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Back Pain




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Copyright 2007 Kalidasa Productions

1700 Shattuck Ave. #252
Berkeley, CA 94709

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents 4
Introduction 6
Prevention 8
Anthony Risks His Back For You 8
The Root of Low Back Health 10
The Adrenal Glands 10
To Start With 11
What to Foods to Avoid for the Health of Your Lower Back 11
It Happened to Me (My Adrenal Story) 12
Supplements for the Adrenal Glands 13
Some Calming Herbs and Their Actions 14
Structural Issues Cause Most Back Pain 16
Misalignments and Back Pain 16
Neck Pain 18
Common Neck Pain 18
Bulging Disc 19
The Main Cause of a C5 Misalignment 19
Alternate Sugars that are OK 20
Serious Lower Back Pain Issues:Bulging or Herniated Disc 22
The Lower Back and Disc Issues 22
Causes of Disc Problems 21
Natural treatments: First Step 21
The Lower Back and Disc Issues 22
Causes of Disc Problems 22
Natural Treatments: First Step 22
Second Step 23
Final Treatment 24
Other Possibilities 24
Herniated Disc 24
Two Surgical Options 24
Natural Treatment 25

Supplement List 25
Conclusion 26
About Kalidasa 29

Thank you for ordering my free book, "Back Pain Secrets."

The purpose of this book is to inform you about back pain. In it

you will learn about the causes of back pain and various
treatments that are available to you.

My name is Kalidasa, and I used to suffer from severe back

pain, mostly in the lower back. At times it was so bad that I
couldn't even walk. At one time I could only crawl to get

I have also experienced pain in other areas of my back. In

fact, I have experienced just about every type of back pain
there is.

Now at fifty, I am totally free from back pain. In fact, my back is

nearly as strong as it was in my 20s when I used to do hard
physical work for a living. It is so gratifying to have people
show concern for my back when I do heavy lifting and I get to
tell them not to worry, my back is probably stronger than

I have to admit that from time to time something might happen

so that I have some kind of back pain, but I am able to deal
with it instantly in most cases.

I am a natural healer and have been studying various natural

healing modalities for my entire adult life. In the last few years
I have had 100 percent success in treating a wide variety of
conditions for hundreds of people.

In my experience, back pain is a common complaint with
common causes. And, the root causes are common to most
physical ailments. The secondary causes are the only things
that are different.

It truly is a wonderful and gratifying thing to be able to see a

solution to a problem that can so dramatically affect
someone's life. I am really happy to be able to offer you some
of this information, I hope it helps you on your path to back

Prevention is the most important thing to know and
understand about back pain. Once your back is healthy again,
it is important to keep it that way.

Anthony Risks His Back For You

In this short video my young friend Anthony demonstrates the
wrong and right way to lift. Please pay careful attention to this
as it is the most common cause of instant debilitating lower
back pain. Not to mention that the damage caused by
improper lifting is usually cumulative.

It's a good thing he is young and healthy!

No backs were harmed in any way in the making of this video.
Click here to watch the video.

I was once young and very strong too. I still am actually, but
that's because of good health.

I used to use my back in the wrong way as Anthony

demonstrates for us. What I didn't realize, and what no one
ever told me when they warned me about how I was lifting, is
that the damage is cumulative. It can be repaired as is evident
in my back, but the disc gets compressed when lifting with the
back as in Anthony's first demonstration.

The first time I hurt my back was doing the twist and lift that
Anthony does in the second demonstration. I guess it's a
common story, I had no idea what I was doing to myself or
how debilitating back pain could be.

So, be careful with your back and how you treat it no matter
how it feels. And, if there is damage to a disk, there are
supplements that can help rebuild it. We'll get into that later.

The Root of Low Back Health
The Adrenal Glands
Weak adrenal glands are the number one cause of common
lower back pain. The relationship is obvious to anyone who
studies biochemistry. Fortunately, you don't have to. I'm going
to explain it in simple terms for you.

The short answer is processed foods. Sugars and other

processed foods cause a stress on the adrenal glands that
affects the strength of the ligaments in the lower back. I can
never stress this enough.
Over-consumption of processed foods is the cause of most modern ailments
today including lower back pain.

I have seen this more times than I can count. Not just with
lower back pain, but with many other conditions. Eating right is
more than half the battle to having a healthy back and body.

I talk and write a lot about the adrenal glands. They are the
root energy system for the body in certain terms. And, almost
everyone in modern society today has adrenal fatigue.

The adrenals produce three different classes of hormones

including sex hormone precursors that are converted into
either testosterone or estrogens. These hormones make you
feel good with a lust for life and a positive outlook.

The adrenals also produce hormones in response to stress on

the body. The most common stress factor in our modern world
is junk food. The second most common factor is emotional

Both of these stressors deserve attention. For now we'll focus
on diet.

Anything that stresses the body stresses the adrenal glands.

They work and work to keep up with the demand, drawing
nutrients away from other systems so they can keep their
priority work going.

Many of the nutrients that the adrenals need are also needed
for ligament tone. Since the lower back supports the weight of
entire upper body, those ligaments tend to weaken first. Other
joints in the body may also experience problems caused by
weak ligaments and tendons.

To Start With
I would highly recommend that people with lower back pain go
on a very strict diet for at least two weeks. Most people can
tighten up their diet for two weeks especially if it could mean
freedom from back pain.

Most people will experience feeling better in the lower back

sooner than two weeks. It depends on how far things have
gotten and other factors such as general health, age, toxicity
levels and a few other factors.

For some people can take weeks for diet alone to help if at all.
Supplements and herbs can be a significant help in healing
the adrenals and therefore the lower back.

What Foods to Avoid for the Health of Your Lower Back

As I already mentioned, the main thing to avoid is sugar. That
means sugar of all kinds including honey, maple syrup,
fructose or any other natural or 'healthy' sugars. Same with
fruit juice and dried fruit, the sugar is concentrated in them.
Sweet fruit like bananas and red or sweet apples are also to
be avoided.

Also, avoid grains that have been processed. For example,

whole oats are okay while the quick cooking kind that are
chopped up are almost as bad as white sugar. Breads, pasta,
white rice and other processed grains also need to be
eliminated. Whole wheat means nothing if it is ground up, the
increased surface area releases the stored sugar much faster
than unbroken grains.

It Happened to Me (My Adrenal Story)

I had my biggest breakthrough by stopping all grains. I was
helping a friend out on a rather large tile job. I was reluctant
because I knew my adrenals were weak, but I had been taking
some really powerful nutrients and herbs for them, so I agreed
to help out.

It didn't go like I had hoped at all. I was so low on energy, and

the heavy work was causing my lower back to hurt more each
day. I had already figured out how to adjust myself, so that
wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it was bad enough.

Out of frustration I quit eating all grains. I ate lots of animal

protein and vegetables. I also ate potatoes and sweet
potatoes, but not too much, they aren't as bad as grains, but
too much can still put a load on the adrenals. Sweet potatoes
are better than potatoes too.

After two days my energy was really picking up. And, my back
only ached a little. After four days, my back was only sore at
the end of the day and sometimes a little in the morning, but
for the most part it was fine. After the fifth day the job was
done, and my back and energy levels were doing just fine
despite a long day finishing up.

It really can be as simple as altering the diet. That can be

difficult for various reasons I won't go into now. The good
news though is that the worst of the cravings only last three to
five days, after a month they are usually completely gone.

Supplements for the Adrenal Glands

Here are some supplements and dosages I recommend to
help strengthen the adrenals. This is the least expensive way
to go with supplements that you can get from health food

Pantothenic acid-- 300 mg in the morning

Niacin amide -- 300 mg in the morning
Enzyme activated B6 -- 50 mg in the morning and 50 mg in
the evening
Vitamin C -- 5-6 g (5000-6000 mg) per day spread out through
the day. I recommend calcium ascorbate, it may cost a little
more, but it is much easier on the system.

Pantothenic acid and niacin amide both usually come in 500
mg tablets. It is okay to use the whole tablet.

Be sure to get niacin amide. Niacin causes a flush that most

people won't like, niacin amide doesn't have that effect.

Be sure to get pyrodoxyl 5 phosphate for the enzyme

activated B6. It is often called P5P for short.

The main reason I list these supplements is because they are

easily found in the health food store for a relatively low cost.
There are more expensive supplements that are often more
effective, but the above is a good start for a budget.

There are also herbs that are good to treat the adrenals
directly. Licorice it is an adaptogenic herb that causes cortisol
to last longer the blood. Some people may think that cortisol is
bad for you, but the main issue is that there is stress going on
causing the adrenals to continuously produce cortisol. If the
body is going to be demanding cortisol anyway, then having
what is there last longer allows the adrenals to take a break.

The ideal would be to have the body not experiencing stress

at all, at least on a regular basis. The kind of stress I mean is
both daily stress and stored emotions. Emotions can cause
the body to go into a flight/flight response that is hard to turn

It becomes a cycle. The emotions cause stress hormones

which increase sensitivity to emotions. Then brain chemistry
gets out of balance, but that's another subject.

The hypothalamus, a gland in the brain, regulates emotions.

So, the best thing to do for the adrenals, after stopping
processed foods and nourishing them, is to calm the

There are both herbs and supplements that help with this. The
herbs are mostly in a class called nervine herbs which are
used to calm the nerves.

Some Calming Herbs and Their Actions.

Rosemary -- a Carminative and a nervine. Also good for

Passionflower -- Nervine and anxiety
Hops -- Nervine
Lemon Balm -- Nervine
Chamomile -- Relaxant
Vervain -- for when much is going on or doing too much,
Oats -- Nervine, relaxant
Skullcap -- Sedative, nervine, restorative
Baical Skullcap -- Nervine
Valerian -- Nervine, anger
Kava -- hypnotic, Relaxant, anxiety
St. Johns Wort -- Nerve pain, antidepressant, cold/flu

The problem with herbs is quality. The only brands I know of

that are of the highest quality are Kroeger Herbs and
Mediherb. Kroger herbs can sometimes be found at health
food stores and can usually be found online. Many other
herbal formulas are completely useless.

Mediherb as the brand I use for my clients. They have a great

Nervine herb formulas. You can e-mail me if you would like to
know more about them.

If you do go to the health food store to find some of these

herbs, look for capsules that have a mixture of the above
herbs. Other herbs may be present, that is fine as this is a
short list. There is usually someone there that can look up
some of the herbs for you if you want more information.

The tinctures tend to be weak and way to expensive. A typical

dose of a really good tincture would be 4 to 10 ml. That's ends
up costing a lot at $10 per 30 ml. bottle. The capsules at least
tend to have the whole herb and cost less even though you
may need to take up to four times the recommended dosages
to get the full benefit.

I have seen too many people get free from back pain using
diet and a few supplements and herbs not to believe that it is
possible for everyone to have a strong and healthy back. And,
I believe you can too with just these simple suggestions.
Structural Issues Cause
Most Back Pain
Misalignments and Back Pain
The main reason for most back pain is a misalignment of the
joints. The word for this is subluxation which means a partial
dislocation. Many minor subluxations work their way back into
alignment and go unnoticed. However, when a joint is out of
alignment for a long period of time, the area can become
inflamed and uncomfortable or even painful. Left untreated, it
can cause more serious problems that are discussed later.

There are many reasons that a misalignment can happen. The

three main possibilities are structural, emotional and chemical.
There are other possible factors, however these are the main
ones. One or more of these issues as well as any of the other
possibilities, can be involved in any given condition.

When it is a simple structural issue with nothing else involved,

all that needs to happen is for it to be adjusted. This can be
done by a chiropractor or self adjusted using Self Adjusting
Technique. This is the kind of problem that comes from
sleeping in a strange position, or maybe a fall.

Upper and mid back pain is mostly caused by a rib or ribs

being out of alignment. In fact, the knots that most people
experience at some point in their lives is the muscles reacting
to one or more ribs being out of alignment.

You can prove this to yourself by pressing on a knot in your

back. Go ahead and press hard. Does the knot feel as hard as
a bone? That's because it is. The rib you are pushing on has

shifted out of alignment.

All that is needed is an adjustment. This can be done by a

chiropractor, an osteopath or you can use Self Adjusting
Technique to put it back yourself.

The most common issue that seems to overlay almost every

physical complaint is emotional. Emotions can get stuck in the
body which can then cause different problems. An emotional
issue can be long gone from your mind, or it can be something
currently going on. Removing the emotion can be done using
Applied Kinesiology techniques, or with one of the tapping
techniques that are now available such as freedom from fear.

The most complicated issues are chemical in nature. A

chemical issue can range from allergies to complex
biochemical issues, or they can be muscular or connective
tissue related. Anything that doesn't fall into the other two
categories usually falls into the chemical realm of things.

One chemical issue that often happens are lax ligaments. This
happens in the lower back as was discussed earlier, but it can
happen with any joint in the body. When this happens,
supplements such as the ones used for disk issues can be
used. It seems to go 50-50 between Ligaplex by Standard
Process and glucosamine sulfate as to which one is best for
the individual case.

Neck Pain
Common Neck Pain
You wake in the morning and your neck is stiff from sleeping in
an awkward position. What do you do? If you're like most
people, you probably put up with the discomfort until it
eventually works itself out, which could take days.

One of the most common back pain complaints is neck pain.

And, it's one of the easiest to deal with.

A trip to the chiropractor can take care of most neck pain, but
what if it doesn't? Most neck pain is simply one or more
vertebra being out of alignment. However, there can be

The most common complicating factor is emotional issues.

Something I call "neuro (as in neurological) emotional
components" can get stuck in the neck muscles causing them
to tense up. The tensed muscle pulls the vertebra out of

If that is the case, you can have the neck adjusted, and it will
just go out again, sometimes instantly. Even if you are clear
about what your emotional issue is and deal with it, the
emotional component can remain causing the misalignment to
return. This can happen with any joint in the body.

If that is the case, then you need to have the neuro emotional
component removed. There is a technique that many natural
healers used called Neuro Emotional Technique or NET that
does this nicely.

This is an energetic technique that takes the energy of the
emotional component out of the body. However, if the
emotional issue remains then it is likely to get stuck in the
same place again causing the problem to return.

I have a similar method that I use. In fact, I use this technique

more that any other energetic technique. Chiropractors who
don't know or use NET really are dong their clients a

Realignment is the primary way to correct most neck pain,

though there can be complications that need to be addressed.

Bulging Disc
One of the biggest complications that comes with neck pain is
a bulging disc. The most common one is the disc between C5
and C6. A bulging disc can press on the nerve causing a lot of
discomfort and pain if it gets bad enough.

The nerve that is pressed on is the one that runs down the
arm. It is often mistaken for carpel tunnel syndrome.

The cause is the same as the bulge in the disc between L5

and the sacrum discussed below. Discs in the neck can
herniate with serious consequences that are discussed below.

The Main Cause of a C5 Misalignment

There is a major nerve that runs down from the brain stem on
either side of the spine called the Vegas nerve. Vegas nerve
goes down as far as C5 then branches out to various areas of
the body.

One of the main things that Vegas nerve is responsible for is

receiving information from the gut that tells other systems
what to do about handling sugar.

Sugar in this case can be any processed food such as bread
or white rice. It also can be sugar from fruit, fruit juice, dried
fruit, honey, maple syrup and just about any other kind of
"natural sugar."

Many people have the mistaken belief that these natural

sugars are good for them, or at least not as bad as white
sugar. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sugar is sugar
no mater what form it is in.

There are a couple of exceptions though, so take heart, you

don't have to give up all your pleasures. In fact, for many
people, simply limiting sugar consumption, and eating it
appropriately can help a lot. However, if there is a sever
problem then all sugars must be stopped, at least for a time.

Personally, I don't eat sugar at all. Well, maybe at

Thanksgiving. I also don't eat grains at all. Our bodies evolved
eating mostly meat and just a few plants. Fruits were only
eaten at the end of summer when they were available. In fact,
this fattening up for winter is what gives us all a sweet tooth.
Anybody that didn't have a taste for fruit didn't fatten up for
winter, and so didn't survive. The survivors, from whom we are
descended, all have a genetic predisposition for wanting to eat
sweets, and of course so do we.

There are studies that indicate that metabolism is changed

dramatically the very first time sugar is introduced to the
system. This is true of all animals from the flat worm all the
way up to humans.

Alternate Sugars that are OK

One substitute is agave nectar. I find this one to work pretty
well, but too much can still cause a problem.

Another is xylotol which is an alcohol sugar. The body doesn't

use xylotol like sugar at all, and it has other beneficial
qualities. It can be measured and used just like sugar in

Be careful though, too much xylotol can cause diarrhea. If it

does, it is usually just the body getting rid of it, so diarrhea
tends to be short lived.

Stevia is a great substitute. It has an after taste that many

people don't like though. But, the taste can be acquired with
time. It usually comes in a white powder form much like sugar,
but it takes very little to sweeten things.

Serious Lower Back Pain Issues:
A Bulging or Herniated Disc
The Lower Back and Disc Issues
There are more serious possible lower back issues than have
been discussed so far. The most serious, a herniated disc, is a
very special case. Its less problematic predecessor, a bulging
disc, is more likely to be healed in a relatively short amount of

The bulging or herniated disc is almost always between L5

and the sacrum at the base of the spine.

Of course, the main thing is to stop the junk food and support
the adrenal glands.

Then, there are some specialized techniques for helping a

bulging disc. This is something that needs to be done on you
by a knowledgeable practitioner. One technique involves
blocking and manipulation. Another uses specialized

Causes of Disc Problems

Ultimately, the cause of both a herniated disc and a bulging
disc in most cases is a long term misalignment. We looked at
how to solve the weakness that can lead to a chronic
misalignment. I know I'm repeating myself, but it is absolutely
imperative to support the adrenal glands for full recovery of
most lower back pain.

Natural Treatments: First Step

There are chiropractors and osteopaths who specialize in

taking the pressure off a bulging disc and helping it back into
place. Some of them use tables that traction your body giving
the disc space. This is called spinal decompression therapy,
and it works really well in most cases.

The method I use involves blocking the hips and working the
vertebra apart from each other with gentle pressure. With this
kind of issue, the hips shift causes a rotation. If you wake in
the morning with lower back pain and find yourself walking in a
twisted way then you know what I'm talking about.

The blocking is to rotate the hips back into place, one hip
usually shifts forward while the other shifts back. Whatever
technique you chose, be aware that it takes multiple
treatments. At least five, and as many as 20 or more.
Adjusting the diet can greatly shorten the time.

Second Step
The next step, after the spine is decompressed and the
vertebrae are aligned is to strengthen ligaments. There are
supplements that help with this process. The main one I use is
from Standard Process called Ligaplex, a complex of whole
foods that support the ligaments.

When I was just starting out treating health issues, before I

knew much about back treatment, a friend of mine asked me
about Ligaplex for her bulging disc. We were reading about it
together in my practitioners reference guide, and she wanted
to try it. Over the next couple of months I ordered her three or
four bottles.

I didn't know how big of a deal it was at the time, but she was
pain free after that. And, subsequent scans showed a healthy
disc. Unfortunately, most people won't have this kind of result.
She had already changed her eating habits, and had been
working with stretching and exercise, so she was primed.
Final Treatment
The final clearing to completely heal a bulging disc is to clear
any remaining emotional components from the area.

Emotions can have a profound effect on your health. For the

back, they tend to store in the muscles causing them to tense
up which pulls the vertebra and other joints out of alignment.
The final emotions don't always show up until after the first
two steps are completed.

Other Possibilities
There are other issues that may be present as well. These
could be tight muscles, reactive connecting tissue toxicity,
energy imbalance or weak muscles. These issues are
relatively easy to correct with natural healing techniques.

For most people, the total process usually takes from 6-12
weeks. About 95 percent of cases will respond favorably.

Herniated Disc
A herniated disc is a different matter all together. There are
some surgical options that don't always work, and have been
known to leave people in more pain. Of course, there are good
outcomes with a surgical option as well.

Two Surgical Options

When a disc ruptures or herniates, the nucleus or mater inside
the disc leaks out of the disc. The disc then offers no padding
between the vertebrae. One result is that the nerve that runs
out from the spine is compressed between the vertebrae. This
can be very painful and is why many people chose a surgical

One surgical option is to have the part that ruptures out of the
disc removed. This is an option that a lot of people chose, and
I have seen people with this surgery recover nicely. It takes
years, but the disc can eventually be built back up with

Fusion surgery is a more permanent solution. The vertebra

are permanently connected together with a piece of bone and
screws. The vertebrae are connected together in a way that
will keep pressure off the nerve. If it is successful, they can
have a normal pain free life.

Natural Treatment
The natural treatment is similar to the one done with the more
simple surgery where the mater that came out of the disc is
removed. When that mater is left in it can cause pain which is
why people often chose to have it removed. Sometimes
though, it doesn't cause pain, it just depends on the individual
case. Some people endure the pain rather than have surgery.

The natural treatment is to use enzymes to dissolve the

remains from the disc, and other nutrients to build up the disc.
The total process can take ten to twenty years. It requires a
great deal of discipline. There are many different types of
treatments that are completely individual, so I won't go into it
here. Email me if you would like to consult about it.

Supplement List
The supplements that are good possibilities for building up a
disc are:

1. Ligaplex from Standard Process

2. Glucosamine sulfate -- Glucosamine Synergy from
Standard Process is the best one I've found.
3. MSM
4. chondroitin -- I don't use this one much, but some people
swear by it.

There are other supplements I use sometime, but they are
very specific. They target the specific components that are
needed for specific muscle, ligament, connective tissue etc.
However, one or more of the above will help in most cases.

That's it for Back Pain Secrets. I hope you found it helpful.
There is a lot more to tell about back pain and the various
natural treatments that are available. Feel free to email me if
you have any questions about your particular back issues.

However, I am the first to admit that I don't know everything

about treating back pain. But, I know other experts that I can
consult if I need to.

I would like to stay in touch with you about your back health. I
have a lot more information to share, so I'll be sending you
something from time to time.

I would also like to let you know that in the last few years of
my practice I have been able to cure every case of back pain
that I have come across. I really want you to have a happy
and healthy back, so be sure to send me your questions.

I also have great success in treating other conditions. Most of

them have the same root causes. So anything that I may tell
you about your health in general will most likely help to keep
your back healthy as well. Feel free to ask about other
conditions if you like.

The best way to contact me is through the contact form on my

website. There is also a phone number at the bottom of every
page which you can use to leave a message for me.

There will be a link at the bottom of every email I send you

that you can click to stop receiving emails from me. It's an
automatic system that will stop sending to you instantly. I

really don't want to be sending things to to you if you don't find
it useful.

About Kalidasa
Kalidasa is a yoga teacher and natural healer based in the
San Francisco Bay Area. He has been a successful yoga
teacher since 1980 working with thousands of people over the
years. His ability is widely acknowledged among his many
students and yoga teachers alike. He used his knowledge of
the body to develop Self Adjusting Technique. This process
started in 1993 and still continues as he finds more and easier
methods to facilitate gentle adjustments.

In 1995 he started studying natural healing and applied

kinesiology from a master healer. Shortly after he began his
studies he began treating friends with surprising success. He
considered this practice, but his results were such that his
practice grew quickly. His healing ability is highly acclaimed by
his clients and piers which include medical doctors,
acupuncturists, homeopaths, nutritionists, chiropractors and

As an author, he has written three books on back care.

You can find more information on his website at


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