It'S More Than A Show!: Campaign Proposal

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Prepared for: Prepared by:

Western Summer Theatre Lively PR

College of Fine and

Performing Arts Bellingham, WA
516 High Street
Bellingham, WA 98225
Table of Contents
Introduction 2

Action Plan 3
Project Narrative
Situation Analysis
Plan of Action

Timeline 16
Budget 19
Related PR Materials 23
Branding Guide
Promotional Posters
Partnerships Vouchers
Press Releases
Radio PSA
Intern Application
Social Media Gudie

Personnel 49
Appendix 51
Contact List
Poster Locations
Research Essay
Digital Access
Lively PR
Lively PR is a team of three individuals brought together by
our unique experiences, passion, and dedication to success. As
a team we work to engage and facilitate relationships between
businesses and the larger community. At Lively PR we believe
that hard work and creativity alongside effective communication
and community support can lead to our clients success.

Lively PR + Western Summer Theatre

When creating this campaign we wanted to find the best way to
convey that Western Summer Theatre encompasses more than
entertainment for the community, they create tradition. We
believe our campaign will help Western Summer Theatre achieve
their goal of becoming the premium summer stock program in
the greater Bellingham area- making memories and community
engagement for years to come.

Project Narrative
Lively PR is dedicated to creating unique and innovative concepts for our clients. Inspired by the
combination of professionals and educational benefits, our goal is to establish Western Summer Theatre
as the premier summer theatre company through the ITS MORE THAN A SHOW! campaign.

Western Summer Theatre brings professional actors, directors, playwrights, designers and more
to the Bellingham art community and the ITS MORE THAN A SHOW! campaign showcases this to the
community. Each ticket purchase is not only providing a premier performing arts experience but also
contributing to a students education and future as a performing artist.

Through our research, we discovered that awareness of Western Summer Theatre is not prom-
inent in the Bellingham community. However, Western Washington University was a popular location
to attend performing arts events. This suggests that the community already attends shows at Western,
they just arent aware that Western Summer Theatre puts on their own shows. With that in mind, Lively
PR developed a scope of services that will both raise awareness of Western Summer Theatre and in-
crease attendance during the shows.

Our research shows us the strongest strategy we can take is engaging with singles aged 18- 24
who are affiliated with Western Washington University as well as couples aged 35-49 who are
unaffiliated with Western Washington University. Our tactics rely on this research and implement it
throughout our proposed campaign. We are utilizing community events, local businesses and social
media to engage with our target audiences to encourage attendance.

By implementing our plan, we strive to make Western Summer Theatre the premier summer
stock company in Bellingham. Through various events, promotions and partnerships within the
community we are able to spread the message across all target audiences to increase Western Summer
Theatres presence in Whatcom County.

Situational Analysis
The city of Bellingham is home to a large arts community. One of the most popular forms
of entertainment is theatre. With numerous theatres in Whatcom County, there is a show
that will suit anyones taste. Western Summer Theatre seeks to become the premier theatre
for the community of Whatcom County. Presenting a variety of shows during the summer
season, Western Summer Theatre would appeal to a large community.

To begin creating a campaign, Lively PR conducted a convenience survey of 107 people to understand
how members of the Bellingham community felt about Western Summer Theatre and performing arts
events in general.

Have you heard of Western Summer Theatre?



Have you attending a performing arts event hosted by Western

Summer Theatre?



Where in Whatcom County do you go to for performing arts events?

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

How would you like to hear about community events?

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

How far in advance do you plan when attending an event?

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Which is important in relation to attending a performing arts event?

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

1. Increase community awareness of
Western Summer Theatre by at least
50 percent

2. Increase attendance by at least

30 percent

3. Establish Western Summer

Theatre as the premier summer
theatre company in Whatcom

Plan of Action
ITS MORE THAN A SHOW encompasses how Western Summer Theatre provides a unique
experience. Each ticket purchase does more than just offer community
members the chance to attend a performance, it allows students to continue their
education in a professional setting.

Target Audience
While the ITS MORE THAN A SHOW campaign is aimed at all demographics who
live in or near Bellingham, there are two main target audiences for Western Summer
Theatre. These include singles between the age of 18-24 who are affiliated with
Western Washington University and couples between the ages of 35-49 who are
unaffiliated with Western Washington University.

These target audiences were selected because they incorporate the community
members Western Summer Theatre wants to reach, as well as reflect the data collected
through Lively PRs convenience survey done throughout Bellingham.

Annual season preview event for Western Summer Theatre
Establish Social Media presence
Establish partnerships with businesses in the community
PR materials such as Press Release and PSAs
Establish Brand Identity
Revamp Website
Hire Intern
Annual end of season Meet and Greet event
Annual ice cream social season
preview for Western Summer Theatre
Lively PR proposes to host an ice cream social during Back2Bham as a season preview event. We chose
this idea for a number of reasons. First, we thought it would be best to take advantage of the diverse
demographics that Back2Bham brings to Bellingham. Second, as our research suggested Western Wash-
ington University is a popular location to attend performing arts events however awareness of Western
Summer Theatre is not prominent. The ice cream social will allow Western Summer Theatre to advertise
themselves in a way that engages the community. With the added attention on Western Washington Uni-
versity during Back2Bham, Western Summer Theatre will be able to increase awareness and generate
excitement about the upcoming season. Information about this event will be advertised and promoted
on social media. This event can be repeated every year during Back2Bham to give community members
a unique look at upcoming seasons.

Social Media
We propose a social media plan for new Twitter and Facebook pages. According to our research social
media is the preferred method to hear about community events. A public Facebook and Twitter page
that is dedicated to Western Summer Theatre will allow the company to promote each performance
as an individual event, track community interest and provide a platform to showcase how Western
Summer Theatre is more than a show. These pages and accounts will provide engagement and
awareness within the community.

Partnerships with Bellingham
By partnering with Mallards Ice Cream, Boundary Bay Brewery and McKays Taphouse, Western Summer
Theatre will be able to establish itself as a part of the community. Based on our research, getting dinner,
drinks and or appetizers before a show or drinks and appetizers after attending a performing arts event
is important in relation to attendance. Therefor these businesses were chosen by Lively PR because of
their already established support of performing arts and or Western Summer Theatre as well as their
popularity in the Bellingham community.

Press Release and PSA

Press Releases
From our research, Lively PR found that the majority of people surveyed had not heard of Western
Summer Theatre and just under one quarter of respondents would like to hear about community events
through newspapers. We chose to create an example event press release and a press release template
that Western Summer Theatre will be able to use to connect with newspapers about their mission and
events. Sending press releases to newspapers, magazines and other media outlets will reach a large
audience and spread awareness about Western Summer Theatre.
Radio PSAs
In our research, Lively PR found that one quarter of survey respondents would like to hear about com-
munity events through the radio. In addition, we found that the majority of the respondents had not
heard of Western Summer Theatre. From these findings, Lively PR created radio PSAs in order to inform
the Bellingham community about Western Summer Theatres mission, practices and events.

Posters & Handbills
Posters and handbills are useful in spreading awareness about Western Summer Theatre and their
events and shows. In our research, we found that over half of those we surveyed said that they would
like to hear about community events through posters displayed at local businesses. From this Lively PR
created a poster and handbill for Western Summer Theatre and a poster that features all five shows for
the 2017 summer season. The posters will be displayed at local businesses and around campus in order
to reach the target audiences.

The main poster prominently features Western Summer Theatres logo, branding and slogan, ITS MORE
THAN A SHOW! in order to efficiently spread awareness about Western Summer Theatres mission and
upcoming shows. The poster featuring the 2017 summer shows clearly states the titles, director and
dates for each show with information about where to find more information about Western Summer
Theatre and where to purchase tickets. This will draw the community in and connect the shows to West-
ern Summer Theatre.

From our meeting with the leaders of Western Summer Theatre, it was implied that there was not one
specific in charge of communication with the community of Bellingham and the greater areas, social
media and promotional materials. In order to assist in promotions, event planning and community
outreach, Lively PR created a Public Relations Intern position. This position will begin in the spring
and last until the end of summer in order to help plan events, update and create social media, press
releases and other promotional materials. This will benefit the leaders and all those participating in
Western Summer Theatre by allowing them to concentrate the majority of their focus on the perfor-
mances and more.

Brand Identity
Another component of Lively PR campaign is the branding guide. Branding guides are an important
part of any company because it generates brand consistency on all fronts. Having these guidelines will
assist in advertisements, social media posts, posters, and flyers. By creating this consistent look, Western
Summer Theatre will better their chances of creating company loyalty with new patrons as well as brand
recognition with future ones.

Website Redesign
Lively PR is proposing a new, redesigned website Western Summer Theatre. This site, while consistent
with Westerns brand will also be unique to the company. Having a designated page of their own will not
only help ticket buyers navigate through with ease and clarity, it can also motivate them to return to find
out about future performances and events.

Annual end of season cast and crew

meet and greet event
Lively PR proposes to host a cast and crew meet and greet at Boundary Bay Brewery. This will be a
celebratory event to honor the end of the season. We suggest this event for several reasons. First, it gives
the students a chance to say thank you to the community members that attended the performances, thus
supporting their education. Second, it allows the cast and crew to interact with community members to
showcase that Western Summer Theatre is more than a show. We chose Boundary Bay Brewery as the
location for this event because of the entre partnership they have with Western Summer Theatre and
their support of performing arts events in Bellingham.

1. To assess the awareness of
Western Summer Theatre among the
Bellingham community, a
convenience survey of 101 people at
the end of of the 2018 Summer
Season. In addtion this survey will
determine Western Summer Theatres
popularity among the Bellingham
community .

2. To determine growth in attendance,

the total ticket sales should be
examined and compared to previous
season ticket sales.

Send out Intern application

Hire Intern
Contact Mallards Ice Cream regarding Event Sponsorship
Create Back2Bham Ice Cream Social poster
Start advertising Ice Cream Social on social media
Create promotional posters for upcoming season

Send out Ice Cream Social Press Release
Display Ice Cream Social Posters across campus and various businesses
Put on Season Preview Ice Cream Social at Back2Bham
Send Mallards Ice Cream a thank you card signed by cast and crew

Place advertisements in local publications about upcoming season
Display promotional posters for upcoming season at local businesses and across campus
Contact McKays Taphouse to confirm promotional partnership
Create promotional partnership playbill slips

Pass Promotional Handbill in Red Square during Western Summer Preview and Summer Start
Create Facebook Event two weeks before the start date of each show
Send out promotional press releases and PSA for each show two weeks before the start date
Contact Boundary Bay Brewery regarding event space, catering and service staff for end of sea-
son event

Pass Promotional Handbill in Red Square during Western Summer Preview and Summer Start
Create Facebook Event two weeks before the start date of each show
Send out promotional press releases and PSA for each show two weeks before the start date
Contact Boundary Bay Brewery to confirm event space, catering and service staff for end of sea-
son event
Create Facebook Event page for Boundary Bay Meet and Greet event.
Boost post on Facebook two weeks before show
Display promotional posters for end of season meet and greet at local businesses and around

Boost post on Facebook regarding Boundary Bay Event one week before event
Make Thank You end of season post on social media
Put on Boundary Bay End of Season Meet and Greet event
Conduct convenience survey to see if Western Summer Theatre met their objectives

Season Promotion

Facebook Boost:
$5 per promotion $25

Bellingham Herald
$35: For 30 days online and print (8 lines one
$5: One week online only (one photo) $40

Whatcom Talk: Introduction

Feature Business Article
Block ad
12 Local Talk posts
3 Print stories

50 per show (8.5 x 11 in.)

TOTAL $490

20 *Items are reuseable and can be used in future events.

Ice Cream Social

Mallards Ice Cream

(request donation) $0.00

Promotional Materials
25 posters (8.5 x 11 in.) $7.50

Promotional Materials
Spoons (225 count) $15.00
Bowls (200 count) $27.00
Napkins (250 count) $4.00
Ice Cream Scoop (2x)* $18.98
Plastic Table cloth $6.49
Bags Ice (5lbs) $4.99
Cooler (2x)* $51.98

Press Releases $0.00

Social Media Promotion $0.00

TOTAL $135.94

*Items are reuseable and can be used in future events. 21

Boundary Bay Event

The Mountain Room at

Boundary Bay
Hour reservation (2x) $300.00

Service Staff
Hour reservation (2x) $80

1/2 Barrel $145.00
Keg Deposit (refundable) $50.00
Tap Deposit (refundable) $40.00
Tap Rental Fee $10.00

Press Releases $0.00

Social Media Promotion

Boost post on Facebook $5.00

Promotional Materials
25 posters (8.5 x 11 in.) $7.50

TOTAL $637.50

Total Proposed Budget

Season Promotion $490.00

Ice Cream Social $135.94

Boundary Bay Event $637.50

Stipened at the end $250

WST Season T-Shirts

50 count $584.50

TOTAL $2097.94

PR Materials
Western Summer Theatre

Branding Guide

Table of Contents

Overview & Logo

Color Palette

Establishing an identity for a company or organization is important because it enables the
community easily identify the company. In order to establish an brand idenity, it is essen-
tial to create a consistent style among all Western Summer Theatre related material.

Western Summer Theatres brand will allow the community to immedatley connect the
established cohiseive look to the company. By creating a consistent look for WST, all future
events and promotional material will be easily recognizable throughout the Whatcom
County community.

The branding guide can be applied to PR and pomotional materials, social media, posters,
letterhead and more.

The Western Summer Theatre logo represents the foundation of the brand identity. The logo
should be used on all print and onlice materials, including posters, flyers, advertisements,
and press releases.

Headlines / Subheads
Bodoni 72 Small Caps

Body Text
Bodoni 72

Verdana (Italic)
These colors are representative of Western Summer Theatre brand. All five colors are incorporated
in the WST logo and help establish the brand identity of the company.

Dark Yellow
8 26 92 0

1 28 99 0

0 0 0 0

99 73 16 3

Dark Blue
99 86 7 0

its more than a show!

2017 summer season

29 Western Summer Theatre Cast and Crew T-Shirt (Front and Back)
Western Summer Theatre Homepage 30
31 About Webpage
Event Webpage 32
Coming to Bellingham this summer...

2017 Summer Season

Graffiti Dance Theatre Angel Food Cake
Artistic Director, Nolan Dennett Directed by Evan Mueller
July 27th - 29th August 22nd - 26th

I Love You, Youre Perfect...Now Change The Secret Garden

Directed by WWU Guest Lamby Hedge Directed by Heather Dudenbostel
August 9th - 13th September 1st - 3rd

Bicycle Noir ITS MORE

Directed by Rich Brown THAN A SH
August 16th - 20th

Purchase Tickets Today!

For more information on show times and to purchase tickets please call the WWU Box
office at (360) 650-6146.

33 Western Summer Theatre Summer 2017 General Poster (8.5 x 11)

Coming to Bellingham this summer...

2017 Summer Season

Graffiti Dance Theatre Angel Food Cake
July 27th - 29th August 22nd - 26th

I Love You, Youre Perfect...Now Change The Secret Garden

August 9th - 13th September 1st - 3rd

its more
Bicycle Noir than a sh
August 16th - 20th ow!

Purchase Tickets Today!

For more information on show times and to purchase tickets please call
the WWU Box office at (360) 650-6146.

Western Summer Theatre Summer 2017 General Handbill (5.5 x 8.5) 34

Summer Season 2017

Graffiti Dance Theatre

Artistic Director, Nolan Dennett
JULY 27th - 29th

I Love You, Youre Perfect...

...Now Change

Directed by wwu Guest lamby hedge

august 9th-13th

Bicycle Noir

Angel Food Cake

Directed by Evan Mueller
August 22nd-26th

The Secret Garden

Directed by Heather Dudenbostel
September 1st-3rd

For more information visit our website:

o cha e t c et ea e ca the WWU Box office at 360-650-6146 o e a oxoffice .e

35 Western Summer Theatre 2017 Summer Season Event Poster (8.5 x 11)
wst ice cream social
Western Summer Theatre is proud to announce its
partnership with Mallards Ice Cream. Mallards has
always extended its support to the fine and performing
arts. Come join us for an Ice Cream Social.

When: Back 2 Bham

In front of the WWU
Performing Arts Center

Come meet the cast and

crew for the upcoming Western
Summer Theatre season and
enjoy local Mallards Ice Cream

Western Summer Theatre Ice Cream Social Poster (8.5 x 11) 36


come grab a pint

with the cast &
crew of western
summer theatre
at boundary bay

When: Friday, Septmeber 8, 2017 from 6 - 8 p.m.

Where: Boundary Bay Mountain Room

37 Western Summer Theatre Boundary Bay End of Season Meet & Greet Poster (8.5 x 11)
Bring this ticket to
Boundary Bay Brewery and buy one

entree to get the second half off!


Bring this ticket to Mallards Ice

Cream and recive a complementary

scoop with any purchase! 1

Bring this ticket to

McKays Taphouse for half off your

first pint after the show! 1

Western Summer Theatre Partnership Vouchers 38

August 21, 2017


BELLINGHAM, WA The renowned childrens book, The Secret Garden has been
reimagined with musical numbers. Be enchanted by the songs and story as you travel into the
magical garden with Western Summer Theatre.

Winner of the 1991 Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical and nominee of the 1991 Tony
Awards for Best Musical and Best Score, The Secret Garden Musical will entrance audiences of
all ages.

The story begins when a young girl, Mary, is sent to live with her uncle following the death of
her parents. At her uncles secluded manor in Yorkshire, Mary discovers her deceased aunts
o er rown ar en hro h the tan e ines ar fin s for otten p ants an se rets of ost
souls from people who once lived at the manor.

Embark on a journey of wonderment and song with Western Summer Theatre. The Secret
Garden will be directed by Heather Dudenbostel and will be performed by Western Summer
Theatre. The shows will take place September 1st 3rd at WWUs Performing Art Center on
the Mainstage. The performances on Friday, September 1st and Saturday, September 2nd will
e in at p he fina perfor an e wi e on n a epte er r at p


Media Contact:
NAME (PR Intern)
(360) 650-3876

39 The Secret Garden Press Release



(CITY, STATE) Introduction to subject, event or show.

Summary of subject, event or show.

Important details about show, event or subject (i.e. gusest director, actor, etc.)

ate ti e o ation an ore enera infor ation s h as ti ets pri es o offi e



Media Contact:
NAME (PR Intern)
(360) 650-3876

Press Release Template 40

April 5, 2018



WHO: Western Summer Theatre

WHAT: Ice Cream Social

WHEN: May 19, 2018



DETAILS: Come meet the cast and crew for the upcoming
Western Summer Theatre 2018 season and enjoy FREE
locally made Mallard Ice Cream. Every summer Western
Summer Theatre brings professional actors, directors and
more in the theatre industry to work with students and the
Bellingham community to produce multiple shows for the
summer season. Visit Western Summer Theatres booth at
Back 2 BHam to share a spoon with the cast and crew!


Media Contact:
NAME (PR Intern)
(360) 650-3876

41 Ice Cream Social Event Press Release

July 7,2017

Spend Your Summer Nights with Western Summer Theatre

30 Second Radio PSA

This summer catch unique shows, concerts, and plays presented by Western Summer Theatre.
Combining the experience of professionals in the theatre industry and the talent of Western
students, Western Summer Theatre brings premier performing arts to the Bellingham
community. Featuring professional guest directors, playwrights, set designers and more, this
theatre experience gives students a rare opportunity to learn and grow. This summer experience
is ore than show! ith fi e shows this s er there is so ethin for e er one or ore
information on shows and tickets please call 360 dash 650 dash 3876.


Media Contact:
NAME (PR Intern)
(360) 650-3876

Western Summer Theatre General Radio PSA 42

August 21,2017

Western Summer Theatre Presents The Secret Garden

30 Second Radio PSA

What are YOU doing on a lazy summer night? How about attending a performance of the Tony
Award-winning musical, The Secret Garden. Embark on a musical journey through a magical
garden with Western Summer Theatre. Audiences of all ages will be entranced by the secrets
tan e in the owers of he e ret ar en oin the ain hara ter ar as she n o ers
se rets tan e in the ines epte er st thro h r at s erfor in rts enter
or ore infor ation on ti es an ti ets p ease a ash ash


Media Contact:

43 The Secret Garden Radio PSA

Western Summer Theatre Spring/Summer Public Relations Intern

Western Summer Theatre is seeking a creative intern with a passion for performing arts who is highly
organized, self-motivated and hardworking to join our team. WST is excited to continue to establish itself
as the premier summer theatre company in Whatcom County through our PR campaign, ITS MORE

The intern will receive a $250 stipend upon completion and will require approximately 10 -15 hours
a wee e innin in pri an en in in epte er he ho rs are e i e an we are wi in to wor
around your class schedule and some of work can be done from home. The internship can also be complet-
e to earn ni ersit re it his is a reat opport nit to wor ose with not on st ents in the fine an
performing arts department, but also with professionals in the industry. Not only will you gain elite
networks and experience, it also provides a great resume builder.

The intern will work closely with all those participating in Western Summer Theater and will work on a
wide variety of event planning, social media presence and design promotional materials.

Main Responsibilities:
Promotional Materials create multiple posters for each show and event, generate mail chimp e-mail
Help draft press releases and story pitches
Attend all events to assist where needed along with set you and take down
Social Media manage Facebook and Twitter posts, create Facebook ads, create Facebook events
Reach out to local businesses for potential partnerships, donations and distribution if promotional
onta t onfir e onors an partners re ar in e ents

e ire a ifi ations

Pursing a degree in Public Relations, Communications, Marketing or similar
perien e an profi ien with o e hotoshop n esi n an strator
Ability to work in Mac and PC environment
Must be extremely detail orientated and able to work with deadlines
perien e with theatre perfor in an or fine arts is a p s

Public Relations/ Communications

pe tipen of re ei e pon o p etion

How to apply:
Send your resume, a cover letter and two relevant work samples to

Public Relations Internship Application 44

Social Media Guide
Page Design:
Name: Western Summer Theatre

Page handle: @WesternSummerTheatre

Profile Photo: Company Logo

Cover photo: Current summer show performace: everytime a new show opens its poster will become
the new coverphoto:

Off-season Post Recommendations:

Throwback Thursday: Monthly picture post on the first Thursday of the month
featuring the professional photos taken during the summer performances.
-This will help all followers reengage with WST off-season, if they went to
the show, or knew someone in the show helping to capture their attention.

Summer Post Recommendations:
Create Public Event Page for each of the seasons shows:
-This way WST can track interest and boost events as the company sees fit (boosting events
costs a minimum of $5 and generates more views within a specific area)
Post weekly photo of rehearsals, meetings, stage set ups:
- This will give your social media viewers an inside look at what its like to be apart of WST
Post Last Night Recaps This can be a photo of the actors before, during, or after the show with
the audience members
-This will give WST the opportunity to tag people, congratulate their staff, and remind people
online about the event

Example Posts:

*All posts on and off season should be posted weekdays between 1-4 p.m. for maximum exposure.

*All posts should tag Western for potential reposting and recognition

Page Design:
Twitter Handle: @westernsummertheatre

Profile Picture: Western Summer Theatre Logo:

Cover Photo: Current Show

Color Theme: Consistant with colors in Branding Guide

Summer Post Recommendations:

Promote all created Facebook events
Post all WST promotional material
Use hashtags #WWU and #WST in all posts
Encourage WST staff to post pictures and tweets using the WST hashtag, retweet all WST related
During off season posts use the hashtag #itsmorethanashow

Example Posts:

Kaylee Botting
Kaylee is a senior journalism/PR student gradu-
ating summer quarter 2017 with an emphasis in
Gender and Sexuality Studies. Kaylee grew up in
Woodinville, Washington and will be working as
a color consultant at Sephora until she moves to
Los Angeles to further her influence in the beauty
industry. Her favorite theatre production is

Devin DeGagne
Devin is a senior journalism/PR student gradu-
ating fall quarter of 2017 with a minor in Film
Studies. Devin grew up in Seattle, Washington and
hopes to move to New York City to pursue a career
in entrainment PR, after graduating in fall quar-
ter of 2017. She currently works at the Whatcom
Literacy Council as the public relations and event
coordinator. Her favorite theatre production is

Susan Petris
Susan Petris is a senior journalism/PR student with a
minor in Marketing and English. She was raised in Liv-
erpool, England before moving to the US when she was
16. She will graduate in Fall 2017. This summer she
will complete an internship at Richmond PR in Seattle
where she plans on working after graduation. Susans
favorite theater production is Little Women the Musical.

Contact List
Website Consultation Advertisements
Multimedia designer - College of Whatcom Talk
Fine and Performing Arts Stacee Sledge - Business Director
Justene Marriman
(360) 650-3266 Bellingham Herald
Boundary Bay
Ilana Knudson - Catering, Private Events & Facility Entertainment News NW
Rentals (360) 599-6827
(360) 647-5593
Bellingham Alive
Mallards Ice Cream Matt Dyor - Marketing Coordinator
Jesse- Kitchen Manager 360.483.4576
(360) 734-3884
Western Today
McKays Taphouse and Pizzeria John Thomson- Assistant Director of Marketing and
Dave McKay Communication
(360)510-6654 360-650-3350

Western Front
Editor in Chief
(360) 650-3160

Poster Locations
This a list of businesses in Downtown Bellingham that have confirmed that Western Summer
Theatre can display their promotional posters.

The Community CO-OP

Rudys Pizzeria
Pita Pit
Robeks Fresh Juices & Smoothies
AB Crepes
The Bagelry
Mallards Ice Cream
Everyday Music
Bellingham Visitor Information Center
Third Planet
Woods Coffee (Boulevard, Front Street, Barkley and Downtown locations)
Opus Performing Arts School
Firehouse Cafe


Research Questions:
1. Where do you go for performing arts
What is your preferred gender? events in Whatcom county?
A) Female (she/her/hers)
B) Male (he/him/his)
C) Non-Binary (they/them)
D) Prefer not to answer

What age group are you in?

A) 18-24 2. Typically, how far in advance do you like
B) 25-34 to plan leisure activities such as going to a
C) 35-49 live performance?
D) 50-59 A) The day of the event
E) 60+ B) One week beforehand
C) Two weeks beforehand
How many children do you have under the D) One month beforehand
age of 18 living at home? E) Two or more months beforehand
A) 0
B) 1 3. In the last 12 months, how many times
C) 2 did you attend a performing arts event?
E) 3 A) 1
F) 4 B) 2 -5
C) 6-8
What is your marital status? D) 9+
A) Married E) I did not attend a performing arts
B) Partnered / not married event
C) Single / never married
D) Divorced or separated 4. On a summer day, what activities are you
E) Widowed likely to do? (check all that apply)
A) Going to a performing arts theatre
B) Going to a concert
C) Going to a museum
D) Going to the movie theatre
E) Other:


Research Essay
Western Summer Theatre (WST) is summer production program at Western Washington University. Through WST, the
Theatre Arts, and Dance Departments provide plays, musicals and dance concerts for the Whatcom County community
during the summer months. The production team includes students who go through an audition process as well as pro-
fessionals. WST brings in well-known directors and actors to not only help put on the production, but also to give students
the opportunity to have hands-on experience working with professionals.
After a hiatus of several years, the Western Summer Theatre returned to the stage in summer 2015. Now, WST wants
to be known as the primary summer stock company in Bellingham. They hope to increase awareness as well as increase
opinions about the program among the community.
To find out how members of the Bellingham community felt about performing arts events and Western Summer Theatre,
Lively PR conducted a convenience survey of 107 people in the community.
We found out that affiliation with Western Washington University does not affect whether respondents have heard of
WST or not. We also found that most (83.2%) respondents would like to hear about community events through social
media. People also like to plan leisure activities such as going to a live performance one week before the show. Less than
a third of respondents (30.7%) had heard of Western Summer Theatre but nearly half of those (14.9%) had attended a
WST hosted event.
Since rebooting Western Summer Theatre in 2015, the program has received a positive reception. However, the theatre
still hopes to increase community support and tickets sales. To determine how to increase the awareness and support,
Lively PR designed a survey to determine how involved Bellingham community members were with performing arts
Lively PR decided to do an in-person convenience sampling survey at multiple locations around Bellingham in order to
reach a variety of members in the community. On Saturday, April 15, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., the entire Lively PR
team surveyed people at the Saturday Market downtown. A total of 20 surveys were completed out of 50 for a response
rate of 40 percent. The team choose the market because of the diverse community members that attend.
On Friday, April 21, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:40 a.m., the entire Lively PR team walked around Boulevard Park asking
passersby to take the survey. The team chose this location because of the assumption that families would be at the park.
A total of five surveys were completed out of 12, for a response rate of 41 percent. That same day from 11:00 a.m. to
12:00 p.m., the team surveyed at Western Washington University in front of Wilson Library. This location was chosen to
target students. A total of 33 surveys were completed out of 50 for a response rate of 66 percent.
On Saturday, April 22, from 10:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., two of the representatives from Lively PR surveyed at the Saturday
Market downtown. A total of nine surveys were collected out of 20 for a response rate of 45 percent. On Monday, April
24, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., the entire Lively PR team surveyed at Western Washington University in Haggard Hall
near the circulation services desk, again to target students. A total of 34 surveys were collected out of 60 with a response
rate of 57 percent. In total, there were 101 surveys collected with an overall response rate of 53 percent.

Research Essay
The survey asked the following questions:
RQ1: Where do you go for performing arts events in Whatcom County? (open ended)
RQ2: Typically, how far in advance do you like to plan leisure activities such as going to a live performance? (The day
of, One week beforehand, Two weeks beforehand, One month beforehand, Two or more months beforehand)
RQ3: In the last 12 months, how many times did you attend a performing arts event? (1, 2-5, 6-8, 9+, I did not attend
a performing arts event)
RQ4: On a summer day, what activities are you likely to do? Check all that apply. (Go to a performing arts theatre, Go
to a concert, Go to a museum, Go to the movie theatre, other please specify)
RQ5: Which of following activities is important in relation to attending a performing arts event? Check all that apply.
(Going to dinner beforehand, going to dinner after the show, going for drinks and appetizers beforehand, going to
drinks and appetizers after the show)
RQ6: How would you like to hear about community events? Check all that apply. (Radio, Social Media, Newspapers,
Bus Advertisements, Post Cards, Posters displayed at local businesses, Other, please specify:)
RQ7: Have you heard of Western Summer Theatre? (Yes or No)
RQ8: Have you attended a performing arts event hosted by Western Summer Theatre? (Yes or No)
The survey was made up of nearly equal male (46%) and female respondents (51%), with a few (3%) identifying as
non-binary. The surveyed respondents age range was predominantly 18 to 24 (72%), followed by the 35 to 49 (13%), 60
and older (9%), 25 to 34 (5%) and 50 to 59 (1%).
The bulk of the respondents did not have any children under the age of 18 living at home (87%). Only 8% had two
children under 18 living at home, followed one child under 18 living at home (3%). An equal number of respondents
(1%) had three or four children under the age of 18 living at home.
The majority of the respondents (59%) were single, as they identified as single/ never married. Married (18%) or
partnered but not married (17%) were nearly tied. Only 5% identified as divorced / separated and 1% identified as
A high number of the respondents were affiliated with Western Washington University, 68% were students, 7%were
staff members, 5% were alumni and 2% had a family member that was affiliated with the university. The rest of the
respondents (18%), were not affiliated with the university.
Some of the demographic sample sizes were too small to be statistically valuable to analyze. These included: the num-
ber of children under 18 living at home, non-binary gender identification, age ranges 25-34, 50-59 and 60+, divorced,
separated or widowed marital status, and alumni status, staff members or family member affiliation with Western
Washington University. Lively PR also failed to define performing arts in the first research question, resulting in a
wide-variety of responses. A handful of respondents failed to fill out the back of the survey and these responses were
omitted from our results. In research question six, the post card and other results will not be included because they were
too small to be statistically valid or relevant.
RQ1: Where do you go for performing arts events in Whatcom County? (open ended)
One third of respondents answered Mt. Baker Theatre (33.3%) and other (33.3%). This was followed by PAC (25.8%),
Research Essay
(30.6%) and the Pickford (12.24%) compared to males (21.4% and 2.38%, respectively). Males were more likely to go to
house shows (16.6%) and the Wild Buffalo (14.2%) compared to females (4.1% and 2%, respectively).
Age plays a big role, those 35-49 (76.9%) were more likely to go to Mt. Baker compared to 18-24 (15.38%). They were
also more likely to go to other locations (61.54%) or the Wild Buffalo (15.4%) compared to 18-24 (24.6% and 6.2%, re-
spectively). Those 18-24 were more likely to the PAC (33.9%) and Western (27.7%) compared to 35-49 (15.4% and 7.7%,
respectively). Not attending (20%), house shows (12.3%), the Make Shift (10.8%), Pickford (9.2%) and bars (6.25)
were also more popular for 18-24 compared to 35-49 who did not attend and of these these locations for performing arts
Marital status also played a large role. Those who were married were most likely to go to Mt. Baker (88.9%), compared
to those partnered but not married or single (37.5% and 9.43% respectively). Other locations were similar between part-
nered (43.6%) and married (38.9%) respondents compared to singles (26.4%). The PAC was most likely to be attended
by partnered respondents (43.6%) compared to married (5.6%) and singles (30.2%). Western was similar across all
marital status. Not attending was similar for partnered (18.7%) and singles (18.9%) compared to married respondents
(0%). Single respondents were the only ones likely to attend house shows (15.1%). Single (9.4%) and married (11.1%)
respondents were likely to attend the Wild Buffalo compared to partnered respondents (0%). Single (11.3%) and part-
nered (6.3%) were more likely to attend the Make Shift compared to married respondents (0%). Married respondents
(16.7%) were more likely to attend the Pickford compared to singles (5.6%) and partnered respondents (6.3%). Singles/
never married were the only ones to say bars.
Western Washington University affiliation also played a role in where respondents attended performing arts activities.
Unaffiliated members (62.5%) were more likely than students (14.3%) to attend Mt. Baker theatre. Other locations were
more popular for unaffiliated members (62.5%) compared to students (23.8%). Students (33.3%) were more than five
times as likely to attend the PAC compared to unaffiliated members (6.3%). Similarly, Western was more popular for
about a fourth of students (25.4%) compared to unaffiliated members (6.3%). Students (20.6%) were the only respon-
dents to not attend any shows. House shows were more popular with students (11.1%) compared to unaffiliated members
(6.3%). The Pickford was more popular for students (7.8%) compared to unaffiliated members (0%). The Wild Buffalo
was similar across this demographic. Students (11.1%) were the only respondents likely to attend the Make Shift. Bars
were similar across this demographic.
RQ2: Typically, how far in advance do you like to plan leisure activities such as going to a live performance? (The day of,
One week beforehand, Two weeks beforehand, One month beforehand, Two or more months beforehand)
Planning leisure activities such as going to a live performance one week before the event was the most popular re-
sponse (47.5%), followed by planning to attend two weeks beforehand (23.8%), one month beforehand (18.8%), day of
the event (5.9%) and two or more months ahead (3.9%).
These answers were similar across the gender demographic, except females were more likely to plan two weeks be-
forehand (26.9%) or two or more months beforehand (5.8%) compared to males (19.6% and 2.2%, respectively). Males
were more likely to plan one month beforehand (21.7%) compared to females (15.4%).
Age group also played a role in planning ahead. Those 18-24 were twice as likely (54.8%) as 35- 49 (23.1%) to plan
one week beforehand. Those 35-49 were almost three times as likely (38.46%) to plan one month beforehand compared
to 18- 24 (13.7%). Those 35-49 (30.7%) were also more likely than 18-24 (20.6%) to plan two weeks before hand.
Research Essay
Those 18-24 were the only age group to plan the day of the event (8.22%). Those 35-49 were also more likely (7.7%) to
plan two or more months beforehand compared to 18-24 (2.75%).
Marital status played a large role in planning ahead as well. Those partnered but not married (47.1%) and singles
(51.7%) were almost twice as likely as married respondents (27.8%) to plan one week beforehand. One third of married
(33.3%) and one fourth (20%) of singles plan two weeks beforehand compared to partnered respondents (11.8%).
Those married (27.8%) and partnered (29.4%) were more likely than single respondents to plan one month before hand
(13.3%). Those partnered were nearly twice as likely (11.8%) to plan the day of compared to singles (6.7%), married
people do not plan the day of. Married respondents (11.1%) were more likely than singles (3.33%) and partnered
respondents (0%) to plan two or more months beforehand.
Planning one month beforehand was similar across students and unaffiliated members. Over half of students (55.1%)
planned one week beforehand compared to unaffiliated members (38.9%). Unaffiliated Western respondents were near-
ly twice as likely (38.9%) than students (20.3%) to plan two weeks in advance. Students (8.7%) were the only respon-
dents affiliated with Western to plan the day of the event. Planning two more months beforehand was most common in
unaffiliated respondents (11.1%) compared to students (2.9%).
RQ3: In the last 12 months, how many times did you attend a performing arts event? (1, 2-5, 6-8, 9+, I did not attend a
performing arts event)
The majority of the respondents answered that they attended a performing art event two to five times in the past 12
months (54.5%) followed by attending one event (14.9%), attending nine or more events (12.9%), not attending any
events (10.9%) and attending six to eight events (7.9%).
These results were not consistent across genders. Females attended events two to five times (59.5%) in the last 12
months more than males (45.7%). Males (19.6%) attended nine or more events in the past 12 months more than fe-
males (7.7%). Males (13%) also did not attended any shows in the past 12 months more than females (7.7%). The other
answers were similar for both genders.
These results were not consistent across age groups. Attending two to five shows in the past 12 months was more likely
in those 35-49 (61.5%) compared to 18-24 (52.1%). Attending six to eight shows in the last 12 months was also more
likely in those 35-49 (15.38%) compared to 18-24 (8.22%). Those 18-24 were the only age group to not attend any
shows in the past 12 months (13.7%). Those 18-24 attended nine or more shows almost double (12.3%) the amount of
times compared to those 35-49 (7.7%).
Those who attended a performing arts event two to five times in the last 12 months the most were married respondents
(88.9%), followed by single (50%), and partnered respondents (47.1%). Those who attended six to eight times in the
last 12 months the most were partnered (17.7%) compared to single and married respondents (6.7% and 5.6%, respec-
tively). Single (15%) and partnered (17.7%) were the only respondents to attend only one event in the past 12 months.
Single respondents (13.3%) and partnered respondents (11.7%) attended nine or more events in the past 12 months
twice as much married respondents (5.6%). Single (15%) and partnered (5.9%) were the only respondents to not attend
any events.
Unaffiliated Western members (61.1%) attended two to five events in the past 12 months more than students (50.7%).
Unaffiliated members (22.2%) also attended only one show more than students (13%). Students (14.5%) more often
Research Essay
attended no shows in the past 12 months compared to unaffiliated members (5.5%). Students (13%) also attended nine
or more show in the past 12 months more than unaffiliated members (5.6%).
RQ4: On a summer day, what activities are you likely to do? Check all that apply. (Go to a performing arts theatre, Go to
a concert, Go to a museum, Go to the movie theatre, other please specify)
More than half (59.4%) would attend a concert on a summer day followed by going see a movie in theatres (44.6%),
other (33.7%), going to a museum (30.7%) going to a performing arts event (22.7%) and going on a hike (11.9%).
Popular other activities included going outside, being outside, camping and beach.
Results were consistent across the gender demographic, except males (63%) were more likely to attend a concert com-
pared to females (53.9%).
Based on the results, the respondents age was important for choosing summer activities. Attending a concert was the
only activity more popular for those 18-24 (64.4%) compared to those 35-49 (53.6%). In those 35-49, going to the
movie theatre (53.6%) was the most popular (18-24 = 43.8%, respectively). Other activities and attending the museum
received the same amount of responses (46.2%) in those 35-49 (18-24 = 32.9% and 21.9%, respectively). Going to a
performing arts event was also more popular in those 34-49 (30.8%) compared to those 18-24 (19.2%).
Those who were single (65%) are the most likely to attend a concert on a summer day, followed by partnered (58.8%)
and single respondents (50%). Partnered respondents (64.7%) were the most likely to go to the movie theatre, followed
by single (41.7%) and married respondents (33.3%). Going to a museum on a summer day was most likely in married
respondents (55.6%), followed by partnered (41.2%), and singles (21.5%). Married respondents (44.4%) were the most
likely to do other activities, followed by singles (35%) and partnered (23.5%). One third of married respondents would
go to a performing arts theatre followed by nearly one fourth of partnered (23.5%) and one fifth of single respondents
(20%). Partnered respondents were the most likely to hike (29.4%), followed by married (11.1%) and singles (6.7%).
Western affiliation results were consistent in the movie theatre, hiking and other answer options. Students were more
likely (62.3%) to attend a concert compared to unaffiliated members (50%). One third of unaffiliated members would
attend a performing arts theatre compared to nearly one fifth (18.8%) of students. Over half (55.6%) of unaffiliated
members would go to a museum compared to about a fifth (21.7%) of students.
RQ5: Which of following activities is important in relation to attending a performing arts event? Check all that apply.
(Going to dinner beforehand, going to dinner after the show, going for drinks and appetizers beforehand, going to
drinks and appetizers after the show)
In relations to attending a performing arts event, more than half (57.4%) stated that going out to dinner beforehand
was important, followed by going out for drinks and appetizer beforehand (39.6%), going out to drinks and appetizers
after the show (26.7%) and going out to dinner after the show (21.8%).
Going to drinks and appetizers before or after the show was consistent across genders. Females are more likely to go to
dinner beforehand (71.2%) compared to males (45.7%). Males are twice as likely (30.4%) to go to dinner after the show
compared to females (14.5%).
Going to dinner after the show was consistent across all age groups. Over three-fourths of those 35-49 (76.92%) and
just over half (53.4%) of those 18-24 were likely to go out to dinner beforehand. Those 35-49 (53.9%) were also more
likely to go out for drinks and appetizers before the show compared to those 18-24 (39.7%). Going out to drinks and
appetizers after the show was more likely in those 35-49 (38.6%) compared to those 18-24 (27.4%).
Research Essay
Going to dinner after the show and going out for drinks and appetizers before the show was consistent across all
marital statuses. Nearly three-quarters (72.2%) of those married, nearly two-thirds (64.7%) of those partnered and just
over one-half of singles would go to dinner beforehand. Nearly one-half (47.1%) of those partnered, one-third of those
married, and just over a fifth (21.7%) of those single would go out for drinks and appetizers after the show.
These answers were consistent across unaffiliated members and students except unaffiliated members (38.9%) were
twice as likely to go out to dinner after the show compared to students (18.8%)
RQ6: How would you like to hear about community events? Check all that apply. (Radio, Social Media, Newspapers, Bus
Advertisements, Post Cards, Posters displayed at local businesses, Other, please specify:)
Wanting to hear about community events via social media was the most popular across all demographics (83.2%),
followed by posters displayed at local business (62.4%), the radio (26.7%), in newspapers (22.8%), bus advertisements
(19.8%), and post cards (5.9%) Some popular other options included word of mouth and email.
The results were consistent across all genders, except women (9.6%) far more likely to say postcards than men (2.2%).
The results were consistent across the age groups, except those 35-49 were nearly three times as likely (to want to hear
about community events via radio (43.2%) and newspapers (30.8%) compared to those 18-24 (15.1% and 13.7%, respec-
tively). Nearly one-fifth (19.2%) of those 18-24 wanted to hear about community events via bus advertisement compared
to those 35-49 (0%).
The majority of partnered respondents (94.1%) wanted to hear about events via social media, followed by singles
(86.7%) and married respondents (72.2%). One third (66.7%) of married respondents want to hear about community
events via radio, followed by nearly one-fifth (18.3%)of singles and partnered respondents (5.6%). One-half of married
respondents wanted to hear about community events via newspapers, followed by partnered (17.7%) and single respon-
dents (11.7%).
Wanting to hear about community events via social media, posters displayed at local businesses and bus advertisements
was consistent across all Western affiliations. Unaffiliated members were more likely to prefer to hear about community
events via radio (61.1%) and from the newspapers (44.4%) compared to students (15.9% and 14.5% respectively).
RQ7: Have you heard of Western Summer Theatre? (Yes or No)
The majority (69.3%) of respondents have not heard of Western Summer Theatre, compared to less than one third who
have heard of WST (30.7%).
Nearly three-quarters (76.1%) of males and just under two-thirds (61.5%) of females have not heard of Western Sum-
mer Theatre. More females (38.5%) than males (23.9%) have heard of Western Summer Theatre.
Those 18-24 were more likely (76.1%) to not have heard about Western Summer Theatre compared to those 35-49
(46.2%). More than half (53.86%) of those 35-49 and nearly one-quarter (23.3%) of those 18-24 have heard of Western
Summer Theatre.
Those single were the more likely (76.7%) than marital respondent to not have heard of Western Summer Theatre,
followed by partnered (70.6%) and married (55.6%). Comparatively, those married were the most likely to have heard
of Western Summer Theatre (44.4%) followed by partnered (29.4%) and singles (23.3%).
The results were consistent across Western affiliations.

Research Essay
RQ8: Have you attended a performing arts event hosted by Western Summer Theatre? (Yes or No)
The majority of respondents (85.2%) have not attended an event hosted by Western Summer Theatre (while 14.9%
have, respectively).
The results were the same across all demographics except gender. Females were more likely to have attended (21.2%)
compared to males (8.7%). With the majority of males (91.3%) and females (78.6%) to not have attended an event
hosted by Western Summer Theatre. Also, single/ never married (6.7%) least likely to have heard of WST compared to
married (23.2%) and partnered/never married (23.59%).The results were the same across all demographics except gen-
der. Females were more likely to have attended (21.2%) compared to males (8.7%). With the majority of males (91.3%)
and females (78.6%) to not have attended an event hosted by Western Summer Theatre. Also, single/ never married
(6.7%) least likely to have heard of WST compared to married (23.2%) and partnered/never married (23.59%).
Based on these findings, Lively PR found it helpful to learn that those who had heard of Western Summer Theatre did
not vary between unaffiliated Western members and students. This is important because one of our main objectives is to
gain awareness among the Bellingham community. This information will help us by directing our campaign to target all
community members to a certain degree to raise awareness Western Summer Theatre. We will target advertisements and
engagement strategies through social media outlets, posters at local business and various print and radio news outlets,
as they were the preferred way of hearing about community events across all demographics.
Our second objective is to increase opinion of Western Summer Theatre. While only 30.7 percent of respondents have
heard of WST, only half of those (14.9%) had attended an event. In order to increase opinion Lively PR can create a cam-
paign to encourage repeat attendance. To do so examining how early in advance respondents plan to attend events can
give insight on when to advertise for each event to encourage first time and repeat attendance. Based off of the results,
advertising the performances one and two weeks before hand via the mediums mentioned above (social media, posters
at local businesses and various print and radio news outlets) would be the most effective and efficient way to reach the
target audience.

All materials are available in digital form on the Google Drive we created for
Western Summer Theatre. The login is below.

password: secretgarden

Thank you!

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