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Combating human trafficking: legal responses and challenges.

One of the most widely spread businesses in todays society is Human trafficking. It has
flourished into many different areas of the world. Human trafficking is an issue that has
grabbed the attention of the world over the past 15 years. It is arguably one of the most
profitable operating crimes across the borders today. In one way or another, it affects nearly
all countries of the world. According, to a survey approximately the sale of human beings is
believed to be a $7 billion to $12 billion industry and ranks third, after the sale of drugs and
arms, as the most lucrative international illegal enterprise. There are some experts who claim,
however, that human trafficking may eventually surpass the net profits yielded from the sale
of drugs and arms. Thus, tackling trafficking poses great challenges to national criminal
justice systems, law enforcement, and the general public and non-governmental

There are many factors due to which this large-scale problem arises, most of which are felt
across the globe, such as political and economic instability, poverty, and cultural practices.
Too often, individuals around the world suffer extreme hardship or violence, experience
discrimination, or face social marginalization. Service providers, researchers, and other
witnesses have documented that human traffickers take advantage of such circumstances.
Indeed, exploitation appears even more likely when a confluence of such circumstances
besets particular communities. The cumulative effects can make certain populationssuch as
refugees and migrants; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) individuals;
religious minorities; people with disabilities; and those who are statelessespecially
vulnerable to human trafficking.

There are many committees who have committed itself in various international legal
documents to guarantee freedom of movement and respect for human dignity and to take
steps to prohibit and criminalise forced labour, servitude and slavery as well as trafficking for
these purposes. Despite sustained anti-trafficking efforts, millions of individuals are bound by
mental, physical, and financial coercion and manipulation by traffickers who exploit their
vulnerabilities for profit. While continued efforts in protection and prosecution are essential,
human trafficking prevention strategies deserve commensurate attention and resources. The
broader effects of human trafficking on society must also be addressed- from the splintering
of the families and communities and the distortion of global markets, to the weakening of the
rule of law and strengthening of globally organized criminal networks.

The purpose of this research paper is to present a contemporary assessment of human

trafficking and factors that contribute to modern-day trafficking of humans as well as
offenders, victim and customer/consumer characteristics will be identified. Finally, it will
highlight some of the technical or legal steps which need to be taken to fight human

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