Kript/ - : (Easy) Crypt

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(EASY) CRYPT --- noun \kript\

--- is a subterranean chamber or vault.

Sentence: The old church's crypt is the final resting place for the president
and his beloved wife.

(EASY) ELITE --- noun \-lt, i-, -\

--- the most successful or powerful group of people
Sentence: the country's elite owned or controlled most of the wealth.

(EASY) HYBRID --- noun hybrid \h-brd\

--- something that is formed by combining two or more things .
Sentence: The band plays a hybrid of jazz and rock.

(EASY) KETTLE --- noun kettle \ke-t l\

--- a container used for heating or boiling liquid
Sentence: Mother filled the kettle with water.

(EASY) LADLE noun ladle \l-d l\

--- is a long-handled utensil used for dipping.
Sentence: The chef hunted for a ladle to add the chicken broth to the pot.

(EASY) MAZE verb \mz\

--- is a confusing network of intercommunication paths or passages.
Sentence: We had a hard time passing the maze for it was difficult.

(EASY) MYTH noun \mith\

--- is a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero,
without a determinable basis of fact.
Sentence: I don't believe the myths and legends about this forest.

(EASY) ORATOR noun orator \o r--tr, r-\

--- is a public speaker.
Sentence: Though a brilliant wordsmith, Thomas Jefferson was by his own
admission an unskilled orator

(EASY) PEDAL verb pedal \pe-d l\

--- is a foot-operated lever used for various things.
Sentence: He was pedaling as fast as he could.
(EASY) RUMOR noun rumor \r-mr\
--- is a story without confirmation or certainty as to facts.
Sentence: There are rumors that they are making a new film.

(AVERAGE) SCISSORS noun scissors \si-zrz\

--- is a cutting instrument.
Sentence: Hand me the scissors carefully.

(AVERAGE) SPAGHETTI noun spaghetti \sp-ge-t\

--- is a white, starchy pasta of Italian origin.
Sentence: Mother will cook spaghetti for my birthday.

(AVERAGE) TERRACE noun terrace \ter-s, te-rs\

--- is a raised level with a vertical or sloping front or sides.
Sentence: For sale: large three-bedroom house with adjoining terrace and garden.

(AVERAGE) WARRANTY noun warranty \wo r-n-t, wr-\

--- a written statement that promises the good condition of a product and
states that the maker is responsible for repairing or replacing the product usually
for a certain period of time after its purchase
Sentence: The stereo came with a three-year warranty.

(AVERAGE) ACCESSIBLE adjective accessible \ik-se-s-bl, ak-, ek-\

--- means easy to approach
Sentence: The mall is accessible from the highway.

(AVERAGE) BIZARRE adjective bizarre \b-zr\

--- is markedly unusual.
Sentence: I just heard the most bizarre story.

(AVERAGE) CAMARADERIE noun camaraderie \km-r-d(-)r,

kam-, k-m-, ka-, -ra-\
--- is good fellowship.
Sentence: There is great camaraderie among the teammates.
(AVERAGE) GALLOPING adjective galloping \ga-l-pi\
--- is running or moving quickly.
Sentence: The galloping pace of development in that Sunbelt state.

(AVERAGE) GRAFFITI verb graffiti \gr-f-()t, gra-, gr-\

--- are markings on walls.
Sentence: The walls of the old building are covered with graffiti.

(AVERAGE) HIPPOPOTAMUS noun hippopotamus \hi-p-p-t-ms\

--- a large African animal that has an extremely large head and mouth
and short legs and that spends most of its time in water
Sentence: There are many hippopotamuses in Africa.

(DIFFICULT) BOUQUET noun bouquet \b-k, b-\

--- is a bunch of flowers.
Sentence: He gave his mother a bouquet of flowers on her birthday.

(DIFFICULT) CAMPAIGN noun campaign \()kam-pn\

--- a series of activities designed to produce a particular result
Sentence: The group launched a campaign to protect the area from commercial

(DIFFICULT) CHAUFFEUR noun chauffeur \sh-fr, sh-\

--- to drive (someone) in a car to a certain place
Sentence: He chauffeurs for a millionaire.

(DIFFICULT) DEBRIS noun debris \d-br, d-, d-, British usually de-()br\
--- is the remains of things broken down or destroyed.
Sentence: After the earthquake, rescuers began digging through the debris in
search of survivors.

(DIFFICULT) JEOPARDY noun jeopardy \je-pr-d\

--- is risk to loss, harm, death or injury.
Sentence: The city's firefighters routinely put their lives in jeopardy by executing
daring rescues.
(DIFFICULT) LAMB noun \lam\
---is a young sheep.
Sentence: She's as gentle as a lamb.

(DIFFICULT) LIAISON noun liaison \l--zn, l--, l--\

--- is the contact maintained between groups to insure concerted action or
Sentence: Administrators need to maintain better liaison with employees.

(DIFFICULT) RAPPORT noun rapport \ra-po r, r-\

--- is relation or connection.
Sentence: She works hard to build rapport with her patients.

(DIFFICULT) BOURGEIOS adjective bourgeois \bu rzh-

w also bu zh- or bzh- or bu rzh-\
--- relating to or belonging to the middle class of society
Sentence: Sartre's existentialism was understood as a way station in his
transit from a bourgeois intellectual.

(DIFFICULT) RENDEZVOUS noun rendezvous \rn-di-v, -d-

--- a meeting with someone that is arranged for a particular time and
place and that is often secret
Sentence: The restaurant will be our rendezvous.

(CLINCHER) RHYTHM noun \ri-thm\

--- a regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements

Sentence: Travel can disrupt your body's daily rhythm.

(CLINCHER) MERINGUE noun meringue \m-ra\

--- a light, sweet mixture of egg whites and sugar that is baked and
used as a topping for pies and cakes
Sentence: She liked the meringue of the pineapple pies.
(CLINCHER) GAUGE noun \gj\

--- something that can be used to measure or judge something else

Sentence: The broadest gauge of the economy has risen little more than
4% since the recovery began

(CLINCHER) FACADE noun facade \f-sd\

--- a way of behaving or appearing that gives other people a false

idea of your true feelings or situation
Sentence: They were trying to preserve the facade of a happy marriage.

(CLINCHER) ETIQUETTE noun etiquette \e-ti-kt, -ket\

--- the rules indicating the proper and polite way to behave
Sentence: Her failure to respond to the invitation was a serious breach
of etiquette.

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