davis didnt mitarbeiten; 3 beitragen
really contribute much to the game
in the second half. 3 The scandal
contributed to the partys defeat at
the last election.

1 Her hair was cut short for 1 Zweckmigkeit; 2

convenience rather than fashion. 2 Komfortausstattung
The kitchen was equipped with a
range of modern conveniences.
The region boasts some of the most Landschaft
beautiful countryside in the state.

1 Supermarkets use a variety of 1 Kunde; 2 Typ

tactics to attract customers. 2 a cool
1 Liverpool docks 2 the prisoner in 1 Dock; 2 Anklagebank
the dock smiled when he was found

Some credit is due to the aufgrund von/gebhrend

government for this improvement.

1 Entry to the exhibition costs 1 Eintritt; 2 Beitritt; 3 Eintrag; 4

5.50. 2 Older students are being Beitrag
denied entry into full-time
education. 3 the dictionary entry for
the word play 4 The contest
attracted entries from all over the

1 an exhibition hall/centre/space 2 a 1 Ausstellung; 2 Vorstellung

fine exhibition of skilful and exciting
1 tuition fees 2 The gallery charges 1 Honorar; 2 Gebhr
a small entrance fee.

1 My flight has been delayed. 2 a 1 Flugreise; 2 Flug; 3 Flucht; 4

flock of geese in flight 3 the Treppe
refugees desperate flight from their
city 4 The toilets are two flights up.

1 We should cut the grass before it 1 Gras; 2 Gras

starts raining. 2 tall flowering
We had a good time at the theatre. 1 es sich gut gehen lassen/Spa
1 She hid the key in the drawer. 2 1 verstecken; 2 sich verstecken; 3
He ran and hid behind a bush. 3 verdecken; 4 verbergen; 5
Dark clouds hid the sun. 4 He could unterdrcken/ausblenden
not hide his disappointment. 5 You
cant hide from your feelings

Birmingham is my hometown Heimatstadt

1 Freds knees hurt after skiing all 1 schmerzen 2 weh tun/verletzen; 3
day. 2 Youre hurting my arm! 3 His krnken; 4 schaden
comments hurt her deeply. 4 The
weakness of the dollar has hurt car

1 health/life/car insurance 2 The 1 Versicherung; 2 Absicherung

hostages were being held as
insurance against further bombing

1 The plane landed a couple of 1 landen; 2 anlegen; 3 landen; 4

hours before dawn. 2 The refugees bringen; 5 erhalten
landed on the east side of the
island. 3 She fell from the window,
and landed in the bushes. 4 His
attitude could land him in trouble. 5
At the age of 19 she landed a part
in a West End play.

a leaflet on finding and paying for Broschre/Handzettel/Merkblatt

residential care

middle-class families mittelklassig/Mittelklasse-

1 We drove about 900 miles in two 1 Meile; 2 meilenweit
days. 2 They live miles from the
nearest town.
My cousin lives nearby. in der Nhe
It was among the 400 or so pictures ca./ungefhr/etwa
Monet painted at Giverny.

The Seychelles are what most Paradies

people think of as an island
1 Amy walked up the path to the 1 Pfad; 2 Weg; 3 Fahrbahn; 4 Weg
house. 2 Police tried to clear a path
through the rush hour traffic. 3 She
ran into the path of an oncoming
car. 4 Our lives began to follow
separate paths.

1 the pioneers of early colour 1 Pionier; 2 den Weg

photography 2 The approach was bereiten/bahnen
pioneered by Dr Bruce Fisher.

1 Oil was at its lowest price in 30 1 Preis; 2 Preis; 3 bepreisen

years. 2 For some of these young
athletes, success comes at a heavy
price. 3 The farmhouse is priced at
1 The books are my personal 1 Besitz; 2 Immobilie; 3 Eigenschaft
property. 2 He owns several
properties in London. 3 The plants
are believed to have healing

The old warehouse has been pulled abreien

There was a long queue for tickets. Schlange

Epsom race track is home to the Rennstrecke

1 After shed paid her rent, Jan had 1 Miete; 2 mieten; 3 vermieten
no money left for food. 2 How long
have you been renting this place? 3
All the rooms are rented out to

She works in a satellite office. Satelliten-/Trabanten(stadt)

You can save 25 if you buy your sparen

tickets before Saturday.

a sealed box/bag/envelope versiegelt

1 the shadow chancellor/minister 2 1 Schatten-/Oppositions-; 2 Schatten;
The dogs are always trying to 3 beschatten
chase their own shadows. 3 The
police shadowed the burglar.

Im going sightseeing for the rest of Sehenswrdigkeiten

the day. ansehen/Besichtigung

1 a dress with long sleeves 2 the 1 rmel; 2 Umschlag/Hlle

record has a protective sleeve

She kept the programme as a Souvenir/Mitbringsel

souvenir of the evening.

a baseball/football stadium Stadion

1 I didnt want to share a room with 1 Unbekannter; 2 Fremder

a complete stranger. 2 xxx


1 I walked along a track to the 1 Trampelpfad; 2 Bahngleis; 3 Spur; 4

mountain village. 2 a long stretch of Bahn/Strecke; 5 Stck/Aufnahme; 6
track 3 He followed the tracks of a verfolgen; 7 mitverfolgen
car to the edge of the lake. 4 XXX 5
Which is your favourite track? 6 The
radar system tracks planes up to 50
miles from the airport. 7 Live
television coverage allows you to
track the progress of the

1 It is her use of colour that makes 1 einzigartig; 2 einzigartig; 3 einmalig

her work unique. 2 Each individual
is unique. 3 The problem is not
unique to British students.

1 differences between British and 1 Sprachgebrauch; 2 Nutzung(s-); 3

American usage 2 We charge a Verbrauch
monthly usage fee of 6. 3 Our
electricity usage has doubled this

1 a valid claim 2 a valid argument 3 1 zulssig; 2 berzeugend/

a valid password nachvollziehbar; 3 gltig
1 The value of the painting is not 1 Preis; 2 Nutzen; 3 Wert/Preis-
known. 2 educational/nutritional Nutzen-Verhltnis
value 3 This wine is excellent value
at 4.99 a bottle.

1 One moment she was there, the 1 verschwinden; 2 entschwinden

next she had vanished. 2 another
species that has vanished

a Scottish fishing village Dorf

1 He smiled and waved when he 1 winken; 2 winken; 3 in der Luft

saw me. 2 He waved me away schwenken/mit etw. winken; 4 wiegen
when I offered to help. 3 People
clapped and cheered and children
waved flags. 4 The tall trees were
waving in the wind.

1 Youd better come in or youll get 1 nass; 2 feucht

wet. 2 wet paint
1 a bicycle/wagon/car wheel 2 1 Rad; 2 Steuer/Lenkrad; 3 schieben; gelbe
Would you like me to take the wheel 4 schieben Frbung
to drive for a while? 3 I had to get ?
off and wheel the bike along. 4
They wheeled him into the
operating room.

the ability to do mathematics ohne

without a calculator
Headword Part of speech Phonemics Frequency star Definition

Unit 4
bakery products (n) /bekeri prdkts/ items of food made in a shop that
sells bread, cakes, etc
bread (n) /bred/ *** a common food made from flour,
water, and usually yeast
chewing gum (n) /tu gm/ a type of sweet that you chew for a
long time but do not swallow
chicken (n) /tkn/ ** the meat of a chicken
chip (n) /tp/ ** a long thin piece of potato cooked in
hot oil. The American word is French
corn (n) /kn/ maize plants, or their seeds when
they are cooked and eaten
dairy product (n) /deri prdkt/ milk or item made from it such as
cheese, butter and cream
dessert (n) /dzt/ * sweet food that you eat after the
main part of a meal
doughnut (n) /dnt/ a sweet food, often in the shape of a
ring, that is made by cooking dough
in oil
fish (n) /f/ *** an animal that lives in water and
swims, or the meat of this animal
fruit (n) /frut/ *** a type of food that grows on trees or
plants, for example apples and
main course (n) /men ks/ the biggest part of a meal
meat (n) /mit/ *** the flesh of an animal or bird that is
eaten as food
oil (n) /l/ *** a thick smooth liquid, used in
cooking and medicines
pea (n) /pi/ a very small round green vegetable
that grows in a long narrow pod

pie (n) /pa/ a food that consists of meat,

vegetables, or fruit cooked inside a
case of pastry
plum (n) /plm/ a small round fruit with purple, red,
or yellow skin and a large hard seed
seafood (n) /sifud/ fish and shellfish that you can eat
semi-skimmed milk (n) /semi skmd mlk/ semi-skimmed milk has had a lot of
the fat removed
snack (n & v) /snk/ 1 a small amount of food that you
eat between meals 2 to eat between

starter (n) /stt/ a small amount of food that is eaten

at the start of a meal
strawberry (n) /strb()ri/ a small soft red fruit with a lot of very
small seeds on its skin
sweets (n) /swits/ a small piece of sweet food made
with sugar.
tuna (n) /tjun/ a large fish that lives in the Pacific
and Atlantic Oceans, or this fish
eaten as food
turkey (n) /tki/ a large bird that is similar to a
chicken, or the meat from this bird
vegetable (n) /vedtb()l/ *** a part of a plant used as food, for
example a potato, bean, or cabbage

Describing food
fresh (adj) /fre/ *** 1 fresh food has not been preserved
in any way 2 food that is fresh is still
good to eat because it was prepared
or produced recently

fried (adj) /frad/ cooked in hot oil

frozen (adj) /frz()n/ * preserved by being made extremely
cold and stored at a very low
healthy (adj) /heli/ ** making you strong and not ill
junk (adj) /dk/ * food that is not healthy because it
contains a lot of fat, salt, and sugar

raw (adj) /r/ * raw food has not been cooked

spicy (adj) /spasi/ with a strong hot flavour
stale (adj) /stel/ old and no longer fresh

sweet (adj) /swit/ ** foods and drinks that are sweet taste
like sugar
tasty (adj) /testi/ tasty food has a nice flavour
vegetarian (adj) /vedterin/ relating to or intended for
cooperate (v) /kpret/ 1 to work with other people in order
to achieve something 2 to do what
someone asks you to do

disadvantage (n) /dsdvntd/ * something that makes someone or

something less effective, successful,
or attractive
international (adj) /ntn()nl/ *** involving several countries, or
existing between countries
misunderstand (v) /msndstnd/ to not understand someone or
something correctly
overbook (v) /v(r)bk/ to sell more tickets than you have
overcooked (adj) /v(r)kkt/ food that has been spoiled by
cooking it for too long
precooked (adj) /prikkt/ precooked food has been cooked or
partly cooked so that it can be
heated and eaten at a later time
recooked (adj) /rikkt/ food that is cooked once and then
cooked again
redo (v) /ridu/ to do something again in a different
way in order to correct or improve it

undercooked (adj) /nd(r)kkt/ food that has not been cooked for
long enough
underestimate (v) /ndrestmet/ 1 to think that someone has less
power or ability than they really do 2
to think or guess that something is
smaller, less important etc than it
really is

Other words and phrases

activate (v) /ktvet/ always doing things, especially with
energy and enthusiasm
atmosphere (n) /tmsf/ ** 1 the mood that exists in a place and
affects the people there 2 the air
round the Earth or round another
barbecue (n & v) /bbkju/ 1 a meal at which food is cooked
and eaten outside 2 a piece of
equipment used for cooking food
outside 3 to cook food outside on a

burn (v) /bn/ *** 1 to damage or destroy something

with fire 2 if something is burning, it
is being damaged or destroyed by
fire 3 if food burns, or if you burn it, it
gets spoiled by being cooked for too
long or at too high a temperature

canteen (n) /kntin/ a room in a factory, school, or

hospital where meals are served
century (n) /sentri/ *** a period of 100 years, usually
counted from a year ending in 00
ceremony (n) /sermni/ * 1 a formal public event with special
traditions, actions, or words 2 the
formal traditions, actions, and words
used for celebrating a public or
religious event

channel (TV) (n) /tn()l/ ** a television station and the

programmes that it broadcasts
crop (n & v) /krp/ * 1 a plant that is grown for food 2 the
amount of crops that are grown in a
particular year 3 several things that
happen or exist at the same time

cure (n) /kj/ * 1 a medicine or treatment that

makes someone who is ill become
healthy 2 a solution to a problem

custom (n) /kstm/ ** 1 something that people do that is

traditional or usual 2 the practice of
buying goods or services from a
particular shop or company
department store (n) /dptmnt st/ ** a large shop that is divided into
separate sections, with each section
selling a different type of thing
dry (adj & v) /dra/ *** 1 something that is dry has little or
no water or other liquid inside or on it
2 with no rain 3 when a liquid such
as paint is dry, it has become hard or
solid 4 dry food contains little or no
liquid 5 very serious and boring 6 to
remove the water from something by
wiping it, heating it, or blowing air
onto it 7 to become dry 8 to remove
the water from food or plants as a
way of preserving them 9 when a
liquid such as paint dries, it becomes
hard or solid

economic growth (n) /iknomk gr/ relating to the economy of a

particular country or region
election (n) /lek()n/ *** 1 an occasion when people vote for
someone to represent them,
especially in a government 2 the
process of electing a person or

expand (v) /kspnd/ ** 1 to become larger, or to make

something larger 2 if a business or
service expands, or if you expand it,
it grows by including more people
and moving into new areas

fancy (v, = do you fancy coming?) (v) /fnsi/ to want to have or to do something
flavour (n) /flev/ * 1 the particular taste that food or
drink has 2 the quality of having a
pleasant or strong taste 3 a
particular quality that is typical of

give somebody away (v) /gv smbdi we/ 1 to let someone know a secret,
often by accident 2 to provide
someone with something that you no
longer want or need
global economy (n) /glb()l knmi/ the economies of the worlds
nations, considered as a single
economic system
gloopy (adj) /glupi/ sticky and unpleasant
guilty (adj) /glti/ ** 1 ashamed and sorry because you
have done something wrong 2
someone who is guilty has
committed a crime or has done
something wrong

harvest (n) /hvst/ 1 the activity of collecting a crop, or

the time when crops are collected 2
the amount of a crop that is collected

icebox (n) /asbks/ a refrigerator

illness (n) /lns/ *** 1 the state of feeling ill or having a

disease 2 a particular disease, or a
period of being ill
improve (v) /mpruv/ *** to become better, or to make
something better
innocent (adj) /ns()nt/ * 1 not guilty of a crime or anything
bad 2 not intended to harm or upset

jelly (n) /deli/ 1 a soft sweet food, made from fruit

juice, sugar, and gelatine, that
shakes when you touch it 2 a sweet
sticky food made from boiled fruit
juice and sugar, often spread on

lounge (n & v) /land/ 1 a comfortable room in a house

where people sit and relax 2 an area
in an airport, hotel, or other public
building for sitting and relaxing in 3
to lie, sit, or lean in a relaxed or lazy

manage (to do something) (v) /mnd/ *** to succeed in doing or dealing with
something, especially something
difficult or something that needs a lot
of effort
matter (n) /mt/ *** 1 something that you are discussing,
considering, or dealing with 2 the
matter: used for talking about
problems or bad situations 3
matters: a situation that someone is
involved in 4 used for emphasizing
how short a period of time is 5 a
particular type of substance or thing
microwave (n & v) /makrwev/ 1 an oven that cooks food very
quickly by using electromagnetic
waves rather than heat 2 to cook
food in a microwave
molecular (adj) /mlekjl/ relating to molecules
multinational (adj) /mltin()nl/ 1 a multinational company has
offices or factories in several
countries 2 involving people from
many different countries
nanotechnology (n) /nnteknldi/ the building and use of very small
structures that are less than 100
nanometres in length, using atoms
and molecules
nutrient (n) /njutrint/ a substance in food that plants,
animals, and people need in order to
live, grow, and be healthy
obese (adj) /bis/ extremely fat
optimistic (adj) /ptmstk/ someone who is optimistic is hopeful
about the future and tends to expect
that good things will happen

order (food) (n & v) /d/ *** food, drink, or a product that a

customer has asked for
oven (n) /v()n/ * a large piece of equipment in a
kitchen that you cook food in
parade (n & v) /pred/ 1 a public celebration in which a
large group of people moves through
an area, often with decorated
vehicles and bands playing music 2
to publicly show something that you
are proud of
peel (v) /pil/ 1 to remove the skin from a fruit or
vegetable 2 if something peels, small
pieces of it start to fall off
pessimistic (adj) /pesmstk/ expecting the worst thing to happen
in every situation

pick (fruit) (v) /pk/ *** to get flowers or fruit by breaking

them off their stems
powder (n) /pad/ * a soft dry substance that looks like
dust or sand
present (adj) /prez()nt/ *** 1 existing or happening now 2 at an
event, or in a place 3 the present:
the period of time that is happening

present (n, = gift) (n) /prez()nt/ *** something that you give to someone,
for example on their birthday

preserved (adj) /przvd/ food that has had a chemical

substance added to it so it remains
edible for longer
pumpkin (n) /pmpkn/ a large round vegetable with a thick
orange skin
reception (n) /rsep()n/ * 1 the part of a building where there
is someone whose job is to welcome
visitors, deal with questions etc 2 a
formal party to welcome someone or
to celebrate something 3 the
reaction of people to someone or
something 4 the quality or strength
of the picture or sound you receive
on a television, radio, or mobile

role (n) /rl/ *** 1 the purpose or influence that

someone or something has 2 the
character that is played by a
particular actor in a film or play
sausage (n) /ssd/ a food that consists of a tube of skin
containing meat mixed with spices
scale (n) /skel/ *** 1 the size, rate, or level of something
2 a range of numbers or amounts
forming a system for separating
things into different groups 3 a set of
marks on a piece of equipment or a
drawing, used for measuring
something 4 the relationship
between the actual distance or size
of something and how it is shown on
a map or in a drawing or model 5
scales: a piece of equipment that
you use for weighing people or
things 6 a series of musical notes in
a fixed order 7 one of the small hard
flat pieces of skin on the body of a
fish, snake, or similar animal

share (v) /e/ *** 1 to use or to have something at the

same time as someone else 2 to do
something, or to be responsible for
something, with someone else 3 to
give a part of something to someone
else 4 to allow someone to use or
have something that you own 5 to
have the same opinion or feeling as
someone else 6 to tell someone
spill (n & v) /spl/ 1 an amount of liquid that has
accidentally flowed out of its
container 2 if a liquid spills, or if you
spill it, it accidentally flows out of its
container 3 if people spill out of a
place, a lot of them leave at the
same time

stripe (n) /strap/ a line of one colour on a background

of a different colour
substance (n) /sbstns/ *** 1 a particular type of liquid, solid, or
gas 2 the quality of being important,
true, or useful

taste (n) /test/ *** 1 the flavour that something creates

in your mouth when you eat or drink
it 2 the ability to judge whether
something is good or bad in things
such as art, fashion, and social
behaviour 3 the types of thing that
you like 4 a short experience of
something that you are not used to 5
a small amount of food or drink that
you have in order to find out what
flavour it has

tiny (adj) /tani/ ** extremely small

transmitter (n) /trnzmt/ a piece of electronic equipment that
is used for sending radio, television,
or telephone signals through the air

transparent (adj) /trnsprnt/ 1 clear or thin enough for you to see

things through 2 not trying to keep
anything secret
waiter (n) /wet/ a man who brings food and drink to
your table in a restaurant
wedding (n) /wed/ ** a ceremony in which two people get
width (n) /wd/ 1 the distance from one side of
something to the other 2 the quality
of being wide
Gateway to Exams Units 3-4
absurd (adj) /bsd/ silly, unreasonable, or impossible to

alpine (adj) /lpan/ relating to high mountains, especially

the mountains of the European Alps

biotech (n) /batek/ using bacteria and plant and animal

cells for industrial or scientific
cancer (n) /kns/ * a serious illness that is caused when
cells in the body increase in an
uncontrolled way
fragile (adj) /frdal/ 1 easy to break or damage 2 not
very strong or healthy
gene (n) /din/ a pattern of chemicals within a cell.
The chemicals carry information
about the qualities that are passed
from parent animals, plants, or
organisms to their children.

genetic engineering (n) /dnetk endznir/ the practice or science of changing

the genes of a living thing

genetically-modified (adj) /dnetkli mdfad/ a genetically modified plant or

animal has had its genetic structure
changed in order to make it more
suitable for a particular purpose

inhuman (adj) /nhjumn/ someone who is inhuman does not

care when other people are suffering

jumper (n) /dmp/ a piece of clothing that you pull over

your head and that covers your
upper body and arms
organic (adj) /gnk/ * 1 organic food or drink is produced
without using artificial chemicals 2
relating to, or produced by, living
things 3 happening or developing as
a natural and continuous process

organism (n) /gnz()m/ a living thing

stick (v) /stk/ *** 1 to push something that is long and
thin into or through something else 2
if something sticks in, into, or
through something else, its end
remains in it or through it 3 to fix one
thing to another, or to become fixed
to something, especially using a
sticky substance such as glue 4 to
put something somewhere quickly
and without taking much care 5 to
become firmly fixed in one position,
and therefore difficult or impossible
to move 6 to accept something that
is difficult or unpleasant in a patient
way 7 if a new name for someone or
something sticks, it becomes
accepted and used by everyone

underwear (n) /ndwe/ clothes that you wear next to your

skin under your other clothes
Example sentence German translation


a slice/loaf of bread Brot

a stick of chewing gum Kaugummi

fried/roast/grilled chicken Hhnchen

fish/sausage/egg and chips Pommes (frites)

a sack of corn Mais

The doctor has told me to avoid Milchprodukt

dairy products.

Donut (Krapfen/Berliner)

Little silver fish swam past. Fisch

Eat plenty of fresh fruit and Frucht


I had the lasagne for my main Hauptgang

You can choose from a Fleisch
selection of meats.
Cook the chicken in oil. l


apple/cherry/pumpkin pie Pastete


You get good seafood here. Meeresfrchte

halbfette Milch

1 Coffee, tea, and snacks are 1 Snack/Imbiss; 2 eine

available throughout the day. 2 Zwischenmahlzeit
He was snacking on a bar of zu sich nehmen/vespern
Stuffed peppers make a good Vorspeise
starter for a dinner party.
a bowl of strawberries and Erdbeere
a bag of sweets Sigkeiten


a turkey sandwich/dinner Truthahn/Pute

We grow all our own Gemse

1 You can use fresh or tinned 1 frisch; 2 frisch

tomatoes for this recipe. 2
Cooked meat will keep fresh for
several days in the fridge.

fried fish/potatoes/bread gebraten

frozen food/meals gefroren

healthy food gesund


raw meat roh

stale bread schal/abgestanden/nicht
mehr frisch
Id like something sweet, like a s
piece of cake.
a few tasty snacks schmackhaft/lecker
a vegetarian vegetarisch
1 Residents are refusing to 1 zusammenarbeiten; 2 kooperieren
cooperate with the authorities. 2
They threatened to harm him if
he didnt cooperate.

One of the disadvantages of the Nachteil

job is the long hours I work.

international international
I think he has misunderstood missverstehen
the nature of the problem.

the overcooked vegetables zerkocht

were horrible


My teacher told me to redo my neu machen


He got food poisoning from nicht gar

undercooked chicken
1 Their big mistake was to 1 unterschtzen; 2 unterschtzen
underestimate their opponents
skill in handling the news
media. 2 The importance of a
good diet should not be

Rose is still active at the age of aktivieren/aktiv werden/sein

1 There is an atmosphere of 1 Stimmung; 2 Atmosphre
tension in the city today. 2 The
Earths atmosphere is getting
1 a summer barbeque 2 as it is 1 Grillparty; 2 Grill; 3 grillen
sunny we are cooking on the
barbeque in the garden 3
sausages cooked on the

1 Demonstrators burned flags 1 verbrennen; 2 brennen; 3 verbrennen

outside the embassy. 2 Homes
were burning all over the
village. 3 Have you burnt the


16th century paintings Jahrhundert

1 a ceremony to honour those 1 Feierstunde; 2 Zeremonie
who died in the war 2 They
celebrated Easter with lavish

Whats on the other channel? Sender/Programm

1 a good crop of potatoes 2 1 Ernte; 2 Ernte; 3 Saisonprodukt(ion)

Theyre all out planting the
crops today. 3 this summers
crop of Hollywood films

1 Doctors say there are several 1 Behandlung; 2 Heilmittel/Lsung

possible cures. 2 Its the only
possible cure for high
1 local customs and traditions 2 1 Brauch 2 Kundschaft
Several restaurants compete for
tourists custom.

1 Are your hands dry? 2 warm 1 trocken; 2 trocken;
dry places like southern Spain 3 3 trocken/abgebunden; 4 trocken;
Someone walked on the 5 langweilig; 6 abtrocknen;
concrete before it was dry. 4 7 trocknen; 8 Wasser
The chicken was overcooked entziehen/dehydrieren;
and dry. 5 The style was a little 9 trocknen
too dry for a childrens book. 6
We washed and dried all the
sheets. 7 I usually let my hair
dry naturally. 8 dried
fruit/herbs/flowers 9 Leave the
varnish to dry overnight.

Economic growth is slowing Wirtschaftswachstum

1 an election victory/defeat 2 1 Wahl; 2 Wahl
the election of a new leader

1 The population is expanding 1 wachsen; 2 ausweiten/erweitern

rapidly. 2 We are expanding the
programme to provide more
student places.

What do you fancy for your Lust haben auf etw./sich etw.
lunch? vorstellen/wnschen
1 The drink has a very strong 1 Geschmack; 2 Geschmack;
citrus flavour. 2 This beer has 3 Flair/Beigeschmack
no flavour. 3 The foreign visitors
added an international flavour
to the occasion.

1 If captured, they might give 1 verraten; 2 verschenken

away vital military secrets. 2 I
gave my plants away to the

1 a guilty look/expression 2 1 schuldbewusst; 2 schuldig
Patrick knew that he was guilty
of lying.

1 the corn/potato/grape harvest 1 Ernte; 2 Ernte

2 Poor harvests increased food

frozen food is kept in the icebox Gefrierschrank

1 He missed five days of school 1 Krankheit; 2 Krankheit

because of illness. 2 a serious
Your English will improve with verbessern
1 Under the law, everyone is 1 unschuldig; 2 harmlos
considered innocent until
proved guilty. 2 an innocent
1 The children were sitting 1 Wackelpudding; 2 Gelee
eating jelly and ice cream. 2
blackcurrant jelly

1 let's sit in the lounge 2 the 1 Wohnzimmer; 2 Lounge;

departure lounge 3 Teenage 3 herumliegen/-sitzen/"-hngen"
boys were lounging against the

I dont think I can manage a bewltigen

long walk today.

1 an extremely important matter 1 Thema; 2 Problem; 3

2 You look sad. Whats the Angelegenheit;
matter? 3 Her angry attitude 4 Zeitraum; 5 Material
didnt improve matters. 4 The
school could close in a matter
of a few weeks. 5 organic
1 Mikrowelle; 2 in der
Mikrowelle aufbereiten

molecular biology molekular

1 BP is a multinational company 1 multi-/international/Welt-;
2 a multinational peacekeeping 2 multi-/international


Plants get nutrients from the Nhrstoff


She said that she was optimistic optimistisch
about the future of the

The waitress got our orders Bestellung

mixed up.
Preheat the oven to 220C, Gas (Back)Ofen/Backrhre
mark 7.
1 the St Patricks Day parade 2 1 Parade; 2 Zurschaustellung/
a ridiculous parade of wealth Vorfhrung
1 First peel the potatoes and 1 schlen; 2 abblttern
cut them in half. 2 Paint was
peeling off the walls.
Doctors are pessimistic about pessimistisch
his chances of making a full
They spent the summer picking pflcken
chilli powder Pulver

1 The present situation cannot 1 gegenwrtig/momentan;

be allowed to continue. 2 2 zugegen; 3 Gegenwart
Among those present at the
ceremony were the
ambassador and his wife. 3 We
must learn to live in the present,
not in the past.

a wedding/birthday/Christmas Geschenk

the sugar has preserved the konserviert


1 Visitors must report to 1 Rezeption; 2 Empfang; 3
reception first. 2 a wedding Aufnahme/Begrung; 4
reception 3 a friendly reception Empfang
4 Mobile phone users were
complaining of poor reception.

1 Its not my role to tell the 1 Aufgabe; 2 Rolle

politicians what to do. 2 Who is
playing the role of Hamlet?

1 Is the Government aware of 1 Ausma; 2 Skala; 3 Skala;
the scale of the problem are 4 Mastab; 5 Waage;
they aware of how big it is? 2 6 Tonleiter; 7 Schuppe
the Celsius scale of
temperature 3 the vertical scale
on the graph 4 This map has a
scale of 1:20,000. 5 a pair/set of
scales 6 She was practising
scales on her new piano. 7 the
snake's scaly skin

1 Do you mind sharing a table? 1 teilen; 2 zu etw.

2 We share responsibility for (gleichberechtigt)
meeting the targets. 3 The beitragen; 3 auf-/verteilen;
money will be shared between 4 jdm. zur Verfgung stellen;
30 different environmental 5 eine Meinung teilen; 6 mitteilen
organizations. 4 He would
never share his toys with me. 5
Not everyone will share your
enthusiasm for this scheme. 6
Thanks for sharing.
1 an oil spill 2 Oil is still spilling 1 Austritt/Verschmutzung; 2
from the ship. 3 The crowd auslaufen;
spilled out onto the street. 3 ausstrmen

a white shirt with red stripes Streifen

1 The wood is coated with a 1 Substanz; 2 Wichtigkeit

special substance that protects
it from the sun. 2 The band is all
show and no substance.

1 I love the taste of chocolate. 2 1 Geschmack; 2 Geschmack;

She has such good taste in 3 Geschmack; 4 Eindruck;
clothes. 3 The meals are 5 Kostprobe
designed to suit all tastes. 4
After 16 years in prison, it was
their first taste of freedom. 5
Have a taste of this wine.

She is one of a tiny minority of winzig

female motoring journalists.

1 a transparent 1 durchsichtig; 2 transparent/offen

fabric/substance 2 a
transparent system/process
The waiter brought the main Kellner
We wanted a quiet wedding. Hochzeit

1 The pool is about ten metres 1 Breite; 2 Breite

in width. 2 the width of his

She makes the most absurd absurd/abwegig

claims about her past
an alpine resort alpin


He died of lung cancer. Krebs

1 Most of the exhibits are too 1 zerbrechlich/fragil; 2 heikel/anfllig

fragile to be sent abroad. 2 His
health has always been fragile.
He believes that shyness is in Gen
the genes.


genetisch verndert

The prisoners were subjected to unmenschlich

inhuman treatment.

It's cold - put on a jumper if you Pullover

go outside.

1 organic apples/meat 2 organic 1 organisch; 2 organisch; 3 natrlich

material/waste/matter 3 The
business has expanded by 70%
through organic growth.

tests to identify the organism Organismus

that causes the disease
1 He stuck the end of the post 1 einfhren/-stecken; 2 stecken;
in the ground. 2 The knife 3 zusammenkleben; 4 legen/
missed its target and stuck in werfen; 5 klemmen;
the door. 3 Can you stick the 6 aushalten/ertragen; 7 anhaften
pieces of this vase back
together? 4 Just stick the plates
in the sink. 5 The door is
sticking, so give it a good push.
6 I dont know how shes stuck
that job this long. 7 Hed been
called Tufty at school, and the
name had stuck.

He was standing there in his Unterwsche

Headword Part of speech Phonemics Frequency star Definition

Unit 5
School and university subjects
art (n) /t/ *** the activity or study of creating
paintings, drawings, and other objects
that are beautiful or interesting

biology (n) /baldi/ the scientific study of living things

business studies (n) /bzns stdiz/ the study of how businesses work,
especially the financial and
management aspects
chemistry (n) /kemstri/ the scientific study of the structure of
substances and the way they react
with other substances
drama (n) /drm/ * plays in general or as a subject that
you study
engineering (n) /endnr/ * the activity of designing things such as
roads, railways, or machines
English (n) /l/ this language and its literature as a
subject that you study
geography (n) /digrfi/ the study of the Earths physical
features and the people, plants, and
animals that live in different regions of
the world
history (n) /hst()ri/ *** the study of the events of the past
ICT (n) /a si ti/ information and communication
technology: a school subject that deals
with computers, electronics, and
law (n) /l/ *** the academic study of laws, or the
profession of working as a judge,
lawyer etc
literature (n) /ltrt/ ** stories, poems, and plays, especially
those that are considered to have
value as art
maths (n) /ms/ mathematics

media studies (n) /midi stdiz/ the study of newspapers, television,

advertising etc and their influence on
society as an educational subject
medicine (n) /med()s()n/ ** the study and practice of treating or
preventing illnesses and injuries
music (n) /mjuzk/ *** the activity of writing, performing, or
studying music
PE (n) /pi i/ physical education: a school subject in
which you exercise and play sports

physics (n) /fzks/ * the science that deals with heat, light,
and other forms of energy and how
they affect objects
psychology (n) /sakldi/ * the study of the mind and how it affects
Words connected with school and university
certificate (n) /stfkt/ ** an official document that proves that
you have passed an examination or
have successfully completed a course

cheat (v) /tit/ * to behave dishonestly, or to not obey

coursework (n) /kswk/ school work that a student must do as
part of a course of study
essay (n) /ese/ * a short piece of writing on a particular
subject, especially by a student

fail (v) /fel/ *** to be unsuccessful

grade (n & v) /gred/ * a letter or number that shows the

quality of a students work
mark (n & v) /mk/ *** a score or grade that you are given for
school work or for how you perform in
a competition
pass (n & v) /ps/ * a successful result in an examination
or test
resit (n & v) /rist, rist/ an examination that you take again
because you failed it the first time

term (n) /tm/ *** one of the periods of time that the year
is divided into for students
timetable (n) /tamteb()l/ a plan that shows the dates and times
when something will take place

Noun suffixes -er, -or, -ist, -ian, -ee

director (n) /drekt, darekt/ *** someone whose job is to manage all or
part of a company, organization, or
electrician (n) /lektr()n/ someone whose job is to repair or fit
electrical equipment
employee (n) /mpli, empli/ ** someone who is paid regularly to work
for a person or organization
employer (n) /mpl/ ** a person or organization that pays
workers to work for them
historian (n) /hstrin/ someone who studies history
instructor (n) /nstrkt/ someone whose job is to teach a skill
or a sport
journalist (n) /dnlst/ ** someone whose job is to report the
news for a newspaper, magazine,
radio programme, or television
lecturer (n) /lektr/ 1 someone who gives a lecture 2 a
teacher at a university or college

photographer (n) /ftgrf/ someone who takes photographs,

especially as their job
physicist (n) /fzsst/ someone who studies physics,
especially as their job
professor (n) /prfes/ * someone who is trained in science,
especially someone whose job is to do
scientific research
scientist (n) /santst/ ** someone with technical training whose
job involves working with and taking
care of special equipment
technician (n) /tekn()n/ someone who is learning how to do a
particular job or activity
trainee (n) /treni/ someone who is training for a
particular profession or job

Other words and phrases

according to (prep) /kd tu/ *** 1 used for stating where information or
ideas have come from 2 in a way that
agrees with or obeys a particular plan,
system, or set of rules 3 used for
saying that something changes or is
different depending on the situation

applicant (n) /plknt/ someone who applies for a job

application (n) /plke()n/ ** a formal request to do something or

have something, for example a job
assessment (n) /sesmnt/ ** 1 the process of making a judgment or
forming an opinion, after considering
something or someone carefully 2
calculation of the cost or value of
something, or the amount of the cost
or value

attend (v) /tend/ ** 1 to be present at an event or activity 2

to go regularly to a place such as a
school or a church

available (adj) /velb()l/ ** 1 able to be obtained, taken, or used 2

not too busy to do something
average (adj, n & v) /v()rd/ ** 1 usual or ordinary 2 not very good 3
calculated by adding several numbers
together and dividing the total by the
number of things that you added
together 4 the typical amount or level 5
to usually do, have, or involve a
particular level or amount

branch (= of a tree) (n) /brnt/ ** one of the parts of a tree that grows
out of its trunk
candidate (n) /knddet, kndd* one of the people who is competing in
an election or competing for a job
career (n) /kr/ ** 1 a job or profession that you work at
for some time 2 the period of
someones life that they spend doing
their job
childcare (n) /taldke/ the job of looking after children,
especially while their parents are
choir (n) /kwa/ a group of singers who perform
together, for example in a church or
come up (= arise) (v) /km p/ if a problem comes up, it happens and
needs to be dealt with immediately
course (n & v) /ks/ *** 1 a series of lessons or lectures in an
academic subject or a practical skill 2
the direction that a ship or plane is
travelling in 3 the things that you
choose to do in a particular situation 4
the way that things develop over a
period of time 5 one of the parts of a
meal 6 a medical treatment that
someone is given over a period of time
7 an area where a race or sport takes
place 8 to flow somewhere in large
amounts 9 if an emotion or physical
feeling courses through you, you
suddenly feel it strongly

dedicated to (adj) /dedketd t/ to spend time and effort doing

disability (n) /dsblti/ a condition in which someone is not
able to use a part of their body or brain
discrimination (n) /dskrmne()n/ * unfair treatment of someone because
of their religion, race, or other personal
emphasis (n) /emfss/ ** 1 special importance or attention that
is given to one thing in particular 2 the
extra loudness with which you say a
particular phrase, word, or part of a

empty (adj) /empti/ *** 1 containing no things or people 2

lacking emotion, interest, or purpose 3
not true or serious
evaluate (v) /vljuet/ to think carefully about something
before you make a judgment about its
value, importance, or quality
extracurricular activities (n) /ekstrkrkjl(r) ktvtiz/ extracurricular activities are things that
you do at school or college that are not
part of your course
finance (n & v) /fanns, fanns * 1 decisions on how money is spent or
invested 2 money that is used to pay
for something such as a large project 3
finances: the money that you have,
and how well you spend it or save it 4
to pay for something such as a large

flexibility (n) /fleksblti/ 1 the ability to make changes or to

deal with a situation that is changing 2
the ability to bend or move easily

forced to (adj) /fst t/ to make someone do something that

they do not want to do, for example by
using or threatening to use violence

foreground (n & v) /fgrand/ the front part of a scene or picture. The

part at the back is called the
freedom (n) /fridm/ *** 1 the right or opportunity to do what
you want 2 freedoms: different types of

give somebody a lift (= in a car) (v) /gv smbdi lft/ offer a ride in a vehicle to somebody
graduation (n) /grdue()n/ 1 the act of receiving a degree or other
qualification after finishing your studies
at a college or university 2 a ceremony
at which you are given a degree or
other qualification

grateful (adj) /gretf()l/ * feeling that you want to thank

someone because they have given you
something or done something for you

hand in (v) /hnd n/ to give something to a person in

healthcare (n) /helke(r)/ relating to medical care

ID (n) /adi/ a document that gives the details of

your name, address, and date of birth,
sometimes with a photograph
increase (n & v) /kris/ *** 1 a rise in the number, amount, or
degree of something 2 to become
larger in number or amount, or to
make something do this
independence (n) /ndpendns/ ** 1 freedom from control by another
country or organization 2 the ability to
make decisions and live your life free
from the control or influence of other
leader (n) /lid/ *** 1 someone who is in charge of a
group, organization, or country 2
someone or something that is winning
at a particular time during a race or
competition 3 someone or something
that is the most successful, most
popular, most advanced etc

lesson (n) /les()n/ *** 1 a period of time in which students

are taught about a subject in school 2
a period of time in which someone is
taught a skill 3 something that you
learn from life, an event, or an

look after (v) /lk ft/ 1 to take care of someone or

something 2 to be in charge of

make-up (n) /mekp/ * substances that people put on their

faces to make them look attractive
Martian (n) /m()n/ an imaginary creature from Mars
maturity (n) /mtrti/ 1 the qualities and behaviour that you
would expect of a sensible adult 2 full
growth, or completed development

moped (n) /mped/ a type of motorcycle with an engine

that is not powerful and pedals like a
nervous (adj) /nvs/ ** 1 feeling excited and worried, or
slightly afraid 2 relating to the nerves in
your body
nursery school (n) /ns()ri skul/ a school for very young children
participate (v) /ptspet/ to take part in something

previous (adj) /privis/ *** a previous event, period, or thing

happened or existed before the one
that you are talking about
primary school (n) /pramri skul/ * a school for children between the ages
of four or five and eleven
priority (n) /prarti/ ** 1 something important that must be
done first, or that needs more attention
than anything else 2 the importance
that you give to something that must
be done 3 the right to go before
someone or something else, or to
receive something before they do

psychological (adj) /sakldk()l/ * 1 involving or affecting your mind 2

connected with the study of how your
mind works

raise (= money) (n & v) /rez/ a rise in the amount that you are paid
for work
reasonable (adj) /riz()nb()l/ ** 1 sensible and fair 2 if something is
reasonable, there are good reasons for
thinking it is true or correct 3 fairly
good, although not extremely good 4
not too high or great
regulation (n) /regjle()n/ ** 1 an official rule that controls the way
things are done 2 official control of an
activity, process, or industry
responsibility (n) /rspnsblti/ *** 1 something that you have to do as a
duty or a job 2 blame for something
bad that has happened

scholarship (n) /sklp/ 1 an amount of money that an

organization gives to someone so that
they can study at a particular school or
university 2 serious formal study and
the knowledge that you get from it

seat belt (n) /sitbelt/ a strong belt in a car or plane that you
fasten around yourself
secondary school (n) /seknd()ri skul/ a school for children between the ages
of 11 and 16 or 18
self-motivation (n) /selfmtve()n/ a feeling of enthusiasm or interest that
makes you determined to do
sensible (adj) /sensb()l/ * reasonable and practical

spare time (n) /spe(r) tam/ * time when you do not have to work or
study and when you can do what you
speed limit (n) /spid lmt/ the fastest speed that is allowed for
vehicles in a particular area
staff (n & v) /stf/ *** 1 the people who work for a particular
company, organization, or institution 2
to provide an organization with workers
stand on your own two feet (v) /stnd n j(r) n tu fit/ to behave in an independent way,
especially by not asking for help from
starting point (n) /stt pnt/ 1 the place where a journey begins 2
something that you use as the first
stage in a discussion or other activity

successfully (adv) /sksesfli/ something achieved well

time management (n) /tam mndmnt/ the process of controlling or managing
umbrella (n) /mbrel/ an object that you hold over your head
when it is raining
unfair (adj) /nfe/ * 1 not fair or reasonable 2 not treating
people equally

unfit (adj) /nft/ 1 below the accepted quality or

standard for a particular use or
purpose 2 not feeling healthy or strong
because you do not take enough

uniform (adj & n) /junfm/ 1 the same everywhere 2 a set of

clothes that you wear to show that you
are part of a particular organization or
visually impaired (adj) /vli imped/ having poor eyesight
Example sentence German

He studied Art and Design at Kunst


human biology Biologie


a professor of chemistry Chemie

He teaches drama. Schauspiel


I studied English at college. Englisch

I hated geography at school. Erdkunde/Geogr


He teaches history at the local school. Geschichte


a degree in law Jura/Rechtswiss


She is studying German literature. Literatur

The maths for solving the problem is Mathe(matik)

quite complex.

He went on to study medicine at Medizin

Edinburgh University.
Shes planning to do a degree in Musik
We play football in PE on Wednesday Sport

The Nobel Prize for Physics Physik

an expert in psychology Psychologie


Kids have always found ways of betrgen

cheating in school exams.
English/Maths/History coursework Kursarbeit

We have to write an essay about Aufsatz/Essay

Romantic poetry.

It looks as if the negotiations are going versagen

to fail.
You need to improve your grades. Note

What mark did you get for your essay? Note/Zensur

She got a pass in maths. bestehen/bestan

dene Prfung
What classes are you taking this term? Semester/Trime
the timetable shows English on Friday Stundenplan
the finance/marketing/personnel Leiter/Direktor


part-time employees Angestellter

The factory is the largest single Arbeitgeber

employer in the area.
A qualified instructor will show you how Ausbilder
to use the equipment.
an article by a leading sports journalist Journalist

1 A well-known explorer came on the 1 Dozent; 2

cruise as a guest lecturer. 2 Dr Smith Dozent/Hochsch
is our History Lecturer ullehrer


In 1886 he was appointed professor of Professor

physics at the Royal College of
Science, London.
research scientists Wissenschaftler

a laboratory/dental technician Techniker

The firm recruits ten trainee Trainee
accountants a year. (Auszubildender,

1 According to newspaper reports, 1 laut; 2 gem;

fighting has broken out in the northern 3 je nachdem
provinces. 2 The game was played
according to the rules. 3 The amount
of tax people pay varies according to
where they live.

Successful applicants will be notified Bewerber

by telephone.
His application for membership was Bewerbung
1 The investigation was reopened after 1 Beurteilung; 2
careful assessment of new evidence. 2 Bewertung
the assessment of property taxes

1 Most of his colleagues attended the 1

wedding. 2 Born in India, he attended teilnehmen/beiw
high school in Madras. ohnen; 2
1 Well notify you as soon as tickets 1 verfgbar; 2
become available. 2 Im available next frei
Tuesday if you want to meet then.
1 Hes about average height. 2 a very 1
average performance 3 winds with an normal/gewhnli
average speed of 15 miles per hour 4 ch; 2 mig; 3
Unemployment here is twice the durchschnittlich;
national average. 5 The cost of 4 Durchschnitt; 5
developing a new drug now averages durchschnittlich
around 500 million. betragen

The wind rustled the bare branches of Ast

the trees.
the Labour/Liberal/Conservative Kandidat
1 the problems of combining a career 1 Beruf; 2 berufl.
and a family 2 the most important Laufbahn/Karrier
game of her career e

the high cost of childcare Kinderbetreuung

the church/cathedral/school choir Chor

Im going to have to cancel our lunch aufkommen

somethings come up.
1 a drama/secretarial/Spanish course 1 Kurs; 2 Kurs; 3
2 The captain had to change course Weg; 4 Verlauf;
quickly. 3 What course of action do you 5 Gang; 6
recommend? 4 In the normal course of Behandlung; 7
events, he would have left on time. 5 Platz/Feld; 8
We both chose fish as our main flieen; 9
course. 6 a course of antibiotics 7 a (durch-)strmen
golf/race course 8 Tears coursed down
his cheeks. 9 Anger coursed through

He dedicated himself to academic gewidmet sein

children with learning disabilities Be-/Einschrnku

sex/racial/age discrimination Diskriminierung

1 We place great emphasis on staff 1

development. 2 The emphasis is on Gewicht(ung)/Sc
the first syllable. hwerpunkt; 2

1 an empty jar 2 Her life felt empty and 1 leer; 2 hohl; 3

meaningless. 3 an empty leer
The performance of each employee is beurteilen/einsch
evaluated once a year. tzen


1 the companys finance committee 2 1 Finanzierung;

Where will the finance for this project 2 Finanzierung;
come from? 3 My finances are in a 3 Finanzen; 4
terrible mess at the moment. 4 The finanzieren
scheme is being financed by the Arts

1 Being self-employed allowed him the 1 Flexibilitt; 2

flexibility to work unusual hours. 2 Beweglichkeit
exercises to improve your flexibility

He claims that police officers forced gezwungen sein

him to sign a confession.

She drew a few flowers in the Vordergrund


1 a law that restricts religious freedom 1 Freiheit; 2

2 basic/fundamental/political freedoms Freiheit

He gave Jodie a lift to school in his car. mitnehmen

1 After graduation she worked as a 1 Abschluss; 2
research chemist. 2 Steven got his Abschlussfeier
degree at the graduation ceremony

Thanks for coming with me. Im really dankbar


Please hand in your keys when you einreichen/-

leave the hotel. hndigen
healthcare professionals Gesundheitswes
I had to show my ID before I was Ausweis
allowed into the building.

1 price increases 2 We have managed 1 Zunahme; 2

to increase the number of patients vergrern

1 Lithuania was the first of the Soviet 1

republics to declare its independence. Unabhngigkeit;
2 Employment gave young women a 2
measure of independence. Selbststndigkeit
1 a political/military/religious leader 2 1 Oberhaupt; 2
She remains the leader after the 17th Sieger; 3 Fhrer
hole. 3 He is a world leader in his field.

1 a French/English/maths/history 1 (Schul)Stunde;
lesson 2 a driving/dancing/swimming 2 Stunde; 3
lesson 3 I hope youve learnt a lesson Lektion
from this!

1 Its hard work looking after three 1 aufpassen; 2

children all day. 2 Whos looking after verantwortlich
the department while youre away? sein

Gina wears no make-up at all. Make-

The Martians have landed! Marsmensch
1 He hasnt got the maturity to be a 1 Reife; 2
father. 2 It takes roughly forty years for Zustand des
the trees to reach maturity. Ausgewachsens

1 Driving on mountain roads always 1 nervs; 2

makes me nervous. 2 a nervous Nerven-
my first nursery school Kindergarten
The rebels have agreed to participate teilnehmen
in the peace talks.
Mark has two children from a previous vorherig/-
marriage. malig/frher

I havent seen her since we were at Grundschule

primary school together.
1 Health insurance will be our top 1 Prioritt; 2
priority. 2 Their marriage took priority Prioritt; 3
over everything else. 3 Buses take Vorfahrt
priority over other vehicles on the road.

1 Harrys problems are more 1

psychological than physical. 2 psychologisch/s
psychological theories eelisch; 2
We managed to raise over 4,000 Gehaltserhhun
through sponsored events. g/aufbringen
1 We have taken all reasonable 1 angemessen;
precautions to avoid an accident. 2 Im 2 realistisch; 3
sure theres a reasonable explanation akzeptabel/zieml
for his absence. 3 a reasonable ich; 4
standard of accommodation 4 The annehmbar
hotel is situated within a reasonable
distance of the beach.
1 building/safety regulations 2 the 1 Vorschrift; 2
governments regulation of the steel Regulierung
1 She has a lot of responsibility as a 1 Verantwortung;
nurse. 2 Allan has got to take 2 Verantwortung
responsibility for the failure of the deal.

1 Sophie was awarded a scholarship 1 Stipendium; 2

to attend Boston University. 2 a work of (wiss.)
great scholarship Forschung

put your seat belt on before driving off Sicherheitsgurt

You can do anything if youve got the Selbstmotivation

This seems to be a sensible way of vernnftig

dealing with the problem.
His work for various public bodies left Freizeit
him little spare time.

the speed limit is 50 km/h Geschwindigkeit

1 The embassy employs around 50 1 Mitarbeiter; 2
people on its full-time staff. 2 xxx an-/einstellen
Hes old enough to stand on his own auf eigenen
two feet. Fen stehen

1 our starting point will be the village 1 Ausgangsort; 2

hall 2 This book is a useful starting Ansatzpunkt
point for exploring Roman history.

The concert went off successfully. erfolgreich


remember your umbrella if it looks like Regenschirm

1 It is grossly unfair very unfair to 1 unfair; 2
suggest that the school was ungerecht
responsible for this accident. 2 It is
unfair that not everyone got the chance
to vote.

1 an unfit mother 2 A persistent back 1 untauglich; 2

problem eventually rendered him unfit ungeeignet
for work.

1 a uniform standard of health care 2 1 gleich(frmig);

He was still wearing his school 2 Uniform

Headword Part of speech Phonemics Frequency star Definition

Unit 6
Everyday inventions
camcorder (n) /kmkd/ a small camera used for
recording pictures and sound
onto videotape
digital camera (n) /ddtl kmr/ a camera that takes and stores
pictures in the form of electronic
dishwasher (n) /dw/ a machine that washes dishes

DVD player (n) /dividi ple/ You play a DVD in a machine

called a DVD player.
home cinema sy(n) /hm snm sstm/ a television and DVD system
copies the experience of seeing
something in a cinema in your
own home
laptop (n) /lptp/ a small computer that you can
carry with you
microwave (n) /makrwev/ an oven that cooks food very
quickly by using electromagnetic
waves rather than heat

mobile phone (n) /mbal fn/ ** a small phone that you can carry
around with you
MP3 player (n) /em pi ri ple/ a piece of equipment used for
playing MP3 files
remote control (n) /rmt kntrl/ * a piece of equipment that you
use for controlling something
such as a television from a short
distance away
satnav (n) /stnv/ satellite navigation: a system for
finding the best way to a place
using information from satellites.
It is often found in cars.

vacuum cleaner (n) /vkjum klin/ a piece of electrical equipment

that cleans floors by sucking up
washing machin(n) /w min/ * a machine for washing clothes

Operating technology
charge/recharge(v) /td, ri td/ to put electricity into a battery

connect (v) /knekt/ *** to join something to a supply of

electricity, water, or gas

insert (v) /nst/ to put something into something

plug in (v) /plg n/ to connect a piece of equipment
to an electricity supply or to
another piece of equipment

press (a button) (v) /pres/ *** to push something such as a

button or switch in order to make
a piece of equipment do
select (a progra (v) /slekt/ * to mark something on a computer
screen before changing it

switch/turn on (v) /swt, tn n/ if you switch on something such

as a light or a machine, or if it
switches on, you make it start
switch/turn off (v) /swt, tn f/ if you switch off something such
as a light or a machine, or if it
switches off, it stops working

Prepositional phrases with adjectives

afraid of (adj) /fred v/ worried that something bad might

aware of (adj) /we(r) v/ knowing about a situation or a

bored with (adj) /bd w/ feeling impatient or dissatisfied,
because you are not interested in
something or because you have
nothing to do.
different from (adj) /dfrnt frm/ not the same as another person
or thing, or not the same as
good at (adj) /gd t/ able to do something well

pleased with (adj) /plizd w/ happy and satisfied

ready for (adj) /redi f/ prepared for what is going to

responsible for (adj) /rspnsbl f/ if something or someone is
responsible for a situation or
event, they are the cause of it
similar to (adj) /sml tu/ things that are similar share
some qualities but are not exactly
the same
tired of (adj) /tad v/ no longer wanting something or
wanting to do something because
you are bored with it or annoyed
by it
worried about (adj) /wrd bat/ unhappy because you are
thinking about your problems or
about bad things that could
Other words and phrases
acquire (v) /kwa/ to get something

addicted to (adj) /dktd tu/ unable to stop taking an illegal or

harmful drug

amateur (adj & n) /mt, mt/ 1 done for pleasure instead of as

a job 2 done or made badly

antibiotics (n) /ntibatks/ a drug that cures illnesses and

infections caused by bacteria
argue (v) /gju/ *** 1 to discuss something that you
disagree about, usually in an
angry way 2 to give reasons why
you believe that something is
right or true

backwards (adj & adv) /bkw(r)dz/ ** 1 in the direction that is behind

you 2 in the opposite way or
order from usual 3 towards a time
in the past

bin (n) /bn/ 1 a container for putting rubbish

in 2 a container for storing
bowl (n & v) /bl/ ** 1 a round container that you use
for eating, serving, or preparing
food 2 the food in a bowl, or the
amount that a bowl contains 3 a
large container without a lid, used
for holding liquids 4 to throw the
ball towards the batsman in the
sport of cricket

bug (= computer(n) /bg/ a minor fault in a computer

system or in a computer program

carpet (n) /kpt/ ** 1 a thick soft cover for a floor 2 a

layer of something soft covering
the ground
colonise (v) /klnaz/ to take control of another country
by going to live there or by
sending people to live there
correction fluid/ (n) /krek()n flud, tep/ a white liquid or sticky tape used
for covering the mistakes in a
piece of writing
cosmetics (n) /kzmetks/ substances that you use on your
hair or skin to make yourself look
more attractive
crash (v, = of a (v) /kr/ * if a computer or a computer
program crashes, it suddenly
stops working
decorate (v) /dekret/ * 1 to make something more
attractive by putting nice things
on it or in it 2 to put new paint or
paper on the walls of a room
dynamite (n & v) /danmat/ 1 a substance that is used for
causing explosions 2 someone or
something that is very impressive
or exciting
error (n) /er/ *** 1 a mistake, for example in a
calculation or a decision 2 a
failure in a computer process
ethical (adj) /ek()l/ 1 involving the principles that
people use for deciding what is
right and what is wrong 2 morally
excrement (n) /ekskrmnt/ the solid waste that your body
gets rid of
eyesight (n) /asat/ the ability to see
fatal (adj) /fet()l/ * 1 causing someone to die 2 with
very bad effects

file (n, = of a c (n) /fal/ *** a set of information on a

fingernail (n) /fgnel/ any of the hard smooth parts at
the ends of your fingers
fragrance (n) /fregrns/ 1 a nice smell 2 perfume

frown (v) /fran/ to move your eyebrows down and

closer together because you are
annoyed, worried, or thinking
get rid of (v) /get rd v/ to throw away, give away, or sell
a possession that you no longer
want or need
gossip (v) /gsp/ to talk about other people or
about things that are not
guy (n) /ga/ ** 1 a man 2 guys: used for talking
to a group of people

hairdressers (n) /hedresz/ the place a hairdress works in

heavy (adj) /hevi/ *** 1 a heavy object weighs a lot 2
used for saying that there is a lot
of something, or that something
is done a lot 3 involving a lot of
physical effort or force 4 too
serious, difficult, or frightening to
be good or enjoyable 5 large,
thick, or powerful]

impatiently (adv) /mpe()ntli/ annoyed because something is

not happening as quickly as you
want or in the way you want

input (n & v) /npt/ 1 comments and suggestions that

you make as part of a discussion
2 information that you put into a
computer 3 electrical power that
is put into a machine

journalist (n) /dnlst/ ** someone whose job is to report

the news for a newspaper,
magazine, radio programme, or
television programme
launch (v) /lnt/ ** 1 to send a space vehicle,
missile, or other object into space
or into the air 2 to start a major
activity such as a military attack,
a public project, or a new career
3 to make a new product
available for the public to buy for
the first time 4 to put a boat or
ship into water, especially for the
first time

malfunction (v) /mlfk()n/ to fail to work or operate correctly

messy (adj) /mesi/ 1 dirty or very untidy 2

complicated, difficult, and
unpleasant to deal with

miracle (n) /mrk()l/ 1 something that is extremely

lucky and that would not normally
be possible 2 an event that
cannot be explained according to
the laws of nature and is
considered to be an act of God

never-ending (adj) /nev(r)endng/ continuing for a very long time

and likely to continue even longer

nuclear reactor (n) /njukli rikt/ a machine used for producing

nuclear energy, usually in the
form of electricity
oil tanker (n) /l tk/ a large ship that carries oil
operating syste (n) /pret sstm/ * the software that tells the parts of
a computer how to work together
and what to do
orbit (v) /bt/ to move around a large object in
space such as a planet
patrol (v) /ptrl/ to move regularly around a place
in order to prevent trouble or
pigment (n) /pgmnt/ a natural substance that gives
colour to something such as
paint, skin, or hair
play (n) /ple/ *** 1 a piece of writing that is
intended to be performed by
actors in a theatre or on
television or the radio 2 activities
that are done because they are
enjoyable and fun, especially by
children 3 the action in a sport or
game 4 to take part in a sport or
game 5 to compete against
someone in a sport or game 6 to
perform music, or to use an
instrument to make music 7 to
produce sounds, or to make
something such as a radio or CD
produce sounds 8 to have a
particular part in a play or film 9 if
children play, they do things that
they enjoy, for example using
portable stereo (n) /ptb()l steri/ music equipment that is portable
is easy to carry or move, so that
you can use it in different places

process (n) /prses/ *** 1 a series of things that happen

naturally and that have a
particular result 2 a series of
actions that you take that have a
particular result

publish (v) /pbl/ *** 1 to produce many copies of a

book, magazine, or newspaper
for people to buy 2 to make
information available for
everyone to read 3 to have
something that you have written
printed and sold 4 to include
something such as a letter in a
newspaper or magazine

rage (n) /red/ 1 a very strong feeling of anger 2

angry violent behaviour in a
public situation

reckon (v) /rekn/ * 1 to believe that something is true

2 to have a particular opinion
about someone or something
reinstall (v) /rinstl/ to replace a piece of equipment
and make it ready for use once
scientific (adj) /santfk/ ** 1 relating to science, or based on
the methods of science 2 done in
an organized way

service (v) /svs/ to examine and repair a vehicle

or machine as part of a regular
shape (n & v) /ep/ *** 1 the outer form of something 2
something that you cannot see
well because it is far away or
there is not enough light 3 the
condition of something 4 the
features or qualities of something
5 to influence the way that a
person, idea, or situation
develops 6 to form something
into a particular shape

sore throat (n) /s rt/ when the area at the back of your
mouth and inside your neck hurts

space station (n) /spes ste()n/ a laboratory in space where

people can live for long periods
swallow (v) /swl/ * 1 to make food or drink go down
your throat and into your stomach
2 to make a movement in your
throat as if you are swallowing
food 3 to believe something that
is unlikely to be true

sword (n) /sd/ a weapon with a short handle and

a long sharp blade
take care of (v) /tek ke(r) v/ to do the necessary things for
someone who needs help or

wrist (n) /rst/ the part of your body that joins

your hand to your arm
X-ray machine (n) /eksre msin/ a machine that takes a picture of
the bones or organs inside
someones body
Gateway to Exams Units 5-6
affairs (= global (n) /fez/ worldwide events that are
happening now and are
discussed in news programmes
and newspapers
astronaut (n) /strnt/ someone who travels in space
bionics (n) /banks/ bionic body parts are artificial
electronic parts that replace body
parts that have been removed or
do not work correctly

blouse (n) /blaz/ a shirt for women

bow tie (n) /b ta/ a mans formal tie in the shape of
a bow
dark (adj) /dk/ *** 1 with very little or no light 2 close
to black in colour 3 involving
unpleasant or frightening things

electrode (n) /lektrd/ a small metal object that allows

electricity to flow through it
explode (v) /kspld/ * 1 to burst with a lot of force and a
loud noise, or to make something
do this, usually in a way that
causes a lot of damage 2 to
suddenly express a strong
emotion, especially anger 3 to
increase a lot over a very short
period of time

fireworks (n) /fawks/ objects that make loud noises

and coloured lights in the sky
when they explode
fit (v, = fit som (v) /ft/ *** to be small enough or the right
size and shape to go somewhere,
or to manage to put someone or
something in a space

Geiger counter (n) /a(r) kant(r)/ a piece of equipment that finds

and measures radioactivity
gown (n) /gan/ 1 a long dress that a woman
wears for a special occasion 2 a
long loose piece of clothing that a
doctor or patient wears during an
operation in a hospital

industrial (adj) /ndstril/ *** 1 relating to industries or to the

people who work in industries 2
an industrial region or country
has a lot of industries in it
mortarboard (n) /m(r)t(r)b(r)d/ a hat with a stiff square top, worn
as a sign of academic
achievement. Mortarboards were
traditionally worn by teachers.

nerve (n) /nv/ * 1 one of the groups of fibres in

your body that carry messages to
and from your brain 2 nerves: the
worried feeling that you will do
something badly 3 the ability to
control your fear and stay
determined when you are doing
something that is difficult 4 a rude
attitude that makes other people

radioactivity (n) /rediktvti/ the ability that some substances

have to produce energy in the
form of radiation
rebuild (v) /ribld/ 1 to build something again after it
has been damaged or destroyed
2 to improve a situation so that it
is as good as it was in the past

signal (n) /sgn()l/ *** 1 a movement or sound that is

made by someone and has a
special meaning for another
person 2 a fact, event, or action
that shows what someone
intends to do, or that shows what
is likely to happen 3 pictures,
sounds, or other pieces of
information that are sent by one
piece of electronic equipment and
received by another one 4 a
piece of equipment with coloured
lights on it that tells the driver of a
vehicle to stop, go, or slow down

succeed (v) /sksid/ *** 1 to achieve something that you

planned to do or attempted to do
2 to do well in school, in your
career, or in some other activity 3
to replace someone who was in a
powerful job or position
superhuman (adj) /suphjumn/ superhuman qualities are much
greater and more impressive than
those of an ordinary person

vibrant (adj) /vabrnt/ 1 lively and exciting 2 bright and

Example sentence German



put the dirty plates in the Splmaschine

dishwasher after the meal






put the postcode into the satnav Navigationssy

and it will plan our route stem



The phone wont work if it isnt (auf)laden

Check that your printer is verbinden
connected and that the power is
turned on.
Insert the plug into the earphone einstecken/-
socket. schieben
Then I realized I hadnt plugged einstecken/an
the TV in. schlieen

To read your email, press the drcken

return key.
You can select a word by double auswhlen
clicking on it.

Dont switch on the light. an-/einschalte


I parked the car and switched off ausschalten

the engine.

Hes afraid of the dark. Angst habend

vor etw.

Theyre aware of the dangers. sich bewusst

Steve was getting bored with the gelangweilt
game. von

What makes him different from verschieden

the rest of the students? von/anders
Bob is pretty good at fixing gut in
It took a long time to complete zufrieden mit
the work, but Im very pleased
with the results.
She was ready for a new bereit fr
The chemical is directly verantwortlich
responsible for those deaths. sein fr

Their situation is very similar to hnlich wie


We were tired of waiting for him einer Sache

to call. mde/berdr

We are very worried about our besorgt ber


She has acquired an impressive erlangen/erwe

reputation as a negotiator. rben

She says shes unable to give up schtig nach

smoking; shes completely
1 amateur photography 2 a very 1 Amateur-; 2
amateur performance amateurhaft

Doctors often give people a Antibiotika

course of antibiotics, when they
have to take a fixed amount of
medicine each day for several
1 Those girls are always arguing! 1 streiten; 2
2 Woolfs report argued for argumentiere
supported an improvement in n
prison conditions.

1 The car rolled backwards down 1 rckwrts/

the hill. 2 Count backwards from (nach) hinten;
ten to one. 3 We should plan for 2 falsch
the future, not look backwards. herum; 3

1 He tore up the letter and put it 1 Mlleimer; 2

in the bin. 2 a recycling bin Behlter

1 In a large bowl, mix together 1 Schssel; 2

the eggs, sugar, and butter. 2 I Schale; 3
always eat a bowl of cereal for Kessel/Becke
breakfast. 3 a washing-up bowl 4 n; 4 werfen
the cricketer was hit when the
ball was bowled at him

The new program still has some Fehler

bugs in it.

1 There was a green fitted carpet 1

in the hall. 2 a carpet of autumn Teppich(bode
leaves n); 2 Teppich




1 The room had been decorated 1 dekorieren;

with balloons. 2 We decorated 2
the kitchen last weekend. renovieren/ta
1 sticks of dynamite 2 Their new 1 Dynamit; 2
defender is dynamite. granatenmi

1 an error in our calculations 2 an 1 Fehler; 2

error message telling you that Fehler
something is wrong
1 ethical 1 ethisch; 2
issues/standards/objections 2 Is it moralisch
really ethical to keep animals in (vertretbar)

Reading in poor light can damage Augenlicht

your eyesight.
1 a fatal accident/injury/disease 2 1 tdlich; 2
I made the fatal mistake of falling fatal
in love with him.
First, you have to create a new Datei

1 flowers that are noted for their 1 Duft; 2

fragrance 2 the new fragrance Parfm
sold well
Sarah frowned and shook her die Stirn
head. runzeln

Were moving, so we have to get loswerden

rid of a lot of our furniture.

I dont want people gossiping tratschen/klat

about me. schen

1 Bobs a really nice guy. 2 Okay, 1 Typ; 2 Leute

guys. What will we do now?

I'm off to the hairdressers. Friseur

1 She was struggling with a 1 schwer; 2
heavy suitcase. 2 Traffic is very viel/intensiv; 3
heavy on the M5 tonight. 3 a heftig; 4
heavy blow to the head 4 She felt ernst; 5
their relationship was getting too schwer
heavy. 5 The men wore heavy
coats and gloves.

We waited impatiently for news. ungeduldig

1 Input from visiting scientists will 1

increase the value of our work. 2 Beitrag/Input;
The program accepts input from 2 Eingabe; 3
a variety of sources. 3 an input (Energie)Zufu
socket hr

an article by a leading sports Journalist

1 The agency will launch a new 1 abschieen;
weather satellite next month. 2 2 beginnen; 3
The armies launched their attack einfhren; 4
at dawn. 3 The company will vom Stapel/zu
launch a new version of the Wasser
software in July. 4 the new ship lassen
was launched on Wednesday


1 a messy kitchen/office/bedroom 1
2 a messy divorce/relationship unordentlich/"
versifft"; 2

1 Its a miracle that no one was 1 Wunder; 2

killed. 2 The story of the weeping Wunder
statue is being hailed as a
miracle by some.

a never-ending stream of people endlos



the planets orbit around the sun umkreisen

The car park is patrolled by patrouillieren/

security officers. Streife gehen


1 a Shakespeare/West End play 1

2 She watched the children at (Theater)Stc
play in the park. 3 Rain stopped k; 2 Spiel; 3
play again this afternoon. 4 The Spiel(en); 4
children were playing football in spielen; 5
the park. 5 She plays the winner gegen jmdn.
of tomorrows match. 6 He played antreten; 6
several organ pieces by Bach. 7 spielen; 7
They played the CD at full abspielen; 8
volume. 8 She played Blanche in spielen; 9
A Streetcar Named Desire. 9 The spielen
children were out playing in the
I listened to it on my portable tragbare
stereo Musikanlage

1 Changes occur in the body 1 Prozess; 2

because of the process of Prozess
ageing. 2 Learning a language is
a slow process.

1 Their company publishes a 1 verlegen; 2

wide selection of books. 2 The verffentliche
departments report was n; 3
published in June. 3 In 1934 he verffentliche
published another successful n; 4
novel. 4 Our research is being verffentliche
published in a well-known n
medical journal.

1 Her eyes filled with tears of 1

rage and frustration. 2 It is clear Wut(anfall)/Zo
that air rage is now on the rn; 2
increase. Wutausbruch/
all (air rage =

1 I reckon theres something 1 glauben; 2

wrong with him. 2 I think itll work. meinen
What do you reckon?
After the builders finished the wiederherstell
alterations I am comfortably en/-etablieren
reinstalled in my new office.
1 scientific research 2 Theres 1
nothing scientific about the (natur)wissen
process they use to select schaftlich; 2
people. (systematisch
) organisiert

I need to take the car in for a Wartung/Insp

service. ektion

1 Trace the shape onto the card 1 Form; 2

and cut it out. 2 Ghostly shapes Umriss; 3
loomed out of the fog. 3 The Verfassung; 4
economy is in bad shape. 4 Its Wesen; 5
part of a plan to change the beeinflussen;
shape of local government. 5 We 6 formen
have all been shaped by our past
experiences. 6 Shape the mixture
into cubes.

Shes in bed with a sore throat. Halsweh

1 She quickly swallowed the rest 1 schlucken;
of her coffee. 2 Tim swallowed 2 schlucken;
nervously before replying. 3 I 3 glauben/fr
found the films ending a bit hard berzeugend
to swallow. halten


Who will take care of the sich kmmern

children? um/aufpassen

He looked at the gold watch on Handgelenk

his wrist.



a sleeveless blouse Bluse


1 a dark and stormy night 2 He 1 dunkel; 2

was dressed in a dark suit. 3 the dunkel; 3
darkest days of the war dunkel/dster


1 Bombs were exploding all over 1 explodieren;

the city. 2 She suddenly exploded 2 explodieren;
with rage, and stormed off. 3 The 3 in die Hhe
increased availability of food has schieen
caused the deer population to

The fireworks display was Feuerwerk


I dont think that box will fit. passen

1 a ball gown 2 a 1
hospital/surgical gown (Abend)Kleid,
2 Kittel

1 industrial 1 industriell; 2
development/production 2 Industrie-
Germanys industrial heartland


1 A pinched nerve is causing her 1 Nerv; 2

a lot of pain. 2 He asked for a Nerv; 3
drink to calm his nerves before Fassung; 4
heading out to the plane. 3 Nerv
Suddenly I lost my nerve and I (Chuzpe)
couldnt move. 4 She had the
nerve to call me a liar after
everything Ive done for her.

1 Most of the church has been 1
restored or rebuilt. 2 They will wiederaufbau
require tens of billions of dollars en; 2
to rebuild their economy. wiederaufbau

1 We waited for them to give us 1 Zeichen; 2

the signal to move. 2 There were Anzeichen; 3
strong signals that she intended Impuls/Signal;
to resign. 3 a radio/electrical 4 Ampel
signal 4 The signal was at green.

1 Everyone wants the peace 1

process to succeed. 2 These gelingen/sich
days there is a lot of pressure on durchsetzen;
children to succeed. 3 In 1603, 2 Erfolg
Elizabeth was succeeded by haben; 3
James I. nachfolgen/ab
With a superhuman effort, Will bermenschli
managed to control his temper. ch

1 a vibrant city 2 a vibrant green 1 pulsierend;

2 lebhaft
Headword Part of speech Phonemics Frequency star Definition

Unit 7
athletics (n) /letks/ sports such as running and

basketball (n) /bsktbl/ a game played by two teams of

five players who score points
by throwing a ball through a
diving (n) /dav/ the activity or sport of jumping
into water with your head first
and your arms stretched out in
front of you
football (n) /ftbl/ ** a game in which two teams of
11 players kick a ball and try to
score goals
golf (n) /glf/ * a game in which you use golf
clubs to hit a small white ball
into a hole in the ground
gymnastics (n) /dmnstks/ a sport in which you perform
physical exercises that involve
bending and balancing

ice hockey (n) /as hki/ a game that is played on ice by

two teams of six players.
judo (n) /dud/ a sport in which you fight using
balance and the weight of your
body to throw your opponent to
the ground
sailing (n) /sel/ the sport or activity of travelling
across water in a sailing boat

skiing (n) /ski/ the sport or activity of moving

over snow on skis
snowboarding (n) /snbd/ a sport in which you stand with
both feet on a large curved
board and slide down a hill that
is covered in snow
swimming (n) /swm/ * an activity in which you swim
for enjoyment, for exercise, or
in races
table tennis (n) /tebl tens/ a game in which players use
bats to hit a small light ball
across a table with a low net
across the middle
volleyball (n) /vlibl/ a sport in which two teams use
their hands and arms to hit a
ball to each other over a high
weightlifting (n) /wetlft/ the sport of lifting heavy
Sports venues and equipment
boots (n) /buts/ a type of shoe that you wear
for a particular sport
club (n) /klb/ *** an organization for people who
take part in a particular activity,
or the building that they use

court (n) /kt/ *** an area marked with lines

where some sports are played,
including tennis and basketball

goal (n) /gl/ *** in games such as football, the

net or structure that you try to
get the ball into in order to
score points
goggles (n) /gg()lz/ special glasses that protect
your eyes
gym (n) /dm/ a room or club with equipment
for doing physical exercises

net (n) /net/ ** in some sports, an object

made of net that you hit, kick,
or throw the ball over or into
pitch (n & v) /pt/ * a flat area of ground that is
used for playing sports on
pool (n) /pul/ ** a large structure filled with
water for people to swim in
racket (n) /rkt/ an object used for hitting the
ball in games such as tennis
rink (n) /rk/ a large flat area where people
go to skate
skates (n) /skets/ shoes with a thin metal blade
on the bottom, used for moving
quickly on ice
skis (n) /skiz/ long thin objects that you fix to
your boots so that you can
slide easily over snow
slope (n) /slp/ * a surface or piece of ground
that has one end higher than
the other
track (n) /trk/ *** a piece of ground that is used
for running or racing
trainers (n) /trenz/ a type of comfortable shoe that
you wear in informal situations
or for doing sport

Phrasal verbs connected with sport

give in (v) /gv n/ to stop competing or arguing
and accept that you cannot win

go for (v) /g f/ to try to get something that you

have to compete for

join in (v) /dn n/ to do an activity with people

who are already doing it
knock out (v) /nk at/ to make someone leave a
competition by defeating them

take up (v) /tek p/ to start doing something

regularly as a habit, job, or
warm up (v) /wm p/ to prepare for a sport or activity
by doing gentle exercises or
practising just before it starts

work out (v) /wk at/ to do physical exercise as a

way of keeping fit

Other words and phrases

acting (n) /kt/ the job or skill of being an actor

amputate (v) /mpjtet/ to cut off a part of someones

body in a medical operation

artificial (adj) /tf()l/ * 1 not natural or real, but made

by people 2 not sincere

baggy (adj) /bgi/ baggy clothes are very loose

and comfortable
battle (n & v) /bt()l/ ** 1 a fight between two armies in
a war 2 a situation in which
people or groups compete with
each other 3 a situation in
which someone is trying very
hard to deal with a difficult
situation 4 to try very hard to
deal with a difficult situation 5
to compete with someone
bone (n) /bn/ ** 1 one of the hard parts that
form the frame inside your
body 2 the substance that
bones are made of
capture (v) /kpt/ ** 1 to catch a person or animal
and stop them from escaping 2
to get control of something, for
example in a war or in
business 3 to express what
someone or something is really
like in a way that people can
clearly recognize 4 to record
an event in a film or

championship (n) /tmpinp/ * 1 a competition to find the best

player or team in a sport or
game 2 the position of being a
civilisation (n) /svlaze()n/ 1 a society that has developed
its own culture and institutions
2 a place such as a large city
where modern things make life

classify (v) /klsfa/ to put people or things into

groups according to the
features that they have
clown (n & v) /klan/ 1 a performer in a circus who
wears funny clothes and does
silly things 2 someone who is
stupid or annoying 3 to do
funny or annoying things

collapse (v) /klps/ * 1 if a building or other structure

collapses, it suddenly falls
down 2 to suddenly fall down
and become very ill or
unconscious 3 to suddenly fail
or stop existing

congenital (adj) /kndent()l/ a congenital medical condition

is one that someone has had
since they were born

dehydration (n) /dihadre()n/ a dangerous lack of water in

the body resulting from not
drinking enough or by
sweating, vomiting, or having

eliminate (v) /lmnet/ 1 to get rid of something that is

not wanted or needed 2 to
decide that someone or
something is not responsible
for something 3 to remove
someone from a competition
emotional (adj) /m()nl/ ** 1 relating to feelings and the
way in which they affect your
life 2 affected by and
expressing strong emotion 3
causing strong emotions

enormous (adj) /nms/ ** very large in size or quantity

fit (adj) /ft/ * healthy, strong, and able to do
physical exercise
glove (n) /glv/ a piece of clothing that covers
your fingers and hand
goalkeeper (n) /glkip/ the player whose job is to stop
the ball going into the goal in
games such as football

goal-tender (n) /gltend/ the goal-tender stops the ball

going into the net in sports
such as ice hockey
happy ending (n) /hpi end/ the nice way in which
something such as a story,
film, or play ends
heart (n) /ht/ *** 1 the organ in your chest that
pumps blood around your body
2 your feelings when they are
considered as part of your
character 3 the central part of
something 4 a shape that
represents love 5 hearts: the
suit of playing cards that have
red heart shapes on them
hilarious (adj) /hleris/ extremely funny

immense (adj) /mens/ extremely large

impact (n & v) /mpkt/ *** 1 an effect or influence 2 the

force or act of one object
hitting another

incidentally (adv) /nsdent()li/ used for adding related but

less important information to
what has just been said, or for
suddenly introducing a new

injury (n) /ndri/ *** physical harm

jockey (n & v) /dki/ 1 someone whose job is to ride
horses in races 2 to try to gain
an advantage over your
opponents, or to get something
that other people are trying to

knee (n & v) /ni/ *** 1 the part in the middle of your

leg, where it bends 2 the upper
part of your legs when you are
sitting down, where you can
hold a child or object 3 to hurt
someone by hitting them with
your knee
label (n) /leb()l/ ** 1 a piece of paper or material
fastened to an object that gives
information about the object 2
a company that produces
records 3 a company that
designs and makes expensive
clothes 4 a word or phrase that
is used for describing someone
or something

likeable (adj) /lakb()l/ pleasant, friendly, and easy to

love (= 0 in tennis) (n) /lv/ *** a score of no points in tennis
lucky mascot (n) /lki mskt/ an animal, person, or object
that is considered to be lucky
or is used as a symbol of a
team or organization
main character (n) /men krkt/ the leading person in a book,
play, film etc
martial arts (n) /m()l ts/ sport that is a traditional Asian
form of fighting such as karate,
judo, or kung fu
massive (adj) /msv/ * 1 very large 2 very severe

muscle (n) /ms()l/ ** 1 a piece of flesh that connects

bones and moves a particular
part of your body 2 power or
nickname (n) /nknem/ an informal name that your
friends or family call you that is
not your real name
plain (n, = flat land) (n) /plen/ a large flat area of land

play the role of (v) /ple rl v/ the part that an actor plays

plot (n) /plt/ * 1 a series of related events

that make up the main story in
a book, film etc 2 a secret plan
to do something bad, made by
two or more people 3 a piece
of land that is used for a
particular purpose

puck (n) /pk/ the round flat piece of rubber

that you hit in the game of ice
referee (n) /refri/ someone whose job is to make
sure that players in a game
obey the rules
resistant (adj) /rzst()nt/ 1 not harmed or affected by
something 2 opposed to
ritual (n) /rtul/ 1 a formal ceremony 2
something that you do
regularly and always in the
same way
round (n, = in a boxing mat (n) /rand/ ** one of the periods of fighting in
a boxing or wrestling match
scene (n) /sin/ *** 1 a part of a play, book, film etc
in which events happen in the
same place or period of time 2
a view that you can see in a
picture or from the place where
you are 3 a place where
something happens 4 a
particular interest or activity,
and the people and places that
are involved in it 5 a noisy
argument or a strong show of
feelings in a public place

screenplay (n) /skrinple/ a story that someone writes for

a film
servant (n) /sv()nt/ someone whose job is to cook,
clean, or do other work in
someone elses home
serve (v, = in tennis) (v) /sv/ *** to hit a ball in order to start
playing for a point in a game
such as tennis
slave (n) /slev/ someone who belongs by law
to another person and who has
to obey them and work for
soundtrack (n) /san(d)trk/ the music that is played during
a film or television programme,
or a CD of this music
special effects (n) /spe()l fekts/ the artificial images or sounds
in a film that are created with
spectator (n) /spektet/ someone who watches a public
activity or event

star (v) /st/ ** if you star in a film, play,

television programme etc, or if
it stars you, you are the main
actor or performer in it
straightaway (adv) /stretwe/ immediately

superstition (n) /supst()n/ a belief that things such as

magic or luck have the power
to affect your life
surrender (v) /srend/ 1 if soldiers surrender, they
stop fighting and officially admit
that they have been defeated 2
to give something to someone
in authority because you have

synchronised swimming (n) /skrnazd swm/ a sport in which two or more

swimmers perform complicated
movements to music at the
same time as each other

teddy bear (n) /tedi be/ a soft toy bear

unconscious (adj) /nkns/ 1 in a condition similar to sleep
in which you do not see, feel,
or think, usually because you
are injured 2 an unconscious
feeling or thought is one that
you do not realize you have

uninspiring (adj) /nnspar/ not making you feel interested

or excited

visibility (n) /vzblti/ the distance that you can see,

depending on conditions such
as the weather

visualise (v) /vlaz/ to form a picture of someone

or something in your mind

wheelchair (n) /wilte/ a chair with large wheels that

someone who cannot walk
uses for moving around
whenever (adv & conj) /wenev(r)/ ** every time that something
wonder (v) /wnd/ *** 1 to think about something
because you want to know
more facts, or because you are
worried 2 to be very impressed
or surprised by something
Example sentence German

More women are participating (Leicht)Athletik

in athletics nowadays.


a diving course Tauchen

Robs going home to watch the Fuball

football on TV.

I usually play a round of golf a Golf

game of golf on Saturday.


Im a black belt at judo. Judo

Shes really keen on sailing. Segeln

This winter we are going skiing Skifahren

in Austria.

I go swimming every evening. Schwimmen




football boots Stiefel

a sailing club Verein (Club)

a tennis/squash court Court/(Spiel)Feld

The player missed an open Tor



a dance class in the school Turnhalle


the ball hit the back of the net Netz

a football/cricket/rugby pitch Spielfeld

a heated indoor pool Pool

Rafael Nadal's racket is tightly Schlger


cross-country/downhill skis Skier

At the end of the garden there (Ab)Hang

is a steep slope.

that was a new 100m record (Lauf)Bahn/Streck

for the track e

The champion refused to give aufgeben

in and went on to win the set.

There were 200 people going versuchen etw. zu

for just three jobs. erreichen/bekomm
en/sich bewerben

She laughed and Tom joined mitmachen

England had been knocked out herauswerfen
of the World Cup by West
Chris has taken up jogging. anfangen
The players are already on the aufwrmen
field warming up.

Henry works out three times a trainieren/Sport

week treiben

Most of the acting in the show Schauspielerei

was excellent.

1 The growers use both natural 1 knstlich; 2

and artificial light. 2 an artificial unecht
tig hngend
1 one of the bloodiest battles 1 Schlacht; 2
of the Second World War 2 Kampf/Auseinande
The couple are locked in a rsetzung; 3 Kampf;
bitter legal battle over custody 4 kmpfen; 5
of their children. 3 She has lost gegen jmdn.
her battle against breast antreten
cancer. 4 Surgeons battled to
save the mans life. 5 the three
men battling for the world title
1 shin bone 2 The 1 Knochen; 2
archaeologists found Knochen
fragments of bone.

1 Most of the men had been 1 gefangen

either killed or captured. 2 nehmen; 2
Rebel forces have captured the erobern; 3
village. 3 The film succeeds in erfassen; 4
capturing the mood of the einfangen/festhalte
1960s. 4 The whole incident n
was captured by a young
American photographer.

1 the World Chess 1 Meisterschaft; 2

Championships 2 Two more Meisterschaft/-titel
points and the championship
will be his!
1 the ancient civilizations of 1
Mesopotamia and Egypt 2 Zivilisation/Kultur;
After a week of camping, I was 2 Zivilisation
glad to get back to civilization.

Families were classified einteilen

according to their incomes.
1 the clowns were very 1 Clown; 2
amusing 2 Ill deal with this Witzfigur; 3
clown some other time. 3 rumalbern
clowning around

1 There were fears that the 1 in sich

roof would collapse. 2 A man zusammenfallen/z
had collapsed on the hospital usammenkrachen;
steps. 3 The countrys 2 kollabieren; 3
economy is collapsing. zusammenbrechen

He has a congenital heart angeboren


in the desert dehydration is a Flssigkeitsmangel

real problem /Dehydration

1 Many infectious diseases 1 beseitigen; 2

have been virtually eliminated. ausrumen/-
2 Weve eliminated the sortieren; 3
possibility that the fire was ausscheiden
started deliberately. 3 Five
candidates were eliminated
after the first interview.
1 He is in need of emotional 1 emotional; 2
support. 2 It was an emotional emotional; 3
reunion. 3 This is such an emotional
emotional issue.

an enormous birthday cake riesig

Running around after the kids fit
keeps me fit.
a pair of gloves Handschuh



Children usually prefer books Happy End

with a happy ending.

1 I could hear his heart 1 Herz; 2 Herz; 3

beating. 2 You have to do what Herz(stck); 4
your heart tells you is right. 3 a Herz; 5 Herz
beautiful house deep in the
heart of the English
countryside 4 a shirt decorated
with little hearts 5 the six of
For some reason, she finds his urkomisch
jokes hilarious.
an immense amount of money immens/riesig

1 Her paper discusses the 1 Auswirkung; 2

likely impact of global warming. Einschlag/Aufprall
2 the point of impact

Incidentally, what are the travel brigens/nebenbei

arrangements for tonight? bemerkt

an eye/leg injury Verletzung

1 The jockey was very 1 Jockey; 2
successful and won 100 races kmpfen/rangeln
this year. 2 Several candidates um
are already jockeying for

1 a serious knee injury 2 He 1 Knie; 2 Scho; 3

was sitting in the armchair with jmdn. einen
the cat curled up on his knees. Kniesto versetzen
3 She kneed him in the groin.
1 Always read the label on 1 Etikett; 2 Label;
medical products. 2 Their 3 Marke; 4
album was released on the Bezeichnung
Digital Experience label. 3 After
working with Armani, he
launched his own label. 4 a
group of writers who were
given the label Angry Young

a likeable character sympathisch/lieben

forty-love Null
The band's lucky mascot was a Maskottchen
black cat.

The films main character is Hauptperson

played by George Clooney.
1 Kampfsport

1 a massive amount of money 1 riesig; 2

2 a massive heart attack schwerwiegend/ma
1 These exercises are good for 1 Muskel; 2
your stomach muscles. 2 Einfluss/Strke
financial/political muscle
When I was a child my Spitzname
nickname was 'tiny'.

the vast plains in the central Ebene/Flachland

states of the US
Angelina Jolie is playing the die Rolle des ...
role of the killer spielen
1 the book has a complicated 1 Handlung; 2
plot 2 a kidnap plot 3 a Verschwrung; 3
building/burial plot Grundstck


The referee saw that the Schiedsrichter

players did not commit fouls

1 a flame-resistant material 2 1 resistent; 2

xxx widerspenstig

1 xxx 2 Their meetings became 1

a weekly ritual. Ritual/Zeremonie;
2 Ritual

He knocked out his opponent Runde

in the fourth round.
1 a love scene 2 She stood in 1 Szene; 2
the doorway surveying the Szene(rie); 3
scene. 3 the scene of the Schauplatz; 4
crime/accident/attack 4 an Szene; 5
important figure on the political Szene/Streit
scene 5 Stop making such a



Roger Federer chose to serve aufschlagen



The final game attracted a Zuschauer

crowd of over 50,000
The X-Files, starring David eine Hauptrolle
Duchovny and Gillian spielen

They cant pay me straight sofort


1 They offered to surrender the 1 sich

general to US troops. 2 She ergeben/aufgeben;
was ordered to surrender her 2
passport. herausgeben/berl


Anna's favourite toy is a teddy Teddybr

1 She was unconscious but still 1 besinnungslos; 2
breathing when the ambulance unbewusst
arrived. 2 the childs
unconscious desire to learn

an uninspiring and wenig

disappointing campaign inspirierend/trocke
Thick fog reduced visibility to Sicht
almost zero.

Try to visualize how the house sich etw. (bildlich)

will look when its finished. vorstellen/visualisi

Whenever I hear that song, I immer wenn

think of you.
1 How did they find out? she 1 sich fragen; 2
wondered. 2 Its hard not to sich ber etw.
wonder at the miracle of a wundern/gebannt
newborn baby. sein
Headword Part of speech Phonemics Frequency star Definition
Unit 8
Theatre, art, music
abstract painting (n) /bstrkt pent/ abstract art expresses the
artists ideas or feelings rather
than showing the exact
appearance of people or things

audience (n) /dins/ *** the people who watch or listen

to a performance

cast (n & v) /kst/ all the performers in a film, play

drawing (n) /dr/ ** a picture that someone has
exhibition (n) /eksb()n/ ** a public show where art or other
interesting things are put so that
people can go and look at them

gallery (n) /glri/ a public building where you can

look at paintings and other
works of art
gig (n) /gg/ a public performance of popular
music or jazz
landscape (n) /ln(d)skep/ a painting of an area of land

lighting (n) /lat/ light of a particular type or

quality, or the equipment that
produces it
lyrics (n) /lrks/ the words of a song
masterpiece (n) /mstpis/ an excellent work of art, or the
best work of art from a particular
artist, writer, or musician

orchestra (n) /kstr/ * a large group of musicians who

use many different instruments
in order to play mostly classical
performance (n) /pfmns/ *** the act of performing a play,
dance, or other form of
play (n & v) /ple/ *** 1 a piece of writing that is
intended to be performed by
actors in a theatre or on
television or the radio 2 to
perform music, or to use an
instrument to make music

sculpture (n) /sklpt/ a solid object that someone

makes as a work of art by
shaping a substance such as
stone, metal, or wood
(self-)portrait (n) /ptrt/ * a picture that you draw or paint
of yourself
sketch (n & v) /sket/ 1 a drawing that is made quickly
that does not have many details
2 a short funny scene
performed within a longer show
stage (n & v) /sted/ *** 1 the part of a theatre where the
actors or musicians perform 2
the stage: the theatre 3 the
stage: the profession of being
an actor 4 to organize a
performance of a play or opera

still life (n) /stl laf/ a type of art that represents

objects instead of people,
animals, or the countryside
studio (n) /stjudi/ ** a room in which someone such
as a painter or photographer
actor (n) /kt/ *** someone who performs in plays
and films
artist (n) /tst/ ** someone who creates paintings
or other objects that are
beautiful or interesting
composer (n) /kmpz/ someone who writes music
conductor (n) /kndkt/ someone who directs the
musicians in an orchestra or a
group of singers
dancer (n) /dns(r)/ ** someone who dances,
especially as their job
musician (n) /mjuz()n/ * someone who performs or
writes music, especially as their
painter (n) /pent/ an artist who paints pictures
performer (n) /prfm/ someone who performs in front
of an audience, for example an
actor or a musician

sculptor (n) /sklpt/ an artist who makes sculptures

singer-songwriter (n) /ssrat/ someone who writes songs and

also sings them
Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed
amazed (adj) /mezd/ very surprised

amazing (adj) /mez/ * very good, surprising, or

bored (adj) /bd/ ** feeling impatient and annoyed
because nothing is interesting
boring (adj) /br/ ** not at all interesting
confused (adj) /knfjuzd/ * complicated and not well
organized or explained
confusing (adj) /knfjuz/ * not easy to understand

disappointed (adj) /dspntd/ * unhappy because something did

not happen or because
someone or something was not
as good as you expected
disappointing (adj) /dspnt/ not as good as you had hoped
or expected
disgusted (adj) /dsgstd/ feeling very angry and upset
about something that you do not
approve of
disgusting (adj) /dsgst/ extremely unpleasant
embarrassed (adj) /mbrst/ feeling slightly ashamed, and
worried about what other people
will think of you
embarrassing (adj) /mbrs/ * making you feel nervous,
ashamed, or stupid
excited (adj) /ksatd/ ** very happy and enthusiastic
because something good is
going to happen
exciting (adj) /ksat/ ** making you feel excited and
frightened (adj) /frat()nd/ * feeling or showing fear

frightening (adj) /frat()n/ * making you feel afraid, nervous,

or worried
inspired (adj) /nspad/ very special, or very impressive

inspiring (adj) /nspar/ making you feel enthusiastic or

excited about something
interested (adj) /ntrstd/ *** 1 wanting to know about or take
part in something 2 willing or
keen to do something

interesting (adj) /ntrst/ *** making you want to pay

attention or know more
relaxed (adj) /rlkst/ * friendly, informal, and
relaxing (adj) /rlks/ pleasant and making you feel
surprised (adj) /sprazd/ ** feeling surprise because
something unexpected has
surprising (adj) /spraz/ ** unusual, or unexpected

tired (adj) /tad/ *** needing to rest or sleep

tiring (adj) /tar/ making you feel tired

uninspired (adj) /nnspad/ not interesting or exciting

uninspiring (adj) /nnspar/ not making you feel interested

or excited
Other words and phrases
bagpipes (n) /bgpaps/ a Scottish musical instrument
consisting of a bag with several
pipes sticking out of it. You play
bagpipes by blowing air through
one of the pipes.

balcony (n) /blkni/ 1 a place sticking out from the

outside of a building where you
can sit or stand 2 an upper floor
in a theatre or cinema that
sticks out over the main floor

behave (v) /bhev/ ** 1 to do things in a particular way

2 to be polite and not cause
Bodhran (n) /bdrn/ a hand-held Irish drum made
from animal
skin and often played with a
bottomless (adj) /btmls/ 1 having no limits 2 extremely

boundary (n) /band()ri/ * 1 the edge of an area of land, or

a line that marks the edge 2
boundaries: the limits of an
activity or experience

brush (n) /br/ ** 1 an object that you use for

painting, cleaning things, or
making your hair tidy, consisting
of a handle with fibres fixed to it
2 an act of making something
clean or tidy using a brush 3 a
short experience of a dangerous
or unpleasant situation

burst into life (v) /bst nt laf/ to suddenly start working or

becoming active
candy (n) /kndi/ a sweet, or sweets
chieftain (n) /tiftn/ the leader of a tribe
coin (n & v) /kn/ *** a flat round piece of metal used
as money 2 to use a word or
phrase that no one has used
crack (n) /krk/ * 1 a line on a surface where
something is beginning to break
apart 2 a narrow opening
between two things 3 a sign that
an organization, relationship, or
plan is becoming weak 4 an
attempt to do something

creep (v) /krip/ 1 to move slowly and quietly 2

to gradually happen or start
crept (v) /krept/ the past tense of creep
deep (n) /dip/ *** going a long way down from the
top or the surface
delicate (adj) /delkt/ 1 easily damaged, broken, or
hurt 2 small and attractive 3
needing care and skill

diameter (n) /damt/ a straight line that crosses a

circle through the centre, or the
length of this line
drum (n) /drm/ * 1 a musical instrument that
consists of a tight skin stretched
over a round frame. You hit it
with your hands or a stick. 2 a
large round container for liquids

emerald (n) /em()rld/ a bright green stone used in

expensive jewellery
emigrate (v) /emgret/ to leave your country in order to
live in another country
fiddle (= violin) (n & v) /fd()l/ a violin
harp (n & v) /hp/ a musical instrument that
consists of a row of strings
stretched over a large upright
installation (n) /nstle()n/ 1 the process of putting a new
system or piece of equipment in
its place and making it ready for
use 2 a system or piece of
equipment that has been
installed somewhere 3 the
process of putting a new
program or piece of software
into a computer 4 a building or
structure, especially one that is
important for an army, industry,
or government 5 an official
ceremony in which someone is
put in an important job or
position 6 a piece of art that
consists of several different
objects or pictures arranged to
produce a particular effect

intricate (adj) /ntrkt/ very detailed in design or

isle (n) /al/ an island
panic (v) /pnk/ to have a sudden strong feeling
of fear or worry and be unable
to think clearly or calmly, or to
make someone do this

pile (n & v) /pal/ * 1 a number of things that are

put on top of each other in an
untidy way 2 a large amount of
something 3 to put a large
number of things on top of each

plague (n) /pleg/ 1 any serious disease that

spreads quickly and usually
ends in death 2 an uncontrolled
increase in the numbers of an
animal or insect in a place

record (v) /rkd/ *** 1 to make a record of something

that has happened, usually by
writing it down 2 to put sounds
or images onto a cassette, CD,
or video 3 if a piece of
equipment records an amount, it
measures it and shows it
renew (v) /rnju/ 1 to arrange for something to
continue 2 to do something
again after a pause 3 to replace
something that is old or

restore (v) /rst/ ** 1 to make something exist again

2 to clean and repair something
that is old and dirty or damaged
3 to give something back to the
person that it belongs to after it
has been lost, taken, or stolen

rhythm (n) /rm/ * a regular pattern of sounds in

rubbish (n) /rb/ * 1 things that you throw away
because they are no longer
useful 2 things that someone
says or writes that are not
reasonable or sensible 3
something that is of very low

scream (n) (n) /skrim/ 1 to make a loud high cry

because you are hurt,
frightened, or excited 2 to make
a very loud high noise 3 to shout
something in a very loud voice

single (= just one) (adj & n) /sg()l/ *** only one

slight (adj) /slat/ ** 1 small in size, amount, or
degree 2 thin and small

splendid (adj) /splendd/ very good, impressive, or

stab (v) /stb/ to push a knife or other sharp
object into someone or
tap (n) /tp/ * 1 an object that is used for
controlling how much water
comes out of a pipe 2 the action
of touching someone or
something gently, or the sound
that the touch makes 3 a piece
of electronic equipment that is
used for secretly listening to
someones telephone

throw away (v) /r we/ 1 to get rid of something that

you no longer want 2 to waste
something such as an
opportunity or advantage
Uilleann pipes (n) /wiln paps/ Irish bagpipes (=musical
instrument consisting of a bag
with several pipes sticking out
of it, played by blowing air
through one of the pipes)
by using the elbow to pump the
bellows (=part of a musical
instrument that blows air into the
instrument to produce sound)

valuable (adj) /vljb()l/ ** 1 worth a lot of money 2 very

useful and important
voice (n) /vs/ *** 1 the sounds that someone
makes when they speak, or the
way that someone speaks 2 the
right or opportunity to express
your opinions or feelings and
influence what happens 3 a
person, organization etc that
represents a particular type of
opinion or group of people
waste (n) /west/ ** 1 the failure to use something
that is valuable or useful in an
effective way 2 the useless
materials, substances, or parts
that are left after you have used
something 3 to use more of
something than is necessary, or
to use it in a way that does not
produce the best results

watercolour (n) /wtkl/ 1 a type of paint that is mixed

with water for painting pictures 2
a painting that is done with
watercolour paints
whisper (n) /wsp/ 1 a very quiet way of saying
something to someone so that
other people cannot hear you 2
a quiet gentle sound
wide (adj) /wad/ *** 1 measuring a large distance
from one side to the other 2
measuring a particular distance
from one side to the other 3
including or involving many
different things or people 4 large
5 concerning the basic aspects
of something rather than the

worth (= its worth X pounds) (adj) /w/ *** used for saying how rich
someone is
Gateway to Exams Units 7-8
message (n) /mesd/ *** 1 a piece of written or spoken
information that you give or
send to someone 2 the main
idea that is contained in
something such as a speech or
an advertisement

slogan (n) /slgn/ a short phrase that is used for

advertising something, or for
supporting someone in politics
Example sentence German translation

modern abstract abstrakte Malerei


Chaplins films were loved by Zuschauer

audiences throughout the world.

Ralph Fiennes was among the Besetzung

cast in the play.
The children did drawings of Zeichnung
an exhibition hall/centre/space Ausstellung

the National Portrait Gallery Galerie

Live gigs are the most enjoyable Auftritt/Konzert

part of my work.
an exhibition of Paul Gunns Landschaft
most recent landscapes
Dont strain your eyes by putting Beleuchtung
up with poor lighting.

Vertigo is the film widely Meisterwerk
regarded as Hitchcocks

the London Symphony Orchester


The first performance of the Vorstellung

opera was in 1936.

1 a Shakespeare/West End play 1 (Theater)Stck; 2 spielen

2 He played several organ
pieces by Bach.

Works to be shown include Skulptur

sculptures by Houdon and


1 Draw a rough sketch of the 1 Skizze; 2 Sketch

dog. 2 She toured Europe with a
programme of songs and
1 They had now been on stage 1 Bhne; 2 Theater; 3 Schauspiel(erei); 4 auffhren
for over four hours. 2 Shes
written a number of works for
the stage. 3 Do you think your
children will go on the stage
become actors? 4 You cannot
stage a Verdi opera without a




He had his portrait painted by Knstler

the Spanish artist Daniel


a jazz/rock/classical musician Musiker

The gallery is showing the work Maler

of abstract painters.
He was one of the plays star Darsteller/Schauspieler

an exhibition of the sculptors Bildhauer


Frankly, I was amazed that he verblfft/vollkommen berrascht

was interested.
Her story was quite amazing. erstaunlich/fantastisch

The waiter looked very bored. gelangweilt

a boring badly-paid job langweilig

Their ideas were a bit confused. verwirrt

She left a very confusing verwirrend

She was disappointed that he enttuscht
never replied to her letter.

This years sales figures were enttuschend

very disappointing.
I was disgusted by the way he angewidert
treated those women.

boxes of fish that smelt widerlich

absolutely disgusting
She looked embarrassed when verlegen
we asked her about her
an embarrassing situation peinlich

I was so excited I couldnt sleep. aufgeregt/gespannt

an exciting opportunity aufregend/spannend

The puppy looked cold and ngstlich

a frightening bengstigend
an inspired performance schwungvoll/begnadet

an inspiring story of love and fesselnd/inspirierend

1 Joes always been interested 1 interessiert; 2 interessiert/willens
in politics. 2 Were going to the
cinema. Are you interested
would you like to come too?

an interesting topic interessant

The atmosphere in our office is entspannt

very relaxed.
a long relaxing bath entspannend
We were surprised by Bens berrascht
reaction to the news.

Its hardly surprising not at all berraschend/verwunderlich

surprising that shes angry,
considering what you said.
Your mother looked tired. mde
Teaching small children is very ermdend
a competent but uninspired uninspiriert/ohne Schwung/brav
an uninspiring and disappointing wenig anregend/de


1 we have our coffee on the 1 Balkon; 2 erster Rang

balcony watching the sunset 2
our seats are in the balcony

1 The children behaved very 1 verhalten; 2 benehmen

badly. 2 Mums always telling
me to behave when we go out.

1 There isnt a bottomless pit an 1 unendlich/unerschpflich; 2 bodenlos

unlimited supply of public
money. 2 a bottomless lake
1 The lane once formed the 1 Grenze 2 Grenze
boundary between the two
villages. 2 new research that
pushes back the boundaries of
genetic science

1 Remove any loose dirt using a 1 Brste; 2 Brsten/Reinigung; 3 Zusammensto/Reiberei

soft brush. 2 Ill give my teeth a
brush before we leave. 3 Hed
had a few brushes with the law,
but nothing serious.

Banks of electronic equipment zum Leben erwachen

burst into life.
1 Put a coin into the slot. 2 He 1 Mnze; 2 prgen
found out the hard way, to coin
a phrase.
1 cracks in the walls 2 She 1 Riss; 2 Lcke; 3 ffnung/Riss; 4 Versuch
looked through the crack in the
curtains. 3 Cracks had started
to appear in their marriage. 4
We thought wed have a crack
at running our own business.

1 Sue crept up the stairs. 2 A 1 schleichen; 2 huschen

smile crept over her face.
She crept quietly into bed. kroch/schlich
The river is quite deep here. tief

1 Delicate skin must be 1 empfindlich; 2 zierlich; 3 anfllig

protected from the sun. 2
delicate pink flowers 3 The
negotiations are at a very
delicate stage.

a pipe with a 4-inch diameter Durchmesser

1 I play the drums in a rock 1 Trommel; 2 Fass

band 2 an oil drum


Were thinking of emigrating to emigrieren/auswandern

New Zealand.
Geige (spielen)
Harfe (spielen)

1 Installation is simple and 1 Einbau; 2 Einbauteil; 3 Installation; 4 Einrichtung; 5 (Amts)Einfhrung; 6 Installation

straightforward. 2 changes to an
existing installation 3 XXX 4
New Zealand has no nuclear
installations. 5 XXX 6 XXX

an intricate tunnel system kompliziert

The Isle of Man Insel

She felt a moment of sheer in Panik geraten/durchdrehen

1 Rubbish lay in piles in the 1 Haufen; 2 Haufen; 3 an-/aufhufen

street. 2 By the time he was 40,
hed made piles of money. 3 A
group of boys were piling
branches in a heap for their

1 a plague of cholera 2 a plague 1 Seuche; 2 Plage

of locusts/rats

1 They were asked to record the 1 festhalten/dokumentieren; 2 aufnehmen; 3 erfassen/dokumentieren

time at which the attack
happened. 2 Can you record the
football for me at 10 oclock? 3
Temperatures as low as 70
degrees Celsius have been
1 to renew a 1 erneuern; 2 bekrftigen; 3 erneuern
licence/passport/lease 2 The
parties renewed their efforts to
agree the treaty. 3 You may
need to renew the brake linings.

1 The lesson continued when 1 wiederherstellen; 2 restaurieren; 3 zurckgeben

order had been restored. 2 The
church has now been beautifully
restored. 3 Most of the land has
been restored to its original

He tapped out the rhythm on the Rhythmus

1 The streets were littered with 1 Mll; 2 Mist/Bldsinn; 3 Schund
rubbish. 2 As usual, he was
talking complete rubbish. 3
Critics have described the
paintings as worthless rubbish.

1 She opened her mouth to 1 schreien; 2 kreischen; 3 schreien

scream. 2 screaming engines 3
She heard Anna scream her

a single sheet of paper einzeln

1 a slight increase in 1 leicht; 2 schmchtig/zart
temperature 2 a slight young
She is a splendid painter. groartig/hervorragend

One fan was stabbed to death in stechen

a fight between gangs.

1 Just turn the cold tap on for a 1 Hahn; 2 Tippen/Pochen; 3 Wanze

few seconds. 2 I felt a tap on my
shoulder. 3 the police tapped his

1 Have you thrown the papers 1 wegwerfen; 2 vergeuden

away? 2 They lost the game
after throwing away a two-goal
Uilleann Pipes

1 a valuable antique 2 a 1 wertvoll/teuer; 2 wertvoll/kostbar

valuable insight/lesson
1 We could hear voices in the 1 Stimme; 2 Mitspracherecht; 3 Stimme/Reprsentanz
next apartment. 2 xxx 3 Carter
is the voice of the black minority
in this area.
1 All this uneaten food what a 1 Verschwendung; 2 Abfall; 3 verschwenden
waste! 2 nuclear waste 3 There
were accusations that the
government was wasting public

1 watercolour paint might run 2 1 Wasserfarbe; 2 Aquarell

the watercolours were for sale in
the auction

1 When can I see you again? 1 flstern; 2 raunen/suseln

he whispered softly. 2 the wind
whispered in the leaves

1 Beijings wide avenues and 1 breit; 2 breit; 3 breit; 4 gro; 5 weit

boulevards 2 The stream is
about 4 feet wide. 3 Her
proposal has gained wide
support. 4 There can be wide
differences in temperature
between the north and the
south. 5 The report looks at
womens employment in its
wider social context.

She is now worth 20 million wert

1 I got your email message, 1 Nachricht; 2 Botschaft
thank you. 2 The film sends a
clear message about the
dangers of drug-taking.

The company unveiled its new Slogan/Leitspruch

advertising slogan this week.
Headword Part of speech Phonemics Frequency star Definition
Unit 9
capital city (n) /kpt()l sti/ the city where a country or
region has its government
currency (n) /krnsi/ ** the money that is used in a
particular country
flag (n & v) /flg/ a piece of cloth with colours or a
pattern on it, used as a signal or
for representing a country or
king (n) /k/ *** a man who rules a country and is
the senior male member of the
royal family
national anthem (n) /n()nl nm/ the official national song of a
population (n) /ppjle()n/ *** the number of people who live in
a particular area
president (n) /prezdnt/ *** the political leader of a country
that does not have a king or
prime minister (n) /pram mnst/ *** the political leader in countries
such as the UK that are
governed by a parliament
prince (n) /prns/ a male member of a royal family
who is not the king
princess (n) /prnses/ a female member of a royal
family who is not the queen
queen (n) /kwin/ *** a woman who belongs to a royal
family and who rules a country
State and politics
constitutional monarchy (n) /knsttjun()l mnki/ a country ruled by a king or
queen whose powers are limited
by a constitution
democracy (n) /dmkrsi/ ** a system of government in which
people choose their political
representatives in elections

foreign affairs (n) /frn fez/ political, social, and economic

events that are happening
abroad now and are discussed in
news programmes and

general election (n) /denr()l lekn/ an election in which every adult

in the country can vote for the
people who will represent them

in the centre (adj) /n sent/ neither to the left or right wing

left-wing (adj) /left w/ * someone who is left-wing is
thought to have socialist aims
and ideas, for example that
property, money, and power
should be shared more equally

member (n) /memb/ *** someone who belongs to a

group or an organization
minister (n) /mnst/ ** an official who is in charge of a
government department in the
UK and in other countries
monarchy (n) /mnki/ 1 a system of government in
which a country is ruled by a
king or queen 2 a country that is
ruled by a king or queen
political party (n) /pltk()l pti/ a group of politicans of similar
republic (n) /rpblk/ * a country that is not ruled by a
king or queen

right-wing (adj) /rat w/ * considered to be conservative in

your political views
run a country (v) /rn kntri/ to control and manage a country
and its people
Adjective suffixes -er, -or, -ist, -ian, -ee
aristocratic (adj) /rstkrtk/ belonging to or typical of the
careful (adj) /kef()l/ *** thinking about what you do, so
that you avoid problems,
damage, or danger
careless (adj) /kels/ * not thinking about what you are
doing, so that you cause
problems or damage
comfortable (ad) /kmftb()l/ *** feeling physically relaxed,
without any pain or other
unpleasant feelings
dangerous (adj) /dendrs/ *** likely to cause serious harm, or
to have a bad effect
enjoyable (adj) /ndb()l/ something that is enjoyable
gives you pleasure
famous (adj) /fems/ *** if someone or something is
famous, a lot of people know
their name or have heard about
helpful (adj) /helpf()l/ * useful, or providing help

helpless (adj) /helpls/ not able to do anything without

hungry (adj) /hgri/ * feeling that you want to eat

mysterious (adj) /mstris/ not explained, understood, or


natural (adj) /nt()rl/ *** existing in nature, and not

produced by people
official (adj) /f()l/ *** decided or done by people in
authority, especially a
sensible (adj) /sensb()l/ * reasonable and practical

terrible (adj) /terb()l/ ** making you feel very upset or

thirsty (adj) /sti/ * feeling that you want or need to
drink something
uncomfortable (adj) /nkmftb()l/ * if you are uncomfortable, you
have an unpleasant or slightly
painful feeling in part of your
useful (adj) /jusf()l/ *** helpful for doing or achieving
useless (adj) /jusls/ useless objects have no purpose
or cannot do what they were
designed to do
Other words and phrases
assassin (n) /ssn/ someone who deliberately kills
an important person
assassination (n) /ssne()n/ the murder of a famous or
important person, especially for
political reasons
asteroid (n) /strd/ a mass of rock that moves
around in space
bell (n) /bel/ ** 1 a metal object that makes a
noise when its sides are hit by a
metal piece inside it 2 a piece of
equipment that makes a ringing
sound, used for getting
someones attention

belong to (adj) /bl t/ to be owned by someone or

bullet (n) /blt/ * a small piece of metal that is
shot from a gun
captor (n) /kpt/ someone who is keeping
someone else as a prisoner
caress (v) /kres/ to move your hands gently over
someones face or body in a way
that shows love
clockmaker (n) /klkmek/ a person whose job is to create
colony (n) /klni/ 1 a country that is controlled by
another country 2 a group of
people or animals of a particular
type who live together

commonwealth (n) /kmnwel/ a group of countries that have

the same political or economic
conspiracy (n) /knsprsi/ a secret plan by a group of
people to do something that is
bad or illegal
constellation (n) /knstle()n/ a group of stars that are named
after the pattern they form

convince (v) /knvns/ ** 1 to make someone believe that

something is true 2 to persuade
someone to do something

dare (v) /de/ ** 1 to not be afraid to do

something, even though it may
be dangerous or may cause
trouble 2 to try to persuade
someone to prove that they are
not afraid to do something

descendant (n) /dsendnt/ a relative of a person who lived

in the past
elaborate (adj & v) /lb()rt/ 1 very detailed and complicated
2 to give more details or
information about something
empire (n) /empa/ * 1 a number of countries that are
ruled by one person or
government 2 a large powerful
group of companies that are
controlled by one person or

equal (adj, n & v) /ikwl/ *** 1 the same in value, amount, or

size 2 having or deserving the
same rights, status, and
opportunities as other people 3
someone or something that has
the same value, rights, or
importance as another person or
thing 4 to be the same in value
or amount as something else 5
to be as good as someone or
something else

escape (v) /skep/ ** 1 to get away from a dangerous

or unpleasant place 2 to avoid a
dangerous or unpleasant
experience 3 if something
escapes you, you cannot
remember it or you do not notice
it 4 to come out of a container by
ethnic (adj) /enk/ * 1 relating to a group of people
who have the same culture and
traditions 2 belonging a
particular ethnic group that lives
in a place where most people
are from a different ethnic group
3 involving people from different
ethnic groups

evidence (n) /evd()ns/ *** 1 facts or physical signs that

help to prove something 2 facts,
statements, or objects that help
to prove whether someone has
committed a crime

evolve (v) /vlv/ 1 to gradually change and

develop over a period of time 2
to develop something gradually

federation (n) /fedre()n/ 1 a country that is made up of

individual states with the power
to make their own decisions, but
with a national government that
is responsible for areas such as
defence and foreign policy 2 a
large organization that is made
up of several smaller
organizations that share similar
fixed (adj) /fkst/ * 1 not changing, or not able to be
changed 2 fastened in one
position and not able to be
flat (adj) /flt/ *** 1 smooth and level on the
surface, with no lumps or slopes
2 not curving inwards or
outwards, and not very thick 3
stretched out, or lying on a
surface 4 a flat rate or amount is
the same in all situations 5
lacking emotion, interest, or
excitement 6 said directly and

force (n) /fs/ *** 1 physical strength, violence, or

energy 2 the power that
something or someone has to
influence people or events 3
someone or something that has
a lot of influence on what
happens 4 a group of people
doing military or police work

friendship (n) /fren(d)p/ * a relationship between people

who are friends
gain (v) /gen/ *** 1 to get or achieve something,
usually as a result of a lot of
effort 2 to get more of
something, usually as a result of
a gradual process 3 to get a
benefit or advantage for yourself

govern (v) /gv()n/ * 1 to officially control and manage

a country or area and its people
2 to control or influence the way
that things happen or develop

gradually (adv) /grduli/ ** slowly and in small stages or


gravity (n) /grvti/ 1 the force that makes

something fall to the ground 2
the serious or important quality
of something
guard (n & v) /gd/ ** 1 someone whose job is to
protect a place or person 2 an
official on a train whose job is to
check tickets 3 an object that
covers something and protects it
4 to protect someone or
something from danger or harm
5 to prevent someone from
escaping from a place 6 to try
very hard to keep something that
is important to you
head of state (n) /hed v stet/ the leader of a country, for
example a king, queen, or
hip (n) /hp/ one of the two parts at either
side of your body between your
waist and the top of your legs

hire (v) /ha/ * 1 to pay to use something such

as a car or a piece of equipment
for a short time 2 to pay
someone to work for you
hit (v) /ht/ *** 1 to move quickly against
something, or to move an object
quickly against something,
touching it with force 2 to move
your hand or an object hard
against someones body, so that
you hurt them 3 to have a
sudden or bad effect on
someone or something 4 if an
idea hits you, you suddenly
realize it 5 to press something
such as a switch on a machine,
vehicle, or computer

human rights (n) /hjumn rats/ * the rights that everyone should
have in a society, including the
right to express opinions or to
have protection from harm
hunger (n) /hg/ 1 the feeling that you have when
you need to eat 2 a lack of food
that can cause illness or death 3
the feeling that you have when
you want something very much

imprison (v) /mprz()n/ to put someone in a prison, or to

keep them in a place that they
cannot escape from
in charge of (phr) /n td v/ if you are in charge, you have
control over someone or
something and are responsible
for them
infant (n) /nfnt/ a very young child

influential (adj) /nfluen()l/ able to influence the way that

other people think or behave

insult (v) /nslt/ * to say or do something that is

lifeboat (n) /lafbt/ a small boat that is kept on a
ship for emergencies
mansion (n) /mn()n/ a very large house
mass (= land mass) (n) /ms/ ** a continent or a large area of
land that is surrounded by sea
narrator (n) /nret/ 1 someone who tells the story in
a novel 2 someone whose voice
explains what is happening in a
television programme or a film,
but who you do not see
nightmare (n) /natme/ 1 a very difficult or frightening
situation 2 a very frightening and
unpleasant dream
nod (v) /nd/ * 1 to move your head up and
down in order to answer yes or
to show that you agree, approve,
or understand 2 to move your
head once in order to make
someone look at something, in
order to greet someone, or in
order to give someone a signal
to do something

operation (n) /pre()n/ *** 1 a planned activity involving a

lot of people, especially soldiers
or police officers 2 an action or
set of actions that is necessary
to achieve something 3 the
process of cutting into
someones body for medical
reasons 4 a company, or a part
of a large company 5 the way
that something operates

ornate (adj) /net/ decorated with complicated

patterns or shapes
passenger (n) /psnd/ ** someone who travels in a
vehicle, aircraft, train, or ship but
is not the driver or one of the
people who works on it
pillar (n) /pl// a thick strong upright post that
supports part of a building
power (n) /pa/ *** 1 the ability to influence or
control people 2 the ability to
achieve something or make
something happen 3 political
control of a country or
government 4 official or legal
authority to do something 5
energy that is used for operating
equipment and machines 6
physical force or strength 7 a
strong country that is able to
influence other countries 8 a
natural or unusual ability for
doing something

powerful (adj) /paf()l/ *** 1 able to influence or control

what people do or think 2 with a
lot of physical strength or force 3
with a strong effect

preserve (v) /przv/ * 1 to take care of something in

order to prevent it from being
harmed or destroyed 2 to keep
food fresh for a long time, for
example by adding salt or
chemicals to it
principle (n) /prnsp()l/ *** 1 a basic belief, theory, or rule
that has a major influence on the
way in which something is done
2 a basic rule or belief about
what is right, that influences the
way you behave 3 a scientific
theory or basic natural law that
explains the way something

profitable (adj) /prftb()l/ 1 making a profit 2 giving you a

benefit or advantage

relative (n) /reltv/ * a member of your family,

especially one who does not live
with you
roast (v) /rst/ to cook meat or vegetables in an
rule (v) /rul/ ** 1 to make and announce an
official decisionto officially control
a country or area 2 to make and
announce an official decision 3
to control someones thoughts or

rumour (n) /rum/ something that people are

saying that may or may not be
scream (v) /skrim/ * 1 to make a loud high cry
because you are hurt, frightened,
or excited 2 to make a very loud
high noise 3 to shout something
in a very loud voice

senior (adj) /sini/ * 1 with a high position within an

organization, or a higher position
than someone else 2 belonging
to an older age group

set (n, = a set of rules) (n) /set/ *** a group of things that belong

settle (v) /set()l/ *** 1 to end an argument or legal

disagreement 2 to decide
something definitely 3 to make
yourself or someone else
comfortable and relaxed in a
particular place or position 4 if
something settles, it falls
downwards and stays on the
place where it has fallen 5 to go
to live permanently in a particular
place 6 to pay all the money that
you owe to a particular person or
company 7 to become calm after
being upset, nervous, or excited,
or to make someone do this
shabby (adj) /bi/ 1 old and in bad condition 2 not
fair or honest

shark (n) /k/ a large fish with sharp teeth that

lives in the sea
sign (n, = road sign) (n) /san/ *** a flat object with words or
pictures on it, put in a public
place in order to provide
information or to advertise

sink (v) /sk/ ** 1 to disappear below the surface

of water, or to make something
do this 2 to go below the surface
of a soft substance 3 to move to
a lower level 4 to fall, sit, or lie
down 5 to go down in value or
amount 6 to become quiet 7 to
push something that is sharp into
something that is solid 8 to
invest money in something

sank (v) /sk/ the past participle of sink

stained (= of glass) (adj) /stend/ coloured glass that is

traditionally used in church
strip (n, of tape) (n) /strp/ * a long narrow piece of
sway (v) /swe/ 1 to move or swing gently from
side to side 2 to change
someones opinion

tape (n & v) /tep/ ** 1 a cassette with something

recorded on it or for recording
something 2 a very long thin
piece of plastic that is used for
recording sound, pictures, or
information 3 a long thin band of
plastic that is sticky on one side
and is used for sticking things
together 4 a long thin band of
cloth or plastic that is used for
fastening things together or for
marking the edges of an area 5
to record sounds or pictures onto
tape 6 to stick something using
sticky tape

theory (n) /ri/ ** 1 an idea that explains how or

why something happens 2 the
set of general principles that a
particular subject is based on 3
an idea that you believe is true,
although you have no proof
torture (v) /tt/ to hurt someone deliberately in a
very cruel way as a punishment
or in order to make them give
trade (n & v) /tred/ *** 1 the activity of buying and
selling goods or services 2 a
particular area of business or
industry 3 a job or type of work
that someone is trained to do 4
to buy and sell goods or services
5 to operate as a business 6 to
exchange something that you
have for something else

trunk (= suitcase) (n) /trk/ a large strong box with a lid,

used for storing things
tuberculosis (n) /tjubkjlss/ a serious infectious disease that
affects your lungs
twist (v) /twst/ * 1 to bend or turn into a different
shape, or to force something out
of its original shape by bending it
or turning it 2 to turn something
in a circle with your hands or
fingers 3 to injure a part of your
body by suddenly bending it too
much 4 to change the intended
meaning of something slightly,
so that it means what you want it
to mean 5 if a road or river
twists, it has a lot of bends in it

uncrowned (adj) /nkrand/ not yet crowned

union (n) /junjn/ ** 1 an organization that represents

the workers in a particular
industry 2 Union: a group of
states or countries that have
joined together 3 the process of
joining things together, or the
state of being joined together

unity (n) /junti/ a situation in which people,

groups, or countries join together
or agree about something
Example sentence German translation

Madrid is the capital of Spain. Hauptstadt

Russian currency Whrung

The British flag is called the Flagge

Union Jack.

King George VI Knig


Los Angeles has a population of Bevlkerung

over 3 million.
President Lincoln Prsident


Prince Charles Prinz

Princess Diana Prinzessin

Queen Elizabeth Knigin

konstitutionelle Monarchie

the transition towards democracy Demokratie



in der (politischen) Mitte

the left wing of the Tory party links(gerichtet)

a trade union member Mitglied

a meeting of trade ministers Minister

1 They supported the idea of 1 Monarchie; 2 Monarchie
monarchy as the natural state of
things. 2 The United Kingdom is
a monarchy.
The Conservatives are a British politische Partei
political party.
The country became a republic Republik
in 1970 when the last king died.


ein Land regieren

She comes from an aristocratic aristokratisch

She took a few careful steps into vorsichtig
the water.

careless driving leichtsinnig/unvorsichtig

If youre not comfortable, try bequem

changing positions.

a dangerous dog gefhrlich

an enjoyable evening angenehm

He dreamed of becoming a berhmt
famous footballer.

Its helpful to have a calculator hilfsbereit

for this exam.
He looked helpless sitting there hilflos
all alone.
We were cold, tired, and hungry. hungrig

They are investigating the geheimnisvoll

mysterious disappearance of a
young man.
This cloth is made from natural natrlich
the countrys official language offiziell/Amts-/Staats-

This seems to be a sensible way vernnftig

of dealing with the problem.

A few minutes later there was a furchtbar/schrecklich

terrible scream.
Im really thirsty could I have a durstig
glass of water?
Youll be uncomfortable for a few unbehaglich/misslich
days after the surgery.

a useful tool/technique/gadget ntzlich

This technology is useless if you nutzlos
cant operate it.


an assassination attempt Attentat


1 the sound of church bells 1 Glocke; 2 Klingel

ringing 2 There was no one at
the counter, so I rang the bell.

The car belongs to the woman jdm. gehren

next door.
a bullet wound/hole Kugel


She caressed his shoulder streicheln


1 a former British colony 2 a 1 Kolonie; 2 Kolonie/Siedlung
colony of artists


a conspiracy against the party Verschwrung


Most of the constellations we Sternbild

know have been given names,
for example the Great Bear.
1 He failed to convince the court 1 berzeugen; 2 berreden
of his innocence. 2 They tried to
convince him to buy a cheaper
1 I drove as fast as I dared. 2 Go 1 wagen; 2 jdn. auffordern sich zu trauen
on, pick it up I dare you!

a descendant of a famous Italian Nachfahre

1 elaborate geometrical patterns 1 kompliziert; 2 nher ausfhren
2 The police refused to elaborate
on the circumstances of the
1 the Roman empire 2 an 1 Imperium/Reich; 2 Imperium
international media empire

1 All the workers have an equal 1 gleich; 2 gleichberechtigt; 3 ebenbrtig; 4 gleichen/entsprechen; 5 gleichziehen/egalisieren
share in the profits. 2 He
believed that men and women
were equal. 3 I consider her my
equal. 4 Five plus three equals
eight. 5 She equalled the record
with a time of 27.69 seconds.

1 Three people died in the fire, 1 entkommen; 2 entgehen; 3 entfallen; 4 austreten

but John escaped through the
bedroom window. 2 Two security
guards escaped injury in the
attack. 3 His name escapes me
right now. 4 How will we know if
theres any gas escaping?
1 The countrys population 1 ethnisch/Volks-; 2 Volks-; 3 ethnisch
consists of three main ethnic
groups. 2 ethnic Albanians living
in Kosovo 3 ethnic

1 The study found no evidence 1 Nachweis, 2 Beweis

that fish feel pain. 2 The police
didnt have enough evidence to
convict him.

1 Computer software will 1 weiterentwickeln; 2 entwickeln

continue to evolve in response to
users needs. 2 Teachers are
evolving new ways of working.

1 the Russian Federation 2 the 1 _Fderation/Staatenbund; 2 Vereinigung

International Tennis Federation
1 a fixed price 2 Make sure 1 fest; 2 befestigt
bookcases are securely fixed to
the wall.

1 The farmland is very flat. 2 a 1 eben 2 flach; 3 platt; 4 pauschal 5 farblos/de; 6 direkt/klar/kompromisslos
monitor with a flat screen 3 She
was flat on her back asleep. 4
The bank charges a flat fee of 5
for money transfers. 5 The
celebrations seemed rather flat.
6 a flat refusal

1 The force of the bomb blast 1 Kraft/Wucht; 2 Macht; 3 Kraft/Einfluss; 4 Streitkrfte

shattered windows in 15
buildings. 2 We have convinced
people by the force of our
argument. 3 the political forces
that shape peoples lives 4 Both
countries have now withdrawn
their forces from the area.

Whatever happened, I did not Freundschaft

want to lose Sarahs friendship.
1 Bolivia gained independence 1 erlangen; 2 zunehmen; 3 gewinnen/profitieren
from Spain in 1825. 2 Ive gained
a lot of weight this winter. 3 Even
if you fail, you are sure to gain
from the experience.

1 The region is now governed by 1 regieren; 2 bestimmen

Morocco. 2 the laws that govern
the movements of the stars

She gradually built up a allmhlich

reputation as a successful
1 the laws of gravity 2 Im sure 1 Schwerkraft; 2 Ernst
you can appreciate the gravity of
the situation.

1 a prison guard 2 the guard 1 Wachpersonal; 2 Kontrolleur; 3 Schutz; 4 (be)schtzen; 5 bewachen; 6 behten
checked the passengers' tickets
3 All boxers wear a mouth guard.
4 the trees that guarded the farm
from the wind 5 There were two
soldiers guarding the main gate.
6 The company is fiercely
guarding its independence.

She stood with her hands on her Hfte

hips, waiting.

1 You can hire a car at the 1 mieten; 2 anheuern

airport. 2 I hired someone to
paint the house.

1 The glass smashed as it hit the 1 treffen; 2 schlagen/hauen; 3 (zu)schlagen; 4 pltzlich erkennen; 5 drcken
ground. 2 Stop hitting your
brother! 3 They were halfway
down the mountain when the
storm hit. 4 It suddenly hit her
that she would never see him
again. 5 Just hit the Save button
every few minutes.

We must continue to stand up for Menschenrechte

human rights.
1 a nutritious snack that will 1 Hunger; 2 Hunger; 3 Verlangen
satisfy your hunger 2 a new
chance to fight world hunger and
poverty 3 his hunger for

Their leaders were arrested and einsperren


The nurse in charge explained verantwortlich fr

what the treatment would be like.

Infants and elderly people are Kleinkind

particularly at risk.
He is one of the most influential einflussreich
figures in the government.

She has no right to insult us like beleidigen


the Antarctic land mass Masse

1 Marcel is the first person 1 Erzhler; 2 Sprecher

narrator of the novel. 2 His voice
is familiar as the narrator of
hundreds of documentaries.
1 The journey to work was a 1 Albtraum; 2 Albtraum
nightmare. 2 I still have terrible
nightmares about the crash.
1 I expected an argument, but 1 nicken; 2 nicken
she merely nodded and went
out. 2 Theyre having fun, she
said, nodding towards the kids
on the beach.

1 the biggest military operation 1 Einsatz; 2 Vorgang; 3 Operation; 4 Niederlassung; 5 Funktionsweise/Ablauf

for 20 years 2 Connecting the
water supply is a very simple
operation. 3 She may need an
operation on her knee. 4 the
companys UK operations 5 We
are here to explain the operation
of the new exam system.

the ornate palace gates kunstvoll

Two other passengers in the car Fahrgast/Passagier

suffered serious injuries.
an altar standing on marble Sule
1 a power struggle within the 1 Macht; 2 Kraft; 3 Macht; 4 Befugnis; 5 Kraft/Energie; 6 Wucht; 7 Macht; 8 Fhigkeit
party an attempt by each of two
people or groups to get control 2
purchasing/bargaining power 3
The ruling Social Democratic
party has been in power for ten
years. 4 A high court has power
to overturn the lower courts
decision. 5 solar power 6 The
boy was thrown backwards by
the power of the blast. 7 China
has emerged as a major
economic power. 8 He has
amazing powers of

1 We live in a society where the 1 mchtig/einflussreich; 2 kraftvoll; 3 stark

media are extremely powerful. 2
a powerful explosion 3 powerful

1 The society works to preserve 1 erhalten; 2 konservieren

historic buildings. 2 the meat has
been preserved by immersing it
in salt
1 It is a basic principle of English 1 Grundsatz; 2 Prinzip; 3 Regel/Prinzip
law that a person is innocent
until proven guilty. 2 We are
opposed on principle to any
further building in the valley. 3
Windmills differ in design, but all
operate on exactly the same

1 a profitable 1 profitabel; 2 lohnend

business/company/investment 2
The trip should be an enjoyable
and profitable experience.

We spent the week visiting Verwandter


roast chicken braten/rsten

1 Portugal ruled East Timor for 1 beherrschen 2 Urteil sprechen/entscheiden; 3 bestimmen

nearly four centuries. 2 The
judge still has not ruled on the
case. 3 Money and music rule
Charlies world.

A student had been spreading Gercht

rumours about the teachers.
1 She opened her mouth to 1 schreien; 2 kreischen; 3 schreien
scream. 2 screaming engines 3
She heard Anna scream her

1 a senior officer/manager 2 1 ranghoch/vorgesetzt; 2 lter

Only senior students can leave
the premises at lunchtime.

Teachers are given a set of Regelwerk/Reihe

guidelines for dealing with violent
1 The two sides are holding talks 1 klren/beilegen; 2 abmachen/festlegen; 3 sich niederlassen; 4 sich fest-/absetzen; 5 siedeln/sich niederlassen; 6 tilgen/aus-/b
to settle the dispute. 2 It was
settled that they would leave
before dark. 3 I settled back into
a comfortable chair and waited.
4 Flakes of snow settled on the
windscreen. 5 Her relatives had
come to America and settled in
Boston. 6 He has 30 days to
settle his bill. 7 The kids will
settle after theyve had a nap.
1 shabby 1 schbig; 2 fadenscheinig/schlecht
clothes/furniture/buildings 2 the
governments shabby treatment
of trade unions
a great white shark Hai

a flashing neon sign Schild/Hinweistafel

1 The ferry sank during a storm. 1 sinken/untergehen; 2 einsinken; 3 sinken; 4 fallen lassen; 5 nachlassen; 6 senken; 7 eingraben; 8 investieren/versenken
2 Our feet sank into the mud as
we walked. 3 The water level in
the lake had sunk by several
feet. 4 All I wanted to do was to
sink into an armchair and rest. 5
Agricultural production had sunk
to its lowest level in years. 6
Their voices sank to a whisper. 7
The cat sank its claws into my
leg. 8 Weve sunk several
thousand dollars into the project
so far.

The Titanic hit an iceberg and sank

a strip of land Streifen

1 Their bodies swayed to the 1 schwanken/sich wiegen 2 berreden/ins Wanken bringen

music. 2 Do not allow yourselves
to be swayed by these
1 This is a great tape have you 1 Kassette; 2 Band; 3 Klebeband; 4 Band; 5 aufnehmen; 6 auf-/an-/zusammenkleben
heard it? 2 Weve got the concert
on tape. 3 you could use tape to
seal the envelope 4 Police roped
off the area with yellow tape after
the incident. 5 Did you tape the
film last night? 6 There was a
notice taped to the door.

1 Einsteins theory of relativity 2 1 Theorie; 2 These/Lehre; 3 Annahme/Hypothese

Marxist/literary theory 3 I have
my own theory about why he
The confession was made under foltern

1 The Presidents tour is 1 Handel; 2 Handel; 3 Handwerk; 4 handeln; 5 handeln; 6 tauschen

designed to promote investment
and trade. 2 the
book/drug/jewellery trade 3 He
learned his trade in the 1960s. 4
Investors can now trade stocks
online. 5 The company will
continue to trade under its
original name. 6 They traded
freedom for security.


1 The force of the explosion had 1 verbiegen; 2 drehen; 3 verdrehen; 4 verdrehen; 5 winden
twisted the metal. 2 Kathryn sat
anxiously twisting a handkerchief
in her hands. 3 Ive twisted my
ankle so I wont be able to play.
4 Youre twisting my words. 5
The path twists and turns up the

the uncrowned queen of TV ungekrnt

1 the National Union of Teachers 1 Gewerkschaft; 2 Staatenbund/Union; 3 Vereinigung
2 the European Union 3 Their
aim is closer political and
economic union with Europe.

The aim was to create an Einheit

impression of party unity.
niederlassen; 6 tilgen/aus-/bezahlen; 7 sich beruhigen
8 investieren/versenken
Headword Part of speech

Unit 10
bakery (n)

butchers (n)
chemists (n)

clothes shop (n)

computer shop (n)

department store (n)

electrical goods shop (n)

greengrocers (n)

jewellers (n)

music and DVD shop (n)

newsagents (n)

post office (n)

shoe shop (n)

sports shop (n)

stationery shop (n)

supermarket (n)

afford (v)

bargain (v)

cash (n & v)

cashier (n)
changing room (n)

checkout (n)

credit card (n)

discount (n & v)

gift (n)

queue (n & v)

receipt (n)

refund (n & v)

shelf (n)

trolley (n)

Collocations with money

borrow (v)

donate (v)

earn (v)

lend (v)

make (v)
save (v)

spend (v)

waste (v)

win (v)

Other words and phrases

accuse (v)

acre (n)

advertising campaign (n)

apologise (v)

apology (n)

bake (v)

balance (n)

blame (v)

blank (n)

blockbuster (n)
charity (n)

circumstance (n)

colleague (n)

complaint (n)

container (n)

demand (n)

dye (n & v)

estate agent (n)

fancy (adj, = elaborate, expensive) (adj)

faulty (adj)
fit (v)

fort (n)

fur coat (n)

further (adv & v)

go-kart (n)

hoodie (n)

instantaneously (adv)

invest (v)

lake (n)
leisure facilities (n)

let (v, = let a flat) (v)

loud (adj)

meanwhile (adv)

packaging (n)

perfume (n)

pre-wrapped (adj)

reduction (n)

remains (n)

remove (v)

rude (adj)

scent (n)

shopper (n)
shrink (v)

size (n)

smell (n)

species (n)

spray (v)

subconsciously (adv)

tandem (n, = bike) (n)

transaction (n)

unfurnished (adj)
yard (n)

Gateway to Exams Units 9-10

amnesia (n)
arrest (v)

canoe (n)

canoeist (n)

confident (adj)

drop (n, = drop of water) (n)

expire (v)

explorer (n)

grow a beard (v)

holiday resort (n)

insurance (n)

insurance policy (n)

limbo (n)

pretend (v)

reappearance (n)

shock (n)
Phonetic transcription Frequency star Definition

/bekri/ a building where bread, cakes etc

are made or sold
/btz/ the shop where a meat is sold
/kemsts/ a shop that sells medicines, beauty
products, and toiletries
/klz p/ a shop where clothing is sold
/kmpjut p/ a shop where items for computing
are sold
/dptmnt st/ ** a large shop that is divided into
separate sections, with each
section selling a different type of

/lektrkl gudz p/ a shop where items such as fridges,

TVs and similar items are sold

/gringrsz/ a shop selling fruit and vegetables

/dulz/ a shop where items of jewellery are

/mjuzk n di vi di p/ a shop where tapes, CDs, DVDs
and other items to do with music
are sold
/njuzednts/ a shop that sells newspapers,
magazines and similar items
/pst fs/ ** a place where you can buy stamps,
send letters and parcels, collect
money given to you by the
government etc

/u p/ a shop selling shoes

/sp:ts p/ a shop selling items for sport,
including clothes and equipment
/sten()ri p/ a shop selling items for writing
/supmkt/ * a very large shop that sells food
and other products for the home

/fd/ *** can afford: to have enough money

to pay for something
/bgn/ something you buy that costs much
less than normal
/k/ *** money in the form of notes and
/k/ someone whose job is to receive or
give money to customers in a shop,
bank etc
/tend rum/ a room in a shop in which people
can try on clothes before they buy
/tekat/ to examine someone or something
in order to be certain that
everything is correct, true, or

/kredt kd/ ** a small plastic card that you use to

buy things now and pay for them
/dskant/ a reduction in the price of

/gft/ ** something that you give to

someone as a present
/kju/ * a line of people that are waiting for
/rsit/ * a document that you get from
someone showing that you have
given them money or goods
/rifnd/ money that you get back because
you have paid too much for
something, or because you have
decided that you do not want it

/elf/ ** a flat piece of wood or glass that is

attached to a wall or is part of a
piece of furniture. It is used for
putting things on

/trli/ a large container with wheels that

you push and use for carrying
things in a supermarket or at an

/br/ ** to borrow money from a bank and

pay it back gradually
/dnet/ to give something such as money
or goods to an organization

/n/ ** 1 to receive money for work that

you do 2 to make a profit from
business or from money that you
have in the bank

/lend/ *** to give someone money that you

expect them to pay back later
/mek/ *** to earn or get money
/sev/ *** to regularly put money in a bank, or
to invest it so that you can use it
/spend/ *** to use money to pay for things

/west/ ** to use more of something than is

necessary, or to use it in a way that
does not produce the best results

/wn/ *** to succeed in getting something

that you want because of hard work
or ability

/kjuz/ ** to say that someone has done

something wrong or illegal
/ek/ a unit for measuring large areas of
land, equal to 4,047 square metres

/dvtaz kmpen/ a planned series of posters,

advertisements, and events used
for advertising something
/pldaz/ ** to tell someone that you are sorry
for doing something wrong
/pldi/ a statement that tells someone that
you are sorry for doing something
/bek/ * to cook food such as bread and
cakes in an oven
/blns/ ** 1 the ability to remain steady in an
upright position 2 a situation in
which different aspects or features
are treated equally or exist in the
correct relationship to each other 3
the majority of information,
opinions, or facts 4 mental or
emotional calm

/blem/ ** to say or think that someone or

something is responsible for an
accident, problem, or bad situation

/blk/ an empty space on a piece of paper

where you can write something

/blkbst/ a very successful film, show, or

/trti/ ** 1 an organization that gives money
and help to people who need it 2
money or food that is given to
people who need it

/skmstns/ ** the facts or conditions that affect a

/klig/ ** the conditions in which you live,
especially how much money you
/kmplent/ ** 1 a statement that you are not
satisfied with something 2
something that someone complains

/knten/ ** 1 something used for storing or

keeping things in, for example a
box, bottle, or bowl 2 a very large
metal or wooden box that has been
designed to be loaded easily onto
ships and trucks

/dmnd/ *** 1 a firm statement that you want

something 2 demands: the things or
qualities that are needed in a
particular situation 3 the amount of
a product or service that people
want, or the fact that they want it

/da/ 1 a substance that is used for

changing the colour of something
such as cloth or hair 2 to change
the colour of something such as
cloth or hair using dye

/stet ed()nt/ someone whose job is to help

people to buy, sell, or rent property

/fnsi/ 1 expensive and fashionable 2 with

a lot of features or decorations

/flti/ not working correctly, or not made

/ft/ *** 1 to be small enough or the right
size and shape to go somewhere,
or to manage to put someone or
something in a space 2 if clothes fit,
they are the right size for you 3 to
be suitable or right for something 4
to be the truth, or to be the same as
something that someone describes
or asks for 5 to add a piece of
equipment to something else 6 to
be small enough or the right size
and shape to go somewhere, or to
manage to put someone or
something in a space 7 if clothes fit,
they are the right size for you 8 to
be suitable or right for something 9
to be the truth, or to be the same as
something that someone describes
or asks for 10 to add a piece of
equipment to something else

/ft/ a strong building that is used by

soldiers for defending a place
/f kt/ an outer garment made from animal
/f/ *** to help something to progress or to
/g kt/ a small low vehicle with no roof,
used for racing or for fun
/hdi/ a piece of clothing with a hood that
you wear on the top part of your
body, usually made of thick cotton.
Some people think that young men
wear hoodies because they are
trying to hide their face when they
carry out criminal activities.

/nstntenisli/ immediately

/nvest/ * to use your money with the aim of

making a profit from it, for example
by buying shares in a company

/lek/ ** a large area of water surrounded by

/le fsltz/ places where you do things to relax
or enjoy yourself
/let/ *** to rent a room, flat, house etc to

/lad/ ** 1 a loud sound is strong and very

easy to hear 2 very bright in a way
that does not show good taste

/minwal/ * between the time that two things

happen, or while something is
/pkd/ the boxes, plastic etc that are used
for wrapping products
/pfjum/ 1 a liquid with a pleasant smell that
you put on your skin 2 the pleasant
smell of something such as a flower
or plant

/prirpt/ already covered in a protective

paper or plastic
/rdk()n/ ** the process or result of making
something smaller or less in
amount, size, price, importance etc

/rmenz/ 1 the part of something that is left

after the rest has been finished,
used, or destroyed 2 the body of a
person or animal that has died

/rmuv/ *** 1 to take someone or something

away from a place 2 to take off a
piece of clothing 3 to get rid of a
problem, difficulty, or something that
annoys you 4 to take away
someones power or position,
especially in politics

/rud/ * 1 not polite 2 offensive because of

referring to sex or using the toilet

/sent/ 1 a pleasant smell 2 a liquid that

women put on their skin to make
themselves smell nice 3 the smell
that an animal or person has, that
some animals can follow

/p/ someone who goes to a shop in

order to look at or buy the things
that are sold there
/rk/ 1 to become smaller, or to make
something become smaller 2 to
move back or away from someone
or something because you are
frightened or nervous

/saz/ *** 1 a measurement of how large or

small something is 2 one of a series
of standard measurements
according to which goods are made
or sold 3 the fact that something is
very large

/smel/ ** 1 the quality of something that you

notice when you breathe in through
your nose 2 the ability to notice or
recognize smells 3 an instance of
smelling something

/spiiz/ ** a plant or animal group whose

members all have similar general
features and are able to produce
young plants or animals together

/spre/ if you spray a liquid, or if it sprays,

very small drops of it are forced out
of a container through a small hole

/sbknsli/ relating to thoughts or feelings that

you have but do not think about, or
do not realize you have
/tndm/ a bicycle with seats for two people

/trnzk()n/ an occasion when someone buys or

sells something
/nfnt/ without any furniture
/jd/ ** 1 a unit for measuring length that is
equal to 0.91 metres 2 an enclosed
area around a large building where
people can do activities outside 3 a
large open area that is used for a
particular purpose 4 a garden at the
front, back, or side of a house

/mnizi/ a medical condition that makes you

unable to remember things
/rest/ ** 1 if the police arrest someone, they
take that person to a police station
because they think that he or she
has committed a crime 2 to stop a
process or bad situation from
continuing or developing

/knu/ a light narrow boat that you push

through the water using a paddle
/knust/ a person who paddles a canoe or
/knfd()nt/ *** 1 certain about your abilities and
not nervous or frightened 2 certain
that something will happen or be

/drp/ * a very small amount of liquid with a

round shape
/kspa/ if an agreement, offer, or official
document expires, the period of
time during which it can be used
comes to an end

/ksplr/ someone who travels around a

place that other people do not know
much about in order to find out what
is there

/gr bd/ to start to let the hair on your face

grow, so that you will have a beard
or moustache
/holde rz:t/ a place where a lot of people go on
holiday, usually one with a lot of
hotels, bars, and restaurants
/nrns/ *** 1 an arrangement in which you
regularly pay a company an amount
of money so that they will give you
money if something that you own is
damaged, lost, or stolen, or if you
die or are ill or injured 2 a situation
or action that is intended to prevent
something bad from happening or
affecting you

/nrns plsi/ an official document containing the

details of the agreement between
you and an insurance company
/lmb/ 1 in the Roman Catholic religion,
the place between heaven and hell
where some people who are not
Christians go when they die 2 a
situation or state where you are not
certain and you have to wait to find
out what will happen next 3 the
limbo: a dance from the Caribbean
in which people bend backwards
and go under a stick that is moved
lower as the dance continues. It is
often also called limbo dancing.

/prtend/ * 1 to behave in a particular way

because you want someone to
believe that something is true when
it is not 2 to imagine that something
is true when you are playing a

/riprns/ to appear again

/k/ ** 1 the feeling of being very surprised

by something bad that happens
unexpectedly 2 something that
happens unexpectedly and makes
you feel very surprised and upset 3
a medical condition in which you
suddenly become very weak and
cold after a serious accident or
injury 4 a sudden flow of electricity
that goes through your body
Example sentence German translation


Apotheke (BE)/Drogerie




Obst- und Gemsehndler







Im not sure how they are able to sich leisten

afford such expensive holidays.
Her dress was a real bargain. Schnppchen

Do you want to pay in cash or by Bargeld/bar

credit card?

Ive been taking loads of ausprobieren/testen

photographs, just to check out the


Air Canada are currently offering a Rabatt/Nachlass (gewhren)

10% discount on selected airfares.

a gift from a friend Geschenk

There was a long queue for tickets. (Warte)Schlange

Keep all your credit card receipts. Beleg

You will receive a full refund if you Rckerstattung/rckerstatten

cancel the holiday.

He took a book from the shelf. Regal


We borrowed 20,000 to start up sich leihen/borgen

the business.
Many big corporations donate to spenden
political parties.

1 Most people here earn about 1 verdienen; 2 (Gewinn) erzielen/vereinnahmen

30,000 a year. 2 The company
earned profits of 14.9 million last
Banks will lend large amounts of verleihen
money to new businesses.
She makes about 2,000 a month. verdienen
Dont wait until youre 40 to start sparen
saving for retirement.

How much money did you spend? ausgeben

There were accusations that the verschwenden

government was wasting public

Weve won a 3 million contract to gewinnen

build the new bridge.

Her employers accused her of theft. be-/anschuldigen

The hotel sits in 400 acres of Morgen


the advertising campaign included Werbekampagne

posters and leaflets

I apologize for taking so long to sich entschuldigen

They were kind enough to accept Entschuldigung
my apology.

She baked me a cake for my backen

1 He lost his balance and tipped 1 Gleichgewicht; 2 Ausgewogenheit/Gleichgewicht; 3 Mehrheit; 4 Gleichge
backwards in the chair. 2 A healthy
diet is about getting the correct
balance of a variety of foods. 3 The
balance of public opinion was
against the proposal. 4 She quickly
recovered her balance after the

If it all goes wrong, dont blame me. jdm. die Schuld fr etw. geben/verantwortlich machen

Please put either a tick or an X in Lcke

the blanks.

the latest Hollywood blockbuster Kassenschlager/Straenfeger

1 a registered charity 2 The event 1 Wohlttigkeitsorganisation; 2 wohlttiger Zweck
raised 59,000 for charity.

The circumstances of this case are Umstand

It is very important to make a will, Kollege
whatever your circumstances.

1 I intend to make a complaint. 2 1 Beschwerde; 2 Beanstandung/Reklamation

The main complaint was the noise.

1 a large box was in use as a 1 Behlter; 2 Container

container for coffee 2 goods were
shipped in by container

1 They made demands that our 1 Forderung; 2 Anforderung; 3 Nachfrage

government could never accept. 2
the demands of his new job 3
18,400 new houses will be needed
to cope with the demand.

1 Hair dye is sold in chemist's 2 1 Farbe; 2 frben

Sue dyed her hair red


1 a fancy hotel 2 fancy computer 1 extravagant/ausgefallen; 2 kunstvoll/einfallsreich


faulty brakes fehlerhaft

1 I dont think that box will fit. 2 It is 1 passen; 2 passen; 3 eignen; 4 passen; 5 ausstatten; 6 passen; 7 passen
important that childrens shoes fit
correctly. 3 We need a name that
fits our image. 4 He fits the
description of a man seen running
away from the scene. 5 Some cars
are fitted with hand controls for
people with physical disabilities. 6 I
dont think that box will fit. 7 It is
important that childrens shoes fit
correctly. 8 We need a name that
fits our image. 9 He fits the
description of a man seen running
away from the scene. 10 Some cars
are fitted with hand controls for
people with physical disabilities.

an iron-age fort Festung


efforts to further the peace process gefrdert/vorangetrieben/frdern



With the new equipment we got the sofort

results instantaneously.
Banks invested 20 million in the investieren

There were some boys swimming in (Binnen)See

the lake.

There are three flats to let available vermieten

to be rented in the building.

1 There was a loud knocking on the 1 laut; 2 grell/auffllig

door. 2 a loud shirt

Put the eggs on to boil and unterdessen/inzwischen/gleichzeitig

meanwhile slice the onions.

All this unnecessary packaging Verpackung

creates so much waste.
1 a bottle of perfume 2 The air was 1 Parfm; 2 Duft
filled with the sweet perfume of

the meat was pre-wrapped abgepackt

a 50 reduction for all hotel guests Ermigung

1 The remains of the castle can still 1 berbleibsel/-reste; 2 (sterbliche) berreste

be seen on the hill. 2 Human
remains were found on the railway
1 Medical crews removed two 1 entfernen; 2 ablegen/ausziehen; 3 beseitigen/aus dem Weg rumen; 4 a
people from the collapsed building.
2 She removed her coat and sat
down. 3 We need to remove any
obstacles to a peaceful solution. 4
Officials who were involved in the
scandal were removed from office.

1 I dont want to seem rude, but Id 1 unhflich; 2 derb/unfltig

rather be alone. 2 a rude word/joke

1 an apple with a rich flavour and 1 Duft; 2 Parfm; 3 Fhrte

scent 2 she used an expensive
scent 3 Police tracker dogs picked
up the mans scent in the forest.

1 Do you think this dress will shrink 1 schrumpfen; 2 zurckweichen/-schrecken
if I put it in the washing machine? 2
He shrank away from her touch.

1 balloons of all shapes and sizes 2 1 Gre; 2 (Konfektions)Gre; 3 Gre

What size shoes do you take? 3
The size of the organization makes
communication difficult.

1 This paint has a very strong 1 Geruch; 2 Geruchssinn; 3 Geruchswahrnehmung

smell. 2 Dogs have an excellent
sense of smell. 3 Have a smell of
this perfume.

the human species Gattung/Spezies

The chemical is sprayed onto the sprhen

crops once a week.

Maybe subconsciously I really un(ter)bewusst

wanted him to fail.


a business transaction Geschftsabwicklung

The flat is being let unfurnished. unmbliert

1 our garden is 4 yards long 2 a 1 Yard; 2 Hof; 3 Gelnde/Platz; 4 Garten
prison yard 3 a builders yard 4 we
have a private yard behind the

1 Police raided the building and 1 verhaften; 2 aufhalten
arrested six men. 2 A cut in interest
rates failed to arrest the decline in



1 a confident mood/smile/manner 2 1 selbstbewusst; 2 einer Sache sicher/zuversichtlich

We were confident of victory.

a tear drop Tropfen

The loan offer is due to expire this ab-/auslaufen


Antarctic explorers Entdecker

sich einen Bart wachsen lassen


1 health/life/car insurance 2 The 1 Versicherung; 2 Absicherung/Schutz

hostages were being held as
insurance against further bombing

1 'His soul is in limbo,' the priest 1 Vorhlle; 2 Schwebezustand; 3 Limbo(tanz)
said. 2 While she waits to hear if
she has a place at a college, Jess
is in limbo. 3 Edward is an
impressive limbo dancer

1 We were never going to make the 1 vorgeben/-tuschen; 2 so tun als ob

marriage work, so why pretend? 2
Theyre pretending theyre
astronauts again.

His reappearence on the stage was Wiedererscheinen

1 Jessicas face was blank with 1 Schock; 2 Schreck; 3 Schockzustand; 4 Elektroschock/-schlag
shock. B2 The price of housing was
quite a shock for us. 3 people
suffering from shock 4 You could
get an electric shock if you touch it.
ewicht; 3 Mehrheit; 4 Gleichgewicht/Balance
usstatten; 6 passen; 7 passen; 8 eignen; 9 passen; 10 ausstatten
en/aus dem Weg rumen; 4 ablsen

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