Original Work Proposal

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Rosa Nanini 1

Isabella Rosa Nanini

Mr. Speice

Independent Study and Mentorship- 3A

11 November 2016

Original Work Proposal

An essential part of medicine is continuous innovation. Without innovation we could

have never solved diseases considered normal today. As Dr. Fraser said in the short

documentary: Commitment and Compassion: Inside Congenital Heart Surgery at Texas

Children's Hospital, Patients viewed as commonplace today never survived when I was in

medical school. Innovation is never ending and something doctors and surgeons will always

have to keep up with and create. Innovation has recently sparked my interest through research of

various problems in the pediatric cardiac field. Since my knowledge on surgical innovations

specifically is quite limited, I hope to search for innovations related to postoperative recovery.

My proposal is to find possible solutions to shorten a patients hospital stay, to accelerate their

recovery period, to reduce postoperative morbidity, and to minimize postoperative stress and

trauma. I hope to continue to research this topic to develop the best solutions according to

different patient criteria and what they may need.

To achieve this original work I will need to first research problems relating to

postoperative care in pediatric cardiac patients, and specifics in what makes pediatric cardiac

postoperative care difficult, factors like extended hospital stays especially in intensive care units,

morbidity, and stress. I will need to research recoveries throughout various surgeries and

different approaches to patient recoveries. I will record my findings throughout my research to

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gather data relating to the best postoperative solutions according to different patient criteria and

surgeries. With this solution I will create an unknown as of now product to display my findings

for public use.

With this original work proposed idea I hope to gain more knowledge on a patient

point-of-view, in hopes to better their chances of survival and overall happiness and hope. With

my proposed original work product I hope to step into the pediatric cardiac care with possible

solutions to patient recovery related problems, and learn more about about the pediatric cardiac


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