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FDI Marketing & External Offices

About InvestChile

InvestChile is the government agency responsible for promoting Chile in the global market as a
destination for foreign direct investment, serving as a bridge between the interests of overseas
investors and the business opportunities the country offers and providing world-class services that
are in line with the countrys economic development policies.

The agency implements all types of initiatives whose purpose is to publicize, promote, coordinate
and implement actions that seek to foster the entry of foreign direct investment (FDI) into Chile.

InvestChile provides general information about Chile, its economic and social environment, its
legal framework and its policies on foreign investment, offering specific information about how to
start a business as well as the procedures and regulation with which all investors must comply in
order to bring FDI into the country.

They publish regular reports about Chiles business climate as well as about specific investment
opportunities in both public and private projects.

InvestChile also offers specific services for each stage of the foreign investment cycle through a
multicultural and multilingual team of professionals that advises over 700 companies each year.

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