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The Globe

July August 2017

Student Writings From IEI

Writing two & Three

How to Study for a Test
Wafa Aljahany (Saudi Arabia)

I came to the English institute to study in

America six months ago. The teachers gave me
tests, and I wanted to pass the tests. I want to explain
how to study for a test.
I get up early, arrange my room, take a warm
shower, arrange my thoughts, and arrange my books
to study. I make a cup of coffee and type my plan to
My Home study for the day. I type the hard words, spell them,
Khalid Almutairi (Saudi Arabia) and each word ten times.
After two hours of
My home is in Jeddah. It is a big house. I like studying, I take a rest for
my home. I have a picture of horses and a big TV in about an hour and then
my room. My brother has a Play Station and X-Box. return to study again. I try to
There are five garages, and we have five study because I want to
cars. My father has three houses, and I will get succeed.
houses the same as my father.
I want to get married. After that, I will live in a
small house, and I want a good job in the airport. I
want to get a small house because I will have a small
family, and I will get a big house after two years.
My Graduation Party
Jihad Alayuni (Saudi Arabia)

When I graduated
from high school, I arrived
Sad Day home at 9:00 A.M. I slept, and
Hussam Alkhudair I woke at 4:00 P.M. I couldn't
(Saudi Arabia) find anyone in the house; then
I opened my phone and saw a
Last year, I went to message from my mom and
Dubai with my friends. When I dad. The message told me to
arrived at customs, I realized I come to the farm. When I got to the farm, I saw a
forgot my ID. I waited for my new car. I thought it belonged to visitors. After that, I
family because they sent it via entered the house and found my family made a party
fax. I waited almost four hours for me. Then I saw my friends my father had invited.
for my ID to arrive. In the morning after this party, my father
gave me a key. I asked him why, and he told me,
Your new car is outside. I kissed the top of my
fathers head. Then the day was finished and we
were so happy!
Writing Four

Natnael Abu Azath (Ethiopia)

Environment is the biggest issue in the world. Human beings need

to have a clean environment. However, most people dont care about or
dont have knowledge about how the world is affected through the plastic
water bottle and non-decomposition of materials. But it affects many factors
in our world.
There are so many kinds of plastic affecting the environment. When
the plastic is under the ground, it never changes or decomposes. Also, the
plastic has acid. It can affect the soil plants easily. Trash is the worst thing if
you dont throw it out the right way. Trash affects every human being through
water, environment, and soil.
Animals are the part of our life and plastic affects them, too. Millions of seabirds are killed from the effect of
plastic pollution every year. Seabirds ingest plastic items that cause intestine injury and death. Then, it passes up
the food chain to bigger fish and marine life.
Humans are also affected by plastic. I think part of the problem is people have used so much plastic
because it is easy to get a cheap. As you can see in all the shopping centers, you can use a bunch of plastic. And
people buy food in plastic containers and water in bottle. Also, after they used it, they throw it out. Another effect is
you may get cancer while you use too much packaged food and those plastic bottles.
In sum there are all kinds of things: different plastics spread through out the ocean and land that affect
humans, animals, soil, plants, and weather. Because of this we have to teach people not to throw out the plastic
and trash.

Parents Make Heroes

Ali Alayuni (Saudi Arabia)

Imagine a school had kicked out a boy because they were saying he is stupid, and he cant learn anything.
But guess what his mother told him? She said, This school is a lower level than you are, and you are going to
study at home. After 20 years, that boy became a man, and that man has a big company. This is how parents can
make heroes. There are other ways parents can affect their children, like having success, in business, and in
First, success at school depends on how parents deal with their children because school is a parents
responsibility. Parents have got to look at the homework and how their children are doing at school. For example,
when he/she couldnt pass a test the first time, the parent gets angry at him and rebukes him/her. They will make
him/her feel like a loser. However, when parents say, It is just bad luck. You can do it! and they are being positive,
parents will make them feel like a winner.
Additionally, knowing business and how he/she could handle it is a skill
that will help children when they will be adults. For example, when a parent gives
their children everything they want without working for it, in the future, they will
fall at first trouble because they are used to having everything easy, and life is
hard. However, if a parent lets him work even if the work is easy, they will get
In addition, parents also have to care about their childrens health and
not give them bad food. They will get sick and be fat. However, good food will
build a fantastic body without sickness.
All in all, children are affected by their parents and can become heroes
because of them. Success, business, and health are all related.
Writing Five

Violent Video Games and Movies

By Rabia Sarikaya (Turkey)

Nowadays Z generation(2000 and +) shows more aggressive behavior than other generation

people who are x and y generation. For example, in elementary and high school are very difficult to

manage for teacher. Students tend to aggressive behavior and there is a lot of bad facts about violent.

For example; a child who are was bothered by a friend. As a result, child murdered that friend in the class

with a gun. So researchers wonder whether it is concerned about violent video games and movies or not?

Violent video games and movies a negative effects on children? How can we protect children from

negative effects?

A research Bobo Doll , shows violent affects only some children. Others arent affected. The

experiment includes 20 children. Bobo is a doll which is played with by a researcher. The researcher acts

on bobo violent behavior. 20 children watch this. After 20 children stay with bobo doll. Some children act

aggressive behavior. Other children don't act aggressive behavior. Therefore, sometimes some violent

video games and movies affect some childrens behavior. So that article handled 3 affects and how we

can protect to affect.

If you see around children who are behaving on a aggressive attitude or violent, they probably

might play violent video games or watch movies or they can follow people around them. Children tend to

imitate that they see around. For example; while children are playing a game, they imitate their parents or

a cartoon movie character. As a result, violent video games and movies cause on children violently. So,
violent video games and movies affect children. There are usually negative effects. Studies show that

violent video games or movies can cause a risk factor on violent behavior( 2007, Does Exposure). 20

children who are attended research illustrate violent video games or movies impact. Some children were

not affected but some children were affected. ( Bushman and Huesmann, 2010)

We need to look the 2 points. What kind of behavior impacted children and not impacted children

how protecting themselves.

Children who watch or play violently show aggressive behavior, less sensitive to real violent, to

be fearful.

Sometimes children act more aggressively if they watch or play violently because they like imitate

and if they see something, they try to do it. So children see violent while they are watching and they learn

how they act during violence. They want to practice on another person. According to some studies,

children who are watching violent movies or video games can be less sensitive to real violence. Normal

people see 1 or 2 normal situation during life time. However, violent video games or movies show people

a lot of abnormal situation. So children are affected and they think this is normal.

Children who are watching violent video games or movies feel more fearful. Sometimes violent

video games include fictional characters and children are scared of them. Children don't distinguish from

real or fiction so they are scared of them a lot according to adults. It is important to protect children

against violent video games or movies because their personality is affected and it can be a huge problem

for him. Some child physiologist suggest parents can watch or play violent stuff. Parents can stop and

they can explain what is true or wrong and also what is real or fiction. So children don't watch and their

mind is increase realizing about harmful violence.

In conclusion, violent video games and movies might affect children. If children are affected,

parents can protect them.

make-kids-more-aggressive 7.27.2017/ 15.00
Bushman BJ, Huesman LR. Aggression. In: Fiske ST, Gilbert DT, Linzey G, eds. Handbook of Social
Psychology. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons; 2010
Children with sports
Abbas Alalshalab (Saudi Arabia)

People like to play and try many things in our community and that is important for all people not

just adults, it's even children because sports are the most important things to make us healthy and we

don't have to go to the hospital. Nevertheless, some people don't like to do sports because they're busy

or they're not interested. However, I prefer doing sports and recommend for all adults and especially

children because it's necessary and helpful to be successful and live life without problems like for

communicating with others and making our bodies healthy.

Communicating with other people or children is one effect of doing sports because it helps us to be

in the same team and make friends easily. For instance, when I was in elementary school I didn't know

anyone because we moved to another city and it was hard for me to communicate with other children. So,

there was football sports in that school and I had gotten on the team. After that, I made a lot of friends

and I still communicate with them. Also, we support each other.

Sports make our bodies healthy because sports give power and energy to bodies and you don't

have to go to the hospital . For example, someone I knew has done sports since he was a child and he

didn't go to the hospital for a long time.

In conclusion, communicating with others and making our bodies healthy are two effects of why

doing sports is necessary for our life to be successful and make our community have healthy people to

live without being alone or sick.

By Vi Kha Le (Vietnam)

What is television? It is the transmission of visual images of moving and stationary objects,

generally with accompanying sound, as electromagnetic waves and the reconversion of received waves

into visual images. The invention of technological devices in modern time has made the world smaller.

Many people say that television is a great invention nowadays; however, I strongly believe that television

is the worst invention of modern times because there are more cons than pros.

Television produces entertainment for everyone because the majority of people like to watch a

funny show, cartoons, news, and interesting movies. In contrast, some people say they spend long hours

sitting or lying on their sofas and even doing nothing instead of going out or just doing exercises. I think

that television makes people lazy. It isnt a healthy habit because you will not move your body and will

also hurt your eyes. Kids who watch too much TV are usually overweight, according to the American

Medical Association. Kids often snack on junk food while watching TV. They are also influenced by

commercials to consume unhealthy food. Also, they are not running, jumping, or doing activities that burn

calories and increase metabolism. Obese kids, unless they change their habits, tend to be obese when

they become adults. Currently, the American Academy of Pediatrics confirms this finding, suggesting that

even just an hour of TV is associated with childhood obesity. In addition, children aged 2 to 10 who watch

TV for more than two hours a day is 30% more likely to be at risk for blood pressure compared to those

who spend less time in front of the TV (the International Journal of Cardiology).
Some people say that television has many excellent programs. For instance, Discovery channel

is one of the educational programs that can teach us good things, but children dont pay attention to

informative programs. I feel that all the programs are not educational; some of them are harmful to

children and even for adults. Children learn everything very fast and without choosing. In addition,

Television may cause children to have difficulty distinguishing what is real and what is not. Some adults

have the ability to choose what program they want to see.

They also sometimes are affected by some programs which show unreal things. TV shows and

commercials usually show violence, alcohol, drug use and sex in a positive light. The mind of your kid is

like clay. Therefore, television is the worst invention of the modern times.

Every day when you want to see whats happening in the world, you just turn on your television

and there will be a lot of information, such as if there was a robbery near your house or not. But, I believe

that television desensitizes people to violence and bad behavior. For instance, the popular programs and

movies now are almost including violence, bad behaviour, and bad languages. These kinds of programs

are made to catch peoples attention, but if a person often watches these programs, he or she will

become more desensitized to these bad things because some people trust the stories or information

which is made up on television.

In conclusion, television is the worst invention of the modern times because it wastes your time,

tell you information that does not rely on, and finally television let you buy into useless consumerism.

Nevertheless, people have to know how to observe the programs that are broadcast on television to

distinguish which are good and what arent. It is easy to learn bad things than good things that are why I

can say without any doubts that television is the worst invention of modern times.

Works Cited
1. Childhood obesity overweight . Huffingtonpost. 2017. Tue.08 Aug. 2017. Print.
2. Too TV raise childs blood pressure watching two hours day . Dailymail. 2017. Tue.08
Aug. 2017. Print.
Effects of violent video games in behavior. Exploring social-learning and innate
or biological theories
By Celso Give (Mozambique)

Does a violent video game create aggressive behavior on players? Can a violent video game
impact on a way of acting of individuals? Many people seek an appropriate answer for these questions.

But there is an appropriate answer? The psychological effects of violent video games in aggressive
behavior has been subject of scrutiny by different educational institutions, political makers, people in
general and psychologists in particular. In this essay, we want to present two different theories about

violent video games and aggressive behavior.

Studies suggest the existence of two topologies of explanation about effects of violent video

games in aggressive behavior of players, such as: social-learning and innate theory. The first one social
learning theory - argues that violent video games have direct effects in aggressive behavior, due to the

fact that exposure to violent material lead to aggressive cognitive scripts, responsible for provision of
automatic information on how the individual should behave under certain social circumstances
(Fergunson, 2008).
Furthermore, those individuals, under extensive violent stimuli, are likely to act more
aggressively, motivated by scripts molded and mobilized when presented in potentially hostile

environment stimuli. This idea is summarized in these terms: when an environmental situation appears
ambiguous, an individual may rely on these scripts to interpret that situation as hostile, warranting

aggressive action. Violent stimuli, such as video games, should provoke (Fergunson, 2008:04).
According to this perspective, if Mike is a player of violent video when exposed in a potential
violent situation, he has a tendency to use skills acquired in the video game to respond to this
environment, correlating the real-life situation with a video game. This example revealed an implicit

assumption of this theory that individuals are passive modeling of violent video games and will often
engage in violent behavior regardless of personality, family environment, genetics, or other biological

contributions., assuming persons as tabula rasa.

Social-learning theories stress the influence of social factors, such as exposure of individuals in
violent video games as a panacea of aggressive behavior, neglecting others factors. This limitation
introduces the innate explanation about consequences of violent video games and aggressive behavior.
Researchers of innate theory or Biological believe that a correlated relationship between violent
video games and violent behavior is correlational but not causal /innate motivational theories of video
games and violent behavior (Sherry, 2001, Fergunson, 2008).
This explanation suggests that a genetic predisposition is responsible for development of
violence-prone personality, leading directly to an aggressive individual. Aggressive personality is more

probable to involve in violent conduct under times of environmental strain. So, the environment is acting
as catalysts for violent attitudes for an individual previously prone to them. Furthermore, violent video

game emerges as stylistic catalysts (Krahe & Moeller, 2004).

The authors of innate theory or Biological observed the stylishness or form of violence can be

socially informed however not the desire to act violently itself. Probably the individual may model violent
behaviors he or she has witnessed in a video game, but had that video game been removed from that
individuals sphere of modeling opportunities, the violence would still occur in another form. Therefore,
video game violence does not cause violent behavior but may have an impact on its form (Fergunson, 2008:05).
Through analyses of social-learning theories with particular focus on exposure of individual in
violent video games as a premise for aggressive behavior development and innate or biological

genetical predisposition for violence explanation about consequences of violent video games and
aggressive behavior, is possible to conclude that violent video games can lead to violent behavior.

However, is important to remember that this condition development of violent behavior is satisfied
through combination or contribution of multiple factors, such as social and biological.


Ferguson, C. J., Rueda, S., Cruz, A., Ferguson, D., Fritz, S., & Smith, S. (2008). Violent video games and
aggression: Causal relationship or byproduct of family violence and intrinsic violence motivation?
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35, 311332.
Krahe, B., & Moeller, I. (2004). Playing violent electronic games, hostile attribution style, and aggression-
related norms in German adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 27, 53-69.
Sherry, J. (2001). The effects of violent video games on aggression: A meta-analysis. Human
Communication Research, 27, 409-431.
Causes and Effects of Internet Addiction
By Anwar Nooh (Saudi Arabia)

Internet has made life easier by making information more accessible to all and creating

connections with different people around the world. However, it has also led a lot of people to spend too

much time in front of the computer, so much so that it becomes the center of their lives. This can lead to

an Internet addiction. It has become one of the big common problems in our life, and around the world.

There are two causes why people use the Internet a lot, which are being lonely and shy, and having free


Being lonely and feeling shy is one of the causes that made people use Internet a lot, because

many children feel shy or they are the only one at home so they dont have anyone to be with them. They

feel bored, sad, and lonely, so they try to have fun on Internet, but they use it a lot. Research shows that

the degree of social and emotional loneliness was assessed using the Social and Emotional Loneliness

scale. This was compared with self-report measures of Internet use and the breadth of one's network of

friends (Eric J. Moody, BS).That means when children are lonely, they try to spend time with their friends

to have fun; however, when they spend a long time, they become addicted to the Internet.

Internet will effect on children's personalities. They may become introverted person. It could effect

on their social problems. When they always use Internet, they are more likely to have problems. Because,

They do not know how to communicate with people. They never try that. Also children feel that they

cannot do anything. They feel insecure and their dream is just futile.
The other cause is having free time. Many families buy electronic devices for their children.

However. They didnt use it correctly. These days a lot of children use Internet every day and they spend

their time on it. So they didnt learn any information and there isn't any advantage. According to Internet now takes up about half of their time. Most of the kids and teens use Internet and

social media to read about sport, school, communicate with friends, do their homework, and other. They

need to be online it can become compulsive, uncontrolled, or led to Internet addict. This type of

maladaptive behavior is sometimes called Internet addiction (

It will effect on their body because they spend all their time looking at the screen and sitting.

They do not move or do anything by themselves so it will effect on their eyes and body. They are more

likely to be fat and feel tired all time. Their eyes sight also will become weak, so they cannot enjoy as a

normal kid who runs and plays.

In conclusion, Internet addiction is a bad thing that happens to people. It happens when they are

lonely and shy, and having free time also is one of the causes. It has many effects, which effects on their

personality and body. So Internet addiction causes more than I said, and families must control that by

limiting the hours in order for their children not to become addict on Internet, and they can choose the

application that has advantage for their children so they can learn something.

Works Cited Moody,, E. J., BS. (n.d.).

Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic revision of Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae,
Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e7720. Internet Use
and Its Relationship to Loneliness. doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f
time-online "Internet Use and Its Relationship to Loneliness." ReSTART Life | Treatment for
Internet, Video Game Addiction. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 July 2017.

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