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1. Comes through the door with letters on the other side

2. Walks into her room
3. Puts on party clothes
4. Zips up the jump suit
5. Walks out of her room
6. Walking through town loads of people passing
7. Walks into a bar
8. Opens the door
9. Talking to friends and laughing
10. See her sleeping (time lapse)
11. She gets out of bed
12. Goes into the kitchen
13. Puts the kettle on
14. Takes cup out of cupboard
15. Drops the cup and it smashes
16. Runs out of the kitchen and into her room
17. Puts on her clothes
18. Walks out of her room
19. Goes into the living room and bins letters and cards
20. She walks through the park
21. She comes to the door of her apartment
22. Takes of her coat and hangs it up
23. She walks towads and cupboard and lift out a box
24. She sits on the sofa and, looks through the box
25. Starts to cry, tear dripping down face
26. Gets up and walks away, things still on sofa
27. Wakes up bright day
28. Puts clothes on


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