Commercial Exhibition

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Lets listen!

Valeria: Hi! My name is Valeria Cavero. I am the owner of a super-

market. As I realized the importance commercial exhibition has in
attracting clients and increasing sales, I decided to hire you as a de-
signer to help me improve my stores layout. Nice to meet you!

Larissa: Mrs. Cavero, nice to meet you too. My name is Larissa and I
want to help you arrange your store. But, first of all, we are going to
talk about some factors we need to consider in order to achieve our

Valeria: Thank you so much for accepting my invitation. As you know,

Im very successful in this sector, but I would like to improve my
companys turnover. I would like to make some changes in order to
attract more customers.

Larissa: Great! Well, lets talk about commercial exhibition, specially,

point of purchase material (P.O.P.) and the best way to arrange the

Lets start!


Larissa: First of all, P.O.P stands for point of purchase and it refers
to a type of advertising used to catch and keep customers loyalty
towards a product or service. This kind of material is strategically
placed at a retail outlet to remind customers of a products benefits
or to announce a special offer (Lean-Agency, 2011) Usually, this kind
of material is used by sellers to introduce sales promotion (e.g con-
tests, games, etc.).

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

Valeria: It is very interesting. But, how does it work?

Larissa: Good question! Well P.O.P has different functions, but one of
the most important ones is to draw costumers attention so that they
buy the products that we want them to purchase.

The main benefit of point of purchase materials is that customers are

encouraged to buy products they wouldnt buy on a regular basis;
they are motivated to get these products out of a whim. Thus, they
are persuaded to change their purchase choices, leading them to buy
the products that we offer.

According to (2011), some of the most important

functions of P.O.P. advertising are:


Functions impulse
of P.O.P. consumer


Figure 1. Functions of P.O.P. advertising

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Target impulse consumer: It is related to the place in which buy-
ers make their purchases. It usually gives a small push to customers so
they spend more money buying our products. It is a good idea to offer
discounted or complimentary products in order to motivate customers
to buy.

Influence the market: P.O.P. material determines somehow the

buyers opinion. He is also doing the job of selecting which product is
better than the other.

Brand promotion: There are brands that are usually famous among
people. Point of Purchase Materials are an excellent way to promote
brands popularity. A special POP campaign can make customers
think that some products are worthier than others.

Position P.O.P.s creatively: It requires a bit of imagination and

sense of market to use effectively the Point of Purchase advertising.
There are many creative, striking and attractive alternatives to catch
the buyers attention.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

Advantages and disadvantages of P.O.P. advertising

Advantages Disadvantages
It only reaches close
consumers. It does not
reach a big group of
potential consumers.

It is a very useful and economic P.O.P. could be easily diluted by so

option for companies that want to many displays (University of Miami,
promote their products but dont School of business administration,
have enough money to invest in s.f)
media resources.

When a company is recognized

and positioned in the market, P.O.P.
creates customers loyalty and they
associate to the brand.

P.O.P. improves the product


Types of POP material

Valeria: Now I understand! I suppose there are different types of

P.O.P material.

Larissa: You are right.

There are many materials and designs to produce P.O.P. advertis-

ing. It depends on the time that companies require to distribute their
product to the stores. It could be temporary (six months or less) or
permanent (twelve months or more).

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

Here, we are going to see the most common types of P.O.P:

Its a large printed notice, picture, or photo-

graph, used to advertise something.
It usually has an image, brand ,copy or slo-
It can be placed on doors, windows, or walls
of stores.

It combines metal with paper or card-

This is located on the floor or on a sur-

Generally, these are placed on bottle

necks. These are used in alcoholic bever-


They are large pieces of cardboard

found in the upper linear displays of
restaurants or shops.
They usually have an image and a
brand .
They also proviade a short piece of in-

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

Floor graphics can catch the
attention of potential buyers
before a shopping decision is
They are made of adhesive
material and are usually
pasted on floors, in order to
get the attention of people
as they walk.

They consist on printed card attached to

a store shelf to call buyers attention to a
particular product or a service.

It is a piece of hanging cardboard, when it

moves, it attracts consumers.

It is positioned in product families. It

works by associating display products.
Each strip displays eight products at the
same time, hooked to pin.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

It is also called a dangler, a very
small, lightweight sign that hangs
from a shelf or wire.

Its a display container, like a

large box, which contains goods
for sale.

It promotes your special of-

fers and shows your products
through better visibility.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

Larissa: When you work in a public place it is important to follow
safety signs in order to prevent accidents.

Push the button and read about this interesting topic.

Valeria: Welcome, dear apprentice! It is time to challenge your mem-

ory. In this game you will find POP material pictures and their defini-
tions. Your mission is pair all the pictures and definitions up.
Good luck!


Barrons Marketing Dictionary. (2000). Barrons. Recuperado el 6 de

09 de 2013, de

Lean-Agency. (2011). Lean- the virtual creative agency. Recuperado

el 27 de 08 de 2013, de

University of Miami, School of business administration. (s.f). Adver-

tising and promotion. Recuperado el 29 de 08 de 2013, de Zeepedia.

Watkins, D. (s.f.). What is pont-of-Purchase marketing? Recuperado

el 27 de 08 de 2013, de Chron:

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

Lets read!

Larissa: Mrs Cavero, now, we need to know about another factor that
is involved in the commercial exhibition: Planimetry. For that aim,
Ill give you a document that can explain the possibilities you have to
store layout and the variables you need to take into account for get-
ting your purpose.

Thank you so much. As an owner of a supermarket I need to know

how to improve sales. So, Ill read it with attention.

Dear apprentices! In order to consolidate your knowledge, do not

forget to develop the questionnaire that you find in the blackboard
platform. It will be the evaluation of this evidence.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.



Preposition is a word that indicates relationship between words in a

sentence. Study carefully the document about prepositions.

Hello! In order to check some vocabulary we have learnt about this

topic, we are going to practice prepositions.

Valeria: My dear apprentices, lets practice!

Complete the paragraph with the prepositions of the box. Drag the
words from the box to their correct position.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

Lets write!

This topic has been very fascinating! I appreciated a lot Larissas help.
Now, it is your turn to develop your own ideas using a planimetry
tool. You have to decide what kind of traffic layout is the most suita-
ble for your project and also some other aspects you have to consider,
such as entries and exits gates, furniture layout, among others. Dont
forget to use appropriate prepositions. You will find them in the vo-
cabulary section.

Please send your final document to your tutor!

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

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