Si 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System

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NOMOR : KP. 101 Tahun 2013

TANGGAL : 13 Maret 2013

Staff Instruction

SI 8900-1.3



Revision : 0
Date : 13 March 2013



1. PURPOSE : This staff instruction is a comprehensive national

training program for Directorate of Airworthiness and
Aircraft Operation (DAAO) perso nnel. It is a single
integrated program which provides oversight and
management of inspector development from new-hire
status through retirement from the Directorate General
of Civil aviation (DGCA. This Staff Instruction may be
made available to the public so that they may better
understand the authority and responsibility of the DAAO.

2. REFERENCES : This Staff Instruction should be used in accordance with

the applicable regulations.

3. REVISION : Revision of this Staff Instruction will be approved by the

Director General of Civil Aviation.




SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page ii

FOREWORD ............................................................................................................ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. iii
CHAPTER 1 PROGRAM GUIDE .........................................................................1-2
1. Introduction......................................................................................1-3
2. International Obligation ...................................................................1-4
3. Training Policy .................................................................................1-5
4. Roles and Responsibilities ..............................................................1-6
5. Inspector Qualification - New Hire....................................................1-8
6. Training Profile...................................................................... ...........1-9
7. Training Categories..... .................................................................. 1-10
8. Training Process....................................................... ..................... 1-13
9. Inspector Qualifications - Journeyman........................................... 1-16
10. Formal Course Standards.............................................................. 1-16
11. Conduct of Training ....................................................................... 1-17
12. Recordkeeping............................................................................... 1-18
12. Position Descriptions...... ............................................................... 1-18
13. Definitions...................................................................................... 1-19


1. Appendix 1- Operations Inspector Training Profile... ................APP I-1
2. Appendix 2- Airworthiness Inspector Training Profile... ............APP I-2
3. Appendix 3- Inspector Position Descriptions ............................APP I-3

CHAPTER 2 OJT GUIDE .....................................................................................2-1

1. Introduction......................................................................................2-1
2. OJT Basic in DAAO .........................................................................2-4
3. Roles and Responsibilities...............................................................2-8
4. OJT System Implementation ......................................................... 2-12
5. Phase 1 - Planning ........................................................................ 2-14
6. Phase 2 - Delivery ................ ........................................................ 2-23
7. Phase 3- Evaluation... ................................................................... 2-31
8. How People Learn... ...................................................................... 2-35
9. ITS Training Record Software ....................................................... 2-44


1. Appendix 1- OJT Instructor Letter of Authorization..................APP II-1
2. Appendix 2- OJT PM Letter of Authorization... ........................APP II-2
3. Appendix 3- Training Guidance for Conducting OJT ...............APP II-3
4. Appendix 4- OJT Lesson Plan Template... ..............................APP II-4
5. Appendix 5- OJT Evaluation Questions - Trainee....................APP II-5

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page iii

6. Appendix 6- OJT Evaluation Question - OJT Instructor, OJT
PM, Office Manager.................................................................APP II-6

CHAPTER 3 FORMAL COURSE STANDARDS .................................................3-1

1. Indoctrination ...................................................................................3-1
2. Operations Course Descriptions .....................................................3-2
3. Airworthiness Course Description.................................................. 3-25


1. General ........................................................................................... 4-3

2. Inspector Credentials ......................................................................4-3
3. Principle Inspector............................................ ...............................4-3
4. Principle Inspector Requirements ....................................................4-3
5. Issuance Procedure.........................................................................4-3
6. Format of Credentials ......................................................................4-3
7. Inspector Stamp ..............................................................................4-4


1. Inspector Authorization .......................................... DAAO form ITS-03


1. Job Task Analysis Operations Inspector
2. Job Task Analysis Airworthiness Inspector

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page iv


Revision Date Revision Date

Date Issued By Date Issued By
No. Inserted No. Inserted
Rev. 0 30.01.2013



SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page v

SI 8900-1.3



1. Introduction......................................................................................1-3
2. International Obligation ...................................................................1-4
3. Training Policy .................................................................................1-5
4. Roles and Responsibilities ..............................................................1-6
5. Inspector Qualifications - New Hire..................................................1-8
6. Training Profiles...................................................................... .........1-9
7. Training Categories..... ..................................................................1-10
8. Training Process....................................................... .....................1-13
9. Inspector Qualifications - Journeyman...........................................1-16
10. Formal Course Standards..............................................................1-16
11. Conduct of Training........................................................................1-17
12. Recordkeeping..................1-18
12. Position Descriptions...... ...............................................................1-18
13. Definitions......................................................................................1-19


1. Appendix 1- Operations Inspector Training Profile... ................APP I-1

2. Appendix 2- Airworthiness Inspector Training Profile... ............APP I-2
3. Appendix 3- Inspector Position Descriptions.... ........................APP I-3

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 2


1. Introduction

The DAAO Inspector Training System (ITS) is a comprehensive national

training program for DAAO Inspectors. It is a single integrated program which
provides oversight and management of inspector development from new-hire
status through retirement from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation
(DGCA). The program is systematic and structured to provide for the delivery
of an effective ICAO compliant program at minimum cost. It is intended to
prepare experienced professionals from the aviation industry for their new role
as government Aviation Safety Inspectors.

The Inspector Training System is composed of five principal components:

1. ITS Program Guide

2. ITS OJT Guide
3. ITS Formal Course Standards
4. ITS Job Task Analysis
5. ITS Training Record

The ITS Program Guide, describes the requirements, objectives, and

procedures for operation of the Inspector Training System. Policies and
procedures have been designed to provide the maximum flexibility to
accommodate individual and office preferences while fulfilling the obligations
of ICAO and needs of the DAAO. This document also includes inspector
Training Profiles and Position Descriptions.

The ITS OJT Guide describes the requirements and procedures used to
conduct on-the-job training for the technical job tasks listed in the Training
Profiles for each specialty.

The ITS Formal Course Standards provides course descriptions and minimum
requirements for each of the formal classroom style training courses
referenced in the ITS.

The ITS Job Task Analysis document provides a detailed inventory of the
requirements associated with each technical Job Task. A separate analysis is
provided for Operations, Airworthiness, Engineering, and Manufacturing
Inspectors. Each Job Task Analysis provides a description of the task,
required supporting documents, and a step-by-step listing of the subtasks that
must be performed to accomplish the task.

The ITS Training Record is a computer software program in the form of a

IMSIS database that is used to record all training completed in the ITS.

Additional information is provided for each of these components elsewhere in

this document.
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 3
2. International Obligations

Republic of Indonesia as a member of the International Civil Aviation

Organization (ICAO) and signatories to the Convention on International Civil
Aviation (known as the Chicago Convention), are obligated to implement the
aviation safety requirements of ICAO.

In order to fulfill its ICAO obligations the Republic of Indonesia government

has been create a Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). The DGCA,
and the Directorate Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations (DAAO) in particular,
is then granted the responsibility and authority to implement the ICAO
requirements on behalf of the Republic of Indonesia government.

The ICAO requirements are contained in the Articles of the Chicago

Convention and in the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS)
found in the Annexes to the Convention. In addition to these, ICAO has
published many guidance documents which contain best practices for the
operation of a Civil Aviation Authority.

The principal ICAO documents affecting the Airworthiness and Aircraft

Operations (Flight standard) are as follows:

Chicago Convention (Doc. 7300)

Annex 1 Personnel Licensing
Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft
Annex 8 Airworthiness of Aircraft
Doc. 8335, Manual Of Procedures for Operations Inspection,
Certification and Continued Surveillance
Doc. 9734, Safety Oversight Manual
Doc. 9760, Airworthiness Manual

The work of the DAAO is accomplished by a group of highly skilled aviation

professionals. Among these are the DAAO Inspectors who accomplish many
of the daily technical functions of the DGCA as required by ICAO. DAAO
Inspectors represent the Republic of Indonesia government and their role is
critical to international aviation safety.

ICAO has provided a great deal of guidance on the staffing, training, and
remuneration of DAAO Inspectors. According to ICAO, the DGCA must have
an adequate number of personnel to do its job.

ICAO Doc. 9734, Part A, Par.

DAAO Inspectors must be selected from the aviation industry and chosen for
their extensive aviation experience, technical expertise, superior judgment,
and high ethical standards.

ICAO Doc. 8335, Part I, Par. 6.2.6

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 4
ICAO Doc. 9760, Part II, Par. 3.1.3
ICAO Doc. 9734, Part A, Par.

In order to attract and retain these aviation professionals the DGCA must
ensure that the compensation package provided to inspectors is comparable
to their counterparts in the Republic of Indonesia aviation industry.

ICAO Doc. 9734, Part A, Par.

ICAO Doc. 9734, Part A, Par.

In order to fulfill their responsibilities, DAAO Inspectors require the continuous

development of their knowledge and skills. After they are selected from the
aviation industry they must complete a comprehensive training program
provided by the DGCA. This training must ensure that the inspectors are fully
qualified to accomplish the duties of the DAAO and the responsibilities of the
Republic of Indonesia government as required by the Chicago Convention.

ICAO Doc. 9734, Part A, Par.

3. Training Policy

The DAAO is committed to the development of a highly skilled and qualified

work force through a comprehensive training program. It is the intent that all
employees will be fully trained in the essential Job Tasks, knowledge, and
skills that are required to accomplish the DAAO mission, fulfill ICAO
requirements, obtain industry compliance, and safeguard the traveling public.

This training program is intended to address the development of DAAO

Inspectors from the time they are newly hired into the DGCA, through the
attainment of Principal Inspector or Journeyman status, and throughout their

This document provides the training requirements for Operations and

Airworthiness Inspectors. These requirements include both formal classroom
training courses and on-the-job training requirements. Training requirements
have been specified for nine categories of training which are discussed in
Subchapter 6 - Training Profiles, and Subchapter 7 - Training Categories. All
DAAO Inspectors must complete the training requirements specified in this

4. Roles and Responsibilities

The Director General have overall responsibility for the DGCA of Republic of
Indonesia and for the successful implementation of this inspector training
program. These responsibilities include managing, coordinating, and
developing training policies, procedures, plans, programs, and budgets for all
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 5
aspects of the Inspector Training System. Roles and responsibilities are
included in this section for five positions:

1. Director General
2. Director of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation
3. DAAO Training Manager
4. OJT Program Manager for each Sub Directorate
5. Inspector

The Director General is responsible for the following:

Hire highly qualified individuals to serve as DAAO Inspectors.
Provide the inspectors with industry comparable remuneration.
Provide enough qualified staff to ensure the fulfillment of Republic of
Indonesia requirements and international obligations.

Ensure that the budget submitted by the DAAO will fully support the
requirements of the inspector training program.
Ensure that adequate resources are provided to the DAAO to fully
implement the inspector training program.
Approve and fund training activities identified in this document.

Ensure the development of a highly skilled and qualified work force.
Review the inspector training program to ensure it is meeting national
objectives, ICAO requirements, and international obligations.
Provide leadership and direction to support the DAAO training program.
Ensure that the inspector training program is effectively and efficiently
managed, and complies with all policy requirements.
Hold supervisors and managers accountable for ensuring that employee
work assignments and schedules allow for sufficient time for employees to
fully participate in and complete training requirements.
Negotiate and oversee national agreements and contracts with government
and commercial training vendors.
Provide for evaluation of any locally arranged and conducted training.
Ensure the appropriate elements are included in job task analysis
information and that the job task analysis drives training design,
development, and evaluation.
Provide periodic review of training courses to ensure that the content
remains current with respect to job tasks, knowledge, skills and inspector
performance requirements.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 6

The Director of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation is responsible for the
management, standardization, implementation, and revision of the ITS training
program at the national level.

The Director of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation is responsible for the


Standardized implementation of the ITS in each sub directorate of DAAO.

Allocation of resources required to fulfill ITS requirements.
Recommending policy or procedural changes to the ITS.
Accomplishing revisions to the ITS as required.
Coordination and communication with each sub directorate of DAAO to be
sure they are aware of policies and changes to the ITS.

DAAO Training Manager play a key role in assessing gaps between mission
requirements and actual workforce skills, identifying developmental needs,
prioritizing training needs, certifying the accomplishment of learning objectives,
and fostering on-the-job development.

DAAO Training Manager is responsible for the following:

Analyze, evaluate and assess each training syllabus to ensure that there is
no different from the DAAO Formal Course Standard to get a credit under
ITS system.
Assign office resources: provide funds and people to support inspector
Ensure that employee work assignments and schedules allow sufficient
time for employees to fully participate in and complete training
Notify Director of DAAO regarding changes in training requirements,
specify new training needs not previously identified, and relinquish training
resources that no longer apply.
Foster a work environment conducive to the success of the training
Communicate regularly with employees regarding the status of training
requirements and employee progress in meeting requirements.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the training program on a continuous basis
and providing feedback to Director of DAAO.
Manage and administer an OJT program in each office, identify specific job
tasks for which employees must complete OJT, designate qualified
employees to serve as OJT instructors, ensure OJT instructors receive
required training, and ensure performance of OJT instructors meets
acceptable standards.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 7

OJT Program Managers for each Sub Directorate are responsible for the daily
implementation of the ITS training program in each Sub Directorate. They may
conduct actual OJT training for inspectors, or may delegate the conduct of
training to OJT Instructors when necessary.

The OJT Program Manager or delegated OJT Instructors are responsible for
the following:

Develop training syllabus and training materials based on the identification

ot training needs.
Arrange for formal training courses that are required for each inspector.
Schedule On-the-Job-training events.
Logistics associated with training events.
Conduct On-the-Job-training events.
Training recordkeeping.
Advise the DAAO Training Manager when training has been completed.
Annual review of the ITS Training Record for each inspector in the office to
determine ongoing training needs.

The DAAO depends upon the talent and dedication of its employees to
accomplish its mission. To meet this challenge, inspectors must recognize and
take advantage of opportunities, whether on the job, outside of work, or in
formal training, to develop expertise required by changing job requirements.

Each inspector is responsible for the following:

Collaborate with supervisor or Deputy Director to identify your training

Communicate with OJT Program Manager or instructors to plan training
Actively participate in training activities.
Review personal training records and documentation as directed.
Provide feedback and evaluation regarding the effectiveness of the training

5. Inspector Qualifications New Hire

DAAO Inspectors conduct highly technical work and occupy sensitive and
authoritative positions as representatives of the DGCA. It is essential that new
inspector candidates meet the highest standards of competence and integrity.

The minimum DAAO Inspectors requirements for new-hire have been provided
by Ministry Decree No. PM 63 Year 2011 and SI HRD-01.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 8

6. Training Profiles

This training program specifies the minimum initial training requirements that
must be completed for Operations and Airworthiness inspectors. Recurrent
training requirements are discussed in Section 7 and are not specifically
shown in the Training Profiles.

The training required for any individual inspector is based upon the specific
Job Tasks that the inspector will be asked to perform. The Job Tasks are
shown in the Training Profiles for Operations and Airworthiness Inspectors.
These Training Profiles are located in Appendix 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this chapter.

Within the Training Profiles the Job Tasks have been divided into nine training
categories that represent the principal ICAO subject areas for DAAO
Inspectors. Each training category includes a listing of all possible Job Tasks.
These same training categories are used consistently throughout the ITS
system. The training categories are as follows:

1. Indoctrination
2. Certification
3. Surveillance
4. Personnel Licensing
5. Investigations
6. Job Skills
7. Aircraft Dispatcher (OPS) or Avionics (AIR)
8. Cabin Safety
9. Management

Training categories one through five are considered core training that is
required for all inspectors. If more than one course is shown in the category, it
is expected that, as a minimum, at least one of course listed in the category
will be provided to an inspector prior to being assigned as a Principal Inspector.
Training categories six through nine are optional specialized training.

For each of these training categories a formal required classroom training

course has been specified. In order to determine the training required for an
inspector, simply consult the appropriate Training Profile (either Operations or
Airworthiness), and locate the Job Task that the inspector will be asked to
perform. The inspector must complete both the formal classroom training
course associated with that Job Task, and On-the-Job training for that Job
Task, before he can be given authority to conduct the task by himself. The
process is illustrated as follows:

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 9

Select Complete Complete
Training Formal OJT on
Category Course Job Tasks

Figure 1-1 Inspector Training System

In order to achieve qualification for any particular Job Task, an inspector must
complete both the formal course and the OJT for that Job Task. A detailed
analysis of each Job Task is found in chapter V Job Task Analysis document
for Operations and Airworthiness Inspectors.

7. Training Categories

This section provides a description of each training category traditionally used

in DAAO. In addition to the nine principal training categories used in the ITS,
several sub-categories are also discussed below in order to provide supporting
details, policy, or ICAO requirements for that subject area. Sample formal
classroom training course descriptions can be found for each of these subject
areas in the Chapter III ITS Formal Course Standards.

It is important to note that the training categories used in the ITS represent
ICAO oriented job functions. The ITS does not use training categories called,
Flight Operations or Airworthiness, because they are inspector specialties, not
specific job functions. Training requirements for inspector specialties are
included under each of the nine training categories used in the ITS. All of the
following subject areas have been addressed in the ITS Training Profiles
under one of the nine principal training categories.

A. Indoctrination
Training courses in this category are designed to provide a new employee with
the history of the DGCA, ICAO obligations, normal office procedures, ethics
standards, computer skills, use of software, information technologies, and
administrative procedures related to such things as time and attendance,
leave, pay, retirement, conduct and discipline, etc.

The ICAO guidance documents provide a great deal of information on this

subject refer to ICAO Doc. 9760, Part II, Par.

B. Certification
Training courses in this category are designed to provide the knowledge and
skill that are required to be successful in the performance of Job Tasks related
to the certification process.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 10

The ICAO guidance documents provide a great deal of information on this
subject refer to ICAO Doc. 8335, Part I, Par. 2.2.2 2.2.3.

C. Surveillance
Training courses in this category are designed to provide the knowledge and
skill that are required to be successful in the performance of Job Tasks related
to the surveillance or inspection of the aviation industry.

The ICAO guidance documents provide a great deal of additional information

on this subject refer to ICAO Doc. 9734, Part A, Par.

D. Personnel Licensing
Training courses in this category are designed to provide the knowledge and
skill that are required to be successful in the performance of Job Tasks related
to the licensing of flight and ground personnel as required by DGCA. These
will normally include pilots, aircraft maintenance engineers, flight engineers,
dispatchers (FOO), flight attendants, etc.

E. Flight training
All operations inspectors who conduct airborne inspections should participate
in some form of flight training and an ongoing flight currency program. These
courses provide the knowledge and skill necessary to provide for the licensing
and oversight of flight crew personnel. For this reason, flight training courses
have been included under the Personnel Licensing training category.

New hire Operations Inspectors should complete a course of flight training

during their first year of employment with the DGCA. Thereafter, Inspectors
with responsibilities on aircraft that require a type rating should complete an
initial or recurrent flight training course every 12 months. Inspectors with
responsibilities on small aircraft should complete an initial or recurrent flight
training course at least every 24 months. Inspectors with responsibilities in
both airplanes and helicopters should complete recurrent flight training
courses in both categories every 24 months.

In order to conserve training resources, no inspector should be sent to an

initial type rating flight course if assignments and workloads can be adjusted
so that an inspector who already has the required type rating can be used to
satisfy the job requirement.

Unlike flight courses, for maintenance oriented aircraft systems ground training
courses there is no 12 or 24 month regulatory requirement. In addition, once
the office has the skill, a different person should not be submitted in
subsequent years unless additional capacity is needed.

The ICAO guidance documents provide a great deal of additional information

on Inspector flight training refer to:

ICAO Doc. 9734, Part A, Par.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 11

ICAO Doc. 8335, Part I, Par. 6.2.1 6.2.2

ICAO Doc. 8335, Part I, Par.

F. Investigations
Training courses in this category are designed to provide the knowledge and
skill that are required to be successful in the performance of Job Tasks related
to the investigation of aircraft incidents, accidents, and violations. Courses of
this type include Aircraft Accident Investigation, Human Factors, Compliance
and Enforcement, etc.

G. Job Skills
Training courses in this category include many subjects that will enhance an
Inspectors knowledge and skill in any work related area. This will include such
things as systems training, advanced techniques, new technologies, safety
management, communications skills, computers, report writing, etc. The
ongoing enhancement of Inspector skills is an ICAO requirement refer to ICAO
Doc. 8335, Part I, Par.

H. Aircraft Dispatcher
Training courses in this category will prepare an Inspector for advanced
responsibilities in the areas of aircraft dispatch, long range flight planning, load
control, ground handling, meteorology, etc.

8. Avionics
Training courses in this category will prepare an Inspector for advanced
responsibilities in the certification, approval, and inspection of airborne
avionics systems.

J. Cabin Safety
Training courses in this category will prepare an Inspector for advanced
responsibilities in the areas of cabin safety, aircraft equipment, cabin crew
procedures, etc.

K. Management
Training courses in this category will provide an Inspector with the knowledge
and skill that is required to function effectively as a supervisor, manager,
training manager, or instructor. Courses in this category include Basic
Supervisory Skills, Advanced Management Techniques, Instructor Training,
Labor Relations, Conduct and Discipline, Systems Thinking, Strategic
Planning, etc.

L. Recurrent
Recurrent training requirements are not shown in the Inspector Training
Profiles. Instead, a customized program of recurrent training should be created
for each inspector at the time he is hired. This program should be reviewed
and updated annually.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 12

In addition to any required recurrent flight training, one or more formal
classroom recurrent training courses must be provided for each inspector
every 36 months, or more often if required to maintain proficiency in all
assigned Inspector Job Tasks. The selection of the most appropriate recurrent
training courses should be determined by the Inspector in collaboration with
his Supervisor or Manager and reviewed annually.

The ITS does not specify the content to be included in recurrent training
courses. Generally, a formal recurrent training course should contain a review
of the elements found in the initial course, along with a discussion of any new
requirements or procedures that have been established in the previous few
years. The length of recurrent classroom training courses should typically be
30% - 50% of the length for the initial course. There are no additional Job
Tasks associated with formal classroom recurrent training courses.

The ICAO guidance documents provide a great deal of general information on

Inspector recurrent training refer to:

ICAO Doc. 9734, Part A, Par.

ICAO Doc. 8335, Part I, Par.

ICAO Doc. 9760, Part II, Par.

M. On-the-Job Training
On-the-Job Training (OJT) must be completed during initial training for every
Job Task that an Inspector will be authorized to conduct without assistance.
An Inspector must complete three phases of OJT instruction for each Job Task.
This training must be accomplished under the direct supervision of the OJT
Program Manager or an authorized OJT Instructor. Detailed procedures for the
conduct of OJT are found in the ITS OJT Guide which is a part of the ITS

8. Training Process

When a new hire employee to become a DAAO Inspector he/she should be

issued a Position Description for a New Hire/ Developmental Inspector.
He/She must then complete the training requirements specified in this
document before being given the authority to accomplish any inspector Job
Task without direct supervision.

All new hire employees normally begin training with Indoctrination training.
After completing this training requirement a new inspector can then be issued
a DGCA credential, but at this point any Job Task accomplished for the DGCA
must still be under the direct supervision of another qualified inspector or OJT
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 13
Instructor. All new-hire Inspectors must complete both the formal training
course and On-the-Job training on the associated Job Tasks before being
given authority to accomplish a Job Task by himself/herself.

After receiving a DGCA Credential, the new inspector normally continues

training until he/she has completed training in all five subject areas that
comprise the core of inspector job functions.

Core training refers to the essential training that should be provided to all
DAAO Inspectors. Core training requirements are specified in the first five
training categories of the Training Profiles. If more than one course is shown in
a category, it is expected that, as a minimum, at least the first course listed in
each category will be provided to an inspector prior to being assigned as a
Principal Inspector.

The five essential Minimum Core Training courses are: Indoctrination,

Certification, Surveillance, Personnel Licensing, and Investigation. When
these minimum core training requirements have been completed the inspector
can be issued a Principal Inspector Position Description as described in
Section 12 of this chapter. He/she should then continue training until all
training courses found in the first five training categories have been completed.

The following flowchart depicts the typical training process for a new-hire
employee all the way through final qualification and journeyman status. This
process can be modified as necessary to accommodate special requirements.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 14

New Hire Employee/Inspector
Meets Criteria?
Issue New-Hire Position Description

Formal Indoctrination Course

OJT on Indoctrination Job Tasks

Issue Inspector Credential

Formal Certification Course

OJT on Associated Job Tasks

Formal Surveillance Course

OJT on Associated Job Tasks

Formal Personnel Licensing Course

OJT on Associated Job Tasks

Formal Investigations Course

OJT on Associated Job Tasks

Assignment as Principal Inspector

- Issue Position Description -

Optional Job Skills and Specialty

Training Courses as Required.
OJT on Associated Job Tasks

Recurrent Training Program

Figure 1-2 Training Process

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 15

9. Inspector Qualifications Journeyman

Final inspector qualification is accomplished in three steps as shown in the

table below.

Final Inspector Qualification

Step # DGCA Granted: Training Required:

Must meet new hire minimum

Issuance of the requirements. Must complete the
DGCA inspector Indoctrination formal course and
1. credential. OJT on associated Job Tasks as
specified in the Operation or
Airworthiness Inspector training

Signature authority Completion of the formal training

for any particular job course and OJT associated with that
2. task. Job Task as specified in the
Operation or Airworthiness Inspector
training profiles.

Assignment as Completion of at least the minimum

3. Principal Inspector five core training courses.

10. Formal Course Standards

Formal training course descriptions for Operation and Airworthiness inspectors

are found in Chapter III ITS Formal Course Standards.

These course descriptions specify the title, course number, minimum training
hours, and minimum content that must be included for each course. All formal
classroom training courses provided to DAAO Inspectors must meet these
minimum requirements in order to be creditable under this training program.

Course descriptions are provided for both initial and recurrent training courses
under the same nine standardized training categories used throughout the
Inspector Training System.
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 16
1. Indoctrination
2. Certification
3. Surveillance
4. Personnel Licensing (includes Flight Training requirements)
5. Investigations
6. Job Skills
7. Aircraft Dispatcher (OPS profile only) or Avionics (AIR profile only)
8. Cabin Safety
9. Management

A course that does not meet the minimum guidelines specified in the Formal
Course Standards cannot be used for credit in the ITS system. In this case
you should normally choose a different course that does meet the standard.

If you must use a deficient course, and wish to use it for credit under the ITS,
you should first modify the course by adding additional time and material so
that it will comply with the standard.

Alternatively, you could take the first deficient course and then combine it with
a second supplementary course. This combination of two courses to meet the
requirements of one ITS course would be acceptable. The most important
thing is to ensure that high quality training is done, and to comply with the total
hours and recommended subjects as specified in the Formal Course

The DAAO Training Manager, as mentioned in section 4, is responsible to

analyze, evaluate and assess each training syllabus to ensure that there is no
different from the DAAO Formal Course Standard to get a credit under ITS

11. Conduct of Training

Training may be conducted internally by the DAAO or provided by external
training provider.

Requirements to conduct training internally are as follows:

1. The reference of training sylabus (course content) must be SI 8900-1.3
2. The training material must be current regulations
3. The training must be managed by the DAAO Training Manager
4. The training must be delivered by the DAAO authorized Instructor
5. The training must be conducted in appropriate class room and training

Requirements to provide training by external training provider are as follows:

1. Preverably, the training provider is a Government Safety Inspector training
organization endorsed by ICAO.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 17

2. The DAAO Training Manager shall analyze, evaluate and asses the
syllabus of the training provider against syllabus in accordance with ITS
Formal Course Standard to ensure that the syllabus of the training provider
meet the ITS Formal Course Standard.
3. Should the syllabus of the training provider does not meet the ITS Formal
Course Standard, the DAAO Training Manager shall establish
supplementary course.
4. The supplementary course content must be the deficientcy of the syllabus
of the training provider from the ITS Formal Course Standard.

12. Recordkeeping

It is imperative that an accurate and permanent record be created to record

the training completed by each Inspector. This record should be carefully
maintained from the time the Inspector is hired into the DGCA until the time
he/she retires from the DGCA. The training records are kept permanently by
DGCA, in case a question of an Inspectors qualification should ever come up
at a future date.

Recordkeeping under the ITS can be accomplished by any appropriate

method, using a computer software program.

The ITS Training Record software is a computer database program that runs
on IMSIS. The software addresses training record-keeping requirements for
Operations, Airworthiness inspectors and also includes automated report
functions for managers. The software creates a comprehensive record of the
formal classroom training and on-the-job training that has been completed by
each Inspector during his career. A further description and complete
instructions for the use of the ITS Training Record are found in the Chapter II
ITS OJT Guide.

13. Position Descriptions

Position Descriptions are used by the DGCA for administrative control to

assign an Inspector to a particular job function or specialty. They may contain
administrative information such as pay grade, and descriptions of the
employees areas of responsibility.

Position Descriptions do not specify training requirements. Training

requirements are specified in the Inspector Training Profiles and are based on
the individual Job Tasks that an inspector will be asked to perform.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 18

Position Descriptions (PDs) have been provided for ten inspector specialties in
common use. These PDs are located in Appendix 3 of this chapter and can be
used by DGCA management at their discretion. Titles of the PDs are shown

1. Flight Operations Inspectors:

New Hire/ Developmental Inspector
Principal Operations Inspector
Aircraft Dispatcher Inspector
Cabin Safety Inspector

2. Airworthiness Inspectors:
New Hire/ Developmental Inspector
Principal Maintenance Inspector
Principle Manufacturing Inspector
Principle Engineering Inspector

3. Supervisory Personnel
Head of Section
Deputy Director

The New Hire/ Developmental Position Description should be issued to all

inspector personnel at the time they are hired. The Principal Inspector Position
Descriptions should be issued to an inspector only after he has completed the
Minimum Core Training requirements specified in Section 8 of this chapter.
The Supervisory Position Descriptions should be issued only after completion
of all core training as well as the additional specialized training shown in the
Training Profiles. In this way issuance of a Position Description assigns
inspector responsibilities, and also serves to indicate that the inspector has
completed all training that is required for that assignment.

14. Definitions

Approved Curriculum. A training course that includes all of the following


a. A course number assigned by the training institution.

b. Instructors who have been approved by the training institution in
accordance with established criteria.
c. Written courseware that includes student prerequisites, written
objectives, instructor lesson plans, and established requirements for
d. Some form of assessment to determine that the training objectives have
been met.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 19

Continuing Development Training. Optional training required to improve an
employee's Position Essential skills. This is supplemental training that is not
necessarily required for all employees. This training will be identified through
collaboration between an employee and his supervisor or manager. This
training should only be scheduled after all core training requirements have
been completed.

Core Training. Core training refers to the essential training that should be
provided to all DAAO Inspectors, both formal courses and OJT. Core training
includes all of the training specified in Training Categories 1 through 5
(Indoctrination, Certification, Surveillance, Personnel Licensing, and
Investigations.) All DAAO Inspectors should complete all of the courses
specified in these first five Training Categories sometime during their
employment with the DGCA. However, for the purposes of assigning an
employee as a Principal Inspector, the ITS has additionally specified Minimum
Core Training requirements. These are shown in the ITS as the one of formal
course listed in training categories 1 through 5. These five courses are:
Indoctrination, Certification, Surveillance, Personnel Licensing, Investigations.

Developmental. Developmental refers to two types of inspectors:

1. A person who has been hired as an inspector by the DGCA but who does
not meet all of the minimum recruitment standards specified by the DGCA.
It is expected that individuals in this category will continue to develop their
training and experience under the guidance of the DGCA until meeting the
minimum requirements for new inspectors. This employee should not be
issued an inspector credential until meeting all new hire recruitment

2. A new-hire inspector who meets all of the recruitment standards but who
has not yet completed the Minimum Core Training requirements for
Principal Inspectors.

Formal Training Course. A course of training conducted in a classroom

environment in accordance with an Approved Curriculum (see definition
above). Formal courses include all flight courses and most courses conducted
by DGCA or Ministry of Transportation.

Four Steps of Training Evaluation.

Level 1 : Reaction - How well did the trainees like the program.
Level 2 : Learning - To what extent did the trainees learn the facts,
principles and approaches that were included in the classroom
Level 3 : Behavior - To what extent did their job behavior change because
of the program.
Level 4 : Results - What final results were achieved (Reduction in cost,
reduction in turnover, improvement in production. etc.).

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 20

Job Task Analysis (JTA). The process of making a complete task inventory of
a job which results in accurate and descriptive task statements and other job-
specific information.

Journeyman Inspector. A generic term for any inspector who meets the
minimum recruitment standards specified by the DGCA, has been issued an
Inspector Credential, and has completed the minimum core training

Mandatory Training. Training that must be accomplished by an Inspector

before he can accomplish assigned Job Tasks without assistance. Previous
work experience may not be substituted for this training.

Minimum Core Training. See Core Training.

New-Hire. A new employee hired to become a DAAO Inspector at the DGCA.

ITS provides general guidelines for new-hire personnel, but does not specify
mandatory minimum requirements. New hire inspector personnel should be
issued New-Hire/Developmental position descriptions until completing the
minimum core training requirements.

On-The-Job Training (OJT). Structured training conducted at a work site by

the supervisor or his/her designee. This type of training provides direct
experience in the work environment in which the employee is performing or
will be performing on the job.

Position Essential Training. Supplemental training or skill required by an

employee that will significantly enhance his performance in his current duty
position. This is highly desirable training for which there is no associated Job
Task specified in the Training Profile. Previous equivalent work experience or
training may be substituted for this training.

Recurrent Training. A course of refresher training taken at specified time

periods after initial training. Recurrent training is intended to maintain or
improve an inspectors knowledge and skill as necessary for the performance
of job functions. Recurrent training should be completed at regular intervals.
ITS provides general guidelines for recurrent training, but specific recurrent
training requirements must be specified by each OJT Program Manager.

Specialized Training. Specialized training is additional training, beyond the

Principal Inspector level, that is provided to improve an inspectors abilities in a
specific area. Examples might include such things as aircraft dispatch,
avionics, cabin safety, or supervisory training.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 21

Training Needs Assessment (TNA). The DAAO process for determining
training requirements. This process will be used to identify all training
requirements, including formal, management, general, and other training.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 1- 22

SI 8900-1.3

Appendix 1
Operations Inspector Training Profile

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -1 Page 1

Chapter 1

Appendix 1 Operations Inspector Training Profile

Operations Inspector Training Profile

Job Function Duty OPS Task Description

Task #

1.0 Indoctrination 1.000

Formal Course Name: New Employee Orientation
Formal Course Number: 1001

Indoctrination Admin 1.001 Employee benefits

Indoctrination Admin 1.002 Time and Attendance
Indoctrination Admin 1.003 Employee Training and Development
Indoctrination Admin 1.004 Office Communications
Indoctrination Admin 1.005 Computer Systems
Indoctrination Admin 1.006 Managing Resources
Indoctrination Admin 1.007 Employee Ethics
Indoctrination Admin 1.008 Labor Unions
Indoctrination Admin 1.009 Conduct and Discipline
Indoctrination Admin 1.010 Travel
Indoctrination Admin 1.011 Security

2.0 Certification 2.000

Formal Course Name: Air Operator Certification Operations
Formal Course Number: 2001

Certification Air Operator 2.001 Cert Phase I: Pre-application Phase - (Gate I)

Certification Air Operator 2.002 Cert Phase II: Formal Application Phase - (Gate II)
Certification Air Operator 2.003 Cert Phase III: Document Compliance Phase
Certification Air Operator 2.004 Cert Phase IV: Demonstration and Inspection
Phase - (Gate III)
Certification Air Operator 2.005 Cert Phase V: Certification Phase
Certification Air Operator 2.006 Conduct Certification of an Agricultural Aircraft
Certification Air Operator 2.007 Conduct Administrative Activities for an Air Carrier
Operator Applicant
Certification Air Operator 2.008 Evaluate a Compliance Statement
Certification Air Operator 2.009 Evaluate a Company Operations Manual
Certification Air Operator 2.010 Approve a Flight Crew Training Program
Certification Air Operator 2.011 Add an Aircraft to an Existing Air Carrier Operating
Certification Air Operator 2.012 Conduct an Aircraft Conformity Inspection
Certification Air Operator 2.013 Approve an Aircraft Checklist
Certification Air Operator 2.014 Approve an Exit Row Seating Program

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -1 Page 2

Certification Air Operator 2.015 Approve a Carry-On Baggage Program
Certification Air Operator 2.016 Approve a Passenger Briefing Card
Certification Air Operator 2.017 Approve a Flight Simulation Device (Simulator
and/or Flight Training Device)
Certification Air Operator 2.018 Evaluate Director of Operations Qualifications
Certification Air Operator 2.019 Evaluate Chief Pilot Qualifications
Certification Air Operator 2.020 Evaluate Director of Safety Qualifications
Certification Air Operator 2.021 Approve a Check Airman
Certification Air Operator 2.022 Evaluate and approve a Minimum Equipment List
Certification Air Operator 2.023 Evaluate a Weight and Balance Control Program
Certification Air Operator 2.024 Approve a Hazardous Materials Program
Certification Air Operator 2.025 Evaluate an Aircraft Lease Agreement
Certification Air Operator 2.026 Evaluate an Exemption, Deviation, or Waiver
Certification Air Operator 2.027 Evaluate/ Approve a Deicing Program
Certification Air Operator 2.028 Evaluate a Line Station Facility
Certification Air Operator 2.029 Evaluate a Crewmember Recordkeeping System
Certification Air Operator 2.030 Evaluate a Flight/Trip Recordkeeping System
Certification Air Operator 2.031 Evaluate an Internal Evaluation Program
Certification Air Operator 2.032 Evaluate an Environmental Assessment
Certification Air Operator 2.033 Evaluate a Main Operations Base
Certification Air Operator 2.034 Conduct an Emergency Evacuation Demonstration
Certification Air Operator 2.035 Conduct a Ditching Demonstration
Certification Air Operator 2.036 Approve Performance Based Navigation (PBN)
Certification Air Operator 2.037 Conduct an Aircraft Proving Test
Certification Air Operator 2.038 Issue or Amend Operations Specifications (OPSS)
Certification Air Operator 2.039 Evaluate a Dispatch Center
Certification Air Operator 2.040 Evaluate a Dispatch Training Program
Certification Air Operator 2.041 Evaluate a Dispatch System (Operational Control)
Certification Air Operator 2.042 Evaluate a Airport Aeronautical Data
Certification Air Operator 2.043 Evaluate Aeronautical Weather Data
Certification Air Operator 2.044 Approve an Enhanced Weather Information System
Certification Air Operator 2.045 Approve Aircraft Performance Operating Limitations
and Airport Runway Performance Data Analysis
Certification Air Operator 2.046 Evaluate Personnel Who have been Granted
Operational Control Authority
Certification Air Operator 2.047 Evaluate Flight Following Procedures for
Supplemental Operations
Certification Air Operator 2.048 Evaluate Flight Locating Procedures
Certification Air Operator 2.049 Evaluate Alternate Airport Considerations
Certification Air Operator 2.050 Conduct Initial Certification/Renewal of a Rotorcraft
Certification Air Operator 2.051 Add a helicopter to an Existing External Load
Certification Air Operator 2.052 Evaluate a Rotorcraft-Load Combination Flight
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -1 Page 3
Certification Air Operator 2.053 Approve a Rotorcraft Class D Training Program
Certification Air Operator 2.054 Evaluate a Rotorcraft Congested Area Plan
Certification Air Operator 2.055 Issue Operations Specifications for a Rotorcraft
Certification Air Operator 2.056 Evaluate a Flight Attendant Training Program
Certification Air Operator 2.057 Evaluate a Flight Attendant Manual
Certification Air Operator 2.058 Evaluate an Extended Range Operations With Two-
Engine Airplanes (ETOPS)
Certification Air Operator 2.059 Evaluate a Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums
(RVSM) Program
Certification Air Operator 2.060 Evaluate a Special Means of Navigation
Certification Air Operator 2.061 Evaluate a Category II and Category III Program
Certification Air Operator 2.062 Approve Special Category I/ Category II/ Category
III Operation
Certification Air Operator 2.063 Conduct a Validation Test

3.0 Surveillance 3.000

Formal Course Name: Air Operator Surveillance Operations
Formal Course Number: 3001

Surveillance Air Operator 3.001 Plan a Surveillance Work Program

Surveillance Air Operator 3.002 Blank
Surveillance Air Operator 3.003 Conduct Airplane Ramp Inspection
Surveillance Air Operator 3.004 Conduct a Cabin En Route Inspection
Surveillance Air Operator 3.005 Conduct a Cockpit En Route Inspection
Surveillance Air Operator 3.006 Inspect a Line Station Operation and Facilities
Surveillance Air Operator 3.007 Inspect Trip Records
Surveillance Air Operator 3.008 Inspect Crew & Dispatch Records
Surveillance Air Operator 3.009 Inspect a Check Airman
Surveillance Air Operator 3.010 Inspect a Main Operations Base
Surveillance Air Operator 3.011 Blank
Surveillance Air Operator 3.012 Inspect a Deicing Program
Surveillance Air Operator 3.013 Inspect a Company Operations Manual
Surveillance Air Operator 3.014 Inspect an Internal Evaluation Program
Surveillance Air Operator 3.015 Blank
Surveillance Air Operator 3.016 Inspect Extended Range Operations for Two-
Engine Airplanes (ETOPS)
Surveillance Air Operator 3.017 Inspect a Flight Crew Training Program
Surveillance Air Operator 3.018 Inspect a Cabin Crew Training Program
Surveillance Air Operator 3.019 Inspect a Check Airman or Instructor Training
Surveillance Air Operator 3.020 Inspect a Dispatcher Training Program
Surveillance Air Operator 3.021 Inspect Simulator or Flight Training Device
Surveillance Air Operator 3.022 Inspect a Station Personnel Training Program
Surveillance Air Operator 3.023 Inspect a Flight Follower Training Program
Surveillance Air Operator 3.024 Inspect Flight Following/ Flight Locating Procedures
Surveillance Air Operator 3.025 Inspect Dispatch Procedures

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -1 Page 4

Surveillance Air Operator 3.026 Inspect Personnel Who have Been Granted
Operational Control Authority
Surveillance Air Operator 3.027 Inspect a Heliport
Surveillance Air Operator 3.028 Conduct a Rotorcraft Ramp Inspection
Surveillance Air Operator 3.029 Inspect Rotorcraft External Load Base Inspection
Surveillance Air Operator 3.030 Inspect Rotorcraft External Load Operation
Surveillance Air Operator 3.031 Conduct Surveillance of a Banner Tow Operator
Surveillance Air Operator 3.032 Conduct Surveillance of a Special Event
Surveillance Air Operator 3.033 Conduct a Ramp Inspection of Foreign Registered

4.0 Personnel Licensing 4.000

Formal Course Name: Personnel Licensing Procedures Operations
Formal Course Number: 4001

Per. Licensing Certification 4.001 Conduct Written Test for Personnel Licensing
Per. Licensing Certification 4.002 Issue a Student Pilot License
Per. Licensing Certification 4.003 Certificate a Private Pilot
Per. Licensing Certification 4.004 Certificate a Commercial Pilot
Per. Licensing Certification 4.005 Certificate an Instrument Rating Pilot
Per. Licensing Certification 4.006 Certificate an Airline Transport Pilot
Per. Licensing Certification 4.007 Certificate a Flight Instructor
Per. Licensing Certification 4.008 Renew a Flight Instructor Certificate
Per. Licensing Certification 4.009 Issue Additional Aircraft Ratings
Per. Licensing Certification 4.010 Certificate a Ground Instructor
Per. Licensing Certification 4.011 Certificate a Flight Engineer
Per. Licensing Certification 4.012 Certificate an Aircraft Dispatcher
Per. Licensing Certification 4.013 Issue a Replacement Pilot Certificate
Per. Licensing Certification 4.014 Issue a Pilot Certificate Based On Military
Per. Licensing Certification 4.015 Issue a Pilot Certificate Based on a Foreign Pilot
Per. Licensing Certification 4.016 Issue a Special Purpose Pilot/Flight Engineer
Per. Licensing Certification 4.017 Conduct a Special Medical Practical Test
Per. Licensing Certification 4.018 Surveillance of a Flight Instructor
Per. Licensing Certification 4.019 Inspect a Flight Instructor Refresher Course

4.2 Personnel Licensing 4.200

Formal Course Name: Designated Examiner Procedures Operations
Formal Course Number: 4201

Per. Licensing Examiners 4.201 Designate or Renew a Pilot Examiner

Per. Licensing Examiners 4.202 Designate or Renew a Flight Engineer Examiner
Per. Licensing Examiners 4.203 Designate or Renew an Aircraft Dispatcher
Per. Licensing Examiners 4.204 Inspect a Designated Pilot Examiner
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -1 Page 5
Per. Licensing Examiners 4.205 Inspect a Pilot Examiner Training Course
Per. Licensing Examiners 4.206 Inspect a Flight Engineer Examiner
Per. Licensing Examiners 4.207 Inspect a Dispatcher Examiner
Per. Licensing Examiners 4.208 Inspect a Training Center Designated Examiner

4.5 Personnel Licensing 4.500

Formal Course Name: Aviation Training Organizations Operations
Formal Course Number: 4501

Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.501 Conduct Certification or Renewal of Training Center
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.502 Inspect Personnel, Facilities and Equipment of a
Training Center
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.503 Inspect Training Center Personnel and
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.504 Inspect Training Center Personnel Records
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.505 Inspect a Training Center Designated Examiner
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.506 Designate or Inspect a Training Center Evaluator
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.507 Conduct a Knowledge Test, Practical Test, Stage
Check or End-of-Course Test to Students of a
Training Center
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.508 Inspect Student Records at a Training Center
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.509 Inspect a Certified Flight Instructor Refresher
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.510 Inspect Training Center Simulator or Flight Training
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.511 Inspect a Computer Testing Center
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.512 Approve a Training Center Training Program
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.513 Evaluate Training Center Safety Procedures
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.514 Evaluate Training Center Lease or Contract
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.515 Designate a Chief Flight Instructor for a Training
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.516 Evaluate Airports Used by Pilot Schools
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.517 Evaluate Aircraft Used by Pilot Schools
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.518 Conduct Training Center Aircraft Ramp Inspection
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.519 Approve a Training Center's Minimum Equipment
List (MEL)
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.520 Withdrawal, Suspension, Revocation, Denial, or
Amendment of Training Center Training

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -1 Page 6

4.7 Personnel Licensing 4.700
Formal Course Name: Flight Testing Procedures
Formal Course Number: 4701

Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.701 Conduct a Private Pilot Flight Test
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.702 Conduct a Commercial Pilot Flight Test
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.703 Conduct an Instrument Rating Pilot Flight Test
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.704 Conduct an Airline Transport Pilot Flight Test
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.705 Conduct a Flight Instructor Flight Test
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.706 Conduct Flight Test for Additional Aircraft Rating
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.707 Conduct a Flight Engineer Flight Test
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.708 Conduct a VFR Pilot Competency Check for Air
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.709 Conduct a IFR Pilot Proficiency Check for Air
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.710 Conduct a Line Check Inspection for Air Operator
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.711 Approve a Check Airman for Air Operator
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.712 Blank
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.713 Conduct a Pilot Instrument Proficiency Check
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.714 Conduct a Flight Engineer Proficiency Check
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.715 Conduct a Category II or Category III Pilot Flight
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.716 Conduct Proficiency Check for a Training Center
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.717 Conduct a Agricultural Pilot Knowledge and Skill
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.718 Conduct Flight Check for Additional Aircraft Ratings
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.719 Issue a Letter Of Authorization In Lieu of a Type
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.720 Blank
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.721 Re-examination of an Airman
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.722 Administer Rotorcraft Chief Pilot Knowledge and
Skill Test
Per. Licensing Flight Test 4.723 Conduct a Rotorcraft Pilot Proficiency Check

5.0 Investigations 5.000

Formal Course Name: Compliance & Enforcement (or Resolution of Safety Concerns)
Formal Course Number: 5001

Investigations Enforcement 5.001 Conduct an Enforcement Investigation

Investigations Enforcement 5.002 Investigate Non-Compliance in Accordance with
Investigations Enforcement 5.003 Provide Technical Assistance to Legal Counsel
Investigations Enforcement 5.004 Investigate a Complaint
Investigations Enforcement 5.005 Investigate a Noise Complaint or Damage Caused
by a Civil Aircraft
Investigations Enforcement 5.006 Withdrawal, Suspension, Revocation, Denial, or
Amendment of Operations Specifications
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -1 Page 7
Investigations Enforcement 5.007 Investigate Reports of Reckless Flying
Investigations Enforcement 5.008 Investigate a Hazardous Air Traffic Report (HATR)
Investigations Enforcement 5.009 Investigate a Pilot Deviation
Investigations Enforcement 5.010 Investigate a Gross Navigation Error
Investigations Enforcement 5.011 Investigate a Report of a Near Midair Collision
Investigations Enforcement 5.012 Investigate a Report of Emergency Evacuation
Investigations Enforcement 5.013 Investigate an Incident Involving Hazardous
Investigations Enforcement 5.014 Process a Surrender of a Certificate Holder's

5.5 Investigations 5.500

Formal Course Name: Aircraft Accident Investigation
Formal Course Number: 5501

Investigations Accident 5.501 Investigate an Aircraft Accident

Investigations Accident 5.502 Investigate an Aircraft Incident
Investigations Accident 5.503 Investigate an Aircraft Occurrence
Investigations Accident 5.504 Investigate a Foreign Air Carrier Incident

6.0 Job Skills 6.000

Formal Course Name: Simulator Evaluation
Formal Course Number: 6001

Job Skills Simulators 6.001 Approve a Flight Simulator or Flight Training Device
Job Skills Simulators 6.002 Inspect Air Operator's Use of Simulator or Flight
Training Device

6.2 Job Skills 6.200

Formal Course Name: Agricultural Air Operations
Formal Course Number: 6201

Job Skills Agricultural 6.201 Inspect an Agricultural Operator's Main Base or

Job Skills Agricultural 6.202 Conduct a Ramp Inspection of an Agricultural
Job Skills Agricultural 6.203 Evaluate an Agricultural Operator's Congested
Area Plan
Job Skills Agricultural 6.204 Inspect an Agricultural Operation Including
Congested Area Operations
Job Skills Agricultural 6.205 Inspect Agricultural Operator's Hazardous Materials
Safety Procedures

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -1 Page 8

6.5 Job Skills 6.500
Formal Course Name: Aviation Safety Program Manager - Operations
Formal Course Number: 6501

Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.501 Blank

Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.502 Manage Safety Meetings, Events and Activities
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.503 Blank
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.504 Issue an Aviation Safety Award
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.505 Evaluate Accident or Incident Reports for Trends
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.506 Process a Flight Assist Report
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.507 Blank
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.508 Process a Remedial Training Action
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.509 Issue Waiver or Authorization for a Aviation Event
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.510 Issue Waiver or Authorization for a Low Altitude
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.511 Issue Waiver or Authorization for Banner Towing
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.512 Blank
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.513 Issue Waiver or Authorization for Restricted
Category Aircraft

6.7 Job Skills 6.700

Formal Course Name: Safety Management Systems
Formal Course Number: 6701

Job Skills SMS 6.701 Approve a Safety Management System

Job Skills SMS 6.702 Inspect a Safety Management System

6.8 Job Skills 6.800

Formal Course Name: Foreign Air Carriers
Formal Course Number: 6801

Job Skills Foreign 6.801 Conduct a Ramp Inspection of Foreign Registered

Job Skills Foreign 6.802 Issue Operations Specifications to a Foreign Air
Job Skills Foreign 6.803 Blank
Job Skills Foreign 6.804 Issue a Pilot Certificate Based on a Foreign Pilot

6.9 Job Skills

Formal Course Name: Audit Process
Formal Course Number: 6901

Job Skills Audit 6.901 Conduct Audit as team member

Job Skills Audit 6.902 Conduct Audit as team leader
Job Skills Audit 6.903 Conduct Audit as manager

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -1 Page 9

6.18 Job Skills
Formal Course Name: Dangerous Goods
Formal Course Number: 61801

Job Skills Audit 6.1801 Conduct Dangerous Goods Inspection as team

Job Skills Audit 6.1802 Conduct Dangerous Goods Inspection as team
Job Skills Audit 6.1803 Conduct Dangeorous Goods Inspection as

6.22 Job Skills

Formal Course Name: Aircraft Type Rating - Operations
Formal Course Number: 62201

Job Skills Type Rating 6.2201 Refer to relevant JTA with Aircraft Type Rating
Job Skills Type Rating 6.2202 Reserved
Job Skills Type Rating 6.2203 Reserved

6.30 Job Skills

Formal Course Name: Crew Resource Management (CRM)
Formal Course Number: 63001

Job Skills CRM 6.3001 Refer to relevant JTA with CRM Prerequisites
Job Skills CRM 6.3002 Reserved
Job Skills CRM 6.3003 Reserved

7.0 Aircraft Dispatcher 7.000

Formal Course Name: Aircraft Dispatcher Job Functions
Formal Course Number: 7001

Dispatcher Cert / Surv. 7.001 Evaluate / Inspect a Dispatch Center

Dispatcher Cert / Surv. 7.002 Evaluate / Inspect a Dispatcher Training Program
Dispatcher Cert / Surv. 7.003 Evaluate / Inspect a Dispatch System (Operational
Dispatcher Cert / Surv. 7.004 Evaluate / Inspect a Flight Follower Training
Dispatcher Cert / Surv. 7.005 Evaluate / Inspect an Air Operator's Flight
Following Procedures
Dispatcher Cert / Surv. 7.006 Evaluate / Inspect an Air Operator's Flight Locating
Dispatcher Cert / Surv. 7.007 Evaluate / Inspect Personnel Who have been
Granted Operational Control Authority
Dispatcher Cert / Surv. 7.008 Evaluate Alternate Airport Considerations
Dispatcher Cert / Surv. 7.009 Evaluate an Air Operator's Airport Aeronautical

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -1 Page 10

Dispatcher Cert / Surv. 7.010 Evaluate an Air Operator's Aeronautical Weather
Dispatcher Cert / Surv. 7.011 Approve an Air Operator's Enhanced Weather
Information System
Dispatcher Cert / Surv. 7.012 Approve an Air Operator's Aircraft Performance
Operating Limitations and Airport/Runway
Performance Data Analysis System

8.0 Cabin Safety 8.000

Formal Course Name: Cabin Safety
Formal Course Number: 8001

Cabin Safety Oversight 8.001 Evaluate a Flight Attendant Manual

Cabin Safety Oversight 8.002 Evaluate a Flight Attendant Training Program
Cabin Safety Oversight 8.003 Inspect a Cabin Crew Training Program
Cabin Safety Oversight 8.004 Conduct a Cabin En Route Inspection

9.0 Management 9.000

Formal Course Name: Management Training
Formal Course Number: 9001

Management Supervisory 9.001 First line duties and responsibilities (examples

job priorities, administrative duties, operational
duties and standards, ICAO and DGCA, effective
Management Supervisory 9.002 Leadership and Communication Skills
Management Supervisory 9.003 Creating an effective work environment
Management Supervisory 9.004 Recognize and reward performance
Management Supervisory 9.005 Provide and receive constructive feedback
Management Supervisory 9.006 Self-development based on feedback
Management Supervisory 9.007 Tools for managing employees (examples
communication and motivation strategies, coaching,
stress indicators, conflict management and problem
solving, handling change)
Management Supervisory 9.008 Monitoring progress and performance
Management Supervisory 9.009 Communicate organizational direction and priorities
Management Supervisory 9.010 Demonstrate interpersonal skills in work-related

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -1 Page 11

SI 8900-1.3

Appendix 2
Airworthiness Inspector Training Profile

Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 1

Chapter 1

Appendix 2 Airworthiness Inspector Training Profile

Airworthiness Inspector Training Profile

Job Function Duty AIR Task Description

Task #

1.0 Indoctrination 1.000

Formal Course Name: New Employee Orientation
Formal Course Number: 1001

Indoctrination Admin 1.001 Employee benefits

Indoctrination Admin 1.002 Time and Attendance
Indoctrination Admin 1.003 Employee Training and Development
Indoctrination Admin 1.004 Office Communications
Indoctrination Admin 1.005 Computer Systems
Indoctrination Admin 1.006 Managing Resources
Indoctrination Admin 1.007 Employee Ethics
Indoctrination Admin 1.008 Labor Unions
Indoctrination Admin 1.009 Conduct and Discipline
Indoctrination Admin 1.010 Travel
Indoctrination Admin 1.011 Security

2.0 Certification 2.000

Formal Course Name: Air Operator Certification Airworthiness
Formal Course Number: 2003

Certification Air Operator 2.001 Cert Phase I: Pre-application Phase - (Gate I)

Certification Air Operator 2.002 Cert Phase II: Formal Application Phase - (Gate II)
Certification Air Operator 2.003 Cert Phase III: Document Compliance Phase
Certification Air Operator 2.004 Cert Phase IV: Demonstration and Inspection
Phase - (Gate III)
Certification Air Operator 2.005 Cert Phase V: Certification Phase
Certification Air Operator 2.006 Conduct Certification of an Agricultural Aircraft
Certification Air Operator 2.007 Conduct Administrative Activities for an Air Carrier
Operator Applicant
Certification Air Operator 2.008 Evaluate a Compliance Statement
Certification Air Operator 2.009 Evaluate a Company Maintenance Manual or
Certification Air Operator 2.010 Approve a Maintenance or Inspection Training
Certification Air Operator 2.011 Add an Aircraft to an Existing Air Carrier Operating

Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 2

Certification Air Operator 2.012 Conduct an Aircraft Conformity Inspection
Certification Air Operator 2.013 Evaluate Control of Calibrated Tools and Equipment
Certification Air Operator 2.014- Blank
Certification Air Operator 2.019 Evaluate Management Personnel Qualifications
Certification Air Operator 2.020- Blank
Certification Air Operator 2.022 Evaluate a Minimum Equipment List (MEL) or
Configuration Deviation List (CDL)
Certification Air Operator 2.023 Evaluate a Weight and Balance Control Program
Certification Air Operator 2.024 Approve a Hazardous Materials Program
Certification Air Operator 2.025 Evaluate an Aircraft Lease Agreement
Certification Air Operator 2.026 Evaluate an Exemption, Deviation, or Waiver
Certification Air Operator 2.027 Evaluate/ Approve a Deicing Program
Certification Air Operator 2.028 Evaluate a Line Station Facility
Certification Air Operator 2.029 Evaluate a Maintenance Record-keeping System
Certification Air Operator 2.030 Blank
Certification Air Operator 2.031 Evaluate an Internal Evaluation Program
Certification Air Operator 2.032 Evaluate Refueling Procedures and Facilities
Certification Air Operator 2.033 Evaluate a Maintenance Facility
Certification Air Operator 2.034 Conduct an Emergency Evac or Ditching
Certification Air Operator 2.035- Blank
Certification Air Operator 2.037 Conduct an Aircraft Proving Test
Certification Air Operator 2.038 Issue or Amend Operations Specifications
Certification Air Operator 2.039 Evaluate an Approved Aircraft Inspection Program
Certification Air Operator 2.040 Evaluate a Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance
Program (CAMP)
Certification Air Operator 2.041 Approve Parts Pool or Borrowing Authorization
Certification Air Operator 2.042 Evaluate a Continuing Analysis and Surveillance
Program (CASP)
Certification Air Operator 2.043 Approve a Reliability Program
Certification Air Operator 2.044 Evaluate a Structural Inspection Program
Certification Air Operator 2.045 Special Flight Permit with Continuing Authorization
to Conduct Ferry Flights
Certification Air Operator 2.046 Evaluate Short-Term Escalation Procedure
Certification Air Operator 2.047 Evaluate a Prorated Time Authorization
Certification Air Operator 2.048 Evaluate an Operator's Service Contractual
Certification Air Operator 2.049 Approve a Contract Reliability Program
Certification Air Operator 2.050 Conduct Initial Certification/Renewal of a Rotorcraft
Certification Air Operator 2.051 Add a helicopter to an Existing External Load

Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 3

Certification Air Operator 2.052- Blank
Certification Air Operator 2.055 Issue Operations Specifications for a Rotorcraft
Certification Air Operator 2.056- Blank
Certification Air Operator 2.058 Evaluate an Extended Range Operations With Two-
Engine Airplanes (ETOPS)
Certification Air Operator 2.059 Evaluate a Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums
(RVSM) Program
Certification Air Operator 2.060 Blank
Certification Air Operator 2.061 Evaluate a Category II and Category III Program
Certification Air Operator 2.062 Evaluate an Avionics Equipment Approval
Certification Air Operator 2.063 Conduct a Validation Test

2.3 Certification 2.300

Formal Course Name: Aircraft Maintenance Organizations - AMO
Formal Course Number: 2303

Certification AMO 2.301 Certificate an AMO

Certification AMO 2.302 Evaluate AMO Facilities and Equipment
Certification AMO 2.303 Evaluate AMO Inspection Procedures Manual
Certification AMO 2.304 Approve an AMO Training Program
Certification AMO 2.305 Inspect AMO Personnel Records
Certification AMO 2.306 Approve an Altimeter Setting Source
Certification AMO 2.307 Inspect a Foreign AMO

2.4 Certification 2.400

Formal Course Name: Distributor Aeronautical Products- DAP
Formal Course Number: 2403

Certification DAP 2.401 Certificate a DAP

Certification DAP 2.402 Evaluate DAP Facilities and Equipment
Certification DAP 2.403 Evaluate QC Manual
Certification DAP 2.404 Approve a DAP Training Program
Certification DAP 2.405 Inspect DAP Personnel Records

Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 4

2.5 Certification 2.500
Formal Course Name: Design Organization Approval - DOA
Formal Course Number: 2503

Certification DOA 2.501 Cert. Phase I : Pre Application

Certification DOA 2.502 Cert. Phase II : Formal Application
Certification DOA 2.503 Cert. Phase III : Evaluation
Certification DOA 2.504 Cert. Phase IVa : Inspection
Certification DOA 2.505 Cert. Phase IVb : Observation
Certification DOA 2.506 Cert. Phase Va : Final Debrief and Final Report
Certification DOA 2.507 Cert. Phase Vb : Issuing The Organization Approval
Certification DOA 2.508 Renewal and Upgrading to The Approval

2.6 Certification 2.600

Formal Course Name: Production Approval Holder - PAH
Formal Course Number: 2603

Certification PAH 2.601 Cert. Production Certificate

Certification PAH 2.602 Cert. Part Manufacturing Approval
Certification PAH 2.603 Cert. Technical Standard Order Authorization

3.0 Surveillance 3.000

Formal Course Name: Air Operator Surveillance - Airworthiness
Formal Course Number: 3003

Surveillance Air Operator 3.001 Plan a Surveillance Work Program

Surveillance Air Operator 3.002 Blank
Surveillance Air Operator 3.003 Conduct Aircraft Ramp Inspection
Surveillance Air Operator 3.004 Conduct a Cabin En Route Inspection
Surveillance Air Operator 3.005 Conduct a Cockpit En Route Inspection
Surveillance Air Operator 3.006 Inspect an Operator's Refueling Procedures
Surveillance Air Operator 3.007 Inspect Aircraft Maintenance Records
Surveillance Air Operator 3.008 Blank
Surveillance Air Operator 3.009 Issue an Aircraft Condition Notice
Surveillance Air Operator 3.010 Inspect a Maintenance Facility
Surveillance Air Operator 3.011 Blank
Surveillance Air Operator 3.012 Inspect a Deicing Program
Surveillance Air Operator 3.013 Inspect a Company Maintenance Manual (CMM)
Surveillance Air Operator 3.014 Inspect a Maintenance Control Manual
Surveillance Air Operator 3.015 Conduct a Detailed Process or Task Inspection
Surveillance Air Operator 3.016 Inspect Extended Range Operations for Two-
Engine Airplanes (ETOPS)
Surveillance Air Operator 3.017 Inspect a Maintenance Training Program
Surveillance Air Operator 3.018 Inspect a Maintenance Reliability Program
Surveillance Air Operator 3.019 Inspect a Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance
Program (CAMP)
Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 5
Surveillance Air Operator 3.020 Inspect a Mechanical Interruption Summary (MIS)
Surveillance Air Operator 3.021 Inspect an Approved Aircraft Inspection Program
Surveillance Air Operator 3.022 Inspect a Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums
(RVSM) Program
Surveillance Air Operator 3.023 Inspect a Continuing Analysis and Surveillance
Program (CASP)
Surveillance Air Operator 3.024 Inspect for Unapproved Parts
Surveillance Air Operator 3.025 Inspect an Altimeter Setting Source
Surveillance Air Operator 3.026 Blank
Surveillance Air Operator 3.027 Inspect a Avionics Test Equipment
Surveillance Air Operator 3.028 Conduct a Rotorcraft Ramp Inspection
Surveillance Air Operator 3.029-
3.031 Blank
Surveillance Air Operator 3.032 Conduct Surveillance of a Special Event
Surveillance Air Operator 3.033 Conduct a Ramp Inspection of Foreign Registered
Surveillance Air Operator 3.034 Evaluate a Foreign Carrier Operating Locally
Registered Aircraft
Surveillance Air Operator 3.035 Evaluate a Foreign Operator's Maintenance
Surveillance Air Operator 3.036 Evaluate a Foreign Operator's Maintenance
Technical Manual
Surveillance Air Operator 3.037 Evaluate a Maintenance Program for Foreign
Carriers Operating ROI Registered Aircraft
Surveillance Air Operator 3.038 Inspect a Certificated Airframe and/or Powerplant
(A&P) Engineer
Surveillance Air Operator 3.039 Blank
Surveillance Air Operator 3.040 Blank
Surveillance Air Operator 3.041 Blank

3.1 Surveillance 3.100

Formal Course Name: Manufacturing Surveillance - Airworthiness
Formal Course Number: 3101

Surveillance Manufacturing 3.101 Surveillance Production Certificate

Surveillance Manufacturing 3.102 Surveillance Production under Type Certificate
Surveillance Manufacturing 3.103 Surveillance Production Manufaturing Approval
Surveillance Manufacturing 3.104 Surveillance TSOA

Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 6

4.0 Personnel Licensing 4.000
Formal Course Name: Personnel Licensing Procedures Airworthiness
Formal Course Number: 4003

Per. Licensing Certification 4.001 Conduct Written Test for Personnel Licensing
Per. Licensing Certification 4.002 Certificate an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
License (AMEL)
Per. Licensing Certification 4.003 Issue AMEL to a Foreign Applicant
Per. Licensing Certification 4.004 Blank
Per. Licensing Certification 4.005 Blank
Per. Licensing Certification 4.006 Blank
Per. Licensing Certification 4.007 Conduct a Reexamination Test of an Engineer

4.2 Personnel Licensing 4.200

Formal Course Name: Designated Procedures Airworthiness
Formal Course Number: 4203

Per. Licensing Designated 4.201 Designate or Inspect a Designated Aircraft

Maintenance Engineer Examiner Representative
Per. Licensing Designated 4.202 Designate or Inspect a Designated Engineering
Representative (DER)
Per. Licensing Designated 4.203 Designate or Inspect a Designated Manufacturing
Inspection Representative (DMIR)

4.5 Personnel Licensing 4.500

Formal Course Name: Aviation Training Organizations - Airworthiness
Formal Course Number: 4503

Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.501 Conduct Certification or Renewal of a Training

Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.502 Inspect Training Personnel, Facilities, Equipment,
and Records of an Approved Maintenance Training
Organization (AMTO) and Pilot School Certificate
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.503 Inspect Training Organization Personnel and
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.504- Blank
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.512 Approve a Training Organization Training Program
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.513 Approve an Approved Aircraft Inspection Program
(AAIP) Used by Pilot School
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.514 Evaluate a Training Organization Lease or Contract
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.515- Blank
Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.517 Evaluate Aircraft Used by Pilot Schools

Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 7

Per. Licensing Trng Center 4.518 Conduct Training Organization Aircraft Ramp

5.0 Investigations 5.000

Formal Course Name: Compliance & Enforcement (or Resolution of Safety Concerns)
Formal Course Number: 5001

Investigations Enforcement 5.001 Conduct an Enforcement Investigation

Investigations Enforcement 5.002 Investigate Non-Compliance in Accordance with
Investigations Enforcement 5.003 Provide Technical Assistance to Legal Counsel
Investigations Enforcement 5.004 Investigate a Complaint
Investigations Enforcement 5.005 Ground an Operator's Aircraft
Investigations Enforcement 5.006 Withdrawal, Suspension, Revocation, Denial, or
Amendment of Operations Specifications

5.5 Investigations 5.500

Formal Course Name: Aircraft Accident Investigation
Formal Course Number: 5501

Investigations Accident 5.501 Investigate an Aircraft Accident

Investigations Accident 5.502 Investigate an Aircraft Incident
Investigations Accident 5.503 Investigate an Aircraft Occurrence
Investigations Accident 5.504 Investigate a Foreign Air Carrier Incident
Investigations Accident 5.505 Blank

6.0 Job Skills 6.000

Formal Course Name: Aircraft Certification
Formal Course Number: 6003

Job Skills Aircraft Cert 6.001 Issue an Airworthiness Certificate for an Aircraft
Job Skills Aircraft Cert 6.002 Issue an Airworthiness Certificate for an Aircraft
Model Change
Job Skills Aircraft Cert 6.003 Issue a Special Airworthiness Certificate
Job Skills Aircraft Cert 6.004 Evaluate a Foreign-Registered Aircraft
Job Skills Aircraft Cert 6.005 Evaluate an Emergency Evacuation or Ditching
Demonstration for a New Aircraft
Job Skills Aircraft Cert 6.006 Process a Service Difficulty Report (SDR)
Job Skills Aircraft Cert 6.007 Evaluate an Operator's Aircraft or Engine Utilization
Job Skills Aircraft Cert 6.008 Evaluate an Engineering Change Authorization
Job Skills Aircraft Cert 6.009 Approve a Foreign Aircraft, Product or Part
Job Skills Aircraft Cert 6.010 Issue an Export Airworthiness Approval

Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 8

6.2 Job Skills 6.200
Formal Course Name: Major Repair and Alteration
Formal Course Number: 6203

Job Skills Repair & Alt 6.201 Approval of Major Repairs and Alterations
Job Skills Repair & Alt 6.202 Field Approval of Major Repairs and Alterations
Job Skills Repair & Alt 6.203 Process a Malfunction or Defect (M&D) Report
Job Skills Repair & Alt 6.204 Blank

6.5 Job Skills 6.500

Formal Course Name: Aviation Safety Program Manager - Airworthiness
Formal Course Number: 6503

Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.501 Blank

Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.502 Manage Safety Meetings, Events and Activities
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.503 Blank
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.504 Issue an Aviation Safety Award
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.505 Evaluate Accident or Incident Reports for Trends
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.506 Process a Flight Assist Report
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.507 Blank
Job Skills Safety Prgm 6.508 Process a Remedial Training Action

6.7 Job Skills 6.700

Formal Course Name: Safety Management Systems
Formal Course Number: 6701

Job Skills SMS 6.701 Approve a Safety Management System

Job Skills SMS 6.702 Inspect a Safety Management System

6.8 Job Skills 6.800

Formal Course Name: Foreign Air Carriers
Formal Course Number: 6801

Job Skills Foreign 6.801 Conduct a Ramp Inspection of Foreign Registered

Job Skills Foreign 6.802 Issue Operations Specifications to a Foreign Air
Job Skills Foreign 6.803 Blank
Job Skills Foreign 6.804 Approve a Foreign Aircraft, Product or Part
Job Skills Foreign 6.805 Issue an Export Airworthiness Approval

Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 9

6.9 Job Skills 6.900
Formal Course Name: Type Certification - Engineering
Formal Course Number: 6903

Job Skills Type Cert. 6.901 Issue an Aircraft Type Certificate

Job Skills Type Cert. 6.902 Issue an Engine Type Certificate
Job Skills Type Cert. 6.903 Issue a Propeller Type Certificate
Job Skills Type Cert. 6.904 Issue an Aircraft Type Certificate Validation
Job Skills Type Cert. 6.905 Issue an Engine Type Certificate Validation
Job Skills Type Cert. 6.906 Issue a Propeller Type Certificate Validation
Job Skills Type Cert. 6.907 Issue an Aircraft Supplemental Type Certificate
Job Skills Type Cert. 6.908 Issue an Engine Supplemental Type Certificate
Job Skills Type Cert. 6.909 Issue a Propeller Supplemental Type Certificate
Job Skills Type Cert. 6.910 Issue an Aircraft Supplemental Type Certificate
Job Skills Type Cert. 6.911 Issue an Engine Supplemental Type Certificate
Job Skills Type Cert. 6.912 Issue a Propeller Supplemental Type Certificate
Job Skills Type Cert. 6.913 Issue a Noise Certificate

6.10 Job Skills 6.1000

Formal Course Name: Airworthiness Directives - Engineering
Formal Course Number: 61001

Job Skills AD 6.1001 Evaluate Service Bulletin

Job Skills AD 6.1002 Evaluate Foreign Airworthiness Directive
Job Skills AD 6.1003 Issue Airworthiness Directive

6.11 Job Skills 6.1100

Formal Course Name: Aircraft Registration and Deregistration
Formal Course Number: 61101

Job Skills Reg & Dereg 6.1101 Issue Certificate of Registration for an Aircraft
Job Skills Reg & Dereg 6.1102 Renewal Certificate of Registration for an aircraft
Job Skills Reg & Dereg 6.1103 Evaluate import tax documents
Job Skills Reg & Dereg 6.1104 Evaluate customs documents
Job Skills Reg & Dereg 6.1105 Evaluate leasing & interchange agreement
Job Skills Reg & Dereg 6.1106 Evaluate aviation insurance
Job Skills Reg & Dereg 6.1107 Evaluate cancellation of registration
Job Skills Reg & Dereg 6.1108 Issue cancellation of registration

Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 10

6.12 Job Skills 6.1200
Formal Course Name: Irevocable Deregistration and Export Request Authorization (IDERA)
Formal Course Number: 61201

Jobskills IDERA 6.1201 Review application documents

Jobskills IDERA 6.1202 Issue IDERA
Jobskills IDERA 6.1203 Issue Revocation of IDERA

6.13 Job Skills 6.1300

Formal Course Name: Aircraft Mortgage
Formal Course Number: 61301

Jobskills Mortgage 6.1301 Review application documents

Jobskills Mortgage 6.1302 Issue Mortgage Record
Jobskills Mortgage 6.1303 Issue Cancellation of Mortgage Record

6.14 Job Skills 6.1400

Formal Course Name: Aircraft Procurement
Formal Course Number: 61401

Job Skills Procurement 6.1401 Evaluate application documents

Job Skills Procurement 6.1402 Conduct aircraft procurement process
Job Skills Procurement 6.1403 Issue Aircraft procurement letter

6.15 Job Skills 6.1500

Formal Course Name: Manufacturing Conformity Inspection Process
Formal Course Number: 61501

Job Skills Conformity 6.1501 Conduct Conformity Inspection for Alteration

Job Skills Conformity 6.1502 Conduct Conformity Inspection for TC
Job Skills Conformity 6.1503 Conduct Conformity Inspection for TC Validation
Job Skills Conformity 6.1504 Evaluate Request for Conformity (RFC)
Job Skills Conformity 6.1505 Evaluate Authorized Release Certificate (ARC)
Job Skills Conformity 6.1506 Evaluate Statement of Conformity (SOC)
Job Skills Conformity 6.1507 Issue Conformity Inspection Record (CIR)

6.16 Job Skills 6.1600

Formal Course Name: ACSEP
Formal Course Number: 61601

Job Skills ACSEP 6.1601 Conduct Aircraft Certification System Evaluation

Program (ACSEP)

Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 11

6.17 Job Skills 6.1700
Formal Course Name: Audit Process
Formal Course Number: 61701

Job Skills Audit 6.1701 Conduct Audit as team member

Job Skills Audit 6.1702 Conduct Audit as team leader
Job Skills Audit 6.1703 Conduct Audit as manager

6.18 Job Skills 6.1800

Formal Course Name: Dangerous Goods
Formal Course Number: 61801

Job Skills Dangerous 6.1801 Conduct Dangerous Goods Inspection as team

Goods member
Job Skills Dangerous 6.1802 Conduct Dangerous Goods Inspection as team
Goods leader
Job Skills Dangerous 6.1803 Conduct Dangerous Goods as manager

6.19 Job Skills 6.1900

Formal Course Name: Reliability Monitoring
Formal Course Number: 61901

Job Skills Reliability 6.1901 Conduct Reliability Monitoring as team member

Job Skills Reliability 6.1902 Conduct Reliability Monitoring as team leader
Job Skills Reliability 6.1903 Conduct Reliability Monitoring as manager

6.20 Job Skills 6.2000

Formal Course Name: Non Destructive Test
Formal Course Number: 62001

Job Skills Non 6.2001 Conduct Non Destructive Test Inspection as team
Destructive member
Job Skills Non 6.2002 Conduct Non Destructive Test Inspection as team
Destructive leader
Job Skills Non 6.2003 Conduct Non Destructive Test inspection as
Destructive manager

Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 12

6.21 Job Skills 6.2100
Formal Course Name: Human Factor
Formal Course Number: 62101

Job Skills Reliability 6.2101 Conduct inspection refer to relevant JTA with
Monitoring Human Factor Prerequisites
Job Skills Reliability 6.2102 Reserved
Job Skills Reliability 6.2103 Reserved

6.22 Job Skills 6.2200

Formal Course Name: Aircraft Type Rating - Airworthiness
Formal Course Number: 62203

Job Skills Reliability 6.2201 Conduct inspection refer to relevant JTA with
Monitoring Aircraft Type Rating Prerequisites
Job Skills Reliability 6.2202 Reserved
Job Skills Reliability 6.2203 Reserved

7.0 Avionics 7.000

Formal Course Name: Avionics Job Functions
Formal Course Number: 7050

Avionics Cert / Surv. 7.001 Evaluate an Extended Range Operations With Two-
Engine Airplanes (ETOPS)
Avionics Cert / Surv. 7.002 Evaluate a Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums
(RVSM) Program
Avionics Cert / Surv. 7.003 Evaluate a Category II and Category III Program
Avionics Cert / Surv. 7.004 Evaluate an Avionics Equipment Approval
Avionics Cert / Surv. 7.005 Conduct a Validation Test
Avionics Cert / Surv. 7.006 Approve Performance Based Navigation (PBN)

8.0 Cabin Safety 8.000

Formal Course Name: Not Applicable (N/A)
Formal Course Number: Not Applicable (N/A)

Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 13

9.0 Management 9.000
Formal Course Name: Management Training
Formal Course Number: 9001

Management Supervisory 9.001 First line duties and responsibilities (examples

job priorities, administrative duties, operational
duties and standards, ICAO and DGCA, effective
Management Supervisory 9.002 Leadership and Communication Skills
Management Supervisory 9.003 Creating an effective work environment
Management Supervisory 9.004 Recognize and reward performance
Management Supervisory 9.005 Provide and receive constructive feedback
Management Supervisory 9.006 Self-development based on feedback
Management Supervisory 9.007 Tools for managing employees (examples
communication and motivation strategies, coaching,
stress indicators, conflict management and problem
solving, handling change)
Management Supervisory 9.008 Monitoring progress and performance
Management Supervisory 9.009 Communicate organizational direction and priorities
Management Supervisory 9.010 Demonstrate interpersonal skills in work-related

Inspector Training System APP I -2 Page 14

SI 8900-1.3

Appendix 3
Inspector Position Descriptions

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 1

Chapter 1

Appendix 3 Inspector Position Descriptions

1. Flight Operations Inspector New Hire/Developmental Inspector

2. Flight Operations Inspector Principal Operations Inspector
3. Flight Operations Inspector Aircraft Dispatcher Inspector
4. Flight Operations Inspector Cabin Safety Inspector
5. Airworthiness Inspector New Hire/Developmental Engineering Inspector
6. Airworthiness Inspector Principal Engineering Inspector
7. Airworthiness Inspector New Hire/Developmental Manufacturing Inspector
8. Airworthiness Inspector Principal Manufacturing Inspector
9. Airworthiness Inspector New Hire/Developmental Maintenance Inspector
10. Airworthiness Inspector Principal Maintenance Inspector
11. Supervisory Personnel Head of Section
12. Supervisory Personnel Deputy Director
13. Supervisory Personnel Director

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 2

1. Flight Operations Inspector New Hire/Developmental Inspector


The Operations Inspector (New Hire/Developmental), performs a variety of tasks

associated with technical administration, certification, and surveillance. Serves as
a trainee performing duties as assigned without specific authority for actions or
decisions. A significant part of the position involves training in more complex
functions of the journeyman level.


A. Technical Administration

Assures that aviation organizations and airmen comply with regulatory

requirements, and reports deficiencies to the principal inspector or supervisor.
Assists in enforcement investigations and in preparation of final reports and
recommendations on disposition. Participates in accident/incident and complaint
investigations. Assists in emergency suspension of certificates or cancellation of
operations specifications.

Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel, testifies at

court trials and formal hearings, and gives depositions.

B. Certification

Reviews manuals and other documents associated with certification

requirements of air carriers, air agencies, and air operators for accuracy and
compliance with Civil Aviation Safety Regulations. Makes recommendations to
the principal inspector or supervisor.

Provides assistance in the evaluation of air operators and makes

recommendations to the principal inspector or supervisor.

Provides assistance in the evaluation of training programs to ensure they meet

the requirements of DGCA regulations, including flight simulators, training
devices, and other such equipment, as well as check airmen. Makes
recommendations to the principal inspector or supervisor.

Performs a variety of airmen certification functions.

C. Surveillance

Monitors, as directed, pilots, flight instructors, designated pilot examiners, check

airmen, and aviation organization operations and training activities. Takes
appropriate corrective action for deficiencies noted or makes recommendations
to the principal inspector or supervisor.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 3

D. Other

May be assigned other duties and responsibilities as required.

The inspector may be required to participate in the DGCA flight program as a

flight crew member. If so, the inspector will be required to meet the medical and
flight currency requirements set forth in DGCA orders governing the operation of

The inspector, when so directed, is required to keep an appropriate control point

informed as to his/her whereabouts and the telephone number at which he/she
can be reached in the event of an aviation incident/accident requiring DGCA


The inspector will accomplish duties independently or as part of a team. An

assigned supervisor provides general technical and administrative supervision,
as well as work assignments. Actions taken are guided by adherence to Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations, national directives and sound management

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 4

2. Flight Operations Inspector - Principal Operations Inspector


The Principal Operations Inspector functions as the primary operations interface

between assigned air carriers and other aviation entities, and the Directorate
General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Has program responsibility to assure that
assigned organizations meet Civil Aviation Safety Regulations with respect to
operations programs. Determines the need for and establishes work programs
for surveillance and inspection of assigned organizations within manpower and
budget limitations to assure adherence to the applicable regulations.


A. Technical Administration

Assures on a continuing basis that assigned organizations are properly and

adequately organized, staffed, and equipped; have and conduct an adequate
training program, including an acceptable record keeping system; and have
facilities and procedures that meet all regulatory requirements. Chairs joint
DGCA-industry meetings; maintains regular contact with organizations assigned;
and coordinates with top management officials. Requires or directs correction of
any deficiencies/discrepancies and refuses or withdraws approval if they cannot
be resolved.

Is responsible for the conduct of enforcement investigations and preparation of

final reports and recommendations. Performs or supervises the emergency
suspension of certificates or cancellation of operations specifications. Conducts
or directs the re-examination of certificated airmen or re-certification of an

Conducts investigations of public complaints, government inquiries, and aircraft

incidents and accidents.

Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel, testifies at

court trials and formal hearings, and gives depositions.

Coordinates Minimum Equipment List (MEL) approvals with Principal

Airworthiness Inspectors. Takes enforcement action in instances of non-
compliance with the MEL.

Coordinates with other inspectors as required to accomplish additional air carrier


B. Certification

Approves/accepts or disapproves/rejects manuals and revisions. May require

amendments to previously approved manuals to correct any conflict with
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 5
regulatory requirements, eliminate unsafe practices, and/or improve the specificity
of instruction.

Evaluates training programs to ensure that they meet the requirements of the Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations and associated DGCA guidance materials.

Approves or disapproves these training programs including flight simulators,

training devices, or other equipment used in these programs.

Approves/disapproves designations of check airmen and makes

recommendations on the appointment of designees.

Evaluates operations and facilities by on-site inspections and review of reports by

other inspectors or other personnel. Negotiates changes that are essential or
desirable in their policies and procedures. Determines the appropriate methods
and/or plans for implementing corrective action and determines through on-site
inspection or inspector reports the effectiveness of corrective action taken.

Evaluates and approves/disapproves requests to operate under conditions not

previously authorized and may prescribe additional conditions and limitations as

Approves the original issuance of operations specifications and issues original

operation certificates. Approves amendments to operations specifications.

Evaluates the safety of proposed changes in route or airport authorizations.

Prescribes any changes required before approval.

Directs or participates in proving flight evaluations to determine compliance with

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations. Recommends changes that will be required
prior to approval.

C. Surveillance

Is responsible for monitoring all phases of company operations, including:

training programs and records, base and station facilities, and route systems.
Coordinates with and reviews reports from other inspectors and other personnel
to identify trends that indicate deterioration in the safety of operations. Directs or
suggests changes required to correct such trends.

Is responsible for monitoring the activities of designated examiners, check

airmen, and instructors.

D. Other

May be assigned other duties and responsibilities as required.

The inspector may be required to participate in the DGCA flight program as a

flight crew member. If so, the inspector will be required to meet the medical and
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 6
flight currency requirements set forth in DGCA orders governing the operation of

The inspector, when so directed, is required to keep an appropriate control point

informed as to his/her whereabouts and the telephone number at which he/she
can be reached in the event of an aviation incident/accident requiring DGCA


The inspector independently performs technical execution of assigned regulatory,

certification and/or surveillance activities. An assigned supervisor provides
general technical and administrative supervision. Actions taken are guided by
adherence to Civil Aviation Safety Regulations, national directives and sound
management practices.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 7

3. Flight Operations Inspector - Aircraft Dispatcher Inspector


The Aircraft Dispatcher Inspector functions as the primary interface between air
operator dispatch centers, operational control departments, and aircraft
dispatcher examiners, and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).
Ensures that these individuals/organizations continuously meet the standards
prescribed by the applicable Civil Aviation Safety Regulations, orders, and
directives. Establishes work programs for surveillance and inspection of assigned
organizations within manpower and budget limitations to assure adherence to the
applicable regulations. Ensures compliance with all aspects of dispatch and
operational control related issues.


A. Technical Administration

Ensures on a continuing basis that air carrier dispatch centers and/or dispatch
training facilities are properly and adequately organized, equipped and staffed
with qualified aircraft dispatchers, support personnel, and instructors.

Serves as the expert technical advisor on policies and procedures to the principal
operations inspector (POI) on assigned areas of the companys approved training
program, dispatch documents and manuals.

Is responsible for the conduct of enforcement investigations and preparation of

final reports and recommendations. Performs or supervises the emergency
suspension of certificates or cancellation of operations specifications. Conducts
or directs the re-examination of certificated airmen or re-certification of an
operator or agency.

Conducts investigations of public complaints, government inquiries, and aircraft

incidents and accidents.

Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel. Testifies at

court trails and formal hearings and gives depositions.

Coordinates and provides technical expertise for various surveillance and

certification activities in the aircraft dispatch/operational control program area and
related Civil Aviation Safety Regulations.

Conducts initial and annual training and recommends the designation of

assigned designated examiners.

B. Certification

Participates in the initial certification of new operators in all aircraft

dispatch/operational control related areas. Reviews dispatcher documents and
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 8
evaluates plans to ensure compliance with the regulations and DGCA policy and
guidance. Recommends changes which may require complex and controversial
solutions to the POI that will be required prior to approval of dispatch centers.

Reviews and recommends approval or disapproval of manuals and revisions

related to aircraft dispatch and operational control, including procedures for
coordination of dispatch, flight control, or flight following procedures as applicable.

Conducts certification of aircraft dispatchers as requested.

Evaluates air operator operational control and dispatch facilities by on-site

inspections and review of reports from other inspectors. Based on the results of
those evaluations, makes a recommendation to the POI on necessary changes
to policies and procedures.

Ensures standardization of all dispatch personnel.

C. Surveillance

Develops a work program, in coordination with the POI, to ensure periodic

surveillance of operational control centers, training instructors, training programs,
and all phases of air carrier dispatch operations. Monitors aircraft dispatcher
training programs conducted by air operators to ensure compliance with the
regulations, national and regional directives, and safe operating practices.

Monitors designated examiners during the conduct of dispatcher certification

tests and recurring evaluations to ensure compliance with established standards.

Monitors the activities of aircraft dispatchers and instructors to determine

adequacy and quality of approved air carrier training programs. Advises the POI
of any problems or controversial situations and recommends solutions as
appropriate. Works with air carrier dispatch department officials, DGCA
management, and other inspectors to discuss and negotiate recommendations.

D. Other

The inspector, when so directed, is required to keep an appropriate control point

informed as to his/her whereabouts and the telephone number at which he/she
can be reached in the event of an aviation incident/accident requiring DGCA

May be assigned other duties and responsibilities as required.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 9


The inspector independently performs technical execution of assigned regulatory,

certification and/or surveillance activities. An assigned supervisor provides
general technical and administrative supervision. Actions taken are guided by
adherence to Civil Aviation Safety Regulations, national directives and sound
management practices.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 10

4. Operations Inspectors - Cabin Safety Inspector


The Cabin Safety Inspector functions as a resource and technical authority on

cabin safety requirements as they relate to work activities affecting civil aviation.
Provides technical support regarding cabin safety for assigned air carriers and air
operators. Ensures assigned operators comply with applicable Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations, DGCA policy and guidance and approved programs.


A. Technical Administration

Develops a work program to ensure periodic surveillance of training instructors,

company training programs and all phases of air carrier operations.

Determines through surveillance and investigation that the training facilities are
properly and adequately organized and equipped, staffed with appropriately
qualified instructors, and conduct flight attendant training as required by
appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulations and DGCA approved training

Serves as the technical advisor to the Principal Operations Inspector (POI) on

assigned areas of the companys training program.

Coordinates technical instructions, policy orders, and procedures through the

POI and related DGCA personnel to ensure standardization of training activities.

Conducts investigations of public complaints, government inquiries and aircraft

incidents and accidents relating to cabin safety.

Conducts enforcement investigations and prepares final reports and

recommendations on disposition.

Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel testifies at

court trials and formal hearings and gives depositions.

Develops recommendations for new or revised regulations, standards and

procedures governing cabin safety aspects of certification and operational
practiced of air carriers and air operators.

B. Certification

Performs initial certification of new operators in all cabin safety related areas.
Reviews documents and evaluates plans to ensure compliance with the Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations, DGCA policy and guidance. May provide support
during certification process.
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 11
Reviews and recommends approval or disapproval of manuals and revisions
related to cabin safety programs. Obtains amendments to previously approved
manuals to correct conflicts with regulatory requirements, eliminate unsafe
practices, and improve the specificity of instruction.

Evaluates flight attendant training programs to ensure that they meet DGCA
requirements, national and regional directives, and safe operating practices.
Recommends approval or disapproval of training programs including cabin
simulators, training devices and other training aids used in these programs.

Evaluates operations and facilities by on-site inspections and by reviewing

reports of other inspectors or other personnel. Negotiates necessary changes in
policies and procedures.

Evaluates requests to operate under conditions not previously authorized and

recommends additional conditions and limitations as appropriate.

Participates in proving flight evaluations to determine compliance with Civil

Aviation Safety Regulations. Recommends changes that will be required prior to

Evaluates air carrier and air operator emergency evacuation, ditching, and other
emergency procedures, and makes recommendations to the POI.

Reviews proposed modifications to aircraft interiors and location and use of

equipment affecting cabin safety and makes recommendations to the POI.

C. Surveillance

Monitors all phases of assigned cabin safety activities, including training

programs and records; base and station facilities; and route systems. Evaluates
cabin simulators, training devices and other training aids to ensure compliance
with original approval. Coordinates with and reviews reports from other
inspectors and other personnel to identify trends that indicate deterioration in
cabin safety functions. Recommends necessary changes to the POI.

Monitors and evaluates activities of classroom and inflight instructors to assure

continued competency of flight attendants. Observes the conduct of flight
attendant initial, transition, recurrent, and differences training to ensure
adherence to approved training programs and the continued competency of flight

Conducts enroute inspections and ramp inspections of air carrier operators.

Evaluates crew coordination procedures between flight crew members and flight
attendants. Recommends changes to the POI on location and/or security of
aircraft equipment affecting passenger safety or emergency procedures.

Participates in cabin safety related incident/accident investigations of air carriers

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 12
and air operators when requested.

Conducts cabin safety system analysis independently or as a team member on

special inspection teams.

D. Other

May be assigned other duties and responsibilities as required.

The inspector, when so directed, is required to keep an appropriate control point

informed as to his/her whereabouts and the telephone number at which he/she
can be reached in the event of an aviation incident/accident requiring DGCA


The inspector independently performs technical execution of assigned regulatory,

certification and/or surveillance activities. An assigned supervisor provides
general technical and administrative supervision. Actions taken are guided by
adherence to Civil Aviation Safety Regulations, national directives and sound
management practices.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 13

5. Airworthiness Inspector - New Hire/Developmental Engineering Inspector


The Engineering Inspector (New Hire/Developmental), performs a variety of

tasks associated with technical administration, certification, and surveillance.
Serves as a trainee performing duties as assigned without specific authority for
actions or decisions. A significant part of the position involves training in more
complex functions of the journeyman level.


A. Technical Administration

Assures that design organizations and type certification activities comply with
regulatory requirements, and reports deficiencies to the principal inspector or
supervisor. Assists in enforcement investigations and in preparation of final
reports and recommendations on disposition. Participates in accident/incident and
complaint investigations.

Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel, testifies at

court trials and formal hearings, and gives depositions.

B. Certification

Reviews manuals and other documents associated with certification requirements

of noise, design organizations, aircraft, engine, and propeller for accuracy and
compliance with Civil Aviation Safety Regulations. Makes recommendations to the
principal inspector or supervisor.

Provides assistance in the evaluation of certification documents for noise, design

organizations, aircraft, engine, propeller and makes recommendations to the
principal inspector or supervisor.

C. Surveillance

Monitor, as directed, all surveillance activities associated with design and training
activities. Takes appropriate corrective action for deficiencies noted or makes
recommendations to the principal inspector or supervisor.

D. Other

May be assigned other duties and responsibilities as required.

The inspector, when so directed, is required to keep an appropriate control point

informed as to his/her whereabouts and the telephone number at which he/she
can be reached in the event of an aviation incident/accident requiring DGCA

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 14


The inspector will accomplish duties independently or as part of a team. An

assigned supervisor provides general technical and administrative supervision,
as well as work assignments. Actions taken are guided by adherence to Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations, national directives and sound management

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 15

6. Airworthiness Inspector - Principal Engineering Inspector


The Engineering Principal Inspector functions as the primary type certification for
noise, design organization, aircraft, engine, propeller, preparing airworthiness
directive, minor and major design changes. Has program responsibility to assure
that assigned type certification and preparing Airworthiness Directives meet Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations with respect to certification programs and continued
airworthiness. Determines the need for and establishes work programs for
surveillance and certification process of assigned organizations within manpower
and budget limitations to assure adherence to the applicable regulations.


A. Technical Administration

Assures on a continuing basis that assigned organizations are properly and

adequately organized, staffed, and equipped; have and conduct an adequate
training program, including an acceptable record keeping system; and have
facilities and procedures that meet all regulatory requirements. Chairs joint
DGCA-industry meetings; maintains regular contact with organizations assigned;
and coordinates with top management officials. Requires or directs correction of
any deficiencies/discrepancies and refuses or withdraws approval if they cannot
be resolved.

Evaluates requests for certification documents which is related to type

certification for noise, design organization, aircraft, engine, propeller, preparing
airworthiness directive, minor and major design changes. Approves or
disapproves requests and provides additional conditions and limitations as

Is responsible for the conduct of enforcement investigations and preparation of

final reports and recommendations.

Conducts investigations of public complaints, government inquiries, and aircraft

incidents and accidents.

Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel, testifies at

court trials and formal hearings, and gives depositions.

Coordinates with other inspectors as required to accomplish additional air carrier


SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 16

B. Certification

Has responsibility for initial and ongoing type certification of type certification for
noise, design organization, aircraft, engine, propeller, preparing airworthiness
directive, minor and major design changes.

The Engineering Principal Inspector covers the following functional such as

Design and alteration approval tasks of civil aircraft, aircraft engine, propellers,
materials, parts, and appliances, which include the tasks involved in:
a) Establishing a certification basis.
b) Reviewing the proposed design, material and process specification and
technical data.
c) Reviewing safety assessment.
d) Reviewing master drawing list.
e) Flight Testing new or substantially modified aircraft.

Technical project management tasks for Type Certification which include:

a) Planning type certification.
b) Implementing a Type Certification.
c) Completing a type certification.
d) Post type certification activities.

Proposing for engineering related CASR and guidance materials development

and improvement. Certificate management which include; Monitoring, evaluating,
correcting, and providing guidance to the certificate holder and Certification and
overseeing DER designees. Preparing Airworthiness Directives and distributing
it to the concerned industry. Recommends changes that will be required prior to

C. Surveillance

Is responsible for monitoring the certification activities which is related to design


Analyzes reports submitted by design organization to ensure compliance with the

Civil Aviation Safety Regulation and assures the design organization has follow
the approved Design Organization Handbook and meet the requirements of the
Civil Aviation Regulations.

D. Other

May be assigned other duties and responsibilities as required.

The inspector, when so directed, is required to keep an appropriate control point

informed as to his/her whereabouts and the telephone number at which he/she
can be reached in the event of an aviation incident/accident requiring CAA

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 17


The inspector independently performs technical execution of assigned regulatory,

certification and/or surveillance activities. An assigned supervisor provides
general technical and administrative supervision. Actions taken are guided by
adherence to Civil Aviation Regulations, national and regional directives and
sound management practices.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 18

7. Airworthiness Inspector - New Hire/Developmental Manufacturing Inspector


The Manufacturing Inspector (New Hire/Developmental), performs a variety of

tasks associated with technical administration, certification, and surveillance.
Serves as a trainee performing duties as assigned without specific authority for
actions or decisions. A significant part of the position involves training in more
complex functions of the journeyman level.


A. Technical Administration

Assures that Production Approval Holder (PAH) comply with regulatory

requirements, and reports deficiencies to the principal inspector or supervisor.
Assists in enforcement investigations and in preparation of final reports and
recommendations on disposition.Participates in accident/incident and complaint
investigations. Assists in suspension of certificates and conducts re-examination
of production approval holder.

Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel, testifies at

court trials and formal hearings, and gives depositions.

B. Certification

Reviews manuals and other documents associated with certification requirements

of production approval holder for accuracy and compliance with Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations. Makes recommendations to the principal inspector or

Provides assistance in the evaluation of production approval holder and makes

recommendations to the principal inspector or supervisor.

Performs as directed, production approval holder certification functions.

C. Surveillance

Performs, as directed, all surveillance activities associated with production

approval holder and designees. Takes appropriate corrective action for
deficiencies noted or makes recommendations to the principal inspector or

D. Other

May be assigned other duties and responsibilities as required.

The inspector, when so directed, is required to keep an appropriate control point

informed as to his/her whereabouts and the telephone number at which he/she
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 19
can be reached in the event of an aviation incident/accident requiring DGCA


The inspector will accomplish duties independently or as part of a team. An

assigned supervisor provides general technical and administrative supervision,
as well as work assignments. Actions taken are guided by adherence to Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations, national directives and sound management

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 20

8. Airworthiness Inspector - Principal Manufacturing Inspector


The Principal Inspector (Manufacturing), functions as the primary airworthiness

interface between assigned production approval holder and other aviation entities,
and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Has program responsibility
to assure that assigned organizations meet Civil Aviation Safety Regulations with
respect to production activities. Determines the need for and establishes work
programs for surveillance and inspection of assigned organizations within
manpower and budget limitations to assure adherence to the applicable


A. Technical Administration

Assures on a continuing basis that assigned organizations are properly and

adequately organized, staffed, and equipped; have and conduct an adequate
training program, including an acceptable record keeping system; and have
facilities and procedures that meet all regulatory requirements. Chairs joint
DGCA-industry meetings; maintains regular contact with organizations assigned;
and coordinates with top management officials. Requires or directs correction of
any deficiencies/discrepancies and refuses or withdraws approval if they cannot
be resolved.

Develops certification for product and parts requirement. Coordinates production

process with engineering principal inspector.Takes enforcement action in
instances of non-compliance with the CASR.

Is responsible for the conduct of enforcement investigations and preparation of

final reports and recommendations. Performs or supervises the suspension of
certificates or amendment of production limitation record (PLR).

Conducts investigations of public complaints, government inquiries, and aircraft

incidents and accidents.

Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel, testifies at

court trials and formal hearings, and gives depositions.

Coordinates with other inspectors as required to accomplish additional production

approval holder surveillance.

B. Certification

Has responsibility for initial and ongoing certification of production approval holder,
initial certification of aircraft, and aircraft registration.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 21

Evaluates requests for production certificate, PMA and TSOA. Approves or
disapproves requests and provides additional conditions and limitations as

Provides guidance to assigned production approval holder in the development of

required quality system, production inspection system and record keeping
systems. Reviews and determines adequacy of manuals associated with the
production approval holder.Assures that manuals and revisions comply with
regulatory requirements, prescribe safe practices, and furnish clear and specific
instructions governing production approval holder manual.Approves production
certificate, PMA, TSOA and production limitation record as applicable.

Determines if production approval holder facilities and contract arrangements are

satisfactory. Reviews changes and negotiates with production approval holder
management to resolve problems.

Determines if the production approval holder training program meets appropriate

qualification and results in trained and competent personnel.

C. Surveillance

Directs the inspection and surveillance of the production approval

holder.Monitors all production activities, including the following: continued
integrity of design data, subsequent to initial approval by DGCA, and to
production activities at PAH, associated facilities and supplier.

Analyzes trends to detect deterioration in production approval holder quality


Is responsible for monitoring the activities of production approval holder.

Is responsible for maintaining aircraft registration.

D. Other

May be assigned other duties and responsibilities as required.

The inspector, when so directed, is required to keep an appropriate control point

informed as to his/her whereabouts and the telephone number at which he/she
can be reached in the event of an aviation incident/accident requiring DGCA


The inspector independently performs technical execution of assigned regulatory,

certification and/or surveillance activities. An assigned supervisor provides
general technical and administrative supervision. Actions taken are guided by
adherence to Civil Aviation Safety Regulations, national directives and sound
management practices.
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 22
9. Airworthiness Inspector - New Hire/Developmental Maintenance Inspector


The Airworthiness Inspector (New Hire/Developmental), performs a variety of

tasks associated with technical administration, certification, and surveillance.
Serves as a trainee performing duties as assigned without specific authority for
actions or decisions. A significant part of the position involves training in more
complex functions of the journeyman level.


A. Technical Administration

Assures that aviation organizations and airmen comply with regulatory

requirements, and reports deficiencies to the principal inspector or supervisor.
Assists in enforcement investigations and in preparation of final reports and
recommendations on disposition. Participates in accident/incident and complaint
investigations. Assists in emergency suspension of certificates and conducts re-
examination of certificated airmen. Assists in recertification of air operator.

Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel, testifies at

court trials and formal hearings, and gives depositions.

B. Certification

Reviews manuals and other documents associated with certification requirements

of air carriers, air agencies, and air operators for accuracy and compliance with
Civil Aviation Safety Regulations. Makes recommendations to the principal
inspector or supervisor.

Provides assistance in the evaluation of air carriers, air agencies, and air
operators and makes recommendations to the principal inspector or supervisor.

Performs as directed, airmen and aircraft certification functions.

C. Surveillance

Performs, as directed, all surveillance activities associated with air operators,

airmen, and designees. Takes appropriate corrective action for deficiencies
noted or makes recommendations to the principal inspector or supervisor.

D. Other

May be assigned other duties and responsibilities as required.

The inspector, when so directed, is required to keep an appropriate control point

informed as to his/her whereabouts and the telephone number at which he/she

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 23

can be reached in the event of an aviation incident/accident requiring DGCA


The inspector will accomplish duties independently or as part of a team. An

assigned supervisor provides general technical and administrative supervision,
as well as work assignments. Actions taken are guided by adherence to Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations, national directives and sound management

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 24

10. Airworthiness Inspector - Principal Maintenance Inspector


The Principal Maintenance Inspector, functions as the primary airworthiness

interface between assigned air operators and other aviation entities, and the
Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Has program responsibility to
assure that assigned organizations meet Civil Aviation Safety Regulations with
respect to maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration programs.
Determines the need for and establishes work programs for surveillance and
inspection of assigned organizations within manpower and budget limitations to
assure adherence to the applicable regulations.


A. Technical Administration

Assures on a continuing basis that assigned organizations are properly and

adequately organized, staffed, and equipped; have and conduct an adequate
training program, including an acceptable record keeping system; and have
facilities and procedures that meet all regulatory requirements. Chairs joint
DGCA-industry meetings; maintains regular contact with organizations assigned;
and coordinates with top management officials. Requires or directs correction of
any deficiencies/discrepancies and refuses or withdraws approval if they cannot
be resolved.

Develops maintenance program requirements through participation on

Maintenance Review boards. Coordinates Minimum Equipment List (MEL)
approvals with the principal operation inspector. Takes enforcement action in
instances of non-compliance with the MEL.

Is responsible for the conduct of enforcement investigations and preparation of

final reports and recommendations. Performs or supervises the emergency
suspension of certificates or cancellation of operations specifications. Conducts or
directs the re-examination of certificated airmen or re-certification of an operator
or agency.

Conducts investigations of public complaints, government inquiries, and aircraft

incidents and accidents.

Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel, testifies at

court trials and formal hearings, and gives depositions.

Coordinates with other inspectors as required to accomplish additional air

operator surveillance.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 25

B. Certification

Has responsibility for initial and ongoing certification of air operator, aircraft,
airmen and air agencies.

Evaluates requests for an air operator to operate under conditions not previously
specified in the maintenance portion of the operations specifications. Approves or
disapproves requests and provides additional conditions and limitations as

Provides guidance to assigned air operator in the development of required

maintenance manuals and record keeping systems. Reviews and determines
adequacy of manuals associated with the air carriers maintenance programs and
revisions. Assures that manuals and revisions comply with DGCA requirements,
prescribe safe practices, and furnish clear and specific instructions governing
maintenance programs. Approves operations specifications and amendments.

Determines if air operator maintenance facilities and contract arrangements for

the purpose of overhaul work, major repairs, alterations, and other maintenance
are satisfactory. Reviews changes and negotiates with air operator management
to resolve problems.

Determines if overhaul and inspection time limitations warrant revision.

Evaluates an operators proposed reliability programs for compliance with national

policies. Advises operator of deficiencies and required changes.
Approves/disapproves reliability programs.

Determines if the air carriers training program meets the requirements of the Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations, is compatible with the maintenance program, is
properly organized and effectively conducted, and results in trained and
competent personnel.

Directs or participates in proving flight evaluations to determine compliance with

the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations. Recommends changes that will be required
prior to approval.

C. Surveillance

Directs the inspection and surveillance of the air operator continuous

airworthiness maintenance program. Monitors all phases of the air operator
maintenance operation, including the following: maintenance, engineering,
quality control, production control, training, and reliability programs.

Analyzes trends to detect deterioration in the maintenance program.

Analyzes reports submitted by the air carrier to ensure compliance with the
maintenance program and assures the air carrier has an effective continuing

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 26

analysis and surveillance program to meet the requirements of the Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations.

Is responsible for monitoring the activities of air operators and other industry

D. Other

May be assigned other duties and responsibilities as required.

The inspector, when so directed, is required to keep an appropriate control point

informed as to his/her whereabouts and the telephone number at which he/she
can be reached in the event of an aviation incident/accident requiring DGCA


The inspector independently performs technical execution of assigned regulatory,

certification and/or surveillance activities. An assigned supervisor provides
general technical and administrative supervision. Actions taken are guided by
adherence to Civil Aviation Safety Regulations, national directives and sound
management practices.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 27

11. Supervisory Personnel Head of Section


The Head of Section functions as the primary supervisory operations and

airworthiness interface principal inspector and other aviation entities, and the
Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Determines the need for and
establishes work programs for duty inspector within manpower and budget
limitations to assure adherence to the applicable regulations.


A. Technical Administration

Assures on a continuing basis that assigned have an adequate training program,

including an acceptable record keeping system; and have facilities and
procedures that meet all regulatory requirements. Chairs joint DGCA-industry
meetings; maintains regular contact with organizations assigned; and coordinates
with top management officials. Requires or directs correction of any
deficiencies/discrepancies and refuses or withdraws approval if they cannot be

Is responsible for the conduct of enforcement investigations and preparation of

final reports and recommendations. Performs or supervises the emergency
suspension of certificates or cancellation of operations specifications. Conducts or
directs the re-examination of certificated airmen or re-certification of an operator
or organization.

Conducts investigations of public complaints, government inquiries, and aircraft

incidents and accidents.

Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel, testifies at

court trials and formal hearings, and gives depositions.

Coordinates with inspectors as required to accomplish additional surveillance.

B. Certification

Approves/accepts or disapproves/rejects manuals and revisions. May require

amendments to previously approved manuals to correct any conflict with
regulatory requirements, eliminate unsafe practices, and/or improve the specificity
of instruction.

Evaluates training programs to ensure that they meet the requirements of the Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations and associated DGCA guidance materials.

Approves or disapproves these training programs including flight simulators,

training devices, or other equipment used in these programs.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 28

Evaluates and approves/disapproves requests to operate under conditions not
previously authorized and may prescribe additional conditions and limitations as

Approves the original issuance of operations specifications and issues original

operation certificates. Approves amendments to operations specifications.

Evaluates the safety of proposed changes in route or airport authorizations.

Prescribes any changes required before approval.

Directs or participates in proving flight evaluations to determine compliance with

Civil Aviation Regulations. Recommends changes that will be required prior to

C. Surveillance

Is responsible for monitoring all phases of company operations, including:

training programs and records, base and station facilities, and route systems.
Coordinates with and reviews reports from other inspectors and other personnel
to identify trends that indicate deterioration in the safety of operations. Directs or
suggests changes required to correct such trends.

Is responsible for monitoring the activities of designated examiners, check

airmen, and instructors.

D. Supervisory Authorities and Responsibilities

Plans and assigns work to be accomplished by assigned airworthiness

inspectors based on priorities, taking into consideration the complexity and
requirements of the assignments and capabilities of employees. Gives advice,
counsel, and instruction to individual employees on both work and administrative
matters. Makes decisions on work problems presented by subordinates.
Approves time and attendance of employees.

Participates in interviews and selects or recommends the selection of candidates

for all subordinate positions, including recruitment, promotions, and
reassignments. Evaluates subordinates performance. Reviews training needs of
subordinates and makes appropriate recommendations for required training.

Recommends the level of staffing and monetary resources needed to accomplish

assigned work programs. Is responsible for ensuring that the unit's human,
monetary, and material resources are managed effectively including compliance
with occupational safety regulations and maintenance of internal control

E. Other

May be assigned other duties and responsibilities as required.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 29

The supervisor, when so directed, is required to keep an appropriate control point
informed as to his/her whereabouts and the telephone number at which he/she
can be reached in the event of an aviation incident/accident requiring DGCA


The supervisor independently performs execution of assigned activities. General

technical and administrative supervision is provided by the DAAO Director.
Actions taken are guided by adherence to Civil Aviation Safety Regulations,
national and regional directives and sound management practices.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 30

12. Supervisory Personnel Deputy Director


The Sub Direictorate Supervisor functions as the primary supervisory operations

and airworthiness interface between aviation entities, and the Directorate
General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Has program responsibility to assure that
assigned organizations meet Civil Aviation Safety Regulations. Determines the
need for and establishes work programs for surveillance and inspection of
assigned organizations within manpower and budget limitations to assure
adherence to the applicable regulations.


A. Technical Administration

Assures on a continuing basis that approved organizations are properly and

adequately organized, staffed, and equipped; have and conduct an adequate
training program, including an acceptable record keeping system; and have
facilities and procedures that meet all regulatory requirements. Chairs joint
DGCA-industry meetings; maintains regular contact with approved organizations;
and coordinates with top management officials. Requires or directs correction of
any deficiencies/discrepancies and refuses or withdraws approval if they cannot
be resolved.

Is responsible for the conduct of enforcement investigations and preparation of

final reports and recommendations. Performs or supervises the emergency
suspension of certificates or cancellation of operations specifications. Conducts or
directs the re-examination of certificated airmen or re-certification of an operator
or agency.

Conducts investigations of public complaints, government inquiries, and aircraft

incidents and accidents.

Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel, testifies at

court trials and formal hearings, and gives depositions.

Coordinates with other inspectors as required to accomplish additional air carrier


SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 31

B. Certification

Has responsibility for initial and ongoing certification of air carriers, aircraft, airmen
and air agencies.

Evaluates requests for an air carrier to operate under conditions not previously
specified in the maintenance portion of the operations specifications. Approves or
disapproves requests and provides additional conditions and limitations as

Provides guidance to assigned air carriers in the development of required

maintenance manuals and record keeping systems. Reviews and determines
adequacy of manuals associated with the air carriers maintenance programs and
revisions. Assures that manuals and revisions comply with regulatory
requirements, prescribe safe practices, and furnish clear and specific instructions
governing maintenance programs. Approves operations specifications and

Determines if air carrier maintenance/avionics facilities and contract

arrangements for the purpose of overhaul work, major repairs, alterations, and
other maintenance are satisfactory. Reviews changes and negotiates with air
carrier management to resolve problems.

Determines if overhaul and inspection time limitations warrant revision.

Evaluates an operators proposed reliability programs for compliance with national

policies. Advises operator of deficiencies and required changes.
Approves/disapproves reliability programs.

Determines if the air carriers training program meets the requirements of the Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations, is compatible with the maintenance program, is
properly organized and effectively conducted, and results in trained and
competent personnel.

Directs or participates in proving flight evaluations to determine compliance with

the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations. Recommends changes that will be required
prior to approval.

C. Surveillance

Directs the inspection and surveillance of the air carriers continuous

airworthiness maintenance program. Monitors all phases of the air carriers
maintenance operation, including the following: maintenance, engineering,
quality control, production control, training, and reliability programs.

Analyzes trends to detect deterioration in the maintenance program.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 32

Analyzes reports submitted by the air carrier to ensure compliance with the
maintenance program and assures the air carrier has an effective continuing
analysis and surveillance program to meet the requirements of the Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations.

Is responsible for monitoring the activities of air operators and other industry

D. Supervisory Authorities and Responsibilities

Plans and assigns work to be accomplished by assigned airworthiness

inspectors based on priorities, taking into consideration the complexity and
requirements of the assignments and capabilities of employees. Gives advice,
counsel, and instruction to individual employees on both work and administrative
matters. Makes decisions on work problems presented by subordinates.
Approves time and attendance of employees.

Participates in interviews and selects or recommends the selection of candidates

for all subordinate positions, including recruitment, promotions, and
reassignments. Evaluates subordinates performance. Reviews training needs of
subordinates and makes appropriate recommendations for required training.

Recommends the level of staffing and monetary resources needed to accomplish

assigned work programs. Is responsible for ensuring that the unit's human,
monetary, and material resources are managed effectively including compliance
with occupational safety regulations and maintenance of internal control

E. Other

May be assigned other duties and responsibilities as required.

The supervisor, when so directed, is required to keep an appropriate control point

informed as to his/her whereabouts and the telephone number at which he/she
can be reached in the event of an aviation incident/accident requiring DGCA


The supervisor independently performs execution of assigned activities. General

technical and administrative supervision is provided by the DAAO Director.
Actions taken are guided by adherence to Civil Aviation Safety Regulations,
national and regional directives and sound management practices.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 33

13. Supervisory Personnel Director


Serves as the Manager of a DAAO. Plans and administers the office programs to
promote safety in all aviation activities. Has responsibility and authority for all
decision-making in a wide variety of administrative and technical areas.


A. Has overall responsibility for the direction and accomplishment of all functions
and programs of the field office, from both the technical and administrative

B. Makes decisions which determine the basic content and character of the field
office, specifically:

1. Establishes goals and objectives for each program area and approves
modifications as required by changes in the environment. Makes project
assignments and sets priorities.

2. Evaluates the adequacy and accomplishment of programs, such as

certifications, surveillance, investigation and accident prevention and ensures
changes are made as necessary.

3. Determines the level of staffing and fiscal resources to be directed toward the
accomplishment of various work programs. Approves adjustments to duty
hours and workload scheduling to maintain control of premium compensation
while meeting operational requirements.

4. Requests the additional resources necessary to accomplish unanticipated field

office activities.

5. Provides justification to support major expenditures required to perform the

functions of the field office.

C. Performs long-range planning in connection with prospective changes in field

office functions and programs. Coordinates and implements organizational
structural changes within the office to meet program requirements.

D. Assures that effective organizational and communication links are established

between program groups. Develops controls and feedback systems that produce
the level and variety of data essential to make management decisions in all
program areas.

E. Advises higher level officials of problems involving the relationship of the field
office functions to broader programs and the impact of these problems.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 34

F. Supports all DAAO automation programs and ensures timely, accurate and
complete entry of data. Utilizes data as an analytical tool to identify trends, adjust
work programs, and redirect resources to improve the quality and effectiveness of
the DAAO mission. Ensures the office automation program is consistent with
national and regional directives, including systems security and software usage.

G. Accomplishes the following supervisory duties:

1. Plans work to be accomplished by subordinates. Sets priorities and establishes

schedules for completion of work. Assigns work to subordinates based on
priorities, taking into consideration and difficulty and requirements of the
assignments and capabilities of employees. Gives advice, counsel, or
instruction to individual employees on both work and administrative matters.
Makes decisions on work problems presented by subordinates or subordinate

2. Interviews and selects candidates for positions in the field office including
recruitments, promotions, and reassignments of technical and supervisory
personnel. Evaluates subordinates and may review evaluations made by
supervisors of other employees.

3. Addresses grievances and employee complaints and other issues not resolved
at a lower level. Applies the complete range of disciplinary measures when

4. Manages the office training program, reviews training needs of subordinates,

solves training problems, and takes action to obtain and provide required

5. Makes managerial decisions which promote a positive image of the DAAO

through interaction with various user groups. Actively communicates the DAAO
role in fostering economic growth while maintaining adequate levels of safety.

6. Is committed to, and actively supports, the human relations program by taking
positive action to continually improve the personal working environment in the
office, establish effective avenues of communication, and encourage
involvement of the workforce in problem resolution. Communicates regional
and national policies to office personnel.

H. Performs other duties as assigned.


The DAAO Director independently performs execution of assigned activities. Overall

policy, objectives, emphasis, and broad administrative direction is provided by the
DAAO or Director General. Actions taken are guided by adherence to Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations, national and regional directives and sound management
SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP I -3 Page 35
SI 8900-1.3

Chapter 2 OJT Guide

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 2-1

What is OJT? ............................................................................................................... 2-1
OJT in the Inspector Training System ..................................................................... 2-1
Purpose of this Guide................................................................................................. 2-1
Applicability of OJT ..................................................................................................... 2-2
Value of OJT ................................................................................................................ 2-2
2. OJT Basics in DAAO............................................................................................ 2-4
Summary ...................................................................................................................... 2-4
Job Task Analysis ....................................................................................................... 2-4
Job Task Configuration .............................................................................................. 2-4
Definitions..................................................................................................................... 2-5
References ................................................................................................................... 2-7
3. Roles and Responsibilities................................................................................... 2-8
Summary ...................................................................................................................... 2-8
The DAAO .................................................................................................................... 2-8
The OJT Steering Committee ................................................................................... 2-8
Director ......................................................................................................................... 2-8
OJT Program Manager .............................................................................................. 2-9
OJT Instructor ............................................................................................................ 2-10
Trainee........................................................................................................................ 2-11
4. OJT System Implementation.............................................................................. 2-12
Summary .................................................................................................................... 2-12
5. Phase 1 Planning............................................................................................ 2-14
Summary .................................................................................................................... 2-14
Step 1.1 Establish the Local OJT Infrastructure ............................................... 2-15
Step 1.2 Communicate OJT Program to Local Office ..................................... 2-18
Step 1.3 Develop Individual OJT Plans.............................................................. 2-19
6. Phase 2 Delivery............................................................................................. 2-23
Summary .................................................................................................................... 2-23
Step 2.1 Schedule OJT......................................................................................... 2-24
Step 2.2 Prepare to Deliver OJT ......................................................................... 2-25
Step 2.3 Deliver OJT............................................................................................. 2-27

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-ii

Step 2.4 Update OJT Records ............................................................................ 2-29
Step 2.5 Conduct Review..................................................................................... 2-30
7. Phase 3 Evaluation ......................................................................................... 2-31
Summary .................................................................................................................... 2-31
Step 3.1 Evaluate the OJT Program................................................................... 2-32
Step 3.2 Communicate Findings ......................................................................... 2-33
Step 3.3 Implement Improvements..................................................................... 2-34
8. How People Learn ............................................................................................. 2-35
Summary .................................................................................................................... 2-35
What is Learning? ..................................................................................................... 2-35
The Learning Process .............................................................................................. 2-36
Adult Learning............................................................................................................ 2-42
9. ITS Training Record Software............................................................................ 2-44
Overview..................................................................................................................... 2-44
Getting Started .......................................................................................................... 2-44
Administrator Menu................................................................................................... 2-44
Supervisor Menu ....................................................................................................... 2-46
User Menu.................................................................................................................. 2-47
Employee Administration Tab ................................................................................. 2-48
Training Update Tab................................................................................................. 2-54
Resources Tab .......................................................................................................... 2-63


Appendix 1: OJT Instructor Letter of Authorization...............................................APP II-1

Appendix 2: OJT PM Letter of Authorization ........................................................APP II-2
Appendix 3: Training Guidance for Conducting OJT ............................................APP II-3
Appendix 4: OJT Lesson Plan Template ..............................................................APP II-4
Appendix 5: OJT Evaluation Questions Trainee................................................APP II-5
Appendix 6: OJT Evaluation Questions
OJT Instructor, OJT PM, Office Manager .................................... APP II-6

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-iii

1. Introduction

What is OJT?
On-the-Job-Training (OJT) is:
OJT is planned training conducted at a work site by an authorized instructor.
This type of training provides direct experience in the work environment in
which the employee is performing or will be performing on the job.
On-the-Job-Training is required by ICAO and is discussed in ICAO document
9734, Safety Oversight Manual.

OJT in the Inspector Training System

The goal of the Inspector Training System (ITS) is:

To establish and maintain a training system that provides up-to-date,

performance-based training to meet the evolving, real-time needs of the
workforce and the aviation industry.

Structured OJT is a critical component of the ITS system. It is a core training

process that is required in Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) training
program. An effective OJT Program fulfills the international obligations required
of ICAO member States and contributes to the vision and goals of the DGCA.

Four goals have been established by the DAAO to achieve this vision:
Goal 1: Provide a complete, effective training curriculum that helps
employees perform their job responsibilities well and in accordance with the
overall policies and direction of DAAO.
Goal 2: Establish processes to ensure training is current and well-
designed, can be tailored to the needs of individual employees, and is
administered in a fast and flexible way in response to changing needs.
Goal 3: Build and maintain a training infrastructure including technology,
organization, and facilities that efficiently provides the services and
support that managers and employees need to get the most out of training.
Goal 4: Gain support from DAAO management and employees for the
commitments of money, time, and other resources necessary to ensure an
effective training system.

Purpose of this Guide

This OJT Guide describes the processes and tools for planning, delivering, and
evaluating the DAAO OJT Program. The OJT Program outlined in this guide is
a dynamic ongoing program that will change to meet the needs of the DAAO
and its employees. This guide may be used by a DGCA that provide OJT for

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-1

inspectors. Any changes that affect the processes discussed in this guide
should be accompanied by written revision of this guide as appropriate.

Applicability of OJT
The OJT Program presented in this guide applies to DAAO inspectors and
describes technical skills training, re-qualification training, and training in new
programs and tasks. Any OJT conducted prior to the effective date of this
revised program may be counted toward required inspector development
training. However, all training conducted after the effective date of this
document should be in accordance with this revised program.

Value of OJT
The OJT Program is an essential part of inspector training and adds value to
the overall DAAO training effort. Consider the following points:

1. Skills Application
By applying knowledge and skills learned, the trainee completes the learning
process. At the same time, the DAAO office gains confidence in the trainees
capabilities. With the completion of OJT the DAAO can certify the trainee as a
qualified inspector.

2. Flexibility
The DAAO Service OJT Program is a process for implementation and
management of a structured OJT system at the local level using national
guidelines. The program can be tailored to the tasks in which an employee
needs training and may also include training on tasks unique to an office.

3. Timeliness
OJT can be provided immediately when the need or opportunity arises.

4. Cost Effectiveness
OJT is relatively inexpensive compared to classroom training because there is
little to no travel cost. Primarily, OJT requires an investment of time by the OJT
instructors, trainees, DAAO Director, and the designated manager of the OJT
Program in the sub directorate. As budget constraints continue, OJT becomes
an even more valuable component of a comprehensive training program.

5. Locally Managed
OJT empowers managers and employees to develop needed skills. When a
training need exists, OJT can be provided at the sub directorate level when

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-2

OJT has been identified as the best method for delivering the needed training,
or if no other means to receive the training is available.

6. Career Broadening
Throughout an employees DAAO career, OJT remains a valuable tool for
continually broadening technical skills and capabilities. Cross-training in tasks
of other disciplines may not be possible through other training means due to
resource limitations but may be more easily attainable through a structured
OJT Program.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-3

2. OJT Basics in DAAO

This section of the OJT Guide describes the background, structure, policies,
and definitions of the DAAO OJT Program.

Job Task Analysis

Required training for DAAO Inspectors is specified by the individual Job Tasks
that the Inspector will be asked to perform. A Job Task is, A single identifiable
unit of work that is regularly accomplished by DAAO Inspectors in the course of
a normal work year. The ITS incorporates a comprehensive listing of the Job
Tasks most commonly used in the DAAO line of business.

Each Job Task is supported by a detailed Job Task Analysis. This analysis is a
written summary that describes how to perform the Job Task. More specifically
a Job Task Analysis is, A written description of the materials, procedures, and
requirements that are used to accomplish a Job Task, including, supporting
documentation, completion standards, narrative description of the task, and
step by step listing of the required sub-tasks. The ITS Job Task Analysis
documents for Operations and Airworthiness Inspectors are located in a
separate binder.

The ITS utilizes Job Task Analysis as the basis for all required Inspector
training. The Job Task listings for Operations and Airworthiness Inspectors are
used consistently in all of the ITS products and components. The ITS includes
all of the Job Tasks required of DGCA.

Job Task Configuration

The ITS utilizes two separate listings of Job Tasks, one for Operations
Inspectors and one for Airworthiness Inspectors. Within each specialty the Job
Tasks are arranged by primary inspector duty. These subject areas form the
nine standardized categories of training that are utilized throughout the Inspector
Training System.

1. Indoctrination
2. Certification
3. Surveillance
4. Personnel Licensing
5. Investigations
6. Job Skills
7. Aircraft Dispatcher or Avionics

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-4

8. Cabin Safety
9. Management

The list of Job Tasks that is associated with training category can be found in the
Training Profiles for Operations and Airworthiness Inspectors. An identical
arrangement is used in the ITS Training Record IMSIS database.

These job task listings include all the Job Tasks that are required by DGCA for
that category. If an inspector is not required to perform any of the particular Job
Tasks listed in a category, he is not required to complete OJT for that Job Task.
Inspectors must complete OJT for each Job Task that they will be asked to
perform by the DGCA without assistance. DAAO Director is responsible to
determine which tasks are required for each employee based on the particular
inspectors work assignment. OJT must be completed for each of these required
Job Tasks.

The following are definitions of terms related to the DAAO OJT Program:
Term Definition
Certification Certification work activities validate the competency of an
air operator, airman, aviation organization and their
compliance with appropriate statutory and regulatory
requirements prior to active performance in the aviation
Head of Section An employees direct supervisor.
General Technical Those functions performed by trainees that do not fit in
Surveillance, Investigations, or Certification. For
example: aviation education and promoting aviation
safety to all segments of the aviation community.
Investigations The means in which the DGCA determines causal factors
of potential or actual problem areas, and are the vehicle
to effect appropriate corrective action. These work
activities are generated on an as required or as
discovered basis.
Level I OJT Training Level I training is related to that body of knowledge
associated with a specific job task. This knowledge is
contained in orders, rules, guidance, and standards.
Level I training typically involves a review of all reference
materials applicable to the job tasks for which training
has been identified. Level I training may be satisfied
through classroom training or other delivery methods.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-5

Level II OJT Training Level II training involves observation of the performance
of specific job tasks. This training typically involves the
trainee observing and/or assisting the OJT instructor in
the performance of those specific job tasks for which the
trainee will be held accountable. Level II training may be
satisfied through appropriate classroom training that
provides the opportunity for the trainee to observe and/or
assist the instructor performing the task.
Level III OJT Training Level III training involves the application of knowledge
and skills to the performance of specific job tasks.
Typically, the trainee performs the job task under the
observation of a qualified OJT instructor. The instructor
assesses the performance of the task and indicates on
the trainees OJT training plan when Level III
performance is achieved.
DAAO Director Provides first level supervision to subordinate employees
and manages the activities of one operating unit, project,
or program area. DAAO report to Director General.
On-the-Job Training OJT is a planned, structured training event conducted at
(OJT) a work site by an authorized OJT instructor. This type of
training provides direct experience in the work
environment in which the employee is performing or will
be performing on the job.
OJT Instructor A trained employee designated to provide OJT instruction
to trainees on specific tasks at Levels I, II, and III, in
accordance with the procedures established in this
document. OJT instructors should be designated in each
sub directorate and must complete a formal course of
training on OJT techniques.
OJT Program The employee who is designated and trained to establish
Manager and maintain the OJT Program for each sub directorate
in DAAO. This is a key role in the implementation of the
OJT Program.
OJT Record An electronic tool that is used to record the trainees OJT
plan, progress, and completion. This is accomplished by
the ITS Tracking Tool.
OJT Steering A group of employees from the DAAO who have
Committee oversight of the OJT Program.
OJT Task A unit of work that contains logical and necessary steps
in the performance of a job duty, typically with a defined
beginning and ending. The task must produce a
meaningful result and is one that can best be taught and
learned on the job.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-6

Simulated Task When a task is simulated, the environment, conditions,
equipment and performance of the task must be as near
the real life situation as possible.
Surveillance One of the most significant duties of the DGCA is to
conduct surveillance in all areas of air transportation. The
primary objective of surveillance activities is to provide
the DGCA with accurate, real-time, comprehensive
information for the evaluation of the safety status of the
air transportation system.
Trainee Any DAAO employee receiving on-the-job training.

This OJT Guide is part of the DAAO, Inspector Training System (ITS). The ITS is
composed of five primary components:

1. ITS OJT Guide

2. ITS Program Guide
3. ITS Formal Course Standards
4. ITS Job Task Analysis
5. ITS Training Record

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-7

3. Roles and Responsibilities

This section of the OJT Guide provides an expanded description of the roles
and responsibilities of those specifically involved in the DAAO OJT Program.
Additional roles and responsibilities can be found in the ITS Program Guide.

The DAAO has responsibility for overall program development and
management. This includes working with OJT Steering Committee and
stakeholders to develop OJT policy and guidance. The DAAO must ensure that
the OJT program is fully and effectively implemented. The DAAO should also
coordinate and ensure the continued revision of this OJT Guide and OJT
procedures as necessary to reflect new policies or guidance.

The OJT Steering Committee

An OJT Steering Committee may be established by the DAAO to assist in the
management of the OJT program. When so designated, the OJT Steering
Committee should be composed of Deputy Director, Head of Section, DAAO
Training Manager, OJT Program Manager each sub directorate and chaired by
the DAAO Director. The committee provides oversight and guidance for the
implementation of the OJT Program. It monitors and assesses accomplishment
of program objectives and recommends changes to the national program. The
committee should meet at least annually to discuss training issues.

DAAO Director
The DAAO director is responsible for the implementation of the OJT program
in DAAO office. The responsibilities of the DAAO Director listed in this section
cannot be delegated. The duties and actions that are required to implement
these responsibilities may be delegated, but the ultimate responsibility for
successful implementation of the program is retained by the DAAO director.

The DAAO director is responsible for the items discussed below.

Ensuring that this OJT Program is implemented efficiently and effectively
in the DAAO office.
Ensuring the designation of OJT Program Managers and OJT Instructors
who meet the selection criteria outlined below.
Providing letters of authorization for qualified OJT Program Managers and
OJT Instructors.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-8

Planning and budgeting to ensure that the OJT Program continuously
receives the resources necessary for the effective accomplishment of its
Specifying the particular Job Tasks that apply to Inspectors in the DAAO
office in accordance with local conditions.
Establishing a standardized method to ensure that trainees are provided
adequate time and resources required for completing OJT training on
specific tasks.
Obtaining assistance from an OJT instructor located at another office
when a training requirement cannot be fulfilled locally due to the lack of
internal instructional expertise.
Ensuring that trainees begin their OJT Program as soon as possible after
they come on board. (Completion of indoctrination training is not a
prerequisite to OJT Instruction)
Authorizing and signing the Training Record for OJT levels of credit
granted to an employee. Credit may be given for previous training or work
Reviewing with each OJT instructor, on a regular basis, the progress of
assigned inspector trainees and initiating any corrective action necessary
to improve performance and/or training deficiencies
Final sign-off in the Training Record of an employee to certify completion
of all OJT requirements for each Job Task. This sign-off is DGCA
authorization for the employee to begin accomplishing that Job Task
without further assistance.
Evaluating OJT instructor performance annually with a mid-year review
based on:
feedback from trainees and the OJT PM
the instructors ability to meet training plans
the selection criteria
Assuming the role of mediator and decision-maker when there are OJT
problems and/or disagreements involving OJT instructors and inspector
Acting upon feedback from trainees concerning the OJT Program. Either
resolve the situation at their level or ensure that the information is moved
up the line to whomever can act on the feedback
Assisting the OJT PM in implementing program improvements

OJT Program Manager

An OJT Program Manager may be designated at the sub directorate level. This
person is responsible for the implementation of the OJT program in the DAAO
at the sub directorate office. His duties include the following:

The OJT Program Manager is responsible for the items discussed below.
Coordination among OJT instructors

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-9

Implementing and managing the OJT Program in the DAAO
Ensuring that the local OJT Program is consistent with DGCA national
policies and guidance
Educating and keeping office management and employees current on the
DAAO OJT Program
Continually evaluating the effectiveness of the local OJT program and
recommending improvements to management. Improvements will be
implemented as authorized by the DAAO director to ensure the office
develops the skills and capabilities it needs.
Completing a course of training in Instructional Techniques
Obtaining a letter of authorization from the DAAO director (See Appendix
2 of this chapter ).
Facilitating the resolution of problems or issues that may impede the
effective delivery of OJT
Interacting with the DAAO Training Division, to implement OJT policies,
objectives and priorities, and to communicate sub directorate
requirements or issues that may require a national response
Assisting the DAAO director and supervisors in identifying tasks
performed in the office environment for which OJT should be required
Facilitating and supporting management and trainees in developing
individual OJT training plans and schedules
Ensuring OJT instruction is provided to trainees in accordance with
applicable directives, this OJT Guide, and the trainees OJT plan
Conducting reviews of each trainees OJT Training Record. Ensure that
all entries are correct, and that the final sign-off of completed Job Tasks is
accomplished by the DAAO director
Ensuring that OJT is provided for trainees as soon as they come on
board. They should not have to wait until they have completed
Recommending OJT instructor candidates to the DAAO director
Verifying that, prior to conducting OJT, selected OJT instructor candidates
have successfully completed required training courses and have a letter
of authorization from the DAAO director
Monitoring OJT instructor performance and coaching OJT instructors on
effective methods and techniques

OJT Instructor
Completing a course of training in Instructional Techniques
Obtaining a Letter of Authorization from the DAAO director
Conducting OJT with trainees
Ensuring that OJT instruction is consistent with applicable national
regulations and practices
Updating general entries in OJT trainee records

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-10

Entering data in a trainees Training Record after instruction when
necessary to certify completion of levels 1, 2, or 3 for individual Job
Exhibiting objective, constructive, empathetic, and other behaviors
conducive to supporting all OJT trainees
Conducting OJT according to the trainees individual training plan as
developed by the trainee, OJT program manager and DAAO training
Assessing the trainee level of knowledge and skill on specific tasks
Providing structured, well-planned, and documented OJT training with
stated objectives and expected levels of performance (Appendix 3 this
Communicating with the DAAO director and OJT Program Manager
about trainee progress
Ensuring that the trainee has accomplished all elements of OJT
instruction associated with a particular task in an acceptable manner
before notifying the OJT Program manager and DAAO director that the
trainee is able to perform the task without assistance and is ready for final

Participating with the DAAO training manager and OJT program manager
to identify developmental needs and to plan training activities
Requesting OJT credit from the DAAO training manager for prior training
and/or experience
Fulfilling their OJT requirements as established within the office
Participating in the feedback process to help ensure continual
improvement including feedback on the performance of the instructor
Participating, in a constructive manner, in their own training progress
reviews under this guide and checking the accuracy of completed tasks
during the review meetings

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-11

4. OJT System Implementation

This part of the OJT Guide discusses management implementation of the OJT
system process. This process consists of three phases:

Phase 1. Planning
Phase 2. Delivery
Phase 3. Evaluation

These system management phases should not be confused with the three
levels (steps) of the OJT training process that are utilized during the actual
conduct of OJT for new inspectors. These three levels are discussed in
Subchapter 6, Step 2.3, and detailed guidance for the actual conduct of OJT is
provided in Appendix 3 this chapter, Training Guidance, at the end of this

The three high level phases that are used to implement the OJT system within
the DAAO are shown in the three graphics below. Although these phases are
separate and have distinct actions and roles, they are also cyclical and
continual in nature. The OJT program should be constantly re-evaluated and
amended as the needs of the DAAO or even of an office change.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-12

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

OJT Program to
sub directorate

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-13

5. Phase 1 Planning

The diagram below depicts the steps and key participants in the OJT Planning
Phase. This phase consists of planning for all aspects of the program from the
overall office needs to final development of the individual trainee.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-14

Step 1.1 Establish the Local OJT Infrastructure

Step 1.1 Key Participants

Director Deputy Director/ OJT PM
Head of Section/
DAAO Training Manager

The first step in the planning phase is to establish the
local OJT Infrastructure. This includes establishing the
resources needed for the program and determining the
tasks that the office needs as an initial profile. During this
step of the planning phase, the designated OJT program
manager (PM) will conduct activities to establish the OJT
Program in the sub directorate or to implement change in
the OJT Program.

OJT Program to
sub directorate Select the OJT Program Manager
The Director should select an OJT program manager.
This person should be someone who wants the job and
meets the criteria. The program manager is very
important to the success of the OJT program within the
sub directorate. He/she has the responsibility to see that
the program is implemented according to national policy
and this guide. An example of a letter that can be used
to designate the OJT Program Manager can be found in
Appendix 2 of this chapter.

The following criteria should be used when selecting an OJT Program Manager:

Desire to be a program manager

Ability to communicate with people at all levels
Ability to make presentations to groups
Ability to set up a program and to oversee its implementation
Knowledge of OJT instruction
Willingness to track OJT for each employee in the office
Attention to detail
Ability to complete a course of training on instructional techniques

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-15

Review the Needs of the Sub Directorate
A review of the special needs of the sub directorate should be conducted and
compared to the Job Tasks listed in the standardized Training Profiles for Operations
and Airworthiness Inspectors. Additional job tasks may be added to an inspectors
training profile when required to fulfill a special need of the sub directorate.

Select OJT Instructors

The Director, DAAO training manager and the OJT PM should estimate instructor
requirements in planning the OJT program. At a minimum, there should be one
instructor for each represented occupational specialty in the office. As a maximum,
not more than 25% of all employees in the each sub directorate should be OJT
instructors. When selecting OJT instructors consider the following:
How many employees, including new hires, are expected to need OJT for the
planning period?
What knowledge and skills will the OJT instructors require? What specialties are
represented in the needed training? This should come from the profiles developed
How can instructor resources be best utilized?

The following criteria should be used to identify OJT instructor candidates:

Qualification in the job specialty and job tasks they are intended to teach
Advanced knowledge, skill, and experience that match the identified training needs
along with the necessary skills to support and enhance training and create a
learning environment
Ability to demonstrate a task in a clear and logical order
Willingness to prepare training, instruct and coach trainees on performance of
tasks being trained
Ability to communicate technical information, concepts, and procedures clearly,
concisely, and positively in a variety of ways
Desire to be an instructor
Compliance with the standards and definitions of professionalism

It is important for all instructors to attend a course of training on instructional

techniques to ensure consistency in delivering OJT and in evaluating trainee
progress. The OJT PM will work with the instructor to reinforce training concepts and
the value of a structured, planned training activity for each trainee.

Once individuals are appropriately trained to be OJT instructors, the Director will
prepare and sign a letter stating that the individual meets the criteria to be an
instructor, that he has completed the formal training course on instructional
techniques, and is authorized as an OJT instructor. An example of a letter that can be
used to authorize an OJT instructor is in Appendix 1 this chapter. The letter will list the
specific roles and responsibilities assigned to the OJT instructor if different from those

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-16

roles and responsibilities listed for OJT instructors in this guide. Only those OJT
instructors who are so authorized are considered to be OJT instructors under the
DAAO training manager.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-17

Step 1.2 Communicate OJT Program to Sub Directorate

Step 1.2 Key Participants


A successful implementation of OJT in the sub
directorate depends to a great extent on
communication between all of the people involved in
the program.

The OJT PM will schedule and facilitate any
communication regarding the OJT program in the sub
directorate. There should be an annual meeting of all
personnel to discuss changes, if any, in the OJT
Program and to enlighten new employees about OJT.
Ongoing communication may be individual or in small
groups as needed. Topics to be discussed by the OJT
PM are as follows:
Describe the ITS OJT Program
Introduce key participants and describe their roles
and responsibilities
Provide the newest versions of all ITS documents
Discuss how OJT plans are developed
Describe how OJT will be tracked and recorded
using the ITS Training Record
Answer questions about the OJT Program
Build a Positive Safety Culture in the sub
directorate through communication, training, and
information sharing.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-18

Step 1.3 Develop Individual OJT Plans

Step 1.3 Key Participants

OJT PM Director/ Trainee
Deputy Director/
Head of Section/
DAAO Training Manager

The OJT PM should arrange a meeting with the trainee and
the Director/Deputy Director/Head of Section/DAAO Training
Manager. The purpose of this meeting is to develop the
Trainees individual OJT plan. This requires the following six

1. Review the OJT process

2. Agree on the Job Tasks for which OJT must be
3. Assess the previous experience of the trainee
1.2 4. Agree on the formal classroom training courses that
Communicate the trainee must complete
OJT Program to
sub directorate 5. Provide resources
6. Set up the Training Record for the trainee


Develop the Trainees Individual OJT Plan

1. Review the OJT process.

The OJT PM should review training program expectations and responsibilities to be
sure that the trainee understands the process. The following points should be
Review the importance and goals of OJT
Review the roles of the trainee, OJT instructors, Director/Deputy Director/Head
of Section/DAAO Training Manager, and OJT PM
Review the OJT process

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-19

Inform the trainee that OJT is a means of receiving individualized training but
does not substitute for required formal classroom training.

2. Agree on the Job Tasks for which OJT must be conducted.

The Deputy Director must consider the proposed work assignment for the trainee. He
may decide that the trainee should become proficient in all the job functions
performed in the sub directorate, or in only some subset of the functions. The trainee
must complete OJT and the formal classroom training associated with each Job Task
that he will be asked to perform without assistance.
Print out a blank copy of the ITS Training Profile Worksheet for the trainees
specialty, either Operations or Airworthiness
The Deputy Director should review this Training Profile Worksheet and decide
which tasks should be completed by the employee. An employee is not
required to complete OJT on all Job Tasks in any given category. There may
be some Job Tasks that an employee never has to complete because his
work assignment does not include those tasks.
Using a pen or pencil, the OJT PM should mark the trainees Training Profile
Worksheet as instructed by the Deputy Director. To accomplish this, enter a
date in the column labeled Planned Start Date for each of those job tasks
that are specified by the Office Manager. Job Tasks that do not have to be
completed can be left blank. The trainee will be expected to complete OJT for
those tasks that have a planned start date entered.

3. Assess the previous experience of the trainee.

The OJT PM should assist the deputy director to assess the trainees previous
experience. The following points should be discussed:
Ask questions about the employees previous work experience and formal
training. This may include work in another department of the DGCA, formal
DGCA classes, courses conducted by a foreign training center, computer
based instruction (CBI), Internet or Web based training, etc.
In cases where the trainee has substantial prior experience or has received
prior formal training directly related to his present work assignment, the
employee may be granted credit up to the first two levels of OJT for certain
tasks. The deputy director will make the final decision on granting this credit
after assessing that the trainees knowledge is satisfactory on those specific

4. Agree on the formal classroom training courses that the trainee must complete.
Review the mark-up copy of the Training Profile Worksheet to locate those Job Tasks
that have a Planned Start Date entered. Circle the formal classroom training course
that is associated with each of these Job Tasks. These are the formal courses that will
have to be completed by the trainee. Before completing Level III OJT on any Job
Task, the trainee should normally complete the formal training course associated with
that Job Task. In any case trainees must complete both the formal course and all OJT

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-20

before being signed-off by the deputy director, and before being assigned to
accomplish any particular job task without supervision.

5. Provide Resources.
In order for the trainee to complete the required training the deputy director must
arrange for and provide the necessary resources. The following items should be
Schedule the trainee for required formal classroom training courses.
Provide required manuals, handbooks, access codes, hardware, and tools.
Assign an instructor to begin the OJT training. The trainee may have several
instructors during OJT, but each should follow the training plan and work on
the tasks that have been identified in the Training Record.
Coordinate with additional personnel and arrange for travel and funding as
necessary to provide sufficient opportunities for the trainee to participate in the
specified DGCA job functions.
Discuss the proposed completion date for the OJT program and mark those
tasks in the Training Record that should be completed by the next review
meeting (see Step 2.5).
At the end of the meeting the trainee should know which OJT tasks he needs
to complete and a timeframe for getting them accomplished.

6. Set up the Training Record for the trainee.

After the meeting the OJT PM should establish a permanent Training Record for the

The ITS Training Record software is an integral part of the Inspector Training System.
Detailed instructions for using the Training Record software are provided in Part IX of
this Guide. When setting up the Training Record software, refer to the hard copy of
the Training Profile Worksheet that you marked-up in the steps above.
Enter the new employee into the ITS software database. (See Part IX below.)
Transfer the Planned Start Date for each Job Task from the Training Profile
Worksheet mark-up copy into the ITS Training Record software. Job Tasks
that do not have to be completed should be left blank.
Make appropriate entries to show any OJT training that has already been
completed. Enter CR for the OJT Instructor initials for any Job Tasks that will
be granted Level 1 or 2 credit for prior experience and training.
If the employee has already completed any of the formal classroom training
courses, enter the formal course completion date in the appropriate formal
course box.
After all the entries have been made, use the software to automatically print
out a hard copy of the Training Summary Report. Review this report with the
trainee to be certain that it is correct and that all points have been agreed

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-21

upon. Explain that the report will be reviewed quarterly and the trainees
progress will be appropriately recorded and updated at that time.
Provide the trainee with a hard copy print out of his Training Summary Report.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-22

6. Phase 2 Delivery

The diagram below depicts the steps and key participants in the OJT Delivery
Phase. This phase consists of the actual conduct of the training from initial
scheduling through final progress review. Steps 2.4 and 2.5 may be completed
simultaneously. Front Line Manager may refer to the trainees Office Manager
or Supervisor as appropriate.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-23

Step 2.1 Schedule OJT

Step 2.1 Key Participants

OJT PM Deputy Director OJT Instructor Trainee

An important part of scheduling OJT is to ensure that sufficient
time is allowed the OJT to take place. It is also important to
review the scheduling during Step 2.5 to ensure that the plan
established in Step 1.3 is still reasonable.

The trainee and OJT instructor will jointly develop a proposed
schedule for providing training according to the trainees
individual OJT training plan developed in Step 1.3.

The Deputy Director will ensure that sufficient time is allotted to

allow the OJT to take place. When practical, the trainees work
program should be adjusted to accommodate the instructors
schedule. When allocating work time to accomplish OJT,
consideration should be given to the specific level of the OJT
training to be accomplished (Level I, II, or III) and the
complexity of the task. The following should be considered for
the different levels of training:
Level I training is typically a self study effort on the part of
the trainee with guided discussion and validation conducted
by the OJT instructor afterwards. The time allowed for this
should be appropriate to the complexity of the task and the
amount of material to be studied.
Levels II and III involve the actual performance of the task.
A good general guideline is to take the normal amount of
time to conduct the task and add an additional 50% of that
time to allow for instruction and questions. For example, a
task that normally takes 1.0 hour should be allowed 1.5
hours for OJT.
As the process of scheduling OJT is continuous in nature,
the schedule for delivering OJT should be updated as
opportunities for OJT arise.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-24

Step 2.2 Prepare to Deliver OJT

Step 2.2 Key Participants

OJT PM OJT Instructor

OJT instructors need to be experienced in the tasks they are
assigned to teach. Having this experience, however, is not a
substitute for proper planning of a training exercise. It is
important for the instructor to prepare for the lesson to ensure
that all relevant information is included and presented in a
logical order. In order to achieve efficient and effective results,
instructors need to plan each lesson carefully.

When preparing for the delivery of OJT, instructors should
review the Job Task Analysis, associated technical guidance
materials, and OJT Training Guidance (Appendix 3 this

1. Job Task Analysis

Review the Job Task Analysis for the task to be presented.
Gather all needed equipment, hardware, and software.
Determine if assistance from other sources is needed
regarding the task and how it should be performed. If
personnel other than an authorized OJT Instructor are used
as informational resources, the training should be observed
by an authorized OJT instructor to ensure compliance with
the training plan and other objectives contained in this
Create a specific lesson plan for the training event when
necessary to properly organize the training.
Finalize logistical arrangements for training in the office or
off-site as appropriate to the training event.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-25

2. Guidance Materials
Review all technical guidance material to ensure that the training will be conducted in
accordance with current approved procedures. These guidance materials may include
such things as orders, handbooks, DGCA regulations, ICAO publications and other
documents that are relevant to the task.

3. OJT Training Guidance (Appendix 3 this chapter)

The OJT Training Guidance in Appendix 3 of this chapter provides specific
information about each level of training including objectives, delivery techniques, and
the validation process. It serves as a concise review and reminder of the OJT
process. It can be used as a checklist or Job Aid during the conduct of OJT to ensure
that each important point is addressed.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-26

Step 2.3 Deliver OJT

Step 2.3 Key Participants

OJT Instructor Trainee

Instructors should deliver OJT in accordance with the
processes and policies specified in the Inspector Training
System and with the technical guidance provided by the
DAAO. Delivery of OJT includes teaching the task and
validating the success of the training.


The OJT Instructor Process

The OJT training process follows a logical progression of three
levels as shown in the table below.

Level Trainee Instructor

Level I Knowledge Study Discuss

Level II
Observe Demonstrate
Level III Performance Perform Evaluate

Level I training is typically a self study effort on the part of the

trainee with guided discussion and validation conducted by the
OJT instructor afterwards. Levels II and III involve the actual
performance of the task.

Each task assigned to a trainee requires certification at all

three levels. Normally, this certification is achieved by
conducting training for each of the three levels. Levels I and II may be waived,
however, as discussed in Step 1.3 above. This means that OJT training may be
credited when the trainee has taken acceptable forms of training elsewhere, such as
classroom training or computer-based training. Both formal training and OJT are
integral parts of a well-developed training program and should be scheduled to
complement each other.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-27

Teach the Task
The content of each training session must be appropriate to the task and to the level
of training that is being presented. The conduct and content of training events will be
different for OJT Level I, II, or III. The OJT training process is presented in detail at
the end of this guide in Appendix 3 this chapter. A typical OJT training event will
include some or all of the following activities:

Establish a training environment

Develop a rapport with the trainee
State learning objectives and expected performance outcomes
Review technical requirements
Assess the trainees existing knowledge and skill in performing the task
Demonstrate tasks
Motivate the trainee
Observe the trainee perform the task
Allow sufficient time for the trainee to practice task
Ask questions to check for understanding
Provide explanations
Review and summarize information
Provide feedback and evaluate the trainees performance
Provide additional training when necessary

Validate Trainee Achievement of Objectives

At the end of each training session the instructor will validate that the trainee has
successfully completed that session before notifying the OJT PM that training is
complete. The OJT Training Guidance document in Appendix 3 this chapter has a
standard assessment process for each OJT Level.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-28

Step 2.4 Update OJT Records

Step 2.4 Key Participants

OJT PM Director OJT Instructor

Permanent training records must be maintained for each
employee. This can be accomplished using a computer
software program.

The ITS Training Record software is a database is used to

track each trainees progress through the ITS training program.
The ITS Training Record documents training status and serves
as a permanent record of all training completed by the
employee during his entire career.

The OJT PM is responsible to maintain and update Training

Records. This responsibility may be delegated to the OJT
instructors when necessary. Entries should be updated as
training is delivered. OJT PMs, Director, and OJT instructors
have write access to the Training Records. Trainees have
read-only access to their own records. Instructions for using
the ITS Training Record software are provided in Part IX of this

When a training event is successfully completed the OJT
instructor should notify the OJT program manager and the
Director. This can be done via e-mail or another locally
implemented procedure that will provide a record that a trainee
has completed training on a task. The notification should
The task trained
The level of training completed
The date that training was completed
Confirmation that the trainee successfully achieved the

With the Directors approval the OJT PM or OJT instructor will then update the
trainees records with the new information.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-29

Step 2.5 Conduct Review

Step 2.5 Key Participants

OJT PM Director Trainee

A simple review of the trainees OJT performance should be
conducted at the end of each OJT training session.

More in-depth reviews of the trainees progress in the OJT

training program should be conducted quarterly, or as needed.
The frequency of these reviews will depend on various factors
such as the amount of OJT assigned, problems encountered,
and the changing needs of the office. This meeting should be
attended by the Director, OJT PM, and trainee.

The OJT program manager should schedule a meeting with the
trainee and the Director. The following areas should be

Review of OJT since the last meeting

Present training status
Accuracy of completed tasks
Trainee feedback on the OJT process
Problems encountered
Modification of trainees OJT plan as needed
Identification of next tasks to be presented
Identification of opportunities for OJT

If problems are encountered between the trainee and his

instructor the OJT PM or Director should meet with the
instructor to discuss the issues and provide coaching as
needed. Assignment of OJT instructors is the responsibility of
the Director. The OJT PM should record the date of the review
meeting in the training record along with any comments if

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-30

7. Phase 3 Evaluation

The diagram below depicts the steps and key participants in the OJT Evaluation
Phase. This phase consists of evaluating the effectiveness of the OJT Program
at the sub directorate. This phase is cyclical in nature and operates as a
continuous process of evaluation, communication, and improvement.


SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-31

Step 3.1 Evaluate the OJT Program

Step 3.1 Key Participants

OJT PM Director Trainee OJT Instructor
Deputy Director Head of Section DAAO Training Manager

The evaluation phase is a continuous process of analyzing
information in order to improve the effectiveness of the training
program. Appendix 5 & 6 at the end of this chapter present
some sample questions that can be used to conduct
evaluations of the OJT program at the sub directorate.


Sub Directorate
The program should be evaluated by the sub directorate OJT
PM with the input of OJT instructors, trainees, DAAO Training
Manager, Head of Section, Deputy Director and Director. This
evaluation should be done at least once a year. The OJT PM
will evaluate the OJT program through meetings and
observation. The review meeting (See Step 2.5) is one way of
determining if the OJT program is working properly. The
feedback should be analyzed and suggested changes
discussed with the Director.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-32

Step 3.2 Communicate Findings

Step 3.2 Key Participants

OJT PM DAAO Training Manager

Evaluation findings should be communicated clearly and
information shared with all stakeholders. Findings from an
evaluation may indicate a localized issue to be addressed
individually, or may indicate a systemic issue that needs to be
communicated at a higher level.


Sub Directorate
The OJT PM is responsible for communicating program
suggestions and changes to each local office as described in
Step 1.2. This can include any recommendations arising from
the evaluation.

The OJT PMs will discuss the status of the program, problems encountered, and
suggestions for improvement. The results of these evaluation will be provided to
DAAO management.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-33

Step 3.3 Implement Improvements

Step 3.3 Key Participants


The goal of the evaluation phase is to identify problem areas
and to implement improvements. These improvements may
include anything from simple changes in local office procedure
to systemic changes in national policy. Any changes that affect
the processes discussed in this guide should be accompanied
by written revision of this guide as appropriate.

The OJT PM is critical in implementing changes as needed to
ensure the sub directorate develops the skills and capabilities it
needs. The OJT PM will develop an implementation plan for
needed improvements, answering the following types of
What improvements are needed to the OJT Program?
What are the benefits of these improvements?
What are the competing needs?
Do these improvements affect national standards and
What approvals are needed?
What funding is needed? Who will provide this funding?
What is the plan for implementing improvements?
Who is responsible for carrying out the improvements?
What is the estimated timeline?

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-34

8. How People Learn

This section of the OJT Guide provides a brief discussion of how people learn. A
basic understanding of learning theory is essential to the instructional process.
In order to produce an efficient and cost effective training program, OJT
Program Managers and Instructors must incorporate this information into the
training process.

What is Learning?

There are several leading theories of how people learn. Each of them provides
different definitions for what learning is.

Behaviorist Theory. Behaviorism focuses on observable behavior rather than

non-observable mental events. It suggests learning is a relatively permanent
change in behavior due to experience. The learner must be engaged in the
behavior in order to learn.

Behaviorism defines learning as: A change in human disposition or capability

that persists over a period of time and is not simply ascribable to processes of
growth. Under Behaviorist theory, learning is seen as a change in behavior.

Cognitivist Theory. Cognitivism focuses on the internal mental events.

Cognitivism considers how people perceive, interpret, remember and think about
the environmental events they experience. It suggests learning occurs when
information is mentally processed and the structure of learner's knowledge

Under Cognitivist theory learning is defined as: A relatively permanent change

in a persons knowledge or behavior due to experience. This definition has three
components: (1) the duration of the change is long-term rather than short-term;
(2) the locus of the change is the content and structure of knowledge in memory
or the behavior of the learner; (3) the cause of the change is the learners
experience in the environment rather than fatigue, motivation, drugs, physical
condition, or physiological intervention.
Under Cognitivism learning is a process that takes place inside a persons head.
This process enables organisms to modify their behavior fairly rapidly in a more
or less permanent way.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-35

Technology fields generally favor the behaviorist theory. Particularly in aviation
where learning is expected to produce a persisting change in human
performance. Learning is the pathway to doing. If an instructor teaches
something and nothing changes, no learning took place.

Both the behaviorist and the cognitive approaches are useful learning theories.
A reasonable way to plan, manage, and conduct aviation training is to include
the best features of each major theory. This provides a way to measure
behavioral outcomes and promote cognitive learning. Another interesting aspect
of learning is that it is also learnable. People can improve their ability to learn.

The Learning Process

Principles of Learning

Today we realize that learning isn't pouring facts into heads. Rather, learning is
an interaction between what's incoming and what's already there. Learning is
rewiring the brain by sculpting new pigeonholes and adding connections.

"Knowledge is constructed, not transferred. It's built out of known chunks. It's
always linked to the situation, thus 'situated.' Skills and knowledge do not exist
outside of context. Everything is connected, in mental, physical, or social space."
Peter Senge, Schools That Learn.

There are four important principles that affect the learning process. For training
to be effective, we must recognize and incorporate these four principles:

1. Learning occurs in context

Learning must happen within certain context. Without an appropriate setting,
learning is unlikely to succeed.

2. Learning is active
"Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand." This
Chinese proverb suggests that learners have to be mentally active during
learning activities, make connections between the new knowledge and
existing knowledge, and construct meaning from their own experiences.

3. Learning is social
Learners benefit from working collaboratively in groups so that they can hear
different perspectives and accomplish the learning tasks with the help of
their peers and experts.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-36

4. Learning is reflective
Learning is facilitated when learners are given chances to express and
evaluate their own thinking.

Learning Styles

Learning styles refers to the ways that learners perceive and process
information. There are three generally recognized learning styles:

1. Visual: Visual learners learn by seeing and looking.

2. Auditory: Auditory learners learn by hearing and listening.
3. Kinesthetic: Kinesthetic learners learn by touching and doing.

Learning results from stimulation of the senses. In some people, one sense is
used more than others to learn or recall information. Different instructional
strategies should be utilized to take advantage of different learning styles.
Instructors should present materials that stimulate as many senses as possible
in order to increase their chances of teaching success.

Learning Structure

The modern learning process for adult learners can be stated as follows:

Attention makes us receptive to information, which we process together with

prior experience, until we arrive at conclusions and understanding, which we
then apply and test for confirmation.

As you can see this process has five parts.

1. Attention
The first thing a instructor should do is get the learners attention. You could tell
a joke, which is a proven attention-getter. But more importantly, instructors must
help the learner understand why todays training is important to them. Why
should the learner work hard to master the training? When you can answer that,
you are well on your way.

2. Information
Since most groups of adults have a variety of learning styles, the training
information needs to be presented in a variety of ways. Use written words,

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-37

visuals, audio, live action, practice, etc. There needs to be a mixture within every
session. If that were not the case, if everyone learned the same way, we could
just give everyone a book and be done with it.

3. Process With Prior Experience

All adults compare new information with their previous knowledge and
experience. As a trainer you need to give learners the chance to reflect,
question, and compare. Perhaps you could use small group discussions to give
learners the chance to draw from their past and link it to the information. A smart
instructor builds this step into the program, because the learners are going to do
it anyway. How many times have you heard learners say things like: "This isnt
the way we did it before." "When I worked at Freddies Fish House we did it this
way." "I just wasnt raised to see things this way." It makes common sense that
an instructor will allow the learners to discuss these thoughts in an open and
supportive way.

4. Conclusions and Understanding

It is the learners job to draw conclusions for themselves about how the training
will be used. All learners have their own unique perspective, experience, and
learning style, and that will affect how they finally understand the training. The
instructors job is to help the learners move through the material in an orderly
and effective way, giving them time to practice new skills, and draw their own

5. Application and Testing

After training is over, the trainees will go back to work and try to decide if the
information they received in training is worthwhile or not. They will accomplish
this by themselves, with no instructor looking over their shoulder, no flip charts,
no videos, no prizes, and no doughnuts. The trainee will experiment, test, and
ultimately accept or reject the training. There is nothing the instructor can do to
stop them. So, the effective instructor builds this into the program. Encourage
learners to experiment. During the follow-up phase of the program, the instructor
can check on the experimentation and the eventual application of the training.

Instructor Techniques

There are four important techniques that can enhance our ability as instructors.
These critical elements of learning must be incorporated into our teaching
methods to ensure that participants learn effectively. These elements are:


SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-38

Motivation. If the student does not recognize the need for the information (or
has been offended or intimidated), all of the instructor's effort to assist the
participant to learn will be in vain. The instructor must establish rapport with
participants and prepare them for learning in order to properly motivate them.

What motivates adult learners? Typical motivations include a requirement for

competence or licensing, a new promotion, job enrichment, a need to maintain
old skills or learn new ones, a need to adapt to job changes, or the need to learn
in order to comply with company directives.

The following factors serve as sources of motivation for adult learning:

Social relationships: to make new friends, to meet a need for associations and
External expectations: to comply with instructions from someone else; to fulfill
the expectations or recommendations of someone with formal authority.
Social welfare: to improve ability to serve mankind, prepare for service to the
community, and improve ability to participate in community work.
Personal advancement: to achieve higher status in a job, secure professional
advancement, and stay abreast of competitors.
Escape/Stimulation: to relieve boredom, provide a break in the routine of home
or work, and provide a contrast to other exacting details of life.
Cognitive interest: to learn for the sake of learning, seek knowledge for its own
sake, and to satisfy an inquiring mind.

The best way to motivate adult learners is simply to enhance their reasons for
taking the training and decrease any barriers. Instructors must learn why their
students are enrolled and use this information to plan their motivating strategies.
A successful strategy includes showing adult learners the relationship between
training and job success.

Without proper motivation learning cannot take place. Instructors can motivate
students via several means:

Set a feeling or tone for the lesson. Instructors should try to establish a friendly,
open atmosphere that shows the participants they will help them learn.

Set an appropriate level of concern. The level of tension must be adjusted to

meet the level of importance of the objective. If the material has a high level of
importance, a higher level of tension/stress should be established in the class.
However, people learn best under low to moderate stress; if the stress is too
high, it becomes a barrier to learning.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-39

Set an appropriate level of difficulty. The degree of difficulty should be set high
enough to challenge participants but not so high that they become frustrated by
information overload. The instruction should predict and reward participation,
culminating in success.

In addition, participants need specific knowledge of their learning results

(feedback ). Feedback must be specific, not general. Participants must also see
a reward for learning. The reward does not necessarily have to be monetary; it
can be simply a demonstration of benefits to be realized from learning the
material. Finally, the participant must be interested in the subject. Interest is
directly related to reward. Adults must see the benefit of learning in order to
motivate themselves to learn the subject.

Reinforcement. Reinforcement is a very necessary part of the teaching/learning

process; through it, instructors encourage correct modes of behavior and

Positive reinforcement is normally used by instructors who are teaching

participants new skills. As the name implies, positive reinforcement is "good" and
reinforces "good" (or positive) behavior.

Negative reinforcement is normally used by instructors teaching a new skill or

new information. It is useful in trying to change modes of behavior. The result of
negative reinforcement is extinction -- that is, the instructor uses negative
reinforcement until the "bad" behavior disappears, or it becomes extinct.

When instructors are trying to change behaviors (old practices), they should
apply both positive and negative reinforcement.

Reinforcement should be part of the teaching-learning process to ensure correct

behavior. Instructors need to use it on a frequent and regular basis early in the
process to help the students retain what they have learned. Then, they should
use reinforcement only to maintain consistent, positive behavior.

Instructors must remember that learning occurs within each individual as a

continual process throughout life. People learn at different speeds and in
different ways, so it is natural for them to be anxious or nervous when faced with
a learning situation. Positive reinforcement by the instructor can enhance
learning, as can proper timing of the instruction.

Retention. Students must retain information from classes in order to benefit

from the learning. The instructors' jobs are not finished until they have assisted
the learner in retaining the information. In order for participants to retain the
information taught, they must see a meaning or purpose for that information. The

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-40

must also understand and be able to interpret and apply the information. This
understanding includes their ability to assign the correct degree of importance to
the material.

The amount of retention will be directly affected by the degree of original

learning. Simply stated, if the participants did not learn the material well initially,
they will not retain it well either.

Retention by the participants is directly affected by their amount of practice

during the learning. Instructors should emphasize retention and application. After
the students demonstrate correct (desired) performance, they should be urged
to practice to maintain the desired performance. Distributed practice is similar in
effect to intermittent reinforcement.

Transference. Transfer of learning is the result of training -- it is the ability to

use the information taught in the course but in a new setting. As with
reinforcement, there are two types of transfer: positive and negative.

Positive transference, like positive reinforcement, occurs when the students use
the behavior taught in the course.

Negative transference, again like negative reinforcement, occurs when the

participants do not do what they are told not to do. This results in a positive
(desired) outcome.

Transference is most likely to occur in the following situations:

Association -- participants can associate the new information with something

that they already know.

Similarity -- the information is similar to material that participants already know;

that is, it revisits a logical framework or pattern.

Degree of original learning -- participant's degree of original learning was high.

Critical attribute element -- the information learned contains elements that are
extremely beneficial (critical) on the job.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-41

Adult Learning

Part of being an effective instructor involves understanding how adults learn

best. Compared to children and teens, adults have special needs and
requirements as learners. Despite the apparent truth, adult learning is a
relatively new area of study. The following seven characteristics of adult learners
have been identified:

Adults are autonomous and self-directed. They need to be free to direct

themselves. Their teachers must actively involve adult participants in the
learning process and serve as facilitators for them. Specifically, they must get
participants' perspectives about what topics to cover and let them work on
projects that reflect their interests. They should allow the participants to assume
responsibility for presentations and group leadership. They have to be sure to
act as facilitators, guiding participants to their own knowledge rather than
supplying them with facts. Finally, they must show participants how the class will
help them reach their goals (e.g., via a personal goals sheet).

Adults have accumulated a foundation of life experiences and knowledge that

may include work-related activities, family responsibilities, and previous
education. They need to connect learning to this knowledge/experience base. To
help them do so, they should draw out participants' experience and knowledge
which is relevant to the topic. They must relate theories and concepts to the
participants and recognize the value of experience in learning.

Adults are goal-oriented. Upon enrolling in a course, they usually know what
goal they want to attain. They, therefore, appreciate an educational program that
is organized and has clearly defined elements. Instructors must show
participants how this class will help them attain their goals. This classification of
goals and course objectives must be done early in the course.

Adults are relevancy-oriented. They must see a reason for learning something.
Learning has to be applicable to their work or other responsibilities to be of value
to them. Therefore, instructors must identify objectives for adult participants
before the course begins. This means, also, that theories and concepts must be
related to a setting familiar to participants. This need can be fulfilled by letting
participants choose projects that reflect their own interests.

Adults are practical, focusing on the aspects of a lesson most useful to them in
their work. They may not be interested in knowledge for its own sake. Instructors
must tell participants explicitly how the lesson will be useful to them on the job.

As do all learners, adults need to be shown respect. Instructors must

acknowledge the wealth of experiences that adult participants bring to the

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-42

classroom. These adults should be treated as equals in experience and
knowledge and allowed to voice their opinions freely in class.

Adults have feelings. Adults usually manage to look calm and rational, especially
at work, but the prospect of training can stir deep feelings. When dealing with
adult learners it is important to address the feelings the learners may have.
These could include anger, anxiety, depression, embarrassment, excitement,
fear, frustration, happiness, and resentment. If these emotions are not
considered they may become barriers to the learning process. It makes sense,
then, that a good instructor will plan for the emotions that accompany learning,
and create an environment that encourages, welcomes, and rewards the sharing
of feelings.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-43

9. ITS Training Record Software

The ITS Training Record is a computer software program that runs on IMSIS
Database. This simple single-source database is used to record all training
completed in the ITS. In addition to its tracking function, the software also
provides automated reporting, and easy access to all ITS program documents
and forms via integrated hyperlinks.

For security purposes the software provides three different levels of access to
the database for Users, Supervisors, and software Administrators. Instructions
for setting up these levels and for installing the software on the DAAO IMSIS are
included in a separate document called ITS Software Instructions for LAN

Instructions for software Users and operational Supervisors is found below.

When creating an individual OJT plan for a new trainee, see also the ITS OJT
Guide, Subchapter 5, Step 1.3, item 6.

Getting Started
The first step is to have your automation LAN Administrator install the software
on your computer. Instructions for this process are included a separate
document called ITS Software Administrator Instructions.

Start the application by double clicking the icon on your desktop. This icon
should have been set-up for you by your LAN Administrator.

After the ITS application has started, you will see the ITS Main Menu that is
appropriate for your user access level. Your user access level is assigned by
your LAN Administrator.

Administrator Menu
The Administrator access level shows all buttons and includes all functions in
the ITS software. Note the red ADMIN MENU button in the lower right column.
This button provides access to the following software Administrator functions:
1. Assign access level rights to users of the ITS software.
2. Provide information about DAAO offices.
3. Enter new local or specialty courses offered by your DAAO.
4. Accomplish database housekeeping functions.
5. Remove local or specialty courses from the ITS system.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-44

Detailed instructions for these functions are provided in the separate, ITS
Software Instructions for LAN Administrators.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-45

Supervisor Menu
The Supervisor access level has the ability to view and update training records
for all users in the system. This level also has access to the automated
management reports. This access level will not show the red ADMIN MENU

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-46

User Menu
The User access level will show only the buttons depicted below. Users have
view access to their own records only. They cannot change any information in
the database, and they cannot see the training records for other personnel.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-47

Employee Administration Tab
Employee Administration consists of all the functions found in the center column
on the Main ITS Menu. Buttons under this tab are included for the following

1. Add An Employee to the training database.

2. Edit Employee Information.
3. Delete an Employee from the training database.
4. Assign a Local Course to an employees training plan.
5. Remove a Local Course from an employees training plan.

1. Add An Employee to the training database.

Use this function to add an employee to the training database. This will create
a new training record for the employee which will track the employees training
progress, including both formal classroom courses and On The Job Training
(OJT). A dialog box will open automatically. Fill in the required information or
use the drop-down menus where provided.

Enter 3 or 4 letters for the employees initials.

Enter employees name, in any desired format.
Select employees specialty, either OPS or AIR. Use the drop-down

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-48

Enter the employees date of hire. Note that all dates in the ITS software
use the same format, that is DD/MMM/YYYY. Example: 05/JAN/2013.
Dates are used throughout the program for quality control and statistical
Enter the employees position description. The position descriptions
found in the drop-down menu are the same as found in the ITS Program
Guide, Appendix 3.
Enter employee identification number. This box was provided for any
DAAO use and is entirely optional.
Enter the code or identifier for the office where the employee works.
This should be in the same format as used by your software
Administrator when he set-up the Office Editor table in the ADMIN
MENU. See the separate, ITS Software Administrator Instructions for
further information on this.
When finished, press the button marked Create User Record. This will
create a new ITS Training Record for the employee and he/she will then
be entered into the training database. You can then access this training
record using any of the desired functions on the ITS Main Menu.
If Create User Record results in an error message saying, Duplicate
Initials Exist, this tells you that the employee initials in the top box are
already being used by another inspector.
When adding a new employee to the system, remember that any of
these items can be changed very easily at a later time by using the Edit
Employee Information button described below.
If the employee also needs access to the software to view his/her own
training record, be sure that your software Administrator has added the
employee to the User Table using the User Access Level Editor in the
ADMIN MENU as described in the separate ITS Software Administrator

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-49

2. Edit Employee Information.

Use this function to change or edit the information for an employee that has
already been added into the system.

When you push this button the Select Inspector dialog box will appear.
Use the drop-down menu to select the employee whose information you
want to change.

The Edit Employee dialog box shown below will open automatically. Any
of the items can be changed as desired. See Add an Employee above
for specific instructions on each entry.
Push the Save User Record button to save your changes.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-50

3. Delete An Employee from the training database.

Use this function to delete an employees training record from the ITS

It is recommended that the training records for all employees be

retained in some form permanently. These records may be subject to
inspection by ICAO or State authorities even years after an employee
has left the service of the DAAO.
You may retain the training records for all DAAO employees in the ITS
software. It is a very robust system and will accommodate many
thousands of records.
If you do feel the need to delete an employees training record from the
software system, it is recommended that you first make a hard copy of
the employees training record using the Training Summary Report
button. Instructions for this button are discussed under the Training
Update tab below. Retain this hard-copy print-out in the employees
permanent personnel file.
To delete an employees training record from the software, select the
employee in the Select Inspector dialog box. When the Delete Employee
box opens, make sure that you have selected the correct employee.
Push the Delete User Record button. Answer Yes to the warning box to

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-51

permanently delete the employees training record from the ITS

4. Assign a Local Course to an employees training plan.

Use this function to assign a Local Course to an employees training plan. A

Local Course is a course that is offered by DAAO or a commercial vendor that
is not part of the minimum requirements specified in the Inspector Training
System. Local courses can be of any nature or description. Adding local
courses to the system and assigning them to various employees provides a
way for you to customize employee training for DAAO requirements.

The Local Course function provides for formal classroom courses only. OJT for
Local Courses is not supported.

Before you can assign a Local Course to an employee, this course must
first have been added into the ITS system by your software
Administrator. This is accomplished using the Enter Local Course
function in the ADMIN MENU. Instructions for this procedure are
provided in the separate ITS Software Administrator Instructions.
Press the Assign a Local Course button and choose the appropriate
employee in the Select Inspector dialog box. The Assign Course to
Specific Employee dialog box will open automatically.
Use the drop-down menu to select the name of the course you wish to
Use the next drop-down menu to select the associated course number.
Only the appropriate number should be visible.
Press the Add Course button to add this course to the employees
training responsibilities.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-52

5. Remove a Local Course from an employees training plan.

Use this function to remove a local course from an employees training plan.
This function does not remove the local course from the ITS system-wide.
Normally, once a course has been assigned and completed, the course should
be left as part of the employees training record permanently. This function,
therefore, is provided primarily as a means to remove a local course that was
assigned in error, or one that the employee will never be able to complete.

To remove a local course, press the Remove a Local Course button and
choose the appropriate employee in the Select Inspector dialog box.
A dialog box will open automatically showing the selected employee and
all local courses that have been assigned to him.
Place your mouse cursor in the left-hand column next to the course you
wish to remove. Press the Delete key on your computer keyboard.
Answering Yes to the warning box will permanently delete the course
from this employees training record and from all associated reports.
If you accidentally remove a local course, you can remedy the error by
assigning the course once again using the Assign a Local Course button
described above. This is provided that the course still exists in the ITS
system and has not been deleted by your software Administrator.
Press the Save and Close button to return to the main ITS menu.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-53

Training Update Tab
Training Update consists of all the functions found in the left column on the
Main ITS Menu. Buttons are included for the following functions:

1. Review/Update Tasks and Course completions for a particular employee.

2. Training Summary Report for a particular employee.
3. Enter an Employee Training Review session.
4. Employee Local Course Listing.
5. Close the ITS Menu

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-54

1. Review and Update Tasks and Course completions for a particular

This button provides access to the main data entry screen for the ITS
database. Use this function to:
A. View or enter Formal Course completion dates.
B. View or enter On-The-Job (OJT) training completion dates.
C. Access hyperlinks to Job Task Analysis documents.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-55

A. Formal course completion dates.
To enter a formal course completion date, click on one of the Job Task lines
associated with the particular formal course. The name of the formal course
will appear at the top of the screen. See the red box below.
Enter the date the formal course was completed. As always, observe the
proper date format that is used throughout the software, DD-MMM-YYYY.
Example: 07-JAN-2013.
Tip! If you carefully click on the first job task that is associated with a formal
course, you will only have to enter the formal course completion date once.
The software is designed to automatically fill-in the formal course
completion dates for all associated job tasks that are listed at and below the
line you happen to click on. If you click on one of the lower job tasks you will
simply have to enter the formal course completion date more than once, for
each associated job task, when you begin to sign off the OJT completion
Formal course completion dates must be entered into the software before
you can enter a managers initials for Level-3 OJT completion. This is
discussed in more detail below.
Press the Save and Close button to save your entries.

B. On-the-Job Training completion dates.

You can enter the date you plan to begin OJT training for any given job
task; you can sign-off OJT completion for Levels 1, 2, & 3; and you can
enter comments as needed. See the red box below.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-56

OJT Planning. To enter the date you plan to begin OJT training, simply find
the appropriate job task and click in the Planned Date box in the first
column. Enter the date using the standard format.
OJT Completion for Level 1. To enter the completion of Level 1 OJT, find
the appropriate job task and click in the Level 1 Date box. Enter the date
using the standard format. Next click in the Level 1 Initials box and enter the
initials of the OJT instructor who certified that Level 1 training for this job
task has been completed.
OJT completion for Levels 2 & 3 are recorded in the same way. You must
enter these in the correct order, beginning with Level 1, then 2, and finally
Level 3.
Credit for previous training. If OJT credit is being granted for previous
training or experience, enter the letters CR (Credit) in the Initials blocks,
instead of an OJT instructors initials. In the Inspector Training System you
are only authorized to do this for OJT levels 1 & 2. Completion of OJT Level
3 must be observed at least once and certified by an OJT instructor.
Manager Initials. This box is used to show that an inspector is now fully
qualified on a particular job task. This means that he has completed both
the formal course and all three levels of OJT for that job task. You will not
be able to access the Manager Initials box until these previous items are
properly signed-off. Entering the Managers initials in this box certifies that
the inspector is now authorized by the CAA to conduct this job task without
further assistance.
Add any comments as needed, especially as might concern the inspectors
OJT progress. Click in the comment box and press F2 to access the full
comment dialog box.
Press the Save and Close button to save your entries.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-57

C. Access hyperlinks to Job Task Analysis documents.
This screen is equipped with hyperlinks that allow you to quickly open any
of the Job Task Analysis documents. This is a quick and ready reference for
anyone involved in the OJT training process.
Simply locate the job task of interest, then click on the ? This will
automatically open Microsoft Word and the associated Job Task Analysis
document. You can review or print the document as you prefer.
See the red box below.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-58

2. Training Summary Report for a particular employee.

This button will automatically display a summary report showing the

qualification status for any particular employee.

The report will show the formal courses completed and the job tasks that
the employee is fully qualified to perform on behalf of the DAAO. You can
view or print this file as you prefer.
If Local Courses have been assigned to the employee, they will print out at
the end of the report as Training Category 10.
To find more specific information on the progress of each level of OJT
training you should use the Review/Update Tasks and Courses button
discussed above.
See an example of the Training Summary Report below.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-59

3. Enter an Employee Training Review session.

The ITS software maintains a training logbook for each employee in the
system. Use this button to add a new entry to an individual employees training
review logbook.
Each entry you add will be automatically sorted by date and listed in
chronological order. The entries with the oldest dates will be listed first,
at the top of the page.
Enter the Date of Review in the box provided. Use the standard
convention of DD/MMM/YYYY.
Click in the Reviewer box and type in the initials of the person who
conducted the review.
Click in the Comment box and type in your comments. Press F2 to gain
access to the full comment entry box.
Press the Close button when you are finished entering text. The training
logbook will save automatically.
To view the training review logbook for an individual employee you
should use the Management Reports button under the Resources tab,
then select Training Review Report. This report is discussed in the
Resources section below.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-60

4. Employee Local Course Listing.

This button is used to show which Local Courses have been assigned to a
particular employee.

Use this function to display the list of Local Courses that have been
assigned to a particular employee. After you select the appropriate
employee, a dialog box will open showing all the Local Courses that are
assigned to that employee.
You can use this screen to enter a completion date for one of the listed
courses. Local Course completion dates can be entered either here, or
using the Review/Update Tasks and Courses button. Either entry
location will save the information into the employees training record.
Press the Save and Close button to save your entries and return to the
main menu.
To assign a Local Course to an employee, use the Assign Local Course
button under the Employee Administration tab.
To remove a Local Course from an employees training record, use the
Remove Local Course button under the Employee Administration tab.
To add a Local Course into the ITS system, use the Enter Local Course
function in the ADMIN menu.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-61

5. Close the ITS Menu

Use this button to close the ITS Training Record software and exit from
Microsoft Access. All the entries you have made will be saved automatically.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-62

Resources Tab
The Resources tab provides quick access to automated ITS services and
documents which will be useful to both managers and users. Buttons are
included for the following functions:

1. Management Reports.
2. ITS Documents.
3. ADMIN Menu.

1. Management Reports.

This button provides access to the management reports that are generated
automatically by the ITS software. These reports include:

A. Formal Course Report

B. OJT Task Training Report
C. Recurrent Training Report
D. Core Training Report
E. Training Review Report

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-63

A. Formal Course Training Report

This report lists DAAO office in the system, and shows the number of
employees who have completed each formal course. The report will show only
formal courses that have been completed by at least one employee. Formal
courses that have not been completed by any employees will not be listed.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-64

B. OJT Job Task Training Report

This report lists DAAO office in the system, and shows the number of
inspectors who are fully qualified on the job tasks listed. The report will show
only those job tasks that have at least one fully qualified inspector. Job tasks
that have no qualified inspectors will not be shown.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-65

C. Recurrent Training Report

This report lists DAAO office in the system, and shows the last formal course
completed by each inspector in each subject. Normally, an inspector should
receive a minimum of one formal course of recurrent training in some
appropriate subject at least every three years. The ITS assumes that these
courses will be added to the system as Local Courses, in accordance with the
CAA recurrent training policy.

The completion date of each inspectors last formal course is shown, together
with the due date of a course of recurrent training. Items in BLUE will come
due 6 to 12 months from the current date. Items in RED are due within 6
months of the current date or are overdue. The due date is based on a three
year cycle.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-66

D. Office Core Training Report

This report shows which inspectors in each office have completed the formal
courses for minimum core training, and which inspectors have completed all
core training formal courses.

As discussed in the ITS Program Guide, Core Training refers to the essential
training that should be provided to all Flight Standards Inspectors. Core training
includes all of the training specified in Training Categories 1 through 5. These
categories are Indoctrination, Certification, Surveillance, Personnel Licensing,
and Investigations. All Flight Standards Inspectors should complete all of the
formal courses specified in these first five Training Categories sometime during
their employment with the DAAO.

However, for the purposes of assigning an employee as a Principal Inspector,

the ITS has additionally specified Minimum Core Training requirements. These
are shown in the ITS as the first formal course listed in training categories 1
through 5. These five specific courses are: New Employee Orientation, Air
Operator Certification, Air Operator Surveillance, Personnel Licensing
Procedures, Compliance & Enforcement.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-67

E. Employee Training Review Report

The ITS software maintains a training logbook for each employee in the
system. This button provides access to view any employees logbook. This is a
view function only. To enter data into the logbook use the Enter an Employee
Training Review button under the Training Update Tab. Logbook entries are
automatically sorted by date and listed in chronological order. The entries with
the oldest dates will be listed first, at the top of the page.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-68

2. ITS Documents.

This button provides quick and easy access to the principal documents used in
the Inspector Training System. These buttons are hyperlinked to the principal
documents that reside on your computer hard drive. Pressing one of these
buttons will automatically open Microsoft Word and the document you selected.
The five documents listed below are available in the sub-menu. These
documents can then be viewed, searched, or printed as you desire.

o OJT Guide
o Formal Course Standards
o Program Guide
o OPS Training Profile Worksheet
o AIR Training Profile Worksheet

3. ADMIN Menu.

This button provides access to the software Administrators menu. This button
will only be visible to users who have been granted rights to the Administrator
access level. This button provides easy access to the following software
Administrator functions:

1. Assign access level rights to users of the ITS software.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-69

2. Provide information about DAAO offices.
3. Enter local courses offered by DAAO into the ITS software.
4. Delete blank records: a database housekeeping function.
5. Remove local courses from the ITS software.

Detailed instructions for these functions are provided in the separate, ITS
Software Administrator Instructions.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 2-70

SI 8900-1.3

Appendix 1
OJT Instructor Letter of Authorization

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-1 Page 1

Appendix1: OJT Instructor Letter of Authorization

Date: <Date>
From: Director of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation
To: <Inspector Name>, <Office Name>
Subject: Assignment as OJT Instructor

You are hereby designated as an On-the-Job Training (OJT) Instructor for the Directorate of
Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations, effective <Date>.

Your duties and responsibilities are as follows:

All training is to be accomplished in accordance with DGCA regulations and the

requirements and procedures specified in the Inspector Training System (ITS).
Create an objective, constructive, and patient learning environment to support the
training process.
Provide structured and well-planned OJT training with clearly stated objectives and
expected standards of performance.
Make fair and accurate assessments of trainee knowledge and skill on specific tasks.
Communicate regularly with the Director, Deputy Director, Head of Section, DAAO
Training Manager, and OJT Program Manager about trainee progress and problems.
Notify management when a trainee has successfully accomplished all elements of
OJT on a particular Job Task and is now ready to accomplish that task without further
Offer constructive suggestions and recommendations to improve the OJT process.


Director of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-1 Page 2

SI 8900-1.3

Appendix 2
OJT PM Letter of Authorization

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-2 Page 1

Appendix 2: OJT PM Letter of Authorization

Date: <Date>
From: Director of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations
To: <Inspector Name>, <Office Name>
Subject: Assignment as OJT Program Manager

You are hereby designated as an On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program Manager for the
Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations, effective <Date>.

Your duties and responsibilities are as follows:

Ensure that OJT program implementation is consistent with DGCA policies and the
requirements and procedures specified in the Inspector Training System.
Effectively manage the OJT program in the Sub Directorate <name of sub
Facilitate the resolution of problems or issues that may impede the effective delivery
of OJT.
Make fair and accurate assessments of trainee knowledge and skill on specific tasks.
Participate in quarterly meeting with other OJT managers to discuss the status of the
OJT program and make recommendations for improvement.
Assist the Director to identify additional tasks in the office that should be included in
the OJT process.
Set-up and maintain individual Training Records to certify training status and
Recommend OJT Instructor candidates to the Director.
Monitor OJT instructor performance and provide coaching on effective methods and


Director of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-2 Page 2

SI 8900-1.3

Appendix 3
Training Guidance for Conducting OJT

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-3 Page 1

Appendix 3: Training Guidance for Conducting OJT

Training Guidance
Conducting On-the-Job Training (OJT) Levels I, II, & III

Prior to conducting training for any level of OJT, the instructor should obtain the
associated Job Task Analysis (JTA) document to use along with this Training
Guidance. The JTAs provide the references, steps, and standards for performing the

OJT is presented in three stages or Levels of learning. Level I is basic background

and knowledge of a task. Level II is a further understanding of the function and
conduct of the task, including observation or assistance of the task being performed.
Level III is where trainees actually perform the task themselves. These three levels
provide for a progressive and structured field training experience for anyone who has
a need to learn a new job task.

Level I Level II Level III

Knowledge Understanding Performance

Trainee: Study Trainee: Observe/Assist Trainee: Perform

Instructor: Discuss Instructor: Demonstrate Instructor: Evaluate

This Training Guidance document should be used by OJT Instructors to conduct OJT
in a consistent manner from task to task. It provides guidance on the delivery of
training for all three levels. It also presents a standardized way to validate learning
and competency at all three levels so that the task can be signed off by the Office
Manager when completed.

The following are some general tips you can use when planning OJT training:

OJT training levels I and II may be covered in the same session.

OJT Instructors should allow sufficient time between Levels II and III for the
trainee(s) to practice the task, since they will be required to perform it on their
own for Level III.
With the consent of the Office Manager, prior experience or completion of other
approved training may be credited for the first two levels of OJT (See the
Chapter II OJT Guide, Step 1.3 Develop Individual OJT Plans).

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-3 Page 2

OJT Level I

Purpose of Level I training:

Level I training is focused on the knowledge required for the task. The knowledge is
contained in orders, rules, guidance, and standards documents.

Level I Performance Objectives

Following Level I training the trainee will be able to:
Identify appropriate materials associated with the task
Define key terms and definitions associated with the task
Explain how the task is initiated
Explain all possible task outcomes
Describe how the task is closed and documented

Steps for Conducting Level I:

The accomplishment of Level I will include a review of appropriate regulations,
guidance, and forms required for the task as found in the Job Task Analysis
documents. This may be done in one of the following ways:
Give the trainee the JTA document for the task and have him/her gather and
study the relevant guidance materials.
When two or more trainees are being trained at the same time on the same
task, have the trainees research and review the guidance together.

After the self-study portion has been completed by the trainee, you (the instructor) will
review and discuss the materials with the trainee.

Put the trainee at ease by establishing rapport

Review the purpose for Level I training
Discuss the relevant documents
Find out what the trainee already knows about the task
Review the prerequisites (if any)
Review the steps for conducting the task
Review the performance objectives for the task
Ask and answer questions
Conduct a Level I validation before certifying completion

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-3 Page 3

Validating Level I

To Validate Level I OJT, the trainee must have an acceptable response to the
measurements below (unless the item is not applicable to the task).

n/a Unacceptable Acceptable

Identifies Identifies Identifies
Trainee can identify appropriate materials associated Cannot identify some most all
with the task (rules, orders, forms, equipment, etc.). materials materials materials materials

Trainee can define key terms and definitions associated Cannot define Defines some Defines most Defines all
with the task. terms terms terms terms

Cannot explain Explains some Explains most Explains all

sources for sources for sources for sources for
Trainee can explain how the task is initiated. initiating task initiating task initiating task initiating task

Trainee can explain the Task Outcome(s) (e.g., Cannot explain Explains some Explains most Explains all
certificate and/or Ops Specs issuance, task possible task possible task possible task
approval/disapproval). outcomes outcomes outcomes outcomes

Trainee can describe how the task is closed and Describes Describes
documented in the work tracking record, operator file, Cannot explain task methods or methods or
etc.). documentation forms for forms for
documentation documentation

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-3 Page 4

OJT Level II

Purpose of Level II training:

Level II training consists of a demonstration of the job task by the instructor. Each
step and procedure will be included. The trainee will observe the instructor, and/or
assist if able.

Level II Performance Objectives

Following Level II training the trainee will be able to:
Describe the sequence of steps to accomplish the task
Describe how appropriate guidance materials and equipment are used to
accomplish the task
Describe interactions with other DGCA personnel that are required to
accomplish the task
Describe coordination that is required with the air operator to accomplish the

Steps for Conducting Level II:

To begin:
Gather any materials needed to perform the task. (The trainee may also do
Review the performance objectives for the task and the purpose for Level II
Review what was covered in Level I training

The accomplishment of Level II will include a demonstration of the task itself. Do the
following as you conduct this training:
Solicit any questions about the task before you begin
Determine if it will be appropriate for the trainee to assist you in the task, or
whether he will simply observe you doing the task. This is based upon the
specific task and the comfort level of the trainee.
Be sure that the environment is conducive to learning. For example, if you are
performing the task in the field, can the trainee sufficiently see and hear you?
Explain what you are doing as you accomplish each step of the task
Ask the trainee for the next steps as you demonstrate the task
Ask questions about how each step is performed
Conduct a Level II validation before certifying completion

For tasks that are largely document based, actual demonstration may not be
applicable. In that case, Level II training may be based on review and discussion of

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-3 Page 5

sample or previously completed documents. For example, when conducting Level II
training to review a manual, you could have the trainee review a manual that has
already been reviewed by an experienced Aviation Safety Inspector, and then
compare the two reviews.

Validating Level II
To Validate Level II OJT, the trainee must have an acceptable response to the
measurements below (unless the item is not applicable to the task).

n/a Unacceptable Acceptable

Cannot Describes Describes Describes
describe the some most step
Trainee can describe the sequence of steps to sequence of step step sequence sequence
accomplish the task. steps sequence accurately
Cannot Describes Describes most proper
Trainee can describe how appropriate materials such as describe use of some use of use of material use
forms and equipment are used to accomplish the task materials materials materials accurately
Cannot Describes Describes all
describe some Describes most possible
Trainee can describe interactions with other CAA interactions interactions interactions interactions
personnel required to accomplish the task. among CAA accurately accurately accurately

Cannot Explains some Explains most Explains all

Trainee can describe coordination with operator that is describe operator operator operator
required to accomplish the task. operator coordination coordination coordination
coordination accurately

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-3 Page 6


Purpose of Level III training:

Level III training consists of the trainee performing the task independently and
accurately while the OJT Instructor observes. The trainee may need more than one
attempt to complete the task successfully. After each attempt, the instructor should
provide feedback and suggestions for improvement for the next time.

Level III Performance Objectives

Following Level III training the trainee will be able to:
Demonstrate sufficient knowledge to accurately complete the task
Demonstrate all steps necessary to proficiently complete the task
Complete steps in the proper order
Perform the task in a timely manner and without assistance
Demonstrate proper judgment concerning the outcome of a task, and close it
out in the correct manner

Steps for Conducting Level III:

To begin:
Review what was covered in Level II training
Review the performance objectives for the task and the purpose for Level III
Ask the trainee if he/she has all of the materials necessary to perform the task
Explain expectations that the trainee will complete the task accurately and
without assistance

During Level III training the trainee will demonstrate the task and the instructor will
observe and evaluate. Use the following guidelines as the trainee performs the task:
Use the JTA and other guidance materials to check the steps as you observe
Assist only if the task normally requires two people. Do not offer assistance!
Circle omitted or incorrect steps to discuss with the trainee when the task is
STOP for unsafe or illegal actions and discuss with the trainee immediately
Conduct a Level III validation before certifying completion

Some tasks may occur infrequently or may not allow observation, such as when
conducting an Enroute Inspection. In those cases, an evaluation may be conducted
during a simulation of the task. The environment, conditions, equipment, and
performance of the task should be as near as possible to real life.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-3 Page 7

Validating Level III
To Validate Level III OJT, you (the instructor), must be able to answer Yes to all of
the questions shown below.

Yes No
Did the trainee demonstrate sufficient knowledge to accurately
complete the task?
Did the trainee demonstrate all steps necessary to proficiently
complete the task?
Were the steps completed in the proper order?

Did the trainee perform the task in a timely manner and without
Did the trainee properly judge the outcome of the task, and close it out
in the correct manner?

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-3 Page 8

SI 8900-1.3

Appendix 4
OJT Lesson Plan Template

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-4 Page 1

Appendix 4: OJT Lesson Plan Template


Task Name:
Task Number:
Occupational Specialty:
Date Prepared:
Estimated Time:

Training Aids:

Required Forms:

Available Job Aids:

Audio-Visual Presentations:

Other Aids: (e.g., chart paper, simulator, etc.)

Equipment and supplies required for the OJT task:

Computer File Names:

Lesson Plan OJT Lesson Plan Template.doc
PowerPoint Presentation
External Handouts

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-4 Page 2

SI 8900-1.3

Appendix 5
OJT Evaluation Questions - Trainee

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-5 Page 1

Appendix 5: OJT Evaluation Questions Trainee

1. What do you like best about the OJT Program?


2. What do you think could be improved in the OJT Program?


3. Is the OJT Guide being followed? Yes No Dont know

What part(s) is/are not being followed and why? ______________________________________________

4. What is the most time-consuming aspect of OJT for you and why? _______________________________
Is it time well spent? Yes No Dont know

5. Did you have an opportunity to give open feedback to your supervisor about your OJT?
Yes No

6. Did you have a clear understanding of the objectives for your OJT tasks? Yes No

7. Was your learning environment free from distractions? Yes No

8. Did your instructor provide the necessary assistance to help you achieve the objectives?
Yes No

9. Do you feel confident that you met the objectives during you OJT? Yes No

10. Have you received sufficient support from your Director and Deputy Director during OJT?
Yes No


SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-5 Page 2

SI 8900-1.3

Appendix 6
OJT Evaluation Questions
OJT Instructor, OJT PM, Training Manager

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-6 Page 1

Appendix 6: OJT Evaluation Questions OJT Instructor, OJT PM, Training Manager

1. What do you like best about the OJT Program?


2. What do you think could be improved in the OJT Program?


3. Is the OJT Guide being followed? Yes No Dont know

What part(s) is/are not being followed and why? ______________________________________________

4. What is the most time-consuming aspect of OJT for you and why? _______________________________
Is it time well spent? Yes No Dont know

5. Do you find yourself needing to use the expertise of other personnel to deliver OJT? Yes No

How, and for what subjects? _____________________________________________________________


6. What kind of planning activities do you do to prepare to deliver an OJT session?


7. Does your office have a sufficient number of instructors? Yes No

Why, or why not? ______________________________________________________________________

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System APP II-6 Page 2

SI 8900-1.3

Table of Contents

I. Introduction 3-1

II. OPERATIONS Course Descriptions: ..............................................3-2

1.0 Indoctrination
1001 New Employee Orientation .............................................3-2
2.0 Certification
2001 Air Operator Certification..................................................3-3
3.0 Surveillance
3001 Air Operator Surveillance .................................................3-6
4.0 Personnel Licensing
4001 Personnel Licensing Procedures ......................................3-8
4201 Designated Examiner Procedures ..................................3-10
4501 Aviation Training Organizations......................................3-11
4701 Flight Testing Procedures...............................................3-13
5.0 Investigations
5001 Compliance & Enforcement
(or resolution of safety concern) ......................................3-14
5501 Aircraft Accident Investigation ........................................3-15
6.0 Job Skills
6001 Simulator Evaluation.......................................................3-16
6201 Agricultural Air Operation ...............................................3-17
6501 Aviation Safety Program Manager..................................3-18
6701 Safety Management Systems.........................................3-19
6801 Foreign Air Carriers ........................................................3-20
6901 Audit process .................................................................3-21
61801 Dangerous Goods ..........................................................3-22
62201 Aircraft Type Rating-Operations.....................................3-24
63001 Crew Resources Management (CRM) ...........................3-25

7.0 Aircraft Dispatcher

7001 Aircraft Dispatcher Job Functions...................................3-28
8.0 Cabin Safety
8001 Cabin Safety ...................................................................3-29
9.0 Management
9001 Supervisory job skill........................................................3-30

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-ii

III AIRWORTHINESS Course Descriptions: ................................3-31

1.0 Indoctrination
1001 New Employee Orientation ...........................................3-31
2.0 Certification
2003 Air Operator Certification (AOC).....................................3-32
2303 Aircraft Maintenance Organizations (AMO)....................3-34
2403 Distributor Aeronautical Product (DAP) ..........................3-35
2503 Design Organization Approval (DOA) ............................3-36
2603 Production Approval Holder (PAH).................................3-37
3.0 Surveillance
3003 Air Operator Surveillance (AOC) ....................................3-39
3101 Manufacturing Surveillance ............................................3-40
4.0 Personnel Licensing
4003 Personnel Licensing Procedures ....................................3-41
4203 Designated Procedures ..................................................3-43
4503 Aviation Training Organizations......................................3-44
5.0 Investigations
5001 Compliance & Enforcement ............................................3-45
5501 Aircraft Accident Investigation ........................................3-46
6.0 Job Skills
6003 Aircraft Certification ........................................................3-47
6203 Major Repair and Alterations ..........................................3-48
6503 Aviation Safety Program Manager..................................3-49
6701 Safety Management Systems.........................................3-50
6801 Foreign Air Carriers ........................................................3-51
6903 Type Certification Engineering ....................................3-52
6101 Airworthiness Directives Engineering..........................3-53
61101 Aircraft Registration and Deregistration .........................3-54
61201 Irevocable Deregistration and
Export Request Authorization (IDERA)............................ 3-55
61301 Aircraft Mortgage............................................................3-56
61401 Aircraft Procurement ......................................................3-57
61501 Manufacturing Conformity Inspection Process ...............3-58
61601 ACSEP...........................................................................3-59
61701 Audit Process .................................................................3-60
61801 Dangerous Goods ..........................................................3-61
61901 Reliability Monitoring ......................................................3-63
62001 Non Destructive Test......................................................3-64
62101 Human Factor ................................................................3-65
62201 Aircraft Type Rating-Airworthiness.................................3-66

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-iii

7.0 Avionics
7050 Avionics Job Functions ...................................................3-55
8.0 Cabin Safety (Not Applicable)
9.0 Management
9001 Supervisory Job Skill ......................................................3-57

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-iv

I. Introduction

Creating a safe and reliable air transportation system for the traveling public is
the responsibility of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) located in
the Republic of Indonesia. As part of the effort to ensure proper aviation safety
oversight, the DAAO must provide a high quality-training program for both Flight
Operations and Airworthiness Inspectors who perform the technical work of the

This document, the Inspector Training System (ITS) Formal Course Standards,
provides a description of the minimum standards and content that should be
included in formal classroom training courses provided to inspector personnel.
This catalog includes an entry for each course referenced in the ITS Training

In this chapter, course descriptions are arranged according to the nine training
categories used in the Inspector Training System. Course descriptions are
provided for both Flight Operations and Airworthiness Inspectors.

When considering a course for inspector personnel the DGCA - DAAO should
consult this catalog to be certain that the proposed course complies with the
minimum standards specified herein.

This document provides formal course standards for initial training courses only.
Recurrent training courses for inspectors should contain a review of the elements
found in the initial course, along with a discussion of any new requirements or
procedures that have been established in the previous few years. The length of
recurrent classroom training courses should typically be 30% - 50% of the length
for the initial course.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-1

II. OPERATIONS Course Descriptions

Section 1.0 Indoctrination Courses

ITS Course Number 1001

ITS Course Title New Employee Orientation

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Indoctrination 1.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with new employee orientation into the DGCA.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel. It
presents orientation information concerning the DGCA and DAAO.
Course Description
Course subjects include history, mission and philosophy of the
At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:

Utilize DAAO computerized database system

Manage Resources (Employee benefit))
Understand DGCA Travel and Per Diem policy
Describe DGCA Security policies
Describe DGCA Organization, history and philosophy
Identify with the mission of DAAO
Understand and apply customer service principles
Course Content
Conduct and discipline (Time and attendance)
Apply team concepts in the DAAO
Understand ethical conduct as it pertains to the DAAO
Incorporate professionalism into job functions
Demonstrate effective communication skills and office
Employee training and development
Library Syatem and Procedures
Labor union (Korpri)
Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-2

Section 2.0 Air Operator Certification

ITS Course Number 2001

ITS Course Title Air Operator Certification Operations

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Certification 2.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 80 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
Course Objective
with the subject of Air Operator Certification.

This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in all

Operations safety specialties. It presents orientation information
concerning the DGCA and DAAO. Course subjects include the five
phases of Air Operator certification.
Course Description
Participants will typically follow a mock operator seeking
certification throughout each phase of the certification process.
Exercises will be conducted to assure DGCA understanding of
operators submission requirements and demonstrations in
compliance with the regulations and advisory material.
At the conclusion of the course, and with appropriate guidance
material, participants will be able to:

Describe the DGCA responsibilities and requirements associated

with the five phases of Air Operator certification.

o Pre-Application Phase l
o Formal Application Phase ll
o Document Compliance Phase lll
Course Content o Demonstration and Inspection Phase lV
o Certification Phase V

Apply the DAAO processes and procedures used in the

certification of Air Operators, such as:
o Describe the national legislation and Republic of
Indonesia civil aviation safety regulations that
pertain to this subject.
o Conduct meetings (examples - Pre-Application

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-3

and Formal Application meetings).
o Evaluate compliance statement.
o Evaluate Required Management
o Conduct In-depth evaluation of applicants
manuals (examples Company Operations
Manual, Operation Training Manual, Safety
Management System Manual , Flight Attendant
Manual, MEL and CDL, Weight and Balance
Manual, Standard Operating Procedure, Flight
Dispatch Manual and related document).
o Inspect applicants facilities, line stations and
o Evaluate Dispatch system (center, and training)
o Evaluate Operational Control
o Evaluate Aeronautical Data (examples - weather,
airport runway performance and alternate
o Evaluate emergency evacuation and ditching
o Conduct Proving Flights.
o Complete operations specifications and AOC
o Identify what items are to be included in the final
certification report.
o Agricultural Aircraft Operator
o Flight Simulation Device (Simulator and/or Flight
Training Device)
o Approve a Check Airman
o Evaluate an Aircraft Lease Agreement
o Evaluate an Exemption, Deviation, or Waiver
o Evaluate/ Approve a Deicing Program
o Evaluate a Crewmember Recordkeeping System
o Evaluate a Flight/Trip Recordkeeping System
o Evaluate an Internal Evaluation Program
o Evaluate an Environmental Assessment
o Evaluate a Main Operations Base
o Conduct an Emergency Evacuation
o Conduct a Ditching Demonstration
o Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Operation
o Evaluate Alternate Airport Considerations
o Conduct Initial Certification/Renewal of a
Rotorcraft Operator
o Add a helicopter to an Existing External Load
o Evaluate a Rotorcraft-Load Combination Flight
o Approve a Rotorcraft Class D Training Program

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-4

o Evaluate a Rotorcraft Congested Area Plan
o Issue Operations Specifications for a Rotorcraft
o Evaluate an Extended Range Operations With
Two-Engine Airplanes (ETOPS)
o Evaluate a Reduced Vertical Separation
Minimums (RVSM) Program
o Evaluate a Special Means of Navigation
o Evaluate a Category II and Category III Program
o Approve Special Category I/ Category II/
Category III Operation
o Conduct a Validation Test
Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-5

Section 3.0 Surveillance

ITS Course Number 3001

ITS Course Title Air Operator Surveillance Operations

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Surveillance 3.0

Sequence Initial

Length 40 Hours
After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Air Operator Surveillance.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in
Course Description Operations safety specialties. It presents information on air operator
surveillance job functions, the DGCA, and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on basic air operator surveillance
procedures and typically includes the following subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA Civil Aviation

Safety Regulations that pertain to this subject.
Plan a work program
Conduct En Route Inspections (Cockpit and Cabin)
Evaluation of Preflight Activities
Inspect Records (examples - trip, crew and dispatch)
Conduct airplane ramp inspections
Inspect line station operations and facilities
Training programs (examples - Flight and cabin, check
airman, instructor, dispatch, flight following)
Course Content Documentation of Inspection Findings
Inspect a Check Airman
Inspect a Main Operations Base
Inspect a Deicing Program
Inspect a Company Operations Manual
Inspect an Internal Evaluation Program
Inspect Extended Range Operations for Two-Engine
Airplanes (ETOPS)
Inspect a Flight Crew Training Program
Inspect a Cabin Crew Training Program
Inspect a Check Airman or Instructor Training Program
Inspect a Dispatcher Training Program
Inspect Simulator or Flight Training Device

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-6

Inspect a Station Personnel Training Program
Inspect a Flight Follower Training Program
Inspect Flight Following/ Flight Locating Procedures
Inspect Dispatch Procedures
Inspect Personnel Who have Been Granted Operational
Control Authority
Inspect a Heliport
Conduct a Rotorcraft Ramp Inspection
Inspect Rotorcraft External Load Base Inspection
Inspect Rotorcraft External Load Operation
Conduct Surveillance of a Banner Tow Operator
Conduct Surveillance of a Special Event
Conduct a Ramp Inspection of Foreign Registered Aircraft

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-7

Section 4.0 Personnel Licensing Courses

ITS Course Number 4001

ITS Course Title Personnel Licensing Procedures Operations

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Personnel Licensing 4.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Personnel Licensing certification.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in
Course Description Operations safety specialties. It presents information on personnel
licensing job functions, the DGCA and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on basic personnel licensing
procedures and typically includes the following subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Conduct written tests for personnel licensing
Certification of other personnel (example pilot examiners,
flight engineer, aircraft dispatcher, special purpose
authorizations, military competency).
Certificate a Private Pilot (Ground portion only)
Certificate a Commercial Pilot (Ground portion only)
Certificate an Instrument Rating Pilot (Ground portion only)
Certificate an Airline Transport Pilot (Ground portion only)
Course Content Certificate a Flight Instructor (Ground portion only)
Renew a Flight Instructor Certificate
Issue Additional Aircraft Ratings (Ground portion only)
Certificate a Ground Instructor
Certificate a Flight Engineer (Ground portion only)
Certificate an Aircraft Dispatcher
Issue a Replacement Pilot Certificate
Issue a Pilot Certificate Based On Military Competence
Issue a Pilot Certificate Based on a Foreign Pilot License
Issue a Special Purpose Pilot/Flight Engineer Authorization
Conduct a Special Medical Practical Test
Surveillance of a Flight Instructor
Inspect a Flight Instructor Refresher Course

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-8

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-9

ITS Course Number 4201

ITS Course Title Designated Examiner Procedures Operations

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Personnel Licensing 4.2

Sequence Initial

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of designating examiner.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in
Course Description Operations safety specialties. It presents information on designated
examiner job functions, the DGCA and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on basic designated examiner
procedures and typically includes the following subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Designate or Renew a Pilot Examiner
Designate or Renew a Flight Engineer Examiner
Course Content
Designate or Renew an Aircraft Dispatcher Examiner
Inspect a Designated Pilot Examiner and training programs
Inspect a Pilot Examiner Training Course
Inspect a Flight Engineer Examiner and training programs
Inspect a Dispatcher Examiner and training programs

Prerequisites ITS Course: 4001

Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-10

ITS Course Number 4501

ITS Course Title Aviation Training Organizations Operations

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Personnel Licensing 4.5

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Aviation Training Organization certification.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in
Operations safety specialties. It presents policies and procedures
Course Description
on the certification and inspection of aviation training organizations,
the DGCA, and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on aviation training organizations and
typically includes the following subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Conduct certification and renewal of training centers
Inspect training centers (personnel, records or qualifications)
Inspect any Designated examiners at associated with the
training center.
Inspect a Training Center Designated Examiner
Conduct a Knowledge Test, Practical Test, Stage Check or
End-of-Course Test to Students of a Training Center
Inspect Student Records at a Training Center
Course Content Inspect a Certified Flight Instructor Refresher Course
Inspect Training Center Simulator or Flight Training Device
Inspect a Computer Testing Center
Approve a Training Center Training Program Curriculum
Evaluate Training Center Safety Procedures
Evaluate Training Center Lease or Contract
Designate a Chief Flight Instructor for a Training Center
Evaluate Airports Used by Pilot Schools
Evaluate Aircraft Used by Pilot Schools
Conduct Training Center Aircraft Ramp Inspection
Approve a Training Center's Minimum Equipment List (MEL)
Withdrawal, Suspension, Revocation, Denial, or Amendment
of Training Center Training Specifications

Prerequisites ITS Course # 4001

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-11

Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-12

ITS Course Number 4701

ITS Course Title Flight Testing Procedures

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Personnel Licensing 4.7

Sequence Initial

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Flight Testing procedures.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in
Course Description Operations safety specialties. It presents information on flight
testing procedures, DGCA policy, and DAAO responsibilities.

This course provides training on flight testing procedures and

typically includes the following subjects:
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Conduct competency checks
Conduct pilot proficiency checks for air operators (examples
flight engineer, pilot instrument and training center
Issuance of a letter of authorization in Lieu of Type rating
Conduct a Private Pilot Flight Test
Conduct a Commercial Pilot Flight Test
Course Content Conduct an Instrument Rating Pilot Flight Test
Conduct an Airline Transport Pilot Flight Test
Conduct a Flight Instructor Flight Test
Conduct Flight Test for Additional Aircraft Rating
Conduct a Flight Engineer Flight Test
Approve a Check Airman for Air Operator
Conduct a Agricultural Pilot Knowledge and Skill Test
Re-examination of an Airman
Administer Rotorcraft Chief Pilot Knowledge and Skill Test
Conduct a Rotorcraft Pilot Proficiency Check

Prerequisites ITS Course: 4001

Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-13

Section 5.0 Investigation Courses

ITS Course Number 5001

ITS Course Title Compliance and Enforcement

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Investigations 5.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Compliance and Enforcement.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel. It
presents information on the resolution of safety concerns,
Course Description
compliance and enforcement procedures, conducting
investigations, DGCA policy, and DAAO responsibilities.
The course provides training on compliance and enforcement
procedures which typically include job performance subjects such
as those shown here:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Conduct an Enforcement Investigation
Investigate Non-Compliance submitted with Self-Disclosure
Provide Technical Assistance to Legal Counsel
Investigate a Complaint (examples noise complaints,
Course Content damage Caused by a Civil Aircraft or reports of Reckless
Investigate a Report of Emergency Evacuation
Investigate a Hazardous Air Traffic Report (HATR)
Investigate a Pilot/Dispatch Deviation
Navigation/Altitude Errors
Investigate a Report of a Near Midair Collision (NMAC)
Investigate an Incident Involving Hazardous Materials
Withdrawal, Suspension, Revocation, Denial, or Amendment
of Operations Specifications
Process a Surrender of a Certificate Holder's Certificate
Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-14

ITS Course Number 5501

ITS Course Title Aircraft Accident Investigation

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Investigations 5.5

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with Aircraft Accident Investigations.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on the conduct of aircraft accident investigations, DGCA
policy, and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides basic training on the conduct of aircraft
accident investigations which typically includes the following job
performance subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Course Content Human Factors
Accident case studies
Investigation procedures
Investigate an Aircraft accident
Investigate an Aircraft Incident
Investigate a Foreign Air Carrier Incident

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-15

Section 6.0 Job Skills Courses

ITS Course Number 6001

ITS Course Title Simulator Evaluation

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Job Skills 6.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with Evaluation of Simulators.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel in Operations safety
Course Description specialties. It presents information on simulator evaluation and
approval, DGCA policies, and fulfillment of DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on simulator evaluation and typically
includes the following job performance subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

Course Content
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Approve flight simulators or training devices
Inspect air operators use of simulators or training devices

Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-16

ITS Course Number 6201

ITS Course Title Agricultural Aircraft Operations

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Job Skills 6.2

Sequence Initial

Course Length 8 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with Agricultural Air Operations.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel in Operations safety
specialties. It presents information on agricultural aircraft
Course Description
operations, evaluation and approval of agricultural operators, DGCA
policies, and fulfillment of DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on agricultural aircraft operations
which typically includes the following job performance subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Inspect agricultural operators facilities, and equipment.
Course Content
Inspect for any Hazardous Materials safety procedures
Conduct a Ramp Inspection of an Agricultural Aircraft
Evaluate an Agricultural Operator's Congested Area Plan
Inspect an Agricultural Operation Including Congested Area

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-17

ITS Course Number 6501

ITS Course Title Aviation Safety Program Manager Operations

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Job Skills 6.5

Sequence Initial

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the position of Aviation Safety Program Manager.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel in Operations safety
specialties. It presents information on safety program manager
Course Description
responsibilities and procedures, flight safety programs, DGCA
policies, and fulfillment of DAAO goals.
This course provides training on Safety Program Manager job
functions which normally includes subjects such as those listed

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Develop an Aviation Safety program
Manage Safety Meetings, Events and Activities
Issue an Aviation Safety Award
Course Content Evaluate Accident or Incident Reports for Trends
Process a Flight Assist Report
Process a Remedial Training Action
Issue Waiver or Authorization for a Aviation Event
Issue Waiver or Authorization for a Low Altitude Flight
Issue Waiver or Authorization for Banner Towing
Issue Waiver or Authorization for Restricted Category

Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-18

ITS Course Number 6701

ITS Course Title Safety Management Systems

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Job Skills 6.7

Sequence Initial

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
aviation Safety Management Systems.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on system safety, safety management systems, DGCA
policies, and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on Safety Management Systems and
will normally include the topics listed below:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Approve and inspect a Safety Management System
System safety
Hazard identification and analysis
Course Content
Risk mitigation procedures
Internal audit and evaluation programs
Employee reporting programs
Safety promotion
Safety assurance
Emergency Response Plan

Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-19

ITS Course Number 6801

ITS Course Title Foreign Air Carriers

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Job Skills 6.8

Sequence Initial

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the inspection of Foreign Air Carriers.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on the oversight and management of foreign air
carriers, along with DGCA policies and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on foreign air carriers and will
normally include the topics listed below:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

Course Content safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Conduct ramp inspections on foreign air carriers.
Issue operation specifications
Issuance of pilot certificate based on foreign pilot certificate.

Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-20

ITS Course Number 6901

ITS Course Title Audit Process-Operations

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Job Skills 6.9

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
aviation Audit Process.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on Audit Purpose, Audit Composition and Audit Phase
in conjuntion to DAAO policy and responsibilities.
This course provides training on Audit purpose, Audit Composition-
Responsibility-Qualification and Audit Followup evaluation will
normally include the topics listed below:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

Course Content safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Audit Purpose
Audit Composition, Responsibility and Qualification
Phases of Audit

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-21

ITS Course Number 61801

ITS Course Title Dangerous Goods

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Job Skills 6.18

Sequence Initial

Course Length 16 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
Dangerous Goods Process.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on Dangerous Goods in conjuntion to DAAO policy and
This course provides training on Dangerous Goods include the
topics listed below:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
General philosophy
Dangerous goods which are forbidden
Hidden dangerous goods
Dangerous goods accepted for transport by air
Dangerous goods which are accepted from the provisions
of the instructions
Dangerous goods quantity restrictions
General requirement for shippers
Course Content Classifications
List of dangerous goods
Labelling and marking
Label specifications
Shippers declarations and other relevant documentation
Acceptance procedures
Storage and Loading procedure
Storage at radioactive material
Storage of organic peroxide and self-reactive substance
Loading restrictions on flight deck and on passenger
Loading on cargo aircraft
Securing of dangerous goods

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-22

Damaged package of dangerous goods
Replacement of label
Identifications of unit load devices containing dangerous
Storage at taxi infection substances
Emergency procedures
Information by the PIC in case flight emergency
Emergency response information

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-23

ITS Course Number 62201

ITS Course Title Aircraft Type Rating-Operations

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Job Skills 6.22

Sequence Initial

Course Length Refer to aircraft manufacture training manual

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
aircarft type rating .
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on aircraft type in conjuntion to DAAO policy and
This course provides training on Dangerous Goods include the
topics listed below:

Course Content Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Refer to aircraft manufacture training manual.

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-24

ITS Course Number 63001

ITS Course Title Crew Resource Management (CRM)

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Job Skills 6.30

Sequence Initial

Course Length 32 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
Crew Resource Management (CRM).
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on Crew Resource Management (CRM) in conjuntion to
DAAO policy and responsibilities.
This course provides training on Dangerous Goods include the
topics listed below:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
A. Situational awareness
The sense and perception
Vigilance and monitoring
Chain of error
Team situational awareness

B. Perception
Course Content General
Factors influencing perception
Situation in general
Deviation in perception
Perception different solving

C. Role theory
Position and rule
Rule conflict
Rule role

D. Culture
Cultural differences

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-25

E. Cockpit crews working styles
Working styles in general
Types of cockpit crew working styles
Situation during working style evaluation
Explanation of each working style

F. Motivation
Motivation theories
Maslow need hierarchy
Differences in motivated behaviour
Achievement motivation
Need for achievement decision
Motivation during instruction (flight training)

G. Initiative and ambition

Basic concept
Factor influence initiative and ambition

H. Personality and stress


I. Interpersonal communication
Good versus effective communication
Interpersonal communication in cockpit
Cockpit crewmembers interpersonal
communication directive
Communication evaluation

J. Team work

K. Small organized group (S.O.G)

S.O.G, team work and task force
Individual behaviour and S.O.G succession
Cockpit crewmember and S.O.G

L. Conflict
Variation of conflict
Conflict control

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-26

M. Decision making
The decision making process
Problem solving

N. Critique
Critique and feedback
How to accept critique

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-27

Section 7.0 Aircraft Dispatcher Courses

ITS Course Number 7001

ITS Course Title Aircraft Dispatcher Job Functions

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Aircraft Dispatcher

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with Aircraft Dispatcher job functions.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel in Operations safety
Course Description specialties. It presents information on aircraft dispatch policies and
procedures, and fulfillment of DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on aircraft dispatcher job functions
and will typically include the following subjects:
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Evaluate airport aeronautical data
Evaluate / Inspect a Dispatch Center
Evaluate / Inspect a Dispatcher Training Program
Evaluate / Inspect a Dispatch System (Operational Control)
Evaluate / Inspect a Flight Follower Training Program
Evaluate / Inspect an Air Operator's Flight Following
Evaluate / Inspect an Air Operator's Flight Locating
Course Content
Evaluate / Inspect Personnel Who have been Granted
Operational Control Authority
Evaluate Alternate Airport Considerations
Evaluate an Air Operator's Airport Aeronautical Data
Evaluate an Air Operator's Aeronautical Weather Data
Approve an Air Operator's Enhanced Weather Information
Approve an Air Operator's Aircraft Performance Operating
Limitations and Airport/Runway Performance Data Analysis

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-28

Section 8.0 Cabin Safety Courses

ITS Course Number 8001

ITS Course Title Cabin Safety

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Cabin Safety 8.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 32 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training for the specific job tasks associated with
the subject of Cabin Safety.
The participant will be provided with technical guidance regarding
cabin safety for air carriers and air operators. The course provides
the participant with the ability to assess the compliance of air
Course Description
operators using applicable Civil Aviation Safety Regulations and
DAAO policies. Course subjects include policies and procedures for
cabin safety programs, job functions and demonstrations.
This course provides basic training on cabin safety job functions
which typically includes the following subjects:
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Knowledge of regulatory, certification, and/or surveillance
Evaluate a Flight Attendant Manual
What To Look For in a Cabin Safety Investigation
Evaluate a Flight Attendant Training Program
Course Content
Cabin Enroute inspections and ramp inspections
Crew coordination procedures between crewmembers and
flight attendants
Cabin Safety Emergency Equipment Documentation
Inspect a Cabin Crew Training Program
Location and/or security of aircraft equipment affecting
passenger safety or emergency procedures
Cabin safety system analysis

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-29

Section 9.0 Management Courses

ITS Course Number 9001

ITS Course Title Management Training

Training Profile Operations

Training Category Management 9.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
Course Objective formal on-the-job training for the specific job tasks associated with
the subject of management training.
Participants will gain an understanding of management duties and
responsibilities, teamwork, mentoring, communications, managing
resources and change, and planning. The course allows
Course Description
participants to analyze how leadership style impacts job
performance, demonstrate interpersonal skills, and develop an
action plan to support continued growth in leadership effectiveness.
This course provides training on management or supervisory job
functions. Training will typically include subjects such as those
shown below:
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
First line duties and responsibilities (examples job
priorities, administrative duties, operational duties and
standards, ICAO and DGCA, effective delegation
Leadership and Communication Skills
Creating an effective work environment
Course Content
Recognize and reward performance
Provide and receive constructive feedback
Self-development based on feedback
Tools for managing employees (examples communication
and motivation strategies, coaching, stress indicators,
conflict management and problem solving, handling change)
Monitoring progress and performance
Communicate organizational direction and priorities clearly
Demonstrate interpersonal skills in work-related situations.

Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-30

III. AIRWORTHINESS Course Descriptions

Section 1.0 Indoctrination Courses

ITS Course Number 1001

ITS Course Title New Employee Orientation

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Indoctrination 1.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with new employee orientation into the DGCA.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel. It
presents orientation information concerning the DGCA and DAAO.
Course Description
Course subjects include history, mission and philosophy of the
At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:

Utilize DAAO computerized database system

Manage Resources (Employee benefit))
Understand DGCA Travel and Per Diem policy
Describe DGCA Security policies
Describe DGCA Organization, history and philosophy
Identify with the mission of DAAO
Understand and apply customer service principles
Course Content
Conduct and discipline (Time and attendance)
Apply team concepts in the DAAO
Understand ethical conduct as it pertains to the DAAO
Incorporate professionalism into job functions
Demonstrate effective communication skills and office
Employee training and development
Library Syatem and Procedures
Labor union (Korpri)
Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-31

Section 2.0 Certification

ITS Course Number 2003

ITS Course Title Air Operator Certification - Airworthiness

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Certification 2.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 80 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
Course Objective
with the subject of Air Operator Certification.

This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in

Airworthiness safety specialties. It presents orientation
information concerning the DGCA and DAAO. Course subjects
include the five phases of Air Operator certification.
Course Description
Participants will typically follow a mock operator seeking
certification throughout each phase of the certification process.
Exercises will be conducted to assure DGCA understanding of
operators submission requirements and demonstrations in
compliance with the regulations and advisory material.

At the conclusion of the course, and with appropriate guidance

material, participants will be able to:

Describe the State responsibilities and ICAO

requirements associated with the five phases of Air
Operator certification.
o Pre-Application Phase l
o Formal Application Phase ll
Course Content o Document Compliance Phase lll
o Demonstration and Inspection Phase lV
o Certification Phase V

Apply the DAAO processes and procedures used in the

certification of Air Operators, such as:

o Describe the national legislation and DGCA civil

aviation safety regulations that pertain to this

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-32

o Conduct meetings such as Pre-Application
Meeting and Formal Application meetings.
o Evaluate compliance statement.
o Evaluate Required Management
o Conduct In-depth evaluation of applicants
proposed manuals, for example:
Training curriculum and training programs.
Continuous Maintenance Program
Proposed MEL and CDL.
General Airworthiness manual
Navigational programs (RVSM, Cat 1, 11,
o Conduct Aircraft Conformity inspections
o Inspect applicants facilities, line stations and
o Evaluate emergency evacuation and ditching
o Conduct Proving Flights
o Complete operation specifications and AOC.
o Complete final certification report.
Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-33

ITS Course Number 2303

ITS Course Title Aircraft Maintenance Organizations - AMO

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Certification 2.3

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Aircraft Maintenance Organization certification.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in
Airworthiness safety specialties. It presents information concerning
Course Description the DGCA and DAAO. Course subjects include certification
requirements and procedures for Aircraft Maintenance
This course provides training on AMO certification procedures and
typically includes the following subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Course Content Certificate an AMO
Evaluate AMO facilities and equipment
Evaluate AMO manuals
Evaluate AMO personnel and records
Evaluate training program

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-
Course Manager

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-34

ITS Course Number 2403

ITS Course Title Distributor Aeronautical Products- DAP

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Certification 2.4

Sequence Initial

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of distributor aeronautical product certification.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in
Airworthiness safety specialties. It presents information concerning
Course Description
the DGCA and DAAO. Course subjects include certification
requirements and procedures for distributor aeronautical product.
This course provides training on distributor aeronautical product
certification procedures and typically includes the following

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Course Content
Certificate a DAP
Evaluate DAP Facilities and Equipment
Evaluate QC Manual
Approve a DAP Training Program
Inspect DAP Personnel Records

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-
Course Manager

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-35

ITS Course Number 2503

ITS Course Title Design Organization Approval - DOA

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Certification 2.5

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Design Organization Approval certification.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in
Airworthiness safety specialties. It presents information concerning
Course Description
the DGCA and DAAO. Course subjects include certification
requirements and procedures for Design Organization Approval.
This course provides training on DOA certification procedures and
typically includes the following subjects:
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Cert. Phase I : Pre Application
Cert. Phase II : Formal Application
Cert. Phase III : Evaluation
Course Content
Cert. Phase IVa : Inspection
Cert. Phase IVb : Observation
Cert. Phase Va : Final Debrief and Final Report
Cert. Phase Vb : Issuing The Organization Approval
Renewal and Upgrading to The Approval

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-
Course Manager

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-36

ITS Course Number 2603

ITS Course Title Production Approval Holder - PAH

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Certification 2.6

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Production Approval Holder.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO in Airworthiness
safety specialties. It presents orientation information concerning
the DAAO. Course subjects include the certification for Production
Certificate, TSO Authorisation, Part Manufacturing Approval.
Course Description
Participants will typically follow a mock applicant seeking
certification for each production certificate. Exercises will be
conducted to assure DAAO understanding of applicants
submission requirements and demonstrations in compliance with
the regulations and advisory material.
At the conclusion of the course, and with appropriate guidance
material, participants will be able to:

Describe the State responsibilities and ICAO requirements

associated with application for production certification.
Production Certification, including:
o Production under Type Certificate
o Approved Production Inspection System
o Production Certificate
TSO Authorisation
Course Content Part Manufacturing Approval
Review Quality Control System
Inspection of raw materials and parts supplied by others
Production inspection of parts and assemblies
Special manufacturing process identification
Material review system for non conforming part
Test procedures for complete product
Inspector notification of any changes in drawings and in the
quality system
Inspection system that utilizes written procedures and

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-37

designated personnel
Supplier inspection and control
Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-
Course Manager

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-38

Section 3.0 Surveillance

ITS Course Number 3003

ITS Course Title Air Operator Surveillance - Airworthiness

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Surveillance 3.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Air Operator Surveillance.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in
Airworthiness safety specialties. It presents information on air
Course Description
operator surveillance job functions, the DGCA, and DAAO
This course provides training on basic air operator surveillance
procedures and typically includes the following subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Plan yearly work program
Perform En Route Inspection (Cockpit and Cabin).
Evaluation of Ground Handling.
Course Content In-Flight Performance of Aircraft Systems.
Perform aircraft ramp inspection.
Inspect for suspected unapproved parts.
Inspect programs and records (example - aircraft
maintenance, training, and avionics).
Inspect maintenance base and station facilities and
Inspect foreign operators
Documentation of Inspection Findings

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-39

ITS Course Number 3101

ITS Course Title Manufacturing Surveillance

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Surveillance 3.1

Sequence Initial

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Manufacturing Surveillance.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in
Airworthiness safety specialties. It presents information
Course Description
onmanufacturing surveillance job functions, the DGCA, and DAAO
This course provides training on basic manufacturing surveillance
procedures and typically includes the following subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Plan yearly work program
Evaluation of quality control system
Evaluation of quality assurance system
Course Content Evaluation of special processes
Conduct conformity inspection on prototype and production
of product and part thereof
Investigation of service difficulties
Conduct supplier surveillance
Evaluation of associated drawing
Inspection of incoming materials, rejected materialz
Documentation/record of Inspection Findings

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-40

Section 4.0 Personnel Licensing

ITS Course Number 4003

ITS Course Title Personnel Licensing Procedures Airworthiness

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Personnel Licensing 4.2

Sequence Initial Training

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Personnel Licensing certification.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in
Airworthiness safety specialties. It presents information on air
Course Description
operator surveillance job functions, the DGCA, and DAAO
This course provides training on basic personnel licensing
procedures and typically includes the following subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Introduction to course, schedule, facilities, ICAO Convention
and Annexes. Air Legislation and Civil Aviation Authorities,
DGAC Organization and Functions. DGCA - Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations, Staff Instructions, and Advisory
AME Licensing - PEL Division, Organization, Functions,
Staffing, Duties and Responsibilities. Personnel Licensing,
General Rules and Requirements, Privileges and Limitations.
Course Content CASRs 65, Annex 1, Staff Instruction 65.1, Advisory Circular
65.1 and Advisory 65.2; as included :
o Manage a knowledge testing system.
o Determining which licensing functions to obtain by
outside service providers
o Evaluate a license application for completeness and
o Determine if an applicant is eligible for the license
o Administer, grade and document the results of
knowledge tests.
o Conduct maintenance engineer skill tests.
o Determine the appropriate document to be issued based
on the skill test results.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-41

o Validate and convert foreign licenses.
o Suspend or revoke a license.

Evaluate a license application for completeness and

accuracy, as follow:
o Conducting the Application Phase of the licensing
o Conducting the Evaluation Phase of the licensing
o Conducting the Demonstration Phase of the licensing
process - Administering knowledge tests
o Conducting the Demonstration Phase of the licensing
process - Conducting AME Lic skill tests
o Conducting the Issuance Phase of the licensing process,
Issuing a license, letter of discontinuance, or notice of
o Issuing a recognized or converted foreign license

Issue certificates (examples maintenance engineers)

Conduct reexamination test

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-42

ITS Course Number 4203

ITS Course Title Designated Procedures Airworthiness

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Personnel Licensing 4.2

Sequence Initial Training

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of designating examiner.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in
Airworthiness safety specialties. It presents policies and procedures
Course Description
on the certification and inspection of aviation training organizations,
the DGCA, and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on basic designated examiner
procedures and typically includes the following subjects:
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Designate or Inspect a Designated Aircraft Maintenance
Course Content Engineer Examiner Representative (DAMEER).
Designate or Inspect a Designated Engineering
Representative (DER).
Designate or Inspect a Designated Manufacturing Inspection
Representative (DMIR).

Prerequisites ITS Course: 4001

Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-43

ITS Course Number 4503

ITS Course Title Aviation Training Organizations - Airworthiness

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Personnel Licensing 4.5

Sequence Initial Training

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Aviation Training Organization certification.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel in
Course Description Airworthiness safety specialties. It presents information on flight
testing procedures, DGCA policy, and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on aviation training organizations and
typically includes the following subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Conduct certification and renewal of training centers
Inspect Training Personnel, Facilities, Equipment, and
Records of an Approved Maintenance Training Organization
(AMTO) and Pilot School Certificate (PSC)
Course Content Approve an Approved Aircraft Inspection Program (AAIP)
Used by Pilot School Certificate
Inspect training centers (personnel, records or qualifications)
Inspect any Designated examiners at associated with the
training center.
Inspect facilities and equipment (example flight simulators or
training devices).
Approve and inspect curriculums
Evaluation of aircraft and records.

Prerequisites ITS Course # 4001

Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-44

Section 5.0 Investigation Courses

ITS Course Number 5001

ITS Course Title Compliance and Enforcement

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Investigations 5.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Compliance and Enforcement.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO personnel. It
presents information on the resolution of safety concerns,
Course Description
compliance and enforcement procedures, conducting
investigations, DGCA policy, and DAAO responsibilities.
The course provides training on compliance and enforcement
procedures which typically include job performance subjects such
as those shown here:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Conduct an Enforcement Investigation
Investigate Non-Compliance submitted with Self-Disclosure
Course Content
Provide Technical Assistance to Legal Counsel
Investigate a Complaint (examples noise complaints,
damage Caused by a Civil Aircraft or reports of Reckless
Aircraft grounding
Withdrawal, Suspension, Revocation, Denial, or Amendment
of Operations Specifications

Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-45

ITS Course Number 5501

ITS Course Title Aircraft Accident Investigation

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Investigations 5.5

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with Aircraft Accident Investigations.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on the conduct of aircraft accident investigations, DGCA
policy, and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides basic training on the conduct of aircraft
accident investigations which typically includes the following job
performance subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Course Content Human Factors
Accident case studies
Investigation procedures
Investigate an Aircraft accident
Investigate an Aircraft Incident
Investigate a Foreign Air Carrier Incident

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-46

6.0 Job Skills

ITS Course Number 6003

ITS Course Title Aircraft Certification

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with Aircraft Certification.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel in the Airworthiness
Course Description safety specialties. It presents information aircraft certification
procedures, DGCA policy, and fulfillment of DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on DGCA responsibilities for aircraft
certification which normally includes the following job performance

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Conduct Conformity inspection (aircraft and records)
Issue Airworthiness Certificate
Course Content Evaluate Foreign Registered aircraft, parts and products
Evaluate aircraft program systems (examples
aircraft/engine utilization report, service difficulty reporting
(SDR), engineering change authorizations, and
airworthiness approval.
Evaluate demonstrations for a New Aircraft (examples -
emergency evacuation, ditching, or proving flights)
Issue an export airworthiness approval.

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-47

ITS Course Number 6203

ITS Course Title Major Repair and Alteration

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.2

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with Major Repairs and Alterations.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel in Airworthiness safety
specialties. It presents information on the procedures used for
Course Description
evaluating and approving major repair and alterations programs,
DGCA policies, and fulfillment of DAAO responsibilities.
The course provides training on DGCA responsibilities for the
conduct of major repairs and alterations. The following job
performance subjects are normally included:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Course Content Evaluate design data for Major Repair and Alterations.
Evaluate compliance programs.
Conduct certification test (ground and flight test)
Conduct Approval of major repairs and alterations and field
approvals (temporary repair approval for ferry flight only)
Process reports (example - Malfunction or Defect report).

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-48

ITS Course Number 6503

ITS Course Title Aviation Safety Program Manager

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.5

Sequence Initial

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the position of Aviation Safety Program Manager.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel in Airworthiness safety
specialties. It presents information on safety program manager
Course Description
responsibilities and procedures, flight safety programs, DGCA
policies, and fulfillment of DAAO goals.
This course provides training on Safety Program Manager job
functions which normally includes subjects such as those listed

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

Course Content
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Develop an Aviation Safety program
Manage safety meetings and events
Issue waivers or authorizations

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-49

ITS Course Number 6701

ITS Course Title Safety Management Systems

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.7

Sequence Initial

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
aviation Safety Management Systems.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on system safety, safety management systems, DGCA
policies, and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on Safety Management Systems and
will normally include the topics listed below:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Approve and inspect a Safety Management System
System safety
Course Content Hazard identification and analysis
Risk mitigation procedures
Internal audit and evaluation programs
Employee reporting programs
Safety promotion
Safety assurance
Emergency preparedness

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-50

ITS Course Number 6801

ITS Course Title Foreign Air Carriers

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.8

Sequence Initial

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the inspection of Foreign Air Carriers.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on the oversight and management of foreign air
carriers, along with DGCA policies and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on foreign air carriers and will
normally include the topics listed below:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Course Content Issue Operations Specifications to a Foreign Air Carrier
Conduct a Ramp Inspection of Foreign Registered Aircraft
Approve a Foreign Aircraft, Product or Part
Issue an Export Airworthiness Approval

Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-51

ITS Course Number 6903

ITS Course Title Type Certification - Engineering

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.9

Sequence Initial

Course Length 80 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with type certification process.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
information on procedure of aircraft, engine and propeller type
Course Description certification, procedure of type certification validation , supplemental
type certification and issuance of noise certificate along with DGCA
policies and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on type certification and will normally
include the topics listed below:
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Issue an Aircraft Type Certificate
Issue an Engine Type Certificate
Issue a Propeller Type Certificate
Issue an Aircraft Type Certificate Validation
Issue an Engine Type Certificate Validation
Course Content
Issue a Propeller Type Certificate Validation
Issue an Aircraft Supplemental Type Certificate
Issue an Engine Supplemental Type Certificate
Issue a Propeller Supplemental Type Certificate
Issue an Aircraft Supplemental Type Certificate Validation
Issue an Engine Supplemental Type Certificate Validation
Issue a Propeller Supplemental Type Certificate Validation
Issue a Noise Certificate

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-52

ITS Course Number 61001

ITS Course Title Airworthiness Directives - Engineering

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.10

Sequence Initial

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with issuance process of Airworthiness Directive.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on procedure of Airworthiness Directive issuance along
with DGCA policies and DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on issuance process of Airworthiness
Directive and will normally include the topics listed below:
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Course Content
Evaluate Service Bulletin
Evaluate Foreign Airworthiness Directive
Issue Airworthiness Directive

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-53

ITS Course Number 61101

ITS Course Title Aircraft Registration and Deregistration - Manufacturing

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.11

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with the subject of Aircraft Registration and Deregistration.
This course is designed for newly hired DAAO in Airworthiness
safety specialties. It presents orientation information concerning
Course Description
the DAAO. Course subjects include the requirements of aircraft
registration and deregistration.
This course will determine the requirements of aircraft registration
into Indonesia Civil Aircraft Register and deregistration of aircraft.

Participants will have appropriate guidance to process registration

of aircraft into Indonesia Civil Aircraft Register, maintaining Civil
Aircraft Register, including renewal and replacement of registration
certificate, and deregistering the aircraft from Indonesia Civil Aircraft

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation safety

regulations that pertain to this subject.
Review application for aircraft registration
Course Content
Review aircraft procurement letter
Review evidence of ownership
Review aircraft lease agreement
Review aircraft insurance
Review customs import clearance and import tax
Review requirement for renewal and replacement of Certificate
of Registration
Review requirement for aircraft deregistration
Issue Certificate of Registration (Temporary and Standard) and
issue deregistration letter
Civil Aircraft Register database system
Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-54

ITS Course Number 61201

Irrevocable Deregistration and Export Request Authorisation

ITS Course Title
Records and Revocation - Manufacturing

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.12

Sequence Initial

Course Length 16 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with IDERA record and revocation.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel in the Airworthiness
Course Description safety specialties. It presents information of IDERA procedures,
DAAO policy, and fulfillment of DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on DAAO responsibilities for records
and revocation process, by giving regulation and procedure
regarding the following subjects:
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation safety
Course Content
regulations that pertain to this subject.
Capetown Convention and Protocol on International Interest in
Mobile Equipment on Matter Specific to Aircraft Equipment
Evaluate the requirements for records and revocation of IDERA
Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-55

ITS Course Number 61301

ITS Course Title Aircraft Mortgage - Manufacturing

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.13

Sequence Initial

Course Length 8 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with aircraft mortgage record and cancellation mortgage record
This course is designed for DAAO personnel in the Airworthiness
Course Description safety specialties. It presents information of aircraft mortgage
procedures, DAAO policy, and fulfillment of DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on DAAO responsibilities for aircraft
mortgage records and cancellation mortgage record process, by
giving regulation and procedure regarding the following subjects:
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation
Course Content
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Review application documents
Issue Mortgage Record
Issue Cancellation of Mortgage Record
Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-56

ITS Course Number 61401

ITS Course Title Aircraft Procurement

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.14

Sequence Initial

Course Length 16 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with issuance or rejection of aircraft procurement.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel in the Airworthiness
Course Description safety specialties. It presents information of aircraft procurement
procedures, DAAO policy, and fulfillment of DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on DAAO responsibilities for issuance
or rejection of aircraft procurement, includes the followings job
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Review application for aircraft procurements
Conduct meeting to determine compliance with procurement
requirement, covering the following aspects:
o financial analysis
Course Content
o aircraft specifications
o human resources
o maintenance and operation facility
o airport support
o flight frequency and route
o risk analysis

Prepare letter of aircraft procurement or rejection letter

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-57

ITS Course Number 61501

ITS Course Title Manufacturing Conformity Inspection

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.15

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with issuance or rejection of aircraft procurement.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel in the Airworthiness
Course Description safety specialties. It presents information of conformity inspection
procedures, DAAO policy, and fulfillment of DAAO responsibilities.
This course provides training on DAAO responsibilities for
performing conformity inspection during aircraft type certification
and modification, includes the followings subject:
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Conformity Inspection Process. Designee Roles and
Reporting Structure. Regulations Governing the Conformity
Process. Overview of the Conformity Process.
Course Content Conformity Inspection Phase. Phase One-Planning. Phase
Two-Conducting. Phase Three Concluding/Documentation
Forms used. Conformity Inspection Record DAAO Form 21-
06, Request for Conformity DAAO Form 21-23, Authorized
Release Certificate DAAO Form 21-18, Statement of
Conformity DAAO Form 21-07, Type Inspection Report
DAAO Form 21-11.
Special Conformity Inspection Requirements: Software,
Hardware, Composites.
Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-58

ITS Course Number 61601

ITS Course Title Aircraft Certification System Evaluation Program (ACSEP)

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.16

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
Course Objective
with ACSEP and surveillance activity on Production Approval
This course is designed for DAAO personnel in the Airworthiness
safety specialties. It presents information of ACSEP and
Course Description
surveillance procedures, DAAO policy, and fulfillment of DAAO
This course provides training on DAAO responsibilities for initial
ACSEP and surveillance, includes the following job performance
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Selection and schedule ACSEP Audit
Course Content Preparation of audit
Conduct the audit
Post audit activity
ACSEP Database
Selection and schedule surveillance
Perform surveillance
Surveillance database
Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-59

ITS Course Number 61701

ITS Course Title Audit Process-Airworthiness

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.17

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
aviation Audit Process.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on Audit Purpose, Audit Composition and Audit Phase
in conjuntion to DAAO policy and responsibilities.
This course provides training on Audit purpose, Audit Composition-
Responsibility-Qualification and Audit Followup evaluation will
normally include the topics listed below:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

Course Content safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Audit Purpose
Audit Composition, Responsibility and Qualification
Phases of Audit

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-60

ITS Course Number 61801

ITS Course Title Dangerous Goods

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.18

Sequence Initial

Course Length 16 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
Dangerous Goods Process.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on Dangerous Goods in conjuntion to DAAO policy and
This course provides training on Dangerous Goods include the
topics listed below:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
General philosophy
Dangerous goods which are forbidden
Hidden dangerous goods
Dangerous goods accepted for transport by air
Dangerous goods which are accepted from the provisions
of the instructions
Dangerous goods quantity restrictions
Course Content General requirement for shippers
List of dangerous goods
Labelling and marking
Label specifications
Shippers declarations and other relevant documentation
Acceptance procedures
Storage and Loading procedure
Storage at radioactive material
Storage of organic peroxide and self-reactive substance
Loading restrictions on flight deck and on passenger

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-61

Loading on cargo aircraft
Securing of dangerous goods
Damaged package of dangerous goods
Replacement of label
Identifications of unit load devices containing dangerous
Storage at taxi infection substances
Emergency procedures
Information by the PIC in case flight emergency
Emergency response information

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-62

ITS Course Number 61901

ITS Course Title Reliability Monitoring

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.19

Sequence Initial

Course Length 16 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
Reliability Monitoring.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on reliability monitoring in conjuntion to DAAO policy
and responsibilities.
This course provides training on Dangerous Goods include the
topics listed below:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Course Content Aircraft Maintenance philosophy
Maintenance Program Development
Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP) /
Approved Aircraft Inspection Program (AAIP)
Continuous Analisis Surveillance System (CASS)
Maintenance control by reliability methods

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-63

ITS Course Number 62001

ITS Course Title Non Destructive Test

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.20

Sequence Initial

Course Length 40 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
Non Destructive Test.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on non destructive test in conjuntion to DAAO policy
and responsibilities.
This course provides training on Dangerous Goods include the
topics listed below:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Non Destructive Testing in Aircaft (AC 43-3)
Course Content Radiographic Inspection
Penetrant Inspection
Magnetic Particle Inspection
Eddy Curent Inspection
Ultrasonic Inspection
Visula Inspection

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-64

ITS Course Number 62101

ITS Course Title Human Factor

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.21

Sequence Initial

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
human factor.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on human factor in conjuntion to DAAO policy and
This course provides training on Dangerous Goods include the
topics listed below:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

Course Content safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Human Factor Introduction
Human Factor in Aircraft Maintenance
Communication for Aircraft Engineer
Managing Maintenance Error

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-65

ITS Course Number 62203

ITS Course Title Aircraft Type Rating-Airworthiness

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Job Skills 6.22

Sequence Initial

Course Length Refer to aircraft manufacture training manual

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin

Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
aircarft type rating.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel. It presents
Course Description information on aircraft type in conjuntion to DAAO policy and
This course provides training on Dangerous Goods include the
topics listed below:

Course Content Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Refer to aircraft manufacture training manual

Prerequisites Must hold a Basic Aircraft Maintenance License issued by DGCA

Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-66

Section 7.0 Avionics

ITS Course Number 7050

ITS Course Title Avionics Job Functions

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Avionics 7.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 24 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
Course Objective formal on-the-job training (OJT) for the specific job tasks associated
with Aircraft Certification.
This course is designed for DAAO personnel in Airworthiness safety
specialties. It presents information on aircraft avionics programs
Course Description
and procedures, DGCA policy, and fulfillment of DAAO
This course provides training on aircraft avionics job functions and
will typically include the following subjects:

Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation

safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
Evaluate an Extended Range Operations With Two-Engine
Course Content Airplanes (ETOPS)
Evaluate a Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM)
Evaluate a Category II and Category III Program
Evaluate an Avionics Equipment Approval
Conduct a Validation Test
Approve Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Operation

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-67

Section 8.0 Cabin Safety Courses (Not Applicable)

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-68

Section 9.0 Management Courses

ITS Course Number 9001

ITS Course Title Management Training

Training Profile Airworthiness

Training Category Management 9.0

Sequence Initial

Course Length 80 Hours

After completing this course the inspector will be able to begin
Course Objective formal on-the-job training for the specific job tasks associated with
the subject of the training of management.
Participants will gain an understanding of management duties and
responsibilities, teamwork, mentoring, communications, managing
resources and change, and planning. The course allows
Course Description
participants to analyze how leadership style impacts job
performance, demonstrate interpersonal skills, and develop an
action plan to support continued growth in leadership effectiveness.
This course provides training on management or supervisory job
functions. Training will typically include subjects such as those
shown below:
Republic of Indonesia legislation and DGCA civil aviation
safety regulations that pertain to this subject.
First line duties and responsibilities (examples job
priorities, administrative duties, operational duties and
standards, ICAO and DGCA, effective delegation
Leadership and Communication Skills
Creating an effective work environment
Course Content
Recognize and reward performance
Provide and receive constructive feedback
Self-development based on feedback
Tools for managing employees (examples communication
and motivation strategies, coaching, stress indicators,
conflict management and problem solving, handling change)
Monitoring progress and performance
Communicate organizational direction and priorities clearly
Demonstrate interpersonal skills in work-related situations.

Prerequisites None
Revision Date January 1, 2013
Course Manager Phone: +62-21-3506664 / +62-21-350665

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 3-69

SI 8900-1.3


SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 4-1



1. General ...........................................................................................4-3
2. Inspector Credentials ......................................................................4-3
3. Principle Inspector............................................ ...............................4-3
4. Principle Inspector Requirements ....................................................4-3
5. Issuance Procedure.........................................................................4-3
6. Format of Credentials ......................................................................4-3
7. Inspector Stamp ..............................................................................4-4
8. DAAO Inspector Experience Log Book............................................4-4


1. Inspector Authorization .......................................... DAAO form ITS-03

2. DAAO Inspector Experience Log Book................... DAAO form ITS-04

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 4-2


1. General

This chapter contains information for Inspectors concerning the Operations and
Airworthiness inspector credentials eligibility requirements and procedures for those
credentials. This chapter also contains direction and guidance to be used by
Inspectors when employing as DAAO Inspectors credentials during the performance
of inspector tasks.

2. Inspector Credentials
All new hire employees begin with Indoctrination training and OJT on associated Job
Tasks as specified in the Operation or Airworthiness Inspector training profiles.

After completing this training requirement a new inspector can then be issued a
DGCA credential, but at this point any Job Task accomplished for the DGCA must
still be under the direct supervision of another qualified inspector or OJT Instructor.

All new-hire Inspectors must complete both the formal training course and On-the-
Job training on the associated Job Tasks before being given authority to accomplish
a Job Task by himself/herself.

3. Principle Inspector

Inspector credentials is also be use to authorized DAAO Principle Inspector to

perform duties and exercise the powers under Republic of Indonesia legislation and
DGCA Civil Aviation Safety Regulations;

4. Principle Inspector Requirement

DAAO Inspector authorized to perform his duties without assistance according to

inspector credentials, the inspector shall accomplish 5 (five) core trainings, one OJT
level III of core training, additional training and OJT level III of specific job task.

5. Issuance Procedures

Inspector credential will be issued under recomendation of Deputy Director for each
sub directorate and will be approved by DAAO Director and acknowledge by DAAO
Training Program Manager.

6. Format of Credentials

Format of Inspector credentials use DAAO form no. ITS 03.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 4-3

7. Inspector Stamp

Procedure related with DAAO Inspector stamp refer to DAAO Director decree with
subject prosedur for issuance and numbering DAAO Inspector stamp.

8. DAAO Inspector Experience Log Book

For the purpose of recording work experiences which are among other things:
a. to be used as a basis for awarding additional authorization,
b. to be used for measuring work loads distribution,

every DAAO inspector shall make daily entry to his/her individual DAAO Inspector
Experience Log Book. Each entry shall be acknowledged by his/her direct supervisor.

Format of DAAO Inspector Experience Log Book use DAAO form no. ITS 04.

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System Page 4-4







Otorisasi inspektur ini dikeluarkan sesuai dengan Undang-

Undang Penerbangan No. 1 / 2009, Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No. 63
/ 2011 dan Petunjuk Staf 8900-1.3 Sistem Pelatihan Inspektur untuk
personil Direktorat Kelaikan Udara dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara

This inspector authorization is issued in accordance with the

Aviation Law No. 1 / 2009, Minister Decree No. 63 / 2011 and Staff
Instruction 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System for Directorate of
Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations personnel

DAAO Form ITS-03 1


a. Tidak diperkenankan mengadakan / membuat catatan-catatan atau

keterangan-keterangan pada otorisasi inspektur ini, kecuali oleh
mereka yang ditugaskan untuk itu, atas nama Direktur Jenderal
Perhubungan Udara.

b. Apabila otorisasi inspektur ini hilang, maka si pemilik otorisasi

inspektur harus segera melaporkan/memberitahukan kepada
Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara.

c. Barang siapa yang menemukan otorisasi inspektur ini diminta

untuk menyerahkan dengan segera kepada Direktur Jenderal
Perhubungan Udara.

Gedung Karya lantai 22 Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No. 8

Jakarta 10110 Kotak Pos No. 1389 Indonesia


a. No entries or endorsements may be made on this inspector

authorization except by the person authorize for that purpose by
the Director General of Civil Aviation.

b. If this inspector authorization is lost, the holder of the inspector

authorization shall immediately notify the Director General of
Civil Aviation.

c. Any person who finds this inspector authorization is requested to

forward it immediately to the Director General of Civil Aviation.

Karya Building 22nd floor Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 8

Jakarta 10110 PO BOX 1389 Indonesia

DAAO Form ITS-03 2

Republic of Indonesia
Inspector Authorization


Nomor Otorisasi :
Authorization Number

Nama :
Nomor Induk Pegawai :
Employee ID Number

Tanda Tangan Pemegang Cap

Siganture of holder Stamp

DAAO Form ITS-03 3

Inspector Authorization No.

Otorisasi inspektur yang menyatakan bahwa orang yang nama

dan fotonya tercantum disini telah memenuhi syarat-syarat
sebagai Inspektur Pokok.
Otorisasi inspektur ini berlaku khusus bagi inspektur
Direktorat Kelaikudaraan dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara
dimana pemegang otorisasi inspektur ini berwenang
melaksanakan hal-hal sebagaimana tercantum disini.

This is to certify that the person whose name and photograph

appear herein has met the requirement for Principal Inspector.
This inspector authorization is valid only for Directorate of
Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations Inspector for which the
holder is authorized to exercise his privileges as endorsed

Tanggal Penerbitan : JAKARTA, ..........................

Date of Issue

Direktorat Kelaikudaraan dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara

Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation


DAAO Form ITS-03 4

Inspector Authorization No.


01. Indoctrination Category (1.000)
Nomor JTA Paraf, Tanggal & Cap
JTA Number Sign, Date & Stamp

DAAO Form ITS-03 5

Inspector Authorization No.


02. Certification Category (2.000)
Nomor JTA Paraf, Tanggal & Cap
JTA Number Sign, Date & Stamp

DAAO Form ITS-03 6

Inspector Authorization No.


03. Surveillance Category (3.000)
Nomor JTA Paraf, Tanggal & Cap
JTA Number Sign, Date & Stamp

DAAO Form ITS-03 7

Inspector Authorization No.


04. Personnel Licensing Category (4.000)
Nomor JTA Paraf, Tanggal & Cap
JTA Number Sign, Date & Stamp

DAAO Form ITS-03 8

Inspector Authorization No.


05. Investigation Category (5.000)
Nomor JTA Paraf, Tanggal & Cap
JTA Number Sign, Date & Stamp

DAAO Form ITS-03 9

Inspector Authorization No.


06. Job Skill Category (6.000)
Nomor JTA Paraf, Tanggal & Cap
JTA Number Sign, Date & Stamp

DAAO Form ITS-03 10

Inspector Authorization No.


07. Dispacher/Avionic Category (7.000)
Nomor JTA Paraf, Tanggal & Cap
JTA Number Sign, Date & Stamp

DAAO Form ITS-03 11

Inspector Authorization No.


08. Cabin Safety Category (8.000)
Nomor JTA Paraf, Tanggal & Cap
JTA Number Sign, Date & Stamp

DAAO Form ITS-03 12

Inspector Authorization No.


09. Management Category (9.000)
Nomor JTA Paraf, Tanggal & Cap
JTA Number Sign, Date & Stamp

DAAO Form ITS-03 13

Inspector Authorization No.


10. Other Qualification
Jenis Kualifikasi Paraf, Tanggal & Cap
Type of Qualification Sign, Date & Stamp

DAAO Form ITS-03 14

Inspector Authorization No.


11. Remarks and Reference

DAAO Form ITS-03 15

Inspector Authorization No.

Inspector Authorization


Certified the above is correct

JAKARTA, ......................................................


Signature and stamp of issuing authority

Manajer Pelatihan/Training Manager

DAAO Form ITS-03 16


NAME : ________________________________________

INSPECTOR AUTHORIZATION NO. : ___________________________

INSPECTOR STAMP : ____________________________________

ADDRESS : ________________________________________



TELEPHONE : ________________________________________

EMAIL : ________________________________________

DAAO Form ITS-04


DAAO Form ITS-04


DAAO Form ITS-04

SI 8900-1.3

Operations Inspector

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System

ITS Job Task #: OPS 1.001
Title: Employee Benefits
Approval Date: .....
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP No. 53, Year 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Accomplish initial and routine tasks associated with DAAO employment benefits,
including all necessary functions to manage employee pay checks, leave, health, and
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Completion of forms, paperwork, banking, and Internet functions as required to
receive pay check.
2. Obtain information on DAAO benefits, registration, and tracking procedures.
3. Obtain information on annual and sick leave allowances, use of leave, and
tracking procedures.
4. Obtain information on health care options, completion of required paperwork, and
use of the health care system.
5. Obtain information on the DAAO retirement program, employee options, and
tracking procedures.

OPS 1.001 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 1.002
Title: Time and Attendance
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Accomplish routine tasks as necessary to ensure accurate accounting of employee time
and attendance.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Completion of forms, computer, or Internet functions as required to properly
account for employee time worked, holidays, overtime, etc.
2. Procedure used to request time off, including sick leave, annual leave, or vacation.
3. Time and attendance accrual and tracking procedures.

OPS 1.002 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 1.003
Title: Employee Training and Development
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Accomplish routine tasks associated with employee training and development.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Obtain information on DAAO training program procedures and requirements.
2. Employee specialty training choices and options.
3. Procedure used to request or schedule formal training courses.
4. Procedure used to request or schedule OJT.
5. Training tracking functions, including access to employee training record.
6. Voluntary employee development programs.
7. Promotion requirements, procedures, and options.

OPS 1.003 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 1.004
Title: Office Communications
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Processes, procedures, and systems used for routine and emergency office
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Overview of all communications systems utilized in the office.
2. Verbal communications procedures, access to supervisor or manager, contact
procedures, etc.
3. Email communications, procedures, and systems.
4. Use of telephone systems, phone books, voice mail, cell phones, etc.
5. DAAO policy on employee use of Email, Internet, and telephones for personal
6. Emergency employee notification procedures.

OPS 1.004 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 1.005
Title: Computer Systems
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Use of commercial and proprietary computer systems and software.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Describe the computer systems used in the office.
2. Use of commercial computer software programs utilized in the office.
3. Use of proprietary computer software programs utilized in the office.
4. Procedures for computer access to DAAO websites and databases.
5. DAAO policy on security of information technology.
6. DAAO policy on personal use of computer systems.

OPS 1.005 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 1.006
Title: Managing Resources
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO policies on the management, effective utilization, and conservation of
government resources.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Describe office policies to manage the assignment and scheduling of
administrative and technical personnel.
2. Describe office policies on the prioritization of assignments.
3. Describe the DAAO policy on use of government vehicles.
4. Describe the DAAO policy on use of office equipment such as printers and FAX
5. Describe the office policy on conservation of supplies.
6. Describe the office policy on conservation of energy, including electrical power,
heating/cooling systems, gasoline, etc.

OPS 1.006 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 1.007
Title: Employee Ethics
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO and government standards for the ethical conduct of employees.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate government and DAAO documents that establish standards for the ethical
conduct of employees.
2. Describe government limitations on moral, legal, financial, professional, and
political conduct of employees.
3. Describe procedures for obtaining legal clarification of ethical standards and
review of special circumstances.
4. Complete any forms that may be required for the full disclosure of employee
financial interests in aviation companies.
5. Describe any recurrent or ongoing training requirements associated with ethical

OPS 1.006 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 1.008
Title: Labor Unions
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: Keppres Nomor 82 Tahun 1971
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO and government policies and procedures for participation in labor
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate government or DAAO documents that establish policies for participation
in labor unions.
2. Describe options for employee participation in labor unions.
3. Describe government limitations associated with labor union activities in the work

OPS 1.008 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 1.009
Title: Conduct and Discipline
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO and government procedures that are used to discipline employees for
inappropriate or illegal conduct.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate government and DAAO documents that describe employee disciplinary
2. Describe employee disciplinary process.
3. Describe employee opportunities for legal or union representation during any
disciplinary action.
4. Describe employee options and procedures for appealing disciplinary actions.

OPS 1.009 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 1.010
Title: Travel
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 90 tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO procedures for employee travel on official business.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate DAAO documents that describe travel policies and procedures.
2. Describe procedures used to obtain supervisory approval for official travel.
3. Describe procedures used to schedule official travel and complete travel itinerary
4. Use of travel software and/or websites.
5. Describe policy on the reimbursement of expenses and procedures used to file a
travel claim for reimbursement.

OPS 1.010 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 1.011
Title: Security
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO policy and office procedures used to ensure security of government
buildings, equipment, and sensitive information.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate DAAO documents that describe security policies and procedures.
2. Describe authorized uses for official government identification.
3. Describe security procedures used to obtain access to government buildings.
4. Describe procedures used to protect official file cabinets and databases.
5. Describe procedures that have been established to for the security of automation,
computer systems, and information technology.
6. Describe procedures used to safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized
7. Describe procedures used to obtain official approval for dissemination of sensitive
8. Describe procedures to be used in the event of a security breach.
9. Describe government policies that have been established to safeguard government
employees from bodily harm.

OPS 1.011 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.001
Title: Certification Phase 1: Pre-Application Phase.
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 91; CASR Part
133, CASR Part 137.
DAAO Forms: 120-01
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II,
AC 120-49.
Job Task Description:
To certificate an Air Operator or Air Agency in accordance with the appropriate
regulations for Preapplication Phase I
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial inquiry.
1.1 Refer applicant to correct DAAO Office.
2. Conduct applicant orientation meeting.
2.1 Perform preliminary discussions.
3. Receive Pre-Application Statement of Intent (PASI).
3.1 Open work tracking record.
3.2 Review and acceptance of PASI.
4. Assign certification team.
5. Assign certificate number.
5.1 Initiate certification file.
6. Conduct pre-application meeting.
7. Provide package of pre-certification information.
8. Brief the applicant on certification process, pertinent regulations, and economic
authority requirements.
9. Verify information on the PASI.
10. Explain the requirements of the formal application.

OPS 2.001 Page 1 of 2

10.1 Explain the formal application letter.
10.2 Describe formal application attachments.
11. Conclude pre-application meeting.
11.1 Termination of the pre-application phase.
11.2 Terminate the certification file.
11.3 Close work tracking record.
12. Proceed to formal application phase of certification process.

OPS 2.001 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.002
Title: Certification Phase II: Formal Application Phase
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 91; CASR Part
133, CASR Part 137.
DAAO Forms: 120-02; 120-03
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II,
AC 120-49.
Job Task Description:
To certificate an Air Operator or Air Agency in accordance with the appropriate
Regulations for Formal Application Phase II
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive formal application package.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Conduct initial review of the formal application.
2.1 Review schedule of events.
2.2 Review company general operations manual/policies and procedures
2.3 Review training curriculum.
2.4 Review management qualifications/resumes.
2.5 Review documents of purchase, contracts, & leases.
2.6 Review compliance statement.
2.7 Review deviation authority.
3. Determine if the formal application package is acceptable.
4. Conduct formal application meeting to review the formal application and it's
attachments with the applicant.
5. Conclude formal application meeting.
5.1 Specify corrections or additional items needed.
5.2 Do not proceed to Phase III until Phase II is satisfactory.

OPS 2.002 Page 1 of 2

6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.002 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.003
Title: Cert Phase III: Document Compliance Phase
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 91; CASR Part
133, CASR Part 137.
DAAO Forms: 120-07; 120-08
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II,
AC 120-49.
Task Description:
To certificate an Air Operator or Air Agency in accordance with the appropriate Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) guidance for document compliance phase.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Conduct a detailed review of applicant's submissions.
3. Review Company Operations Manual (COM) policies and procedures
4. Review training curriculum.
5. Review management qualifications/resumes.
6. Review weight and balance procedures.
7. Review CAA-approved airplane/rotorcraft flight manual (AFM/RFM).
8. Review Company Flight Manual.
9. Review Minimum Equipment List (MEL).
10. Review cockpit checklist.
11. Review passenger briefing card.
12. Review environmental assessments.
13. Review airport runway analysis.
14. Review deviation request.
15. Review Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT)/Security Program.
16. Review flight attendant (F/A) manual.

OPS 2.003 Page 1 of 2

17. Review dispatch/flight-following/flight-locating procedures.
18. Review proving/validation test plan.
19. Review emergency evacuation demonstration plan.
20. Review compliance statement.
21. Review compliance with applicable bulletins.
22. Review exit row seating program.
23. Review Category II and Category III program.
24. Document deficiencies in writing and return to operator.
25. When required corrections are satisfactory, close work tracking record.
26. Proceed to demonstration and inspection phase.

OPS 2.003 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.004
Title: Cert Phase IV: Demonstration and Inspection Phase
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 91; CASR Part
133, CASR Part 137.
DAAO Forms: 120-07; 120-08; SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-3-1 (Proving Flight Report); SI
8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-4-1 (Demo Evacuation Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-5-1 (Partial
Ditching Demo Report); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-9 (Cockpit Enroute
Inspection); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-10 (Cabin Enroute Inspection); SI 8400
Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-12 (Ramp Inspection).
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II
and III, AC 120-49.
Task Description:
To certificate an Air Operator or Air Agency in accordance with the appropriate Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) guidance for Demonstration & Inspection Phase.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Continue certification process for the demonstration and inspection phase.
3. Observe and monitor events.
3.1 Training programs (classroom simulator and aircraft).
3.2 Airman testing and certification using appropriate CASR Pilot Flight
Check Forms.
3.3 Record keeping procedures.
3.4 Flight control.
3.5 Minimum equipment list/configuration deviation list.
3.6 Aircraft proving and validation tests.
4. Conclude demonstration and inspection phase.
4.1 Termination of the demonstration and inspection phase.
4.2 Close work tracking record.
5. Proceed to the certification phase.

OPS 2.004 Page 1 of 1

OPS 2.004 Page 2 of 1
ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.005
Title: Certification Phase V
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 91; CASR Part
133, CASR Part 137.
DAAO Forms: 120-06; 120-07; 120-08; SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-3-1 (Proving Flight
Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-4-1 (Demo Evacuation Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-5-1
(Partial Ditching Demo Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.4-1 (Sample of Air Operator
Certificate); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-9 (Cockpit Enroute Inspection); SI 8400
Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-10 (Cabin Enroute Inspection); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM
8400-12 (Ramp Inspection).
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II
and III, AC 120-49.
Task Description:
To certificate an air operator or air agency in accordance with the appropriate Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) guidance for certification phase.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking records.
2. Continue certification phase.
3. Perform preparation of the certificate.
4. Prepare operations specifications.
5. Issue certificate and operations specifications.
6. Prepare certification report and operator's office file.
7. Close work tracking records.

OPS 2.005 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.006
Title: Conduct Certification of an Agricultural Aircraft Operator
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 137
DAAO Forms: 120-06; 120-07; 120-08; SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-3-1 (Proving Flight
Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-4-1 (Demo Evacuation Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-5-1
(Partial Ditching Demo Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.4-1 (Sample of Air Operator
Certificate); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-9 (Cockpit Enroute Inspection); SI 8400
Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-10 (Cabin Enroute Inspection); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM
8400-12 (Ramp Inspection).
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II
and III, AC 120-49.

Task Description:
To issue an operator certificate to a Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) operator
who has completed all phases of initial certification.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need to issue operating certificate.
1.1 Initial inquiry.
1.2 Applicant resources.
1.2.1 Other regulations.
1.3 Letter of Intent.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review letter of intent.
3.1 Review Enforcement Information System.
4. Review application and process.
5. Schedule pre-application meeting, if necessary.
6. Establish working file.
7. Formal application phase.

OPS 2.006 Page 1 of 2

7.1 Application review.
7.2 Determine need for formal application meeting.
7.2.1 Conduct formal application meeting.
8. Document compliance review.
9. Demonstration and inspection phase.
9.1 Conduct skill and knowledge test.
9.2 Inspect record-keeping requirements if necessary.
9.3 Conduct base inspection.
10. Certification phase procedures.
10.1 Prepare operating certificate.
10.2 If certification requirement not met.
10.2.1 Issue letter of denial.
10.3 Assemble certification report.
10.4 Issue letter of authorization for MEL if applicable.
10.5 Create district office file.
10.6 Issue certificate.
11. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.006 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.007
Title: Conduct Administrative Activities for an Air Carrier Operator Applicant
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 91; CASR Part
133, CASR Part 137.
DAAO Forms: 120-06; 120-07; 120-08; SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-3-1 (Proving Flight
Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-4-1 (Demo Evacuation Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-5-1
(Partial Ditching Demo Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.4-1 (Sample of Air Operator
Certificate); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-9 (Cockpit Enroute Inspection); SI 8400
Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-10 (Cabin Enroute Inspection); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM
8400-12 (Ramp Inspection).
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II
and III, AC 120-49.
Task Description:
To determine if the applicant meets the administrative requirements for an Air Carrier
Operating Certificate.
Job Performance Subtasks:
Pre-application Phase
1. Determine need to conduct administrative activities for certification of air
1.1 Receive request from applicant.
1.2 Open work tracking record.
2. Conduct orientation review with applicant.
3. Determine if pre-application statement of intent (PASI) is acceptable.
3.1 If PASI is not acceptable, inform applicant of reason(s).
3.1.1 Close work tracking record, if applicable.
4. Conduct pre-application meeting.
4.1 Advise applicant of formal application requirements.
4.1.1 Advise applicant of formal application attachments.
4.2 Conclude pre-application meeting.

OPS 2.007 Page 1 of 2

4.2.1 Applicant adequately prepared.
4.2.2 Applicant not adequately prepared.
4.3 Terminate pre-application process, if applicable.
4.3.1 Close work tracking record, if applicable.

Formal Application Phase

5. Review formal application.
5.1 If formal application is not acceptable, inform applicant of reason(s) in
5.1.1 Close tracking record, if applicable.
5.2 Evaluate and accept applicant's attachments.
5.3 Determine acceptability of formal application.
6. Conduct formal application meeting.
6.1 Determine if formal application meeting results are acceptable.

Document Compliance Phase

7. Review applicant's documents and determine if acceptable.
7.1 If documents are not acceptable, inform applicant of reason(s).
7.1.1 Close work tracking record, if applicable.

Demonstration and Inspection Phase

8. Observe and monitor events.
8.1 Determine if applicant's demonstrated policies and procedures are
8.1.1 If unacceptable, inform applicant of reason(s) in writing.
8.1.2 Close work tracking record.
Certification Phase
9. Prepare certificate.
10. Issue operations specifications and certificate.
11. Prepare certification report.
12. Update applicant's file.
13. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.007 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.008
Title: Evaluate an Air Carrier or Air Operator Compliance Statement
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 91; CASR Part
133, CASR Part 137.
DAAO Forms: Compliance Statement Form.
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335
Task Description:
To evaluate an Air Carrier or Operator's initial and final compliance statement(s) during
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review the initial compliance statement from the applicant.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review the initial compliance statement.
2.1 Return final compliance statement for correction or conversion to final
compliance statement if required.
3. Review final compliance statement.
3.1 Return final compliance statement for correction if required.
4. Determine final compliance statement acceptability.
4.1 Document the acceptance of the compliance statement in the operators
file at the Certificate Holding DAAO Office.
5. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.008 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.009
Title: Evaluate a Company Operations Manual
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135.
DAAO Forms: 8400-3.
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. 3 Chapter 3.
Task Description:
To evaluate a certificate holder's operations manual to determine that all required
regulatory areas are covered, content is consistent with safe operating practices, and is
based on sound rationale or demonstrated effectiveness.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need for evaluation of an operator's operations manual.
1.1 Receive copy of operator's operations manual.
1.2 Open work tracking record.
2. Phase One - Establish framework for review/evaluation of manual.
3. Phase Two - Preliminary review.
4. Phase Three - In-depth review.
4.1 Notify certificate holder of deficiencies.
5. Phase Four - Validation tests.
6. Phase Five - Granting DAAO approval.
7. Review and approve/disapprove emergency revisions.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.009 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.010
Title: Approve a Flight Crew Training Program (Operation Training Manual/Company
Training Manual).
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91, CASR 121, CASR 135, CASR 61, CASR 63, CASR
133, CASR 137.
DAAO Forms: 8400-8; CCP and Company Instructor Evaluation Form, 120-02.
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Volume 2 chapter 13 and SI
8400 Volume 3 chapter 7; Air Carrier Certification Job Aid
Task Description:
To evaluate and approve an Operator's flight crew training program (Operation Training
Manual/Company Training Manual).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from operator applicant to evaluate flight crew/crewmember
training program.
1.1 Determine that a training program is required for certification.
1.2 Open work tracking record.
Pre-application Phase
2. Discuss and establish the requirements of the training program with the operator
or applicant. This might include a curriculum for flight crew, check airmen,
instructors, and/or flight attendants.
Formal Application Phase
3. Receive curriculum or curriculum segments from the operator.
Document Compliance Phase
4. Conduct in-depth evaluation of operator's proposed curriculum or curriculum
5. Determine if curriculum or curriculum segment meets requirements.
5.1 If curriculum or curriculum segment is acceptable, issue initial approval.
Normally valid for 24 months.

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5.2 If curriculum or curriculum segment is unacceptable, deny initial approval
and close work tracking record, if applicable.
Demonstration and Inspection Phase
6. Open work tracking record, if applicable.
7. Conduct ongoing evaluation of the initially approved training curriculum or
curriculum segment.
8. Determine if ongoing training is adequate.
8.1 If training is inadequate withdraw initial approval.
8.1.1 Close work tracking record, if applicable.
Certification Phase
9. If training curriculum and delivery is adequate, issue final approval of operator's
training curriculum. Normally anytime within 24 months after granting initial
approval. Close work tracking record, if applicable.
9.1 Continue to monitor training at least annually and if training is ever found
to be deficient, withdraw final approval.
10. Complete documentation of training evaluation.
10.1 Complete appropriate national data tracking entries.
10.2 Update DAAO office training program file.
11. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.010 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.011
Title: Add an Aircraft to an Existing Air Carrier Operating Certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 91.
DAAO Forms: 21-40
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. 2 Chapter 12
Task Description:
Approve the addition of an aircraft to an existing DAAO Certificate Holders certificate.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review request for amendment to operations specifications.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Evaluate the Certificate Holders written document submissions for regulatory
4. Document unsatisfactory items and return to the air carrier for correction.
5. Evaluate the Certificate Holders training, facilities, equipment, and
demonstrations (other than flight).
6. Conduct proving tests, if required. During the tests, evaluate the operators
compliance with written procedures, adherence to controls, and process measures
for the elements observed in the tests.
7. When all items satisfactory issue and/or amend operations specifications.
8. Add aircraft to Operations Specifications.
9. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.011 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.012
Title: Conduct an Aircraft Conformity Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 21; CASR 23; CASR 25; CASR 27; CASR 29; CASR
31; CASR 33; CASR 34; CASR 35; CASR 36; CASR 39; CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR
DAAO Forms: 21-40
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 21-01; SI 21-02; SI 21-03; SI 21-
04; SI 21-06; SI 21-1 to 21-10; 8400
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders aircraft and associated documentation meets
regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review the Certificate Holders submission to ensure compliance with Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) and policies.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Conduct aircraft conformity inspection and document any deficiencies.
4. Determine that the Certificate Holders manual contains the appropriate
procedures to insure safety.
5. Document and debrief inspection results and add aircraft to the Certificate
Holders Ops Specs, if appropriate.
6. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.013
Title: Approve an Aircraft Checklist
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135; SI (O) 121-01.
DAAO Forms: perlu dibuat
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335, SI Perlu dibuat
Task Description:
Evaluate and approve Certificate Holders checklist.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive the Certificate Holder request and coordinate submission of their
aircraft checklist for the preliminary review.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review the Certificate Holders submission and document the results.
4. Conduct validation tests and complete DAAO approval.
5. Approve/disapprove Certificate Holders checklist.
6. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.014
Title: Approve an Operators Exit Row Seating Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated FAA Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135.
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI perlu dibuat
Task Description:
To evaluate and approve a certificate holder's exit row seating program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from certificate holder.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Evaluate certificate holder's proposal, briefing card, flight attendant manual and
training program.
2.1 Require certificate holder to correct any deficiencies.
2.2 Terminate approval if uncorrectable deficiencies are detected.
2.3 Close work tracking record, if applicable.
3. Review corrected discrepancies.
4. Document the approval.
4.1 Advise the DAAO office of the inspection results for approval.
4.2 File supporting documentation in the DAAO office.
5. Task Outcomes.
5.1 Revise Manual, if required.
5.2 Revise Training Program, or briefing card, if required.
5.3 Revise Operations Specification.
5.4 Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.015
Title: Approve a Certificate Holders Carry-On Baggage Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121.
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders Carry-On Baggage Program meets DGCA
regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from certificate holder.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Evaluate certificate holder's proposal, flight attendant manual and training
2.1 Require certificate holder to correct any deficiencies.
2.2 Terminate approval if uncorrectable deficiencies are detected.
2.3 Close work tracking record.
2.4 Review corrected discrepancies.
3. Document the approval.
3.1 Advise the DAAO office of the inspection results for approval.
3.2 File supporting documentation in the DAAO office.
4. Close work tracking record

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.016
Title: Approve an Operators Passenger Briefing Card
Approval Date: 13 March 2013.
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135.
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders Passenger Briefing Card meets all DGCA
regulatory and policy requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive the Certificate Holder request and coordinate submission for
preliminary review.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review the Certificate Holders submission and document the results. Use civil
aviation regulations and approved DAAO guidance.
4. Approve/disapprove Certificate Holders briefing card.
5. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.017
Title: Approve a Flight Simulator Device (Simulator and/or Flight Training Device)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 60; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 61.
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI Perlu dibuat
Task Description:
Determine that Certificate Holders flight training device or flight simulator has the
appropriate personnel, facilities and training equipment required to meet DAAO
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from DAAO operator to evaluate flight training devices and/or
flight simulation devices.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Verify that operator meets all Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR)
4. Inspect the facility.
5. Inspect flight training devices or flight simulators.
6. Inspect personnel.
7. Issue Letter of Authorization if approval is granted.
8. Issue Letter of Denial if approval is denied.
9. Enter information into national data system.
10. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.018
Title: Evaluate Director of Operations Qualifications
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-61
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 121-01
Task Description:
Determine that the applicant for Director of Operations meets the requirements of the
Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) for the position of Director of Operations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive the Certificate Holder request and coordinate submission for
preliminary review.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Evaluate the applicants qualifications using regulations and DAAO guidance.
4. Determine that the Certificate Holders manual contains the qualifications for
the position.
5. If evaluation interview was satisfactory, approve the Director of Operations.
6. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.019
Title: Evaluate an Air Operator Chief Pilot's Qualifications
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-61
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 121-01
Task Description:
To evaluate the qualifications of a chief pilot candidate for an air operator to determine if
he is qualified for the position.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive operators request for chief pilot evaluation.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review chief pilot designation request letter from company.
3. Determine eligibility of candidate.
3.1 Review enforcement history.
3.2 Evaluate qualifications.
4. Determine if chief pilot is eligible for designation.
4.1 If not eligible, deny chief pilot designation and close work tracking record.
4.2 If eligible, determine if knowledge and skill testing is required.
4.3 Conduct knowledge and skill test.
5. If eligible, qualified, and skill test satisfactory, approve applicant for chief pilot
6. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.020
Title: Evaluate Director of Safety Qualifications
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-61
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 121-01
Task Description:
Determine that the applicant for Director of Safety meets the requirements of the Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) for the position of Director of Safety.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive the Certificate Holder request and coordinate submission for
preliminary review.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Evaluate the applicants qualifications using civil aviation regulations and
approved DAAO inspector guidance materials if available.
4. Determine that the Certificate Holders manual contains the qualifications for
the position.
5. If evaluation is satisfactory, approve the Director of Safety.
6. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.021
Title: Approve a Check Airman
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 135:CASR 121; CASR 183.
DAAO Forms: CCP Check Form
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Volume II Chapter 6; SI 61-
01 Chapter 15 and 15a.
Task Description:
To designate a check airman who will ensure that the proficiency of a flight crewmember
has reached a pre-determined standard of competency before that flight crewmember is
released from training and that the crewmember's competency remains at the required
level as long as the flight crewmember remains in line service.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive operator's request for check airman designation.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Determine the need for check airman designation.
4. Review check airman's qualifications.
5. Verify airman's certificates, training and violation history.
6. Schedule check airman's evaluation.
7. Arrange for pre-evaluation meeting with check airman candidate.
8. Determine level of check airman candidate's knowledge and understanding of
DAAO regulations, operator's policies, methods and procedures.
9. Prepare and conduct check airman evaluation, or schedule an evaluation with an
appropriately qualified inspector.
10. Observe techniques and actions taken by the check airman candidate and
determine if all required events were accomplished.
11. Determine if check airman satisfactorily met evaluation criteria, or receive
practical test results from examining inspector.
12. If applicant's performance was unsatisfactory, Inspector should deny eligibility
but may recommend additional training and re-evaluate.

OPS 2.021 Page 1 of 2

13. Inspector will notify applicant and grant approval if satisfactory.
14. Issue Letter of Approval.
15. Update national database to include aircraft and status of check airman.
16. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.021 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.022
Title: Evaluate and Approve a Minimum Equipment List (MEL)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: Form SI 120-05
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 120-05
Task Description:
To evaluate and approve an operator's minimum equipment list (MEL) which allows
revenue flight with certain inoperative components.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from operator for approval to use a Minimum Equipment List
1.1 Require a MEL to be produced for initial certification.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Access the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) at
and download the MMEL for the specific aircraft.
3.1 Provide Operator with copy of MMEL.
4. Evaluate MEL submitted by Operator.
4.1 Compare operator's MEL to MMEL.
4.2 Disapprove Operators MEL for being less restrictive or not based on the
4.2.1 Close work tracking record.
5. Approve Operator's MEL.
6. Document the evaluation of the MEL.
6.1 Maintain a copy of approved MEL in DAAO office.
6.2 Update national data base.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.022 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.023
Title: Evaluate a Weight and Balance Control Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8300 Chapter 74 and 75
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8300 Chapter 74 and 75
Task Description:
Determine that the operators Weight and Balance Control Program meets DAAO
regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive the Certificate Holder request and coordinate submission for
preliminary review.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review DAAO Weight and Balance Control Program regulations and policies.
4. Review the submission and ensure compliance with DAAO regulations and
5. Review the operators manual for program controls.
6. When satisfactory, approve and authorize the Weight and Balance Control
7. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.024
Title: Approve a Hazardous Materials Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 92:CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: Form SI 92-01
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 92-01
Task Description:
To provide guidance to be used by operations inspectors concerning inspections of
hazardous materials or dangerous goods and the acceptance of hazardous materials
training programs.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request and program from Operator.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Evaluate Hazardous Material (Hazmat) program.
4. Advise changes or final recommendations.
5. When satisfactory, grant initial or final approval for Operators program.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.024 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.025
Title: Evaluate an Aircraft Lease
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Volume II Chapter 10
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holder has operational control of leased aircraft.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive the Certificate Holder request for preliminary review.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Evaluate lease agreement(s) to determine operational control responsibility and
compliance with DAAO regulations and policies.
4. Prepare an operational assessment of the lease agreement(s) and forward to
DAAO Counsel (Legal Department) for review.
5. If approved, authorize the Certificate Holders proposed lease agreement(s)
through issuance or amendment of Operations Specification.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.025 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.026
Title: Evaluate an Exemption, Deviation, or Waiver Request
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
To determine if operators request for Exemption, Deviation, or Waiver meets DAAO
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Review the Certificate Holders request for an exemption or deviation to
determine if an equivalent level of safety will be maintained.
3. Document any concerns and regulatory compliance issues that must be corrected
or resolved prior to approving the Certificate Holders request.
4. Review Certificate Holders planned actions and issue exemption/deviation if
5. Close work tracking record.
ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.027
Title: Evaluate/Approve a De-Icing Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders De-Icing Program meets DAAO regulatory
Job Performance Subtask:
1. Become familiar with DAAO Deicing Program regulations and policies.
2. Review the Certificate Holders submission and ensure compliance with DAAO
regulations and policies.
3. Open work tracking record.
4. Determine that the Certificate Holders manual contains program safety
5. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders Deicing Program.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.027 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.028
Title: Evaluate a Line Station Facility
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: 8400-11
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335, SI 8400 Volume III Chapter 11
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders station facilities are in compliance with the Certificate
Holders manuals and DAAO regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review and become familiar with DAAO regulations and guidelines concerning air
carrier line station operations and facilities.
2. Review the Certificate Holders submission, including manual excerpts and procedures
to ensure compliance with DAAO regulations and policies.
3. Open work tracking record.
4. Determine that the Certificate Holders manual contains the current revisions.
5. To determine if the person identified by the Certificate Holder having responsibility
and/or authority for station operations is qualified, knowledgeable, and recognizes that
responsibility and/or authority.
6. Conduct a line station facility evaluation.
7. Compare the observed performance of the Certificate Holders station personnel to that
required by the Certificate Holders manual(s).
8. Discuss and document the results of the evaluation.
9. Debrief the results of the station evaluation with the Certificate Holder.
10. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.028 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.029
Title: Evaluate a Crewmember Record-Keeping System
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: 8400-6; 8400-8; 8400-11
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Volume III Chapter 6, 8, 11
Task Description:
To evaluate a certificate holder's crew record-keeping system for regulatory compliance
and completeness.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need to evaluate the crew record keeping system.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Evaluate the crew record keeping system.
2.1 Verify that system content, practices, and procedures comply with
2.2 Ensure the system is designed to contain complete documentation for each
crew member.
2.3 Ensure the system is designed for correct record retention/ currency
2.4 Advise the certificate holder of minor deficiencies that must be corrected.
3. Determine if applicant's record-keeping system is acceptable.
3.1 Terminate the evaluation if major deficiencies are detected in the program.
3.2 Document the results of the evaluation.
3.3 Advise the DAAO office of the evaluation results.
4. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.029 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.030
Title: Evaluate a Flight/Trip Record Keeping System
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: 8400-5
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Volume III Chapter 5
Task Description:
To ensure that an operator's trip records meet the regulatory requirements for proper use,
documentation and retention.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need to evaluate trip records.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review Operator's Manual.
4. Schedule evaluation with operator.
5. Evaluate the operator's trip records.
6. Determine if operator's trip records are satisfactory.
7. Advise the operator of minor deficiencies that must be corrected.
8. Terminate the evaluation if major deficiencies are detected in the records
9. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.030 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.031
Title: Evaluate an Internal Evaluation Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; AC 120-92
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders Self Audit/Safety Program meets DAAO
regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review the Certificate Holders submission, including manual excerpts and
procedures to ensure compliance with DAAO regulations and policies.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Accept the Certificate Holders Self Audit/Safety Program.
4. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.031 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.032
Title: Evaluate an Environmental Assessment
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 34
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335
Task Description:
To determine whether environmental assessment data has been obtained, submitted,
analyzed, and meets the requirements of the DAAO regulations during the document
compliance phase of certification.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need to evaluate an environmental assessment.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Analyze environmental considerations and responsibilities.
4. Ensure environmental information has been collected and meets regulatory
5. Process the collected data.
6. Request data analysis and prepare a Finding of No Significant Impact Statement,
if applicable.
7. Determine if Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required.
8. Ensure EIS is drafted and processed if required.
9. Document results of evaluation.
10. File all paperwork on environmental assessment with proper authorities.
11. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.032 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.033
Title: Evaluate a Main Operations Base
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: 8400-3 to 8
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Volume III Chapter 2 to 8
Task Description:
To determine that an applicant's base of operations conforms to the requirements of DAAO
regulations during the demonstration and inspection phase of certification.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need or receive request to evaluate the applicant's main operations base.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Schedule the evaluation with the applicant and coordinate evaluation with the
airworthiness inspectors evaluating the operator's main maintenance base.
4. Conduct a base inspection.
5. Document the results of the evaluation.
6. Debrief the applicant regarding discrepancies requiring corrective action.
7. Document deficiencies and corrective actions in Operator's file at the DAAO Office.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.033 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.034
Title: Conduct/Evaluate an Emergency Evacuation Demonstration
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8400 Volume II Chapter 8 figure 2- 4-1
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Volume II Chapter 8
Task Description:
Determine that an operators emergency evacuation procedures enable evacuation to be
completed within the appropriate time and accordance with DAAO regulatory
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for an emergency evacuation demonstration and notify the
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Request operators evacuation plan.
4. Conduct a pre-demonstration meeting.
5. Observe the operators emergency evacuation demonstration and document the
6. Debrief demonstration results.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.034 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.035
Title: Conduct a Ditching Demonstration
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8400 Volume II Chapter 9 figure 2- 5-1
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Volume II Chapter 9
Task Description:
Determine that a Certificate Holders planned ditching procedures enable a ditching
demonstration to be completed within the appropriate time and in accordance with
DAAO regulatory requirements, guidance, and policy.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for a ditching demonstration and notify the Certificate
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Notify Certificate Holder, and request Certificate Holders plan.
4. Conduct a pre-demonstration meeting.
5. Observe the Certificate Holders ditching demonstration and document the
6. Debrief demonstration results.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.035 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.036
Title: Approve Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Operation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: SI 8900-04
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9613; SI 8900-04
Task Description:
Determine that a Certificate Holders PBN Operations are in accordance with DAAO
regulatory requirements, guidance, and policy.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive operator application for PBN operation.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Setting up DGCA evaluation team.
4. Conduct a pre-application meeting.
5. Receive operator application package.
6. Review operator application package.
6.1 For unsatisfactory result, return application package and notify the
6.2 For satisfactory result, issue or revise appropriate Ops spec.
7. Debrief results.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.035 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.037
Title: Conduct an Aircraft Proving Test
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 7 figure 2- 3-1; SI 8400 Vol. 8400-9; 8400-10; 8400-11;
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II Chapter
Task Description:
Determine that a Certificate Holders proving test procedures enable test to be completed within
the appropriate time and accordance with DAAO regulatory requirements, guidance, and policy.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for a proving test and notify the Certificate Holder.
2. Notify Certificate Holder, and request Certificate Holders plan.
3. Open work tracking record.
4. Observe the Certificate Holders proving test and document the results.
5. Debrief proving test results.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.037 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.038
Title: Issue or Amend Operations Specifications
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI (O) 121-01; SI (O) 120-03
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335, SI (O) 121-01; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
Issue and/or amend a Certificate Holders Operations Specifications (Ops Specs).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO regulations, policy, and guidance concerning the issuance
of Ops Specs.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Issue Ops Specs for an original certificate.
4. Amend Ops Specs due to a DAAO mandated change or an operators request.
5. Maintain signed Ops Specs electronically or by office files (Operator and DAAO
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.038 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.039
Title: Evaluate a Dispatch Center
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-04
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Volume III Chapter 4
Task Description:
Inspect a Certificate Holders dispatch system to determine whether it has enough dispatch
centers/facilities, adequate for the operations to be conducted and that they are located at points
necessary to ensure proper operational control of each flight.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with the Certificate Holders dispatching policies, procedures, and
system contained in the Certificate Holders manual(s).
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Evaluate the effectiveness of the Certificate Holders dispatch center(s).
4. Debrief the Certificate Holder and DAAO office.
5. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.039 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.040
Title: Evaluate a Dispatch Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 13; Vol. III
Chapter 7
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders proposed Dispatcher Training Program meets
DAAO regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO regulatory and guidance material for dispatcher
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Determine that the Certificate Holders submission meets DAAO regulatory and
policy requirements for training of dispatchers and document any noted
4. Determine that the Certificate Holders manuals contain current revisions.
5. Review the Certificate Holders final submission for compliance and issue initial
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.040 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.041
Title: Evaluate a Dispatch System (Operational Control)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-4; SI 8400-11.
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI 8400 Vol. III
Chapter 11;
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders dispatch procedures meet DAAO regulatory
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO dispatch regulations and policies.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review the Certificate Holders submission, including manual excerpts and procedures
to ensure compliance with DAAO regulations and policies.
4. Determine that the Certificate Holders manual contains the latest regulatory revisions.
5. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders dispatch system.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.041 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.042
Title: Evaluate Airport Aeronautical Data
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol.3 Chapter 4; SI (O) 120-03.
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders proposed system meets DAAO regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review DAAO regulatory and policy requirements for airport aeronautical data.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review the Certificate Holders system and associated training program(s).
4. Evaluate the Certificate Holders system and document any deficiencies.
5. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders system.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.042 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.043
Title: Evaluate Airport Aeronautical Weather Data
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders proposed system meets DAAO regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review DAAO regulatory and policy requirements for aeronautical weather data.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review the Certificate Holders system and associated training program(s).
4. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders system.
5. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.043 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.044
Title: Approve an Enhanced Weather Information System
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: 3.3.29
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335
Task Description:
Ensure the Certificate Holders Enhanced Weather Information System (EWINS) meets
all applicable Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Evaluate the Certificate Holders submission, including manual excerpts, system
diagrams, information flow diagrams, (EWINS) policy and procedures manual,
training program, quality assurance procedures, work facilities, and equipment.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Evaluate the Certificate Holders EWINS program.
4. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders EWINS program.
5. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.044 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.045
Title: Approve Aircraft Performance Operating Limitations and Airport Runway Performance
Data Analysis System
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 8400-4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders Aircraft Performance Operating Limitations and
Airport/Runway Performance Data Analysis System meet DAAO regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO regulatory and policy requirements for Aircraft
Performance Operating Limitations and Airport/Runway Performance Data Analysis
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Determine that the Certificate Holders submission meets DAAO regulatory and policy
requirements for Aircraft Performance Operating Limitations and Airport/Runway
Performance Data Analysis System and document any noted deficiencies.
4. Determine that the Certificate Holders manual is in accordance with regulatory
5. Coordinate an evaluation/demonstration of the Airport/Runway Performance Data
Analysis System with the Certificate Holder and document the results.
6. Approve the Certificate Holders Airport/Runway Performance Data Analysis System.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.045 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.046
Title: Evaluate Personnel Who have been Granted Operational Control Authority
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 8400-4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders personnel who have been granted operational control
authority meet DAAO regulatory and policy requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAOs operational control guidance material.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Become familiar with the policies, procedures, and instructions for operational control
contained in the Certificate Holders manual and document any deficiencies.
4. Determine that the Certificate Holders manual is in accordance with regulatory
5. Interview and observe personnel assigned operational control responsibilities to
determine compliance with the Certificate Holders procedures.
6. Determine if the person identified by the Certificate Holder having responsibility and/or
authority for the other personnel with operational control procedures is qualified,
knowledgeable, and recognizes that responsibility and/or authority.
7. Discuss and document the results of the observation with the Certificate Holder.
8. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders personnel who have been submitted for
operational control authority.
9. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.046 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.047
Title: Evaluate Flight Following Procedures for Supplemental Operations
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 8400-4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4;
Task Description:
Evaluate the Certificate Holders flight following system to determine compliance with the
Certificate Holders manual and DAAO regulations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO guidance.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review the Certificate Holders submission, including manual excerpts and procedures
to determine compliance with DAAO regulations and policies.
4. Determine that the Certificate Holders manual is in accordance with regulatory
5. Determine that the Certificate Holder has the policies, controls, and procedures to
support their Flight Following System.
6. To determine if the person identified by the Certificate Holder having responsibility
and/or authority for the Flight Following procedures is qualified, knowledgeable, and
recognizes that responsibility and/or authority.
7. Document and debrief the results of the evaluation.
8. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders flight following system.
9. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.047 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.048
Title: Evaluate Flight Locating Procedures
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 8400-4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
To evaluate an Operator's Flight Locating Procedures for compliance with DAAO regulations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for evaluating the operator's flight locating procedures.
1.1 Determine if the evaluation of an operator's operational control system is part of
an initial certification.
1.2 Open work tracking record.
2. Determine the criteria for the evaluation.
3. Conduct the evaluation.
3.1 If evaluation is unsatisfactory, discuss problem areas that need corrective action
with operator.
3.1.1 Close tracking record.
4. Document the evaluation.
5. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.048 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.049
Title: Evaluate Alternate Airport Considerations
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
Determine that an airport submitted as an alternate airport is suitable for the Certificate
Holders type of aircraft and proposed operation. And, meets applicable requirements of
the DAAO regulations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO regulatory and policy requirements for alternate
2. Determine that the Certificate Holders submission for an alternate airport meets
DAAO regulatory and policy requirements for alternate airports and document
any deficiencies.
3. Open work tracking record.
4. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders alternate airport and issue the
appropriate operations specification.
5. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.049 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.050
Title: Conduct Initial Certification/Renewal of a Rotorcraft Operator
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 120-06; 120-07; 120-08; SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-3-1 (Proving Flight
Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-4-1 (Demo Evacuation Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-5-1
(Partial Ditching Demo Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.4-1 (Sample of Air Operator
Certificate); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-9 (Cockpit Enroute Inspection); SI 8400
Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-10 (Cabin Enroute Inspection); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM
8400-12 (Ramp Inspection).
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 121-01; SI (O) 121-02; SI
8400 Volume II and III, AC 120-49.
Task Description:
To determine an applicants ability to conduct Rotorcraft Operations under DAAO
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Pre-application phase.
1.1 Receive letter of intent from applicant.
1.2 Open work tracking record.
1.3 Review letter of intent.
1.4 Provide copies of DAAO forms and samples of materials for application
1.5 Conduct pre-application meeting, if appropriate.
1.6 Establish DAAO office working file.
1.7 Refer to national data system to determine applicants enforcement
1.8 If certificate action indicates applicant cant be certified while order is in
effect, inform applicant in writing of ineligibility for certification until
action is fulfilled.
1.9 If certification action is in effect for chief pilot designee, inform applicant
in writing of ineligibility for chief pilot until action is fulfilled. Continue

OPS 2.050 Page 1 of 3

certification process only when another chief pilot designee has been
indicated clear through national data system.
1.10 If certificate action is in effect for other pilots employed by applicant,
continue with certification process. Inform applicant that pilot in question
is ineligible to conduct external load operations until terms of enforcement
action have been satisfied.
2. Formal application phase.
2.1 Review application package.
2.2 If application package is not accurate or complete, notify applicant of
changes needed in writing.
2.3 Determine need for formal application meeting.
2.4 Conduct formal application meeting, if appropriate.
2.5 Review of maintenance records, inspection of installation and operation of
external-load attaching means, approval of personnel lifting device for all
operations with DAAO Airworthiness Unit.
2.6 Accept formal application package in writing.
3. Document compliance phase.
3.1 Review application form.
3.2 Review aircraft lease.
3.3 Evaluate rotorcraft-load combination flight manual.
3.4 Evaluate Operator record-keeping system.
3.5 Verify letter of designation of chief pilot has been signed.
3.6 Determine if chief pilot designee meets requirements: Passed knowledge
and skill test for external-load operations, previous experience in external-
load operations, satisfactory safety record; otherwise, administer
knowledge and skills test during inspection phase.
3.7 Prepare operations specifications.
3.8 Confirm rotorcraft and equipment maintenance records inspected by
Airworthiness Unit.
3.9 Review training program.
4. Demonstration and inspection phase.
4.1 Conduct knowledge and skill test, if necessary.
4.2 Confirm Airworthiness Unit conducted rotorcraft and equipment
4.3 Conduct operational flight checks, if necessary.
4.4 Conduct base inspection.

OPS 2.050 Page 2 of 3

5. Certification phase.
5.1 Obtain certification number from regulatory agency.
5.2 Prepare and issue operating certificate.
5.3 Prepare list of authorized rotorcraft and attach to operating certificate.
5.4 Complete inspection report on required forms.
5.5 If certification requirements still not met: Issue letter of denial, indicate
disapproval on appropriate forms, have DAAO office manager sign and
date application.
5.6 Assemble certification file.
5.7 Enter appropriate information in national data system.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.050 Page 3 of 3

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.051
Title: Add a Helicopter to an Existing External Load Certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 133
DAAO Forms: belum ada perlu dibuat
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Volume II Chapter 12, SI
(O) 120-03
Task Description:
To add an aircraft to an existing certificate under the Civil Aviation Safety Regulation
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from operator.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review operations specifications.
3. Evaluate rotorcraft load combination flight manual.
4. Conduct necessary inspections.
5. Issue revised Operations Specifications.
6. Issue new list of approved rotorcraft.
7. Issue amended certificate, if required.
7.1 Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.051 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.052
Title: Evaluate a Rotorcraft Load Combination Flight Manual
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-3
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III chapter 3
Task Description:
To ensure that an operators Rotorcraft-Load Combination Flight Manual (RLCFM)
meets regulatory requirements and provides adequate procedures and guidance for safely
conducting external-load operations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Brief applicant regarding procedures to use to comply with task.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
1.2 Review RLCFM for completeness and accuracy.
2. Results of RLCFM evaluation.
2.1 If satisfactory, approve RLCFM.
2.2 If unsatisfactory, notify operator in writing and return RLCFM for correction.
3. Inform applicant on procedures to make revisions.
4. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.052 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.053
Title: Approve a Rotorcraft External Load Combinations Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 13; SI 8400
Vol. III Chapter 7
Task Description:
To approve a Rotorcraft Load Combinations training program according to DAAO
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need to approve the training program.
1.1 Receive request from applicant to conduct external load - combinations.
1.2 Open work tracking record.
2. Review requirements for developing training program with applicant.
3. Determine if external load - combinations training program meets Civil Aviation
Safety Regulation (CASR) requirements.
3.1 Notify operator of unsatisfactory items.
3.2 Approve training program.
4. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.053 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.054
Title: Evaluate a Rotorcraft Congested Area Plan
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
To determine if a Congested Area Plan (CAP) meets all DAAO regulatory and safety
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial inquiry.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review submitted plan.
3. Verify plan.
4. Review files.
5. Site inspection.
5.1 Verify operational areas, including emergency landing sites, are adequate
as described in plan.
5.2 Travel route to verify load is jettisoned and rotorcraft can be landed in
5.3 Note Discrepancies or Conditions of Approval.
6. Plan satisfactory.
7. Plan unsatisfactory.
7.1 Advise operator, explaining deficient areas.
7.2 Discuss whether to return plan or whether operator will amend plan.
7.3 Review resubmitted plan and re-inspect site as necessary.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.054 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.055
Title: Issue Operations Specifications for a Rotorcraft Operator
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 133
DAAO Forms: SI (O) 120-03
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
To authorize specific operations unique to Rotorcraft External - Load operators and state
the conditions and limitations of those operations through operations specifications.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need to issue operating limitations.
1.1 Receive request from operator to conduct Instrument Meteorological
Conditions or External Load Combinations.
1.2 Open work tracking record.
2. Review requirements for submitting operations specifications for the operations
requested with applicant.
3. Determine if proposed operations specifications meet requirements.
3.1 Approve operations specifications.
3.2 Disapprove operations specifications not meeting requirements.
4. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.055 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.056
Title: Evaluate a Flight Attendant Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 13; SI 8400
Vol. III Chapter 7
Task Description:
Evaluate an initial, or revision to, a flight attendant training program for a Civil Aviation
Safety Regulation (CASR) operator
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive operator request for approval of flight attendant training program.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review and evaluate operator proposed flight attendant training program.
4. Task outcome.
4.1 Approve request for training program.
4.2 Disapprove request for training program and return to operator for further
5. Update the national data system.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.056 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.057
Title: Evaluate a Flight Attendant Manual
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-3
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 3
Task Description:
Determine that a Certificate Holders Flight Attendant Manual meets DAAO regulatory
and policy requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review DAAO manual inspection guidance and policy.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review the Certificate Holders manual(s) submissions and document the
4. Debrief the results of the inspection with the Certificate Holder.
5. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.057 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.058
Title: Evaluate an Extended Range Operation with Two Engine Airplanes (ETOPS)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8900-4.6
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8900-4.6; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders ETOPS Program meets DAAO regulatory
requirements and policies.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with Civil Aviation Safety Regulation (CASR) ETOPS
regulations and policies.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review the Certificate Holders submission, including manual excerpts and
ensure compliance with DAAO regulations and Policies.
4. Determine that the Certificate Holders manual is in accordance with regulatory
5. Coordinate an en route evaluation/demonstration of the Certificate Holders
ETOPS procedures and document the results.
6. Coordinate an evaluation of the Certificate Holders dispatch/flight release
ETOPS operations and document the results.
7. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders ETOPS program.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.058 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.059
Title: Evaluate a Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM) Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135
DAAO Forms: SI 8900-4.10; SI (O) 120-03
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8900-4.10; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
Determine the Certificate Holders RVSM program meets DAAO regulatory
requirements and policies. Document and identify any deficiencies in the Certificate
Holders RVSM program and ensure those deficiencies are corrected prior to program
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with Civil Aviation Safety Regulation (CASR) RVSM
regulations and policies.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review the Certificate Holders submission and ensure compliance with DAAO
regulations and policies.
4. Document and identify any deficiencies in the Certificate Holders RVSM
program and ensure those deficiencies are corrected prior to program approval.
5. Determine that the Certificate Holders manual is in accordance with regulatory
6. Validate RVSM operations through validation testing.
7. Approve the Certificate Holders RVSM manual procedures and program.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.059 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.060
Title: Evaluate a Special Means of Navigation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135
DAAO Forms: SI (O) 120-03; SI 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335: SI (O) 120-03; SI 8400 Vol. II
Chapter 13; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 7
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders Special Means of Navigation Procedures and
training program meet all applicable requirements of the DAAO regulations and policies.
Identify and document any deficiencies in the Certificate Holders Special Means Of
Navigation Procedures and training program. Ensure that the identified deficiencies are
corrected. Properly document and approve the submitted program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review the Certificate Holders submissions to determine compliance with
DAAO regulations and policies.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Documents the results and advise certificate holder.
4. Evaluate the Certificate Holders Special Means of Navigation Procedures and
training program through observation of training and checking.
5. Approve the Certificate Holders Special Means of Navigation Procedures and
training program.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.060 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.061
Title: Evaluate a Category II and/or Category III Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 61; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8900-4.2; SI (O) 120-03
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335 SI 8900-4.2; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders Category II or Category III Program meets
DAAO regulations and policy requirements. Identify and document any deficiencies in
the Certificate Holders program and ensure those deficiencies are corrected prior to
program approval.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review the Certificate Holders submission, including manual excerpts and
procedures to determine compliance with DAAO regulations and policies.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Determine that the Certificate Holders manual is in accordance with regulatory
4. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders Category II and/or Category III
5. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.061 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.062
Title: Evaluate a Special Category I/Category II/Category III Operation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 61; CASR Part 91; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8900-4.2; SI (O) 120-03
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335 SI 8900-4.2; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
To determine if an operator of a civil aircraft has developed acceptable procedures to
conduct safe instrument approaches to Special Category I, Category II and Category III
descent minimums under DAAO regulations
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initial inquiry.
1.1 Determine type of operation proposed.
1.2 Advise applicant of procedures appropriate to category requested.
1.3 Open work tracking record.
2. Receipt of application.
2.1 Review letter of intent.
2.2 Coordinate with Airworthiness and Avionics Units.
2.3 Review DAAO Application Form.
3. Review Category II operations manual, if required.
3.1 If satisfactory, prepare letter of approval and continue with task.
3.2 If unsatisfactory, return application, operations manual and letter of
disapproval to applicant with suspense date for resubmission.
4. Review Category II evaluation program when manual not required.
4.1 Conduct and observe required number of approaches.
4.2 Examine evaluation program record of each completed ILS approach to
verify test results.

OPS 2.062 Page 1 of 2

5. Prepare and submit DAAO Certificate of Authorization, to DAAO office
for signature.
5.1 Issue or amend Operations Specifications.
5.2 For Special Category I Authorizations, limit certificate as appropriate.
6. Establish district office file.
6.1 Close work tracking record.
7. Task outcomes.
7.1 Approved Category II operations manual.
7.2 A Certificate of Waiver or Authorization.
7.3 Op-Specs for operator.
7.4 Approved evaluation program.
7.5 Disapproved application.
7.6 Letter indicating approval or disapproval of Category II operations manual.
8. Future activities.
8.1 Renewal of aircraft authorization.
8.2 Review revisions to operator's Category II operations manual.
8.3 Possible enforcement investigation.

OPS 2.062 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 2.063
Title: Conduct/Observe an Operators Validation Test
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 91; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8900-4.10; SI 8900-4.6; SI 8900-4.2; SI (O) 120-03
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8900-4.10; SI 8900-4.6; SI 8900-
4.2; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
Determine that a Certificate Holders validation test procedures enable test to be
completed within the appropriate time and accordance with DAAO regulatory
requirements, guidance, and policy.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for a validation test and notify the Certificate Holder.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Determine if a validation test is required, notify Certificate Holder, and request
Certificate Holders plan.
4. Conduct a pre-demonstration meeting.
5. Observe the Certificate Holders validation test and document the results.
6. Document and debrief validation test results.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 2.063 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.001
Title: Plan a Surveillance Work Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121; CASR Part 141; CASR Part 142;
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III; SI 141-01.
Task Description:
To develop a surveillance plan by determining types of inspections and frequency in
accordance with national program guidelines.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review surveillance requirement in SI 8400 Volume III and SI 141-01.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Develop surveillance plan based on the following information. The surveillance
plane should include Required Inspection and Planed Inspections.
3.1 Previous inspection results.
3.2 Accident/incident information.
3.3 Compliance history.
3.4 Complaints.
3.5 Other related information.
4. Submit for management review/approval.
4.1 Make corrections if required and resubmit.
5. Print final approved plan.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.001 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.003
Title: Conduct Airplane Ramp Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: : CASR Part 91; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-12
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 12
Task Description:
To determine that an operation is in continuing compliance with the Civil Aviation Safety
Regulations (CASRs) during an actual operational situation.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Pre-inspection activities.
1.1 Insure you have all required documents to enter airport or restricted area.
1.2 Open work tracking record.
2. Proceed to airport where inspection will be conducted and identify DAAO
presence to airport operator, if appropriate.
3. Inspect airman documents.
3.1 Inspect airman and medical certificates.
3.2 Examine pilot logbooks, if available.
3.3 Inspect pilot Category II and/or Category III authorization letters, if
4. Record aircraft information.
4.1 Airworthiness Certificate.
4.2 Registration.
4.3 Radio License.
5. Inspect aircraft, identify and record discrepancies.
6. Conclude inspection.
6.1 Debrief airman of any inspection discrepancies.

OPS 3.003 Page 1 of 2

6.2 If the aircraft is found in an un-airworthy condition, advise the pilot not to
fly the aircraft until repairs have been made.
6.3 The pilot should also be advised that operating the aircraft with the intent
of flight could be a violation of the CASRs.
6.4 Advise pilot of upcoming accident prevention or safety meetings.
7. Task outcomes.
7.1 Indication in DAAO office files of satisfactory/unsatisfactory inspection.
7.2 Letter of correction if required.
7.3 Aircraft condition notice if required.
8. Future activities.
8.1 Initiate a compliance investigation, if applicable.
8.2 Initiate a follow-up inspection to determine correction of discrepancies, if
9. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.003 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.004
Title: Conduct a Cabin En Route Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s : NONE
Regulation References: : CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-10
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 10
Task Description:
Conduct a cabin en route inspection to determine compliance with the Certificate
Holders manual and regulatory requirements. Document the results of the observation
and any observed deficiencies.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with the DAAO cabin en route inspection guidance material.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Become familiar with the Certificate Holders flight attendant operating
4. Conduct cabin en route inspection. Using the procedures, instructions, and
information contained in the Certificate Holders manual(s).
4.1 Perform interior inspection.
4.2 Review Flight Attendants manual for currency.
4.3 Pre-departure inspection.
4.4 Movement on the surface.
4.5 En-flight operators.
4.6 Flight arrival.
5. Debrief results of the inspection with the crew and Principal Operations
Inspector (POI) if required.
6. Record results of inspection in operator file.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.004 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.005
Title: Conduct a Cockpit En Route Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: : CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-9
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 9
Task Description:
Observe and evaluate the in-flight operations of a Certificate Holder within the total
operational environment of the air transportation system. Document the results of the
observation and any observed deficiencies.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Prepare for inspection. Open work tracking record.
1.1 Review office file.
1.2 Review operator's general operations manual.
1.3 Review operations specifications.
1.4 Schedule en route inspection with operator.
1.5 Perform no-notice en route inspection.
2. Perform exterior inspection.
3. Perform interior inspection. Review flight attendants manuals for currency.
4. Inspect flight crew documents.
4.1 Certificate for appropriate rating.
4.2 Medical certificate.
4.3 Radio License.
4.4 Inspect crewmembers required publications.
5. Inspect aircraft documents.
5.1 Inspect aircraft registration.
5.2 Inspect aircraft airworthiness certificate.
5.3 Inspect aircraft maintenance record.

OPS 3.005 Page 1 of 2

5.4 Aircraft flight manual.
5.5 Inspect dispatch and flight release documents.
5.6 Inspect maintenance release.
6. Inspect aircraft equipment.
6.1 Inspect cockpit voice recorder.
6.2 Inspect flight data recorder.
7. Inspect aircraft cabin equipment.
8. Inspect aircraft emergency equipment.
9. Observe and evaluate flight operations/ ATC procedures.
10. Determine results of inspection.
10.1 Advise principal operations inspector if results are unsatisfactory.
11. Debrief crewmembers.
12. Document inspection.
12.1 File inspection documents in office file.
13. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.005 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.006
Title: Inspect a Line Station Operation and Facilities
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: : CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-11
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 11
Task Description:
To determine that the certificate holder operates its station facilities in compliance with
applicable federal aviation regulations and approved procedures.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for the inspection/surveillance. Open work tracking record.
2. Plan and initiate the inspection.
2.1 Review operator's District Office file.
2.2 Review Operations Specifications.
2.3 Review results of previous inspections.
2.4 Review Operator's Manual.
2.5 Review operator's training program.
2.6 Notify the operator of the station facilities inspection.
2.7 Conduct operator in-briefing.
3. Inspect the operator's documents.
3.1 Inspect and evaluate the on site Operations Specifications.
3.2 Inspect manuals.
3.3 Inspect the Aircraft Flight Manuals.
3.4 Inspect the current list of aircraft.
3.5 Inspect the Minimum Equipment List (MEL).
3.6 Inspect operational information.
3.7 Inspect the operator's training program.
4. Inspect the operator's records.

OPS 3.006 Page 1 of 2

4.1 Inspect weight and center of gravity procedures.
4.2 Inspect crewmember qualification and records.
4.3 Inspect flight and duty time records.
4.4 Inspect load manifest.
4.5 Inspect flight locating records.
4.6 Inspect operator's Record Retention System.
5. Inspect operator's organization.
5.1 Inspect management personnel.
5.2 Inspect operator's aircraft.
5.3 Evaluate operator's operational control.
5.4 Observe and evaluate and flight crewmember.
5.5 Observe and evaluate check airman and instructors.
6. Determine results of the inspection.
6.1 Debrief operator.
7. Coordinate with the Principal Operations Inspectors if results are unsatisfactory.
8. Document the inspection to include unsatisfactory results.
8.1 Send letter to operator confirming inspection results.
9. Schedule follow-up activities, if required.
9.1 Schedule follow-up surveillance.
9.2 Conduct follow-up surveillance.
9.3 Initiate an enforcement investigation, if required.
10. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.006 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.007
Title: Inspect Trip Records
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: : CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-5
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 5
Task Description:
To inspect an Operator's Trip Records to confirm compliance with States Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations (CASRs).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for this inspection of trip records. Open work tracking
2. Pre-plan inspection.
3. Initiate contact with operator.
4. Examine documents for accuracy and completeness.
4.1 Inspect the load manifest.
5. Evaluate inspection results.
5.1 Conduct an investigation to determine compliance.
6. Debrief the operator.
7. Document the inspection.
8. Schedule follow-up activities.
8.1 Schedule follow-up surveillance.
8.2 Initiate an enforcement investigation, if required.
9. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.007 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.008
Title: Inspect Crew & Dispatch Records
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: : CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-4 SI; 8400-5; SI 8400-8 SI 8400-11
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4,5,8
and 11
Task Description:
To determine that the certificate holder maintains records for crew and dispatcher
regulatory training and qualification requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for the inspection. Open work tracking record.
2. Plan and initiate the inspection.
2.1 Review operator's district office file.
2.2 Review procedures for inspection.
2.3 Prepare list of records to be inspected.
2.4 Notify the operator of the records inspection.
2.5 Conduct operator in-briefing.
2.6 Review operator's system of record keeping.
3. Inspect the operator's records.
3.1 Inspect airman crewmember qualification and training records.
3.2 Inspect flight and duty time records.
3.3 Inspect flight locating requirements.
3.4 Inspect flight attendant training records.
3.5 Inspect Check Airman and flight instructor records.
4. Determine results of the inspection.
4.1 Coordinate with the Principal Operations Inspectors if results are

OPS 3.008 Page 1 of 2

5. Debrief operator.
6. Document the inspection to include unsatisfactory results.
6.1 Send letter to operator confirming inspection results.
6.2 Update or Close record.
7. Schedule follow-up activities, if required.
7.1 Schedule follow-up surveillance.
7.2 Conduct follow-up surveillance.
7.3 Initiate an enforcement investigation, if required.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.008 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.009
Title: Inspect a Check Airman
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: : CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121; CASR Part 183.;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-13
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 6; SI
8400 Vol. III Chapter 13, SI 61-01 Chapter 15 and 15a.
Task Description:
Inspect a check airman pilot, flight engineer, and navigator.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from operator or determine the need for this inspection.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Plan and initiate the check airman observation.
3.1 Review Operations Specifications.
3.2 Review operator's training manual.
3.3 Review Aircraft Operations manual.
3.4 Review General Operations manual.
3.5 Review Check Airman's Training Record.
4. Evaluate check airman's documents.
4.1 Verify Check Airman's identity.
4.2 Review Check Airman's Certificate and Medical.
5. Conduct the check airman evaluation.
5.1 Observe Check Airman administering a simulator evaluation.
5.2 Observe Check Airman administering an aircraft evaluation.
5.3 Observe Check Airman administering a line check.
5.4 Observe Check Airman conducting initial operating experience check.
5.5 Evaluate Check Airman's debriefing.
6. Debrief the check airman.

OPS 3.009 Page 1 of 2

7. Evaluate the results of the check airman evaluation.
7.1 Notify the Principal Operations Inspector (POI) if principal is not
conducting evaluation.
8. Document the check airman evaluation if satisfactory.
8.1 Validate the Vital Information Subsystem.
9. Document the check airman evaluation if unsatisfactory.
9.1 POI shall review deficiencies to determine subsequent action, ranging
from remedial training and re-testing to complete review of training
10. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.009 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.010
Title: Inspect a Main Operations Base
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: : CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-3 to 8
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 2 to
Task Description:
To determine that an applicant's base of operations conforms to the requirements of the
States Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for the inspection/surveillance. Open work tracking record.
2. Plan and initiate the inspection.
2.1 Review operator's District Office file.
2.2 Review Operating Certificate.
2.3 Review Operations Specifications.
2.4 Review previous inspections.
2.5 Review Operator's Manual(s).
2.6 Review operator's Training Program.
2.7 Notify the operator of the Main Base Inspection.
2.8 Conduct operator in-briefing.
3. Inspect the operator's documents.
3.1 Inspect the Operating Certificate.
3.2 Inspect and evaluate the Operations Specifications.
3.3 Inspect manuals.
3.4 Inspect the Aircraft Flight Manuals.
3.5 Inspect the current list of aircraft.
3.6 Inspect the Minimum Equipment List (MEL).

OPS 3.010 Page 1 of 2

3.7 Inspect the operational information.
3.8 Inspect the operator's training programs.
4. Inspect the operator's records.
4.1 Inspect weight and center of gravity procedures.
4.2 Inspect crewmember qualifications and records.
4.3 Inspect flight and duty time records.
4.4 Inspect load manifests.
4.5 Inspect flight locating records.
4.6 Inspect operator's Record Retention System.
5. Inspect operator's organization.
5.1 Inspect management personnel.
5.2 Inspect operator's aircraft.
5.3 Inspect operator's operational control procedures.
5.4 Observe and evaluate flight crewmember.
5.5 Observe and evaluate check airman and instructors.
6. Determine results of the inspection.
6.1 If results are unsatisfactory, coordinate with the Principal Operations
7. Debrief operator.
8. Document the inspection to include unsatisfactory results.
8.1 Send letter to operator confirming inspection results.
9. Schedule follow-up activities, if required.
9.1 Schedule follow-up surveillance.
9.2 Conduct follow-up surveillance.
9.3 Initiate an enforcement investigation, if required.
10. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.010 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.012
Title: Inspect a Deicing Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI perlu dibuat
Task Description:
Observe the Certificate Holders deicing operations and compare the performance to the
Certificate Holders approved deicing program. Document the results of the comparison
and, in addition, any observed deficiencies in the approved program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO deicing guidance material.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Become familiar with the policies, procedures, and instructions for the deicing
program contained in the Certificate Holders manual.
4. Compare the Certificate Holders approved deicing procedures, policies, and
instructions to the regulatory guidance.
5. To determine if the person identified by the Certificate Holder having
responsibility and/or authority for the deicing program is qualified,
knowledgeable, and recognizes that responsibility and/or authority.
6. Weather conditions permitting, observe the Certificate Holders deicing
procedures during line operations and document the results of the observation.
If not possible, continue with procedure evaluation.
7. Debrief results of the inspection with the Certificate Holder and Principal
Operations Inspector (POI).
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.012 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.013
Title: Inspect a Company Operations Manual
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: 2.3.036, 2.3.091, 2.3.102, 2.3.037
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135.
DAAO Forms: 8400-3.
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. 3 Chapter 3.
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders manual meets DAAO regulatory and policy
requirements and supports the Certificate Holders operation including System Safety
Attributes when applicable. Document the results of the inspection, report and document
any deficiencies.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for the inspection/surveillance.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Prepare for inspection.
2.1 Review Operator's district office file.
2.2 Review the operating certificate.
2.3 Review the operations specifications.
2.4 Review the results of previous inspections.
2.5 Review the Operations Manual.
2.6 Notify the Operator of the inspection.
3. Inspect the Operator's manual.
3.1 Determine the currency of the manual.
3.2 Evaluate the manual revision system.
3.3 Evaluate the manual distribution system.
3.4 Determine the availability of the manual.
4. Inspect manual content and information.
5. Identify management point of contact for duties, responsibilities, and operational

OPS 3.013 Page 1 of 2

6. Identify procedures for ensuring compliance with aircraft weight and balance
7. Inspect copies of the certificate holder's operation specifications.
8. Identify accident notification procedures.
9. Identify procedures for ensuring that the pilot in command knows that required
airworthiness inspections have been made and that the aircraft has been approved
for return to service status.
10. Identify procedures for reporting and recording mechanical irregularities.
11. Identify procedures to be followed by the pilot-in-command for determining that
mechanical irregularities or defects have been corrected or deferred.
12. Identify procedures to obtain maintenance, preventive maintenance and servicing.
13. Identify procedures for the release or continuation of flight if any item of
equipment becomes inoperative or unserviceable while en-route.
14. Identify procedures for refueling aircraft.
15. Identify procedures to be followed by the pilot when briefing passengers.
16. Identify flight-locating procedures.
17. Identify procedures to ensure compliance with emergency procedures.
18. Identify en-route qualification procedures for pilots.
19. Identify approved aircraft inspection program.
20. Identify procedures and instructions to enable personnel to recognize hazardous
21. Identify procedures for evacuation of persons who may need assistance.
22. Identify other procedures and policy instructions.
23. Evaluate results of inspection.
23.1 Coordinate with principle inspectors.
23.2 Document unsatisfactory areas.
24. Debrief Operator.
25. Document inspection.
25.1 Send letter to Operator confirming inspection results.
25.2 File inspection results in office file.
26. Schedule follow-up activities.
26.1 Schedule follow-up surveillance.
26.2 Conduct follow-up surveillance.
26.3 Initiate an enforcement investigation, if required.
27. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.013 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.014
Title: Inspect an Internal Evaluation Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; AC 120-92
Task Description:
To ensure an Air Carriers internal evaluation program measures the procedures to assess
whether they are adequate and functioning properly.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need to inspect an Air Carrier.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Is the program independent of the development of procedures and management
of work?
4. Assess whether program defines responsibilities for performing evaluations,
developing corrective actions, and reporting results.
5. Is program a structured, organized activity that includes planned and follow-up
6. Do deficiencies have corrective actions implemented?
7. Are records being maintained?
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.014 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.016
Title: Inspect Extended Range Operations for Two-Engine Airplanes (ETOPS)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8900-4.6
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8900-4.6; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
Inspect a Certificate Holders extended range operations to determine compliance with
the Certificate Holders manual. Document the results of the comparison and any
observed deficiencies in the procedures.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with the DAAOs extended range guidance material.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review air operators extended range guidance material.
4. Become familiar with the policies, procedures, and instructions for extended
range operations contained in the Certificate Holders flight operations
5. Inspect the Certificate Holders ETOPS program and document results.
6. To determine if the person identified by the Certificate Holder having
responsibility and/or authority for the extended range operations is qualified,
knowledgeable, and recognizes that responsibility and/or authority.
7. Debrief the results of the inspections.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.016 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.017
Title: Inspect a Flight Crew Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91, CASR 121, CASR 135, CASR 61, CASR 63, CASR
133, CASR 137.
DAAO Forms: 8400-8; CCP and Company Instructor Evaluation Form, 120-02.
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Volume 2 chapter 13 and SI
8400 Volume 3 chapter 7; Air Carrier Certification Job Aid
Task Description:
To determine that the air carrier's training program continues to meet the requirements and that
the air carrier is conducting training in accordance with its DAAO approved training program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need for surveillance/inspection. Open work tracking record.
2. Plan and initiate inspection.
2.1 Review operator's office file.
2.2 Review operation's specifications.
2.3 Review results of previous inspections.
2.4 Review operator's training program.
2.5 Notify operator of inspection.
3. Inspect certificate holder's training facilities.
4. Inspect certificate holder's training program.
4.1 On-site activities.
4.2 Inspect courseware.
4.3 Inspect instructional delivery methods.
4.4 Inspect training aids and equipment.
4.5 Inspect flight simulator or flight training devices.
4.6 Inspect testing and checking.
5. Inspection results.
5.1 Coordinate with principal inspectors.

OPS 3.017 Page 1 of 2

5.2 Document unsatisfactory areas.
5.3 Debrief operator.
5.4 Send letter to operator confirming inspection results.
5.5 File inspection results in office file.
6. Schedule follow-up activities.
6.1 Schedule follow-up surveillance.
6.2 Conduct follow-up surveillance.
6.3 Initiate an enforcement investigation, if required.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.017 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.018
Title: Inspect a Cabin Crew Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 13; SI 8400
Vol. III Chapter 7
Task Description:
Observe the Certificate Holders flight attendant training program/course(s) and compare
the presentation to the Certificate Holders approved flight attendant training program.
Document the results of the comparison and any observed deficiencies in the approved
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO flight attendant training regulations and guidance
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review DAAO flight attendant training regulations and guidance material.
4. Become familiar with the policies, procedures, and instructions for the flight
attendant training program contained in the Certificate Holders manual.
5. Observe a flight attendant training program/course(s) and compare the
curriculum to the Certificate Holders DAAO approved program.
6. Determine if the person identified by the Certificate Holder having
responsibility and/or authority for the flight attendant training program is
qualified, knowledgeable, and recognizes that responsibility and/or authority.
7. Document the results of the observation and any additional deficiencies that
have been discovered. Debrief the Certificate Holder and Principal Operations
Inspector (POI).
8. Close work tracking record

OPS 3.018 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.019
Title: Inspect a Check Airman or Instructor Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 135; CASR 121; CASR 183.
DAAO Forms: CCP Check Form and Company Instructor Evaluation Form
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Volume II Chapter 6; SI 61-
01 Chapter 15 and 15a.
Task Description:
Observe the Certificate Holders Check Airmen and/or Instructor(s) training
program/course(s) and compare the presentation to the Certificate Holders approved
Check Airmen/Instructors training program. Document the results of the comparison and,
in addition, any observed deficiencies in the approved program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO Check Airmen/ Instructors training guidance
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Become familiar with the policies, procedures, and instructions for the Check
Airmen/Instructors training program contained in the Certificate Holders
4. Observe a Check Airmen/Instructors training program and compare the
curriculum to the Certificate Holders approved program.
5. Determine if the person identified by the Certificate Holder having
responsibility and/or authority for the Check Airmen/Instructors training
program is qualified, knowledgeable, and recognizes that responsibility and/or
6. Document the results of the observation and any additional deficiencies that
have been discovered. Debrief the Check Airmen/Instructors, Certificate Holder,
and Principal Operations Inspector (POI).
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.019 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.020
Title: Inspect a Dispatcher Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 13; Vol. III
Chapter 7
Task Description:
Observe the Certificate Holders dispatcher training program/course(s) and compare the
presentation to the Certificate Holders approved dispatcher training program. Document
the results of the comparison and, in addition, any observed deficiencies in the approved
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO regulatory and guidance material for dispatcher
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Become familiar with the policies, procedures, and instructions for the
dispatcher training program contained in the Certificate Holders manual.
4. Observe a dispatcher training program and compare the curriculum to the
Certificate Holders DAAO approved program.
5. Determine if the person identified by the Certificate Holder having
responsibility and/or authority for the dispatcher training program is qualified,
knowledgeable, and recognizes that responsibility and/or authority.
6. Document the results of the observation and any additional deficiencies that
have been discovered. Debrief the Certificate Holder and Principal Operations
Inspector (POI).
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.020 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.021
Title: Inspect Simulator or Flight Training Device
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Regulation References: CASR 60; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 61.
DAAO Forms: perlu direvisi (AN41)
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI Perlu dibuat
Task Description:
To determine if flight training device or simulator used by the air operator continues to
meet regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Schedule inspection with air operator (yearly).
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Evaluate the following areas for compliance with program approval, Job Aid for
Inspecting Flight Simulator/Training Device.
3.1 Conduct functional evaluations.
3.2 Inspect logbook or other use records.
3.3 Inspect Simulator Component Inoperative Guide (SCIG), or procedures for
operating with inoperative components.
3.4 Inspect discrepancy records to determine if recorded item would or would
not have affected training, checking, or testing.
3.5 Inspect maintenance logbooks.
3.6 Inspect daily preflight records to determine if discrepancies are being
recorded and if maintenance is deferred on any discrepancies that would
affect training, checking or testing.
3.7 Review training specifications to ensure that they identify all flight
simulators and flight training devices used.
4. Analyze inspection data gathered from the inspection reports and related
information from other sources.
5. Determine appropriate course of action.
6. Issue findings of inspection results.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.021 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.022
Title: Inspect a Station Personnel Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: : CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-7; SI 8400-11
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 11; SI
8400 Vol. III Chapter 7
Task Description:
Observe the Certificate Holders Station Personnel training program/course(s) and
compare the presentation to the Certificate Holders procedures, policies, and instructions
outlined in their manuals. Document the results of the comparison and, in addition, any
observed deficiencies in the Certificate Holders program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO Station Personnel training guidance material.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Become familiar with the policies, procedures, and instructions for the station
personnel training program contained in the Certificate Holders manual.
4. Observe the Station Personnel training and compare the curriculum to the
Certificate Holders published procedures and regulatory guidance.
5. Document the results of the observation and any additional deficiencies that
have been discovered. Debrief the Certificate Holder and Principal Operations
Inspector (POI).
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.022 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.023
Title: Inspect a Flight Follower Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: : CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 7
Task Description:
Observe the Certificate Holders Flight Follower training and compare the presentation to
the Certificate Holders procedures, policies, and instructions outlined in their manuals.
Document the results of the comparison and, in addition, any observed deficiencies in the
Certificate Holders program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO Flight Follower training guidance material.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Become familiar with the policies, procedures, and instructions for the Flight
Follower training program contained in the Certificate Holders manual.
4. Observe the Flight Follower training and compare the curriculum to the
Certificate Holders procedures and regulatory guidance.
5. Document the results of the observation and any additional deficiencies that
have been discovered. Debrief the Certificate Holder and Principal Operations
Inspector (POI).
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.023 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.024
Title: Inspect Flight Following/ Flight Locating Procedures
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 8400-4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4;
Task Description:
To determine that the certificate holder operates its flight following/flight location procedures in
compliance with applicable regulations and approved procedures.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for this inspection. Open work tracking record.
2. Plan and initiate the inspection.
2.1 Review operator's district office file.
2.2 Review previous inspections.
2.3 Review Operator's Manual.
2.4 Notify the operator of the Flight Following/Flight Locating Inspection.
2.5 Conduct operator in-briefing.
3. Inspect the operator's documents.
3.1 Inspect manuals.
4. Inspect the operator's records.
4.1 Inspect Flight Locating/Flight Following records.
5. Evaluate operator's organization.
5.1 Evaluate management personnel.
5.2 Evaluate operator's Flight Following/ Flight Locating procedures.
6. Evaluate the results of the inspection.
6.1 Coordinate with the Principal Inspectors.
6.2 Document unsatisfactory areas.
7. Debrief the operator.

8. Document the inspection.

OPS 3.024 Page 1 of 2

8.1 Send letter to operator confirming inspection results.
9. Schedule follow-up activities.
9.1 Schedule the follow-up surveillance.
9.2 Conduct an investigation to determine compliance.
10. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.024 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.025
Title: Inspect Dispatch Procedures
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-4; SI 8400-11.
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI 8400
Vol. III Chapter 11;
Task Description:
Inspect the certificate holders dispatch operations to determine compliance with the
certificate holders manual, Civil Aviation Safety Regulations and DAAO policies
including system safety attributes when applicable. Document the results of the
comparison and, in addition, any observed deficiencies in the procedures.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO guidance.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Become familiar with the certificate holders dispatching procedures.
4. Determine that the certificate holder has the policies, controls, and procedures to
support their dispatching system.
5. Conduct in-depth review of the certificate holders manuals and observe their
dispatch operation to determine if the certificate holders dispatching system is
6. Document and debrief the results of the inspection.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.025 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.026
Title: Inspect Personnel Who have Been Granted Operational Control Authority
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 8400-4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI (O)
Task Description:
Observe the Certificate Holders personnel who have been granted operational control
and compare their performance to the Certificate Holders operational control procedures.
Document the results of the observation and, in addition, any observed deficiencies in the
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with the DAAOs operational control guidance material.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Become familiar with the policies, procedures, and instructions for operational
control contained in the Certificate Holders manual and document any
4. Interview and observe personnel assigned operational control responsibilities to
determine compliance with the Certificate Holders procedures.
5. Discuss and document the results of the observation with the Certificate Holder
and Principal Operations Inspector (POI).
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.026 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.027
Title: Inspect a Heliport
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR
DAAO Forms: none
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335
Task Description:
To inspect public or private use, non-certificated heliport for safe flight operations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for heliport inspection.
2. Prepare for the inspection. Open work tracking record.
2.1 Review guidance for heliport inspection (One source, Advisory Circular
2.2 Review attached charts, maps or engineering drawings.
2.3 Schedule the on-site inspection with the heliport sponsor.
3. Conduct the on-site inspection.
4. Document the inspection.
4.1 Advise States, Flight Procedures branch of the inspection results.
5. Schedule follow-up activities.
5.1 Re-inspect the heliport if required.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.027 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.028
Title: Conduct a Rotorcraft Ramp Inspection
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 91; CASR Part 135.
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-12
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 12
Task Description:
To determine that an operation is in continuing compliance with States Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations (CASRs) and operator policies and procedures during an actual
operational situation.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Pre-inspection activities. Open work tracking record.
2. Proceed to airport where inspection will be conducted and identify DAAO
presence to airport operator, if appropriate.
3. Inspect airman documents.
3.1 Pilots certificate.
3.2 Radio license.
3.3 Inspect airman and medical certificates.
3.4 Return documents.
3.5 Examine pilot logbooks, if available.
4. Record aircraft information.
5. Inspect aircraft.
5.1 Identify discrepancies on job aid.
6. Conclude inspection.
6.1 Debrief airman.
6.2 Advise pilot of upcoming accident prevention or safety meetings.

OPS 3.028 Page 1 of 2

7. Task outcomes.
7.1 Indication in district office files of satisfactory/unsatisfactory inspection.
7.2 Letter of correction.
7.3 Aircraft condition notice.
8. Future activities.
8.1 Initiate a compliance investigation, if applicable.
8.2 Initiate a follow-up inspection to determine correction of discrepancies, if
9. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.028 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.029
Title: Inspect Rotorcraft External Load Base Inspection
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 133; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 8400-3 to 8, 8400-11, 8400-12
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 2 to 8; 11 and
Task Description:
To determine whether an applicant meets the regulatory requirements for initial
certification, or whether an applicant continues to be able to conduct operations in
compliance with the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Pre-inspection activities.
1.1 Review operators records file. Open work tracking record.
1.2 Schedule base inspection.
2. Conduct base inspection.
2.1 Inspect records to determine compliance with regulations.
2.2 Spot-check available external-load pilots.
2.3 Confirm rotorcraft was inspected by an Airworthiness Unit.
3. Observe on-site operation, if possible.
4. Satisfactory examination results.
4.1 Initial certification: Indicate satisfactory on base inspection of job aid and
certification job aid.
4.2 Renewal: Complete application, prepare and issue new certificate, make
copy of certificate for DAAO file.
4.3 Follow-up items: Advise operator verbally of deficiency and, if necessary,
write letter to operator outlining discrepancies found during inspection.
5. Unsatisfactory examination results.
5.1 Inform operator and confirm deficiencies in writing.
5.2 Depending on severity of problem, schedule follow-up inspection in 30 days
or initiate enforcement investigation.
6. Close work tracking record.
OPS 3.029 Page 1 of 1
ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.030
Title: Inspect Rotorcraft External Load Operation
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 133; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 8400-12
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 12
Task Description:
To inspect an external load operation and to ensure compliance with the congested area
plan if applicable.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need for inspection. Open work tracking record.
1.1 Receive congested area plan.
1.2 Receive notice of external load operation.
2. Plan and initiate inspection.
3. Conduct ground inspection.
4. Determine if ground inspection was satisfactory.
4.1 Notify Operator if Results were Unsatisfactory.
5. Determine if operator corrected deficiency.
5.1 If deficiency not corrected, rescind congested area plan approval.
5.2 Conduct enforcement investigation.
6. Conduct surveillance of external load operations.
7. Determine if operator complies with congested area plan.
8. Determine if external load operation creates hazard to public.
8.1 Notify operator if operation creates a hazard to public.
9. Determine if operator corrected hazardous condition.
9.1 Document surveillance if operator did not correct hazardous condition.
9.2 Conduct enforcement investigation if operator did not correct hazardous

OPS 3.030 Page 1 of 2

9.3 Continue surveillance of operations if hazardous condition is corrected.
10. Determine if external load operations plan needs on-site modification.
10.1 Review operator's changes to plan if on-site modification is required.
10.2 Continue surveillance of operations if plan did not require on-site
11. Determine if operator's changed plan is satisfactory.
11.1 Rescind plan approval if changed plan is unsatisfactory.
11.2 Document surveillance if changed plan is unsatisfactory.
11.3 Continue surveillance if changed plan is satisfactory.
12. Determine if external load operations create hazardous condition to public.
12.1 Notify operator if operation creates hazard to public.
13. Determine if operator corrected hazardous condition.
13.1 Document surveillance if operator did not correct hazardous condition.
13.2 Conduct enforcement investigation if operator did not correct hazardous
13.3 Continue surveillance of operations if hazardous condition is corrected.
14. Debrief operator.
15. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.030 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.031
Title: Conduct Surveillance of a Banner Tow Operator
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 91; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 8400-12
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 12
Task Description:
To determine if the holder of a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization for banner tow
operations is operating in compliance with States Civil Aviation Safety Regulations
(CASRs) and the terms set forth in the Certificate of Waiver.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Pre-inspection activity.
1.1 Determine need for inspection. Open work tracking record.
1.2 Review DAAO office file.
1.3 Consult Enforcement Information Subsystem/Accident Incident
Subsystem for accident/violation history for applicants/pilots.
1.4 Coordinate with airworthiness unit to inspect aircraft, hitch and hitch
installation, if necessary.
2. Conduct inspection.
3. Debrief operator.
3.1 If satisfactory, note results on job aid.
3.2 If unsatisfactory, explain discrepancies to operator and/or pilot.
4. Document results in DAAO office file.
5. Task outcomes.
5.1 Indication on job aid of inspection results.
5.2 If unsatisfactory, indication that a follow up inspection is required.

OPS 3.031 Page 1 of 2

6. Future activities.
6.1 Possible follow up site inspection.
6.2 Possible increase in surveillance schedule.
6.3 Possible enforcement investigation.
6.4 Continuation or cancellation of Certificate of Waiver.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.031 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.032
Title: Conduct Surveillance of a Special Event
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 91; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335, belum ada perlu dibuat
Task Description:
To determine if the holder of a certificate of waiver or authorization is in compliance
with the terms set forth in the waiver or authorization.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for the surveillance of an aviation event. Open work
tracking record.
2. Plan the surveillance of the aviation event.
3. Determine the type of waiver or authorization.
3.1 Review requirements for an air race in an aviation event.
3.2 Review requirements for aerobatics in an aviation event.
3.3 Review requirements for parachuting in an aviation event.
3.4 Review requirements for balloons in an aviation event.
4. Conduct surveillance of the aviation event.
5. Determine if aviation events are performed within waiver provisions.
6. Notify coordinator of discrepancies.
7. Determine if discrepancies are resolved.
8. Inform coordinator that the waiver is rescinded, if necessary.
9. Debrief the holder of the certificate of waiver or authorization.
10. Document the inspection.
11. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.032 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 3.033
Title: Conduct a Ramp Inspection of Foreign Registered Aircraft
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand or Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 129
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335 belum ada perlu dibuat
Task Description:
To sample the quality and degree of compliance with the operators operations
specifications and DAAO Regulations on in-service aircraft.

Job Performance Subtasks:

1. Initiate ramp inspection of foreign-registered aircraft. Open work tracking
2. Prepare for inspection.
2.1 Obtain copy of Air Carrier Ramp Inspections Job Aid.
3. Make an official, but courteous, introduction to the flight crew; state purpose of
3.1 Request to see airman and medical certificates; review certificates; ensure
they meet duty position and are applicable to aircraft being operated.
4. Inspect aircraft documents.
4.1 Inspect aircraft airworthiness certificate.
4.2 Inspect aircraft registration certificate.
4.3 Inspect Letter of Authorization for use of Minimum Equipment List.
5. Inspect aircrafts interior.
6. Inspect aircrafts exterior.
Reference: ICAO, Article 17, ICAO, Article 20, ICAO, Annex 7
7. Inspect servicing and maintenance areas.
8. Inspect ramp and gate condition areas.

OPS 3.033 Page 1 of 2

9. Analyze results of inspection.
10. Debrief operator; diplomatically explain each discrepancy; offer suggested
corrective actions and DAAO assistance, as applicable.
11. If air carrier representative disagrees with inspection findings, prepare a written
report of findings and recommended corrective actions; address to the DAAO
office with Certificate management responsibility.
11.1 The DAAO office with Certificate management responsibility will mail
report to state civil aviation authority.
12. If serious uncorrected safety deficiencies exist, advise the aircraft operator that
operating the aircraft may be in violation of the States regulations. Immediately
advise foreign air carrier principal inspector, who must advise foreign air carrier
and/or state civil aviation authority.
12.1 If foreign air carrier CEO or state civil aviation authority fails to take
corrective actions, initiate swift enforcement action.
13. Close work tracking record.

OPS 3.033 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.001
Title: Conduct Written Test for Personnel Licensing
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 63
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01
Task Description:
To determine eligibility and conduct written test for Personnel Licensing.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from Airman to take written test.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Have applicant sign in with date and time. Verify positive identity of applicant
through State issued identification.
4. Review Airmans Application for testing, and all documents to insure
completion of approve course, and that all prerequisites have been met.
5. Verify the applicant has only the required material needed to take the written
6. The applicant should be briefed on any time requirements and procedures to be
taken if applicant must leave the secure testing room for any reason.
7. The written test should only be administered in a secure room by an authorized
DAAO Inspector where the applicant can be monitored.
8. Once the test is completed insure all test materials are collected. If the test will
not be graded at that time, have the applicant sign out and brief when the test
will be graded and how the applicant will be made aware of the results.
9. If the test will be corrected upon completion debrief the applicant in all the areas
of missed questions.
10. If a passing grade was achieved issue the appropriate certificate. If a passing
grad was not achieved inform the applicant when they can return to retest and
any requirements or additional sign offs required by training personnel or by the
11. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.001 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.002
Title: Issue a Student Pilot License
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01
Task Description:
To determine if an applicant is eligible for a student pilot certificate, and to issue a
student pilot certificate.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from applicant for a student pilot license. Open work tracking
2. Schedule certification review with applicant.
2.1 Review applicant's documents.
3. Determine applicant's eligibility.
3.1 If applicant is not eligible, issue Notice of Disapproval.
4. Issue student pilot certificate.
5. Document certificate for student pilot.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.002 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.003
Title: Certificate a Private Pilot
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01, SI PTS 8081-14; SI PTS
Task Description:
To determine an applicant's eligibility for a private pilot certificate under CASR Part 61,
to conduct the practical test for that certificate, and to issue the certificate to a qualified
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive certification request from applicant for private pilot certificate. Open
work tracking record.
2. Schedule practical test for certification with applicant.
2.1 Review applicant's documents.
2.2 Determine aircraft category, class, and type.
3. Determine applicant's eligibility.
3.1 If applicant is not eligible, issue Notice of Disapproval, inform applicant
of reasons for ineligibility.
4. Determine airworthiness of aircraft.
4.1 If aircraft is not airworthy, brief applicant.
5. Conduct practical test.
6. Determine results of completed practical test.
6.1 If applicant fails practical test, issue Notice of Disapproval.
7. If applicant is successful, complete certification documentation.
7.1 Issue Private Pilot Certificate.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.003 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.004
Title: Certificate a Commercial Pilot
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01, SI PTS 8081-12; SI PTS
Task Description:
To determine an applicant's eligibility for a commercial pilot certificate to conduct the
practical test for that certificate, and to issue the certificate to a qualified applicant.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive certification request from applicant for a commercial pilot.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Schedule practical test for certification with applicant.
2.1 Review applicant's documents.
2.2 Determine aircraft category, class, and type.
3. Determine applicant's eligibility.
3.1 If applicant is not eligible, issue Notice of Disapproval and inform
applicant of reasons for ineligibility.
4. Determine airworthiness of aircraft.
4.1 If aircraft is not airworthy, brief applicant.
5. Conduct practical test using appropriate Commercial Pilot Practical Test
6. Determine practical test results.
6.1 If applicant fails practical test, issue Notice of Disapproval.
7. If applicant is successful, complete certification documentation.
7.1 Issue commercial pilot license.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.004 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.005
Title: Certificate an Instrument Rating Pilot
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01, SI PTS 8081-5; SI PTS
Task Description:
To determine an applicant's eligibility for an instrument rating to conduct the practical
test for that rating and to issue that rating to a qualified applicant.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Receive request from applicant for an instrument rating.
2.1 Schedule practical test for certification with applicant.
2.2 Review applicant's documents.
2.3 Determine aircraft category, class and type.
3. Determine applicant's eligibility.
3.1 If applicant is not eligible, issue Notice of Disapproval, inform applicant
of reasons for ineligibility.
4. Determine airworthiness of aircraft.
4.1 If aircraft is not airworthy, brief applicant.
5. Conduct practical test to appropriate Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards.
6. Determine if applicant has unsatisfactorily completed practical test.
6.1 If applicant fails practical test, issue Notice of Disapproval.
7. If applicant is successful, complete certification documentation.
7.1 Issue Instrument Rating Certificate.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.005 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.006
Title: Certificate an Airline Transport Pilot
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01, SI PTS 8081-5; SI PTS
Task Description:
To determine an applicant's eligibility for an Airline Transport pilot license to conduct
the practical test for that license, and to issue the license to a qualified applicant.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive certification request from applicant for an airline transport pilot license.
Open work tracking record.
2. Schedule practical test for certification with applicant.
2.1 Review applicant's documents.
2.2 Determine aircraft category, class, and type.
3. Determine applicant's eligibility.
3.1 If applicant is not eligible, issue Notice of Disapproval, inform applicant
of reasons for ineligibility.
4. Determine airworthiness of aircraft.
4.1 If aircraft is not airworthy, brief applicant.
5. Conduct practical test.
6. Determine if applicant has unsatisfactorily completed practical test using
appropriate Airline Transport Pilot Practical Test Standards.
6.1 If applicant fails practical test, issue Notice of Disapproval.
7. If applicant is successful, complete certification documentation.
7.1 Issue Airline Transport Pilot License.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.006 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.007
Title: Certificate a Flight Instructor
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 141
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01.
Task Description:
To determine an applicants eligibility for an initial Flight Instructor License, reinstatement of a
license, renewal of a licnese, or addition of a category or class rating to an existing certificate.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive certification request from applicant. Open work tracking record.
2. Schedule practical test for certification with applicant.
2.1 Review applicants documents
2.2 Determine aircraft category, class and type.
3. Determine applicant's eligibility.
3.1 If applicant is not eligible, issue Notice of Disapproval and inform
applicant of reasons for ineligibility.
4. Determine airworthiness of aircraft.
4.1 If aircraft is not airworthy, brief applicant.
5. Conduct practical test.
6. Determine practical test outcome using appropriate flight instructor practical test
6.1 If applicant fails practical test, issue Notice of Disapproval.
7. If applicant passes practical test, complete certification file and prepare for
7.1 Issue flight instructor license.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.007 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.008
Title: Renew a Flight Instructor License (no flight check)
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 141
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01.
Task Description:
To determine applicant's qualification for the renewal of a flight instructor license means
other than by flight check.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to renew license flight instructor license. Open work tracking
2. Schedule meeting with applicant.
3. Determine applicant's eligibility.
4. If applicant is eligible, complete license renewal documents.
4.1 Issue temporary airman license.
5. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.008 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.009
Title: Issue Additional Aircraft Ratings
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01, SI PTS 8081-5; SI PTS
Task Description:
To evaluate an applicant for an additional aircraft rating on their certificate.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from applicant for an additional rating.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Schedule practical test with applicant.
3. Review applicant's application for completeness and accuracy.
3.1 Verify the applicant's identity.
3.2 Establish that the applicant is eligible for the required practical test.
3.3 Inspect aircraft and/or simulator documents for airworthiness and
suitability for practical test.
4. Determine if applicant is eligible for additional ratings.
4.1 If the applicant is not eligible, or the aircraft/simulator is not satisfactory,
explain deficiencies to applicant.
5. Conduct the practical test.
6. Determine if applicant successfully completed the practical test.
6.1 Issue a Letter of Discontinuance if the practical test is not completed for
reasons other than proficiency.
6.2 If applicant's practical test performance is unsatisfactory, terminate the
practical test, inform the applicant of the reasons and issue a Notice of
Disapproval to the applicant.
7. If applicant meets all requirements for additional rating, issue a temporary
airman certificate.

OPS 4.009 Page 1 of 2

8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.009 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.010
Title: Certificate a Ground Instructor
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61, CASR 141
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1, SI belum ada perlu dibuat
Task Description:
To determine if an applicant is eligible for a Ground Instructor Certificate and associated
ratings, and to issue an appropriate certificate to an eligible applicant.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from applicant for a ground instructor certification or additional
1.1 Open work tracking record.
1.2 Schedule appointment.
2. Review application.
3. Collect required documentation.
4. Verify applicant's identity, age, and eligibility.
5. Evaluate applicant's knowledge test results.
5.1 Determine if knowledge test is not required.
6. If applicant does not meet all requirements, return application and
7. If applicant meets all requirements, issue certificate.
7.1 Complete certification file and prepare for distribution.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.010 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.011
Title: Certificate a Flight Engineer
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 63
DAAO Forms: 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1,
Task Description:
Conduct a flight engineer certification check.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive a request from the flight engineer applicant.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Evaluate the airmans knowledge and ability. Conduct an oral examination and
observe the airmans actions while conducting a certification check.
4. Document the results of the evaluation.
5. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.011 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.012
Title: Certificate an Aircraft Dispatcher
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 63
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1, SI PTS 8081-10
Task Description:
Conduct the practical test required for an Aircraft Dispatcher certificate. Document the
results and debrief the applicant.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Review candidates application.
3. Verify the eligibility of the candidate.
4. Evaluate the applicants knowledge and practical skills.
5. Conduct an oral and practical examination.
6. Document the results of the practical examination and debrief the applicant.
7. Issue temporary airman certificate, Notice of Disapproval, or letter of
aeronautical competency, as appropriate.
8. Complete the airmans application and debrief the applicant.
9. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.012 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.013
Title: Issue a Replacement Pilot License
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated FAA Job Task #s: 3.1.010
Regulation References:
CAA Forms:
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1
Task Description:
To issue a replacement pilot certificate to a pilot needing emergency issuance to complete
a trip or maintain employment, or to an applicant with an outdated Temporary Airman
Certificate due to administrative delays.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Emergency issuance of a replacement pilot certificate or re-issuance of a pilot
certificate when necessary.
2. Verify airman's identity.
3. Verify certificate grade and ratings.
4. Issue temporary certificate to airman.

OPS 4.013 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.014
Title: Issue a Pilot License Based On Military Competence
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01; SI PTS 8081-12; SI PTS
Task Description:
To determine an applicant's eligibility for a pilot certificate and/or rating based on
military competence and to issue a pilot certificate to an eligible applicant.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for certification from applicant in accordance with Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs) (military competence).
2. Review applicant's completed application form.
2.1 Verify applicant's identity.
2.2 Identify certificate for which applicant is qualified.
2.3 Identify aircraft ratings for which applicant is qualified.
3. Evaluate applicant's documentation for certificate or rating.
4. Determine if knowledge test is required.
5. Issue temporary certificate.
6. Advise applicant of CASR Part 91 currency and medical requirements.
7. Document the certification.

OPS 4.014 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.015
Title: Issue a Pilot License Based on a Foreign Pilot License
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01; SI PTS 8081-12; SI PTS
8081-16; SI PTS 8081-20; SI PTS 8081-14; SI PTS 8081-15; SI PTS 8081-5
Task Description:
To determine an applicant's eligibility for a pilot certificate or rating on the basis of a
foreign pilot license and to issue the pilot certificate to an eligible applicant.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive a request for certification from a foreign pilot in accordance with Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs). Open work tracking record.
1.1 Advise applicant of required documentation.
2. Establish applicant's eligibility and review documentation.
2.1 If applicant is not eligible, return documentation and debrief applicant.
3. Determine if instrument privileges are warranted.
4. Issue temporary airman certificate with ratings and limitations.
5. Advise applicant of CASR requirements.
6. Document certification.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.015 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.016
Title: Issue a Special Purpose Pilot or Flight Engineer Authorization
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 63
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06 (form untuk FE belum ada)
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01; SI 61-01; SI PTS 8081-
12; SI PTS 8081-16; SI PTS 8081-20; SI PTS 8081-14; SI PTS 8081-15; SI PTS 8081-5,
(PTS untuk FE belum ada)
Task Description:
Determine an applicant's eligibility for a pilot or flight engineer certificate or rating on
the basis of a foreign license and issue the certificate to an eligible applicant.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Determine applicants eligibility by reviewing application and comparing with
Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs) and approved DAAO guidance.
3. Issue temporary certificate if qualifications met.
4. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.016 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.017
Title: Conduct a Special Medical Practical Test
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1
Task Description:
To determine if an applicant is eligible for a medical certificate and/or Statement of
Demonstrated Ability based on a special medical practical test.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need to conduct a special medical practical test.
1.1 Receive request from applicant.
1.2 Open work tracking record.
2. Schedule appointment with applicant.
2.1 Ensure applicant has required Letter of Authorization.
2.2 Verify authorization for testing, associated medical certificate, and/or
statement of demonstrated ability has been received at Flight Standards
District Office.
3. Examine airman's documents.
3.1 If flight check is required, review Airman Certificate and/or Rating
3.2 Review documentation and Letter of Authorization to determine type of
medical test to be administered.
4. Conduct the medical test.
5. Determine if applicant passed medical test.
5.1 If test must be discontinued for any reason, return all documents to the
applicant and reschedule test.
5.2 If performance on medical test is unsatisfactory, advise the applicant and
complete documentation.

OPS 4.017 Page 1 of 2

6. If performance on medical test is satisfactory, issue medical certificate and/or
statement of demonstrated ability.
7. Document results of special practical medical test.
7.1 Complete and submit documentation to authorized medical office or
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.017 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.018
Title: Surveillance of a Flight Instructor
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 141
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1, SI 61-01; SI 141-01
Task Description:
To determine that a Flight Instructor continues to perform to the required standards.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Randomly determine when there is a need for this surveillance. Open work
tracking record.
2. Inspect Instructor and/or airman documents and records.
3. Observe and evaluate Instructor and/or student airman performance using the
appropriate Practical Test Standards.
4. Debrief the Instructor and/or student airman.
5. If results of the inspection are unsatisfactory, re-examine the instructor and/or
student airman.
6. If results of the inspection are satisfactory, record in the Instructor and/or
student pilot records.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.018 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.019
Title: Inspect a Flight Instructor Refresher Course
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1
Task Description:
To determine if a previously approved flight instructor refresher clinic (FIRC) is
conducted within approved guidelines of its approved training course outline (TCO).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for support from sponsor or DAAO Regional Office. Open work
tracking record.
2. Review DAAO procedures for the inspection of a flight instructors refresher
3. Conduct the surveillance per instructions from DAAO Regional Office.
4. Accept and process flight instructor renewal applications, if required.
5. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.019 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.201
Title: Designate or Renew a Pilot Examiner
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 183; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06;
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01 Chapter 15 and 15a; SI
8400 Vol. II Chapter 6
Task Description:
To determine if an individual meets the qualifications for designation as a Designated
Pilot Examiner (DPE).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initial designation using DAAO Form .
1.1 DAAO determines need for a pilot examiner.
2. Inspector reviews selected candidate.
3. Report findings to DAAO.
4. Notify candidate of selection.
5. Schedule appointment with candidate.
6. Practical test of DPE with actual applicant (inspector observing).
6.1 Pretest activities using the applicable Practical Test Standards.
6.2 Observation of Practical Test.
7. Practical test outcomes for DPE candidate with an actual applicant.
7.1 Both DPE candidate and applicant satisfactory.
7.1.1 Issue temporary certificate to applicant.
7.1.2 Issue DPE candidate pilot examiner designation and supplies.
7.2 DPE candidate satisfactory, applicant unsatisfactory.
7.2.1 Issue disapproval notice to applicant.
7.2.2 Issue DPE candidate pilot examiner designation and supplies.
7.3 DPE candidate unsatisfactory, applicant satisfactory.

OPS 4.201 Page 1 of 2

7.3.1 Issue temporary to applicant.
7.3.2 Debrief DPE candidate if renewal is denied inform DAAO and
prepare a letter of denial.
7.4 DPE candidate unsatisfactory, applicant unsatisfactory.
7.4.1 Issue disapproval notice to applicant.
7.4.2 Debrief DPE candidate if renewal is denied inform DAAO and
prepare a letter of denial.
8. Practical. Test of a DPE candidate with the inspector acting as applicant.
9. Evaluate candidate's performance.
9.1 Debrief the applicant.
10. If applicant's performance was satisfactory, complete Examiner Designation and
Qualification Record.
10.1 Issue the DPE candidates pilot examiner designation (Certificate of
11. If performance was unsatisfactory, complete Examiner Designation and
Qualification Record.
11.1 Complete letter of denial.

OPS 4.201 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.202
Title: Designate or Renew a Flight Engineer Examiner
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 63; CASR 183
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1, (SI PTS belum ada)
Task Description:
To determine if a candidate meets the requirements for designation or renewal as a Flight
Engineer Examiner.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need to designate a flight engineer examiner.
1.1 Receive request from examiner candidate.
1.2 Review examiner candidate's application.
2. Review candidate's qualifications.
3. Determine if examiner is eligible for designation or renewal.
3.1 If ineligible: inform examiner of reasons for termination of designation
and process examiner's documentation file. End task.
4. Verify examiner candidate has completed required annual meeting, briefing, or
4.1 Verify examiner candidate understands the authority, responsibilities and
limitations of a designated examiner.
5. Observe examiner candidate conducting a complete flight engineer certification
5.1 If unsatisfactory: Inform examiner candidate of reasons for unsatisfactory
evaluation. Schedule another evaluation or complete documentation and
terminate application.
6. Process examiner designation.
6.1 Verify completion of Examiner designation/Qualification Record or
6.2 If initial designation issue new examiner designation number.

OPS 4.202 Page 1 of 2

6.3 Prepare Certificate of Designation.
6.4 Prepare Certificate of Authority to specify authorized examiner activities.
6.5 Obtain signature of approving official.
7. Issue examiner supplies and materials.
8. Issue Certificate of Authority and Certificate of Designation.
9. Complete documentation, filing, and coordination.

OPS 4.202 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.203
Title: Designate or Renew an Aircraft Dispatcher Examiner
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 63; CASR 183
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1,
Task Description:
To determine if candidate meets the requirements for designation or renewal as an
aircraft dispatcher examiner.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need to designate an aircraft dispatcher examiner.
1.1 Receive request from examiner candidate.
1.2 Review examiner candidate's application.
2. Review candidate's qualifications.
3. Determine if examiner is eligible for designation or renewal.
3.1 If ineligible: inform examiner of reasons for termination of designation
and process examiner's documentation file. End task.
4. Verify examiner candidate has completed required annual meeting, briefing, or
4.1 Verify examiner candidate understands the authority, responsibilities and
limitations of a designated examiner.
5. Evaluate practical test scenarios prepared by examiner candidate.
6. Observe examiner conducting an actual or simulated aircraft dispatcher practical
6.1 If unsatisfactory: Inform examiner candidate of reasons for unsatisfactory
evaluation. Schedule another evaluation or complete documentation and
terminate application.
7. Process examiner designation.
7.1 Verify completion of Examiner designation/Qualification Record or

OPS 4.203 Page 1 of 2

7.2 If initial designation issue new examiner designation number.
7.3 Prepare Certificate of Designation.
7.4 Prepare Certificate of Authority to specify authorized examiner activities.
7.5 Obtain signature of approving official.
8. Issue examiner supplies and materials.
9. Issue Certificate of Authority and Certificate of Designation.
10. Complete documentation, filing, and coordination.

OPS 4.203 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.204
Title: Inspect a Designated Pilot Examiner
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 183; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06;
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01 Chapter 15 and 15a; SI
8400 Vol. II Chapter 6
Task Description:
To determine that a designated pilot examiner continues to meet the requirement for
original designation.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Annual requirement for inspection/certification.
2. Review the office file on the selected airman.
3. Inspect airman documents.
4. Inspect airman records.
5. Observe and evaluate airman performance.
6. Conducts records inspection to determine the examiner is in compliance with
DAAO policies and requirements.
7. Determine results.
7.1 If unsatisfactory, determine appropriate action.
7.2 If satisfactory, determine appropriate action.
8. Debrief the airman.
9. Document the inspection.
9.1 File results in district office file.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.205
Title: Inspect a Pilot Examiner Training Course
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 183; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 142
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06; 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01 Chapter 15 and 15a; SI
8400 Vol. II Chapter 6; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 7
Task Description:
Observe a training course for Designated Pilot Examiners that is delivered by a training
center or service provider that has been approved by the DAAO. Compare the DAAO-
approved training curriculum to the actual presentation given in class. Document the
results of the comparison, and any observed deficiencies in the DAAO-approved program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO training guidance material for Designated Pilot
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review the curriculum, syllabus, policies, procedures, and instructions
contained in the training center or service providers DAAO-approved training
program for Designated Pilot Examiners.
4. Observe the training centers delivery of training in the classroom and compare
to the companys DAAO-approved program.
5. Determine if the person identified by the training center as having responsibility
and/or authority for Designated Pilot Examiner training is qualified,
knowledgeable, and recognizes that responsibility and/or authority.
6. Document the results of the observation and any deficiencies that are discovered
in the DAAO-approved curriculum.
7. Debrief the manager of the training center and Principal Operations Inspector
(POI) charged with the oversight of the company.
8. Close work tracking record

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.206
Title: Inspect a Flight Engineer Examiner
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 63; CASR 183; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 142
DAAO Forms: 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 6; SI 8400
Vol. III Chapter 7,
Task Description:
Inspect a Designated Flight Engineer Examiner (DFEE) and document the results.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Become familiar and understand DAAO DFEE guidance and policy
3. Become familiar with the certificate holders flight crew training program and
DFEE policies.
4. Coordinate, schedule, and complete an appropriate observation with certificate
holder and the DFEE.
5. Document results of observation and debrief applicant.
6. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.207
Title: Inspect a Dispatcher Examiner
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 63; CASR 183; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 142
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1;
Task Description:
Inspect a Dispatcher Examiner and document the results.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar and understand DAAO Designated Dispatcher Examiner
guidance and policy requirements.
2. Review and become familiar with the Certificate Holders flight crew training
program and Dispatcher Examiner policies.
3. Coordinate and complete an appropriate observation with Certificate Holder and
the Dispatcher Examiner.
4. Document results of observation and debrief applicant.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.208
Title: Inspect a Training Center Designated Examiner
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 183; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 141;
CASR 142
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06;
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01 Chapter 15 and 15a; SI
8400 Vol. II Chapter 6
Task Description:
To determine that the Training Center Designated Examiner has correctly recommended
only students who have successfully completed all requirements for the approved course
and that files conform to the DAAOs, Policies and Procedures.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Pre-inspection activities.
1.1 Determine the need for this inspection/surveillance.
1.2 Determine whether an in depth review of school records or an observation
of the Training Center Designated Examiner conducting pilot certification
functions are required.
1.3 Review the DAAO file.
1.4 Review DAAO databases.
2. Conduct inspection.
2.1 Review Training Center Designated Examiner files and school records or
an observation of the Training Center Designated Examiner conducting
pilot certification functions.
2.2 Determine that students recommended by the airman certification
representative completed that entire course at this school or are only
credited with no more than 50% of curriculum requirements from another
approved pilot school.
2.3 Inspection satisfactory: The inspector records the satisfactory performance
in the DAAO record.
2.4 Inspection unsatisfactory: The inspector records the unsatisfactory
performance in the DAAO record and determines which of the following
actions are appropriate.

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2.4.1 Additional Training.
2.4.2 Reexamination of the examiner.
2.4.3 Cancel the examiners authority.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.501
Title: Conduct Certification or Renewal of Training Center
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 142;
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 120-01;
Task Description:
To determine whether an applicant for certification of a training center under the
provisions of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs) meets requirements for a
training center certificate and during ongoing operations continues to meet those
requirements and standards.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial inquiry.
2. Conduct applicant orientation meeting.
2.1 Perform preliminary discussions.
3. Receive Pre-application Letter of Intent.
3.1 Review and Acceptance of Pre-application Letter of Intent.
4. Assignment of Certification Team.
5. Assignment of Certificate Number.
6. Conduct Pre-application Meeting.
7. Provide Package of Pre-certification Information.
8. Brief the Applicant on Certification Process, Pertinent Regulations, & Economic
Authority Requirements.
9. Verify Information on the Pre-Application Letter of Intent.
10. Explain the Requirements of the Formal Application.
10.1 Explain the Formal Application Letter.
10.2 Describe Formal Application Attachments.
11. Conclude Pre-application Meeting.

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12. Termination of the Pre-application Phase (if applicable)
13. Formal Application Phase of Certification Process.
13.1 Receive a Formal Application.
14. Conduct Initial Review of the Formal Application.
14.1 Review Schedule of Events.
14.2 Review Training Curriculum.
15. Review Management Qualifications/Resumes.
16. Review Documents of Purchase, Contracts, & Leases.
17. Review Compliance Statement.
18. Determine the Initial Formal Application & Ensure it is Acceptable.
18.1 Determine/Conduct Formal Application Meeting for a Review of the
Formal Application & its Attachments.
18.2 Conclude Formal Application Meeting.
18.3 Termination of the Formal Application Phase (if applicable).
Proceed to Document Compliance Phase of Certification Process
19. Conduct A Detailed Review of Applicants Submissions.
20. Record Keeping Procedures.
21. Review Training Curriculum.
NOTE: Review task Evaluate and Approve Core Curriculum
NOTE: Review task Evaluate and Approve Specialty Curriculum
22. Review Management Qualifications/Resumes.
23. Review DAAO-approved Airplane/Rotorcraft Flight Manual (AFM/RFM) (if
24. Review Company Aircraft Operations Manual (if applicable).
25. Review Minimum Equipment List (MEL).
26. Termination of the Documents Compliance Phase (if applicable).
Proceed to Demonstration & Inspection Phase
27. Continue Certification Process for the Demonstration & Inspection Phase.
28. Training Programs (Classroom Simulator & Aircraft).
29. Evaluator Training and Proficiency checks.
30. Record Keeping Procedures.
31. Minimum Equipment List (MEL)/Configuration Deviation List.
32. Conclude Demonstration & Inspection Phase.

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33. Termination of the Demonstration & Inspection Phase (if applicable).
Proceed to the Certification Phase
34. Continue Certification Phase.
35. Perform Preparation of the Certificate.
36. Prepare Operations Specifications.
37. Issue Certificate and Operations Specifications.
38. Prepare Certification Report and Operators Office File.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.502
Title: Inspect Personnel, Facilities, and Equipment of a Training Center
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 142;
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 120-01;
Task Description:
Determine whether a Training Center has the appropriate management personnel,
facilities, and equipment to meet requirements of the State Civil Aviation Safety
Regulations (CASRs).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive and evaluate training center request.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Verify that training center meets all CASR requirements.
4. Inspect facility. Compare to CASRs and best practices.
5. Inspect flight training devices.
6. Inspect personnel.
7. Amend training operations specifications as appropriate.
8. Complete reports and job aids.
9. Complete the Operator Information File.
10. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.503
Title: Inspect Training Center Management, and Personnel and Qualifications
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 142;
DAAO Forms: Pending hub cak win
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 120-01;
Task Description:
To determine that training personnel, and management personnel continue to meet
minimum requirements of certification and are in compliance with the Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations (CASRs).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need to evaluate a Training Center's management and Training
personnel qualifications.
2. Review Training Center management and Training Personnel qualifications.
3. Determine if proposed management and Training personnel are qualified.
3.1 Reject unqualified personnel.
3.2 Accept qualified management personnel.
4. Review/Change Operations Specifications.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.504
Title: Inspect Training Center Personnel Records
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 142;
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 120-01;
Task Description:
To determine that a pilot school's personnel records indicate that personnel are properly
trained and qualified to perform assigned duties.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Pre-inspection activities.
1.1 Determine the need for inspection/ surveillance.
2. Determine if inspection is to be conducted with or without notice to school.
3. Review schools DAAO file for school history.
4. Conduct inspection.
4.1 Review chief, assistant chief, and check instructors records.
4.2 Review flight instructor's records.
4.3 Other school personnel to include dispatchers, aircraft handlers, line
crewmen, and servicemen.
4.4 Debrief air agency.
5. Task outcomes.
5.1 Satisfactory inspection.
5.2 Unsatisfactory inspection.
6. Future activities.
6.1 Schedule follow-up.
6.2 Possible enforcement.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.505
Title: Inspect a Training Center Designated Examiner
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 183; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06; form CCP check
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01 Chapter 15 and 15a; SI
8400 Vol. II Chapter 6
Task Description:
To verify the training center designated examiner nominees qualifications, experience,
skill and knowledge meet requirements for designation.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Pre-inspection activities.
1.1 Determine the need for this inspection/surveillance.
1.2 Determine whether an in depth review of school records or an observation
of the Examiner conducting pilot certification functions are required.
1.3 Review the DAAO file.
1.4 Review DAAO databases.
2. Conduct inspection.
2.1 Review Examiner files and school records or an observation of the
Examiner conducting pilot certification functions.
2.2 Determine that students recommended by the airman certification
representative completed all of that course at this school or are only
credited with no more than 50% of curriculum requirements from another
approved CASR 141 pilot school.
2.3 Inspection satisfactory.
2.4 Inspection unsatisfactory.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.506
Title: Designate or Inspect a Training Center Evaluator
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 63; CASR 183; CASR 121; CASR 135;
CASR 141; CASR 142
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06;
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01 Chapter 15 and 15a; SI
8400 Vol. II Chapter 6
Task Description:
To verify the training center evaluator nominees qualifications, experience, skill and
knowledge meet requirements for designation.
Job Performance Subtasks:
Designate a Training Center Evaluator
1. Receive DAAO, Designated Examiner Application/ Qualification record from
training center nominating training center evaluator.
2. Review nominees application.
2.1 Confirm candidate's qualifications.
2.1.1 Review nominees enforcement history.
2.1.2 Review nominees accident/incident history.
2.1.3 Examine nominees pilot, certified flight instructor and medical
2.1.4 Examine nominees qualifications and currency as evidenced in
pilot logbook.
3. Schedule nominee for practical (oral and flight) test.
4. Prepare examination(s).
5. Conduct oral/knowledge exam.
6. Inspect flight test aircraft.
6.1 Review aircraft documents.
6.2 Inspect aircraft logbooks.

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6.3 Perform interior/exterior inspection.
7. Conduct flight test.
8. Document designation.
8.1 Advise air agency/applicant of designation results.
8.2 Make appropriate computer system or recordkeeping entries.
8.3 File supporting paperwork at the DAAO.

Inspect a Training Center Evaluator

1. Annual requirement for inspection/certification.
2. Review the office file on the selected airman.
3. Inspect airman documents.
4. Inspect airman records.
5. Observe and evaluate airman performance.
6. Determine results.
6.1 If unsatisfactory, determine appropriate action.
6.2 If satisfactory, determine appropriate action.
7. Debrief the evaluator.
8. Document the inspection.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.507
Title: Conduct a Knowledge Test, Practical Test, Stage Check or End-of-Course Test to
Students of a Training Center
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 63; CASR 141; CASR 142
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01; SI PTS 8081-12; SI PTS
8081-16; SI PTS 8081-20; SI PTS 8081-14; SI PTS 8081-15; SI PTS 8081-5; SI PTS
8081-11; SI 141-1; SI 63 belum ada; SI 142 belum ada
Task Description:
To evaluate the quality of instruction a student is receiving and to determine the students
level of competency.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request.
2. Initial information.
2.1 Determine the course and stage test to be given.
2.2 Determine the aircraft to be used.
2.3 Request the student's records from the school.
2.4 Advise the school on how to fill out the application.
3. Review documents.
4. Conduct knowledge test, practical test, stage check or end-of-course test.
5. Task outcomes.
5.1 Enter satisfactory rating in students records or issue temporary airman
certificate, if applicable.
5.2 Enter unsatisfactory rating in students records or issue a notice of
disapproval, if applicable.
6. Future activities.
6.1 Advise pilot school of results.
6.2 Reschedule examination, if required.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.508
Title: Inspect Student Records at a Training Center
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 141; CASR 142
DAAO Forms: 8400-8; 141-01
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 141-1; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 8
Task Description:
To determine that student training records are in compliance with the Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations (CASRs), approved procedures, and accepted practices.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Pre-inspection activities.
2.1 Determine need for inspection.
2.2 Review DAAO file for the training center and notes from previous
3. Conduct student training records inspection.
3.1 Determine if student training records are current, complete, accurate, and
in compliance with the regulations and DAAO policy.
3.2 Debrief the training center.
4. Task outcomes.
4.1 Unsatisfactory student training records inspection.
4.1.1 Inform training center immediately of discrepancies.
4.1.2 Advise training center how to correct deficiencies.
4.1.3 Confirm findings in writing.
4.1.4 Determine whether enforcement investigation is required.
5. Post inspection actions: discuss findings with training center.
6. Future activities:
6.1 Schedule follow-up inspections.

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6.2 Possible enforcement investigation.
7. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.509
Title: Inspect a Certified Flight Instructor Refresher Course
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 141
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01; SI 141-01
Task Description:
To monitor a Flight Instructor Refresher Course (FIRC).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for support from sponsor.
2. Conduct the surveillance per DAAO instructions.
3. Accept and process flight instructor renewal applications, if required.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.510
Title: Inspect Training Center Simulator or Flight Training Device
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR 60; CASR 142; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 141.
DAAO Forms: Form SI 141-01; 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 141; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 7.
Task Description:
To determine if flight training device or simulator documents used by the training center
continue to meet regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Schedule inspection with training center.
2. Evaluate the following areas for compliance with program.
2.1 Inspect logbook or other use records.
2.2 Inspect Simulator Component Inoperative Guide (SCIG), or procedures
for operating with inoperative components.
2.3 Inspect discrepancy records to determine if recorded item would or would
not have affected training, checking, or testing.
2.4 Inspect maintenance logbooks.
2.5 Inspect daily preflight records to determine if discrepancies are being
recorded and if maintenance is deferred on any discrepancies that would
affect training, checking or testing.
2.6 Review training specifications to ensure that they identify all flight
simulators and FTDs used.
3. Analyze inspection data gathered from the inspection reports and related
information from other sources.
4. Determine appropriate course of action.
5. Task outcomes.
5.1 Issue a finding of inspection results

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.511
Title: Inspect a Computer Testing Center
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 63
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01
Task Description:
Inspect a Computer Testing Center (CTC).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the Need for Inspection. Conduct the inspection as a result of any of
the following: Inspector should inspect each CTC as required by CASRs or
program guidelines.
1.1 As part of a certification process of a new CTC.
1.2 As a result of complaints about the CTC administration of tests.
1.3 While accomplishing another surveillance job task at the training center.
2. Pre-Inspection Activity. Review DAAO file and records for the CTC including
2.1 Open work tracking record.
2.2 Previous inspection results.
2.3 Complaints (disregard complaints about the amount of the fee).
2.4 Any past correspondence between the CTC and the DAAO office.
3. Schedule Appointment. Schedule an appointment for the inspection. If possible,
schedule the inspection to occur while tests are being administered.
Unscheduled inspections may also be performed. Review the CTC times of
operation and note that some centers are closed campus centers (this will
help in the scheduling of the inspection).
4. Conduct Inspection. This includes the following areas:
4.1 Testing Center Facility Requirements.
4.2 Testing Center Personnel and Training.

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4.3 Surveillance and Security Procedures.
4.4 Testing Center Daily Log.
4.5 Reference and Testing Materials.
5. Computer Testing Method.
(1) The computerized test results/reports are available immediately upon
completion of the exam.
(2) When an applicant takes a knowledge test, a test report is generated. This
report does not resemble previous written test results.

(a) Results are issued on plain bond computer printout indicating that it is a
DAAO knowledge test.
(b) The following will appear on the computerized Airman Knowledge Test
i. Exam title.
ii. Exam number.
iii. Take number.
iv. Applicants last name and first initial.
v. Date of birth.
vi. Date of testing.
vii. Score(s).
viii. Results (pass/fail).
ix. Subject matters codes.
x. Expiration date.
Xi Do Not Lose This Report.
(c) An embossed company seal is applied to the test report. The test report is
valid only when the embossed seal is on an original copy and should be accepted
for testing purposes or certification. Photocopies are not valid for retesting, oral
and practical testing, or for the issuance of a certificate.
(d) An applicant may obtain a letter of confirmation or duplicate by contacting
the DAAO.
6. Identification and Processing of Applicants. The Inspector must be aware of
these requirements.
6.1 Prior to test administration, the proctor must ensure that each applicant
provides positive proof of identification, a permanent mailing address, and
documentary evidence of age. The identification presented must include a
current photograph, signature, and mailing address. This information may

OPS 4.511 Page 2 of 4

be presented in more than one form of identification.
6.1.1 Acceptable forms of photo identification of Citizenship include,
but are not limited to, drivers license, government identification
cards, passports, alien residency cards, and military identification
6.1.2 Acceptable forms of photo identification for non-Citizens must
include a passport, in addition to one or more of the following:
drivers license, government identification card, and/or military
identification card.
6.2 The proctor must not administer a test to an applicant who does not
present proper test authorization. By signing the testing center daily log,
applicants are certifying that they meet the above applicable eligibility
requirements. If applicant eligibility is in doubt, the proctor should confer
with the DAAO.
6.3 The proctor must make a legible photocopy of any identification and
authorization documents presented at the time of applicant processing.
These copies must be attached to the applicable daily log.
6.4 The testing center must provide a daily log for applicant sign-in and sign-
out. The sign-in/sign-out logs must be maintained in an accurate and
complete manner, including posting of the IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR
AIRMAN APPLICANTS at the top of each log sheet. All applicants
must be advised to read this notice before signing the log. The log sheet
must be formatted to collect the following:
(a) Applicants printed full legal name.
(b) Full legal signature.
(c) ID number or date of birth.
(d) Type of test.
(e) Date of test.
(f) Time in for each test.
(g) Time out for each test.
(h) Initials of the proctor for each test administered.
(i) Testing center daily logs must be retained for a period of 2 years,
along with copies of the ID.
NOTE: Top of each log sheet should contain the following notice:


By signing below, you are certifying that you do not already hold a valid,
current certificate or rating in the area which you are testing. Furthermore,
you are certifying that you are in compliance with the appropriate DAAO

OPS 4.511 Page 3 of 4

eligibility requirements; and, if this is a retest, you are also in compliance
with the retesting requirements. Failure to meet these requirements may be
grounds for enforcement action, which could result in suspension or
revocation of any airman certificate or rating.- -
7. Satisfactory Inspection. Upon accomplishing a testing center inspection, the
Inspector will use a DAAO Form to record the inspection, using the comment
section of the report to state any concern or discrepancies and place it in the
DAAO Office files.
8. Unsatisfactory Inspection.
8.1 Advise the proctor/examiner of all the discrepancies noted. Discuss any
discrepancies that can be corrected immediately.
8.2 The Inspector will also place a copy in the DAAO Office file.
9. TASK OUTCOMES. Completion of this task will result in one of the following:
9.1 Satisfactory Inspection.
9.2 Unsatisfactory Inspection.
10. Close work tracking record.
11.1 Continued surveillance of the CTC.
11.2 Investigation of the CTC in response to a complaint.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.512
Title: Approve a Training Center Training Program Curriculum
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 63; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 141;
CASR 142
DAAO Forms: 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01; SI 141-01; SI 8400 Vol.III
Task Description:
To evaluate a Training Course Outline (TCO) submitted for approval for use in a
Training Program Curriculum.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need to evaluate a Training Course Outline (TCO).
1.1 Receive and review application for TCO approval and verify for
completeness and accuracy.
2. Review all TCO(s) content for completeness and accuracy.
2.1 Ensure each training syllabus is complete and accurate.
3. Evaluate simulators/flight training devices, if applicable.
4. Approve/Disapprove TCO.
4.1 TCO approval.
4.2 Disapprove TCO if it does not meet requirements.
5. Prepare and issue an amended list of approved courses.
6. Issue a revised air agency certificate, if TCO approval justifies a rating change.
7. Complete certification report and job aids, if applicable.

OPS 4.512 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.5.13
Title: Evaluate Training Center Safety Procedures
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 141; CASR 142;
DAAO Forms: Form SI 141-01
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; AC 120-92
Task Description:
To evaluate the safety practices and procedures document for a pilot school, for
compliance with the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need to evaluate safety practices and procedures document.
1.1 Receive document(s) from applicant, or POI follow-up as a result of an
2. Evaluate applicant's safety practices and procedures to ensure they contain all
items required by State requirements, and their contents are appropriate and
adequate for the operation.
3. Complete certification job aid, if applicable, and document evaluation results in
applicant's file at DAAO Office

OPS 4.5.13 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.5.14
Title: Evaluate Training Center Lease or Contract
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 60; CASR 61; CASR 63; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR
141; CASR 142;
DAAO Forms: 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01; SI 141-01; SI 8400 Vol.
III Chapter 7
Task Description:
To review contracts, leases, or agreements to ensure that the applicant has the use of
appropriate facilities, simulators, and aircraft to conduct training in accordance with Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to evaluate contract or lease agreement.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Evaluate any leases, contracts or agreements showing applicant has continuous
use of appropriate facilities.
4. Evaluate any leases, contracts or agreements showing applicant has continuous
use of briefing area.
5. Evaluate any leases, contracts or agreements showing applicant has continuous
use of airport.
6. Evaluate any leases, contracts or agreements showing applicant has use of
aircraft appropriate to courses of training applied for.
7. Evaluate any maintenance contracts or agreements to determine that applicant
can provide airworthy aircraft for instruction.
8. Document results of evaluation.
8.1 Advise applicant in writing of unsatisfactory items.
8.2 Make appropriate entry in job aid.
9. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.5.14 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.515
Title: Designate a Chief Flight Instructor for a Training Center
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 141
DAAO Forms:
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 141-01
Task Description:
To verify the Chief/Assistant Chief Flight Instructor candidate's qualifications,
experience, skill and knowledge meet requirements for designation in accordance with
the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs).
Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive letter of intent from candidate for designating a chief/assistant chief
flight instructor.
2. Review candidate's letter of intent.
2.1 Confirm candidate's qualifications.
2.1.1 Review candidate's enforcement history.
2.1.2 Review candidate's accident/incident history.
2.1.3 Examine candidate's pilot, certified flight instructor and medical
2.1.4 Examine candidate's qualifications and currency as evidenced in
pilot logbook.
3. Schedule candidate(s) for practical (oral and flight) test.
4. Prepare examination(s).
5. Conduct oral/knowledge exam.
6. Inspect flight test aircraft.
6.1 Review aircraft documents.
6.2 Inspect aircraft logbooks.
6.3 Perform interior/exterior inspection.
7. Conduct flight test.

OPS 4.5.15 Page 1 of 2

8. Document designation.
8.1 Advise air agency/applicant of designation results
8.2 Make appropriate entries in DAAO file or records for the training center.
8.3 File supporting paperwork at the DAAO office.
9. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.5.15 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.5.16
Title: Evaluate Airports Used by Pilot Schools
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 141
DAAO Forms: form SI 141-01
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 141-01
Task Description:
To evaluate airports used by a pilot school or a provisional pilot school to determine that
they meet the regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from applicant to verify airport use.
2. Evaluate airport(s) used by pilot school or provisional pilot school.
2.1 Determine that the pilot/provisional pilot school has continuous use of
2.2 Determine each airport used for airplanes and gliders has at least one
runway that allows training aircraft to make normal takeoffs or landings at
full gross weight.
2.3 Determine each airport has a wind direction indicator.
2.4 Determine each airport has a traffic direction indicator.
2.5 Determine each airport used for night training has permanent runway
3. Determine and document results of evaluation.
3.1 Unsatisfactory evaluation.
3.1.1 Enter information into flight standards district office file.
3.2 Satisfactory evaluation.
3.2.1 Enter information into DAAO file.
3.2.2 Enter information into job aid.

OPS 4.5.16 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.517
Title: Evaluate Aircraft Used by Pilot Schools
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 23; CASR 61; CASR 141
DAAO Forms: 21-40; OPS05
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01; SI 141-01
Task Description:
To evaluate and approve the aircraft to be used by an air agency for flight training.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from applicant.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Evaluate aircraft to be used by air agency for flight training using DAAO
guidance and regulations.
4. Debrief applicant on results of aircraft evaluation and any corrective action
5. Document results of successful aircraft evaluation.
5.1 Complete appropriate entries in job aid.
5.2 Enter appropriate information in the DAAO file or records for the school.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.517 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.518
Title: Conduct Training Center Aircraft Ramp Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 141
DAAO Forms: 8400-12
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol.III Chapter 12;
Task Description:
To ensure that the aircraft meets the States requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Pre-inspection activities.
1.1 Review the office file.
1.2 Note review findings and any areas of emphasis from past inspections.
2. Location of inspection.
3. Inspect airman and documents.
3.1 If airman is suspected of violating regulation prohibit airman from flight.
3.2 If airman documents are not in compliance with States requirements
initiate an enforcement investigation.
4. Inspect aircraft documents.
5. Inspect aircraft condition.
5.1 If discrepancies are discovered enter on job aid and inform operator.
5.2 If discrepancies are not corrected and aircraft is operated initiate report.
6. Conclude inspection.
6.1 Discuss pertinent safety information with pilot or operator.
6.2 Return any documentation.
6.3 Advise the pilot or operator of any upcoming accident prevention or other
safety meetings.
6.4 If no discrepancies were found, compliment the pilot or operator.
7. Completion of this task results in one or more of the following:

OPS 4.518 Page 1 of 2

7.1 An indication in the district office files of a satisfactory inspection.
7.2 An indication in the district office files of an unsatisfactory inspection.
7.3 Information package sent to another district office.
8. Future Activities.
8.1 A pilot or operator may be subject to a compliance investigation if the
inspection reveals a possible violation.
8.2 A follow-up inspection may be conducted to determine if any noted
discrepancies have been corrected.

OPS 4.518 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.519
Title: Approve a Training Center's Minimum Equipment List (MEL)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 23; CASR 25; CASR 27; CASR 29
DAAO Forms: Form 120-05
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 120-05
Task Description:
To evaluate and approve an agency's MEL.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Receive request from air agency to approve Minimum Equipment List.
3. Access the Master Minimum Equipment List Subsystem (MMELS) copy or
download the Master Minimum Equipment List for the specific aircraft.
3.2 Provide Air Agency with copy of Master Minimum Equipment List.
4. Evaluate Minimum Equipment List submitted by Air Agency.
4.1 Compare Air Agency's minimum equipment list to master minimum
equipment list using the:
4.2 Master Minimum Equipment List.
4.3 Preamble and Definitions.
4.4 Disapprove Air Agency Minimum Equipment List for being less
restrictive or not based on the Master Minimum Equipment List.
5. Approve Air Agencys Minimum Equipment List.
6. Document the evaluation of a Minimum Equipment List.
6.1 Maintain a copy of Approved Minimum Equipment List in Certificate
Holding District Office.
6.2 Update DAAO file or records for the school.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.5.19 Page 1 of 2

OPS 4.5.19 Page 2 of 2
ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.520
Title: Withdrawal, Suspension, Revocation, Denial, or Amendment of Training Center
Training Specifications
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 141; CASR 142
DAAO Forms: Form SI 141-01
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 141-01
Task Description:
The Withdrawal, Suspension, Revocation, Denial, or Amendment of Training Center
Certificate and Training Specifications.
Job Performance Subtasks:
I. Amendment of Certificate
1. Open work tracking record.
2. DAAO Authority. Amend the training specifications at any time circumstances
warrant such action under the provisions of the national law and/or the Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs).
3. Amend a certificate or training specifications upon request by the certificate
4. Events requiring amendment to training specifications.
4.1 Addition or deletion of a curriculum.
4.2 Addition or deletion of a satellite training center or remote site.
4.3 Addition or deletion of flight training equipment.
4.4 Addition or deletion of a visual scene required for a particular level of
flight simulator qualification.
4.5 Change in the qualification level of a flight simulator or flight training
device (FTD).
4.6 Addition or deletion of a visual scene approved for training or testing a
circling approach.
4.7 Change in training center, satellite training center, remote site address, or
phone number.

OPS 4.520 Page 1 of 4

4.8 Change in management personnel or agent for service.
4.9 Addition or deletion of training agreements.
5. Close work tracking record.
II. Surrender of Certificate.
1. Open work tracking record.
2. The Certificate Holder may request surrender of a training center certificate and
training specifications to the DAAO under the following circumstances:
2.1 Upon termination of operations.
2.2 Upon suspension, revocation, or termination of the certificate by the
Director General.
3. Close work tracking record.
III. Denial of Additional and Withdrawal of Existing Training Specifications.
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Deny additional training specifications after evaluation shows that the item
proposed for authorization in a new training specification does not meet the
requirements for authorization in the training specifications.
3. Withdraw or suspend the applicable training specifications whenever
surveillance indicates that any item required for initial certification does not
meet the minimum certification requirements.
4. Deny a renewed certificate or issue a new certificate with withdrawn training
specifications, as appropriate. If a training center outside the State fails to meet
the annual re-qualification for that certificate and each authorized training
5. Close work tracking record.
IV. Suspension or Revocation of Certificate or Training Specifications.
1. Open work tracking record.
2. To suspend, revoke, or pursue civil penalty sanctions against a training center
certificate, initiate legal enforcement action.
3. Withhold a renewed training center certificate or training specifications based
upon findings of failure to continue to meet minimum initial certification
4. Initiate action to suspend, revoke, pursue civil penalty, or withhold a certificate,
or terminate or withhold training specifications, as applicable, upon a finding
that any of the following circumstances exist:
4.1 An applicant for, or holder of, a training center certificate has had any
certificate issued by the DAAO revoked, suspended, or terminated within
the last 5 years.

OPS 4.520 Page 2 of 4

4.2 An applicant for, or holder of, a training center certificate employs or
proposes to employ a person who:
4.2.1 Was previously employed in a management or supervisory
position, or:
4.2.2 exercised control over any certificate holder whose certificate has
been revoked, suspended, or terminated within the last 5 years; or
4.2.3 Contributed materially to the revocation, suspension, or
termination of that certificate and be employed in a management or
supervisory position, or in control of or have a substantial
ownership interest in the training center.
4.3 An applicant for, or holder of, a training center certificate provided
information required by the CASRs that was incomplete, inaccurate,
fraudulent, or false.
4.4 A training center certificate holder does not show compliance with
original certification requirements during the annual re-certification
4.5 The issuance or continuance of such certificate or training specifications
would not foster aviation safety.
4.6 The training center or training center applicant is conducting training in a
course that has not been approved, but requires approval.
4.7 The training center or training center applicant is conducting in FTD that
has not been approved, but requires approval.
4.8 The training center or training center applicant is training students who do
not meet prerequisites for that training course.
4.9 The training center or training center applicant is making or causing to be
made false entries in any records required by the CASRs.
4.10 The training center or training center applicant deviates from approved
programmed hours without meeting required preconditions.
4.11 The training center or training center applicant is not adhering to
regulatory advertising requirements.
5. Close work tracking record.

Completion of the task results in one or more of the following actions:
1. Amendment of training specifications.
2. Denial of additional training specifications.
3. Suspension of a training center certificate or all or part of the training

OPS 4.520 Page 3 of 4

4. Revocation of a training center certificate or all or part of the training
5. Civil penalty sanctions.


1. Re-certify after the former training center certificate holder has satisfactorily
completed corrective actions, met all minimum initial certification requirements,
and any regulatory waiting period, if any, has been satisfied.
2. Re-certify after the training center certificate holder or former training center
certificate holder (foreign training center only) has met all minimum initial
certification requirements.
3. Conduct continued surveillance to preclude future noncompliance.

OPS 4.520 Page 4 of 4

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.701
Title: Conduct a Private Pilot Flight Test
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01, SI PTS 8081-14; SI PTS
Task Description:
To determine an applicant's eligibility for a private pilot license under the CASRs and to
conduct the practical test for that license and issue the license to a qualified applicant.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Receive certification request from applicant for private pilot license.
3. Schedule practical test for certification with applicant.
3.1 Review applicant's documents.
3.2 Determine aircraft category, class, and type.
4. Determine applicant's eligibility.
4.1 If applicant is not eligible, issue Notice of Disapproval, inform applicant
of reasons for ineligibility.
5. Determine airworthiness of aircraft.
5.1 If aircraft is not airworthy, brief applicant.
6. Conduct practical test.
7. Determine results of completed practical test.
7.1 If applicant fails practical test, issue Notice of Disapproval.
8. If applicant is successful, complete certification documentation.
8.1 Issue Private Pilot License.
9. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.701 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.702
Title: Conduct a Commercial Pilot Flight Test
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01, SI PTS 8081-12; SI PTS
Task Description:
To determine an applicant's eligibility for a commercial pilot license under The Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs), to conduct the practical test for that license, and to
issue the license to a qualified applicant.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive certification request from applicant for a commercial pilot.
2. Schedule practical test for certification with applicant.
2.1 Review applicant's documents.
2.2 Determine aircraft category, class, and type.
3. Determine applicant's eligibility.
3.1 If applicant is not eligible, issue Notice of Disapproval and inform
applicant of reasons for ineligibility.
4. Determine airworthiness of aircraft.
4.1 If aircraft is not airworthy, brief applicant.
5. Conduct practical test.
6. Determine practical test results.
6.1 If applicant fails practical test, issue Notice of Disapproval.
7. If applicant is successful, complete certification documentation.
7.1 Issue commercial pilot license.

OPS 4.702 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.703
Title: Conduct an Instrument Rating Pilot Flight Test
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01, SI PTS 8081-5; SI PTS
Task Description:
To determine an applicant's eligibility for an instrument rating under the States CASRs,
to conduct the practical test for that rating, and to issue that rating to a qualified applicant
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from applicant for an instrument rating.
2. Schedule practical test for certification with applicant.
2.1 Review applicant's documents.
2.2 Determine aircraft category, class and type.
3. Determine applicant's eligibility.
3.1 If applicant is not eligible, issue Notice of Disapproval, inform applicant
of reasons for ineligibility.
4. Determine airworthiness of aircraft.
4.1 If aircraft is not airworthy, brief applicant.
5. Conduct practical test.
6. Determine if applicant has unsatisfactorily completed practical test.
6.1 If applicant fails practical test, issue Notice of Disapproval.
7. If applicant is successful, complete certification documentation.
7.1 Issue Instrument Rating Certificate.

OPS 4.703 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.704
Title: Conduct an Airline Transport Pilot Flight Test
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01, SI PTS 8081-5; SI PTS
Task Description:
To determine an applicant's eligibility for an Airline Transport pilot license under the
States Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs), to conduct the practical test for that
license, and to issue the license to a qualified applicant
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive certification request from applicant for an airline transport pilot license.
2. Schedule practical test for certification with applicant.
2.1 Review applicant's documents.
2.2 Determine aircraft category, class, and type.
3. Determine applicant's eligibility.
3.1 If applicant is not eligible, issue Notice of Disapproval, inform applicant
of reasons for ineligibility.
4. Determine airworthiness of aircraft.
4.1 If aircraft is not airworthy, brief applicant.
5. Conduct practical test.
6. Determine if applicant has unsatisfactorily completed practical test.
6.1 If applicant fails practical test, issue Notice of Disapproval.
7. If applicant is successful, complete certification documentation.
7.1 Issue Airline Transport Pilot License.

OPS 4.704 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.705
Title: Conduct a Flight Instructor Flight Test
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 141
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01.
Task Description:
To determine an applicants eligibility for an initial Flight Instructor License,
reinstatement of a license, renewal of a license, or addition of a category or class rating to
an existing license.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive certification request from applicant.
2. Schedule practical test for certification with applicant.
2.1 Review applicants documents.
2.2 Determine aircraft category, class and type.
3. Determine applicant's eligibility.
3.1 If applicant is not eligible, issue Notice of Disapproval and inform
applicant of reasons for ineligibility.
4. Determine airworthiness of aircraft.
4.1 If aircraft is not airworthy, brief applicant.
5. Conduct practical test.
6. Determine practical test outcome.
6.1 If applicant fails practical test, issue Notice of Disapproval.
7. If applicant passes practical test, complete certification file and prepare for
7.1 Issue flight instructor license.

OPS 4.705 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.706
Title: Conduct Flight Test for Additional Aircraft Rating
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01, SI PTS 8081-5; SI PTS
Task Description:
To evaluate an applicant for an additional aircraft rating on their certificate.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from applicant for an additional rating.
2. Schedule practical test with applicant.
3. Review applicant's application for completeness and accuracy.
3.1 Verify the applicant's identity.
3.2 Establish that the applicant is eligible for the required practical test.
3.3 Inspect aircraft and/or simulator documents for airworthiness and
suitability for practical test.
4. Determine if applicant is eligible for additional ratings.
4.1 If the applicant is not eligible, or the aircraft/simulator is not satisfactory,
explain deficiencies to applicant.
5. Conduct the practical test.
6. Determine if applicant successfully completed the practical test.
6.1 Issue a Letter of Discontinuance if the practical test is not completed for
reasons other than proficiency.
6.2 If applicant's practical test performance is unsatisfactory, terminate the
practical test, inform the applicant of the reasons and issue a Notice of
Disapproval to the applicant.
7. If applicant meets all requirements for additional rating, issue a temporary
airman certificate.

OPS 4.706 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.707
Title: Conduct a Flight Engineer Flight Test
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 63
DAAO Forms: 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1,
Task Description:
Conduct a flight engineer certification check.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive a request from the flight engineer applicant. Review eligibility for
2. Evaluate the airmans knowledge and ability. Conduct an oral examination and
observe the airmans actions while conducting a certification check.
3. Document the results of the evaluation.
4. It successful issue certificate.
5. If Failed debrief applicant, revaluate and Re-Test

OPS 4.707 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.708
Title: Conduct a Visual Flight Rules, (VFR) Pilot Competency Check for Air Operator
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: Form PPC and LOFT; 61-6
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61
Task Description:
To assure the proper administration and documentation of a competency check required
for an Air Operator, license holder.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need or receive a request from a license holder to conduct a pilot
competency check for an Air Operator.
2. Review regulatory and policy guidance applicable to check to be administered.
3. Schedule an appointment with the applicant.
4. Conduct the pilot competency check.
5. Deficiencies.
5.1 Repeat events.
5.2 Unsatisfactory performance.
5.3 Recording remedial training time in work tracking record.
6. Document the results of the pilot competency check.
6.1 Complete the license holder's pilot proficiency check records.
6.2 If the test result is unsatisfactory, notify the license holder

OPS 4.708 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.709
Title: Conduct a IFR Pilot Proficiency Check for Air Operator
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: Form PPC and LOFT; 61-6
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61
Task Description:
Conduct a pilot proficiency check Large Transport Operator.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Evaluate the Certificate Holders request.
2. Review Certificate Holders operating procedures and approved training
program. Review Certificate Holders proficiency check policies.
3. Conduct a proficiency check IAW Certificate Holders procedures.
4. Document and debrief airman and report results of the evaluation to the
Principal Operations Inspector (POI).

OPS 4.709 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.710
Title: Conduct a Line Check Inspection for Air Operator
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: Form 61-06, 8400-7; 8400-13
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 6; SI 8400
Vol. III Chapter 13; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 7
Task Description:
To assure the proper administration and documentation of a Commuter/On Demand pilot
line check required for a Commuter/On Demand certificate holder.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need to conduct a line check for a Commuter/On Demand operator pilot.
2. Review regulatory and policy guidance applicable to check to be administered.
3. Schedule an appointment with the applicant.
4. Conduct the pilot line check.
5. Debrief deficiencies.
6. Document the results of the pilot line check.

OPS 4.710 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.711
Title: Approve a Check Airman for Air Operator
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 183; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06;
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01 Chapter 15 and 15a; SI
8400 Vol. II Chapter 6
Task Description:
To designate a check airman who will ensure that the proficiency of a flight crewmember
has reached a pre-determined standard of competency before that flight crewmember is
released from training and that the crewmember's competency remains at the required
level as long as the flight crewmember remains in line service.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Receive operator's request for check airman designation.
3. Review check airman's qualifications.
3.1 Verify airman's certificates, training and violation history.
4. Schedule check airman's evaluation.
4.1 Arrange for pre-evaluation meeting with check airman candidate.
4.2 Determine level of check airman candidate's knowledge and
understanding of Civil Aviation Safety Regulations, operator's policies,
methods and procedures.
5. Prepare and conduct check airman evaluation, or schedule an evaluation with an
appropriately qualified inspector.
5.1 Observe techniques and actions taken by the check airman candidate and
determine if all required events were accomplished.
6. Determine if check airman satisfactorily met evaluation criteria, or receive
practical test results from examining inspector.
6.1 If applicant's performance was unsatisfactory POI should deny eligibility
but may recommend additional training and re-evaluate.
7. POI will notify applicant and grant approval if satisfactory.
8. Document the check airman evaluation.

OPS 4.711 Page 1 of 2

8.1 Issue Letter of Approval.
8.2 Update DAAO file, records, or database to include aircraft and status of
check airman.
9. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.711 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.712
Title: Conduct a Pilot Proficiency Check for Business Aircraft
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 91; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: Form 61-06; 8400-13
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01; SI 8400 Vol III Chapter
Task Description:
To evaluate an applicants performance during a pilot-in-command proficiency check
conducted in accordance with Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from applicant for a pilot proficiency check in accordance with
1.1 Schedule appointment with applicant.
2. Review applicant's documents.
3. Determine if aircraft to be used in check is airworthy.
3.1 If aircraft is not airworthy, brief applicant.
4. Determine applicant's eligibility.
4.1 If applicant is not eligible, issue Notice of Disapproval.
5. Conduct practical test.
5.1 Determine if practical test is satisfactory.
6. If applicant's performance is unsatisfactory, issue Notice of Disapproval.
7. If applicant's performance is satisfactory, complete proficiency check

OPS 4.712 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.713
Title: Conduct a Pilot Instrument Proficiency Check
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 91; CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: Form 61-06; 8400-13
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01; SI 8400 Vol III Chapter
Task Description:
To validate an applicant's requirement to conduct flights under instrument flight rules in
accordance with the States Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from applicant for an instrument proficiency check.
2. Review applicant's documents.
2.1 Determine aircraft category, class and type.
3. Determine applicant's eligibility.
4. Determine airworthiness of aircraft.
4.1 If aircraft is not airworthy, brief applicant.
5. Conduct instrument competency check.
6. If applicant is successful, endorse and sign pilots logbook.
7. If applicant, for reasons other than competency cannot complete the check, issue
a letter of discontinuance.
8. If applicant has unsatisfactorily completed instrument competency check,
inform the applicant of the reason(s).

OPS 4.713 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.714
Title: Conduct a Flight Engineer Proficiency Check
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 63; CASR 91; CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: Form 61-06; 8400-13
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01; SI 8400 Vol III Chapter
Task Description:
Conduct a flight engineer proficiency check.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive a request from the Certificate Holder.
2. Evaluate the flight engineers proficiency. Conduct an oral examination and
observe the flight engineers actions while conducting a proficiency flight check.
3. Document the results of the evaluation.
4. Report results of the evaluation to the Principal Operations Inspector (POI).

OPS 4.714 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.715
Title: Conduct a Category II or Category III Pilot Flight Check
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 91; CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: Form 61-06; 8400-13
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01; SI 8400 Vol III Chapter
Task Description:
To conduct a Category II or Category III Pilot Check for commuter and on demand
Operator's airman who has DAAO approval for lower weather minimums.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive operators request to conduct category II and III operations.
2. Determine if check is for category II or category III qualification.
3. Conduct all phases of category II practical check.
3.1 Debrief applicant and notify POI, if required, if any phase is unsatisfactory.
3.2 Recommend POI issue a certificate of authority for category II operations.
4. Conduct all phases of category III practical check.
4.1 If any phase is unsatisfactory, debrief applicant and notify POI.
4.2 Recommend POI issue a certificate of authority for category III operations.

OPS 4.715 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.716
Title: Conduct Proficiency Check for a Training Center Evaluator
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 141
DAAO Forms: Form PPC and LOFT; 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61
Task Description:
To assure the proper administration and documentation of a pilot competency/proficiency
check required for a Training Center evaluator with air carrier checking authorization.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need or receive a request from the training center to conduct a
pilot competency/proficiency check for an evaluator.
2. Review the regulatory policy guidance applicable to the check to be
3. Schedule an appointment with the evaluator.
4. Conduct the pilot competency/proficiency check.
5. Deficiencies.
5.1 Repeat events.
5.2 Unsatisfactory Performance.
5.3 Recording Remedial Training Time.
6. Document the results of the pilot proficiency check.
6.1 Complete a pilot competency/proficiency record.
6.2 Notify the training center if the test result is unsatisfactory.

OPS 4.716 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.717
Title: Conduct a Agricultural Pilot Knowledge and Skill Test
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 137
DAAO Forms: Form 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335, SI PTS 8081-12; SI PTS 8081-16;
SI PTS 8081-14; SI PTS 8081-15
Task Description:
To administer a knowledge and skill test to the pilot of an Agricultural Aircraft Operator.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from operator.
2. Determine need for knowledge and skills test.
3. Provide applicant with airman certification and/or rating application form.
3.1 Review application.
4. Administer oral or written knowledge test.
5. Observe skill test by applicant.
6. Report outcome of tests.

OPS 4.717 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.718
Title: Conduct Flight Check for Additional Aircraft Ratings
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01, SI PTS 8081-5; SI PTS
Task Description:
To evaluate an applicant for an additional aircraft rating on their license.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from applicant for an additional rating.
2. Schedule practical test with applicant.
3. Review applicant's application for completeness and accuracy.
3.1 Verify the applicant's identity.
3.2 Establish that the applicant is eligible for the required practical test.
3.3 Inspect aircraft and/or simulator documents for airworthiness and
suitability for practical test.
4. Determine if applicant is eligible for additional ratings.
4.1 If the applicant is not eligible, or the aircraft/simulator is not satisfactory,
explain deficiencies to applicant.
5. Conduct the practical test.
6. Determine if applicant successfully completed the practical test.
6.1 Issue a Letter of Discontinuance if the practical test is not completed for
reasons other than proficiency.
6.2 If applicant's practical test performance is unsatisfactory, terminate the
practical test, inform the applicant of the reasons and issue a Notice of
Disapproval to the applicant.
7. If applicant meets all requirements for additional rating, issue a temporary
airman license.

OPS 4.718 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.719
Title: Issue a Letter of Authorization In Lieu of a Type Rating
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: Form 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01
Task Description:
To issue a Letter of Authorization (LOA) in lieu of a type rating allowing eligible
applicant's to act as pilot-in-command of certificated or non-certificated airplanes.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need to issue a Letter of Authorization (LOA).
1.1 Receive request from applicant.
1.2 Provide applicant with proper procedures for obtaining a Letter of
2. Evaluate application and determine applicant's eligibility for a letter of
3. Applicant meets eligibility for LOA.
4. Applicant fails to meet eligibility for LOA.
5. File paperwork as appropriate.

OPS 4.719 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.720
Title: Issue/Renew/Rescind a Statement of Aerobatic Competency
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: Form 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01
Task Description:
To issue, renew or rescind an applicant's Statement of Aerobatic Competency.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive a request for issue or renewal of, or determine the need to rescind a
Statement of Acrobatic Competency.
1.1 Receive request from applicant for issue/renewal, or evaluate need to
rescind a Statement of Acrobatic Competency.
1.2 Refer applicant to an industry Acrobatic Competency Evaluator (ACE) to
schedule an evaluation.
1.3 Schedule required DAAO evaluation for helicopter flight
demonstration(s), if required.
2. Issuance / renewal. The applicant should produce an application and result of
evaluation received from an industry Aerobatic Competency Evaluator (ACE)
such as those designated by the International Council of Air Shows, Inc. (ICAS)
or the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Warbirds of America.
2.1 Evaluate completed application and recommendation received from the
aerobatic competency evaluator (ACE) or result of helicopter evaluation.
2.2 Issue/renew Statement of Acrobatic Competency.
2.3 Deny issuance/renewal of Statement of Aerobatic Competency based on
recommendation of ACR or other DAAO criteria.
3. Rescind a Statement of Acrobatic Competency.
3.1 Prepare letter to rescind Statement of Acrobatic Competence based on the
outcome of a report or unsatisfactory re-examination from industry ACE.
4. Task Outcomes.

OPS 4.720 Page 1 of 2

4.1 Completion of this task results in issuance, renewal, or denial of a
Statement of Acrobatic Competency.
4.2 Issue or deny statement of aerobatic competency.

OPS 4.720 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.721
Title: Re-examination of an Airman
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: Form SI 61-01
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01
Task Description:
To determine if an airman is qualified to exercise the privileges of a particular airman
license or rating.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for reexamination test.
2. Evaluate accident, incident, enforcement, complaint file or inspection results.
3. Prepare reexamination letter.
4. Schedule appointment.
5. Plan the re-examination.
6. Applicants appointment.
7. Determine aircraft airworthiness.
8. Conduct re-examination.
9. Satisfactory re-examination.
10. Unsatisfactory re-examination. Action as required.
11. Inspectors reports.

OPS 4.721 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.722
Title: Administer Rotorcraft Chief Pilot Knowledge and Skill Test
Approval Date:13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 133
DAAO Forms: Form SI 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01
Task Description:
To verify that an applicant for chief pilot of a rotorcraft external-load operation is
qualified in aeronautical knowledge and practical experience to conduct an external-load
operation safely and according with the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs). The
inspector conducting the skill test must be helicopter rated and have experience as an
external-load pilot.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Direct applicant to complete application.
3. Review application.
4. Verify applicants identity.
5. Determine whether applicant must take knowledge and skill test.
6. Determine applicants accident, incident and violation history.
7. Administer knowledge and skills test.
8. Results of knowledge test.
8.1 If satisfactory, conduct skills test.
8.2 If unsatisfactory, inform applicant, determine whether to conduct skill test,
notify company in writing of deficiencies.
9. Conduct skill test.
10. Final knowledge and skill test results.
10.1 If satisfactory, make appropriate endorsement in pilots logbook, issue
letter of competency, complete and file in DAAO file.

OPS 4.722 Page 1 of 2

10.2 If unsatisfactory, complete DAAO form indicating disapproval and file in
DAAO file.
11. Close work tracking record.

OPS 4.722 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 4.723
Title: Conduct a Rotorcraft Pilot Proficiency Check
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 91; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: Form PPC and LOFT; 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01
Task Description:
To assure the proper administration and documentation of a Rotorcraft pilot proficiency
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need or receive a request from a certificate holder to conduct a
pilot proficiency check.
2. Review the regulatory policy guidance applicable to the check to be
3. Schedule an appointment with the applicant.
4. Conduct the pilot proficiency check.
5. Deficiencies.
5.1 Repeat events.
5.2 Unsatisfactory Performance.
5.3 Recording Remedial Training Time in work tracking record.
6. Document the results of the pilot proficiency check.
6.1 Complete the certificate holder's pilot proficiency check records.
6.2 Notify the certificate holder if the test result is unsatisfactory.

OPS 4.723 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.001
Title: Conduct an Enforcement Investigation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
2009; CASR 61
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Conduct an enforcement investigation to determine if a violation of the Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations (CASRs) has occurred. Document the results of the investigation.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Conduct preliminary investigation to determine if a potential violation of the
CASRs was committed. Review and analyze facts and appropriate CASRs to
determine if further investigation is warranted.
2. Initiate an enforcement investigation. Advise the violator and open
investigation report.
3. Collect evidence items of proof and conduct interviews.
4. Determine if violation has occurred. Analyze items of proof and compare to
appropriate CASRs.
5. Complete report if analysis supports a violation.
6. Close out report package if analysis does not support a violation (no action) and
keep copy.

OPS 5.001 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.002
Title: Investigate Non-Compliance in Accordance with Self-Disclosure
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Evaluate a Certificate Holders voluntary disclosure submission and determine if it is
eligible for voluntary disclosure. If eligible, notify the Certificate Holder and document
the results of the evaluation.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review and evaluate the Certificate Holders initial notification, acknowledge
receipt, and determine eligibility to use the voluntary disclosure program.
2. Acknowledge receipt of the Certificate Holders initial notification.
3. Process, review and evaluate the Certificate Holders initial notification to
determine eligibility.
4. Determine the completeness and appropriateness of the Certificate Holders
written report and advise the Certificate Holder.
5. Determine acceptability of the Certificate Holders comprehensive fix and notify
the Certificate Holder.
6. Notification to the Certificate Holder if the Comprehensive fix is acceptable or
not acceptable.
7. If not acceptable, accomplish report.

OPS 5.002 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.003
Title: Provide Technical Assistance to Legal Counsel
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Guidance on how to prepare to give a deposition and appear in court trials and formal
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Receive request to make a deposition or give testimony in court.
3. Prepare to give deposition or testify in court.
3.1 Review background information, subject matter and/or records of occurrence as
directed by Legal Counsel.
3.2 Review applicable Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs), Orders and
3.3 Meet with legal counsel for preparation.
3.4 Prepare a Qualification Statement.
4. Appear in court or at formal hearing.
5. Document task in Work Tracking System.
6. Close work tracking record.

OPS 5.003 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.004
Title: Investigate a Complaint
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Investigate a complaint.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial notification of a complaint and determine DAAO involvement in
the investigation. Review and analyze facts to determine if further investigation
is warranted.
2. Investigate the circumstances of the complaint.
3. Conclude the investigation and document the results. Make distribution and
determine whether an enforcement investigation is necessary.

OPS 5.004 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.005
Title: Investigate a Noise Complaint or Damage Caused by a Civil Aircraft
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Investigate a noise complaint or damage caused by a civil aircraft.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Evaluate initial notification of a noise complaint or damage caused by a civil
aircraft and determine DAAO involvement in the investigation. Review and
analyze facts to determine if further investigation is warranted.
3. Investigate noise complaint or damage.
4. Resolve the complaint. Satisfy the complainant and/or refer to DAAO
headquarters, as appropriate.
5. Close work tracking record.

OPS 5.005 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.006
Title: Withdrawal, Suspension, Revocation, Denial, or Amendment of Operational
Specifications for a Training Center.
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:NONE
Regulation References: CASR 141; CASR 142
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 141-01; 142 belum ada SI
Task Description:
Withdrawal, suspension, revocation, denial, or amendment of training center certificate
and training specifications.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. These tasks will require a general knowledge of the training center certification
process, and DAAO Compliance and Enforcement Program.
2. Open Work Tracking Record.
3. Amendment to Training Center Training Specifications. Inform training center
certificate holders and training center applicants that they may review and
propose amendments based on their structure.
3.1 Amend the training specifications at any time circumstances warrant such
action under the provisions of DAAO authority.
3.2 Amend a certificate or training specifications upon request by the
certificate holder.
4. Events requiring amendment to training specifications.
4.1 Addition or deletion of a curriculum.
4.2 Addition or deletion of a satellite training center or remote site.
4.3 Addition or deletion of flight training equipment.
4.4 Addition or deletion of a visual scene required for a particular level of
flight simulator qualification..
4.5 Change in the qualification level of a flight simulator or flight training device
4.6 Addition or deletion of a visual scene approved for training or testing a
circling approach.
4.7 Change in training center, satellite training center, remote site address, or
phone number.
4.8 Change in management personnel or agent for service.
4.9 Addition or deletion of training agreements.
5. Request surrender of a training center certificate and training specifications
under the following circumstances:
5.1 Upon termination of operations.
5.2 Upon suspension, revocation, or termination of the certificate by the
6. Denial of Additional and Withdrawal of Existing Training Specifications.
6.1 Deny additional training specifications after evaluation shows that the
item proposed for authorization in a new training specification does not
meet the requirements for authorization in the training specifications.
6.2 Withdraw or suspend the applicable training specifications whenever
surveillance indicates that any item required for initial certification does
not meet the minimum certification requirements.
6.3 Deny a renewed certificate or issue a new certificate with withdrawn
training specifications, as appropriate. If a training center outside our
country fails to meet the annual re-qualification for that certificate and
each authorized training specifications.
7. Suspension or Revocation of Certificate or Training Specifications.
7.1 To suspend, revoke, or pursue civil penalty sanctions against a training
center certificate, initiate legal enforcement action in accordance with
DAAO guidance.
7.2 Withhold a renewed training center certificate or training specifications
(foreign training center only) based upon findings of failure to continue to
meet minimum initial certification requirements.
7.3 Initiate action to suspend, revoke, pursue civil penalty, or withhold
(foreign training center) a certificate, or terminate or withhold training
specifications, as applicable, upon a finding that any of the following
circumstances exist:
7.3.1 An applicant for, or holder of, a training center certificate has had
any certificate revoked, suspended, or terminated within the last 5
7.3.2 An applicant for, or holder of, a training center certificate employs
or proposes to employ a person who: Was previously employed in a management or supervisory
position or exercised control over any certificate holder whose
certificate has been revoked, suspended, or terminated within
the last 5 years; or Contributed materially to the revocation, suspension, or
termination of that certificate and be employed in a
management or supervisory position, or in control of or have a
substantial ownership interest in the training center.
7.3.3 An applicant for, or holder of, a training center certificate provided
information required by part 142 that was incomplete, inaccurate,
fraudulent, or false.
7.3.4 A training center certificate holder outside our country does not
show compliance with original certification requirements during
the annual re-certification process for a training center outside the
U.S., including inspection results from the previous year.
7.3.5 The issuance or continuance of such certificate or training
specifications would not foster aviation safety.
7.3.6 The training center or training center applicant is conducting
training in a course that has not been approved, but requires
7.3.7 The training center or training center applicant is conducting in
FTD that has not been approved, but requires approval.
7.3.8 The training center or training center applicant is training students
who do not meet prerequisites for that training course.
7.3.9 The training center or training center applicant is making or
causing to be made false entries in any records required.
7.3.10 The training center or training center applicant deviates from
approved programmed hours without meeting required
7.3.11 The training center or training center applicant is not adhering to
regulatory advertising requirements.
8. Make final entries in the National Data Base and close Tracking Records.
9. Close work tracking record.
10. Future activities.
10.1 Re-certify after the former training center certificate holder has
satisfactorily completed corrective actions, met all minimum initial
certification requirements, and any regulatory waiting period, if any, has
been satisfied.
10.2 Re-certify after the training center certificate holder or former training
center certificate holder (foreign training center only) has met all
minimum initial certification requirements.
10.3 Conduct continued surveillance to preclude future noncompliance.
ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.007
Title: Investigate Reports of Reckless Flying
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
2009; CASR 61
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Investigate a report of reckless flying.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial notification of reckless flying and determine DAAO involvement
in the investigation. Review and analyze facts to determine if further
investigation is warranted.
2. Conduct an investigation and Document.
3. Conclude the investigation and document the results. Determine the appropriate
action based on the investigation and make distribution of report.

OPS 5.007 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.008
Title: Investigate a Hazardous Air Traffic Report (HATR)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
DAAO Forms: 13 March 2013
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; belum ada perlu dibuat
Task Description:
Investigate A Hazardous Air Traffic Report (HATR) And Operational Hazard Report
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial notification of a HATR or OHR incident and determine DAAO
involvement in the investigation. Review and analyze HATR or OHR (if
received by Air Traffic from the military) and any other attachments.
2. Conduct the investigation.
3. Conclude the investigation and document the results. Determine the appropriate
action based on the investigation and make distribution of report.

OPS 5.008 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.009
Title: Investigate a Pilot Deviation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
2009; CASR 61
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Investigate a pilot deviation.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial notification of a pilot deviation and determine DAAO
involvement in the investigation. Review and analyze facts to determine if
further investigation is warranted.
2. Conduct an investigation.
3. Conclude the investigation and document the results. Determine the appropriate
action based on the investigation and make distribution of report.

OPS 5.009 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.010
Title: Investigate a Gross Navigation Error
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
2009; CASR 61
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Investigate a Gross Navigation/Altitude Deviation, Erosion of Longitudinal Separation,
or verify Special Use of Airspace Letter of Authorization.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Evaluate initial notification and determine DAAO involvement in the
investigation. Coordinate with Air Traffic Control (ATC) and obtain all
available data of the deviation occurrence.
2. Conduct the investigation. Determine the cause and/or factors contributing to
the deviation.
3. Conclude the investigation and document the results. Complete flight standards
portion of the deviation report and take necessary action to prevent recurrence of
the deviation.

OPS 5.010 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.011
Title: Investigate a Report of a Near Midair Collision (NMAC)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335
Task Description:
Investigate a report of a near midair collision.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial notification of a midair collision incident and determine DAAO
involvement in the investigation. Review and analyze facts to determine if
further investigation is warranted.
2. Conduct the incident investigation.
3. Conclude the investigation. Determine the appropriate action based on the
investigation and make distribution of report.

OPS 5.011 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.012
Title: Investigate a Report of Emergency Evacuation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
2009; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Investigate a report of an emergency evacuation.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial notification of an emergency evacuation and determine DAAO
involvement in the investigation. Review and analyze facts to determine if
further investigation is warranted.
2. Conduct the incident investigation.
3. Conclude the investigation and document the results. Make distribution and
determine whether an enforcement investigation is necessary.

OPS 5.012 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.013
Title: Investigate an Incident Involving Hazardous Materials
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
2009; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 92
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Investigate an incident involving hazardous materials.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Evaluate the initial notification of an incident involving hazardous materials.
Review and analyze facts to determine if further investigation is warranted.
3. Ensure the occurrence is reported to the DAAO. Advise the certificate holder to
contact the DAAO and/or obtain the appropriate information and relay it to the
4. Advise the Certificate Holder to submit the DAAO form for Hazardous
Materials Incident Report, in accordance with the Civil Aviation Regulations
5. Complete appropriate telephone notification. Notify any other required
departments of the DAAO.
6. Conclude the investigation. Determine the appropriate action based on the
investigation and make distribution of report.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 5.013 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.014
Title: Process a Surrender of a License Holder's License
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: none
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 61-01
Task Description:
To process the surrender of a license.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Determine need to process a surrendered license holder's license.
3. Receive written request from operator to cancel operator license.
4. Process surrendered operator's license.
4.1 Enter statement in the DAAO file, records, or database for the license holder.
4.2 Retain license and copy of operator's operations specifications in DAAO Office
5. Close work tracking record.

OPS 5.014 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.501
Title: Investigate an Aircraft Accident
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 830;
DAAO Forms: 830.61-R4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Understand the Guidance and Policy contained in ICAO Annex 13. Conduct and/or
participate in an air carrier accident investigation.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review accident notification details and initially determine DAAOs
participation. Review the accident notification and determine participant
2. Address the DAAOs responsibilities (ICAO Annex 13) and coordinate DAAO
participation. Assign participant responsibilities.
3. Conduct and/or participate in the on-site investigation. Conduct and/or
participate in the accident investigation and ensure DAAOs areas of
responsibility are addressed.
4. Evaluate and document results of investigation.
5. Complete accident investigation reports.

OPS 5.501 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.502
Title: Investigate an Aircraft Incident
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 830;
DAAO Forms: 830.61-R4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Understand the Guidance and Policy contained in ICAO Annex 13. Investigate an
incident of damage to an aircraft (other than an accident).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Evaluate initial notification of an incident and determine DAAO involvement in
the investigation. Review and analyze facts to determine if further investigation
is warranted.
2. Conduct the incident investigation.
3. Conclude the investigation and document the results. Make distribution and
determine whether an enforcement investigation is necessary.

OPS 5.502 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.503
Title: Investigate an Aircraft Occurrence
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Regulation References: CASR 830;
DAAO Forms: 830.61-R4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335;
Task Description:
Understand the Guidance and Policy contained in ICAO Annex 13. Investigate an
occurrence and document the results.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial notification of an occurrence and determine DAAO involvement
in the investigation. Review and analyze facts and appropriate Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations (CASRs) to determine if further investigation is warranted.
2. Conduct the occurrence investigation. Investigate the circumstances.
3. Conclude the investigation. Document the impact on safety and reclassify if

OPS 5.503 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 5.504
Title: Investigate a Foreign Air Carrier Incident
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Regulation References: CASR 830;
DAAO Forms: 830.61-R4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI belum ada
Task Description:
Understand the Guidance and Policy contained in ICAO Annex 13. Investigate a foreign
air carrier incident.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial notification of a foreign air carrier incident and determine DAAO
involvement in the investigation. Review and analyze the notification details to
determine if further investigation is warranted.
2. Conduct the foreign air carrier incident investigation and notify the appropriate
authorities. Notify foreign aviation agency and foreign air carriers
3. Conclude the investigation.

OPS 5.504 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.001
Title: Evaluate a Flight Simulator or Flight Training Device
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 60; CASR 142; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 141.
DAAO Forms: Form SI 141-01; 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 141; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 7.
Task Description:
Determine that a flight training device or flight simulator has the appropriate personnel,
facilities and training equipment required to meet regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Receive request from operator to evaluate flight training devices and/or flight
simulation devices.
3. Verify that operator meets all requirements.
4. Inspect the facility.
5. Inspect flight training devices or flight simulators.
6. Inspect personnel.
7. Issue Letter of Authorization if approval is granted.
8. Issue Letter of Denial if approval is denied.
9. Complete entries in the DAAO file, records, or database for the owner of the
training device.
10. Close work tracking record.

OPS 6.001 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.002
Title: Inspect Air Operator's Use of Simulator or Flight Training Device
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 60; CASR 142; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 141.
DAAO Forms: Form SI 141-01; 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 141; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 7.
Task Description:
To determine if flight training device or simulator used by the air operator continues to
meet regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Schedule inspection with air operator (yearly).
3. Evaluate the following areas for compliance with program approval.
3.1 Conduct functional evaluations.
3.2 Inspect logbook or other use records.
3.3 Inspect Simulator Component Inoperative Guide (SCIG), or procedures
for operating with inoperative components.
3.4 Inspect discrepancy records to determine if recorded item would or would
not have affected training, checking, or testing.
3.5 Inspect maintenance logbooks.
3.6 Inspect daily preflight records to determine if discrepancies are being
recorded and if maintenance is deferred on any discrepancies that would
affect training, checking or testing.
3.7 Review training specifications to ensure that they identify all flight
simulators and FTDs used.
3.8 Update DAAO file, records, or database for the air operator.
4. Analyze inspection data gathered from the inspection reports and related
information from other sources.
5. Determine appropriate course of action.
6. Task outcomes.

OPS 6.002 Page 1 of 2

6.1 Issue findings of inspection results.
7. Close work tracking record.

OPS 6.002 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.1801
Title: Conduct Dangerous Goods Inspection as Team Member
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an Dangerous Goods Inspection process in order to certify or recertify an
organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing
an air operator certificate.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. to study and expand as necessary the Dangerous Goods Inspection checklist as
applicable to the function ass signed;
2. to become familiar with the companys policies, instructions and procedures;
3. to be familiar with the Dangerous Goods Inspection procedures and associated
4. to conduct and document Dangerous Goods field work through all phases of the
5. to ensure that all findings have supporting evidence;
6. to maintain contact with the Team Leader and ensure that the audit progressis
reported and potential problem as adressed.

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ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.1802
Title: Conduct Audit as Team Leader
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an Dangerous Good Inspection process in order to certify or recertify an
organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing
an air operator certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Maintain ongoing communication with the DG Inspection Manager;
2. Plan and manage the audit activities of the team, where necessary assigning
Deputy Team Leaders;
3. De-brief management upon completion of the audit of his/her speciality area;
4. To be familiar with the auditing procedure and the associated documentation;
5. To become familiar with the company's policies, instructions and procedures;
6. Draft sections of the report as required by the DG Inspection Manager.

AIR 6.1802 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.1803
Title: Conduct DANGEROUS GOODS inspection as Manager
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an DANGEROUS GOODS inspection process in order to certify or
recertify an organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation
in pursuing an air operator certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Ensure that all relevant sub directorates within DGCA as well as company
officials have been advise of the DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection dates;
2. Ensure that non DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection activities with the carrier
are reduced to a minimum throughout the DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection
3. Ensure that any activities between DGCA and the cornpany are co-ordinate
through the DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection Manager during the
DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection period;
4. Maintain contact with the Director as appropriate and report progress of the field
work, potentjal problems, changes to the objectives or scope of work and other
significan matter arising during the DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection;
5. Maintain ongoing communication with the senior management of the company;
6. Ensure that all decisions and approval required from the Director are obtained
on a timely basis;
7. Exercise line authority over assigned DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection staff
and observers and control time and resource budgets;
8. Ensure that all functions of the DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection team have
been completed prior to releasing the individual members;

AIR 6.1803 Page 1 of 2

9. Ensure that all DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection finding items are based on
specific regulations/standard and supported by objective evidence and detailed
10. Prepare the draft DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection report/post-
DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection letter and debrief the DAAO Management
committe as applicable;
11. Co-ordinate the post DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection meeting with senior
company management and DGCA;
12. Brief the Directoor of any DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection finding items
which may substantiate enforcement action in accordance with KM 29 of 2009.
Administrative sanctions on violations against law and regulations in the
Airworthiness sector" and/or Aviation Act. No. l of, 2009.

AIR 6.1803 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.201
Title: Inspect an Agricultural Operator's Main Base or Facility
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR 137;
DAAO Forms: Form 8400-3 to 8
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 2 to
Task Description:
To determine the certificate holder operates its main base of operation in compliance with
applicable regulations and approved procedures.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for this inspection/surveillance.
2. Plan and initiate the inspection.
2.1 Review operator's district office file.
2.1.1 Review operating certificate.
2.1.2 Review results of previous inspections.
2.2 Notify the operator of the inspection.
3. Inspect the operator's documents.
3.1 Inspect the operating certificate.
3.2 Inspect the aircraft flight manuals.
3.3 Inspect the Minimum Equipment List (MEL).
4. Inspect the operator's records.
4.1 Inspect the crewmember qualification and records.
4.2 Inspect agricultural aircraft operator's records.
5. Evaluate operator's organization.
5.1 Interview pilots.
6. Evaluate results of the inspection.
6.1 Coordinate with the principal inspectors.

OPS 6.201 Page 1 of 2

6.2 Document unsatisfactory results.
7. Debrief the operator.
8. Document the inspection.
8.1 Issue letter to operator confirming unsatisfactory inspection results.
8.2 File inspection results in the district office file.

OPS 6.201 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.202
Title: Conduct a Ramp Inspection of an Agricultural Aircraft
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 137
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-12
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 12
Task Description:
To determine the certificate holder operates its main base of operation in compliance with
applicable regulations and approved procedures.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record
2. Determine the need for this inspection/surveillance.
3. Plan and initiate the inspection.
3.1 Review operator's district office file.
3.1.1 Review operating certificate.
3.1.2 Review results of previous inspections.
3.2 Notify the operator of the inspection.
4. Inspect the operator's documents.
4.1 Inspect the operating certificate.
4.2 Inspect the aircraft flight manuals.
4.3 Inspect the Minimum Equipment List (MEL).
5. Inspect the operator's records.
5.1 Inspect the crewmember qualification and records.
5.2 Inspect agricultural aircraft operator's records.
6. Evaluate operator's organization.
6.1 Interview pilots.
7. Evaluate results of the inspection.
7.1 Coordinate with the principal inspectors.

OPS 6.202 Page 1 of 2

7.2 Document unsatisfactory results.
8. Debrief the operator.
9. Document the inspection.
9.1 Issue letter to operator confirming unsatisfactory inspection results.
9.2 File inspection results in the district office file.
10. Close work tracking record.

OPS 6.202 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.203
Title: Evaluate an Agricultural Operator's Congested Area Plan
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 137
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
To determine that an operator can conduct agricultural dispensing operations safely over
a congested area according to an approved plan.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive congested area plan from operator.
2. Review the congested area plan.
2.1 Verify the congested area plan is complete.
2.2 Determine if congested area plan is satisfactory.
2.2.1 Advise operator of deficiencies by letter.
3. Approve congested area plan.
3.1 Send letter of approval to operator.
3.2 Place copy of plan in DAAO Office File.

OPS 6.203 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.204
Title: Inspect an Agricultural Operation Including Congested Area Operations
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Indoctrination, Air Operator Certification, Surveillance, Personnel
Licensing, Investigations, Job Skills, Aircraft Dispatcher, Avionics, Cabin Safety,
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 61; CASR 63; CASR 137
DAAO Forms: Form SI (O) 120-01
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 120-03, SI 8400 Vol. III
Task Description:
To determine if an operator is conducting operations in compliance with applicable
regulations and approved procedures.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for inspection.
2. Observe and evaluate the airman in the performance of duties.
3. Determine results of the inspections.
4. Debrief the operator.
5. Document the inspection.
5.1 File inspection results in the DAAO office file.

OPS 6.204 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.205
Title: Inspect Agricultural Operator's Hazardous Materials Safety
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 92:CASR 137
DAAO Forms: Form SI 92-01
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 92-01
Task Description:
To insure the agricultural operator has safety procedures in place for the handling of
Hazardous Materials.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. A manual or other procedure covering the handling of hazardous material.
2. All Hazardous Materials (HAZ MAT) are secured and labeled HAZ MAT.
3. Manufacturers information on storage of chemicals and HAZ MAT is on file.
4. Information is available at the agriculture operator from the HAZ MAT
manufacturer, giving first aid instructions for care if HAZ MAT is swallowed,
gets into the eyes, or on the skin.
5. Pilots and ground crew are briefed on the hazards of HAZ MAT and the
required first aid if any chemicals or hazmat is swallowed, gets into eyes or on
the skin.
6. Eye wash stations or full shower if required.
7. If required by manufacturer, personnel breathing apparatus for pilot and ground

OPS 6.205 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.2201
Title: Conduct Aircraft Type Rating required Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING inspection process in order to certify or
recertify an organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation
in pursuing an air operator certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Ensure that all relevant sub directorates within DGCA as well as company
officials have been advise of the AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection dates;
2. Ensure that non AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection activities with the
carrier are reduced to a minimum throughout the AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING
Inspection period;
3. Ensure that any activities between DGCA and the cornpany are co-ordinate
through the AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection Manager during the
AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection period;
4. Maintain contact with the Director as appropriate and report progress of the field
work, potentjal problems, changes to the objectives or scope of work and other
significan matter arising during the AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection;
5. Maintain ongoing communication with the senior management of the company;
6. Ensure that all decisions and approval required from the Director are obtained
on a timely basis;
7. Exercise line authority over assigned AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection
staff and observers and control time and resource budgets;
8. Ensure that all functions of the AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection team
have been completed prior to releasing the individual members;

AIR 6.2201 Page 1 of 2

9. Ensure that all AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection finding items are based
on specific regulations/standard and supported by objective evidence and
detailed analysis;
10. Prepare the draft AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection report/post-
AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection letter and debrief the DAAO
Management committe as applicable;
11. Co-ordinate the post AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection meeting with
senior company management and DGCA;
12. Brief the Directoor of any AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection finding items
which may substantiate enforcement action in accordance with KM 29 of 2009.
Administrative sanctions on violations against law and regulations in the
Airworthiness sector" and/or Aviation Act. No. l of, 2009.

AIR 6.2201 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.3001
Title: Conduct Crew Resource Management (CRM) Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT inspection process in order to
certify or recertify an organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety
Regulation in pursuing an air operator certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Ensure that all relevant sub directorates within DGCA as well as company
officials have been advise of the CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Inspection dates;
2. Ensure that non CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Inspection activities
with the carrier are reduced to a minimum throughout the CREW RESOURCE
MANAGEMENT Inspection period;
3. Ensure that any activities between DGCA and the cornpany are co-ordinate
through the CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Inspection Manager during
the CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Inspection period;
4. Maintain contact with the Director as appropriate and report progress of the field
work, potentjal problems, changes to the objectives or scope of work and other
significan matter arising during the CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
5. Maintain ongoing communication with the senior management of the company;
6. Ensure that all decisions and approval required from the Director are obtained
on a timely basis;
7. Exercise line authority over assigned CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Inspection staff and observers and control time and resource budgets;
8. Ensure that all functions of the CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Inspection team have been completed prior to releasing the individual members;

AIR 6.3001 Page 1 of 2

9. Ensure that all CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Inspection finding items
are based on specific regulations/standard and supported by objective evidence
and detailed analysis;
10. Prepare the draft CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Inspection report/post-
CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Inspection letter and debrief the DAAO
Management committe as applicable;
11. Co-ordinate the post CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Inspection meeting
with senior company management and DGCA;
12. Brief the Directoor of any CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Inspection
finding items which may substantiate enforcement action in accordance with
KM 29 of 2009. Administrative sanctions on violations against law and
regulations in the Airworthiness sector" and/or Aviation Act. No. l of, 2009.

AIR 6.3001 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.502
Title: Manage Safety Meetings, Events and Activities
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law Number 1 Year 2009, CASR 91; CASR 121;
CASR 135; Minister Decree Number 8 Year 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; AC 120-92
Task Description:
To respond to a request for presentations to enhance aviation safety.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for presentation.
2. Obtain pertinent information from the Accident Prevention Program Manager.
3. Determine the subject matter for the presentation.
4. Gather appropriate resource material.
5. Prepare the presentation.
6. Perform pre-presentation activities.
6.1 Rehearse prepared presentation with all equipment to be used to ensure
presentation is within established time limits and has a smooth flow of
equipment transitions.
7. Conduct the presentation.
8. Keep record of Safety Meeting and topic in DAAO file.

OPS 6.502 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.504
Title: Issue an Aviation Safety Award
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law Number 1 Year 2009, CASR 91; CASR 121;
CASR 135; Minister Decree Number 8 Year 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; AC 120-92
Task Description:
To recognize individuals and/or organizations for outstanding support of aviation safety
activities within the district Aviation Safety Program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need to issue an Aviation Safety Award.
2. Review candidate's accomplishments.
3. Assure that a background review of the candidate's aviation record is conducted.
3.1 If accident or enforcement action is recent or of a serious nature, defer or
omit the award.
3.2 If no accident or enforcement action or occurrence does not impact the
suitability of the award, obtain the DAAO concurrence and prepare the
4. Complete DAAO Form for Aviation Safety Counselor of the Year Award
Competition and have the office manager sign it.
5. Present the Aviation Safety Award.
5.1 Prepare news release for the local media.
5.2 Note the award in the DAAO newsletter and counselor bulletin.
6. Place copy of DAAO Form in DAAO file.
7. Future activities.
7.1 Review counselor achievements and solicit recommendations from other
inspectors, local aviation organizations and counselors in order to plan
future awards.

OPS 6.504 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.505
Title: Evaluate Accident or Incident Reports for Trends
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law Number 1 Year 2009, CASR 91; CASR 121;
CASR 135; CASR 830; Minister Decree Number 8 Year 2010
DAAO Forms: none
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; AC 120-92
Task Description:
To review, analyze, and evaluate district accident and incident records to identify trends.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need to evaluate accident/incident reports for trends.
2. Review and evaluate accident, incident, and midair collision reports.
3. Record and analyze data from the reports.
4. Determine how the data can most effectively be presented to district airman.
4.1 Plan to modify current schedule of district safety seminars and aviation
safety activities to emphasize the information, as appropriate.
5. Future activities.
5.1 As new information becomes available, add it to the appropriate records
and continue to monitor district trends.
5.2 Adapt existing audiovisual aids to local scenarios and develop new
materials to supplement the nationally distributed publications and aids.
5.3 Publish pertinent information in the district or regional newsletter for
5.4 Schedule guest speakers with expertise in applicable areas to speak at
safety seminars and flight instructor workshops.
5.5 Discuss emphasis areas with DAAO and other groups to solicit ideas and
urge their participation in projects to educate and inform district airmen.

OPS 6.506 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.506
Title: Process a Flight Assist Report
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law Number 1 Year 2009, CASR 91; CASR 121;
CASR 135; CASR 830; Minister Decree Number 8 Year 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; AC 120-92
Task Description:
To provide appropriate information, assistance, and counseling, if needed, to an airman
who has received a flight assist from Air Traffic Control.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Determine the need to process a Flight Assist Report.
3. If notified by Air Traffic Control (ATC) that a flight assist is in progress.
3.1 Make arrangements to meet the pilot after the flight is completed, if
3.2 If unable to meet the pilot personally, try to arrange for an DAAO to meet
the incoming flight.
3.3 Provide or direct the DAAO to provide all possible assistance and
counseling, if indicated, to the pilot.
4. Upon receipt of the Flight Assist Report from air traffic control, verify that all
necessary information has been provided by ATC; evaluate the information; and
determine a course of action.
4.1 If there are omissions, contact the reporting facility to obtain the missing
4.2 If no additional information is available and there is insufficient data to
identify the pilot or aircraft, terminate the task.
4.3 If circumstances don't warrant further action or the report has arrived
beyond the time when positive response can be accomplished, terminate
the task.

OPS 6.506 Page 1 of 2

4.4 If pilot resides in another DAAO office jurisdiction, send the Flight Assist
Report to that DAAO office for follow-up action.
4.5 If Flight Assist Report indicated that a violation of the Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations (CASRs) has taken place or the event may have been
reported as an incident, coordinate with the operations unit supervisor.
4.6 If counseling would benefit the airman, contact the pilot.
4.7 If counseling is not indicated, contact the airman to confirm the
circumstances of the flight.
5. Conclude processing the report.
5.1 Notify the reporting facility of the action taken.
5.2 Place the DAAO copy of the Flight Assist Report and other materials in
the appropriate DAAO office file.
6. Close work tracking record.
7. Future activities.
7.1 Update district ATC facilities' lists of DAAOs, if appropriate.
7.2 Provide information regarding contributing factors to flight assists at
future safety seminars, if appropriate.

OPS 6.506 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.508
Title: Process a Remedial Training Action
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law Number 1 Year 2009, CASR 91; CASR 121;
CASR 135; Minister Decree Number 8 Year 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; AC 120-92
Task Description:
To determine if an airman whose file has been referred to the DAAO by an investigating
inspector is eligible for the remedial training program and, if so, to provide an appropriate
remedial training course syllabus and training agreement and to oversee the training until
it has been completed.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive investigative file and a recommendation that an airman be considered as
a remedial training candidate.
2. Schedule a personal meeting with the airman to determine eligibility for the
remedial training program.
3. Review the case and causal factors with the investigating inspector.
3.1 Consider the inspector's evaluation of the airman and recommendation on
proposed training.
3.2 Coordinate with other inspectors to obtain sufficient information to
develop a training syllabus.
3.3 Obtain DAAO concurrence.
4. Draft a training agreement and remedial training syllabus.
4.1 Determine the approximate training time required to prevent a recurrence
of the same type of violation by the airman.
5. Conduct an eligibility meeting with airman.
6. Evaluate the airman to determine if the airman is a good candidate for the
remedial training program.
7. If airman responds in a positive way, finalize the terms of an acceptable training
agreement and syllabus.

OPS 6.508 Page 1 of 2

7.1 When agreement on content of agreement and syllabus, sign the
agreement; direct airman to sign the agreement.
7.2 Place copy of training agreement and syllabus in the case file.
7.3 When airman sends documentation that required training has been
completed, verify that documents are in accordance with training
agreement and notify investigating inspector of the completion.
7.4 Return case file to investigating inspector.
8. If airman displays an untenable attitude or moves the meeting into a conflict
situation, terminate the meeting immediately.
8.1 Advise airman that he/she will not be accepted for remedial training and
that enforcement action will continue.
8.2 Document the findings and return the airman's file to the investigating
inspector for further action.
9. If airman fails to meet any requirement of the remedial training syllabus or
training agreement, notify the investigating inspector and return the case file.
10. Future activities.
10.1 Update DAAO list of approved training sources, as appropriate.
10.2 Coordinate with Air Traffic Control facilities, as appropriate.

OPS 6.508 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.509
Title: Issue Waiver or Authorization for an Aviation Event
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335
Task Description:
To determine if an aircraft operator has developed an acceptable operations manual for
use in aviation event, and if the aircraft operator has developed safe operating procedures,
guidelines, and criteria, if necessary, to operate below the altitudes required in the Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs) for aerobatic flight
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need to issue an authorization for an aviation event.
1.1 Receive application for certificate of waiver or authorization.
2. Review documentation submitted for approval.
2.1 Review application and operations manual.
2.2 Verify information is correct.
3. Determine if waiver is authorized.
3.1 If waiver is not authorized notify applicant.
4. Approve the certificate of waiver.
4.1 Ensure DAAO or designated representative signs waiver.
5. Document issuance of certificate of waiver.
5.1 File documentation in office file.

OPS 6.509 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.510
Title: Issue Waiver or Authorization for a Low Altitude Flight
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 91
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335;
Task Description:
To determine if an applicant is eligible for issuance of a Certificate of Waiver.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initial contact.
1.1 Provide DAAO form for waiver to applicant.
1.2 Advise applicant of procedures.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Receive DAAO waiver form and operations manual, if required.
3.1 Consult DAAO file, records, or database for accident/violation history for
4. Review proposed operations manual, if applicable.
4.1 If manual is unsatisfactory, identify on DAAO form, prepare letter of non-
acceptance, and return documents to applicant.
4.2 If manual satisfactory, stamp accepted and sign DAAO waiver form and
prepare letter of acceptance.
5. Pre-inspection activities.
5.1 Coordinate facility inspection with applicant.
5.2 Coordinate with airworthiness unit to inspect aircraft and engine logbooks,
aircraft weight and balance for revisions, and special equipment for proper
mount or installation.
5.3 If restricted category aircraft, coordinate with aircraft certification office
to attend facility inspection.
6. Conduct facility inspection.

OPS 6.510 Page 1 of 2

6.1 If unsatisfactory, brief operator, identify discrepancies on DAAO form,
prepare letter of unsatisfactory inspection, and return documents to
6.2 If satisfactory, mark "approved" and sign DAAO application form for
waiver, prepare DAAO waiver form, and develop special provisions.
7. Prepare DAAO file.
7.1 Establish an Operator record.
8. Task outcomes.
8.1 Certificate of Waiver or Authorization.
8.2 Accepted operations manual.
8.3 Letter of disapproval of application.
8.4 Completed Minimum Safe Altitude Waiver and Facility Inspection Job
8.5 Letter indicating non-acceptance of operations manual.
8.6 Letter indicating acceptance of operations manual.
9. Close work tracking record.
10. Future activities.
10.1 Reissue Certificate of Waiver or Authorization.
10.2 Cancellation of Certificate of Waiver or Authorization.
10.3 Review revisions to manual.
10.4 Possible follow-up facility inspection.
10.5 Possible enforcement investigation.

OPS 6.510 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.511
Title: Issue Waiver or Authorization for Banner Towing
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 91
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; belum ada
Task Description:
To determine if an applicant is eligible for issuance of a Certificate of Waiver or
Authorization for banner tow operations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initial contact.
1.1 Provide DAAO Form Application of waiver or Authorization to applicant.
1.2 Advise applicant of procedures.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Receive DAAO Form Application of waiver or Authorization.
3.1 Review the form.
3.2 Consult DAAO file, records, or database for violation/accident history for
4. Pre-inspection activities.
4.1 Coordinate site inspection with applicant.
4.2 Coordinate with airworthiness unit to inspect aircraft, aircraft records,
hitch and hitch installation.
5. Conduct site inspection.
5.1 If unsatisfactory, brief operator, identify discrepancies and prepare letter
of unsatisfactory inspection, and return documents to applicant.
5.2 If satisfactory, mark "approved" and sign DAAO form, prepare DAAO
Authorization Form and develop special provisions.
6. Document results in DAAO office file.
6.1 Establish information in DAAO file, records, or database for the applicant.

OPS 6.511 Page 1 of 2

7. Task outcomes.
7.1 Issue a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization with attached special
provisions for a period not to exceed 24 months.
7.2 Disapproval of application.
7.3 Indication on job aid of satisfactory or unsatisfactory inspection.
7.4 Letter of Disapproval.
8. Close work tracking record.
9. Future activities.
9.1 Follow up site inspection.
9.2 Reissue Certificate of Waiver or Authorization.
9.3 Continue or cancellation of Certificate of Waiver or Authorization.

OPS 6.511 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.512
Title: Issue Waiver or Authorization for an Aerobatic Practice Area
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 91
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335;
Task Description:
To issue a certificate of waiver or authorization for the purposes of establishing an
aerobatic practice area and/or aerobatic contest box.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Brief the applicant on the prerequisites of site selection and any coordination
that may be appropriate to the area.
2. Provide an DAAO Form for waiver to the, application.
3. Brief the applicant on the procedures for preparing and submitting DAAO Form
for waiver.
4. Visit the proposed site, if required, to obtain first hand knowledge of the
operational parameters of the airspace to be used and the under-lying terrain. In
addition, determine the environmental impact the proposed aerobatic activity
might create and coordinate with the DAAO office, as appropriate.
5. Before issuing the waiver, ensure that all proposals are coordinated with Air
Traffic and any other entity directly affected by the establishment of the
aerobatic contest box.
6. Receive DAAO Form application for certificate of waiver or authorization.
7. If the application is approved, prepare DAAO Form and the attendant special
provisions and submit to the DAAO for signature.
8. Prepare a file for the applicant that includes, but is not limited to, a copy of the
8.1 DAAO Application Form and attendant special provisions;
8.2 DAAO Authorization Form;
8.3 Letter of disapproval of the application, if applicable; and

OPS 6.512 Page 1 of 2

8.4 Documentation of ATC coordination.
9. Send the applicant the originals of DAAO Approval Form and the special
10. Send a copy of both forms with all attachments to the regional DAAO office if
11. Prepare an office file with copies of all forms.
12. TASK OUTCOMES. Completion of this task results in one of the following:
12.1 Issuance of a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization with attached special
12.2 Disapproval of an Application for a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization,
with the reasons for the disapproval noted on the reverse side of the form
in the "Remarks" block.
13. Surveillance of activities/events conducted in the aerobatic practice area or
aerobatic contest box, especially events not sanctioned by IAC.
14. Possible cancellation of the certificate of waiver due to noncompliance with the
terms and conditions of the waiver and/or action necessary to ensure future
15. Consideration of a future application for waiver of regulations pertaining to
aerobatic maneuvers conducted in an aerobatic practice area and/or aerobatic
contest box.

OPS 6.512 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.513
Title: Issue Waiver or Authorization for Restricted Category Aircraft
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61; CASR 91
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335;
Task Description:
To determine whether or not an applicant is eligible for issuance of a Certificate of
Waiver in accordance with the DAAO, Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CARSs), for
the operation of a restricted category civil aircraft
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need for issuance of waiver or authorization for restricted category
civil aircraft.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Provide applicant with necessary forms.
3.1 Coordinate processing of the waiver with the airworthiness section and
other DAAO as necessary.
4. Review the completed application for errors or omissions.
4.1 Return application to applicant if completed application is unsatisfactory.
5. Review the aircraft's special airworthiness certificate and attached limitations.
5.1 Coordinate inspection of the aircraft and associated records and
certificates with the Airworthiness Unit.
6. If requirements are met, prepare certificate of waiver or authorization.
6.1 Complete appropriate sections of DAAO Waiver Form.
6.2 Develop and include any necessary special provisions.
6.3 Submit certificate to the Office Manager or designee for signature.
7. If requirements are not met, return disapproved application to applicant, mark
face of application as appropriate and explain basis for disapproval under
"remarks" on back of application.
8. Issue certificate of waiver or authorization for a restricted category aircraft.

OPS 6.513 Page 1 of 2

9. Create or update DAAO file, records, or database for the applicant.
10. Close work tracking record.

OPS 6.513 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.701
Title: Approve a Safety Management System
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law Number 1 Year 2009, CASR 91; CASR 121;
CASR 135; Minister Decree Number 8 Year 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9859; AC 120-92
Task Description: To ensure that a Safety Management System that is proposed for use
at an air carrier or AMO will comply with the recommendations of ICAO or other
recognized standard.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive a draft copy of the proposed Safety Management System (SMS) or
System Safety plan with proposed implementation schedule from an air carrier
or AMO.
2. Open a work tracking record.
3. Review the SMS document to be certain that it contains at least the following
3.1 Safety Management. Definition of an SMS. Corporate safety policy with
top management commitment. Specific duties and responsibilities of the
safety office, safety manager, safety review board (SRB), safety action
groups (SAG), safety library, individuals, etc. Must answer fundamental
questions of who does what, when, where, why, and how.
3.2 Reporting Programs. Voluntary reporting programs. Mandatory reporting
3.3 Risk Management. Hazard identification. Risk assessment of new hazards
and any proposed changes to the organization. Risk mitigation processes.
Filing and retention of analysis and mitigations in safety library database.
3.4 Safety Promotion. Implementation of risk mitigations. These may be
accomplished by the Safety Action Group or equivalent department. The
system should also include such things as a newsletter, monthly safety
reports, or other means to notify concerned personnel of changes.
Establishment of a Safety Library to act as repository of all safety actions
and information.

OPS 6.701 Page 1 of 2

3.5 Safety Assurance. Audit processes: internal and external. Formal
emergency preparedness plan.
3.6 Appendices. Definitions. Etc.
4. Given your special knowledge of the air carrier or AMO, be certain that the
proposed SMS is appropriate to the size and scope of the organization and is
customized to its current operation.
5. If the proposed SMS meets the minimum requirements, issue a letter of approval,
authorization, or acceptance for the SMS.
5.1 If not, return the SMS document to the organization along with a letter
documenting deficiencies.
6. Place the approved SMS document and a copy of any letters in the operators
7. Schedule a follow-up inspection to observe SMS implementation and future
8. Close the work tracking record.

OPS 6.701 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.702
Title: Inspect a Safety Management System
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law Number 1 Year 2009, CASR 91; CASR 121;
CASR 135; Minister Decree Number 8 Year 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9859; AC 120-92
Task Description: To ensure that a Safety Management System in operation at an air
carrier or AMO continues to comply with the recommendations of ICAO or other
recognized standard.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive an updated copy of the Safety Management System (SMS) or System
Safety plan that is presently in use at an air carrier or AMO.
2. Open a work tracking record.
3. Review the SMS document to be certain that it contains at least the following
3.1 Safety Management. Definition of an SMS. Corporate safety policy with
top management commitment. Specific duties and responsibilities of the
safety office, safety manager, safety review board (SRB), safety action
groups (SAG), safety library, individuals, etc. Must answer fundamental
questions of who does what, when, where, why, and how.
3.2 Reporting Programs. Voluntary reporting programs. Mandatory reporting
3.3 Risk Management. Hazard identification. Risk assessment of new hazards
and any proposed changes to the organization. Risk mitigation processes.
Filing and retention of analysis and mitigations in safety library database.
3.4 Safety Promotion. Implementation of risk mitigations. These may be
accomplished by the Safety Action Group or equivalent department. The
system should also include such things as a newsletter, monthly safety
reports, or other means to notify concerned personnel of changes.
Establishment of a Safety Library to act as repository of all safety actions
and information.

OPS 6.702 Page 1 of 2

3.5 Safety Assurance. Audit processes: internal and external. Formal
emergency preparedness plan.
3.6 Appendices. Definitions. Etc.
4. Schedule a visit to the air carrier or AMO.
4.1 Interview key safety personnel and observe the SMS in daily operation. Be
certain that the SMS is appropriate to the size and scope of the
organization and is customized to its current operation.
4.2 Visit the Safety Library and review safety analysis and action reports.
4.3 Review internal audit reports and the formal emergency preparedness plan.
5. If the SMS is deficient in any way, debrief the organizations management team
and follow-up with a letter documenting deficiencies.
6. Place a copy of any letters in the operators file.
7. Schedule a follow-up inspection if necessary.
8. Close the work tracking record.

OPS 6.702 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.801
Title: Conduct a Ramp Inspection of Foreign Registered Aircraft
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 129
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; belum ada
Task description:
To insure the operator meets ICAO requirements and the States Approved Operations
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. NOTE: Inspectors should attend special training for special requirements
concerning the Inspection of Foreign Air Carriers.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Prepare for inspection review DAAO guidance for inspection of Foreign Air
Carrier Inspection.
4. Make an official, but courteous, introduction to the flight crew; state purpose of
4.1 Request to see airman and medical certificates Radio License; review
certificates; ensure they meet duty position and are applicable to aircraft
being operated.
5. Inspect aircraft documents.
5.1 Inspect aircraft airworthiness certificate.
5.2 Inspect aircraft registration certificate.
5.3 Inspect approved maintenance program.
5.4 Inspect Letter of Authorization for use of Minimum Equipment List.
6. Inspect aircrafts interior.
7. Inspect aircrafts exterior.
ICAO Chicago Convention, Articles 7, 17, 20
8. Inspect servicing and maintenance areas.

OPS 6.801 Page 1 of 2

9. Inspect ramp and gate condition areas.
10. Analyze results of inspection.
11. Debrief operator; diplomatically explain each discrepancy; offer suggested
corrective actions and DAAO assistance, as applicable.
12. If air carrier representative disagrees with inspection findings, prepare a written
report of findings and recommended corrective actions.
13. If serious uncorrected safety deficiencies exist, immediately advise foreign air
carrier principal inspector, who must advise foreign air carrier and/or state civil
aviation authority.
13.1 If foreign air carrier CEO or state civil aviation authority fails to take
corrective actions, initiate swift enforcement action.
14. Close work tracking record.

OPS 6.801 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.802
Title: Issue Operations Specifications to a Foreign Air Carrier
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 129
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; belum ada
Task Description:
Issue and/or amend a foreign air carriers Operations Specifications (Ops Specs).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO regulations, policy, and guidance concerning the
issuance of Ops Specs to foreign air carriers.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Issue initial Ops Specs for the foreign air carrier.
4. Amend Ops Specs as required by the DAAO, or in response to an operators
5. Maintain copies of signed Ops Specs electronically, or in DAAO office files.
6. Close work tracking record.
ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.803
Title: Investigate a Foreign Air Carrier Incident
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 129; CASR 830
DAAO Forms: Form 830
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; belum ada
Task Description: Investigate a foreign air carrier incident.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial notification of a foreign air carrier incident and determine DAAO
involvement in the investigation.
2. Conduct the foreign air carrier incident investigation and notify the appropriate
3. Notify foreign aviation agency and foreign air carriers representative. Notify
global issues division within the DAAO.

OPS 6.803 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.804
Title: Issue a Pilot License Based on a Foreign Pilot License
Approval Date: 13 March 2016
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 61
DAAO Forms: 61-01; 61-06
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1; SI 61-01; SI PTS 8081-12; SI PTS
8081-16; SI PTS 8081-20; SI PTS 8081-14; SI PTS 8081-15; SI PTS 8081-5
Task Description:
To determine an applicant's eligibility for a pilot certificate or rating on the basis of a
foreign pilot license, and to issue the pilot certificate to an eligible applicant.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Receive a request for certification from a foreign pilot in accordance with the
DAAO Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs).
2.1 Advise applicant of required documentation.
3. Establish applicant's eligibility and review documentation.
3.1 If applicant is not eligible, return documentation and debrief applicant.
4. Determine if instrument privileges are warranted.
5. Issue temporary airman certificate with ratings and limitations.
6. Advise applicant of CASR requirements.
7. Document certification.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 6.804 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.901
Title: Conduct Audit as Team Member
Approval Date: 13 March 2016
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 142
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an audit process in order to certify or recertify an organizations
compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing an air operator
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. to study and expand as necessary the audit checklist as applicable to the function ass
2. to become familiar with the companys policies, instructions and procedures;
3. to be familiar with the auditing procedures and associated documentation;
4. to conduct and document audit field work through all phases of the audit;
5. to ensure that all findings have supporting evidence;
6. to maintain contact with the Team Leader and ensure that the audit progressis
reported and potential problem as addressed.

OPS 6.804 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.902
Title: Conduct Audit as Team Leader
Approval Date: 13 March 2016
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 142
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an audit process in order to certify or recertify an organizations
compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing an air operator
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Maintain ongoing communication with the Audit Manager;
2. Plan and manage the audit activities of the team, where necessary assigning
Deputy Team Leaders;
3. De-brief management upon completion of the audit of his/her speciality area;
4. To be familiar with the auditing procedure and the associated documentation;
5. To become familiar with the company's policies, instructions and procedures;
6. Draft sections of the report as required by the Audit Manager.

OPS 6.804 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 6.903
Title: Conduct Audit as Manager
Approval Date: 13 March 2016
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 142
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an audit process in order to certify or recertify an organizations
compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing an air operator
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Ensure that all relevant sub directorates within DGCA as well as company
officials have been advise of the audit dates;
2. Ensure that non audit activities with the carrier are reduced to a minimum
throughout the audit period;
3. Ensure that any activities between DGCA and the cornpany are co-ordinate
through the Audit Manager during the audit period;
4. Maintain contact with the Director as appropriate and report progress of the field
work, potentjal problems, changes to the objectives or scope of work and other
significan matter arising during the audit;
5. Maintain ongoing communication with the senior management of the company;
6. Ensure that all decisions and approval required from the Director are obtained
on a timely basis;
7. Exercise line authority over assigned audit staff and observers and control time
and resource budgets;
8. Ensure that all functions of the audit team have been completed prior to
releasing the individual members;
9. Ensure that all audit finding items are based on specific regulations/standard and
supported by objective evidence and detailed analysis;

OPS 6.804 Page 1 of 2

10. Prepare the draft audit report/post-audit letter and debrief the DAAO
Management committe as applicable;
11. Co-ordinate the post audit meeting with senior company management and
12. Brief the Directoor of any audit finding items which may substantiate
enforcement action in accordance with KM 29 of 2009. Administrative
sanctions on violations against law and regulations in the Airworthiness sector"
and/or Aviation Act. No. l of, 2009.

OPS 6.804 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 7.001
Title: Evaluate/Inspect a Dispatch Center
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Aircraft Dispatcher
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 13; Vol. III
Chapter 7
Task Description:
Inspect a Certificate Holders dispatch system to determine whether it has enough
dispatch centers/facilities, adequate for the operations to be conducted and that they are
located at points necessary to ensure proper operational control of each flight.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with the Certificate Holders dispatching policies, procedures,
and system contained in the Certificate Holders manual(s).
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the Certificate Holders dispatch center(s).

OPS 7.001 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 7.002
Title: Evaluate / Inspect a Dispatcher Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Aircraft Dispatcher
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 7
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders manual meets DAAO regulatory and policy
requirements and supports the Certificate Holders operation including System Safety
Attributes when applicable. Document the results of the inspection and report any
deficiencies to the Certificate Holder and Principal Operations Inspector (POI).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review DAAO manual inspection guidance and policy.
2. Review the Certificate Holders manual(s) submissions and document the results.

OPS 7.002 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 7.003
Title: Evaluate / Inspect a Dispatch System (Operational Control)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Aircraft Dispatcher
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-4; SI 8400-11.
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI 8400
Vol. III Chapter 11;
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders dispatch procedures meet DAAO regulatory
requirements and policies including System Safety Attributes when applicable.
Document and identify any deficiencies in the Certificate Holders dispatch procedures
and ensure those deficiencies are corrected prior to program approval.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO dispatch regulations and policies.
2. Review DAAO dispatch regulations and policies.
3. Ensure that identified deficiencies are corrected prior to authorizing flight
operations requiring dispatch services.
4. Notify Certificate Holder of deficiencies requiring correction. Follow-up
corrections for compliance.
5. Corrections must meet regulatory requirements.

OPS 7.003 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 7.004
Title: Evaluate / Inspect a Flight Follower Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Aircraft Dispatcher
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 13; Vol. III
Chapter 7
Task Description:
Observe the Certificate Holders Flight Follower training and compare the presentation to
the Certificate Holders procedures, policies, and instructions outlined in their manuals.
Document the results of the comparison and, in addition, any observed deficiencies in the
Certificate Holders program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review DAAO Flight Follower training guidance material.
2. Become familiar with the policies, procedures, and instructions for the Flight
Follower training program contained in the Certificate Holders manual.
3. Observe the Flight Follower training and compare the curriculum to the
Certificate Holders procedures and regulatory guidance.
4. Document the results of the observation and any additional deficiencies that
have been discovered. Debrief the Certificate Holder.
ITS Job Task #: OPS 7.005
Title: Evaluate / Inspect an Air Operator's Flight Following Procedures
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Aircraft Dispatcher
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4;
Task Description:
Evaluate the Certificate Holders flight following system to determine compliance with
the Certificate Holders manual, DAAO Regulations and DAAO policies including
System Safety Attributes when applicable. Document the results of the comparison and,
in addition, any observed deficiencies in the procedures that must be corrected prior to
program approval.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO guidance.
2. Review DAAO Orders and policy guidance.
3. Review the Certificate Holders submission, including manual excerpts and
procedures to determine compliance with DAAO regulations and policies.
4. Identify program deficiencies and document the results.
5. Notify Certificate Holder of deficiencies requiring correction. Follow-up
corrections for compliance.
6. Determine that the Certificate Holders manual contains the Controls, Process
Measurements, Interfaces, and Management Responsibility and Authority
7. Determine that the Certificate Holder has the policies, controls, and procedures
to support their Flight Following System.
8. Conduct a review of the Certificate Holders manuals and an interview with the
person identified by the Certificate Holder having responsibility and/or authority
for the Flight Following procedures to determine if the Certificate Holders
Flight Following System is effective.
9. Document and debrief the results of the evaluation.
10. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders flight following system.

OPS 7.005 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 7.006
Title: Evaluate / Inspect an Air Operator's Flight Locating Procedures
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Aircraft Dispatcher
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 8400-4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI (O)
Task Description:
To evaluate a Operator's Flight Locating Procedures for compliance with the Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations (CASRs).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for evaluating the operator's flight locating procedures.
1.1 Determine if the evaluation of an operator's operational control system is part of
an initial certification.
2. Determine the criteria for the evaluation.
3. Conduct the evaluation.
3.1 If evaluation is unsatisfactory, discuss problem areas that need corrective action
with operator.
4. Document the evaluation.

OPS 7.006 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 7.007
Title: Evaluate / Inspect Personnel Who have been Granted Operational Control
Approval Date: 13 March 2016
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Aircraft Dispatcher
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 8400-4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI (O)
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders personnel who have been granted operational
control authority meet DAAO regulatory and policy requirements including System
Safety when applicable. Document any deficiencies within the Certificate Holders
system and ensure those deficiencies are corrected prior to approving flight operations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAOs operational control guidance material.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review the DAAOs operational control guidance material.
4. Become familiar with the policies, procedures, and instructions for operational
control contained in the Certificate Holders manual and document any
5. Interview and observe personnel assigned operational control responsibilities to
determine compliance with the Certificate Holders procedures.
6. Discuss and document the results of the observation with the Certificate Holder.
7. Debrief results of the evaluation with the Certificate Holder.
8. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders personnel who have been
submitted for operational control authority.
9. Close work tracking record.

OPS 7.007 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 7.008
Title: Evaluate Alternate Airport Considerations
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Not Operations
Training Category: Aircraft Dispatcher, Avionics
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (O) 120-03
Task Description:
Determine that an airport submitted as an alternate airport is suitable for the Certificate
Holders type of aircraft and proposed operation. And, meets applicable requirements of
the DAAO Regulations and polices. Identify any deficiencies and ensure resolution prior
to approving the airport for the Certificate Holders use and issuing the appropriate
operations specifications.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO regulatory and policy requirements for alternate
2. Determine that the Certificate Holders submission for an alternate airport meets
DAAO regulatory and policy requirements for alternate airports and document
any deficiencies.
3. Determine that the proposed alternates airport analysis/data, security and crash-
fire rescue and passenger facilities meet the regulatory and guidance
requirements. Document the findings.
4. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders alternate airport and issue the
appropriate operations specification.

OPS 7.008 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 7.009
Title: Evaluate an Air Operator's Airport Aeronautical Data
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Aircraft Dispatcher
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI (O)
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders proposed Airport Data Acquisition System meets
DAAO regulatory requirements and policies including System Safety when applicable.
Identify any deficiencies in the Certificate Holders Airport Data Acquisition System and
ensure those deficiencies are corrected prior to program approval.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review DAAO regulatory and policy requirements for airport aeronautical data.
2. Review the Certificate Holders Airport Data Acquisition System and associated
training program(s).
3. Notify Certificate Holder of deficiencies requiring correction. Follow-up
corrections for compliance.
4. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders Airport Data Acquisition System.

OPS 7.009 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 7.010
Title: Evaluate an Air Operator's Aeronautical Weather Data
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Aircraft Dispatcher
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI (O)
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders proposed Aeronautical Weather Data Acquisition
System meets DAAO regulatory requirements and policies including System Safety when
applicable. Identify any deficiencies in the Certificate Holders Aeronautical Weather
Data Acquisition System and ensure those deficiencies are corrected prior to program
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review DAAO regulatory and policy requirements for aeronautical weather data.
2. Review the Certificate Holders Aeronautical Weather Data Acquisition System
and associated training program(s).
3. Notify Certificate Holder of deficiencies requiring correction. Follow-up
corrections for compliance.
4. Evaluate the Certificate Holders Aeronautical Weather Data Acquisition
System and document any deficiencies.
5. Determine that the system proposed meets the regulatory and guidance material,
and verify that the training program for dispatchers in the proposed system is
6. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders Aeronautical Weather Data
Acquisition System.

OPS 7.010 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 7.011
Title: Approve an Air Operator's Enhanced Weather Information System
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Aircraft Dispatcher
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References:
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335
Job Performance Subtasks:
Ensure the Certificate Holders Enhanced Weather Information System (EWINS) meets
all applicable requirements of the DAAO Regulations and DAAO policies including
System Safety Attributes when applicable. Identify and ensure any deficiencies in the
Certificate Holders EWINS Program are corrected. Properly document and approve the
submitted program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Evaluate the Certificate Holders submission, including manual excerpts, system
diagrams, information flow diagrams, EWINS policy and procedures manual,
training program, quality assurance procedures, work facilities, and equipment.
2. Identify program deficiencies.
3. Ensure that identified deficiencies are corrected in the Certificate Holders
EWINS manual.
4. Notify Certificate Holder of deficiencies requiring correction. Follow-up
corrections for compliance.
5. Evaluate the Certificate Holders EWINS program. Inspect the facilities,
equipment, and verify qualifications and training of meteorologists and
6. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders EWINS program.

OPS 7.011 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 7.012
Title: Approve an Air Operator's Aircraft Performance Operating Limitations and
Airport/Runway Performance Data Analysis System
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Aircraft Dispatcher
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: 8400-4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI (O)
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders Aircraft Performance Operating Limitations and
Airport/Runway Performance Data Analysis System meet DAAO regulatory
requirements and policies including System Safety Attributes when applicable. Identify
and document deficiencies in the Certificate Holders Aircraft Performance Operating
Limitations and Airport/Runway Performance Data Analysis System and ensure those
deficiencies are corrected prior to approving the system.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO regulatory and policy requirements for Aircraft
Performance Operating Limitations and Airport/Runway Performance Data
Analysis System.
2. Review DAAO regulatory and guidance material for dispatcher training.
3. Determine that the Certificate Holders submission meets DAAO regulatory and
policy requirements for Aircraft Performance Operating Limitations and
Airport/Runway Performance Data Analysis System and document any noted
4. Review the Certificate Holders submission to identify deficiencies, if any.
5. Document and notify the Certificate Holder of any deficiencies that will require
correction prior to approval.
6. Coordinate an evaluation/demonstration of the Airport/Runway Performance
Data Analysis System with the Certificate Holder and document the results.
7. Approve the Certificate Holders Airport/Runway Performance Data Analysis
System and issue Ops Specs A009.

OPS 7.012 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 8.001
Title: Evaluate a Flight Attendant Manual
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Cabin Safety
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-3
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 3
Task Description:
Determine that a Certificate Holders Flight Attendant Manual meets DAAO regulatory
and policy requirements and supports the Certificate Holders operation including System
Safety Attributes when applicable. Document the results of the inspection and report any
deficiencies to the Certificate Holder and Principal Operations Inspector (POI).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review DAAO manual inspection guidance and policy.
1.1 Open Tracking Record.
2. Review the Certificate Holders manual(s) submissions and document the results.
3. Debrief the results of the inspection with the Certificate Holder and POI.
4. Close Tracking Record.

OPS 8.001 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 8.002
Title: Evaluate a Flight Attendant Training Program
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Cabin Safety
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 13; SI 8400
Vol. III Chapter 7
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders Flight Attendant Training Program meets DAAO
regulatory requirements and policies including System Safety Attributes when
applicable. Document and identify any deficiencies in the Certificate Holders Flight
Attendant Training Program and ensure those deficiencies are corrected prior to program
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with DAAO Flight Attendant Training Program regulations
and policies.
2. Open Tracking Record.
3. Review DAAO Flight Crew Training Program regulations and policies.
4. Review the Certificate Holders submission and ensure compliance with DAAO
regulations and policies.
5. Notify Certificate Holder of any deficiencies that require correction prior to
program approval.
6. Ensure identified deficiencies are corrected.
7. Observe the Certificate Holder conducting Flight Crew training.
8. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders Flight Crew Training Program.
9. Close Tracking Record.

OPS 8.002 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 8.003
Title: Inspect a Cabin Crew Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Cabin Safety
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 13; SI 8400
Vol. III Chapter 7
Task Description:
To determine an air operator's training program meets the requirements of Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations (CASRs) and that the training is being conducted in accordance with
its DAAO approved training program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for the surveillance/inspection.
1.1 Open Tracking Record.
2. Plan and initiate the inspection.
2.1 Review the operator's office file.
2.2 Review results of previous inspections.
2.3 Review the operator's training program.
2.4 Notify the operator of the inspection.
3. Inspect certificate holder's training facilities.
4. Inspect certificate holder's training program.
4.1 On-site activities.
4.2 Inspect courseware.
4.3 Inspect instructional delivery methods.
4.4 Inspect training aids and equipment.
4.5 Inspect student records.
4.6 Inspect testing and checking.

OPS 8.003 Page 1 of 2

5. Inspection results.
5.1 Document unsatisfactory areas.
5.2 Debrief the operator.
5.3 Inform operator of areas that require follow-up action.
5.4 Review inspection report and file in the office file.
6. Close work tracking record.
7. Schedule follow-up surveillance, if required.

OPS 8.003 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: OPS 8.004
Title: Conduct a Cabin En Route Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2016
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations
Training Category: Cabin Safety
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s : NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-10
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 8335; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 10
Task Description:
Conduct a cabin en route inspection to determine compliance with the Certificate
Holders manual and regulatory requirements. Document the results of the observation
and any observed deficiencies.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with the DAAO cabin en route inspection guidance material.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Become familiar with the Certificate Holders flight attendant operating
4. Conduct cabin en route inspection.
5. To determine if the person identified by the Certificate Holder having
responsibility and/or authority for in-flight duties/procedures is qualified,
knowledgeable, and recognizes that responsibility and/or authority.
6. Debrief results of the inspection with the crew and Principal Operations
Inspector (POI) if required.
7. Document results and file in operators file.
8. Close work tracking record.

OPS 8.004 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 9.001
Title: First line duties and responsibilities (examples job priorities, administrative
duties, operational duties and standards, ICAO and DGCA, effective delegation
Approval Date: 13 March 2016
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms:
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Supervisory responsibilities for proper management of employee benefits, including
necessary functions associated with employee pay checks, leave, health, and retirement.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Completion of forms, paperwork, banking, and Internet functions as required to
receive pay check.
2. Obtain information on DAAO benefits, registration, and tracking procedures.
3. Obtain information on annual and sick leave allowances, use of leave, and
tracking procedures.
4. Obtain information on health care options, completion of required paperwork,
and use of the health care system.
5. Obtain information on the DAAO retirement program, employee options, and
tracking procedures.
6. Describe supervisory responsibilities associated with the management of
employee benefits.

OPS 9.001 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 9.002
Title: Leadership and Communication Skills
Approval Date: 13 March 2016
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Supervisory responsibilities to ensure accurate accounting of employee time and
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Completion of forms, computer, or Internet functions as required to properly
account for employee time worked, holidays, overtime, etc.
2. Procedure used to request time off, including sick leave, annual leave, or
3. Time and attendance accrual and tracking procedures.
4. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of employee time and

OPS 9.002 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 9.003
Title: Creating an effective work environment
Approval Date: 13 March 2016
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Supervisory responsibilities for the management of employee training and development.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Obtain information on DAAO training program procedures and requirements.
2. Employee specialty training choices and options.
3. Procedure used to request or schedule formal training courses.
4. Procedure used to request or schedule OJT.
5. Training tracking functions, including access to employee training record.
6. Voluntary employee development programs.
7. Promotion requirements, procedures, and options.
8. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of employee training and

OPS 9.003 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 9.004
Title: Recognize and reward performance
Approval Date: 13 March 2016
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Supervisory processes, procedures, and systems used for routine and emergency office
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Overview of all communications systems utilized in the office.
2. Verbal communications procedures, access to supervisor or manager, contact
procedures, etc.
3. Email communications, procedures, and systems.
4. Use of telephone systems, phone books, voice mail, cell phones, etc.
5. DAAO policy on employee use of Email, Internet, and telephones for personal
6. Emergency employee notification procedures.
7. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of office communications.

OPS 9.004 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 9.005
Title: Provide and receive constructive feedback
Approval Date: 13 March 2016
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Supervisory responsibilities for the use of commercial and proprietary computer systems
and software.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Describe the computer systems used in the office.
2. Use of commercial computer software programs utilized in the office.
3. Use of proprietary computer software programs utilized in the office.
4. Procedures for computer access to DAAO websites and databases.
5. DAAO policy on security of information technology.
6. DAAO policy on personal use of computer systems.
7. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of computer systems.

OPS 9.005 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 9.006
Title: Self-development based on feedback
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated FAA Job Task #s: None
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO policies on the management and conservation of government resources.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Describe office policies to manage the assignment and scheduling of
administrative and technical personnel.
2. Describe office policies on the prioritization of assignments.
3. Describe the DAAO policy on use of government vehicles.
4. Describe the DAAO policy on use of office equipment such as printers and FAX
5. Describe the office policy on conservation of supplies.
6. Describe the office policy on conservation of energy, including electrical power,
heating/cooling systems, gasoline, etc.
7. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of government resources.

OPS 9.006 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 9.007
Title: Tools for managing employees (examples communication and motivation
strategies, coaching, stress indicators, conflict management and problem solving,
handling change)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO and government standards for supervision of ethical conduct of
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate government and DAAO documents that establish standards for the
ethical conduct of employees.
2. Describe government limitations on moral, legal, financial, professional, and
political conduct of employees.
3. Describe procedures for obtaining legal clarification of ethical standards and
review of special circumstances.
4. Complete any forms that may be required for the full disclosure of employee
financial interests in aviation companies.
5. Describe any recurrent or ongoing training requirements associated with ethical
6. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of security protocols.

OPS 9.007 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 9.008
Title: Monitoring progress and performance
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe supervisory responsibilities for labor union relations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate government or DAAO documents that establish policies for participation
in labor unions.
2. Describe options for employee participation in labor unions.
3. Describe government limitations associated with labor union activities in the
work place.
4. Describe supervisory responsibilities for labor union relations.

OPS 9.008 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 9.009
Title: Communicate organizational direction and priorities clearly
Approval Date: October 1, 2006
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP No. 53 Year 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe supervisory responsibilities and procedures for the application of disciplinary
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate government and DAAO documents that describe employee disciplinary
2. Describe employee disciplinary process.
3. Describe employee opportunities for legal or union representation during any
disciplinary action.
4. Describe employee options and procedures for appealing disciplinary actions.
5. Describe supervisory responsibilities and procedures for the application of
disciplinary procedures.

OPS 9.009 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: OPS 9.010
Title: Demonstrate interpersonal skills in work-related situations
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe supervisory responsibilities for the management of official travel.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate DAAO documents that describe travel policies and procedures.
2. Describe procedures used to obtain supervisory approval for official travel.
3. Describe procedures used to schedule official travel and complete travel
itinerary arrangements.
4. Use of travel software and/or websites.
5. Describe policy on the reimbursement of expenses and procedures used to file a
travel claim for reimbursement.
6. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of official travel.

OPS 9.010 Page 1 of 1

SI 8900-1.3

Airworthiness Inspector

SI 8900-1.3 Inspector Training System

ITS Job Task #: AIR 1.001
Title: Employee benefits
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Accomplish initial and routine tasks associated with DAAO employment benefits,
including all necessary functions to manage employee pay checks, leave, health, and
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Completion of forms, paperwork, banking, and Internet functions as required to
receive pay check.
2. Obtain information on DAAO benefits, registration, and tracking procedures.
3. Obtain information on annual and sick leave allowances, use of leave, and
tracking procedures.
4. Obtain information on health care options, completion of required paperwork,
and use of the health care system.
5. Obtain information on the DAAO retirement program, employee options, and
tracking procedures.

AIR 1.001 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 1.002
Title: Time and Attendance
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Accomplish routine tasks as necessary to ensure accurate accounting of employee time
and attendance.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Completion of forms, computer, or Internet functions as required to properly
account for employee time worked, holidays, overtime, etc.
2. Procedure used to request time off, including sick leave, annual leave, or
3. Time and attendance accrual and tracking procedures.

AIR 1.002 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 1.003
Title: Employee Training and Development
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Accomplish routine tasks associated with employee training and development.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Obtain information on DAAO training program procedures and requirements.
2. Employee specialty training choices and options.
3. Procedure used to request or schedule formal training courses.
4. Procedure used to request or schedule OJT.
5. Training tracking functions, including access to employee training record.
6. Voluntary employee development programs.
7. Promotion requirements, procedures, and options.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 1.004
Title: Office Communications
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Processes, procedures, and systems used for routine and emergency office
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Overview of all communications systems utilized in the office.
2. Verbal communications procedures, access to supervisor or manager, contact
procedures, etc.
3. Email communications, procedures, and systems.
4. Use of telephone systems, phone books, voice mail, cell phones, etc.
5. DAAO policy on employee use of Email, Internet, and telephones for personal
6. Emergency employee notification procedures.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 1.005
Title: Computer Systems
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Use of commercial and proprietary computer systems and software.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Describe the computer systems used in the office.
2. Use of commercial computer software programs utilized in the office.
3. Use of proprietary computer software programs utilized in the office.
4. Procedures for computer access to DAAO websites and databases.
5. DAAO policy on security of information technology.
6. DAAO policy on personal use of computer systems.

AIR 1.005 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 1.006
Title: Managing Resources
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO policies on the management, effective utilization, and conservation of
government resources.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Describe office policies to manage the assignment and scheduling of
administrative and technical personnel.
2. Describe office policies on the prioritization of assignments.
3. Describe the DAAO policy on use of government vehicles.
4. Describe the DAAO policy on use of office equipment such as printers and FAX
5. Describe the office policy on conservation of supplies.
6. Describe the office policy on conservation of energy, including electrical power,
heating/cooling systems, gasoline, etc.

AIR 1.006 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 1.007
Title: Employee Ethics
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO and government standards for the ethical conduct of employees.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate government and DAAO documents that establish standards for the
ethical conduct of employees.
2. Describe government limitations on moral, legal, financial, professional, and
political conduct of employees.
3. Describe procedures for obtaining legal clarification of ethical standards and
review of special circumstances.
4. Complete any forms that may be required for the full disclosure of employee
financial interests in aviation companies.
5. Describe any recurrent or ongoing training requirements associated with ethical

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 1.008
Title: Labor Unions (Korpri)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: Kepres Nomor 82 Tahun 1971
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO and government policies and procedures for participation in labor
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate government or DAAO documents that establish policies for participation
in labor unions.
2. Describe options for employee participation in labor unions.
3. Describe government limitations associated with labor union activities in the
work place.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 1.009
Title: Conduct and Discipline
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO and government procedures that are used to discipline employees for
inappropriate or illegal conduct.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate government and DAAO documents that describe employee disciplinary
2. Describe employee disciplinary process.
3. Describe employee opportunities for legal or union representation during any
disciplinary action.
4. Describe employee options and procedures for appealing disciplinary actions.

AIR 1.009 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 1.010
Title: Travel
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 90 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO procedures for employee travel on official business.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate DAAO documents that describe travel policies and procedures.
2. Describe procedures used to obtain supervisory approval for official travel.
3. Describe procedures used to schedule official travel and complete travel
itinerary arrangements.
4. Use of travel software and/or websites.
5. Describe policy on the reimbursement of expenses and procedures used to file a
travel claim for reimbursement.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 1.011
Title: Security
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Indoctrination
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO policy and office procedures used to ensure security of government
buildings, equipment, and sensitive information.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate DAAO documents that describe security policies and procedures.
2. Describe authorized uses for official government identification.
3. Describe security procedures used to obtain access to government buildings.
4. Describe procedures used to protect official file cabinets and databases.
5. Describe procedures that have been established to for the security of automation,
computer systems, and information technology.
6. Describe procedures used to safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized
7. Describe procedures used to obtain official approval for dissemination of
sensitive information.
8. Describe procedures to be used in the event of a security breach.
9. Describe government policies that have been established to safeguard
government employees from bodily harm.

AIR 1.011 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.001
Title: Certification Phase I: Pre-Application Phase
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR part 121; CASR part 135; CASR part 91; CASR part
133; CASR part 137
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-02A Certification Job Aids-Pre Application Phase
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (M) 121-01; SI 8300 Volume II,
AC 120-49
Job Task Description:
To certificate an Air Operator or Air Agency in accordance with the appropriate
Regulations for Preapplication Phase I
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial inquiry.
1.1 Refer applicant to correct DAAO Office.
2. Conduct applicant orientation meeting.
2.1 Perform preliminary discussions.
3. Receive Pre-Application Statement of Intent (PASI).
3.1 Open work tracking records.
3.2 Review and acceptance of PASI.
4. Assign certification team.
5. Assign certificate number.
5.1 Initiate certification file.
6. Conduct pre-application meeting.
7. Provide package of pre-certification information.
8. Brief the applicant on certification process, pertinent regulations, and economic
authority requirements.
9. Verify information on the PASI.
10. Explain the requirements of the formal application.

AIR 2.001 Page 1 of 2

10.1 Explain the formal application letter.
10.2 Describe formal application attachments.
11. Conclude pre-application meeting.
11.1 Termination of the pre-application phase.
11.2 Terminate the certification file.
11.3 Close work tracking records.
11.4 Proceed to formal application phase of certification process.

AIR 2.001 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.002
Title: Certification Phase II: Formal Application Phase II
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 91; CASR Part 133,
CASR Part 137.
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-02B Certification Job Aids-Formal Application
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (M) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II, AC
Job Task Description:
To certificate an Air Operator or Air Agency in accordance with the appropriate
Regulations for Formal Application Phase II.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive formal application package.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Conduct initial review of the formal application.
2.1 Review schedule of events.
2.2 Review company general operations manual/policies and procedures
2.3 Review training curriculum.
2.4 Review management qualifications/resumes.
2.5 Review documents of purchase, contracts, & leases.
2.6 Review compliance statement.
3. Determine if the initial formal application package is acceptable.
4. Conduct formal application meeting to review the formal application and it's
attachments with the applicant.
5. Conclude formal application meeting.
5.1 Specify corrections or additional items needed.
5.2 Do not proceed to Phase III until Phase II is satisfactory.
6. Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.002 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.003
Title: Cert Phase III: Document Compliance Phase
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 91; CASR Part 133,
CASR Part 137.
DAAO Forms: 120-02C Certification Job Aids-Document Compliance Phase
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760 SI (M) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II, AC
Job Task Description:
To certificate an air operator or air agency in accordance with the appropriate
Regulations for document compliance phase
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Conduct a detailed review of applicants submissions.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review Company Maintenance Manual (CMM) policies and procedures
3. Review training curriculum.
4. Review management qualifications/resumes.
5. Review weight and balance procedures.
6. Review DAAO approved airplane/rotorcraft flight manual (AFM/RFM).
7. Review Company Flight Manual.
8. Review Minimum Equipment List (MEL).
9. Review cockpit checklist.
10. Review passenger briefing card.
11. Review environmental assessments.
12. Review airport runway analysis.
13. Review deviation request.
14. Review Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT)/Security Program.
15. Review flight attendant (F/A) manual.

AIR 2.003 Page 1 of 2

16. Review dispatch/flight-following/flight-locating procedures.
17. Review proving/validation test plan.
18. Review emergency evacuation demonstration plan.
19. Review compliance statement.
20. Review compliance with applicable bulletins.
21. Review exit row seating program.
22. Review Category II and Category III program.
23. Termination of the documents compliance phase.
23.1 Terminate the applicant file.
23.2 Close work tracking record.
24. Proceed to demonstration and inspection phase.

AIR 2.003 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.004
Title: Demonstration and Inspection Phase
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 91; CASR Part 133,
CASR Part 137.
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-02D Certification Job Aids- Demonstration Inspection
Phase ; 120-07; 120-08; SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-3-1 (Proving Flight Report); SI 8400 Vol.2
Fig.2-4-1 (Demo Evacuation Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-5-1 (Partial Ditching Demo
Report); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-9 (Cockpit Enroute Inspection); SI 8400 Vol.3
DAC FORM 8400-10 (Cabin Enroute Inspection); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-12
(Ramp Inspection).
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI (O) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II and
III, AC 120-49.
Job Task Description:
To certificate an Air Operator or Air Agency in accordance with the appropriate
Regulations for Demonstration & Inspection Phase.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Continue certification process for the demonstration and inspection phase.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Observe and monitor events.
2.1 Training programs (classroom simulator and aircraft).
2.2 Airman testing and certification using Pilot Flight Check Form.
2.3 Record keeping procedures.
2.4 Flight control.
2.5 Minimum equipment list/configuration deviation list.
2.6 Aircraft proving and validation tests.

AIR 2.004 Page 1 of 2

3. Conclude demonstration and inspection phase.
3.1 Termination of the demonstration and inspection phase.
3.2 Terminate the applicant file.
3.3 Close work tracking record.
4. Proceed to the certification phase.

AIR 2.004 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.005
Title: Certification Phase V
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 91; CASR Part 133,
CASR Part 137.
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-02E Certification Job Aids-Certification Phase; 120-
06; 120-07; 120-08; SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-3-1 (Proving Flight Report); SI 8400 Vol.2
Fig.2-4-1 (Demo Evacuation Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-5-1 (Partial Ditching Demo
Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.4-1 (Sample of Air Operator Certificate); SI 8300 Vol.3 DAC
FORM 8400-9 (Cockpit Enroute Inspection); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-10 (Cabin
Enroute Inspection); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-12 (Ramp Inspection).
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI (O) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II and
III, AC 120-49.
Job Task Description:
To certificate an air operator or air agency in accordance with the appropriate
Regulations for the certification phase.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Continue certification phase.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Perform preparation of the certificate.
3. Prepare operations specifications.
4. Issue certificate and operations specifications.
5. Prepare certification report and operators office file.
6. Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.005 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.006
Title: Conduct Certification of an Agricultural Aircraft Operator
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR part 137
DAAO Forms: 120-06; 120-07; 120-08; SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-3-1 (Proving Flight
Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-4-1 (Demo Evacuation Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-5-1
(Partial Ditching Demo Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.4-1 (Sample of Air Operator
Certificate); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-9 (Cockpit Enroute Inspection); SI 8400
Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-10 (Cabin Enroute Inspection); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM
8400-12 (Ramp Inspection).
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760 SI (O) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II
and III, AC 120-49.
Task Description:
To evaluate an applicant for the issuance of an Agricultural Aircraft operating certificate.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for Agricultural Aircraft certification.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Provide applicant with necessary information and forms.
2.1 Conduct pre-application meeting, as appropriate.
2.2 Obtain pre-certification number, if required.
3. Review DAAO Application for Agricultural Aircraft Operator Certificate, for
completeness and accuracy.
4. Conduct formal meeting, as appropriate.
5. Review required documents to ensure information is complete and accurate.
6. Conduct required demonstration and inspections of airman, aircraft and
facilities, as appropriate.
7. Analyze results of evaluation.
7.1 Notify applicant, in writing, if deficiencies are found.
7.2 Conduct meeting with applicant to resolve deficiencies.

AIR 2.006 Page 1 of 2

7.3 If all requirements have not been met, notify applicant of certificate
8. If all requirements have been met, prepare Operating Certificate.
9. Document task
9.1 Distribute certification report; retain copy in operator/applicant's office
9.2 Close work tracking record.
10. Future activities.
10.1 Observe operator during first 90 days; schedule additional inspections as
necessary to determine operating practices are at adequate level of safety.

AIR 2.006 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.007
Title: Conduct Administrative Activities for an Air Carrier Operator Applicant
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 91; CASR Part 133,
CASR Part 137.
DAAO Forms: 120-06; 120-07; 120-08; SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-3-1 (Proving Flight
Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-4-1 (Demo Evacuation Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.2-5-1
(Partial Ditching Demo Report); SI 8400 Vol.2 Fig.4-1 (Sample of Air Operator
Certificate); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-9 (Cockpit Enroute Inspection); SI 8400
Vol.3 DAC FORM 8400-10 (Cabin Enroute Inspection); SI 8400 Vol.3 DAC FORM
8400-12 (Ramp Inspection).
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI (O) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II and
III, AC 120-49.
Job Task Description:
To determine if the applicant meets the administrative requirements for a Air Carrier
Operating Certificate.
Job Performance Subtasks:
Pre-application Phase
1. Determine need to conduct administrative activities for Certification of air
1.1 Receive request from applicant.
1.2 Open work tracking record.
2. Conduct orientation review with applicant.
3. Determine if pre-application statement of intent (PASI) is acceptable.
3.1 If PASI is not acceptable, inform applicant of reason(s).
3.1.1 Close work record, if applicable.
4. Conduct pre-application meeting.
4.1 Advise applicant of formal application requirements.
4.1.1 Advise applicant of formal application attachments.
4.2 Conclude pre-application meeting.

AIR 2.007 Page 1 of 2

4.2.1 Applicant adequately prepared.
4.2.2 Applicant not adequately prepared.
4.3 Terminate pre-application process, if applicable.
4.3.1 Close tracking record, if applicable.
Formal Application Phase
5. Review formal application.
5.1 If formal application is not acceptable, inform applicant of reason(s) in
5.1.1 Close and trigger Record, if applicable.
5.2 Evaluate and accept applicant's attachments.
5.3 Determine acceptability of formal application.
6. Conduct formal application meeting.
6.1 Determine if formal application meeting results are acceptable.
Document Compliance Phase
7. Review applicant's documents and determine if acceptable.
7.1 If documents are not acceptable, inform applicant of reason(s).
Demonstration and Inspection Phase
8. Observe and monitor events.
8.1 Determine if applicant's demonstrated policies and procedures are
Certification Phase
9. Prepare certificate.
10. Issue operations specifications and certificate.
11. Prepare certification report.
12. Update applicant's file.
13. Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.007 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.008
Title: Evaluate a Compliance Statement
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 91; CASR Part 133,
CASR Part 137.
DAAO Forms: Compliance Statement Form.
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760
Job Task Description:
Evaluate the compliance statement to determine that all applicable regulatory aspects are
appropriately addressed during the certification process.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initial review of the compliance statement.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Conduct a detailed review of the compliance statement.
3. Document results of the evaluation.
4. If deficiencies are found.
5. Return the compliance statement to the Certificate Holder and advise that the
deficiencies need to be corrected.
6. If deficiencies are not found.
7. Notify the Certificate Holder that the compliance statement is satisfactory.
8. Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.008 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.009
Title: Evaluate a Company Maintenance Manual
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 121; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 145
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760
Job Task Description:
To evaluate an air operator/applicant's company manual or revision to ensure that policies,
procedures and technical criteria meet regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Provide operator/applicant with general manual policies and regulatory
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Evaluate operator/applicants general manual for regulatory compliance.
2.1 Ensure manual contains required organizational elements.
2.2 Ensure manual contains compliance procedures.
2.3 Evaluate manual contents for procedures and information appropriate to
applicable Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR).
2.4 Ensure manual description/procedures meet regulatory requirements.
2.5 Ensure manual has revision control and distribution procedures.
2.6 Ensure definitions unique to operator/applicant are defined.
2.7 Ensure manual contains a list of inspection personnel.
2.8 Ensure manual appropriately describes the inspection program.
2.9 Ensure manual includes duties/responsibilities of ground personnel.
2.10 Ensure manual has programs to be followed while performing
2.11 Ensure manual references appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulations.
2.12 Ensure manual has appropriate references to operations specifications.

AIR 2.009 Page 1 of 2

2.13 Ensure manual provides procedures for reporting and correcting
mechanical irregularities including Minimum Equipment Lists and
deferred maintenance.
2.14 Ensure manual provides procedures to ensure proper parts and materials
are used.
2.15 Ensure manual provides specifics for operator/applicants continuing
analysis and surveillance program.
2.16 Ensure manual includes test flight procedures and limitations.
2.17 Ensure manual includes special/ferry flight procedures and limitations.
2.18 Ensure manual provides procedures for submitting all reports required by
2.19 Ensure manual contains procedures for such items as deicing, towing,
engine change, emergency, etc.
2.20 Ensure manual includes maintenance procedures for Category II/III
programs, as applicable.
3. Analyze findings of evaluation.
3.1 Debrief operator/applicant; discuss any discrepancies and corrective
4. If manual meets all requirements, accept manual.
5. Document task.
5.1 File all supporting paperwork in the operator/applicant's office file.
5.2 Close work tracking record.
6. Future activities.
6.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.010
Title: Approve a Maintenance or Inspection Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR 91, CASR 121, CASR 135, CASR 61, CASR 63, CASR
133, CASR 137.
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; Air Carrier Certification Job Aid
Job Task Description:
To evaluate an applicant/operators maintenance/inspection training
program/record/revision for regulatory compliance.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive maintenance training program/record/revision.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review operator's file for areas requiring special emphasis, as applicable.
3. Evaluate Maintenance/Required Inspection Item (RII) Training Program for
required elements.
4. Observe and evaluate operator/applicant's RII Training.
5. Observe and evaluate operator/applicant performing all required training,
whether performed by operator/applicant or service provider.
6. Analyze findings.
6.1 Advise operator/applicant of any deficiencies; discuss how to resolve
6.2 Evaluate corrective actions.
7. If all applicable requirements have been met.
7.1 Send letter to operator/applicant indicating approval of program.
7.2 Return accepted program to operator/applicant with instructions to provide
a copy to the Certificate Holding District Office.
8. Document task.
8.1 File all supporting paperwork in the operator/applicants file.
8.2 Close work tracking record.

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9. Future activities.
9.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.011
Title: Add Aircraft to Existing Air Carrier Operating Certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 91.
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-06 OPSPEC; 120-06A ACL
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8400 Vol. 2 Chapter 12
Job Task Description:
Approve the addition of an aircraft to an existing AOC Certificate Holders certificate.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review request for amendment to operations specifications.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Evaluate the Certificate Holders written document submissions for regulatory
4. Document unsatisfactory items and return to the air carrier for correction.
5. Evaluate the Certificate Holders training, facilities, equipment, and
demonstrations (other than flight).
6. Conduct proving tests, if required. During the tests, evaluate the operators
compliance with written procedures, adherence to controls, and process measures
for the elements observed in the tests.
7. When all items satisfactory, issue and/or amend operations specifications.
8. Add aircraft to Operations Specifications.
9. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.012
Title: Conduct an Aircraft Conformity Inspection
Approval Date:
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 21; CASR 23; CASR 25; CASR 27; CASR 29; CASR
31; CASR 33; CASR 34; CASR 35; CASR 36; CASR 39; CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR
DAAO Forms: 21-40
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760;SI 8300; SI 21-01; SI 21-02; SI 21-
03; SI 21-04; SI 21-06; SI 21-1 to 21-10; 8400
Job Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders aircraft and associated documentation meet
regulatory requirements and DAAO policies including System Safety Attributes when
applicable. Document any deficiencies discovered during the conformity inspection and
ensure they are corrected prior to adding the aircraft to the Certificate Holders
Operations Specifications (Ops Specs).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review the Certificate Holders submission to ensure compliance with DAAO
regulations and policies.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Identify deficiencies in the Certificate Holders submission.
3. Report identified deficiencies to the Certificate Holder.
4. Conduct aircraft conformity inspection and document any deficiencies.
5. Document and debrief inspection results and add aircraft to the Certificate
Holders Ops Specs if appropriate.
6. Add aircraft to Certificate Holders Ops Specs.
7. Document and debrief Certificate Holder and Principal Operations Inspector
8. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.013
Title: Evaluate Control of Calibrated Tools and Equipment
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification/Approved Maintenance Organization
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 145; CASR 121; CASR 135; SI (O) 121-01
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760 ;
Job Task Description:
To provide an inspection program and a program covering other maintenance, preventive
maintenance, and alterations that includes procedures, standards, and limits necessary for
the periodic inspection and calibration of precision tools, measuring devices, and test
Job Performance Subtasks:
The tasks and questions in this section of the data collection tool (DCT) are designed to
assist the inspector in determining if the certificate holder follows its written procedures
and controls and meets the established performance measures of the process. To
accomplish this, questions have been generated to test both the outputs of the process as
well as the process itself. Question 1 and its following sub questions are directed at the
output(s) of the process, whereas questions 2-6, when answered, should be directed at the
process itself.
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Determine whether the following performance measures were met:
2.1 Were users of precision tools, measuring devices, or test equipment able to
determine the current inspection or calibration status before their use?
2.2 Did the certificate holder adequately monitor the Control of Calibrated
Tools and Test Equipment Program?
2.3 Did the certificate holder have the appropriate inspection and calibration
standards for the Control of Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment?
2.4 Was the certificate holders manual for the Control of Calibrated Tools
and Test Equipment program current?

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2.5 Were personnel who performed inspections and calibrations of precision
tools, measuring devices, and test equipment properly trained?
2.6 Was the certificate holders frequency of inspections and calibration of
precision tools, measuring devices, and test equipment adequate?
2.7 Did the records (i.e., test reports, inspection/calibration reports, or
certificates) provide sufficient information to verify that the measurement
standards used for inspections or calibrations of precision tools, measuring
devices, and test equipment were traceable (directly or indirectly) to a
Standard acceptable to the DGCA or the manufacturer's standards?
2.8 Were the precision tools, measuring devices, and test equipment used for
forming the basis of product acceptance or for making an airworthiness
determination within the inspection or calibration intervals?
2.9 Were calibration records of precision tools, measuring devices, and test
equipment that have received limited calibrations and are used for forming
the basis of product acceptance or making an airworthiness determination
identified as limited calibrations?
2.10 Were users able to determine, before their use, that limited calibrations
were performed on precision tools, measuring devices, or test equipment
used for forming the basis for product acceptance or making an
airworthiness determination?
2.11 Were in-service precision tools, measuring devices, and test equipment
within the inspection and calibration intervals specified in the certificate
holder's Control of Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment program?
2.12 If foreign-manufactured precision tools, measuring devices, and test
equipment were used, were the standards for that equipment approved by
the DGCA?
2.13 Were foreign-manufactured precision tools, measuring devices, and test
equipment used for forming the basis of product acceptance or making an
airworthiness determination in accordance with the certificate holder's
2.14 Were in-service precision tools, measuring devices, and test equipment
within the inspection and calibration specifications in accordance with the
certificate holder's Control of Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment
2.15 Were the environmental conditions and controls followed during the
inspection and calibration of precision tools, measuring devices, and test
2.16 Were precision tools, measuring devices, and test equipment that were
recalled or removed from service, recalled or removed in accordance with
the certificate holder's Control of Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment

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2.17 Were equivalent precision tools, measuring devices, and test equipment
used when forming the basis of product acceptance or making an
airworthiness determination selected in accordance with the certificate
holder's manual?
2.18 Did the calibration records for equivalent precision tools, measuring
devices, and test equipment reveal the same calibration standards and
specifications as recommended by the equipment manufacturer of the
aeronautical product?
2.19 Were personally-owned precision tools, measuring devices, and test
equipment used in accordance with the certificate holder's manual?
2.20 If personally-owned precision tools, measuring devices, and test
equipment were authorized, did that equipment come under the Control of
Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment program?
2.21 Were the storage, handling and transporting of precision tools, measuring
devices, and test equipment performed in accordance with the certificate
holder's program?
3. Were the certificate holder's policies, procedures, instructions, and information,
contained in its manual for the Control of Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment
program, followed?
4. Were the Control of Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment program controls
5. Did the records for the Control of Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment program
comply with the instructions provided in the certificate holder's manual?
6. Were the process measurements for the Control of Calibrated Tools and Test
Equipment program effective in identifying problems or potential problems and
providing corrective action for them?
7. Did personnel properly handle the associated interfaces by complying with other
written policies, procedures, instructions and information that are related to this
The questions in this section address the responsibility and authority of the process. They
are designed to assist the inspector in determining if there is a clearly identifiable,
qualified, and knowledgeable person who is responsible for the process, is answerable for
the quality of the process, and has the authority to establish and modify the process. (The
person with the authority may or may not be the person with the responsibility.)
1. Is there a clearly identified person who is responsible for the quality of the
Control of Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment program?
2. Is there a clearly identified person who has authority to establish and modify the
certificate holder's policies, procedures, instructions, and information for the
Control of Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment program?

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3. Does the responsible person know that he/she has responsibility for the Control
of Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment program?
4. Does the person with authority know that he/she has authority for the Control of
Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment program?
5. Does the person with responsibility for the Control of Calibrated Tools and Test
Equipment program meet the qualification standards?
6. Does the person with authority to establish and modify the Control of Calibrated
Tools and Test Equipment program meet the qualification standards?
7. Does the person with responsibility understand the controls, process
measurements, and interfaces associated with the Control of Calibrated Tools
and Test Equipment program?
8. Does the person with authority understand the controls, process measurements,
and interfaces associated with the Control of Calibrated Tools and Test
Equipment program?
9. Does the responsible person know who has authority to establish and modify the
Control of Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment program?
10. Does the individual with authority know who has the responsibility for the
Control of Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment program?
11. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.019
Title: Evaluate Management Personnel Qualifications
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-61A;120-61B; 120-61C; 120-61D; 120-61E
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (M) 121-01
Job Task Description:
Evaluate the qualifications of maintenance management personnel conducting operations
under an AOC.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to evaluate qualifications of operator/applicant's management
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review operator/applicant's submitted management candidate data.
3. Interview candidate; determine level of knowledge of operator/applicant's
maintenance program, operations specifications and applicable Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations (CASR).
4. Determine the eligibility of candidate.
5. Analyze results of evaluation.
5.1 Debrief operator/applicant; inform of results of evaluation; resolve
discrepancies, as applicable.
6. If candidate successfully meets requirements, issue letter to candidate and
approve operations specifications.
6.1 If an experience deviation is requested, evaluate request; coordinate with
Regional Civil Aviation Division.
6.2 If candidate fails to meet requirements, issue letter of rejection.
7. Document task.
7.1 File all supporting paperwork in the operator/applicants file.
7.2 Close work tracking record.
8. Future activities.
8.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.022
Title: Evaluate an Operator/Applicants Minimum Equipment List (MEL) or
Configuration Deviation List (CDL)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-34 AOC Checklist Evaluation MEL
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 120-05
Job Task Description:
To evaluate an operator/applicants Minimum Equipment List (MEL)/Configuration
Deviation List (CDL) or revision to ensure that all policies, procedures and controls meet
regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive notification of current Master Minimum Equipment List
(MMEL)/mandatory revision.
1.1 Advise operator/applicant of MEL/CDL authorization
requirements/current mandatory MEL revision status.
1.2 Receive operator/applicants proposed MEL, CDL or revision.
1.3 Open work tracking record.
2. Access MMEL Subsystem or and download MMEL for
applicable aircraft/make/model/series.
3. Evaluate/compare operators proposed MEL/revision to MMEL;
evaluate/compare CDL/revision to approved Airplane Flight Manual CDL List
and to all applicable requirements for full compliance Master Minimum
Equipment List (MMEL) Preamble and Definitions.
3.1 Ensure required MEL procedures are developed and included in
operator/applicants maintenance manual.
4. Analyze results of evaluation.
4.1 If submittal is unacceptable, advise operator/applicant of discrepancies
and return proposed MEL/CDL to operator/applicant.
4.2 If submittal is acceptable, approve proposed MEL/CDL or revision.
4.3 Issue/revise operations specifications, as applicable.
5. Document task.
6. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.023
Title: Evaluate a Weight and Balance Control Program
Approval Date: March 13, 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8300 Chapter 74 and 75
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc.9760; SI 8300 Chapter 74 and 75
Job Task Description:
Accepting or approving weight and balance control procedures.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to evaluate operator/applicants weight and balance control
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review operator/applicants submissions for completeness; determine the
validity of the submitted weight and balance information.
3. Review manufacturers program; verify that weight and balance information in
the flight manual is complete and current.
3.1 Ensure that manufacturers procedures cover all aspects of the
operator/applicants intended operation.
3.2 Verify load manifest requirements for multiengine aircraft are met, as
4. Review weight and balance revisions.
4.1 Determine who is responsible for updating weight and balance
4.2 Ensure revision meets regulatory requirements.
4.3 Ensure that revised information has been entered in flight manual or
applicable aircraft weight and balance record following any major change
that may affect weight and balance.
5. Inspect operator/applicants equipment and facilities; determine compliance
with regulatory requirements.

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6. Evaluate operator/applicants weight and balance training; ensure that training
curriculum reflects the basic weight and balance procedures/revisions.
7. Analyze results of evaluation; determine whether aircraft and/or
program/revision meet all requirements.
8. If all requirements have been met, approve weight and balance manual
9. Document task.
9.1 Close work tracking record.
10. Future activities.
10.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.024
Title Approve a Dangerous Goods, Hazardous Materials Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 92: CASR 135: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: Form SI 92-01
Guidance Material References: ICAO Annex 18; SI 92-01
Job Task Description:
Ensure the Certificate Holders Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods Program meets
the requirements in the relevant elements of Civil Aviation Regulations and DGCA
policies, including System Safety Attributes when applicable. Identify and document any
deficiencies in the Certificate Holders Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods Program
and ensure those deficiencies are corrected prior to program approval.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review the Certificate Holders submission and forward to the Regional DGCA
Hazardous Materials Branch Manager (HMBM).
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review the HMBMs recommendation.
3. If recommended by the HMBM, approve the Certificate Holders Hazardous
Materials/Dangerous Goods Program.
4. If not approved by the HMBM, ensure that identified deficiencies are corrected
prior to program approval.
5. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders Hazardous Materials/Dangerous
Goods Program.
6. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.025
Title Evaluate an Aircraft Lease Agreement
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8400 Volume II Chapter 10
Job Task Description:
To evaluate an aircraft lease or interchange agreement.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine if a lease agreement has occurred.
1.1 If lease agreement has occurred, request copy of lease or lease
1.2 Open work tracking record.
1.3 Determine which DAAO Office(s) should be involved in evaluation of
lease agreement(s).
1.4 Determine DAAO Office responsible for approving operations and
maintenance portions of operations specifications.
2. Review lease to ensure aircraft maintenance provisions comply with regulatory
3. Review lessees manuals for regulatory compliance.
4. Review aircraft maintenance records for regulatory compliance.
5. Analyze results of evaluation.
5.1 If lease, lessees manuals and maintenance agency are determined to be
unsatisfactory, advise lessee of deficiencies.
5.2 Evaluate corrective action.
5.3 If all requirements have not been met, issue Letter of Disapproval.
6. If all requirements have been met, approve lease agreement.
6.1 Issue acceptance letter to operator.
6.2 Approve operations specifications proceed to Step 10.
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7. Procedures for evaluating an interchange agreement.
7.1 Review interchange agreement.
7.2 Review less ors operators manual.
7.3 Review lessees operators manual.
8. If all requirements have been met, approve interchange agreement.
8.1 Issue acceptance letter to operator.
8.2 Approve/amend operations specifications.
9. Document task.
9.1 File all supporting paperwork in operator/applicants office file.
9.2 Close work tracking record.
10. Future activities.
10.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.026
Title Evaluate an Exemption, Deviation, or Waiver Request
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI (M) 120-03
Job Task Description:
To evaluate a petition for exemption from a DAAO regulatory requirement.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive petition for exemption.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Evaluate exemption petition for required content and timeliness of submission.
3. Analyze results of evaluation.
3.1 If petition is frivolous or ill-prepared, reject petition.
3.2 If petition meets content requirements, process and advise Regional Flight
Standards Division of petition.
4. If petition is granted, amend operations specifications, as applicable.
4.1 Specify time period of exemption, as applicable.
5. If petition is denied, advise petitioner; document denial.
5.1 Inform petitioner of procedures for petition reconsideration.
6. Document task.
6.1 Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.027
Title: Evaluate a Operators Applicants Deicing Anti-Icing Program/Revision, Facilities
and Equipment
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: belum dibuat
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI perlu dibuat
Job Task Description:
To evaluate an operator/applicant's deicing/anti-icing program, facilities and equipment
to ensure compliance with the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to evaluate deicing/anti-icing program/revision, facilities and
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Brief operator/applicant of requirements for approved deicing/anti-icing
program, facilities and equipment.
3. Review operator/applicant's deicing/anti-icing program submission for
4. Evaluate operator/applicants deicing/anti-icing program submission.
4.1 Conduct a detailed analysis of proposed program, training, facilities and
4.2 Evaluate manual references to, and procedures for, special requirements;
e.g., A.D. Note -- On Center Engine Deicing and Inspection.
4.3 Evaluate manual requirements for aircraft deicing records, for
performance, inspection, and retention.
5. Inspect deice/anti-ice facility and equipment.
5.1 Verify proposed station procedures for deicing personnel training and that
training records are retained and correct.
5.2 Ensure test equipment is appropriately calibrated and records of
calibration are retained and correct Manuals.

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5.3 Verify that deicing material is properly stored per manufacturers
5.4 Verify that proposed station deicing plan is current and appropriate for
that station.
5.5 Verify that deice/anti-ice facilities and equipment are adequate,
appropriate and in safe operating condition.
5.6 Evaluate management plan.
6. Conduct validation test of operator/applicants performance during actual
deicing/anti-icing operations.
7. Analyze results of evaluation.
7.1 Debrief operator/applicant if deficiencies are noted; discuss possible
corrective actions.
7.2 If program is disapproved, list restrictions in operations specifications.
8. When all requirements are met, approve operator/applicants deicing/anti-icing
program and issue operations specifications.
9. Document task.
9.1 Close work tracking record.
10. Future activities.
10.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.028
Title Evaluate a Line Station Facility
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: 8400-11
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760, SI 8300 Volume III Chapter 11
Job Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders station facilities are in compliance with the
Certificate Holders manuals and DAAO regulatory requirements and policies including
System Safety Attributes when applicable. Document the results of the evaluation and
ensure any deficiencies are corrected prior to station approval.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review and become familiar with DAAO regulations and guidelines concerning
air carrier line station operations and facilities.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review the Certificate Holders submission, including manual excerpts and
procedures to ensure compliance with DAAO regulations and policies.
3. Conduct a line station facility evaluation.
4. Compare the observed performance of the Certificate Holders station personnel
to that required by the Certificate Holders manual(s).
5. Discuss and document the results of the evaluation.
6. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.029
Title Evaluate a Maintenance Record-keeping System
Approval Date:
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: 8400-6; 8400-8; 8400-11
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300 Volume III Chapter 6, 8, 11
Job Task Description:
Process used to evaluate a applicants procedures for utilizing, preserving, and retrieving
maintenance records.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to evaluate an operator/applicant's maintenance record-keeping
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review applicants maintenance manual record-keeping procedures.
2.1 Evaluate record-keeping procedures; ensure suitable procedures for
initiating, preserving, and retrieving the required records.
3. Evaluate record-keeping system; ensure regulatory requirements are met.
4. Analyze results of evaluation.
4.1 Advise applicant of deficiencies that must be corrected.
4.2 Notify applicant if results are satisfactory.
4.3 Continue certification process.
5. Task Outcomes.
5.1 Close work tracking record.
5.2 Completion of the task, resulting in a letter to the applicant confirming the
results of the inspection and continuation of the certification process.
5.3 File all supporting paperwork in the operator/applicant's office file.
6. Future activities.
6.1 Schedule follow-up activities as required.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.031
Title Evaluate an Internal Evaluation Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; AC 120-92
Job Task Description:
To evaluate an operator/applicants internal self-audit program meets DAAO regulatory
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive a self-audit program for evaluation.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Evaluate self-audit program.
2.1 Ensure program contains essential elements.
2.2 Ensure program contains procedures and functional responsibilities.
2.3 Ensure program identifies persons having organizational responsibilities
and authority.
2.4 Ensure program provides for top management review to verify program
2.5 Ensure program has procedures for continuous monitoring of policies,
procedures, and managerial systems through scheduled evaluations and
2.6 Ensure program contains procedures for a defined schedule of activities.
2.7 Ensure program includes essential elements and procedures to ensure
corrective action plans are developed in response to safety concerns.
2.8 Ensure program identifies persons or groups responsible for development
of corrective action plans.
2.9 Ensure program has a recordkeeping system for documenting the
performance and results of an internal evaluation.
2.10 Ensure program contains a documented program plan outline.

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3. Analyze results of evaluation.
3.1 Advise operator/applicant of deficiencies in program.
3.2 Advise operator/applicant when program meets DAAO requirements.
4. Document task.
4.1 Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.032
Title: Evaluate Refueling Procedures and Facilities
Approval Date:
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760
Job Task Description:
To evaluate an operator/applicant's refueling procedures and facilities for compliance
with regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to evaluate operator/applicant's refueling procedures and
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Evaluate operator/applicant's refueling procedures and facilities as contained in
company manual.
2.1 Ensure manual indicates whether services will be performed by
operator/applicant or contracted to vendor.
2.2 Ensure manual defines responsibilities, training, inspections and records
for refueling by operator/applicants personnel and/or by contract vendor.
3. Inspect operator/applicant's or contractor's refueling facility and equipment for
adherence to current industry standards.
3.1 Ensure overall responsibility for conduct of refueling is within established
industry standards and is monitored/audited by operator/applicant.
4. Analyze results of evaluation.
4.1 If deficiencies are found, discuss possible corrective actions with
4.2 Evaluate operator/applicants corrective actions.
5. When all requirements have been met, accept operators/applicants refueling
6. Document task.
6.1 File all supporting paperwork in the applicant's office file.
6.2 Close work tracking Record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.033
Title: Evaluate a Maintenance Facility
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135:CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300 Volume III Chapter 2 to 8
Job Task Description:
To evaluate a operators applicants maintenance facility for compliance with regulatory
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to evaluate a maintenance facility.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review operator/applicants technical documentation and equipment type
necessary to perform required maintenance.
3. Review operator/applicants enforcement history for any area requiring special
attention, etc.
4. Inspect operator/applicants technical library.
5. Determine to what extent operator/applicant intends to use contract maintenance
5.1 Determine if contractors facilities are adequate to perform required
6. Evaluate operator/applicants maintenance facilities.
7. Evaluate operator/applicants maintenance record retention system for adequacy
and compliance with Federal Aviation Regulations.
8. Evaluate operator/applicants maintenance organization to ensure adequate
qualified staffing.
9. Evaluate operator/applicants engineering department, as applicable.
10. Inspect the inspection department.
11. Inspect maintenance control, as applicable.

AIR 2.033 Page 1 of 2

12. Inspect maintenance production planning control, as applicable.
13. Inspect operator/applicants maintenance training program, as applicable.
14. Analyze results of evaluation.
14.1 Debrief operator/applicant if deficiencies are noted; discuss possible
corrective actions.
14.2 Evaluate operator/applicants corrective actions.
15. When all requirements are met.
15.1 Certify operator/applicants maintenance facility.
15.2 Issue/amend operations specifications.
16. Document task.
16.1 File all supporting paperwork in the operator/applicant's office file.
16.2 Close work tracking record.
17. Future activities.
17.1 Conduct surveillance activities.

AIR 2.033 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.034
Title: Conduct an Emergency Evacuation or Ditching Demonstration
Approval Date:
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8400 Volume II Chapter 8 figure 2- 4-1
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8400 Volume II Chapter 8
Job Task Description:
To conduct emergency evacuation and ditching demonstration.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for an emergency evacuation/ditching
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Procedures for emergency evacuation demonstration.
2.1 Determine the need for an emergency evacuation demonstration.
2.2 Notify the operator of requirement.
2.3 Evaluate Operators plan and letter of request.
2.4 Assemble DAAO team members.
2.5 Conduct the DAAO team meeting.
2.6 Select exits and approve blocking method.
2.7 Approve the initiation signal.
2.8 Perform a pre-demonstration inspection.
2.9 Attend pre-demonstration briefings.
2.10 Observe the demonstration.
3. Procedures for ditching demonstration.
3.1 Determine the need for a ditching demonstration.
3.2 Notify the operator of the requirement.
3.3 Evaluate the operators plan.
3.4 Assemble the DAAO team.

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3.5 Perform pre-demonstration inspection.
3.6 Observe the demonstration.
4. Evaluating emergency evacuation and ditching demonstrations.
4.1 Evaluate the demonstration.
4.2 Determine if demonstration was unsatisfactory.
4.3 Complete emergency evacuation demonstration report.
4.4 Distribute the report.
5. Task outcomes.
5.1 Close work tracking record.
5.2 Completion of this task will result in a letter of demonstration approval or
a letter of demonstration disapproval.
5.3 Document task.
6. Future activities.

AIR 2.034 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.037
Title: Conduct an Aircraft Proving Test
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: SI 8400 Vol. II Chapter 7 figure 2- 3-1; SI 8400 Vol. 8400-9; 8400-10;
8400-11; 8400-12.
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc.9760; SI (O) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II
Chapter 7
Job Task Description:
To conduct proving tests and evaluate an operator/applicants compliance through the use of
validation tests.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive operator/applicants proving/validation test(s) plan.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Proving Test Procedures.
2.1 Review operator/applicants submitted test plan.
2.2 Conduct DAAO Team Meetings.
2.3 Conduct meeting with operator/applicant.
2.4 Conduct proving test.
2.5 Analyze findings.
2.6 Conduct debriefing.
3. Task Outcomes for Proving Test(s).
3.1 Approve Operations Specifications.
3.2 Complete the Report.
4. Future Activities for Proving Test.
4.1 None.
5. Validation Test Procedure(s).
5.1 Review operator/applicants submitted test plan.
5.2 Conduct DAAO Team Meetings.

AIR 2.037 Page 1 of 2

5.3 Conduct meeting with operator/applicant.
5.4 Conduct proving test.
5.5 Analyze findings.
5.6 Conduct debriefing.
6. Task Outcomes for Proving Test(s).
6.1 File Report.
6.2 Approve Operations Specifications.
6.3 Complete any proving test Reports.
6.4 Close work tracking record.
7. Future Activities for Proving Test.
7.1 None.

AIR 2.037 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.038
Title Issue or Amend Operations Specifications
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI (O) 121-01; SI (O) 120-03
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760, SI (O) 121-01; SI (O) 120-03
Job Task Description:
Guidance for preparation, process, generation and issue of automated operations
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to process operation specifications.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Conduct meeting with operator/applicant to acquire initial information.
3. Complete Operations Specifications Checklist.
4. Complete Operations Specifications Worksheet.
5. Review draft copy of operations specifications.
5.1 Conduct final review of General Operations Specifications - Part A.
5.2 Conduct final review of Maintenance Operations Specifications - Part D.
5.3 Conduct final review of General Operations Specifications, Weight and
Balance - Part E.
5.4 Conduct final review of General Operations Specifications, Maintenance
Time Limitations.
5.5 Conduct final review of General Operations Specifications, Helicopter
Terminal Instrument Procedures and Airport Authorizations and
6. Coordinate draft operations specifications with operator/applicant.
7. Submit final corrections to data entry personnel, if available.
8. Print final operations specifications.

AIR 2.038 Page 1 of 2

9. Conduct final DAAO review of operations specifications for accuracy and
10. Approve operations specifications when all regulatory requirements have been
11. Issuance of operations specifications.
11.1 Forward copy of operations specifications to operator/applicant with
instructions to retain original, to indicate receipt on the copy and return the
copy to Civil Aviation District Office.
11.2 File copies in office file; ensure one copy is forwarded to Civil Aviation
12. Cancellation of operations specifications requested by certificate holder.
12.1 Request letter containing required information; cancel operations
specifications, as applicable.
13. Cancellation of operations specifications by DAAO.
13.1 Notify certificate holder in writing; clearly specify reasons for cancellation.
14. Preparation of amendments not acceptable to operator.
14.1 Prepare amendment; forward to Regional Civil Aviation Division.
15. Emergency amendments.
15.1 Inform supervisor of all pertinent facts; ensure supervisor notifies
Regional Civil Aviation Authority.
16. Document task.
16.1 Close work tracking record.
17. Future activities.
17.1 Conduct additional surveillance to ensure operating practices are
performed at adequate level of safety.

AIR 2.038 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.039
Title: Evaluate a Operator's Airplane Inspection and Maintenance Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-04
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8400 Volume III Chapter 4
Job Task Description:
To evaluate and approve an operator/applicant submitted Airplane Inspection Program
(AIP) and engine maintenance program or revision.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive operator/applicant submitted inspection and maintenance program.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Procedures.
2.1 Schedule and conduct a preliminary meeting with operator/applicant, if
3. Plan and coordinate the task.
4. Evaluate the instructions, procedures and standards for conducting inspection.
5. Evaluate the procedures for scheduling inspections.
6. Evaluate the airplane engine maintenance/overhaul intervals.
7. Evaluate the procedures for reporting and correcting mechanical irregularities.
8. Evaluate the instructions for using the airplane inspection program.
9. Analyze the findings.
10. Conduct debriefings.
11. Task outcomes.
11.1 Close work tracking record.
11.2 Approve or reject airplane inspection program/revision.
12. Future activities.
12.1 Schedule of events.
12.2 Policies and procedure manual.

AIR 2.039 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.040
Title: Evaluate a Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program
Approval Date:
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8300-7
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300 Vol. II Chapter 13; Vol. III
Chapter 7
Job Task Description:
To evaluate a operator/applicants Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program
(CAMP) for compliance with regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate evaluation of a CAMP.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Brief operator/applicant.
2.1 Provide applicable guidance materials and policies; advise of regulations.
3. Review schedule of events; ensure task can be accomplished within the schedule.
4. Evaluate submitted organizational documentation.
4.1 Ensure CAMP includes both maintenance function and inspection function
and that both organizations are separate.
5. Determine that operator/applicant's selected contractors have an organization
adequate to perform maintenance/inspection contracted in accordance with
6. Verify CAMP encompasses a set of procedures that ensures maintenance,
preventive maintenance and alterations are performed in accordance with
operator's manual and not contrary to Regulations.
7. Verify CAMP incorporates a set of procedures that ensures airworthiness
inspections and Required Inspection Item (RII) inspections are performed in
accordance with Regulations and operator's manual.
8. Verify CAMP contains a list of designated items of maintenance and alterations
that shall be inspected and will be identified by abbreviation "RII".

AIR 2.040 Page 1 of 2

8.1 Confirm CAMP has an organization adequate to perform RII inspections.
8.2 Confirm RII organization is manned by properly certificated, trained,
qualified and authorized personnel.
8.3 Ensure CAMP contains inspection and maintenance procedures for all of
the aircraft, engines, propellers and appliances.
8.4 Ensure operator/applicant has established and maintains a system for
continuing analysis and surveillance of performance and effectiveness of
inspection and maintenance program.
9. Evaluate CAMP structural inspection procedures.
9.1 Ensure each level of inspection is clearly defined in operator/applicant's
CAMP maintenance program.
9.2 Determine if any aircraft are subject to, and meet the requirements of, a
supplemental inspection document which requires age-related structural
9.3 Ensure operator/applicant's CAMP contains corrosion control procedures.
9.4 Ensure operator/applicant's CAMP contains Maintenance Review
Board/manufacturer's routine structural inspection requirements.
10. Evaluate maintenance records/system.
11. Evaluate procedures to determine maintenance personnel qualifications and
11.1 Evaluate instructions to ensure persons performing RIIs are under the
control of the inspection department.
12. Analyze results of evaluation.
12.1 If deficiencies are found, schedule meeting with operator/applicant to
discuss needed changes and resolutions.
13. If all regulatory requirements have been met, approve CAMP.
13.1 Amend operator/applicant's operations specifications.
13.2 Return original program documents to operator/applicant with instructions
to provide a copy of program to Civil Aviation Authority Office.
14. Document task.
14.1 File all supporting paperwork in the operator/applicant's office file.
14.2 Close work tracking record.
15. Future activities.
15.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

AIR 2.040 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.041
Title: Approve Parts/Parts Pool/Parts Borrowing Authorization for a Operator
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: SI 8300-4; SI 8300-11.
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI 8300
Vol. III Chapter 11;
Job Task Description:
Provide guidance for evaluating and approving aircraft parts/parts pool/parts borrowing
authorization in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for parts/parts pool/parts borrowing authorization.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Procedures.
2.1 Review parts pool authorization procedures contained in
operator/applicants manual.
2.2 Inspect parts pool authorization facility/facilities contained in
operator/applicants manual.
3. Analyze results.
3.1 Advise operator of any discrepancies during inspection.
3.2 Schedule meeting with operator to discuss and/or resolve problem area(s).
4. Task Outcome.
4.1 Close work tracking record.
4.2 Completion of task, resulting in issuance of Operations Specifications.
4.3 Document Task.
5. Future activities.
5.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.042
Title: Evaluate a Continuing Analysis and Surveillance Program (CASP)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 135; CASR 121
DAAO Forms: perlu dibuat
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300 Vol.3 Chapter 4; SI (M)
Job Task Description:
To ensure an operator/applicant's Continuing Analysis and Surveillance Program
(CASP)/revision meets the necessary requirements for certification or revision.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate evaluation of CASP/revision.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Advise operator/applicant on program requirements and procedures.
3. Evaluate operator/applicants program/revision.
3.1 Ensure program/revision has a system to identify all maintenance
deficiencies and to implement corrective action.
3.2 Evaluate audit function to ensure program procedures include all
necessary requirements.
3.3 Evaluate performance analysis function to ensure company procedures
include all necessary requirements.
3.4 Review operator/applicants CASP/revision to ensure program audits and
analyses complete maintenance and inspection function.
3.5 Ensure operator/applicants control of CASP is separate from other
maintenance functions.
3.6 Verify operator/applicant has developed company procedures that ensure
all contractors used to perform maintenance will inform operator/applicant
of all deficiencies, failures, service times and any other essential
4. Review operator/applicants manual for required content/procedures.

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4.1 Ensure manual contains organizational responsibilities and accountability
for control of CASP.
5. Evaluate available CASP staffing.
6. Analyze results of evaluation.
6.1 Discuss discrepancies with operator/applicant and advise which areas need
corrective action.
7. When all requirements have been met, accept CASP/revision.
8. Document task.
8.1 File all supporting paperwork in the operator/applicant's office file.
8.2 Close work tracking record.
9. Future activities.
9.1 Conduct routine surveillance.

AIR 2.042 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.043
Title: Approve a Reliability Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: perlu dibuat
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 4; SI (O)
Job Performance Task:
Approving reliability programs and providing technical assistance to the certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to evaluate a reliability program/revision.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Meet with operator/applicant.
2.1 Inform operator/applicant of reliability program requirements.
3. Evaluate program application procedures.
3.1 Ensure program defines components and systems by Air Transportation
Association chapter controlled by the reliability program.
3.2 Ensure program defines portion of maintenance program controlled by the
reliability program.
4. Evaluate organizational structure and relationships among elements responsible
for administering the program.
5. Evaluate organizational activities and responsibilities.
6. Evaluate data collection system; ensure all required elements are included.
7. Evaluate methods of data analysis and application to maintenance controls.
8. Evaluate procedures for establishing and revising performance standards.
9. Evaluate program definitions; verify program defines all significant terms.
10. Evaluate program displays and status of corrective action programs and
11. Evaluate interval adjustments and process and/or task changes system.
12. Evaluate procedures for program revision.
13. Evaluate procedures for maintenance control changes.
14. Analyze results of evaluation.
14.1 If deficiencies are found, determine corrective actions; advise operator in
15. If all requirements have been met, approve reliability program.
15.1 Issue/amend operations specifications.
16. Document task.
16.1 File all supporting paperwork in operator/applicant's office file.
16.2 Close work tracking Record.
17. Future activities.
17.1 Conduct normal surveillance.
ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.044
Title Evaluate a Structural Inspection Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: 3.3.29
Regulation References:
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760
Job Task Description:
To determine that an operator/applicants structural inspection program is adequate and
in compliance with the regulations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive structural inspection program for evaluation.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review structural inspection program; ensure it contains instructions, methods
and procedures for performing inspections.
3. Ensure program contains corrosion control procedures.
4. Ensure program contains procedures for performing detailed inspections of areas
where maintenance is being performed to detect cracks, distortion and corrosion,
to examine attachment parts, and to determine the condition of the area.
5. Ensure that structural inspection program contains adequate methods to identify
candidate aircraft.
6. Verify that structural inspection program accounts for any special facilities,
equipment or training to accomplish its objectives.
7. Ensure that program references, or incorporates, Maintenance Review Board
documents, manufacturers instructions, Airworthiness Directives notes, and has
an adequate revision policy to add change requirements in a timely manner.
8. Analyze results of evaluation.
8.1 Advise operator/applicant of any deficiencies.
8.2 Evaluate corrective actions.
9. Approve program if all regulatory requirements have been met.
9.1 Issue/amend operations specifications.

AIR 2.044 Page 1 of 2

10. Document task.
10.1 File all supporting paperwork in operator/applicant's office file.
10.2 Close work tracking record.
11. Future activities.
11.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.045
Title: Special Flight Permit with Continuing Authorization to Conduct Ferry Flights
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Job Task Description:
To evaluate an application to amend operations specifications for a special flight permit
to conduct ferry flights.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for continuing authorization to conduct ferry flights.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Procedures.
2.1 Ensure operator has applied for an operations specifications amendment
with appropriate Civil Aviation Authority office.
2.2 Determine if aircraft is capable of safe flight.
2.3 Review operators manual - verify manual contains all required
procedures for special flights.
3. Notify CAA Accident Coordinator prior to any authorization if aircraft was
involved in accident/incident.
4. Task Outcomes.
4.1 Close work tracking record.
4.2 If all regulatory requirements have been met, issue operations
specifications amendment for continuing authorization to conduct
continuing ferry flights.
4.3 Document task - file all supporting paperwork in the operator's office file.
5. Future activities.
5.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.046
Title: Evaluate Operators Short-Term Escalation Procedure/Revision
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References:
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
Approving short-term escalation procedures based on operations specifications.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from operator for approval of short-term escalation procedure
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review operators short-term escalation procedures:
2.1 List management personnel with escalation approval authority

2.2 Define the maximum limitations for a short-term escalation

2.3 Contain criteria that define the type of data acceptable for justifying a short-term

2.4 Ensure the short-term escalation corresponds to the overall maintenance program
and will not create an unsafe condition

2.5 Restrict the occurrence of repetitive short-term escalations that indicate a need
for a change in the maintenance program.

2.6 Provide a method for recording all escalations with provisions for
submitting/reporting each request/use of an escalation to the Certificate Holding
District Office
3. Task Outcomes.
3.1 When all requirements have been met, approve operations specifications.
3.2 Close work tracking record.
4. Future activities.

AIR 2.046 Page 1 of 2

4.1 Monitor operation for continued compliance; ensure authorization is not being
abused and that manual procedures are being followed

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.047
Title: Evaluate a Prorated Time Authorization
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
Provide guidance in determining the prorated time of an item.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for prorated time authorization.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Receive request for prorated time authorization.
2.1 Evaluate operators data submission for eligibility, completeness and
2.2 Determine that aircraft and/or components are eligible for proration.
2.3 Check prorated time computation for accuracy.
3. Task Outcomes.
3.1 Close work tracking record.
3.2 When all requirements have been met, approve operations specifications.
3.3 Document task.
4. Future activities.
4.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

AIR 2.047 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.048
Title: Evaluate a Operator's Service Contractual Arrangement
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121, CASR 135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To evaluate a operator/applicant's contractual arrangement for compliance with
regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to evaluate an operator/applicant's contractual maintenance
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review contract or agreement documents submitted by operator/applicant for
required content.
3. Review operator/applicants continuous airworthiness program.
3.1 Review operators operations specifications.
3.2 Determine contractual category, related provisions and restrictions.
4. Ensure contract/referenced documents contain required descriptions.
5. Ensure operator/applicant's manuals includes required contractor information
and procedures.
6. Verify contractor maintenance manuals used to perform contract maintenance
are accepted in operator/applicants manual.
7. Determine contractor capabilities and facilities to perform contract work.
7.1 Coordinate inspection of facility with Civil Aviation Certificate Holding
Office having responsibility for contract service provider.
8. Analyze results of evaluation.
8.1 Return any documents failing to meet requirements and provide
operator/applicant guidance for correction.

AIR 2.048 Page 1 of 2

8.2 Review operator/applicants documents after suggested corrections have
been incorporated.
8.3 If contractor is determined to be unsatisfactory, deny operator/applicant
use of that contractor.
9. If operators manual and contracted agency is determined to be satisfactory,
accept manual and approve operations specifications, if appropriate.
10. Document task.
10.1 Close work tracking record.
11. Future activities.
11.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

AIR 2.048 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.049
Title: Approve a Contract Reliability Program/Revision
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR 121;CASR135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To approve a contract reliability program for operator/applicant.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to evaluate contract reliability program.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Meet with operator/applicant.
2.1 Provide information on reliability program requirements.
3. Contact contractors Certificate Holding District Office.
3.1 Ensure contractor has a valid certificate, approved continuous
airworthiness maintenance program, and approved reliability program (if
applicable) for the type equipment operated by operator/applicant.
3.2 Review content of contractors reliability program (if applicable).
3.3 Determine the types of equipment operator/applicant has in operation.
4. Determine if operator/applicant and contractors equipment, utilization.
5. Evaluate operator/applicants and contractors organizational structures.
6. Evaluate organizational responsibilities.
7. Evaluate data collection system.
8. Evaluate methods of data analysis and application to maintenance controls.
9. Evaluate operator/applicants manual.
10. Evaluate procedures for establishing and revising reliability program.
11. Evaluate procedures for revising performance standards.
12. Evaluate reliability program definitions.

AIR 2.049 Page 1 of 2

13. Evaluate program displays and status of corrective action programs.
14. Evaluate procedures for maintenance control changes.
15. Review contractual agreement.
16. Inspect contract maintenance facility.
17. Analyze results of evaluation.
17.1 If deficiencies are found, determine corrective actions and advise operator;
agree on corrective actions to be taken.
17.2 If discrepancies are found in approved reliability program, contract
contractors Principal Airworthiness Inspector to resolve discrepancies.
18. Approve reliability program if all requirements have been met.
18.1 Issue/amend operations specifications.
19. Document task.
19.1 Close work tracking Record.
20. Future activities.
20.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

AIR 2.049 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.051
Title: Add a helicopter to an existing external load certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121;CASR 135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To add an aircraft to an existing certificate.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from operator.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review operations specifications.
3. Evaluate rotorcraft load combination flight manual.
4. Conduct necessary inspections.
5. Issue revised Operations Specifications.
6. Issue new list of approved rotorcraft.
7. Issue amended certificate, if required.
8. Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.051 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.055
Title: Issue Operations Specifications for a Rotorcraft Operator
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To authorize specific operations unique to operators and state the conditions and
limitations of those operations through operations specifications.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need to issue operating limitations.
1.1 Receive request from operator to conduct Instrument Meteorological
Conditions (IMC) or Class D operations.
1.2 Open work tracking record.
2. Review requirements for submitting operations specifications for IMC and/or
Class D operations with applicant.
3. Determine if proposed operations specifications meet requirements.
3.1 Approve operations specifications.
3.2 Disapprove operations specifications not meeting requirements.
4. Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.055 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.058
Title: Evaluate an Extended Range Operations with Two-Engine Airplane (ETOPS)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
Determine that the Certificate Holders ETOPS Program meets DAAO regulatory
requirements and policies including System Safety Attributes when applicable.
Document and identify any deficiencies in the Certificate Holders ETOPS Program and
ensure those deficiencies are corrected prior to program approval.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review DAAO ETOPS regulations and policies.
1.1 Open work tracking report.
2. Review the Certificate Holders submission, including manual excerpts and
ensure compliance with DAAO Regulations and Policies.
3. Determine program compliance.
4. Notify Certificate Holder of any deficiencies that require correction prior to
program approval.
5. Coordinate an en route evaluation/demonstration of the Certificate Holders
ETOPS procedures and document the results.
6. Coordinate an evaluation of the Certificate Holders dispatch/flight release
ETOPS operations and document the results.
7. Coordinate an evaluation of the Certificate Holders dispatch/flight release
ETOPS operations and document the results.
8. Approve and authorize the Certificate Holders ETOPS program.
9. Close work tracking report.

AIR 2.058 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.059
Title: Evaluate a Reduced Separation Minimums (RSVM) Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To ensure an operators aircraft and maintenance program meet regulatory requirements
for operations in Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM) airspace.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for approval to operate in RVSM airspace.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
1.2 Update record in a timely manner during evaluation process; make
separate record entries as required.
2. Conduct pre-application meeting in coordination with operations inspectors;
inform operator of required documentation, DAAO requirements for initial and
continuing approval to operate in RVSM airspace, and timing of events.
2.1 If operator requests deviation from -RVSM, forward request for assistance
through Regional DAAO.
3. Review/evaluate operator RVSM application in coordination with operations
inspectors; ensure content complies with regulations.
3.1 Review operators airworthiness documents; ensure aircraft has been
approved by appropriate airworthiness authorities and aircraft
manufacturer for RVSM operations.
3.2 Determine if aircraft evaluation is covered by group approval or must be
evaluated as a non-group aircraft.
3.3 Evaluate operators configuration list detailing all components and
equipment relevant to RVSM operations for function and minimum
equipment fit.

AIR 2.059 Page 1 of 3

3.4 Evaluate operator documents showing required inspections and/or
hardware and software modifications have been completed on each
airframe that will operate in RVSM airspace.
3.5 Evaluate operators submitted continuing airworthiness RVSM
maintenance program; ensure program includes scheduled
inspections/tests to verify systems continue to meet RVSM standards.
3.6 Determine operator facilities are available and adequate to ensure
continued compliance with RVSM maintenance requirements.
3.7 Evaluate operators maintenance documents/manuals and minimum
equipment list procedures for RVSM maintenance.
3.8 Ensure operators program contains all regulatory maintenance practices.
3.9 Ensure operators program contains all regulatory maintenance training
3.10 Ensure operators test equipment has the capability to demonstrate
continuing compliance with all parameters established for RVSM approval.
3.11 Ensure operators test equipment calibration program meets regulatory
3.12 Evaluate any additional special procedures needed to ensure continued
3.13 Evaluate non-group aircraft ground flight test requirements for ensuring
continued integrity and accuracy of altimetry systems.
3.14 Ensure in-flight defect reporting procedures require sufficient detail to
enable maintenance to identify, troubleshoot and repair height-keeping
system discrepancies.
3.15 Evaluate operators past operating history for incidents related to height-
keeping indicative of weaknesses in training or aircraft maintenance.
3.16 Review operators program and requirements for verifying and monitoring
altitude-keeping performance.
3.17 Review operators procedures for Certificate Holding District Office
notification of completed monitoring requirements.
4. Conduct RVSM validation flights as required; verify RVSM maintenance
procedures are used effectively.
5. Analyze results of evaluation.
5.1 If discrepancies are found, notify operator; evaluate corrective action.
6. Submit necessary data to the appropriate Aircraft Certification Office for review.
7. Inform operator that any variation/modification from initial installation that
affects RVSM approval requires clearance by airframe manufacturer and DAAO.

AIR 2.059 Page 2 of 3

8. If all regulatory requirements for operations in RVSM airspace have been met,
issue letter of authorization or issue/amend operations specifications, as
8.1 Direct questions regarding issuance of operations specifications to DAAO
Air Transportation Office.
9. Document task.
9.1 Register approved airframes on DAAO RSVM Approvals Database.
9.2 Close work tracking record.
10. Future activities.
10.1 Closely monitor operator incidence of height-keeping errors and operator
actions to rectify errors.
10.2 Consider removing RVSM operational approval if operator response to
height-keeping errors is not effective or timely.

AIR 2.059 Page 3 of 3

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.061
Title: Evaluate a Category II and Category III Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations/Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91, CASR 121, CASR 63
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To evaluate a Operator's Category II or Category III Lower Landing Weather Minimums
Application/Program/revision to ensure that maintenance policies and procedures comply
with the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive operator's application for Category II or Category III Program/revision
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Coordinate application with Principal Operations Inspector, Civil Aviation
Regional Division.
3. Verify operators submitted data for completeness.
3.1 Validate basis for application to conduct lower minimums.
4. Contact type certificating region.
4.1 Determine aircraft/equipment approvals for lower minimums operation.
5. Resolve deviation requests before proceeding.
6. Coordinate evaluation with DAAO Engineering, as required.
7. Ensure submitted lower minimums programs meet all requirements, as
7.1 Evaluate operators maintenance manual/procedures.
7.2 Evaluate lower landing minimums maintenance training programs.
7.3 Evaluate test equipment and standards.
7.4 Evaluate functional flight checks policy/procedures.
7.5 Evaluate Minimum Equipment List procedures.

AIR 2.061 Page 1 of 2

8. Evaluate existing maintenance inspection program and recordkeeping for
completeness and adequacy for lower minimums program.
8.1 Ensure existing reliability program is adequate for lower minimums
operations, as applicable.
9. Evaluate operators validation tests.
9.1 Confirm airworthiness of Category II or Category III airborne equipment.
10. Analyze results of evaluations.
10.1 Advise operator/applicant of any deficiencies.
10.2 Evaluate corrective actions.
11. Prepare final report with analysis and recommendations.
11.1 Coordinate findings with Principal Operations Inspector for sending all
documentation to Regional Civil Aviation Division.
11.2 If all requirements have been satisfied, approve airworthiness portion of
lower landing minimum maintenance/inspection program/revision.
12. Document task.
12.1 Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.061 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.062
Title: Evaluate an Avionics Equipment Approval
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121 CASR 135
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To evaluate the approval of avionics equipment and instruments to ensure compliance with
Civil Aviation Safety Regulations and industry standards.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to evaluate avionics test equipment/program.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review applicable regulations to determine which instruments and/or equipment
require approval.
3. Verify approval.
3.1 If equipment data plate does not indicate appropriate approval status,
determine method by which equipment received approval through operators
3.2 Ensure all avionics equipment requiring DAAO approval has appropriate
documentation for that approval.
3.3 Ensure that the equipment is used only on the aircraft for which it is approved.
3.4 Ensure that any spare instruments/equipment are approved.
4. Review air carrier documents, as appropriate.
4.1 Ensure that instruments and equipment are appropriately identified.
5. Analyze results of evaluation.
5.1 If deficiencies are found, notify operator in writing; evaluate corrective
6. Document task.
6.1 Close work tracking record.
7. Future activities.
7.1 Conduct follow-up inspections, as required.

AIR 2.062 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.063
Title: Conduct a Validation Test
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations/Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
Determine that a Certificate Holders validation test procedures enable test to be
completed within the appropriate time and accordance with DAAO regulatory
requirements, guidance, and policy.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for a validation test and notify the Certificate Holder.
1.1 Open work tracking report.
2. Determine if a validation test is required, notify Certificate Holder, and request
Certificate Holders plan.
3. Develop validation test requirements.
4. Evaluate Certificate Holders validation test plan.
5. Conduct a pre-demonstration meeting.
6. Observe the Certificate Holders validation test and document the results.
7. Document and debrief validation test results.
8. Close work tracking report.

AIR 2.063 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.301
Title: Certificate an AMO
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 145
DAAO Forms: 145 KU (03-04); DAAO Form 145-02
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Job Task Description:
Evaluate an applicant for certification of a domestic or satellite AMO in accordance with
the Civil Aviation Regulations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial inquiry for certification of AMO/satellite station.
1.1 Provide Pre-application Statement of Intent (PASI) form to applicant.
1.2 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Initiate certification process.
2.1 Review submitted PASI for content.
2.2 Return PASI to applicant, with letter stating deficiencies, if found
2.3 If corrective actions are satisfactory, DAAO designates a Certification
2.4 Obtain pre-certification/certification number.
2.5 Forward PASI to Regional DAAO Office, if required.
3. Conduct a pre-application meeting with Certification Team and applicant.
3.1 Inform applicant of contents required in formal application package to be
submitted by applicant.
4. Receive formal application package.
4.1 Evaluate formal application package.
4.2 Return unacceptable documents to applicant with a letter stating
5. Conduct formal application meeting.

AIR 2.301 Page 1 of 2

6. Review application package for regulatory requirements.
6.1 Return any documents found unacceptable with a letter stating
6.2 Schedule facility inspection after determining all documents are submitted
and correct.
7. Perform housing and facility inspection.
8. Evaluate maintenance organization.
9. Analyze results of evaluation.
10. When all regulatory requirements have been met.
10.1 Issue operations specifications.
11. Document task.
11.1 Prepare and distribute Certification Report.
11.2 File all supporting paperwork in the certificate holder/applicant's office
11.3 Close Work Tracking Record.
12. Future activities.
12.1 DAAO must ensure orderly transformation from certification process to
certificate management.

AIR 2.301 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.302
Title: Evaluate AMO Facilities and Equipment
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 145
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 145-54
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Job Task Description:
Evaluate an applicant for certification of a domestic or satellite AMO in accordance with
the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial inquiry for certification of AMO /satellite station.
1.1 Provide Pre-application Statement of Intent (PASI) form to applicant.
1.2 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Initiate certification process.
2.1 Review submitted PASI for content.
2.2 Return PASI to applicant, with letter stating deficiencies, if found
2.3 If corrective actions are satisfactory, DAAO designates a Certification
2.4 Obtain pre-certification/certification number.
2.5 Forward PASI to Regional DAAO Office, if required.
3. Conduct a pre-application meeting with Certification Team and applicant.
3.1 Inform applicant of contents required in formal application package to be
submitted by applicant.
4. Receive formal application package.
4.1 Evaluate formal application package.
4.2 Return unacceptable documents to applicant with a letter stating
5. Conduct formal application meeting.

AIR 2.302 Page 1 of 2

6. Review application package for regulatory requirements.
6.1 Return any documents found unacceptable with a letter stating
6.2 Schedule facility inspection after determining all documents are submitted
and correct.
7. Perform housing and facility inspection.
8. Evaluate maintenance organization.
9. Analyze results of evaluation.
10. When all regulatory requirements have been met.
10.1 Issue operations specifications.
11. Document task.
11.1 Prepare and distribute Certification Report.
11.2 File all supporting paperwork in the certificate holder/applicant's office
11.3 Close Work Tracking Record.
12. Future activities.
12.1 DAAO must ensure orderly transformation from certification process to
certificate management.

AIR 2.302 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.303
Title: Evaluate AMO Inspection Procedures Manual
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 145
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 145-57
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Job Task Description:
To evaluate a applicant's inspection procedures manual/revision for regulatory
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive applicant's inspection procedures manual/revision for evaluation.
1.1 Ensure submission includes at least two copies of the manual/revision.
1.2 Ensure each page is signed by an authorized person representing the
applicant or air agency.
1.3 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review applicant's manual to ensure it meets regulatory requirements.
2.1 Evaluate manual procedures for inspecting incoming materials.
2.2 Evaluate manual procedures for performing preliminary inspections of
articles to be repaired.
2.3 Evaluate manual procedures for performing hidden damage inspections of
damaged parts.
2.4 Evaluate manual procedures for in-progress inspection while work or
disassembly of components is on-going.
2.5 Evaluate manual procedures for final inspection and testing of units at
completion of work.
2.6 Ensure that a system of forms is included in the manual for recording the
results of all inspections, work-in-progress and a method of retaining work
2.7 Evaluate manual procedures for briefing the next shift of the exact status
of work in progress.

AIR 2.303 Page 1 of 2

2.8 Evaluate manual procedures for authorizations for approval for return to
service and work releases.
2.9 Evaluate any additional material included in the manual; ensure it is not
contrary to the regulations.
2.10 Evaluate the manual revision system.
3. Perform a facilities inspection, as applicable.
3.1 Inspect facility if manual revision includes equipment or facilities change.
4. Analyze results of evaluation.
4.1 If discrepancies are found, notify applicant, in writing; explain
discrepancies; return manual.
4.2 Explain that manual must be corrected before certification process can
continue; evaluate corrective actions.
5. When all regulatory requirements have been met, Approved on affected
manual pages; file office copy of manual.
6. Document task.
6.1 File all supporting paperwork in the certificate holder/applicant's office
6.2 Close Work Tracking Record.

AIR 2.303 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.304
Title: Evaluate an AMO Training Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 145
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 145-60
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Job Task Description:
To evaluate an applicant training program/record/revision for regulatory compliance.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive maintenance training program/record/revision.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review operator's file for areas requiring special emphasis, as applicable.
3. Evaluate Training Program for required elements.
3.1 Initial and recurrent training requirements for Inspectors, Supervisors,
Managers, and Support Staff.
3.2 Training program covers the scope of maintenance performed at the AMO.
3.3 Training program reviewed at periodic intervals.
3.4 Training course subjects and objectives defined.
3.5 Training program areas of study and sources defined.
3.6 Instructors qualification requirements.
3.7 Training program documentation and record keeping.
3.8 Training program revision method.
3.9 Specific training requirements of air operators.
3.10 Training of interim maintenance employees.
4. Observe and evaluate applicant performing all required training, whether
performed by applicant or service provider.
5. Analyze findings.
5.1 Advise applicant of any deficiencies; discuss how to resolve deficiencies.

AIR 2.304 Page 1 of 2

5.2 Evaluate corrective actions.
6. If all applicable requirements have been met.
6.1 Send letter to applicant indicating approval of program.
7. Document task.
7.1 File all supporting paperwork in the applicants file.
7.2 Close work tracking record.
8. Future activities.
8.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

AIR 2.304 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.305
Title: Inspect AMO Personnel Records
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Aircraft Maintenance Organization (AMO) Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 145
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 145-59
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Job Task Description:
To determine if an approved maintenance organizations personnel records are in
compliance with Civil Aviation Safety Regulations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of personnel records.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review certificate holders Office file for outstanding issues and areas of special
3. Review AMOs operations specifications.
4. Review AMO manual.
5. Inspect AMO personnel records.
5.1 Evaluate repair station personnel qualifications and authorizations for
appropriateness to maintenance functions being performed.
5.2 Ensure personnel directly in charge of maintenance functions are
certificated in accordance with Civil Aviation Safety Regulations.
5.3 Inspect current roster of supervisory personnel for currency and accurate
reflection of all personnel assigned these duties.
5.4 Ensure personnel roster includes all authorized signatures for "Return to
Service" and indicates each person's area of responsibility.
5.5 Inspect current roster of inspection personnel.
5.6 Inspect current employment summary of each person whose name is on
required roster.
6. Review maintenance records, forms, return to service and signatures for
compliance with regulatory requirements and certificate holder's manual.

AIR 2.305 Page 1 of 2

7. Ensure personnel records are completed and retained as required.
8. Analyze results of inspection.
8.1 If deficiencies are found, advise certificate holder; confirm in writing.
8.2 Follow up on and evaluate corrective action.
9. Document task.
9.1 File all supporting paperwork in certificate holder's office file.
9.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
10. Future activities.
10.1 Conduct a follow-up inspection, as applicable.

AIR 2.305 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.306
Title: Approve an Altimeter Setting Source
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Avionics
Training Category: Aircraft Maintenance Organization (AMO) Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 145
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 145-55
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Job Task Description:
To evaluate an altimeter setting source for initial approval.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to approve an altimeter setting source.
1.1 Request was initially received by DAAO Office.
1.2 Ensure applicant has read and understands guidance material on Altimeter
Setting Sources.
1.3 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Inspect facility location.
2.1 Ensure facility is maintained at a reasonably consistent temperature, free
from drafts.
2.2 Ensure altimeter mounting precludes damage or mishandling, and is in a
reasonably permanent location.
2.3 Ensure facility has established a known height above sea level +/- one foot
that is marked on instruments or posted immediately adjacent to them.
2.4 Evaluate method to be used in communicating altimeter setting
information to the pilot.
3. Inspect station instruments.
3.1 Ensure applicant has provided two aircraft type sensitive altimeters TSO
C10b requirements, as applicable.
3.2 Ensure altimeters have been calibrated within 30 days by a DGCA
Approved facility.
4. Inspect applicants recordkeeping system.

AIR 2.306 Page 1 of 2

5. Analyze results of inspection.
5.1 Advise applicant of any deficiencies; discuss required corrective actions.
5.2 Evaluate corrective actions.
6. When all applicable requirements have been met, complete inspection report.
6.1 Distribute inspection report.
7. Document task.
7.1 Close Work Tracking Record.
8. Future activities.
8.1 Transfer certification activities to normal surveillance.

AIR 2.306 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.307
Title: Inspect a Foreign AMO
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Aircraft Maintenance Organization (AMO) Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 145
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 145-57; 145-60;145-61;145-56;145-01;145-59;145-42
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760 ; SI 8300
Job Task Description:
To inspect a foreign AMO to ensure facilities and equipment meet the requirements of
the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of AMO facilities and equipment.
1.1 Review applicable regulations and guidance for repair stations.
1.2 Review certificate holder's inspection procedures manual.
1.3 Review office file or coordinate with DAAO Office for outstanding issues
and areas requiring special emphasis.
1.4 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Coordinate inspection with certificate holder, as appropriate.
2.1 Invite the Civil Aviation Authority of the country where the repair station
is located to participate in the inspection.
2.2 Notify Embassy, as a courtesy.
3. Evaluate AMO documentation.
3.1 Inspect and evaluate certificate holder's documentation, certificates and
ratings for appropriateness.
3.2 Inspect and evaluate personnel roster for adequacy of staffing,
qualifications, certification and authorizations for "Return to Service".
3.3 Inspect and evaluate technical and regulatory data used by station; ensure
data is appropriate, current, complete and adequate for maintenance
functions being performed.
3.4 Ensure station records are completed and retained as required.

AIR 2.307 Page 1 of 3

3.5 Ensure required Malfunction or Defect reports and other reports are
submitted as required.
4. Inspect certificate holder's parent and off-site facilities, as appropriate.
4.1 Verify AMO has suitable housing for its equipment and materials.
4.2 Verify AMO has suitable space for work it performs.
4.3 Verify AMO has suitable facilities for storing, segregating and protecting
materials, parts and supplies.
4.4 Verify AMO has suitable facilities for protecting parts during maintenance
and for protecting workers.
4.5 Verify AMO has suitable assembly space in an enclosed structure for
largest item to be maintained.
4.6 Verify AMO has suitable storage facilities to ensure protection of parts
and units subject to damage and/or deterioration from dampness or
4.7 Verify AMO shops and storage facilities are adequately ventilated to
ensure workers are not physically impaired.
4.8 Verify AMO is adequately lighted to ensure quality of maintenance is not
4.9 Verify AMO adequately controls environment to ensure airworthiness of
articles being maintained and general housekeeping practices.
4.10 Verify availability of aircraft facilities for airframe rated AMO.
5. Inspect AMOs equipment.
5.1 Verify AMO has adequate trays, racks or stands for segregating and
covering engine or accessory components and parts.
5.2 Verify propeller rated repair station has suitable stands, racks, or other
fixtures for proper storage of propellers being maintained.
5.3 Verify instrument rated AMO is reasonably dust free and precautions are
taken to prevent contamination of instruments.
5.4 Verify class rated AMO station has all equipment and materials required
to perform functions listed in its operations specifications.
5.5 Verify limited rated AMO has all equipment and materials for specific
functions of rating.
5.6 Verify limited specialized service AMO has all equipment and materials
for rating held.
5.7 Verify required precision measurement test equipment is properly
calibrated and traceable to a standard acceptable to the DAAO.

AIR 2.307 Page 2 of 3

6. Observe and inspect in-progress maintenance functions; ensure work is being
performed in compliance with Civil Aviation Safety Regulations and in
accordance with specific operator's manual.
6.1 Ensure maintenance turnover briefings reflect the exact status of in-
progress maintenance per manual procedures, including updating of work
6.2 Ensure that maintenance functions being contracted to outside agencies is
current with the listing required by the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations.
7. Review certificate holder's inspection procedures manual; ensure system is in
operation as described in manual.
7.1 Ensure manual procedures, availability and distribution, meet regulatory
7.2 If deficiencies are found, advise certificate holder; confirm in writing.
7.3 Follow up on and evaluate corrective actions.
8. Document task.
8.1 Inform Certificate Holding District Office of inspection results in writing.
8.2 File all supporting paperwork in the certificate holder's office file.
8.3 Close Work Tracking Record.
9. Future activities.
9.1 Conduct a follow-up inspection, as applicable.

AIR 2.307 Page 3 of 3

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.308
Title: Inspect a Repairman
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Aircraft Maintenance Organization (AMO) Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 145
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 145-59
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Job Task Description:
To monitor a repairman certificate holder for compliance with appropriate DAAO
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of repairman.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Inspect airman documents; verify airman is properly certificated for all work
within area of responsibility.
3. Review repairman certificate; ensure ratings are specific and appropriate to the
work being performed.
3.1 Ensure certificate is kept within the immediate area.
4. Observe and evaluate airman performing or supervising work.
4.1 Review maintenance records to determine compliance with regulations.
5. Analyze results of inspection.
6. Debrief airman.
6.1 If deficiencies are found, advise repairman; evaluate corrective action.
6.2 If repairman is found to be in noncompliance, begin enforcement action.
7. Document task.
7.1 Close Work Tracking Record.
8. Future activities.
8.1 Conduct routine surveillance.

AIR 2.308 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.401
Title: Certificate a DAP
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Approved Distributor Aeronautical Product Organization
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 57
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 57-02
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300
Job Performance Subtasks:
To certificate an Distributor Aeronautical Product Organization in accordance with the
appropriate Regulations for Preapplication Phase.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial inquiry.
1.1 Refer applicant to correct DAAO Office.
2. Conduct applicant orientation meeting.
2.1 Perform preliminary discussions.
3. Receive Pre-Application Statement of Intent (PASI).
3.1 Open work tracking records.
3.2 Review and acceptance of PASI.
4. Assign certification team.
5. Assign certificate number.
5.1 Initiate certification file.
6. Conduct pre-application meeting.
7. Provide package of pre-certification information.
8. Brief the applicant on certification process, pertinent regulations, and economic
authority requirements.
9. Verify information on the PASI.
10. Explain the requirements of the formal application.
10.1 Explain the formal application letter.

AIR 2.401 Page 1 of 2

10.2 Describe formal application attachments.
11. Conclude pre-application meeting.
11.1 Termination of the pre-application phase.
11.2 Terminate the certification file.
11.3 Close work tracking records.
11.4 Proceed to formal application phase of certification process.

AIR 2.401 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.402
Title: Evaluate DAP Facilities and Equipment
Approval Date:
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 57
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 57-03
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760
Job Task Description:
To certificate an Distributor Aeronautical Product Organization in accordance with the
appropriate Regulations for facilities compliance phase.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Inspect for appropriate facilities shall be maintained so as to insure that storage
does not damage inventory.
3. Inspect the storage areas shall have adequate space and appropriate racks. Parts
should be stored in a manner that will preclude damage.
4. Make sure that distributors that engage in aircraft/component maintenance, as
well as part sales, shall secure the storage area to prevent unauthorized access.
5. Inspect that distributors that deal in non-aircraft related activities including non-
aircraft part sales shall segregate the aircraft function from other functions in a manner
that will preclude supplying unapproved materials for aircraft material.
6. Inspect for the distributor shall have a system in place to segregate and identify
serviceable from unserviceable parts in a manner that will control the issuance of those
7. Closed the tracking record

AIR 2.402 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.403
Title: Evaluate QC manual
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Air Operator Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 57.
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 57-04
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI (M) 121-01; SI 8400 Volume II, AC
Job Task Description:
To certificate an Air Operator or Air Agency in accordance with the appropriate
Regulations for Formal Application Phase II.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record
2. The distributor shall have an established quality control system equate to assure
a quality product that complies with customer specification. The quality control system,
including procedures and operations, shall be described in detail in a quality control
manual, or other appropriate documents.
3. These documents shall be readily available to at least first line supervisors
responsible for the activities described. The system shall contain all of the elements of the
governing specification adopted by the organization and should be described in the
manual or supporting documents, e.g., work cards or check sheets, in sufficient detail to
be used as operating instructions.
4. The quality control manual and/or related documents shall be kept current and
readily available to employees and to the customers auditor or designee. A sample
Quality Control Manual is included in Appendix C.
5. The distributor shall notify the DGAC, in writing, of any significant changes to
its quality control system and receive written notification of the acceptance of the change
prior to implementation.
6. For distributors, the quality control manual shall include, but not be limited to a
detailed description of:
1) A statement of commitment by senior management to define the
policies and objective of the product quality control system,

AIR 2.403 Page 1 of 2

2) The quality control department including an organizational chart
showing the relationship of quality control to the rest of the organization,
3) The assignment of personnel by title, responsible for specific functions
within the quality system,
4) The distribution and revision control system for the quality
documentation and other technical data, where required,
5) The record keeping system to be employed,
6) The organizations training requirements and records,
7) How shelf life-limited parts and supplies will be controlled (if
8) How incoming discrepant parts and supplies will be controlled,
9) Receiving inspection procedures,
10) Tool and test equipment calibration program (if applicable),
11) The storage facilities and applicable specifications,
12) The parts identification system employed,
13) The environmental controls used (as appropriate),
14) The system employed to control inspection stamps (if applicable),
15) The self-audit/evaluation program which specifies an annual review.
1. Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.403 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.404
Title: Approve a DAP Training Program
Approval Date:
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Distributor Aeronautical Products (DAP) Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 57.
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 57-04
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI (M) 121-01; SI 8300
Job Task Description:
To certificate an Distributor Aeronautical Product in accordance with the appropriate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record
2. The distributor shall have personnel who are properly trained to perform
inspection, handling and recordkeeping procedures to support the organizations adopted
quality control system. This applies to personnel performing the function of supervisor,
inspector, shipping and receiving.
3. Inspection personnel shall be properly trained and authorized. Such persons
shall be knowledgeable of inspection techniques, methods and equipment used to
determine part quality. Authorization criteria shall be identified in the distributors
4. All training, both formal (classroom) and on-the-job training (OJT) shall be
documented and the records shall be maintained for all employees who underwent
5. The distributor shall maintain a roster of the personnel and their alternates
authorized to perform inspection functions and identify the inspection function(s) that
each person is authorized to perform.
6. Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.404 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.405
Title: Inspect DAP personnel record
Approval Date:
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness/Avionics
Training Category: Distributor Aeronautical Products (DAP) Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 57.
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 57-99
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI (M) 121-01; SI 8300
Job Task Description:
To certificate an Distributor Aeronautical Product in accordance with the appropriate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record
2. Inspect all record personnel
3. Inspect all CV for management personnel
4. Inspect all work experiences personnel
5. Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.405 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.501
Title: Certification Phase I : Pre Application
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 23 Airworthiness Standards : Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter
Category Aeroplanes
3. CASR 25 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Aeroplanes
4. CASR 27 Airworthiness Standards : Normal Category Rotorcraft
5. CASR 29 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Rotorcraft
6. CASR 33 Airworthiness Standards : Aircraft Engines
7. CASR 36 Noise Standard : Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21-10-1 Application Form
DAAO 21-10-8 : Qualification and Experience of Management Personnel
DAAO 21-10-9 : Pre Application of Intent (PASI)
DAAO 21-10-10 : Document Check List/Schedule Events
DGCA Guidance Material References:
2. AC 21.13 Design Organization Approval (DOA)
Task Description:
To determine that design organization meets regulatory requirements for Design
Organization Approval (DOA)
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application .
1.1 Open work tracking record

AIR 2.501 Page 1 of 2

2. Follows the requirements as described below :
2.1 Pre-application and / or Notification for DOA applicant.
2.2 Invitation Letter from Manager of Application Certification (MAC)
(performed by DOA Team DAAO)
2.3 Presentation of DOA applicant concerning:
a. Type of design work applied
b. Category of product
c. Key personnel
d. Experience in product certification
e. Business plan
f. Chart of design organization
g. Check list CASR 21 Subpart J
h. Others
3. Review required documents as described below :
3.1 Legal Assessment
a. Form DAAO 21-10-1 : Application for Design Approval
b. Form DAAO 21-10-8 : Qualification and Experience of Management
c. Form DAAO 21-10-9 : Pre Application of Intent (PASI)
d. Form DAAO 21-10-10 : Document Check List/Schedule Events
e. Organization Chart
f. Human Resources
g. Official Trading Permit (SIUP) and Tax Identification Number
h. Design Organization Manual (DOM)
i. MOU with Subcontraktor/Partner

4. File task.
4.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
4.2 Preparations for Certification Phase II
4.3 Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.501 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.502
Title: Certification Phase II : Formal Application
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 23 Airworthiness Standards : Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter
Category Aeroplanes
3. CASR 25 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Aeroplanes
4. CASR 27 Airworthiness Standards : Normal Category Rotorcraft
5. CASR 29 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Rotorcraft
6. CASR 33 Airworthiness Standards : Aircraft Engines
7. CASR 36 Noise Standard : Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21-10-1 Application Form
DGCA Guidance Material References:
2. AC 21.13 Design Organization Approval (DOA)
Task Description:
To determine that design organization meets regulatory requirements for Design
Organization Approval (DOA)
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application.
1.1 Open work tracking record
2.. Review required documents as submitted from applicant :
2.1 DOA Formal application Form 21-10-1
2.2 DOA Certification schedule for certification

AIR 2.502 Page 1 of 2

2.3 Design Organization Manual (DOM) evaluations
4. File task.
4.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
4.2 Preparations for Certification Phase III
4.3 Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.502 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.503
Title: Certification Phase III : Evaluation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 23 Airworthiness Standards : Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter
Category Aeroplanes
3. CASR 25 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Aeroplanes
4. CASR 27 Airworthiness Standards : Normal Category Rotorcraft
5. CASR 29 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Rotorcraft
6. CASR 33 Airworthiness Standards : Aircraft Engines
7. CASR 36 Noise Standard : Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
DGCA Forms:
DGCA Guidance Material References:
2. AC 21.13 Design Organization Approval (DOA)
Task Description:
To determine that design organization meets regulatory requirements for Design
Organization Approval (DOA)
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application.
1.1 Open work tracking record
2.. Review and evaluate required documents as submitted from applicant :
2.1 Design Organization Manual (DOM) and / or Interface Document with
other department or procedure

AIR 2.503 Page 1 of 2

2.2 Procedure of changes classification to type design
2.3 Procedure for issuance of instruction for continued airworthiness
2.4 Procedure to approve documentary changes of AFM (if any)
2.5 Procedure for minor changes and major changes to type design
2.6 Procedure of design release, changes control and configuration control
2.7 Procedure for assessment and control of contractor and subcontractor and
2.8 Review training program and training record (human resource and
2.9 Review procedure of Design Assurance System
2.10 Review procedure of internal audit
3. File task.
3.1 Filing all documents and papers work in the DAAO office file
3.2 Preparations for Certification Phase IV
3.3 Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.503 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.504
Title: Certification Phase IVa : Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 23 Airworthiness Standards : Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter
Category Aeroplanes
3. CASR 25 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Aeroplanes
4. CASR 27 Airworthiness Standards : Normal Category Rotorcraft
5. CASR 29 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Rotorcraft
6. CASR 33 Airworthiness Standards : Aircraft Engines
7. CASR 36 Noise Standard : Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
DGCA Forms:
DGCA Guidance Material References:
2. AC 21.13 Design Organization Approval (DOA)
Task Description:
To determine that design organization meets regulatory requirements for Design
Organization Approval (DOA)
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application.
1.1 Open work tracking record
2.. Interview and review key persons of DOA :
2.1 Head of Design Organization
2.2 Head of Airworthiness Office

AIR 2.504 Page 1 of 2

2.3 Head of Independent Monitoring System
2.4 Compliance Verification Engineer (CVE)
3. Inspection Facilities and supporting equipments
3.1 Office, library, lab testing, meeting room
3.2 Subcontractor
3.3 Recording and Documentation System
4. File task.
4.1 Filing all documents and papers work in the DAAO office file
4.2 Preparations for Certification Phase IVb
4.3 Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.504 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.505
Title: Certification Phase IVb : Observation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 23 Airworthiness Standards : Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter
Category Aeroplanes
3. CASR 25 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Aeroplanes
4. CASR 27 Airworthiness Standards : Normal Category Rotorcraft
5. CASR 29 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Rotorcraft
6. CASR 33 Airworthiness Standards : Aircraft Engines
7. CASR 36 Noise Standard : Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
DGCA Forms:
DAAO form 21-10-2 Evaluation Report
DGCA Guidance Material References:
2. AC 21.13 Design Organization Approval (DOA)
Task Description:
To determine that design organization meets regulatory requirements for Design
Organization Approval (DOA)
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application.
1.1 Open work tracking record
2.. Observe DOAs products for certification process (real case or dummy)
2.1 Observation and Demonstration procedure related to DOAs product
2.2 Write all finding items on DAAO form 21-10-02

AIR 2.505 Page 1 of 2

3. Review Training and Socialization of DOA process procedure.
3.1 introduction of DOA process procedure
3.2 CVE training
3.3 Other(s)
4. File task.
4.1 Filing all documents and papers work in the DAAO office file
4.2 Preparations for Certification Phase Va
4.3 Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.505 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.506
Title: Certification Phase Va : Final Debrief and Final Report
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 23 Airworthiness Standards : Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter
Category Aeroplanes
3. CASR 25 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Aeroplanes
4. CASR 27 Airworthiness Standards : Normal Category Rotorcraft
5. CASR 29 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Rotorcraft
6. CASR 33 Airworthiness Standards : Aircraft Engines
7. CASR 36 Noise Standard : Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
DGCA Forms:
DAAO form 21-10-03 Certification Final Report
DGCA Guidance Material References:
2. AC 21.13 Design Organization Approval (DOA)
Task Description:
To determine that design organization meets regulatory requirements for Design
Organization Approval (DOA)
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application.
1.1 Open work tracking record
2.. Review and wrap-up all documents
2.1 Preparation of draft of Final Debrief and Closing Finding

AIR 2.506 Page 1 of 2

2.2 Write all historical process and proposal of Term of Approval on DAAO
form 21-10-03
2.3 Preparation of draft of DOA Certificate and Term of Approval
3. File task.
3.1 Filing all documents and papers work in the DAAO office file
3.2 Preparations for Certification Phase Vb
3.3 Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.506 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.507
Title: Certification Phase Vb : Issuing The Design Organization Approval Certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 23 Airworthiness Standards : Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter
Category Aeroplanes
3. CASR 25 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Aeroplanes
4. CASR 27 Airworthiness Standards : Normal Category Rotorcraft
5. CASR 29 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Rotorcraft
6. CASR 33 Airworthiness Standards : Aircraft Engines
7. CASR 36 Noise Standard : Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
DGCA Forms:
DAAO Form 21-10-6 Certificate of DOA
DAAO Form 21-10-7 Term of Approval
DGCA Guidance Material References:
2. AC 21.13 Design Organization Approval (DOA)
Task Description:
To determine that design organization meets regulatory requirements for Design
Organization Approval (DOA)
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application.
1.1 Open work tracking record
2.. Review and wrap-up all documents
2.1 Issuance of DOA Certificate and Term of Approval related to phase I-Va

AIR 2.507 Page 1 of 2

3. File task.
3.1 Filing all documents and papers work in the DAAO office file
3.2 Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.507 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.508
Title: Renewal and upgrading to the approval
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 23 Airworthiness Standards : Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter
Category Aeroplanes
3. CASR 25 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Aeroplanes
4. CASR 27 Airworthiness Standards : Normal Category Rotorcraft
5. CASR 29 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Rotorcraft
6. CASR 33 Airworthiness Standards : Aircraft Engines
7. CASR 36 Noise Standard : Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
DGCA Forms:
DAAO form 21-10-5 AUDIT
DGCA Guidance Material References:
2. AC 21.13 Design Organization Approval (DOA)
Task Description:
To determine that design organization meets regulatory requirements for Design
Organization Approval (DOA)
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application.
1.1 Open work tracking record
2.. Review documents as submitted by applicant
2.1 Review Audit/Surveillance report

AIR 2.508 Page 1 of 2

2.2 Review all closing items from Audit/Surveillance report
2.3 Review annual report
3. File task.
4.1 Filing all documents and papers work in the DAAO office file
4.2 Follow the procedure as described in JTA 2.501 Cert.phase I
4.3 Close work tracking record.

AIR 2.508 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.601
Title: Certification of Production Certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-04 Application for Type Certificate, Production Certificate, or
Supplemental Type Certificate.
DAAO Form 21-07 Statement of Conformity
DAAO Form 21-08 Statement of Compliance
DAAO Form 21-31 ACSEP Record of Findings / Observations
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-06 Production Approval and Surveillance Procedures
Advisory Circular 21-01 Production Certificates
Advisory Circular 21-05 Production Under Type Certification Only
Task Description:
To issue Production Certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initial review of Production Certificate application.
1.1. Open work tracking record.
2. Receive application for Production Certificate, DAAO Form 21-04, and issue
letter of acknowledgement to applicant.
3. Conduct preliminary SDAP audit, consisting evaluation of quality control data
for compliance with CASR 21.143 and evaluation of facility.
4. Formal notification for any corrective actions needed to comply with CASR
5. Report an executive summary of Preliminary Audit Result.
6. Establish Production Certification Board.

AIR 2.601 Page 1 of 2

7. Issue Production Certificate and Production Limitation Record, upon PCB result
applicants quality control system, organisation and facilities are conform CASR
8. File task.
8.1 Close work tracking record.
8.2 File all supporting paperwork in the DAAO office file.

AIR 2.601 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2602
Title: Certification of Part Manufacturing Approval
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-04 Application for Type Certificate, Production Certificate, or
Supplemental Type Certificate.
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-06 Production Approval and Surveillance Procedures
Task Description:
To issue Part Manufacturing Approval letter
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application letter for PMA
1.1 Open work tracking record
2. Review for the adequacy information/technical data as required by CASR
21.303(c), including:
2.1 Installation instruction,
2.2 Maintenance instruction,
2.3 Complete identification of particular part of PMA requested,
2.4 Information concerning type certificated product, of which
interchangeable part,
2.5 Information on type approved part number for a replacement part,
3. Inspection and test performed to determine compliance with applicable
airworthiness requirements of CASR 21.303(e) and (f),
4. Review applicants fabrication inspection system as required by CASR 21.3030
(h), ensuring the followings:
4.1 Incoming material must be as specified in the design data,
4.2 Incoming material must be properly identified,
4.3 Material subject to damage and deterioration shall be stored and protected,

AIR 2.602 Page 1 of 2

4.4 Processes affecting quality and safety must be according to specification,
4.5 Part in process must be inspected for conformity with design data,
4.6 Current design drawings must be readily available,
4.7 Major change to basic design must be controlled and approved,
4.8 Rejected materials and components must be segregated and identified,
4.9 Inspection records must be maintained, identified, and retained for 10
5. Conduct audit of applicants facility, including supplier.
6. Issue PMA letter upon showing compliance with CASR 21 Subpart K.
7. File task.
7.1 Close work tracking record
7.2 File all supporting paperwork in the DAAO office file.

AIR 2.602 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.602
Title: Certification of Production Under Type Certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-04 Application for Type Certificate, Production Certificate, or
Supplemental Type Certificate.
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-06 Production Approval and Surveillance Procedures
Advisory Circular 21-05 Production Under Type Certificate Only
Task Description:
To issue Production under TC only
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application for Production Certificate, DAAO Form 21-04.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record
2. Evaluate applicants inspection system, concurrent with conducting conformity
inspections and making those airworthiness determinations required by DGCA.
3. Conduct preliminary SDAP audit, determining applicants capability to comply
with CASR 21.125, using ACSEP Audit Procedures
4. Formal notification for any corrective actions needed to comply with CASR
5. Schedule an APIS Board upon notification that applicant comply with CASR
6. Conduct APIS Board.
7. Issue approval letter upon determination by APIS Board that applicants
complete production inspection system complies with CASR 21 Subpart F.
8. File task.
8.1 Close work tracking record
8.2 File all supporting paperwork in the DAAO office file.

AIR 2.602 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2603
Title: Certification of Part Manufacturing Approval
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-04 Application for Type Certificate, Production Certificate, or
Supplemental Type Certificate.
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-06 Production Approval and Surveillance Procedures
Task Description:
To issue Part Manufacturing Approval letter
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application letter for PMA
1.1 Open work tracking record
2. Review for the adequacy information/technical data as required by CASR
21.303(c), including:
2.1 Installation instruction,
2.2 Maintenance instruction,
2.3 Complete identification of particular part of PMA requested,
2.4 Information concerning type certificated product, of which
interchangeable part,
2.5 Information on type approved part number for a replacement part,
3. Inspection and test performed to determine compliance with applicable
airworthiness requirements of CASR 21.303(e) and (f),
4. Review applicants fabrication inspection system as required by CASR 21.3030
(h), ensuring the followings:
4.1 Incoming material must be as specified in the design data,
4.2 Incoming material must be properly identified,
4.3 Material subject to damage and deterioration shall be stored and protected,

AIR 2.603 Page 1 of 2

4.4 Processes affecting quality and safety must be according to specification,
4.5 Part in process must be inspected for conformity with design data,
4.6 Current design drawings must be readily available,
4.7 Major change to basic design must be controlled and approved,
4.8 Rejected materials and components must be segregated and identified,
4.9 Inspection records must be maintained, identified, and retained for 10
5. Conduct audit of applicants facility, including supplier.
6. Issue PMA letter upon showing compliance with CASR 21 Subpart K.
7. File task.
7.1 Close work tracking record
7.2 File all supporting paperwork in the DAAO office file.

AIR 2.603 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.603
Title: Certification of Technical Standard Order
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-04 Application for Type Certificate, Production Certificate, or
Supplemental Type Certificate.
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-06 Production Approval and Surveillance Procedures
Task Description:
To issue Technical Standard Order Authorisation
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application letter for PMA
1.1 Open work tracking record
2. Review the following documents:
2.1 A statement of conformity,
2.2 Technical data required in the applicable TSO,
2.3 A description of quality control system.
3. Perform followings:
3.1 Inspection of any article manufactured under the authorisation,
3.2 Inspection of Quality Control System,
3.3 Witness any required tests,
3.4 Inspection to facilities,
3.5 Inspection to the technical data files on the article.
4. Issue TSO authorisation upon compliance with CASR subpart O.
5. File task.
5.1 Close work tracking record
5.2 File all supporting paperwork in the DAAO office file.

AIR 2.603 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 2.604
Title: Certification of Technical Standard Order
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-04 Application for Type Certificate, Production Certificate, or
Supplemental Type Certificate.
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-06 Production Approval and Surveillance Procedures
Task Description:
To issue Technical Standard Order Authorisation
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application letter for PMA
1.1 Open work tracking record
2. Review the following documents:
2.1 A statement of conformity,
2.2 Technical data required in the applicable TSO,
2.3 A description of quality control system.
3. Perform followings:
3.1 Inspection of any article manufactured under the authorisation,
3.2 Inspection of Quality Control System,
3.3 Witness any required tests,
3.4 Inspection to facilities,
3.5 Inspection to the technical data files on the article.
4. Issue TSO authorisation upon compliance with CASR subpart O.
5. File task.
5.1 Close work tracking record
5.2 File all supporting paperwork in the DAAO office file.

AIR 2.604 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.001
Title: Plan a Surveillance Work Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121; CASR Part 141; CASR Part 142;
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-12
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To develop a surveillance plan by determining types of inspections and frequency and IAW
national program guidelines.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive annual National Flight Standards Work Program Guidelines (NPG)
from DAAO Office and/or recognize a new inspection requirements.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Develop surveillance plan.
2.1 NPG data.
2.2 Previous inspection results.
2.3 Accident/incident information.
2.4 Compliance history.
2.5 Complaints.
2.6 Other related information.
3. Submit for management review/approval.
3.1 Make corrections if required and resubmit.
4. Print final approved plan.
5. Close Work Tracking Record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.003
Title: Conduct Airplane Ramp Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: : CASR Part 91; CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To sample the quality of maintenance and the degree of compliance with the operators
maintenance procedures on in-service aircraft for regulatory compliance.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate ramp inspection.
1.1 Ensure familiarity with type of aircraft to be inspected.
1.2 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Prepare for ramp inspection; review current airworthiness requirements,
revisions, reports and bulletins, as applicable to aircraft.
3. Coordinate inspection with flight crew; state purpose of inspection.
4. Inspect aircraft maintenance records and Minimum Equipment List-deferred
maintenance entries; note any maintenance trends.
5. Inspect aircraft documents.
6. Inspect aircraft's interior condition.
7. Inspect aircraft's exterior condition.
8. Inform flight crew of discrepancies; discuss with operator, as required.
8.1 Examine maintenance record entries of noted discrepancies.
8.2 Monitor/evaluate operators corrective actions, if time permits.
9. Analyze results of inspection.
9.1 Identify improper maintenance and/or inadequate maintenance/inspection
9.2 Coordinate findings with DAAO Office.

AIR 3.003 Page 1 of 2

10. Document task.
10.1 File all supporting paperwork in operators office file.
10.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
11. Future activities.
11.1 Accomplish closer surveillance or other actions, as required.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.004
Title: Conduct a Cabin En Route Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s : NONE
Regulation References: : CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-10
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 10
Task Description:
To conduct a cabin en route inspection to ensure that an operators cabin safety
procedures adhere to the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) and safe operating
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate cabin en route inspection.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Contact the operator.
2.1 Reserve the cockpit jump seat.
3. Coordinate with the operator at least one hour before flight; state purpose of
3.1 Coordinate with the crew; identify yourself; state purpose of inspection.
3.2 Do not contact operator and show up for no notice enroute inspection.
4. Perform interior inspection.
4.1 Inspect aircraft documents.
4.2 Inspect Airworthiness Certificate.
4.3 Inspect Registration Certificate.
4.4 Inspect Operating Certificate.
5. Inspect crewmember condition.
6. Inspect aircraft interior condition and equipment.
7. Observe and evaluate cabin crewmembers in performance of duties.
8. Inspect Cabin Crewmembers Manual.

AIR 3.004 Page 1 of 2

9. Perform pre-departure observation of flight attendants/ground personnel
boarding procedures.
10. Ensure any discrepancies noted during pre-departure are addressed per
operators manual prior to departure.
11. Ensure flight attendants comply with required procedures during aircraft taxi.
12. Ensure crewmember performance complies with required procedures during
flight operations.
13. Analyze results of inspection.
13.1 Record any discrepancies; advise pilot-in-command/appropriate operator
14. Debrief operator, as required.
14.1 Evaluate corrective actions; schedule follow-up inspection as required.
15. Document task.
15.1 File all supporting paperwork in operator/applicants office file.
15.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
16. Future activities.
16.1 Schedule follow-up inspection, as applicable.

AIR 3.004 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.005
Title: Conduct a Cockpit En Route Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: : CASR Part 135; CASR Part 121;
DAAO Forms: SI 8400-9
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8400 Vol. III Chapter 9
Task Description:
To conduct a cockpit en route inspection to determine compliance with Civil Aviation
Regulations (CARs) and approved company procedures.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate cockpit en route inspection.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Prepare for inspection.
2.1 Become familiar with the type of aircraft being inspected before
performing the inspection.
2.2 Schedule en route inspection with operator; reserve jump seat.
2.3 Do not notify operator and perform an no notice enroute inspection.
2.4 If required complete DAAO Request Form to Access Aircraft.
3. Coordinate with appropriate operators personnel one hour prior to flight; state
you are performing a cockpit en route inspection on a specific flight.
4. Identify yourself to pilot-in-command; state purpose of the inspection.
4.1 Inspect airman certificates and return.
4.2 Inspect medical certificates and return.
5. Inspect aircraft maintenance record for compliance with operator's maintenance
recording procedures.
6. Perform interior inspection, as applicable.
7. Perform exterior inspection.
7.1 Record any discrepancies; advise pilot-in-command/appropriate operator

AIR 3.005 Page 1 of 2

7.2 Evaluate operator corrective actions.
7.3 If operator corrective actions do not comply with regulatory requirements,
advise operator of noncompliance and terminate inspection.
8. Prior to pushback, accomplish pre-departure inspection items.
8.1 Inspect dispatch and flight release documents for required information.
8.2 Inspect maintenance release.
8.3 Inspect cockpit voice recorder.
8.4 Inspect flight data recorder.
9. Monitor in-flight operations.
9.1 During en route inspection, point out any potential violations prior to their
occurrence; inform flight crew of possible consequences.
9.2 Assist crew to be alert for any conflicting air traffic.
10. Analyze results of inspection.
10.1 If discrepancies are found, debrief pilot-in-command at termination of
10.2 If irregularities were noted, ensure entries are made in maintenance record,
as applicable.
10.3 Bring unsatisfactory operational findings to attention of assigned Principal
Operations Inspector.
11. Advise DAAO Office of findings, as required.
12. Document task.
12.1 File all supporting paperwork in operators office file.
12.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
13. Future activities.
13.1 Schedule follow-up inspections, as applicable.

AIR 3.005 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.006
Title: Inspect an Operator's Refueling Procedures
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To inspect an operator's refueling procedures/facility compliance with regulations and
industry standards.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of refueling procedures.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
1.2 Coordinate inspection with DAAO Office.
2. Review operator's refueling manual.
3. Inspect certificate holder's refueling facilities and operations.
3.1 Inspect fuel farm storage area.
3.2 Inspect fueling equipment.
3.3 Inspect fuel filters/filter separators.
3.4 Inspect hoses, nozzles and outflow connectors.
3.5 Ensure that electrical equipment is of an approved type and design.
3.6 Inspect equipment grounding and bonding.
3.7 Inspect fuel tenders and fueling pits.
4. Inspect training records.
5. Inspect quality control and record keeping procedures.
6. Observe aircraft refueling operations.
7. Analyze results of inspection.
7.1 If deficiencies are found, discuss corrective actions with operator.
7.2 Send letter informing operator of inspection results.

AIR 3.006 Page 1 of 2

8. Document task.
8.1 File all supporting paperwork in operators office file.
8.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
9. Future activities.
9.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.007
Title: Inspect Aircraft Maintenance Records
Approval Date:
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To inspect an operators maintenance records to determine compliance with CASR Part
121 and part 135 requirements and operator's approved/accepted record-keeping system.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of operators maintenance records.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review office file for previous findings/issues.
3. Review operators operations specifications; determine maintenance
4. Inspect operator's recordkeeping system; ensure approved manual procedures
are being followed.
4.1 Inspect operator's maintenance records; ensure they contain description of
work performed, date of completion and positive identification of person
approving the work.
4.2 Ensure operator's manual contains procedures requiring the name,
signature, certificate number, kind of certificate held and/or other positive
identification of the person approving the work.
5. Inspect airworthiness release records.
5.1 Review airworthiness releases for the last 60 days; ensure signatures are
authorized by the operator.
6. Inspect flight/maintenance logs; determine that appropriate release procedures
are being followed.
6.1 Evaluate record of flight discrepancies/corrections.
6.2 Ensure sign-offs are in accordance with manual.

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6.3 Evaluate resolution of repetitive discrepancies.
6.4 Ensure deferred maintenance is accomplished per operator's Minimum
Equipment List/Configuration Deviation List and manual instructions.
7. Review scheduled inspections work packages for proper sign-offs, non-routine
item handling, Required Inspection Item (RII) procedures, repairs are properly
categorized and approved data is being used.
8. Ensure total time-in-service records for airframe, engine, propeller and rotor are
current and in accordance with operator's approved/accepted manual procedures.
9. Review operator's records of the status of life-limited parts, including airframe,
engine, propeller, rotor and appliances for compliance with approved manual
10. Review records of overhauled items; determine if overhauls are being
accomplished within authorized times; compare manual procedures to actual
overhaul record content.
11. Review inspection record status for completeness, currency and compliance with
operator's manual procedures.
12. Review current status of all one time/recurring airworthiness directives for
method of compliance and accomplishment with required time periods.
13. Review major repair and major alteration records; compare manual procedures
with actual work records to ensure compliance with approved procedures.
14. Verify operator has procedures for retaining repair station work orders.
15. Review operator's engineering order/authorizations for compliance with manual
16. Evaluate sign-offs of RIIs.
17. Analyze results of inspection.
17.1 Debrief operator.
17.2 Advise operator of all discrepancies in writing.
17.3 Evaluate corrections of discrepancies.
18. Document task.
18.1 Inform DAAO Office of inspection findings.
18.2 File all supporting paperwork in operator's office file.
18.3 Close Work Tracking Record.
19. Future activities.
19.1 Conduct normal surveillance and/or schedule follow-up activities.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.009
Title: Issue an Aircraft Condition Notice
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: NONE
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To issue an aircraft condition notice operated under the CASR.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate issuance of an Aircraft Condition Notice.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Determine flight status of aircraft, if aircraft is capable of continuing operations
in a safe condition.
3. Conduct inspection of aircraft.
4. Analyze results of inspection.
5. Debrief pilot/owner/operator, if available; discuss and evaluate corrective action.
6. If possible unsafe condition is noted and pilot/owner/operator is unavailable,
attach hard copy of DAAO Aircraft Condition Notice, to aircraft.
6.1 Determine registered owner of aircraft.
6.2 Mail original DAAO Aircraft Condition Notice to registered owner.
6.3 Initiate Enforcement Investigative Report, as applicable.
7. Document task.
7.1 File all supporting paperwork in operators office file, if applicable.
7.2 Close Work Tracking Record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.010
Title: Inspect a Maintenance Facility
Approval Date:
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR 121 CASR 135 CASR 145
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To determine that a certificate holders maintenance facility performs maintenance in
compliance with applicable regulations and approved procedures.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of operators maintenance facility.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review operators data.
2.1 Review operator's DAAO file for previous issues/trends.
2.2 Review operations specifications for maintenance
2.3 Review Enforcement Information Subsystem.
2.4 Review approved maintenance manuals and technical library.
2.5 Review operator's maintenance training program.
2.6 Review operators contract maintenance arrangements; ensure adequacy
and that maintenance if performed in accordance with operator's approved
maintenance program.
3. Conduct operator in-briefing.
4. Inspect operator's technical data.
4.1 Inspect manuals and procedures.
5. Inspect operator's aircraft maintenance record retention system.
5.1 Examine aircraft records.
6. Inspect the maintenance organization.

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7. Inspect operators maintenance facilities.
8. Inspect the engineering department, if applicable.
9. Inspect operators inspection department.
10. Inspect the maintenance control, if applicable.
11. Inspect the maintenance production/planning control, if applicable.
12. Inspect aircraft.
13. Analyze results of inspection.
13.1 Coordinate with principal inspectors.
13.2 If deficiencies are found, determine corrective action.
14. Debrief operator.
14.1 Evaluate operators corrective actions.
15. Document task.
15.1 File all supporting paperwork in operators office file.
15.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
16. Future activities.
16.1 If deficiencies were noted, schedule follow-up inspection.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.012
Title: Inspect a De-icing Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR 121 CASR 135 CASR 145
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
Provide guidance for the Principal Maintenance Inspector (PMI) in assisting the Principal
Operations Inspector (POI) in evaluating for approval of proposed deicing/anti-icing
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of operators deicing/anti-icing program, facilities and
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
1.2 Review operator's office files for previous issues/trends.
2. Procedures.
2.1 Brief the operator.
2.2 Review operators submittal.
2.3 Evaluate the operators deicing/anti-icing program.
2.4 Review management plan.
2.5 Review holdover timetable and the procedures for their use.
2.6 Evaluate the operators training.
2.7 Review training requirement.
3. Task Outcomes.
3.1 Close Work Tracking Record.
3.2 Document task.
4. Future activities.
4.1 Normal surveillance.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.014
Title: Inspect a Maintenance Control Manual
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification / Surveillance
Frequency: Both: scheduled & on demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: Annex 6, Part 1, Par. 11.2

Task Description: To evaluate an operator/applicant's Continuous Airworthiness

Maintenance Program (CAMP) for compliance with regulatory requirements.

Job Performance Subtasks:

1. Open work tracking record

2. Review technical guidance for the evaluation of an Operators Maintenance Control Manual.

3. Review schedule of events; ensure task can be accomplished within the schedule

4. Ensure the manual includes organizations for both maintenance function and inspection
function and that both organizations are separate

5. If the operator is going to contract out for the performance of maintenance and or
inspection ensure the manual contains:

5.1 Procedures to evaluate the maintenance provider to ensure they can meet the
needs of the operator, and procedures to correct any problems that may arise.

5.2 Guidance on how the repair station must perform the work in accordance with
the air carriers Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program.

6. Verify the manual encompasses a set of procedures that ensures maintenance, preventive
maintenance and alterations are performed in accordance with operator's manual and not
contrary to State regulations

7. Verify the manual incorporates a set of procedures that ensures airworthiness inspections
and Required Inspection Item (RII) inspections are performed in accordance with State
regulations, and operator's manual
8. Verify the manual contains a list of designated items of maintenance and alterations that
shall be inspected and will be identified by abbreviation "RII"

8.1 Confirm the manual addresses an organization adequate to perform RII


8.2 Confirm RII organization is manned by properly certificated, trained, qualified

and authorized personnel

9. Ensure the manual contains inspection and maintenance procedures for all of the aircraft,
engines, propellers and appliances. These procedures should also include emergency
equipment and operator added equipment.

10. Ensure operator/applicant has established and maintains a system for continuing analysis
and surveillance of performance and effectiveness of inspection and maintenance

11. Evaluate the structural inspection procedures:

11.1 Ensure each level of inspection is clearly defined in operator/applicant's

maintenance program

11.2 Determine if any aircraft are subject to, and meet the requirements of, a
supplemental inspection document which requires age-related structural inspections

11.3 Ensure operator/applicant's CAMP contains corrosion control procedures

11.4 Ensure operator/applicant's CAMP contains Maintenance Review

Board/manufacturer's routine structural inspection requirements

12. Evaluate maintenance records procedures/system

13. Evaluate procedures to determine maintenance personnel qualifications and certifications

13.1 Evaluate instructions to ensure persons performing RIIs are under the control of
the inspection department

14. Analyze results of evaluation

14.1 If deficiencies are found, schedule meeting with operator/applicant to discuss

needed changes and resolutions

15. If all regulatory requirements have been met, approve Maintenance Control

15.1 Amend operator/applicant's operations specifications

15.2 Return original program documents to operator/applicant with instructions to

provide a copy of program to Certificate Holding District Office
16. Document task

16.1 File all supporting paperwork in the operator/applicant's office file

16.2 Close work tracking record.

17. Future activities

17.1 Conduct normal surveillance

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.015
Title: Conduct a Detailed Process or Task Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121 CASR 135 CASR 145
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To conduct a detailed process/task inspection by analyzing the data, material and parts used
in the repair, overhaul and inspection process by air agencies and air operators.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate detailed process/task inspection.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Prepare for the inspection.
2.1 Identify process/task to be inspected.
2.2 Identify documents that will ensure use of approved/accepted data,
materials, tools, etc.
2.3 Become familiar with the process and procedures before conducting the
inspection; coordinate with other offices, as necessary.
2.4 Inform appropriate personnel as to process/task that will be observed.
2.5 Verify inspection criteria to be used.
3. Perform the inspection.
4. Analyze results of inspection.
4.1 If discrepancies are found, advise operator/agency.
4.2 Evaluate corrective actions.
4.3 If results are unsatisfactory, initiate enforcement as necessary.
5. Document task.
5.1 File all supporting paperwork in operator's office file.
5.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
6. Future activities.
6.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.016
Title: Inspect Extended Range Operations for Two-Engine Airplanes (ETOPS)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 46-04
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
Inspect a Certificate Holders extended range operations to determine compliance with
the Certificate Holders manual. Document the results of the comparison and any
observed deficiencies in the procedures.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Become familiar with the DAAO extended range guidance material.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Become familiar with the policies, procedures, and instructions for extended
range operations contained in the Certificate Holders flight operations
3. Inspect the Certificate Holders ETOPS program and document results. If
required, conduct an in-flight evaluation of the Certificate Holders ETOPS
operations and document results.
4. Inspect ETOPS dispatch/flight release operations and document results.
5. To determine if the person identified by the Certificate Holder having
responsibility and/or authority for the extended range operations is qualified,
knowledgeable, and recognizes that responsibility and/or authority.
6. Debrief the results of the inspections with the Certificate Holder and Principal
Operations Inspector (POI).
7. Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.017
Title: Inspect a Maintenance Training Program
Approval Date:
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121 CASR 135 CASR 145
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To determine that the air carrier's training program continues to meet the requirements of
the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR), and that the air carrier is conducting
training in accordance with its DAAO approved training program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine need for surveillance/inspection.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Plan and initiate inspection.
2.1 Review operator's office file.
2.2 Review operation's specifications.
2.3 Review results of previous inspections.
2.4 Review air operator file maintained at DAAO office.
2.5 Review operator's training program.
2.6 Notify operator of inspection.
3. Inspect certificate holder's training facilities.
4. Inspect certificate holder's training program.
4.1 On-site activities.
4.2 Inspect courseware.
4.3 Inspect instructional delivery methods.
4.4 Inspect training aids and equipment.
4.5 Inspect flight simulator or flight training devices.
4.6 Inspect testing and checking.

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5. Inspection results.
5.1 Coordinate with principal inspectors.
5.2 Document unsatisfactory areas.
5.3 Debrief operator.
5.4 Send letter to operator confirming inspection results.
5.5 File inspection results in office file.
5.6 Update air operator file or records.
6. Close Work Tracking Record, and open another if follow-up activities are
7. Schedule follow-up activities.
7.1 Schedule follow-up surveillance.
7.2 Conduct follow-up surveillance.
7.3 Initiate an enforcement investigation, if required.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.018
Title: Inspect a Maintenance Reliability Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121 CASR 135 CASR 145
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To inspect/review a contractual reliability program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of contractual reliability program.
1.1 Open work Tracking Record.
2. Review operator's data.
2.1 Ensure a copy of contractual agreement is on file in the DAAO Office.
2.2 Review agreement; ensure contract is current.
2.3 Ensure contract provides for including operator's data into contractor's
fleet data for the purpose of reliability control.
3. Review air carrier's operations specifications reliability paragraph(s).
3.1 Ensure data reflects all aircraft, engines, systems and components, etc.,
controlled by the reliability program.
3.2 Ensure additional information includes reliability document title and
approval date/revision data.
3.3 Ensure all information shown in operations specifications is consistent
with contractual agreement on file in district office.
4. Review reliability document.
4.1 Ensure a copy of document is on file in the DAAO office.
4.2 Ensure document name, date and revision number agree with the
operations specifications and contractual agreement.
4.3 Ensure reliability program complies with DAAO policies and procedures.

AIR 3.018 Page 1 of 3

4.4 Ensure reliability program describes and identifies the organizations
responsible for essential functions of data collection and analysis,
corrective action, performance standards, data display and reports,
maintenance intervals and process/task changes and program revision.
5. Review operator's manual; ensure manual includes:
- Procedures for collecting and submitting required data
- Name of person(s)/department(s) responsible for collecting and submitting
required data
- Procedures for reviewing analyzed data received from the contractor
- Procedures for implementing required changes to the maintenance program
based on reliability program data analysis
- Name(s) of person(s) responsible for implementing required changes to the
maintenance program based on reliability program data analysis
- Procedures for ensuring the contractor is notified following changes to the
maintenance program
- Procedures for ensuring operator's DAAO Office is notified of changes to the
maintenance program
6. Review district office files to determine reliability program history.
6.1 Review reliability reports; determine if required reports have been
submitted to the DAAO and reflect all aircraft, engines, systems, and
components controlled by the program.
6.2 Determine if reports specified items exceeding established performance
standards and corrective action taken.
6.3 Review reports for previous six months for negative trends for follow up
during on-site inspection.
7. Review air carrier's Mechanical Reliability Reports (MRR), Mechanical
Interruption Summaries (MIS), and Engine Utilization Reports, if applicable.
8. Assess reliability program.
8.1 Combine and assess all findings noted during program review; form
overall picture of program's effectiveness in controlling the maintenance
8.2 Determine if there has been an increase in aircraft delays, premature
component removal rates, engine shutdown rates, inspection scheduling
adjustment, deferred maintenance, pilot reports, and aircraft inspection
8.3 If deficiencies are found, determine root cause (if organizational structure,
lines of authority, staffing, personnel qualifications, and/or programs
methods and/or procedures are responsible).
8.4 Compile all findings that are contrary to the approved reliability program.

AIR 3.018 Page 2 of 3

8.5 Compile all findings that are in compliance with the approved program,
but are not producing satisfactory results.
8.6 After compiling all findings and BEFORE debriefing air carrier, advise
DAAO supervision; determine if findings require enforcement action.
9. Debrief air carrier to discuss discrepancies found during the inspection and
possible corrective actions.
10. Send formal letter to the operator confirming inspection results.
11. Perform enforcement action, if applicable.
12. Document task.
12.1 File record of inspections and all supporting paperwork in operator's file.
12.2 Close Work Tracking Record.

AIR 3.018 Page 3 of 3

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.019
Title: Inspect a Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121 CASR 135 CASR 145
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To inspect an operator's total Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP)
to ensure it includes the maintenance and inspection tasks necessary to maintain its
aircraft in an airworthy condition.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP).
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Prepare for inspection.
2.1 Review operations specifications; determine applicable maintenance
program requirements.
2.2 Review operator's manual system; ensure it includes all required CAMP
2.3 Inspect, observe and evaluate compliance with aircraft inspection
2.4 Inspect, observe and evaluate compliance with scheduled maintenance
2.5 Inspect, observe and evaluate compliance with unscheduled maintenance
2.6 Inspect, observe and evaluate compliance with repair and overhaul of
engines, propellers and appliances requirements.
2.7 Inspect, observe and evaluate compliance with structural
inspection/airframe overhaul requirements.
2.8 Inspect, observe and evaluate compliance with structural inspection
document requirements, if applicable.

AIR 3.019 Page 1 of 2

2.9 Inspect, observe and evaluate compliance with Required Inspection Item
(RII) requirements.
3. Inspect operator's facility, shops, tools and equipment and personnel training;
ensure approved procedures are being followed.
4. Inspect operator's contract maintenance service provider facility, shops, tools
and equipment and personnel training; ensure approved procedures are being
followed, as applicable.
5. Analyze results of inspection.
5.1 Discuss any deficiencies with DAAO supervisory personnel to verify
5.2 Coordinate results of inspection with principals.
6. Inform operator of inspection findings and corrective actions in writing, as
6.1 Initiate enforcement action, as required.
7. Document task.
7.1 File all supporting paperwork in operator's office file.
7.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
8. Future activities.
8.1 Follow up on corrective actions taken by operator, as applicable.

AIR 3.019 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.020
Title: Inspect a Mechanical Interruption Summary (MIS) Report
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121 CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-32
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To evaluate an operator's fleet performance by reviewing Mechanical Interruption
Summary (MIS) Reports.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive a MIS Report for review.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review MIS Report.
2.1 Analyze content of MIS Report for evidence of problem areas and
possible trends.
2.2 Determine if any item on MIS Report requires further action.
2.3 If further action is required, conduct research; determine severity of
problem and course of action.
3. Analyze findings to define cause and determine possible corrective action.
4. Debrief operator and send follow-up letter when corrective action is deemed
5. Initiate any follow-up actions that will result in accomplishing needed changes
to prevent reoccurrence.
6. Document task.
6.1 File MIS Report in operator's office file.
6.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
7. Future activities.
7.1 Conduct follow-up inspections to ensure compliance, as required.

AIR 3.020 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.021
Title: Inspect an Approved Aircraft Inspection Program (AAIP)
Approval Date:
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121 CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To monitor an operator's Approved Aircraft Inspection Program (AAIP) and engine
maintenance program for ongoing compliance with Civil Aviation Safety Regulations
and program requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection/surveillance of AAIP.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review operator's office file for previous issues/trends.
2.1 Review operations specifications; ensure inspection program is referenced
to a specific document.
2.2 Review operator's AAIP contained in operator's manual.
2.3 Ensure AAIP revisions are current.
3. Review operator's instructions, procedures and standards for conducting
4. Review procedures for scheduling inspections.
5. Review procedures that assure use of qualified inspection personnel.
6. Review aircraft/engine maintenance/overhaul intervals.
7. Review procedures for recording maintenance information.
8. Review procedures for reporting and correcting irregularities.
9. Inspect operator's maintenance facility/contract service provider.
10. Analyze results of inspection.
11. Debrief operator. Discuss any deficiencies and corrective actions.

AIR 3.021 Page 1 of 2

12. Report any deficiencies to operator and DAAO office in writing.
12.1 Evaluate and report corrective action to DAAO office.
13. Document task.
13.1 File all supporting paperwork in operator's office file.
13.2 Close Work Tracking record.
14. Future activities.
14.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

AIR 3.021 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.022
Title: Inspect a Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM) Program
Approval Date:
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: Belum ada
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 410-01 ; 410-02
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To determine that an operator's aircraft used in Reduced Vertical Separations Minimums
(RVSM) airspace are maintained in compliance with regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of RVSM maintenance program.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review operator's approved RVSM maintenance program requirements.
3. If operator is subject to a continuous airworthiness maintenance program, ensure
that all RVSM equipment is maintained in accordance with that program.
4. If operator is not subject to an approved continuous airworthiness maintenance
program, ensure all RVSM equipment is maintained in accordance with
manufacturer's maintenance requirements and performance requirements
outlined in the approved data package.
5. Review/determine that aircraft maintenance log RVSM entries provide sufficient
detail to enable maintenance to effectively troubleshoot and repair the system,
for example:
- Primary and standby altimeter readings
- Altitude sector settings
- Subscale setting on altimeter
- Autopilot used to control aircraft when alternate system selected
- Differences in altimeter readings if alternate static ports selected
- Use of air data computer selector for fault diagnosis procedure
- Transponder selected to provide altitude source is manually selected

AIR 3.022 Page 1 of 2

6. Review aircraft maintenance records to ensure the appropriateness and
effectiveness of maintenance actions in response to RVSM discrepancies.
7. Inspect equipment used to perform measurements for calibration requirements.
8. Inspect maintenance records; ensure only qualified and authorized personnel are
used to release aircraft for RVSM operations.
9. Ensure operator is auditing all outsourced RVSM maintenance on a regular basis
to ensure conformance to RVSM maintenance program requirements.
10. Analyze results of inspection.
10.1 Advise operator of discrepancies; evaluate corrective actions.
11. Document task.
11.1 Close Work Tracking Record.

AIR 3.022 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.023
Title: Inspect a Continuing Analysis and Surveillance Program (CASP)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To monitor a continuing analysis and surveillance program (CASP) and to evaluate the
overall effectiveness of the continuous airworthiness maintenance program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of CASP/revision.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review historical data in office files for issues and/or negative trends.
2.1 Review history of past inspections.
2.2 Review Enforcement Investigative System history.
2.3 Review previous six months' Mechanical Reliability Reports.
2.4 Review Engine Utilization Reports.
2.5 Review any other operational data that might indicate
deficiencies/negative trends in the CASP and/or maintenance/inspection
3. Collect items to be used during on-site inspection:
3.1 Collect samples of any negative trends noted during the review of records
in Step 2 above.
3.2 Collect samples of negative trends in operational data that has been
identified by operator in previous reports.
3.3 Collect reports of all emergency/critical situations during the previous 12

AIR 3.023 Page 1 of 4

3.4 Collect samples of records from the day-to-day monitoring meetings in
which corrective actions were deemed necessary; determine if problems
were corrected in a timely manner.
3.5 Collect data indicating negative trends in the inspection/maintenance
program that were not detected by operator's CASP.
4. Review operator's manual; gain precise knowledge of operator's CASP
program/procedures and inspection/maintenance program/procedures before
conducting an on-site inspection.
4.1 Ensure the manual complies with Civil Aviation Safety Regulations
(CASR) and references.
4.2 Note any unclear areas, obvious omissions or apparent discrepancies in the
4.3 Review operator's program as described in the manual.
4.4 Ensure the manual contains adequate policies and procedures for
determining the effectiveness of the inspection/maintenance program.
4.5 Ensure the manual contains adequate policies and procedures for taking
action to correct any deficiencies in those programs required by CASR.
4.6 Ensure the manual contains procedures for administering the CASP that
are clear and easy to understand.
4.7 Ensure the manual describes a systematic method of reviewing operational
data in an emergency response, day-to-day monitoring, and long-term
4.8 Ensure the manual contains procedures for defining critical/emergency
situations, for the notification/coordination process in emergency
situations and determining if similar situations exist on other aircraft.
4.9 Ensure the manual contains procedures for implementing corrective
actions in a critical/emergency situation.
4.10 Ensure the manual defines procedures for how the DAAO is notified in
critical/emergency situations.
4.11 Ensure the manual contains procedures for conducting day-to-day
monitoring meetings to discuss mechanical performance and identifying
the need for corrective actions.
4.12 Ensure the manual has required procedures for long-term monitoring
analysis and identifying the need for corrective actions.
4.13 Ensure the manual has required procedures for implementing corrective
action based on long-term data analysis.
NOTE: Some operators fulfill this long-term monitoring function through
their approved reliability program

AIR 3.023 Page 2 of 4

4.14 Ensure the manual contains all the required audit elements for continuous
audit of the total maintenance program including auditing contract
5. Document preliminary findings of review prior to on-site inspection.
5.1 Discuss preliminary findings with principal inspector/supervisor; indicate
findings that must be brought to the attention of the operator during the
initial meeting.
6. Schedule inspection with operator.
7. Meet with the operator.
7.1 Meet with operator's representative responsible for CASP.
7.2 Discuss nature and scope of CASP inspection.
7.3 Discuss negative trends found during review of office files and operator's
8. Verify currency of operator's manual; compare master copy with manual held by
the responsible representative.
9. Determine if actual staffing equals that described in operator's manual.
10. Ensure that manual is readily available to personnel; and that each responsible
organizational element has a current copy of manual.
11. Inspect operator's system for monitor mechanical performance/effectiveness in
areas of emergency response, day-to-day monitoring and long-term monitoring;
use previous year's reports.
11.1 Determine if long-term data analysis is being performed in accordance
with manual procedures.
11.2 Evaluate effectiveness of corrective action plan/process as a result of
identified negative trend analysis.
11.3 Document instances in which operator did not follow the procedures
identified in the manual; use findings to determine overall effectiveness of
11.4 Document negative trends in operational data not identified by CASP.
12. Inspect operator system to audit the maintenance program.
12.1 Inspect required elements of audit functions.
12.2 Document instances in which operator did not follow the procedures
identified in the manual.
12.3 Analyze audit findings; determine if operator has performed analysis of
12.4 Determine if operator has implemented needed corrective actions as a
result of audit findings.

AIR 3.023 Page 3 of 4

12.5 Document all findings of noncompliance with manual procedures; use
findings to assess overall effectiveness of program.
13. Follow up negative trends identified during office and manual review.
14. Analyze results of office files review, manual review, on-site inspection and
inspector-identified trends.
14.1 Consult with appropriate DAAO supervisory personnel to determine
which (if any) findings require official notification.
15. Debrief operator.
15.1 Discuss all discrepancies discovered during the inspection and possible
corrective actions.
15.2 Inform operator that official written notification of findings will follow.
15.3 Inform operation that a plan for timely completing corrective action must
be submitted.
NOTE: Agree with the operator upon time limits for the corrective action plan
during the debriefing. Negotiations over time limits can be done later if
mitigating circumstances arise.
16. Send formal letter to operator confirming inspection findings.
17. Document task.
17.1 File all supporting paperwork in the operator's office file.
17.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
18. Future activities.
18.1 At the end of the time limit for corrective action, schedule a six-month
follow-up inspection in areas of deficiency to determine the effectiveness
of the operator's corrective action.

AIR 3.023 Page 4 of 4

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.024
Title: Inspect for Unapproved Parts
Approval Date:
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: 2.5.016
Regulation References: CASR 121 CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To ensure air carriers/air agencies have procedures in place for the detection of
unapproved parts and that suspected unapproved parts (SUP) are appropriately dealt with
when discovered during inspection and surveillance activities.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of air carrier/air agency procedures for the detection of
unapproved parts.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review air carrier/air agency procurement/receiving inspection system and
3. Evaluate air carrier/air agency incoming/receiving inspection system to ensure
that only approved parts/materials are received into inventories.
3.1 Verify parts received were produced under a DAAO-approved process or
otherwise acceptable to the Administer.
3.2 Verify the existence of a maintenance release or return to service record
entry by a DAAO certificated air carrier/air agency.
3.3 Verify parts produced on a specified time inspection interval or related
procedures specified in Airworthiness Limitations document are
permanently marked with a part number and serial number or equivalent.
3.4 Evaluate shipping tickets, packing slips, invoices, repair orders and other
documents identifying the approved manufacturer of the material/part.
3.5 Evaluate data on DAAO, Airworthiness Approval Tag.
3.6 Evaluate data on DAAO Form 21-18 Authorized Released Certificate.
3.7 Examine Parts Manufacturing Approval (PMA) marking on the part and
the CASR approved packing slips, and documents of airworthiness.

AIR 3.024 Page 1 of 2

3.8 Examine Direct Ship Authority authorization certifying that the part was
produced under the production approval.
3.9 Examine State of Manufacturing, Type Certificating Organization (TSO)
markings in accordance with the States Civil Aviation Safety Regulations
3.10 Examine certifications for standard parts (bolts and nuts) or evidence that
they conform to established industry or State specifications.
4. Evaluate air carrier/air agency system/procedures for the removal of unapproved
parts found in inventories or installed on aircraft in the procedures manual
and/or States-approved Minimum Equipment List.
5. Evaluate air operator/air agency procedure for segregating, evaluating and/or
removal of parts, the status of which is not apparent.
6. Evaluate air operator/air agency procedures for detecting and reporting
suspected unapproved parts.
7. Analyze task.
7.1 Discuss discrepancies with air operator/air agency.
7.2 Evaluate corrective action.
8. Complete DAAO Form for Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUP) Status Report, if
unapproved parts are found.
8.1 Forward report to appropriate DAAO office.
9. Close Work Tracking Record.

AIR 3.024 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.025
Title: Inspect an Altimeter Setting Source
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: 2.5.010
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To ensure altimeter setting sources are transmitting accurate information and continue to
meet regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of an altimeter setting source.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Coordinate inspection with DAAO Procedures Branch.
3. Inspect altimeter setting source facility.
4. Ensure altimeters meet required system tests and inspections.
5. Inspect records.
6. Determine station's capability to transmit data.
7. Analyze results of inspection.
7.1 If inspection is unsatisfactory, debrief operator; require the discontinuation
of operations.
7.2 Notify Flight Procedures Branch by telephone.
7.3 Notify operator not to use altimeter setting source until discrepancies are
8. Document task.
8.1 File all supporting paperwork in operator's office file.
8.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
9. Future activities.
9.1 Conduct follow-up inspection, as required.

AIR 3.025 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.027
Title: Inspect a Avionics Test Equipment
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: 2.3.032
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To inspect test equipment used during the calibration, repair and overhaul of avionics
equipment for compliance with DAAO and industry standards.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of avionics test equipment/program.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review operator/agency's maintenance manuals to determine what test
equipment is required.
3. Verify test equipment capabilities for level of maintenance being performed.
4. Verify test equipment accessories for condition of repair, currency of calibration
and accuracy of measurements.
5. Verify test equipment used to perform quantitative measurements of aircraft
components is calibrated (calibrations must be traceable to National Institute of
Standards and Technology, or one approved by the State).
6. Verify operator/agency has full control of test equipment; ownership should be
established, contractional agreements should be evaluated.
6.1 Ensure test equipment is identified according to operator/agency's manual
6.2 Ensure records are kept of date and person/organization calibrating each
piece of equipment.
6.3 Ensure that inspection and calibration of precision tools and test
equipment is done according to operator/agency's manual procedures.
7. Evaluate Automatic Test Equipment (ATE).

AIR 3.027 Page 1 of 2

7.1 Ensure ATE test program provides analysis that ensures aircraft
components are tested to manufacturer's limits.
7.2 Verify management control is accomplished for setting limits and
7.3 Verify management control is accomplished for performance of checks
and tests.
7.4 Verify management control is accomplished for updating listing that
identifies each ATE test by number and contains reference to a section of
component manual.
7.5 Verify management control is accomplished for control and identification
of software program revision status.
8. Verify uncalibrated test equipment is identified and operator's manual defines its
9. Verify procedures for incorporating new test equipment.
10. Verify procedures for handling inoperable test equipment.
11. Analyze results of inspection.
11.1 If deficiencies are found, notify operator/agency; evaluate corrective
12. Document task.
12.1 File all supporting paperwork in the operator/agency's office file.
12.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
13. Future activities.
13.1 Conduct follow-up inspections, as required.

AIR 3.027 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.028
Title: Conduct a Rotorcraft Ramp Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To determine that an operation is in continuing compliance with State Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations (CASR) during an actual operational situation.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Pre-inspection activities.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Proceed to airport where inspection will be conducted and identify DAAO
presence to airport operator, if appropriate.
3. Inspect airman documents.
3.1 Inspect airman and medical certificates.
3.2 Return documentation.
4. Record aircraft information.
4.1 Certificate of Airworthiness.
4.2 Registration.
4.3 Radio License.
4.4 Current Mass and Balance.
5. Inspect aircraft.
5.1 Identify and record discrepancies.
6. Conclude inspection.
6.1 Debrief airman.
6.2 Advise pilot of upcoming accident prevention or safety meetings.
7. File any reports in DAAO office file.

AIR 3.028 Page 1 of 2

7.1 Close Work Tracking Record.
8. Task outcomes.
8.1 Indication in district office files of satisfactory/unsatisfactory inspection.
8.2 Letter of correction.
8.3 Aircraft condition notice.
9. Future activities.
9.1 Initiate a compliance investigation (if applicable).
9.2 Initiate a follow-up inspection to determine correction of discrepancies (if

AIR 3.028 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.032
Title: Conduct Surveillance of a Special Event
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: 2.5.018, 2.5.014, 4.4.026, 4.7.002
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To determine if the holder of a certificate of waiver or authorization is in compliance with the
terms set forth in the waiver or authorization.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for the surveillance of an aviation event.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Plan the surveillance of the aviation event.
3. Determine the type of waiver or authorization.
3.1 Review requirements for an air race in an aviation event.
3.2 Review requirements for aerobatics in an aviation event.
3.3 Review requirements for parachuting in an aviation event.
3.4 Review requirements for balloons in an aviation event.
4. Conduct surveillance of the aviation event.
5. Determine if aviation events are performed within waiver provisions.
6. Notify coordinator of discrepancies.
7. Determine if discrepancies are resolved.
8. Inform coordinator that the waiver is rescinded, if necessary.
9. Debrief the holder of the certificate of waiver or authorization.
10. Document the inspection.
11. Close Work Tracking Record.

AIR 3.032 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.033
Title: Conduct a Ramp Inspection of Foreign Registered Aircraft
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: 2.2.005
Regulation References: CASR 129
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To sample the quality of maintenance and degree of compliance with the operator's
operations specifications and CASR on in-service aircraft.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate ramp inspection of foreign-registered aircraft.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Prepare for inspection.
2.1 Obtain copy of Air Carrier Ramp Inspections Job Aid.
3. Make an official, but courteous, introduction to the flight crew; state purpose of
3.1 Request to see airman and medical certificates; review certificates; ensure
they meet duty position and are applicable to aircraft being operated.
4. Inspect aircraft documents.
4.1 Inspect aircraft airworthiness certificate.
4.2 Inspect aircraft registration certificate.
4.3 Inspect Letter of Authorization for use of Minimum Equipment List.
5. Inspect aircrafts interior.
6. Inspect aircrafts exterior.
Reference: ICAO, Article 17
ICAO, Article 20
ICAO, Annex 7
7. Inspect servicing and maintenance areas.

AIR 3.033 Page 1 of 2

8. Inspect ramp and gate condition areas.
9. Analyze results of inspection.
10. Debrief operator; diplomatically explain each discrepancy; offer suggested
corrective actions and DAAO assistance, as applicable.
11. If air carrier representative disagrees with inspection findings, prepare a written
report of findings and recommended corrective actions; address to the DAAO
office with Certificate management responsibility.
11.1 The DAAO office with Certificate management responsibility will mail
report to state civil aviation authority.
12. If serious uncorrected safety deficiencies exist, advise the aircraft operator that
operating the aircraft may be in violation of the States regulations. Immediately
advise foreign air carrier principal inspector, who must advise foreign air carrier
and/or state civil aviation authority.
12.1 If foreign air carrier CEO or state civil aviation authority fails to take
corrective actions, initiate swift enforcement action.
13. Document task.
14. Close work package record.

AIR 3.033 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.034
Title: Evaluate a Foreign Carrier Operating Locally Registered Aircraft
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 129
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To evaluate a maintenance program and Minimum Equipment List (MEL) for an operator
operating States registered aircraft.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application letter.
1.1 Evaluate application for required content.
1.2 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Verify operations specifications have been approved.
3. Evaluate the maintenance program for International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) and States regulatory requirements.
3.1 Ensure that all applicable items required by the State are included in
operator's maintenance program.
4. Evaluate the operator's aircraft maintenance program and MEL for use by a
foreign operator.
5. Inform operator of notification requirements.
5.1 Instruct operator to send notification of any changes/revisions to its
maintenance program to responsible DAAO Office.
6. Evaluate revisions to an approved maintenance program in accordance with
procedures provided in maintenance program.
7. Analyze results of evaluation.
7.1 If deficiencies are found, inform applicant of required corrective actions.
7.2 If deficiencies cannot be satisfied, notify region, then terminate
application process.

AIR 3.034 Page 1 of 2

7.3 Coordinate with DAAO Manager before terminating application process
and returning application/associated data.
8. If applicant meets operating and maintenance requirements of States Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) issue maintenance program approval;
coordinate with Principal Operations Inspector to issue/amend operations
9. Document task.
9.1 File all supporting paperwork in operator's office file.
9.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
10. Future activities.
10.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

AIR 3.034 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.035
Title: Evaluate a Foreign Operator's Maintenance Contract
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 121; CASR 135
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To evaluate a Foreign Operator's Maintenance Contract(s) or Agreement(s) to ensure they
meet regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive contract/agreement documents submitted by operator.
Ref: ICAO Annex 6
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Evaluate operator's maintenance program/contractual agreement documents.
2.1 Ensure all applicable items required by the State are included in operator's
maintenance program agreements.
K: ICAO Annex 6
3. Evaluate the portions of operator's manual that require specific DAAO approval.
4. Verify contract maintenance is performed by a DAAO approved facility.
K: ICAO Annex 6
5. Analyze results of evaluation.
5.1 If deficiencies are found, inform operator; evaluate corrective actions.
5.2 If all regulatory requirements have been satisfied, approve operator's
contractual maintenance agreement.
6. Return documents that fail to meet requirements and provide operator guidance.
6.1 If deficiencies cannot be satisfactorily resolved, notify the DAAO office
before returning or rejecting an application of a foreign carrier.
7. Document task.

AIR 3.035 Page 1 of 2

7.1 File all supporting paperwork in the operator's office file.
7.2 Close Work Tracking record.
8. Future activities.
8.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

AIR 3.035 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.036
Title: Evaluate a Foreign Operator's Maintenance Technical Manual
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: 3.3.100
Regulation References: CASR 129
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To ensure a Foreign operator's maintenance technical manuals meet the requirements of
the DAAO.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive written request for evaluation of maintenance technical manuals.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Verify operations specifications have been approved before proceeding with
manual evaluation.
2.1 Evaluate manual/data for compliance with applicable CAR requirements
and applicable ICAO Annex 6 standards.
Ref: ICAO Annex 6
2.2 Evaluate/verify that expository manual meets regulatory requirements and
is written in the States language, as applicable.
2.3 Review adequacy of manuals for each make and type of aircraft used.
3. Evaluate manual revision system.
4. Analyze results of evaluation.
4.1 If deficiencies are found, advise operator; evaluate corrective actions.
4.2 If deficiencies cannot be satisfactorily resolved, notify the appropriate
DAAO office before returning or rejecting an application of a foreign
5. If applicant meets operating and maintenance requirements, approve/accept
technical manual/data, coordinate with Principal Operations Inspector, as
6. Document task.

AIR 3.036 Page 1 of 2

6.1 File all supporting paperwork in the operator's office file.
6.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
7. Future activities.
7.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

AIR 3.036 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.037
Title: Evaluate a Maintenance Program for Foreign Carriers Operating ROI Registered
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR 129
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 120-14
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To sample the degree of compliance with the maintenance requirements of on an in-
service State registered aircraft operated by a foreign operator.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate ramp inspection.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Prepare for inspection.
2.1 Obtain copy of Air Carrier Ramp Inspections Job Aid.
3. Make an official, but courteous, introduction to the flight crew.
3.1 Request to see airman and medical certificates; review certificates; ensure
they meet duty position and are applicable to aircraft being operated.
4. Inspect aircraft documents.
4.1 Verify ROI airworthiness and registration certificates are valid for the
5. Ensure that maintenance is performed in accordance with States Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations (CASR) as applicable.
5.1 Inspect maintenance records; ensure compliance with air carrier's
approved maintenance program and Minimum Equipment List.
6. Inspect aircraft's interior.
7. Inspect aircraft's exterior; note requirements of States CASR, and ICAO, Article
17, ICAO, Article 20, ICAO, Annex 7.
7.1 Inspect aircraft markings.

AIR 3.037 Page 1 of 2

8. Inspect servicing and maintenance areas.
9. Inspect ramp and gate condition areas.
10. Analyze results of inspection.
11. Debrief operator; diplomatically explain each discrepancy; offer suggested
corrective actions and DAAO assistance, as applicable.
12. If air carrier representative disagrees with inspection findings, prepare a written
report of findings and recommended corrective actions; address to the DAAO
office with Certificate management responsibility.
12.1 The DAAO office with Certificate management responsibility will mail
report to state civil aviation authority.
13. If serious uncorrected safety deficiencies exist, advise the aircraft operator that
operating the aircraft may be in violation of the States regulations. Immediately
advise foreign air carrier principal inspector, who must advise foreign air carrier
and/or state civil aviation authority.
13.1 If foreign air carrier CEO or state civil aviation authority fails to take
corrective actions, initiate swift enforcement action.
14. Document task.
14.1 File all supporting paperwork in operator's office file.
14.2 Close Work Tracking Record.

AIR 3.037 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.038
Title: Inspect a Certificated Airframe and/or Powerplant (A&P) Mechanic
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Belum ada
DAAO Forms: Belum ada
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760; SI 8300
Task Description:
To perform surveillance/inspection of an Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) Mechanic.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate Airframe and/or Powerplant Mechanic inspection.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Inspect airman documents; determine ratings are appropriate to work performed.
3. Interview mechanic; determine understanding of manufacturer/maintenance
manuals for specific work performed.
4. Determine if mechanic meets requirements for recent experience.
5. Ensure airman certificate is within the immediate area where the mechanic
normally exercises the privileges of the certificate.
6. Analyze results of inspection.
6.1 If deficiencies are found, advise mechanic; evaluate corrective action.
6.2 If mechanic is found to be in noncompliance, handle matter in accordance
with States guidance.
7. Document task.
7.1 Close Work Tracking Record.
8. Future activities.
8.1 Conduct routine surveillance.

AIR 3.038 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.101
Title: Surveillance for Production Certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-34 ACSEP Record of Findings/Observations
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-06 Production Approval and Surveillance Procedures
Task Description:
To conduct surveillance to production certificate holder
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initial review of surveillance to production certificate holder
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Assignment of Principal Inspector to manage surveillance of PC holder.
3. Prepare schedule for surveillance.
4. Conduct surveillance covering the followings:
4.1 Initial evaluation of quality control data and changes to quality control
system may effect the airworthiness of product,
4.2 Evaluation of inspection/quality assurance provision of manufacturing and
special processes and subsequent revision,
4.3 Conduct confomity inspection on prototype and production of product and
part thereof,
4.4 Investigation of service difficulties involving quality control problems,
4.5 Investigation of regulatoty violations,
4.6 Ensure appropriate corrective actions implemented for unsatisfactory
4.7 Conduct supplier surveillance,
4.8 Any other surveillance criteria to ensure compliance with CASR 21
Subpart G.

AIR 3.101 Page 1 of 2

5. File task.
5.1 Records surveillance activities on DAAO Form 21.34 ACSEP Records of
5.2 Close work tracking record.
5.3 File all documentation in DAAO office.

AIR 3.101 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.102
Title: Surveillance Production under Type Certificate Only
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-34 ACSEP Record of Findings/Observations
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-06 Production Approval and Surveillance Procedures
Task Description:
To conduct surveillance of production under TC only
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initial review of surveillance of production under TC only
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Assignment of Principal Inspector to manage surveillance of production under
TC only.
3. Prepare schedule for surveillance.
4. Conduct surveillance covering the following production inspection system:
4.1 Incoming material must conform to type design.
4.2 Incoming material must be properly identified.
4.3 Material subject to damage and deterioration must be stored and protected.
4.4 Processes affecting quality and safety must conform to approved
4.5 Parts and components in process must be inspected for conformity with
the type design.
4.6 Current drawings must be readily available.
4.7 Design changes, including material substitution must be controlled and
4.8 Rejected materials and parts must be segeregated and properly identified.

AIR 3.102 Page 1 of 2

4.9 Material waiting for MRB disposition must be identified.
4.10 Inspection records must be maintained, identified, and retained with
4.11 Surveillance of supplier.
5. File task.
5.1 Records surveillance activities on DAAO Form 21-34 ACSEP Records of
5.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
5.3 File all documentation in DAAO office.

AIR 3.102 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.103
Title: Surveillance Part Manufacturer Approval
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-34 ACSEP Record of Findings/Observations
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-06 Production Approval and Surveillance Procedures
Task Description:
To conduct surveillance to PMA holder
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Assignment of Principal Inspector to manage surveillance of PC holder.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Prepare schedule for surveillance.
3. Conduct surveillance of fabrication inspection system, covering the following:
3.1 Incoming material must conform to type design,
3.2 Incoming material must be properly identified,
3.3 Material subject to damage and deterioration must be stored and protected,
3.4 Processes affecting quality and safety must conform to approved
3.5 Parts and components in process must ne inspected for conformity with
the type design,
3.6 Current drawings must be readily available for use,
3.7 Major changes to basic design must be controlled and approved,
3.8 Rejected materials and components must be segregated and properly
3.9 Inspection records must be maintained, identified, and retained with

AIR 3.103 Page 1 of 2

4. File task.
4.1 Records surveillance activities on DAAO Form 21.34 ACSEP Records of
4.2 Close work tracking record
4.3 File all documentation in DAAO office.

AIR 3.103 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 3.104
Title: Surveillance Technical Standard Order Authorisation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-34 ACSEP Record of Findings/Observations
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-06 Production Approval and Surveillance Procedures
Task Description:
To conduct surveillance to holder of TSO authorisation
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Assignment of Principal Inspector to manage surveillance of PC holder.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Prepare schedule for surveillance.
3. Conduct surveillance of quality control system of the followings:
3.1 Responsibility and delegated authority of quality control organisation,
3.2 Inspection procedures for raw material, purchased items and parts and
assemblies produced by supplier,
3.3 Methods used for production inspection of parts and assemblies, including
identification of special process involved,
3.4 Material review system,
3.5 Information system regarding current changes in drawings, specifications,
and quality control procedure,
3.6 Current drawings must be readily available for use,
3.7 Delegation of authority system to supplier,
3.8 Surveillance to supplier.
4. File task.

AIR 3.104 Page 1 of 2

4.1 Records surveillance activities on DAAO Form 21.34 ACSEP Records of
4.2 Close work tracking record.
4.3 File all documentation in DAAO office.

AIR 3.104 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.001
Title: Conduct Written Test for Personnel Licensing
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 65
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1
Task Description:
To Determine Eligibility and Conduct Written Test for Personnel Licensing
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Request from Airman to take written test.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Have applicant sign in with date and time. Verify positive identity of applicant
through State issued Identification.
3. Review Airmans Application for testing, and all documents to insure
completion of approve course, and that all prerequisites have been met.
4. Verify the applicant has only the required material needed to take the written
5. The applicant should be briefed on any time requirements and procedures to be
taken if applicant must leave the secure testing room for any reason.
6. The written test should only be administered in a secure room by an authorized
DAAO Inspector where the applicant can be monitored.
7. Once the test is completed insure all test materials are collected. If the test will
not be graded at that time, have the applicant sign out and brief when the test
will be graded and how the applicant will be made aware of the results.
8. If the test will be corrected upon completion debrief the applicant in all the areas
of missed questions.
9. If a passing grade was achieved issue the appropriate certificate. If a passing
grad was not achieved inform the applicant when they can return to retest and
any requirements or additional sign offs required by training personnel or by the
10. Close work tracking record.

AIR 4.001 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.002
Title: Certificate an Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 65
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Annex 1
Job Task Description:
To certificate an applicant for a mechanic certificate and rating(s) in accordance with the
Civil Aviation Safety Regulation requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for airmans certificate.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review DAAO Airman Certification Form, Airman Certificate and/or Rating
Application, and additional documentation for completeness.
3. Review Integrated Safety Information System for enforcement data that would
render applicant ineligible for certificate/rating.
4. Ensure applicant meets requirements for certificate/rating.
5. Establish eligibility for written test.
5.1 Deny authorization if applicant is not eligible.
5.2 If applicant is eligible, authorize applicant to take written test.
6. Ensure application for oral and practical tests includes proof of successful
completion of applicable written tests.
7. Ensure that oral and practical tests are administered and passed.
8. Review oral and practical test results.
9. If emergency replacement certificate is requested, ensure all requirements are
met; contact DAAO Airman Certification Branch to confirm validity of request.
10. If all requirements have been met, issue DAAO Airman Certification Form,
Temporary Airman Certificate; give copy to applicant.

AIR 4.002 Page 1 of 2

10.1 Complete the Inspector Report portion of DAAO Airman Certification
10.2 Make and submit a file containing original DAAO Airman Certification
Form to DAAO Airman Certification Branch.
11. If applicant does not meet all eligibility requirements, deny certificate/added
11.1 Complete the Inspector Report portion of DAAO Airman Certification
11.2 Present duplicate copy of application to applicant and counsel applicant,
as needed.
11.3 Return other documents to applicant, as appropriate.
12. Conduct retest after failure in accordance with applicable DAAO guidance.
13. Document Task.
13.1 Close work tracking record.
14. Future activities.
14.1 Conduct routine surveillance.

AIR 4.002 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.003
Title: Issue a Mechanic Certificate to a Foreign Applicant
Approval Date:
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 65
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Annex 1
Job Task Description:
To issue a Mechanic Certificate or added rating to a foreign applicant located outside the
DAAO host country.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request from foreign applicant located outside the DAAO host country
for issuance of mechanic certificate or added rating.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Require applicant to submit DAAO Airman Certification Form, Airman
Certificate and/or Rating Application, in triplicate.
3. Establish positive identification of the applicant.
4. Determine applicants ability to read, write, speak and understand the English
5. Determine applicants experience eligibility.
5.1 Ensure applicant provides statements substantiating type and duration of
maintenance performed from employer and foreign airworthiness
5.2 Do not accept information that cannot be verified or documented.
6. Access Integrated Safety Information System for violation history applicable to
applicants who have held, or currently hold an airman certificate.
7. Determine eligibility for certificate/rating.
7.1 If eligible, issue written test authorization.
7.2 If ineligible, deny authority to take written test.
8. Ensure application for oral and practical skill test includes proof of successful
completion of applicable written tests.

AIR 4.003 Page 1 of 2

8.1 Review oral and practical test results.
8.2 Determine applicant's experience eligibility; evaluate applicant's
substantiating statement.
9. If all requirements have been met, issue DAAO Airman Certification Form,
Temporary Airman Certificate; give copy to applicant.
9.1 Complete the Inspector Report portion of DAAO Airman Certification
9.2 Submit original application file to Airman Certification Branch.
10. If applicant does not meet all eligibility requirements, deny certificate/added
10.1 Complete the Inspector Report portion of DAAO Airman Certification
10.2 Present duplicate copy of application to applicant.
10.3 Return other documents to applicant, as appropriate.
11. Conduct retest after failure in accordance with applicable SI.
12. Document task.
12.1 Close work tracking record.
13. Future activities.
13.1 Conduct routine surveillance.

AIR 4.003 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.007
Title: Conduct a Reexamination Test of a Mechanic or an Inspection Authorization
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 65
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Annex 1
Job Task Description:
To determine whether an airman of questionable competence is qualified to exercise the
privileges of a particular certificate or rating.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for a reexamination test of a mechanic inspection
authorization, based on personal knowledge, reports, accident, or enforcement
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. If reexamination test is required, send letter of notification to airman; specify
reasons for reexamination.
3. Schedule appointment for reexamination test.
3.1 Coordinate with office that initiated notification letter, as applicable.
3.2 If mechanic refuses to submit to reexamination, advise airman that
emergency legal enforcement action will be initiated.
4. If airman voluntarily surrenders certificate/rating, enter statement in apropriate
5. Prepare reexamination test.
5.1 Coordinate test preparation with DAAO Airman Testing Standards
Branch, as required.
5.2 Complete DAAO forms for mechanic and/or inspection authorization, as
5.3 Verify applicants identity.
6. Conduct reexamination test.
7. If reexamination is satisfactory, issue letter of results.

AIR 4.007 Page 1 of 2

7.1 Provide copy of test results to office that initiated notification letter, as
8. If results of reexamination test are unsatisfactory.
8.1 Advise office manager, debrief applicant, have airman surrender
certificate/rating, and issue letter of results.
8.2 If airman refuses to comply.
8.3 Coordinate with office that initiated notification letter, as applicable.
9. Complete inspectors report; forward to DAAO Aircraft Certification Branch.
10. Document task.
10.1 Close work tracking record.
11. Future activities.
11.1 Conduct further reexamination, as needed.
11.2 Initiate enforcement, as necessary.

AIR 4.007 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.201
Title Designate or Inspect a Designated Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Examiner
Representative (DAMEER)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Personnel Licensing, Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR 65
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: None
Job Task Description:
To issue, renew or cancel a Designated Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Examiner
Representative (DAMEER).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for certification/renewal/cancellation of DAMEERs
designation procedures.
1.1 Ensure the applicant meets the qualifications for the designation sought.
1.2 Open work tracking record.
1.3 Determine need for initial/continuing designation.
1.4 Treat all former designees as original designations.
2. Task outcomes.
2.1 File inspection Transmittal Form.
2.2 Complete DAAO Form, Certificate, Authorization or Designation Action
Request. Forward the original to DAAO Designee Standardization.
2.3 Issue Designation.
3. Close work tracking record.
4. Future activities.
4.1 Provide examiners with the publications necessary to perform their duties.
4.2 Cancellation or voluntary surrender of examiner designation.
5. File all documentation in DAAO office DAMEER file.

AIR 4.201 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.202
Title: Designate or Inspect a Designated Engineering Representative (DER)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Personal Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: -
Regulation References:
CASR 183 Representatives of the DGCA
DGCA Forms:
DAAO Form 21-8 Statement of Compliance with CASRs
DAAO Form 183-1A Statement of Qualification
DAAO Form 183-2 Certificate of Authority
DAAO Form 183-3 Certificate of Designation
DGCA Guidance Material References:
SI 183.01 Designated Engineering Representative (DER) Guidance Handbook
Task Description:
To determine and assessments of personnel to meets regulatory standard as a DER
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application DAAO 183-1A accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data (Curriculum vitae, English profiency certificate,
supporting certificate as required for pertinent DER designee)
2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 Conduct review of DER candidates documents category as applied
2.1.1 Company DER
2.1.2 Consultant DER
2.2 Conduct interview a DER candidate as designated
2.3 Issue DAAO Form 183-3 Certificate of Designation
2.4 Issue DAAO Form 183-2 Certificate of Authority

AIR 4.202 Page 1 of 2

3. File task.
3.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
3.2 Close work tracking record

AIR 4.202 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.203
Title: Designate or Inspect a Designated Manufacturing Inspection Representatives
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:None
Regulation References:
CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 183-1A Statement of Qualification
DAAO Form 183-2 Certificate of Authority
DAAO Form 183-3 Certificate of Designation
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 183-02 Designated Manufacturing Inspection Representatives (DMIRs)
Task Description:
To give authorisation as a Designated Manufacturing Inspection Representatives.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive and review application for DMIR
1.1 Open work tracking record
2. Review the qualification of candidate
3. Perform selection and appointment of representative
4. Training and supervision
5. Report of accomplishment
6. Document Task
6.1 Close work tracking record
6.2 File all documentation

AIR 4.203 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.501
Title Conduct Certification or Renewal of a Training Center
Approval Date:
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Agency Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 142;
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 120-01; SI 142 belum ada perlu
Job Task Description:
To evaluate DAAO Aviation Maintenance Technician School (AMTS) applicant for
compliance with certification requirements for an Air Agency Certificate/added rating.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial inquiry from applicant.
1.1 Advise applicant of regulatory requirements; determine necessity for
preapplication meeting provide DAAO Form, Preapplication Statement of
Intent (PASI).
1.2 Open work tracking record.
2. Receive PASI.
2.1 Evaluate PASI for completeness and accuracy.
2.2 Forward two copies of PASI to DAAO Regional Office for processing.
2.3 Obtain precertification number from Aviation Data Systems Branch.
3. Conduct precertification inspections.
3.1 Inspect school; make necessary recommendations.
4. Establish Certification Team.
5. Conduct preapplication meeting.
5.1 Ensure applicant is aware of regulatory requirements and DAAO policies.
5.2 Inform applicant of required contents of formal application file.
5.3 Determine types of ratings sought; e.g., airframe, powerplant or

AIR 4.501 Page 1 of 2

5.4 Instruct applicant to complete DAAO Form, Aviation Maintenance
Technical School Certificate and Ratings Application.
6. Receive formal application file and attachments.
6.1 Evaluate for completeness and accuracy.
6.2 Advise applicant of acceptance or rejection of formal application.
7. Receive manuals and other documents.
7.1 Evaluate in-depth for compliance with regulations and safe practices.
7.2 Document and advise applicant of deficiencies.
7.3 If necessary, terminate the certification process.
8. Observe demonstrations and inspections.
8.1 Make on-site inspections to determine effectiveness of applicants
proposed programs and procedures.
9. Analyze results of evaluation.
9.1 Document and advise applicant of deficiencies.
9.2 If necessary, terminate the certification process.
10. When all regulatory requirements have been met.
10.1 Issue DAAO Form, Air Agency Certificate.
10.2 Prepare certification file.
10.3 Distribute copies of application form to DAAO Regional Office DAAO
Aircraft Maintenance Division.
11. Document task.
11.1 File all supporting paperwork in the certificate holder/applicant's office
11.2 Close work tracking record.
12. Future activities.
12.1 Observe school during first 90 days of operation.
12.2 Schedule additional surveillance as required.

AIR 4.501 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.502
Title : Inspect Training Personnel, Facilities, Equipment, and Records of an Approved
Maintenance Training Organization (AMTO) and Pilot School Certificate (PSC)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Personnel Licensing, Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 147; CASR 141
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: CASR 147; CASR 141
Job Task Description:
To inspect Training Personnel, Facilities, Equipment, and Records of an Approved
Maintenance Training Organization (AMTO) and Pilot School Certificate (PSC).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for inspect training personnel.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
1.2 Inspect CV management personnel
1.3 Inspect training personnel record.
2. Receive request for inspect facilities.
2.1 Facilities inspection compliance.
3. Receive request for inspect equipment.
3.1 Equipment inspection compliance.
4. Receive request record inspection.
4.1 Record aircraft hours
4.2 Record Component status.
5. Close work tracking

AIR 4.502 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.503
Title Inspect Training Center Personnel and Qualifications
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Agency Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 142;
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ANNEX 1; ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 120-01;
Job Task Description:
To evaluate the aviation maintenance school instructor qualification in accordance with
the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive instructor qualifications.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Advise operator/applicant of regulatory requirements, as applicable.
3. Evaluate faculty/instructor qualifications.
3.1 Review instructor qualifications/certificate; ensure certificate validity and
that there are no certificate actions pending.
3.2 If instructor is ineligible to teach subjects, notify school in writing.
3.3 Evaluate student/teacher ratios for regulatory compliance.
4. Evaluate facility requirements and capabilities.
5. When all certification requirements have been met, complete required DAAO
6. Document task.
6.1 Close work tracking record.
7. Future activities.
7.1 Conduct routine surveillance.

AIR 4.503 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.512
Title Approve a Training Organization Training Program Curriculum
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Air Agency Certification
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 147
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Annex 1
Job Task Description:
To evaluate the curriculum or curriculum revision of an Aviation Maintenance Technician
School (AMTS) operator/applicant in accordance with the Civil Aviation Safety
Regulations (CASR).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive curriculum/revision.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Advise operator/applicant of Civil Aviation Safety Regulatory requirements and
current industry needs, as applicable.
3. Review curriculum and texts.
3.1 Thoroughly analyze curriculum for compliance with all regulatory
4. Evaluate school methods of crediting previous instruction or experience.
5. Evaluate facility requirements and capabilities.
6. When all certification requirements have been met, complete required DAAO
forms, issue certificate; proceed to step 8.
7. Curriculum revision.
7.1 Review changes to curriculum for regulatory compliance prior to
7.2 Advise school of any deficiencies in writing; evaluate corrective action.
7.3 If all requirements have been met, initial applicable documents; return
curriculum to the school.
8. Document task.
8.1 Close work tracking record.
9. Future activities.
9.1 Conduct routine surveillance.
AIR 4.512 Page 1 of 1
ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.513
Title : Approve an Approved Aircraft Inspection Program (AAIP) Used by Pilot School.
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Personnel Licensing, Surveillance
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 141
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: CASR 141
Job Task Description:
To evaluate the AAIP of an PSC operator/applicant in accordance with the Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations (CASR).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive AAIP/revision.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Advise operator/applicant of Civil Aviation Safety Regulatory requirements and
current industry needs, as applicable.
3. Review AAIP and texts.
3.1 Thoroughly analyze AAIP for compliance with all regulatory requirements.
4. Evaluate school methods of crediting previous instruction or experience.
5. Evaluate facility requirements and capabilities.
6. When all certification requirements have been met, complete required DAAO
forms, issue certificate; proceed to step 8.
7. AAIP revision.
7.1 Review changes to AAIP for regulatory compliance prior to
7.2 Advise school of any deficiencies in writing; evaluate corrective action.
7.3 If all requirements have been met, initial applicable documents; return
curriculum to the school.
8. Document task.
8.1 Close work tracking record.
9. Future activities.

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9.1 Conduct routine surveillance.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.514
Title: Evaluate Training Center Lease or Contract
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 141 CASR 147
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1
Task Description:
To evaluate a training center lease or contract to ensure that it is in compliance with
regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to evaluate contract or lease agreement.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Evaluate any leases, contracts or agreements showing applicant has continuous
use of appropriate facilities.
4. Evaluate any leases, contracts or agreements showing applicant has continuous
use of briefing area.
5. Evaluate any leases, contracts or agreements showing applicant has continuous
use of airport.
6. Evaluate any leases, contracts or agreements showing applicant has use of
aircraft appropriate to courses of training applied for.
7. Evaluate any maintenance contracts or agreements to determine that applicant
can provide airworthy aircraft for instruction.
8. Document results of evaluation.
8.1 Advise applicant in writing of unsatisfactory items.
8.2 Make appropriate entry in job aid.
9. Close work tracking record.

AIR 4.518 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.517
Title: Evaluate Aircraft Used by Pilot Schools
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 141
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1
Task Description:
To conduct surveillance of a certificated Pilot School and it's aircraft, programs and
systems to insure compliance of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate spot inspection.
1.1 Select appropriate aircraft for inspection.
1.2 Ensure familiarity with type of aircraft to be inspected before performing
1.3 Open work tracking record.
2. Coordinate inspection with school; state purpose of inspection.
3. Review school's aircraft maintenance program and manuals.
3.1 Review school's maintenance records.
4. Inspect maintenance task work package/records; ensure work is accomplished
and recorded according to the operator's approved recordkeeping system.
5. Perform spot inspection.
5.1 Select a maintenance task, as applicable.
5.2 Place special surveillance emphasis on Required Inspection Items (RII),
Airworthiness Directives, and life-limited parts.
6. Ensure in-progress maintenance operations comply with school's approved
maintenance/inspection procedures.
6.1 Ensure current maintenance procedures are available to person(s)
performing the work.

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6.2 Compare actual performance of maintenance to school's approved
maintenance/inspection manual procedures.
6.3 Ensure proper tools, equipment and test equipment are being used.
6.4 Ensure maintenance recording is accomplished according to the school's
approved recordkeeping system.
7. For structural spot inspections, place special inspection emphasis on areas of
possible fatigue or corrosion areas that are not usually open to inspection.
8. Analyze results of inspection.
9. If deficiencies are found, notify school management; follow-up on and evaluate
corrective action.
10. Document task.
10.1 File all supporting paperwork in the operator's office file.
10.2 Close work tracking record.
11. Future activities.
11.1 Based on analysis of inspection findings, plan increased surveillance of
problem areas, as applicable.

AIR 4.517 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 4.518
Title: Conduct Training Center Aircraft Ramp Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Personnel Licensing
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 65 CASR 141 CASR 147
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO ANNEX 1
Task Description:
To ensure the aircraft, programs and systems of a pilot school are in compliance with
regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate ramp inspection.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review General Aviation Alerts for trends and problem areas regarding make,
model and series of aircraft the operator is using in the training program.
3. Coordinate with flight crew/school; state purpose of inspection.
4. Inspect aircraft documents for proper certification, registration and display of
5. Inspect aircraft for airworthiness and safe operating condition.
5.1 Ensure aircraft are equipped to perform functions appropriate to course of
5.2 Inspect special purpose equipment and modifications for approved data.
5.3 Ensure equipment used for radio navigation and instrument training is
operational and complies with the minimum requirements of Civil
Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR).
6. Inspect aircraft maintenance records; determine if inspection status is current,
appropriate and meets regulatory requirements.
6.1 Ensure compliance with applicable Airworthiness Directives and life-
limited parts requirements.
6.2 Ensure weight and balance information is available to pilot of aircraft.

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7. Inspect maintenance facilities; ensure school has facilities and equipment
sufficient to maintain the school's aircraft.
8. Inspect school's contract agencies for compliance with CASR.
9. Analyze results of inspection.
9.1 If deficiencies are found on aircraft and/or facilities, notify school;
confirm findings in writing; evaluate corrective action.
10. Document task.
10.1 Close work tracking record.
11. Future activities.
11.1 During surveillance, direct special attention to areas in which deficiencies
were found.

AIR 4.518 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 5.001
Title: Conduct an Enforcement Investigation
Approval Date:
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Enforcement
Frequency: On Demand
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
2009; CASR 830; PP 55; CASR 61
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; belum ada perlu dibuat
Task Description:
Furnish the inspector with the general guidelines for an investigation.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive notification of a possible violation.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Determine if there is a basis for a violation.
3. Initiate Enforcement Investigation Report.
4. Collect evidence.
5. Violation determination.
6. If violation confirmed, complete DAAO Enforcement Investigation report.
7. Close Work Tracking Record.

AIR 5.001 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 5.002
Title: Investigate Non-Compliance in Accordance with Self-Disclosure
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Enforcement
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; belum ada perlu dibuat
Task Description:
Evaluate a Certificate Holders voluntary disclosure submission and determine if it is
eligible for voluntary disclosure. If eligible, notify the Certificate Holder and document the
results of the evaluation. If not eligible begin Enforcement Investigation Report.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review and evaluate the Certificate Holders initial notification, acknowledge
receipt, and determine eligibility to use the voluntary disclosure program.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
1.2 Acknowledge receipt of the Certificate Holders initial notification.
1.3 Process the Certificate Holders initial notification to determine eligibility.
2. Determine the completeness and appropriateness of the Certificate Holders
written report and advise the Certificate Holder of findings.
2.1 Review and evaluate the Certificate Holders written report and advice if
acceptable or not.
3. Determine acceptability of the Certificate Holders comprehensive fix and notify
the Certificate Holder.
3.1 Review the Certificate Holders proposed comprehensive fix for
4. Notification to the Certificate Holder.
4.1 Comprehensive fix is acceptable.
4.2 Comprehensive fix is not acceptable.
5. If proposed fix is acceptable ensure fix will prevent reoccurrence of violation.
6. If fix is not acceptable complete DAAO Enforcement Investigation Report.

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6.1 Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 5.003
Title: Provide Technical Assistance to Legal Counsel
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Enforcement
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; belum ada perlu dibuat
Task Description:
Guidance on how to prepare to give a deposition and appear in court trials and formal
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to make a deposition or give testimony in court.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Prepare to give deposition or testify in court.
2.1 Review background information, subject matter and/or records of
occurrence as directed by Legal Counsel.
2.2 Review applicable DAAO CASR, Orders and Handbooks.
2.3 Meet with Regional Legal Counsel for preparation.
2.4 Prepare a Qualification Statement.
3. Appear in court or at formal hearing.
4. Document task.
4.1 Close Work Tracking Record.
5. Future activities.
5.1 Give additional testimony or deposition on recall.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 5.004
Title: Respond to a Public Inquiry
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Enforcement
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; belum ada perlu dibuat
Task Description:
To provide a timely and accurate response to a public inquiry.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive public inquiry.
1.1 Determine if inquiry involves DAAO, Air Traffic, or other aviation unit;
refer inquirer accordingly.
1.2 Coordinate inquiry with supervisor, manager, appropriate aviation office,
government agency, special interest group, or other source that is able to
1.3 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Determine type, extent and suspense date for response.
3. Provide inquirer with interim response.
4. If inquiry is a government request.
4.1 Evaluate government inquiry.
4.2 Initiate internal coordination.
4.3 Establish DAAO response.
5. Provide final response to inquirer through appropriate channels.
6. Document task.
6.1 Close Work Tracking Record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 5.005
Title: Ground an Operators Aircraft
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Enforcement
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; belum ada perlu dibuat
Task Description:
To ground an operator's aircraft used in air transportation.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate investigation to determine need to ground aircraft.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Inspect aircraft.
2.1 Determine if aircraft is unsafe for air transportation.
2.2 Determine if operator intends to put aircraft into revenue service in unsafe
2.3 Determine if unsafe condition constitutes a hazard to persons and/or
3. Consult with principal inspector(s)/DAAO Office, if time permits.
NOTE: This coordination must not interfere with any immediate action necessary to
ground an unsafe aircraft that is expected to operate
4. If decision is to ground aircraft.
4.1 Advise Pilot-in-Command and operator personnel who have authority to
keep the aircraft on the ground of reasons for grounding notice under
authority of DAAO Regulations/Law.
5. Take necessary precautions to ensure aircraft is not operated.
6. Debrief DAAO Office, Manager, Supervisors.
7. Ensure written notification confirming grounding is received by the appropriate
operator personnel.

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7.1 Complete DAAO Aircraft Grounding Form only if operator will not
correct discrepancies and still wants to fly the aircraft.
8. Determine if violation action is necessary.
9. Mail two copies of written grounding confirmation to DAAO Manager and
9.1 Provide details of grounding to operator's principal inspector(s).
10. Document task.
10.1 File all supporting paperwork in operator's office file.
10.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
11. Future activities.
11.1 Monitor operator's action to correct unsafe condition.
11.2 If unsafe condition is corrected and aircraft is made safe for operation
before the five days elapse, notify operator in writing that the aircraft may
now be operated.
11.3 If unsafe condition is not corrected, and there is good reason to expect the
operator will operate the aircraft after the five days elapsed, inform legal
Counsel; request suspension or revocation of the Certificate of

AIR 5.005 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 5.006
Title: Withdrawal, Suspension, Revocation, Denial, or Amendment of Operational
Specifications for a Training Center.
Approval Date:
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: Aviation Law No. 1 Year 2009; Minister Decree No. 26 Year
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760;
Task Description:
Withdrawal, suspension, revocation, denial, or amendment of training center certificate and
training specifications.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. These tasks will require a general knowledge of the training center certification
process, and DAAO Compliance and Enforcement Program.
2. Open Work Tracking Record.
3. Amendment to Training Center Training Specifications. Inform training center
certificate holders and training center applicants that they may review and propose
amendments based on their structure.
3.1 Amend the training specifications at any time circumstances warrant such
action under the provisions of DAAO authority.
3.2 Amend a certificate or training specifications upon request by the certificate
4. Events requiring amendment to training specifications.
4.1 Addition or deletion of a curriculum.
4.2 Addition or deletion of a satellite training center or remote site.
4.3 Addition or deletion of flight training equipment.
4.4 Addition or deletion of a visual scene required for a particular level of flight
simulator qualification..
4.5 Change in the qualification level of a flight simulator or flight training device
4.6 Addition or deletion of a visual scene approved for training or testing a
circling approach.

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4.7 Change in training center, satellite training center, remote site address, or
phone number.
4.8 Change in management personnel or agent for service.
4.9 Addition or deletion of training agreements.
5. Request surrender of a training center certificate and training specifications under
the following circumstances:
5.1 Upon termination of operations.
5.2 Upon suspension, revocation, or termination of the certificate by the DAAO
6. Denial of Additional and Withdrawal of Existing Training Specifications.
6.1 Deny additional training specifications after evaluation shows that the item
proposed for authorization in a new training specification does not meet the
requirements for authorization in the training specifications.
6.2 Withdraw or suspend the applicable training specifications whenever
surveillance indicates that any item required for initial certification does not
meet the minimum certification requirements.
6.3 Deny a renewed certificate or issue a new certificate with withdrawn training
specifications, as appropriate. If a training center outside our country fails to
meet the annual re-qualification for that certificate and each authorized
training specifications.
7. Suspension or Revocation of Certificate or Training Specifications.
7.1 To suspend, revoke, or pursue civil penalty sanctions against a training
center certificate, initiate legal enforcement action in accordance with
DAAO guidance.
7.2 Withhold a renewed training center certificate or training specifications
(foreign training center only) based upon findings of failure to continue to
meet minimum initial certification requirements.
7.3 Initiate action to suspend, revoke, pursue civil penalty, or withhold (foreign
training center) a certificate, or terminate or withhold training specifications,
as applicable, upon a finding that any of the following circumstances exist:
7.3.1 An applicant for, or holder of, a training center certificate has had
any certificate revoked, suspended, or terminated within the last 5
7.3.2 An applicant for, or holder of, a training center certificate employs or
proposes to employ a person who: Was previously employed in a management or supervisory
position or exercised control over any certificate holder whose
certificate has been revoked, suspended, or terminated within the
last 5 years; or Contributed materially to the revocation, suspension, or
termination of that certificate and be employed in a management

AIR 5.006 Page 2 of 3

or supervisory position, or in control of or have a substantial
ownership interest in the training center.
7.3.3 An applicant for, or holder of, a training center certificate provided
information required by part 142 that was incomplete, inaccurate,
fraudulent, or false.
7.3.4 A training center certificate holder outside our country does not show
compliance with original certification requirements during the annual
re-certification process for a training center outside the U.S.,
including inspection results from the previous year.
7.3.5 The issuance or continuance of such certificate or training
specifications would not foster aviation safety.
7.3.6 The training center or training center applicant is conducting training
in a course that has not been approved, but requires approval.
7.3.7 The training center or training center applicant is conducting in FTD
that has not been approved, but requires approval.
7.3.8 The training center or training center applicant is training students
who do not meet prerequisites for that training course.
7.3.9 The training center or training center applicant is making or causing
to be made false entries in any records required.
7.3.10 The training center or training center applicant deviates from
approved programmed hours without meeting required preconditions.
7.3.11 The training center or training center applicant is not adhering to
regulatory advertising requirements.
8. Make final entries in the National Data Base and close Tracking Records.
9. Close work tracking record.
10. Future activities.
10.1 Re-certify after the former training center certificate holder has satisfactorily
completed corrective actions, met all minimum initial certification
requirements, and any regulatory waiting period, if any, has been satisfied.
10.2 Re-certify after the training center certificate holder or former training center
certificate holder (foreign training center only) has met all minimum initial
certification requirements.
10.3 Conduct continued surveillance to preclude future noncompliance.

AIR 5.006 Page 3 of 3

ITS Job Task #: AIR 5.501
Title: Investigate an Aircraft Accident
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 830;
DAAO Forms: 830.61-R4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; CASR 830
Task Description:
To conduct an accident investigation and determine the DAAOs responsibilities in
accordance DAAO Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR), Aircraft Accident and
Incident Notification, Investigation, and Reporting system.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial accident information.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Record the initial accident information on DAAO Accident and Incident Form.
2.1 Determine the type of accident, such as air carrier, ultralight, public use
aircraft, agricultural, military, etc.
3. Notify the operations center to contact appropriate personnel and agencies, as
4. If National Accident Department/Agency conducts investigation, respond as
determined by them.
5. If investigation is delegated to the DAAO, contact appropriate office personnel;
initiate organization of investigation.
6. If accident requires on-site investigation, contact local law enforcement and/or
airport security to provide accident site security.
6.1 Ensure that rescue operations have been initiated.
7. Select accident investigation members.
7.1 Develop accident investigation plan.
7.2 Obtain accident investigation kit from office.
8. Perform on-site preliminary investigation.

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8.1 If accident site is unsafe, contact appropriate authorities for assistance.
8.2 Ensure accident site security has been properly established.
8.3 Ensure accident site is made safe for performance of investigation or
wreckage relocated.
9. Conduct on-site briefing of participants; assign responsibilities.
10. Determine the condition, circumstances, factors and current status of personnel
aboard the aircraft.
11. Determine if mechanical laboratory analysis may be needed and how specimens
will be obtained.
12. Ensure emergency locator transmitter, cockpit voice recorder and flight data
recorder has been deactivated, if applicable.
13. Obtain the aircraft type, model, registration and serial number.
14. Ensure that personal items have been tagged and secured.
15. Obtain any eyewitness and survivor statements to include the following:
15.1 Secure copies of statements made prior to the inspector's arrival.
15.2 Record names, addresses and phone numbers of any eyewitnesses,
survivors, relatives, etc., as applicable.
16. Determine the type of cargo.
17. If a fire was involved, determine how the fire started.
18. Obtain all required weather information.
19. Assess the topographical features of the accident site, such as visible damage
path, actual location of wreckage and obstructions.
20. Determine if engineering assistance is required.
21. Photograph the wreckage-associated area to obtain an overall view of the
accident site.
22. Prepare a wreckage distribution diagram.
23. Secure aircraft records and logbooks, if available.
24. Perform wreckage investigation.
24.1 If wreckage is inaccessible, continue field phase of investigation, as
25. Conclude field phase of investigation.
25.1 Debrief all DAAO participants prior to their departure from the site.
26. Analyze results of investigation.
26.1 If determination is made that accident should be downgraded to incident
status, notify the appropriate persons/departments/organizations, as

AIR 5.501 Page 2 of 3

26.2 If any of the DAAO responsibilities are involved, initiate appropriate
27. Prepare Accident Investigation Report.
28. Assemble Accident Investigation Report; complete required DAAO and
Accident Investigation Department/Agency forms, as applicable.
29. Distribute Accident Investigation Report.
30. Document task.
30.1 File all accident investigation related material.
30.2 Close work tracking record.
31. Future activities.
31.1 Initiate a violation investigation if, at any time during the accident
investigation, a violation of the DAAO CASR is indicated.
31.2 Analyze root cause and inform all operators of risk to prevent future
similar accidents.

AIR 5.501 Page 3 of 3

ITS Job Task #: AIR 5.502
Title: Investigate an Aircraft Incident
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR 830
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To conduct an incident investigation pursuant to DAAO Form: Aircraft Accident and
Incident Notification, Investigation, and Reporting.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial notification of incident.
1.1 If notification is made by an Air Traffic facility, verify that a request has
been initiated for required forms and data.
1.2 If notification is from a source other than an Air Traffic facility, follow the
appropriate required notification procedures.
1.3 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Determine DAAOs involvement in investigation.
2.1 Evaluate all facts, circumstances and materials related to the incident.
2.2 Determine if there was a violation of the DAAO Civil Aviation Safety
Regulations (CASR).
2.3 Determine if DAAO/Air Traffic facilities, performance, and functions
were a factor in the incident.
2.4 Identify any other airworthiness, certificate, medical, etc. issues that were
factors in the incident.
2.5 If incident is determined to require an DAAO incident investigation,
classify the type of incident pursuant to DAAO Order/procedures.
2.6 Upon receipt of requested Air Traffic facility reports and related
information, determine DAAO involvement in the investigation.
2.7 Determine method of incident investigation (e.g., on-site investigation or
desk audit).

AIR 5.502 Page 1 of 2

3. Organize the investigation.
4. Initiate telephone investigation.
5. Prepare for on-site incident investigation; coordinate with appropriate
designated persons in office.
6. Ensure safety at the site.
7. Conduct the investigation.
8. Analyze results of investigation for evidence of possible contributing factors.
8.1 If facts reveal a possible violation of the DAAO CASR, initiate procedures
for a violation investigation.
8.2 If facts indicate an upgrade to an accident, initiate procedures for an
9. Complete DAAO incident report.
10. Distribute.
11. Document.
11.1 File all supporting paperwork in operator/certificate holder's office file, as
11.2 Close work tracking record.
12. Future activities.
12.1 Conduct a violation investigation, if required.

AIR 5.502 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 5.503
Title: Investigate an Occurrence
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 830;
DAAO Forms: 830.61-R4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760;
Task Description:
Investigate an occurrence and document the results.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial notification of an occurrence and determine DAAO involvement
in the investigation.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
1.2 Review and analyze facts and appropriate DAAO Civil Aviation Safety
Regulations (CASR) to determine if further investigation is warranted.
2. Conduct the occurrence investigation.
2.1 Investigate the circumstances.
3. Conclude the investigation.
3.1 Close work tracking record.
3.2 Document the impact on safety and reclassify if necessary.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 5.504
Title: Investigate a Foreign Air Carrier Accident
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Investigations
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 830;
DAAO Forms: 830.61-R4
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760;
Task Description:
Investigate a foreign air carrier incident.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive initial notification of a foreign air carrier incident and determine DAAO
involvement in the investigation.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
1.2 Review and analyze the notification details to determine if further
investigation is warranted.
2. Conduct the foreign air carrier incident investigation and notify the appropriate
2.1 Notify foreign aviation agency (DAAO of the State of Registry and State
of the Operator) and foreign air carriers representative.
3. Conclude the investigation.
3.1 Complete DAAO Accident and Incident Form.
3.2 Close work tracking record.

AIR 5.504 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.001
Title: Issue an Airworthiness Certificate for an Aircraft (renewal)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Regulation References:
CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
CASR Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules
CASR Part 121 Certification and Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and
Supplemental Air Carriers
CASR Part 135 Certification and Operating Requirements: for Commuter and Charter
Air Carriers
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-40 Checklist and Inspection Records-Issuance of Certificate of
DAAO Form 21-21 Application for Airworthiness Certificate
DAAO Form 21-20 Certificate of Airworthiness
DAAO Form PK 02-01 Airworthiness Inspection Checklist (Annual Inspection)
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Advisory Circular 21-2A Procedures for The Issuance of An Indonesia Certificate of
Airworthiness (C of A) for An Imported Product
Task Description:
To certificate an aircraft and issue an aircraft airworthiness certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application for issuance of an airworthiness certificate for an aircraft.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review required application documentation for eligibility, completeness, and
product status.
3. Inspect the document.
3.1 Ensure aircraft has met all applicable airworthiness standards, all
airworthiness directives, noise and emission requirements.

AIR 6.001 Page 1 of 2

1.1 Ensure aircraft markings, placards, approved up-to-date flight manuals,
weight and balance report, compass swing, FDR read out, CVR record,
logbooks, maintenance records, equipment list, and other required
documentation and data accompany the imported aircraft and are in the
Bahasa or English language, as applicable.
3.2 Inspect aircraft records; determine status of required inspections, life
limits and regulatory compliance, as applicable.
3.3 Review aircraft & engine & propeller records as necessary.
4. Inspect the product.
4.1 Ensure aircraft conforms to requirements of type certificate data sheet.
4.2 Ensure aircraft is in an airworthy condition, as applicable.
5. If all requirements have been met, issue Certificate of Airworthiness, and
complete and distribute applicable forms to Subdit Maintenance and Subdit
Operations for the following tasks:
5.1 Amend operations specifications to add new aircraft, as applicable.
5.2 Amend operatons specifications for any changes to maintenance program,
as applicable.
6. File task.
6.1 Close work tracking record.
6.2 File all supporting paperwork in the DAAO office file.

AIR 6.001 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.001
Title: Issue an Airworthiness Certificate for an Aircraft (renewal)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Regulation References:
CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
CASR Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules
CASR Part 121 Certification and Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and
Supplemental Air Carriers
CASR Part 135 Certification and Operating Requirements: for Commuter and Charter
Air Carriers
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-40 Checklist and Inspection Records-Issuance of Certificate of
DAAO Form 21-21 Application for Airworthiness Certificate
DAAO Form 21-20 Certificate of Airworthiness
DAAO Form PK 02-01 Airworthiness Inspection Checklist (Annual Inspection)
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Advisory Circular 21-2A Procedures for The Issuance of An Indonesia Certificate of
Airworthiness (C of A) for An Imported Product
Task Description:
To certificate an aircraft and issue an aircraft airworthiness certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application for issuance of an airworthiness certificate for an aircraft.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review required application documentation for eligibility, completeness, and
product status.
3. Inspect the document.
3.1 Ensure aircraft has met all applicable airworthiness standards, all
airworthiness directives, noise and emission requirements.

AIR 6.001 Page 1 of 2

1.1 Ensure aircraft markings, placards, approved up-to-date flight manuals,
weight and balance report, compass swing, FDR read out, CVR record,
logbooks, maintenance records, equipment list, and other required
documentation and data accompany the imported aircraft and are in the
Bahasa or English language, as applicable.
3.2 Inspect aircraft records; determine status of required inspections, life
limits and regulatory compliance, as applicable.
3.3 Review aircraft & engine & propeller records as necessary.
4. Inspect the product.
4.1 Ensure aircraft conforms to requirements of type certificate data sheet.
4.2 Ensure aircraft is in an airworthy condition, as applicable.
5. If all requirements have been met, issue Certificate of Airworthiness, and
complete and distribute applicable forms to Subdit Maintenance and Subdit
Operations for the following tasks:
5.1 Amend operations specifications to add new aircraft, as applicable.
5.2 Amend operatons specifications for any changes to maintenance program,
as applicable.
6. File task.
6.1 Close work tracking record.
6.2 File all supporting paperwork in the DAAO office file.

AIR 6.001 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.002
Title: Issue an Airworthiness Certificate for an Aircraft Model Change
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Regulation References:
CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
CASR Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules
CASR Part 121 Certification and Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and
Supplemental Air Carriers
CASR Part 135 Certification and Operating Requirements: for Commuter and Charter
Air Carriers
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-40 Checklist and Inspection Records-Issuance of Certificate of
DAAO Form 21-21 Application for Airworthiness Certificate
DAAO Form 21-20 Certificate of Airworthiness
DAAO Form PK 02-01 Airworthiness Inspection Checklist (Annual Inspection)
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Task Description:
To issue an airworthiness certificate due to a model change.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for issuance of an airworthiness certificate due to model change.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review DAAO Form 21.21 Application for Airworthiness Certificate, for
accuracy and completeness.
3. Schedule model change review with applicant.
3.1 Determine type of new model designation.
3.2 Inspect aircraft for addition of new model designation data plate attached
to aircraft; ensure original data has not been altered.

AIR 6.002 Page 1 of 2

4. If all requirements have been met, process Application for Airworthiness
Certificate (new aircraft registration is required only if ownership changes).
4.1 If all requirements have not been met, deny application.
5. Document.
5.1 Close Work Tracking Record.

AIR 6.002 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.003
Title: Issue a Special Airworthiness Certificate for a Restricted Category Aircraft
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Regulation References:
CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
CASR Part 145 Approved Maintenance Organizations
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-21 Application for Airworthiness Certificate
DAAO Form 21-24 Special Airworthiness Certificate
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Task Description:
To certificate an aircraft in a restricted airworthiness category for special purpose
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive and review application for a Special Airworthiness Certificate.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review applicant's documents.
3. Determine if aircraft is eligible for certification.
4. Determine type of special purpose operation.
5. Review Statement of Conformity.
6. Deny certificate if applicant is not eligible.
7. Conduct certification.
7.1 Review certification steps.
7.2 Determine operating limitations.
7.3 Determine if there is a requirement to increase agricultural aircraft maximum
gross weight.
7.4 Determine if cargo will be carried in a restricted aircraft.
7.5 Verify display marks, in accordance with CASR Part 45 Identification and
Registration Marking
8. Conduct certification inspection.

AIR 6.003 Page 1 of 2

9. Deny airworthiness certification if aircraft is not eligible.
10. If eligible, issue DAAO Form 21-24 Special Airworthiness Certificate.
10.1 Amend operations specifications to add new aircraft, as applicable.
10.2 Amend operatons specifications for any changes to maintenance program, as
11. Document task.
11.1 Close work tracking record.
11.2 File the documentation on DAAO office.

AIR 6.003 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.004
Title: Evaluate Foreign-Registered Aircraft Operated by a National (10 or More)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
Provide guidance for ensuring that foreign registered aircraft intended for use by National
Air Carriers meet DGCA requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate inspection of foreign-registered aircraft.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Inspect the Airworthiness Certificate.
3. Inspect aircraft; ensure it meets requirements for issuance of DAAO standard
airworthiness Certificate.
4. Evaluate foreign maintenance program, if adopted.
5. Ensure certificate holder has filed a lease or charter agreement with DAAO.
6. Task Outcomes.
6.1 File Tracking Report Form.
6.2 Completion of Task.
6.3 Document.
6.4 File all supporting paperwork in operator's office.
6.5 Close work tracking record.
7. Future.
7.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

AIR 6.004 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.005
Title: Evaluate an Air Carrier Emergency Evacuation/Ditching Demonstration for an
Assigned Aircraft Model
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 121, SI 8400
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To demonstrate aircraft's ability to accomplish an emergency evacuation in accordance
with current specified test criteria and regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Upon notification by applicant/Aircraft Certification Office that an aircraft is
available for a test emergency evacuation demonstration.
1.1 Determine the need for an emergency evacuation demonstration.
1.2 Evaluate the certificate holder's notification for use of a certain type and
model of airplane to determine if an emergency evacuation demonstration
is required.
1.3 Determine which DAAO Regulation is applicable for the demonstration.
1.4 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Establish the demonstration requirements based on certificate holder's new or
existing status.
2.1 Determine the demonstration requirements for a new certificate holder.
2.2 Determine the demonstration requirements for an existing certificate
3. Schedule meeting with the certificate.
3.1 Discuss the requirements for the demonstration.
3.2 Establish communications liaison with the certificate holder.
3.3 Outline the required contents of the certificate holder's plan.
4. Conduct a cursory evaluation of the certificate holder's plan.

AIR 6.005 Page 1 of 2

5. Conduct a detailed analysis of the certificate holder's plan.
6. Conduct the pre-demonstration meeting for the DAAO team.
7. Conduct the pre-demonstration meeting with the certificate holder.
8. Perform the pre-demonstration briefing.
8.1 Monitor the certificate holder's briefing of the participating crewmembers.
8.2 Monitor the certificate holder's briefing of the passengers, if required.
8.3 Conduct DAAO team briefing.
9. Observe and evaluate the emergency evacuation demonstration.
9.1 Ensure procedure for operation of emergency exits is correct and accurate
on placard, in Instructions for Continued Airworthiness and Flight
9.2 Ensure egress from aircraft is satisfactory.
9.3 Conduct a post-demonstration meeting.
10. Document the results of the emergency evacuation demonstration and amend
operations specified.
10.1 Advise the certificate holder of the results of the demonstration.
10.2 Complete the emergency evacuation demonstration report.
10.3 Distribute the results of the emergency evacuation demonstration.
10.4 Advise Aircraft Certification Office of any issues as a result of the
emergency evacuation demonstration.
11. Close Work Tracking Record.

AIR 6.005 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.006
Title: Process a Service Difficulty Report (SDR)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121, CASR 135 and CASR 145
DAAO Forms: Form 43-01
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To submit a Service Difficulty Report (SDR) in accordance with DAAO Regulation
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Review operator's report to determine the need for a SDR.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Determine source of information for completion of SDR.
2.1 Evaluate Air Carrier Mechanical Reliability Report.
2.2 Evaluate significant malfunction, failure or condition noted by an Aviation
Safety Inspector.
3. Conduct investigation to prepare SDR.
4. Identify and ensure discrepancies are corrected.
4.1 If investigation reveals inadequacies in operator's maintenance or
inspection procedures, ensure procedures are changed to prevent recurrence
of the discrepancy.
4.2 If investigation reveals inadequacies in operator's training, evaluate
training program to ensure procedures are incorporated to correct deficient
4.3 If investigation reveals serious manufacturing defects, contact appropriate
CAA offices.
5. Prepare DAAO Form: Service Difficulty Report; forward to appropriate offices.
6. Document task.
6.1 File operator's report and copy of SDR in operator's file.
6.2 Close Work Tracking Record.

AIR 6.006 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.007
Title: Evaluate an Operators Aircraft or Engine Utilization Report
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:None
Regulation References: SI 8300
DAAO Forms: DAAO 120-10
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To process an operator's monthly aircraft and engine utilization report.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive utilization report data from air carrier by the 7th day of each month (day
to be determined by DAAO).
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Prepare DAAO Air Carrier Aircraft Engine Utilization Report.
3. Review utilization report; enter inspector remarks and comments, as applicable.
4. Submit report to Appropriate Office.
5. Document task.
5.1 Close Work Tracking Record.
6. Future activities.
6.1 Conduct normal surveillance.

AIR 6.007 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.008
Title: Evaluate an Engineering Change Authorization
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
Provide guidance for evaluating Engineering Change Authorization/Order (EA/EO).
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive operator's EA/EO.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review operator's submitted EA/EO.
3. Analyze findings.
3.1 If discrepancies are found, contact operator; evaluate corrective action.
4. Task Outcome.
4.1 Close Work Tracking Record.
4.2 Completion of Task.
4.3 Document Task.
5. Future Activities.
5.1 Normal surveillance.

AIR 6.008 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.009
Title: Approve a Foreign Aircraft and Imported Part
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Regulation References:
CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
CASR Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules
CASR Part 121 Certification and Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and
Supplemental Air Carriers
CASR Part 135 Certification and Operating Requirements: for Commuter and Charter
Air Carriers
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-40 Checklist and Inspection Records-Issuance of Certificate of
DAAO Form 21-21 Application for Airworthiness Certificate
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Advisory Circular 21-2A Procedures for The Issuance of An Indonesia Certificate of
Airworthiness (C of A) for An Imported Product
Task Description:
To certify an imported product (aircraft) and/or make an airworthiness determination of
acceptance of an aeronautical part into Republic of Indonesia (ROI)
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.


2. Review application for DAAO certification of an imported product (aircraft) or

airworthiness determination of an imported part (engine, propeller, material, part
or appliance).
3. Review all required application documentation for eligibility, completeness and
4. NOTE: Documentation should be in Bahasa or English language.

AIR 6.009 Page 1 of 3

5. Determine if there is a bilateral agreement for acceptance of the imported
product or part between the State of Manufacturer and ROI.
6. Make airworthiness determination of an imported product (aircraft).
6.1. Verify aircraft conforms to ROI Type Certificate Validation and is in
condition for safe operation.
6.2. Determine eligibility of aircraft for airworthiness certificate using aircraft
type certificate data sheet or aircraft listing, as applicable.
6.3. Aircraft manufacturing record, including aircraft configuration or build
standard, deviation list, non conformance or repair/rework list,
manufacturing inspection and test record, production flight test report,
for a new manufactured aircraft.
6.4. Determine that aircraft is properly registered and registration marks are
properly displayed in accordance with CASR Part 47 Aircraft
Registration and CASR Part 45 Aircraft Identification and Marking.
6.5. Ensure aircraft has identification plate in accordance with the CASR Part
45 Aircraft Identification and Marking
6.6. Ensure aircraft has met all applicable airworthiness standards, all
airworthiness directives, noise and emission requirements.
6.7. Ensure aircraft markings, placards, approved up-to-date flight manuals,
weight and balance report, compass swing, FDR read out, CVR record,
logbooks, maintenance records, equipment list, and other required
documentation and data accompany the imported aircraft and are in the
Bahasa or English language, as applicable.
6.8. Inspect aircraft records; determine status of required inspections, life
limits and regulatory compliance, as applicable.
6.9. Ensure that aircraft has been maintained in an airworthy condition and
there is no evidence of deterioration due to improper storage or
transportation, including ATC Transponder Test and Altimeter & Static
System Test.
6.10. Ensure that configuration variations, modifications and major repairs that
are not approved are identified and approved or differences resolved
before aircraft is granted an airworthiness approval by the DAAO.
6.11. Ensure all aircraft systems have been satisfactorily checked for proper
6.12. Perform flight test (by operations inspector)
6.13. Review Export Certificate Airworthiness
7. If all applicable regulatory requirements have been met, issue airworthiness
7.1. Make aircraft logbook entry showing that aircraft meets the
requirements for the airworthiness certificate.

AIR 6.009 Page 2 of 3

8. Issue Standard Airworthiness Certificate or Special Airworthiness (restricted or
special flight permit) with operating limitations as applicable.
9. If aircraft does not meet all applicable regulatory requirements, deny
airworthiness approval; notify applicant in writing, stating reasons for denial.
10. Examine, review and route certification file;
11. Document Task
11.1. Close work tracking record.
11.2. File all documentation

1. Determine the airworthiness of engines, propellers, materials, parts or appliances
imported into the ROI.
1.1 Review airworthiness documentation from exporting country for
eligibility, completeness and currency.
1.2 Determine that product conforms to approved type certificate and is found
to be in a condition for safe operation, as applicable.
1.3 Ensure product has been subjected to the manufacturer's final operational
check, as applicable.
2. When applicable requirements have been satisfied, aircraft engine, propeller,
material, part or appliance is deemed acceptable for import into the ROI.
3. Document task.
3.1 Close work tracking record
3.2 File all documentation

AIR 6.009 Page 3 of 3

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.010
Title: Issue an Export Airworthiness Approval
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated FAA Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
CASR Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules
CASR Part 121 Certification and Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and
Supplemental Air Carriers
CASR Part 135 Certification and Operating Requirements: for Commuter and Charter
Air Carriers
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-18 Authorized Release Certificate
DAAO Form 21-19 Application for Export Certificate of Airworthiness
DAAO Form 21-22 Export Certificate of Airworthiness
Guidance Material References:
Task Description:
To process an application for export approval.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application for export airworthiness approval.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review application for export airworthiness approval.
2.1 Determine "Class" category of product to be exported.
2.1.1 Class I is a complete aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller.
2.1.2 Class II is a major component of a Class I product, i.e. Wings,
Landing gear, fuselage, etc.
2.1.3 Class III is any part or component which is not Class I or Class II
and includes standard parts.
2.2 Determine if the product is "new/original" or "used/recurrent" and meets
applicable requirements.

AIR 6.010 Page 1 of 2

2.3 Ensure product conforms to airworthiness requirements of importing
2.4 Determine if a written letter of acceptance is required from importing
country before an export airworthiness approval can be issued.
2.5 Review export application for eligibility, completeness and compliance
with airworthiness requirements applicable to the class of product to be
3. Schedule inspection of product; coordinate with applicant, as applicable.
4. Inspect product, as applicable.
4.1 Ensure that product conforms to the requirements of the importing
country; ensure no conflicts exist.
4.2 If conflict exists, advise exporter of requirements to resolve conflict(s)
before an Export Certificate of Authorization can be issued.
5. If product meets all applicable regulatory requirements, complete
6. Remind exporter of DAAO regulatory responsibilities.
7. Issue export approval.
7.1 For Class I products, issue Export Certificate of Airworthiness, DAAO 21-
7.2 For Class II products, issue Airworthiness Approval Tag (Authorised
Released Certificate DAAO Form 21-18)
8. Document task.
8.1 Forward DAAO Form 21-22 Export C of A to appropriate importing
country CAA office.
8.2 File all documentations
8.3 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.010 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.010
Title: Issue an Export Airworthiness Approval
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated FAA Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
CASR Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules
CASR Part 121 Certification and Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and
Supplemental Air Carriers
CASR Part 135 Certification and Operating Requirements: for Commuter and Charter
Air Carriers
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-18 Authorized Release Certificate
DAAO Form 21-19 Application for Export Certificate of Airworthiness
DAAO Form 21-22 Export Certificate of Airworthiness
Guidance Material References:
Task Description:
To process an application for export approval.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application for export airworthiness approval.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review application for export airworthiness approval.
2.1 Determine "Class" category of product to be exported.
2.1.1 Class I is a complete aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller.
2.1.2 Class II is a major component of a Class I product, i.e. Wings,
Landing gear, fuselage, etc.
2.1.3 Class III is any part or component which is not Class I or Class II
and includes standard parts.
2.2 Determine if the product is "new/original" or "used/recurrent" and meets
applicable requirements.

AIR 6.010 Page 1 of 2

2.3 Ensure product conforms to airworthiness requirements of importing
2.4 Determine if a written letter of acceptance is required from importing
country before an export airworthiness approval can be issued.
2.5 Review export application for eligibility, completeness and compliance
with airworthiness requirements applicable to the class of product to be
3. Schedule inspection of product; coordinate with applicant, as applicable.
4. Inspect product, as applicable.
4.1 Ensure that product conforms to the requirements of the importing
country; ensure no conflicts exist.
4.2 If conflict exists, advise exporter of requirements to resolve conflict(s)
before an Export Certificate of Authorization can be issued.
5. If product meets all applicable regulatory requirements, complete
6. Remind exporter of DAAO regulatory responsibilities.
7. Issue export approval.
7.1 For Class I products, issue Export Certificate of Airworthiness, DAAO 21-
7.2 For Class II products, issue Airworthiness Approval Tag (Authorised
Released Certificate DAAO Form 21-18)
8. Document task.
8.1 Forward DAAO Form 21-22 Export C of A to appropriate importing
country CAA office.
8.2 File all documentations
8.3 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.010 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1001
Title: Evaluate Service Bulletin
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DGCA Forms:
DAAO form 21-99
DGCA Guidance Material References:
1. SI 21-99 Approval of Service Bulletin
2. AC 21-99 Issuance of Service Bulletin
Task Description:
To prepare all required documents for reviewing and approving of Service Bulletins
Job Performance Subtasks:
Issuance of Indonesian Service Bulletins
1. Receive draft of service bulletin from design holder .
1.1 Open work tracking record
2. Approval Process.
2.1 review and check of technical content of draft service bulletin
2.2 review and check that design change (modification/inspection) addressed
in the draft service bulletin has been previously approved by DAAO
2.3 Confirm the Service Bulletin classification proposed by the design holder
or approval holder or if necessary require a classification change.
2.4 Verify the accuracy of the technical content of the Service Bulletin and co-
ordinate with the DAAO Program Manager in charge of the product any
involvement of other DAAO specialists from or outside the Certification
Team necessary to grant the Service Bulletin approval.
3. When all steps in number 2 (two) are completed, Service Bulletin could be

AIR 6.1001 Page 1 of 2

4. Document task.
4.1 File all documentations
4.2 Close all work tracking records.
Issuance of Foreign Service Bulletins
1. Receive approved foreign service bulletin from Foreign Civil Aviation Authority
(FCAA) of the state of design .
2. Review of Foreign Service Bulletins
2.2 Ensure that when Service Bulletins refer to major design changes as defined in
accordance with DAAO interpretation of CASR 21.93, these major design
changes have been approved by DAAO before their implementation on
Indonesian registered products.
2.3 Check that the Service Bulletins classification agreed by the FCAA is
acceptable to the DAC and when the Service Bulletins need to be reclassified,
contact the FCAA and the product TC or approval holder for resolution of the
2.4 Verify that Service Bulletins classified "Mandatory" or "Alert Service
Bulletins are or will be covered by an Airworthiness Directive from the FCAA
and ensure that the corresponding Indonesian Airworthiness Directive is or
will be processed.
3. When all steps in number 2 (two) are completed, Service Bulletin could be issued.
4. Document task.
4.2 File all documentations
4.3 Close all work tracking records.

AIR 6.1001 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1002
Title: Evaluate Foreign Airworthiness Directive
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
CASR 39 Airworthiness Directive
DGCA Forms:
DAAO Form 39-01
DGCA Guidance Material References:
SI 39.01 Issuance of Airworthiness Directive
AC 21.13 Design Organization Approvals
Task Description:
To issuance of foreign airworthiness directives with respect to Indonesian registered
aircraft, aircraft engine, propellers and appliances fitted to those aircraft.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive Foreign Airworthiness Directive.
1.1 Open work tracking record
2. Distribution for evaluation of proposed Airworthiness Directive
2.1 Checks the applicability of that Airworthiness Directive
3. Review the foreign Airworthiness Directive
4. Final preparation of foreign Airworthiness Directive
5. Airworthiness Directive Working File.
5.1 Keep copies of foreign Airworthiness Directive
5.2 Keep and filling the Airworthiness Directive and close all work tracking

AIR 6.1002 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1003
Title: Issue Airworthiness Directive
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
CASR 39 Airworthiness Directive
DGCA Forms:
DAAO Form 39-01
DGCA Guidance Material References:
SI 39.01 Issuance of Airworthiness Directive
AC 21.13 Design Organization Approvals
Task Description:
To issuance of airworthiness directives with respect to Indonesian designed, Indonesian
registered aircraft, aircraft engine. propellers and appliances fitted to those aircraft
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive service bulletin from design holder .
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Identification of unsafe condition
2. Compliance with CASR part 39.
2.1 Does an unsafe condition exist?
2.2 Are other products of the same type design affected?
2.3 Check if the cause of the condition is known
2.4 Check if supporting documentation for the unsafe condition is available
2.5 Check if the AD can be accomplished and it will correct the unsafe
2.6 Check if the compliance time is realistic
2.7 Check availability of part and materials
2.8 Check if referenced documents are available

AIR 6.1003 Page 1 of 2

2.9 Check if the inspection procedures are complete
2.10 Check if grounding of aircraft is necessary?
3 Corrective Actions
3.1 Define corrective action related to design change, limitations and
3.2 Propose classification related to classifications of AD
3.3 propose compliance time.
4. Preparation of draft of Airworthiness Directive
5. Airworthiness Directive Working File.
5.1 Copies of relevant correspondence
5.2 Copies of pertinent service bulletin
5.3 Records of any significant spoken communication
5.4 keep all drafts of the AD and close all work tracking records.

AIR 6.1003 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1103
Title: Issue Certificate of Registration for An Aircraft
Approval Date:
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated FAA Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 47 Aircraft Registration
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 47-11 Application for Certificate of Registration
DAAO Form 47-2A Document Evaluation for New Registered Aircraft List
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircraft Detail Card
DAAO Form 47-14 Temporary Certificate of Registration
DAAO Form 47-02 Certificate of Registration
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 47-01 Aircraft Registration Procedures
Task Description:
To issue an Indonesia Certificate of Registration.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application for an aircraft registration (DAAO Form 47-11).
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review required application documentation for eligibility, completeness, and
product status.
3. Inspect the documents:
3.1 Review evidence of DGCA aircraft procurement letter.
3.2 Review a declaration of aircraft historical ownership.
3.3 Review evidence of ownership as required by CASR 47 paragraph 47.9.
3.4 Review evidence of aircraft leasing & interchange agreement.
3.5 Review evidence of customs have been paid.
3.6 Review evidence of import tax have been paid.
3.7 Review radio license issued by Ministry of Information and

AIR 6.1101 Page 1 of 2

3.8 Review evidence of the Export of Airworthiness of equivalent.
3.9 Review evidence of aircraft cancellation of registration from the Civil
Aviation Authority of the Country of Registry.
3.10 Review evidence of aviation insurance.
3.11 Review evidence of company acceptance.
4. Analyze all documents comply with requirements.
4.1 If evidence of customs or radio permit are pending, may issue temporary
Certificate of Registration (DAAO 47-14)
5. If all requirements have been met, complete and distribute applicable forms.
6. Issue Certificate of Registration (DAAO 47-02)
7. Document task.
7.1 Close work tracking record.
7.2 File all supporting paperwork in the DAAO office file.

AIR 6.1101 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1102
Title: Renewal Certificate of Registration for an Aircraft
Approval Date:
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated FAA Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 47 Aircraft Registration
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 47-13 Application for Renewal of Certificate of Registration
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircraft Detail Card
DAAO Form 47-02 Certificate of Registration
DAAO Form 47-13A Evaluation fo Renewal Certificate of Registration
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 47-01 Aircraft Registration Procedures
Task Description:
Renew Certificate of Registration validity.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application for an aircraft registration (DAAO Form 47-13).
1.1 Open work tracking record
2. Review required application documentation for eligibility, completeness, and
product status.
3. Inspect the documents.
3.1 Review any change of ownership if applicable
3.2 Review aircraft leasing & interchange agreement.
3.3 Review evidence of customs
3.4 Review aviation insurance.
3.5 Review copy Certificate of Registration
3.6 Review copy Certificate of Airworthiness
4. If all requirements have been met, complete and distribute applicable forms.
4.1 Fill DAAO Form 47-13A
4.2 Updating data in DAAO Form 47-2B

AIR 6.1102 Page 1 of 2

5. Issue Certificate of Registration
6. Document task.
6.1 Updating IMSIS Database
6.2 Close work tracking record
6.3 File all supporting paperwork in the DAAO office file.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1103
Title: Evaluate Import Tax Documents
Approval Date:
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR Part 47 Aircraft Registration
CAA Forms:
DAAO Form 47-11 Application for Certificate of Registration
DAAO Form 47-2A Document Evaluation for New Registered Aircraft List
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircraft Detail Card
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 47-01 Aircraft Registration Procedures
Job Task Description:
Evaluate the import tax documents to ensure that criteria meet regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initial review of the import tax documents (PIB) and other documents.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Ensure PIB contains correct aircraft type and/or serial number.
3. Review PIB which contain eligibility of tax facility.
4. Analyze findings of evaluation
4.1 Debrief operator/applicant; discuss any discrepancies and corrective
5. If all requirements have been met, accept documents.
6. Document task
6.1 Close work tracking record
6.2 File the documents in Aircraft Registration file.

AIR 6.1103 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1104
Title: Evaluate Customs Documents
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 47 Aircraft Registration
DGCA Forms:
DAAO Form 47-2A Document Evaluation for New Registered Aircraft List
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircraft Detail Card
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 47-01 Aircraft Registration Procedures
Job Task Description:
Evaluate the customs documents to ensure that criteria meet regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initial review of the import tax documents (PIB) and other documents.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review Import Type.
3. Ensure PIB contains correct aircraft type and/or serial number.
4. Review Customs Release (SPPB) document
5. Ensure SPPB contain correct PIB number.
6. Ensure SPPB contain correct aircraft type and/or serial number.
7. Analyze findings of evaluation
7.1 Debrief operator/applicant; discuss any discrepancies and corrective
8. If all requirements have been met, accept documents.
9. Document task
9.1 Close work tracking record
9.2 File the documents in Aircraft Registration file.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1105
Title Evaluate Leasing & Interchange Agreement
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated FAA Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 47 Aircraft Registration
DGCA Forms
DAAO Form 47-2A Document Evaluation for New Registered Aircraft List
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircraft Detail Card
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 47-01 Aircraft Registration Procedures
Job Task Description:
Evaluate an aircraft lease or interchange agreement.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine if a lease agreement has occurred.
1.1 If lease agreement has occurred, request copy of lease or lease
1.2 Open work tracking record.
2. Review lease to ensure aircraft maintenance provisions comply with regulatory
3. Review lease agreement contain correct informations about lessee, aircraft type
and/or engine with serial numbers, period of lease term
4. Analyze results of evaluation.
4.1 If lease, lessees information are determined to be unsatisfactory, advise
lessee of deficiencies.
4.2 Evaluate corrective action.
4.3 If all requirements have not been met, disapprove lease agreement
5. If all requirements have been met, approve lease agreement.
5.1 Record in DAAO Form 47-2A and DAAO Form 47-2B
6. Procedures for evaluating an interchange agreement.
AIR 6.1105 Page 1 of 2
6.1 Reviews interchange agreement.
6.2 Review lessors operators manual.
6.3 Review lessees operators manual.
7. If all requirements have been met, approve interchange agreement.
7.1 Record in DAAO Form 47-2A and DAAO Form 47-2B
8. Document task.
8.1 Close work tracking record.
8.2 File all supporting paperwork in operator/applicants office file.

AIR 6.1105 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1106
Title: Evaluate Aviation Insurance
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 47 Aircraft Registration
CAA Forms:
DAAO Form 47-2A Document Evaluation for New Registered Aircraft List
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircraft Detail Card
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 47-01 Aircraft Registration Procedures
Job Task Description:
Evaluate aviation insurance documents to ensure that coverage meet regulatory
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initial review of the insurance documents and/or other documents.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Ensure aviation insurance document contains correct aircraft type and/or serial
number, registration marking, and operator name.
3. Review aviation insurance period and coverage meet related regulations.
4. Analyze findings of evaluation
4.1 Debrief operator/applicant; discuss any discrepancies and corrective
5. If all requirements have been met, accept documents.
6. Documents task
6.1 Close work tracking record.
6.2 File the documents in Aircraft Registration file.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1107
Title: Evaluate cancellation of registration
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 47 Aircraft Registration
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 47-2A Document Evaluation for New Registered Aircraft List
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircraft Detail Card
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 47-01 Aircraft Registration Procedures
Job Task Description:
Evaluate cancellation of registration document.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive notification cancellation of registration document from Civil Aviation
Authority where the aircraft was last registered.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Ensure notification contain statement of cancellation registration.
3. Ensure notification contain correct aircraft type, serial number, and effective
4. If all requirements have been met, accept notification documents.
5. Documents task
5.1 Close work tracking record.
5.2 File the documents in Aircraft Registration file.

AIR 6.1107 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1108
Title: Issue cancellation of registration
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 47 Aircraft Registration
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 47-17 Application for Cancellation of Certificate of Registration
DAAO Form 47-2A Document Evaluation for New Registered Aircraft List
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircraft Detail Card
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 47-01 Aircraft Registration Procedures
Job Task Description:
Evaluate documents for issuance an Indonesia Cancellation Registration.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application cancellation of registration document (DAAO Form 47-17)
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review required application documentation for eligibility, completeness, and
product status.
3. Inspect the documents:
3.1 Review evidence of cancellation
3.2 Ensure the documents contain correct aircraft type, serial number,
registration mark, registration number, operator name, and owner name.
3.3 Review no objection letter from lessor, if any.
4. If all requirement have been met, complete adn distribute applicable forms
5. Issue cancellation of registration and issue notification of cancellation to Civil
Aviation Authority of destination country.
6. Documents task
6.1 Close work tracking record
6.2 File the documents in Aircraft Registration file.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1201
Title: Review application of IDERA Document
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
CASR Part 47 Aircraft Registration
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 47-03 Form of Irrevocable Deregistration and Export Request
Authorisation (IDERA)
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircraft Detail Card
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 47-02 Irrevocable Deregistration and Export Request Authorisation
Job Task Description:
Review application of IDERA documents meet regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application of IDERA and/or other documents.
1.1 Open work tracking record
2. Review documents
2.1 DAAO Form 47-03
2.2 Copy valid Certificate of Registration (C of R)
2.3 Copy of agreement creating or providing for the international interest
3. Check all documents for completeness.
4. File task.
4.1 Closed work tracking record
4.2 File all documents for the purpose of Issue IDERA.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1202
Title: Issue IDERA
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 47 Aircraft Registration
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 47-03 Form of Irrevocable Deregistration and Request Authorisation
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircraft Detail Card
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 47-02 Irrevocable Deregistration and Export Request Authorisation
Job Task Description:
Issue Irrevocable Deregistration and Export Request Authorization (IDERA)
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Review application DAAO Form 47-03
1.1. Ensure application DAAO Form 47-03 contains correct aircraft type
and/or serial number, registration marking, registration number, registered
owner/operator, authorised party or its certified designee, and agreement.
1.2. Ensure Copy Certificate of Registration (C of R) contain correct data and
still valid.
1.3. Ensure Copy of agreement creating or providing for the international
interest contain correct information related to aircraft.
2. Review aircraft registration status in registration database.
2.1. If aircraft not currently registered in Indonesia Civil Aircraft Register,
IDERA cannot be recorded, and notify to applicant.
3. Review the previous record of IDERA
3.1. If aircraft has a provious record of IDERA, IDERA cannot be recorded,
and notify to applicant.
4. Ensure the aircraft object meet the requirements.

AIR 6.1202 Page 1 of 2

5. Review the agreement related to IDERA
5.1. If use lease agreement, ensure the lease agreement same with the
agreement used in aircraft registration process and it is still valid
5.2. Ensure the debtor is the lessee.
5.3. Ensure the creditor is the lessor.
5.4. If use security agreement, ensure all the parties name and address are the
same as appear on the DAAO Form 47-03.
5.5. Ensure the debtor is the chargor.
5.6. Ensure the creditor is the chargee.
5.7. If use Title reservation, ensure all the parties name and address are the
same as appear on the DAAO Form 47-03.
5.8. Ensure the debtor is the conditional buyer.
5.9. Ensure the creditor is the conditional seller.
6. If any discrepancies found, debrief the applicant; discuss any discrepancies and
corrective actions.
7. If all requirements have been met, Issue IDERA.
8. File task.
8.1. Close work tracking record
8.2. File all documents for the purpose of Issue IDERA.

AIR 6.1202 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1203
Title: Issue revocation of IDERA
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 47 Aircraft Registration
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 47-03 Form of Irrevocable Deregistration and Request Authorisation
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircraft Detail Card
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 47-02 Irrevocable Deregistration and Export Request Authorisation
Job Task Description:
Issue revocation of Irrevocable Deregistration and Export Request Authorization
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initial review IDERA revocation request document from applicant.
1.1. Open work tracking record.
1.2. Ensure request came from the authorised party in whose favour the
IDERA has been made.
1.3. Ensure request sign by the authorised party whose contact detail should be
include: name in full, address in full, email, fax and phone numbers.
2. If the revocation request is submitted by an attorney in fact acting for the
authorised party, ensure the document meet the requirements.
3. If any discrepancies found, debrief the applicant; discuss any discrepancies and
corrective actions.
4. If all requirements have been met, Issue revocation of IDERA
5. File task.
5.1. Close work tracking record.
5.2. File all documents for the purpose of Issue revocation of IDERA.

AIR 6.1203 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1301
Title: Review application of Mortgage Document
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: Ministry Decree No KM 82 Year 2004
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircraft Detail Card
Guidance Material References:
Job Task Description:
Review application of mortgage documents.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application of mortgage and/or other documents.
1.1. Open work tracking record
2. Review documents
2.1. Request letter from applicant
2.2. Copy valid Certificate of Registration (C of R)
2.3. Copy of agreement related to mortgage
2.4. Power of attorney from the parties, if any
2.5. No objection letter from the parties, if any
3. Check all documents for completeness.
4. File task.
4.1. Close work tracking record.
4.2. File all documents for the purpose of issue mortgage record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1302
Title: Issue Mortgage Record
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: Ministy Decree No. 82 Year 2004
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircraft Detail Card
Guidance Material References:
Job Task Description:
Issue mortgage record
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record
2. Review application of mortgage record
1.1. Ensure request letter contains correct aircraft type and/or serial number,
registration marking, registration number, registered owner/operator,
mortgagor name, and mortgagee name.
1.2. Ensure Copy Certificate of Registration (C of R) contain correct data and
still valid.
1.3. Ensure Copy of agreement creating or providing for the mortgage contain
correct information related to aircraft and parties.
1.4. Ensure power of attorney contain correct information related to mortgage.
1.5. Ensure no objection letter contain correct information related to mortgage.
2. Review aircraft registration status in registration database.
2.1. If aircraft not currently registered in Indonesia Civil Aircraft Register,
mortgage cannot be recorded, and notify to applicant.
3. Review the previous record of mortgage
3.1. If aircraft has a provious record of mortgage, mortgage cannot be
recorded, and notify to applicant.
4. Ensure the aircraft object meet the requirements.
5. Procedure for evaluating the agreement related to morgage record

AIR 6.1302 Page 1 of 2

5.1. Review mortgage agreement
5.2. Review loan agreement
5.3. Review power of attorney, if any
6. If any discrepancies found, debrief the applicant; discuss any discrepancies and
corrective actions.
7. If all requirements have been met, issue mortgage record.
8. File task.
8.1. Close work tracking record
8.2. File all documents for the purpose of issue mortgage record.

AIR 6.1302 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1203
Title: Issue cancellation of mortgage record
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: Ministry Decree No KM 82 Year 2004
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 47-2B Aircaft Detail Card
Guidance Material References:
Job Task Description:
Issue cancellation of mortgage record
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initial review cancellation motgage request document from applicant.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Evaluate documents.
1.1. Ensure request came from the authorised party in whose favour the
mortgage has been made.
1.2. Ensure request sign by the authorised party whose contact detail should be
include: name in full, address in full.
2. If the revocation request is submitted by an attorney in fact acting for the
authorised party, ensure the document meet the requirements.
3. Review evidence of cancellation mortgage contain statement release of
4. If any discrepancies found, debrief the applicant; discuss any discrepancies and
corrective actions.
5. If all requirements have been met, Issue cancellation of mortgage record
6. File task.
6.1. Close work tracking record
6.2. File all documents for the purpose of Issue cancellation of mortgage record.

AIR 6.1303 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1401
Title: Evaluate Aircraft Procurement Application Documents
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
Ministry Decree No KM 82 Year 2004
Ministry Decree No KM 5 Year 2006
Ministry Decree No KM 44 Year 2008
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 82-01 Application Technical & Operational Assessment for Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 1 Cockpit Crew Composition vs Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 2 Aircraft Engineer Composition vs Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 3 Cabin Crew Composition vs Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 4 FOO Composition vs Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 5 Aircraft Utilisation
Guidance Material References:
Job Task Description:
Review application of aircraft procurement documents meet regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application of aircraft procurement and other documents.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Evaluate documents
2.1 Request letter from applicant.
2.2 DAAO Form 82-01, 82-01 attachment 1, 82-01 attachment 2, 82-01
attachment 3, 82-01 attachment 4, 82-01 attachment 5.
2.3 Aircraft specifications.
2.4 Maintenance and operation facility.
2.5 Historical ownership.
2.6 Letter of intent, or memorandum of undertanding, or lease agreement.
AIR 6.1401 Page 1 of 2
2.7 Air carrier activity plan.
2.8 Human resources.
2.9 Training Program.
2.10 Risk management.
2.11 SMS program & result.
2.12 External and internal safety audit, and surveillance.
2.13 Financial analysis.
3. Check all documents for completeness.
3.1 If any discrepancies found, debrief the applicant; discuss any
discrepancies and corrective actions.
3.2 If all documents complete, file all documents for the purpose of conduct
aircraft procurement process.
3.3 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.1401 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1402
Title: Conduct aircraft procurement process
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
Ministry Decree No KM 82 Year 2004
Ministry Decree No KM 5 Year 2006
Ministry Decree No KM 44 Year 2008
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 82-01 Application Technical & Operational Assessment for Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 1 Cockpit Crew Composition vs Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 2 Aircraft Engineer Composition vs Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 3 Cabin Crew Composition vs Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 4 FOO Composition vs Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 5 Aircraft Utilisation
Guidance Material References:
Job Task Description:
To evaluate application of aircraft procurement documents meet regulatory requirements.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record
2. Review all documents application of aircraft procurement for completeness and
3. Invite the applicant and conduct formal meeting, as appropriate.
3.1 Make a minutes meeting.
3.2 Send a minutes meeting to the applicant for compliance open items.
3.3 Waiting compliance open items from applicant.
3.4 Review open items compliance.
4. Analyze result of compliance
4.1 If compliance has completed, accept the compliance
AIR 6.1402 Page 1 of 2
4.2 If compliance did not completed, debrief the applicant; discuss any
discrepancies and corrective actions.
5. Document task
5.1 Prepare all documents for the purpose of issue an aircraft procurement
5.2 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.1402 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1403
Title: Issue aircraft procurement letter
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated Job Task #s:
Ministry Decree No KM 82 Year 2004
Ministry Decree No KM 5 Year 2006
Ministry Decree No KM 44 Year 2008
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 82-01 Application Technical & Operational Assessment for Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 1 Cockpit Crew Composition vs Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 2 Aircraft Engineer Composition vs Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 3 Cabin Crew Composition vs Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 4 FOO Composition vs Aircraft
DAAO Form 82-01 attachment 5 Aircraft Utilisation
Guidance Material References:
Job Task Description:
Issue aircraft procurement letter
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Review the result of conduct aircraft procurement process.
2.1 If any discrepancies found, debrief the applicant; discuss any
discrepancies and corrective actions.
3. If discrepancies cannot be completed,
3.1 prepare rejection letter of aircraft procurement
4. If discrepancies have been complete, prepare for aircraft procurement letter
4.1 Issue aircraft procurement letter.
5. File task
5.1 File all documents to aircraft procurement file.

AIR 6.1403 Page 1 of 2

5.2 Close work tracking record

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1501
Title: Conduct Conformity Inspection for Alteration
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-06 Conformity Inspection Record
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Task Description:
Perform conformity inspection for alteration.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for conformity from Subdit Engineering
1.1 Open work tracking record
2. Join the technical meeting with Subdit Engineering and applicant.
3. Review design data, including drawing and specification.
4. Perform inspection conforming actual installation to its design data.
5. Record inspection result on DAAO Form 21-06
6. File task.
6.1 File all supporting paperwork including DAAO Form 21-06 CIR, and fill
out Conformity Completion Memo and return to Subdt Engineering for
satisfactory or unsatisfactory records.
6.2 For any UNSATISFACTORY require disposition from Subdit
Engineering shall be monitored, and for disposition issued shall be used as
a reference to make any necessary correction to the CIR.
6.3 Return finished CIR to Subdit Engineering.
6.4 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.1501 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1502
Title: Conduct Conformity Inspection for Type Certificate (TC)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-07 Statement of Conformity
DAAO Form 21-06 Coforrmity Inspection Record
DAAO Form 21-11 Type Inspection Report
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Task Description:
To perform conformity inspection during Type Certification project
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Join the Type Certification meeting to determine Conformity Inspection Plan
3. Receive request for conformity DAAO Form 21-07, for each conformity
inspection item as determined in the CIP.
4. Make schedule of inspection.
5. Review design data, including drawing and specification.
6. Perform conformity inspection of the followings:
5.1. Receiving Inspection
5.2. Detail Part Inspection
5.3. Sub Assembly Inspection
5.4. Major Assembly Inspection
5.5. Final Assembly Inspection
7. Prepare Type Inspection Report
8. Record inspection result on DAAO Form 21-06 Conformity Inspection Record

AIR 6.1502 Page 1 of 2

9. File task.
9.1 File all supporting paperwork including DAAO Form 21-06 CIR, and fill
out Conformity Completion Memo and return to Subdt Engineering for
satisfactory or unsatisfactory records.
9.2 For any UNSATISFACTORY require disposition from Subdit
Engineering shall be monitored, and for disposition issued shall be used as
a reference to make any necessary correction to the CIR.
9.3 Return finished CIR to Subdit Engineering.
9.4 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.1502 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1503
Title: Conduct Conformity Inspection for Type Certificate Validation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-07 Statement of Conformity
DAAO Form 21-06 Coforrmity Inspection Record
DAAO Form 21-11 Type Inspection Report
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Task Description:
To perform conformity inspection during Type Certification Validation project
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Join meeting Type Certification Validation to make inspection plan to determine
the followings:
1.1. Make schedule of inspection.
1.2. Inspection to be performed.
1.3. Required references to be reviewed and to be conformed to.
3. Perform conformity inspection according to inspection plan.
4. Record inspection result on DAAO Form 21-06 Conformity Inspection Record
5. File task.
5.1 File all supporting paperwork including DAAO Form 21-06 CIR and
report to Subdit Engineering.
5.2 Join closing meeting.
5.3 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.1503 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1504
Title: Evaluate Request for Conformity (RFC)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-23 Request for Conformity
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Task Description:
To perform evaluation of Request for Conformity
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive Request for Conformity from Subdit Engineering.
1.1 Open work tracking record.
2. Review subject of conformity inspection requested.
3. Check design data for completeness.
4. Check schedule of inspection.
5. File task.
5.1 Close work tracking record.
5.2 File all design data for the purpose of conformity inspection.

AIR 6.1504 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1505
Title: Evaluate Authorised Release for Conformity (ARC)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-18 Authorized Release Certificate
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Task Description:
To perform evaluation of Authorized Released Certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Review form Authorised Released Certificate for part or component used during
3. Review any additional information related to the part issued with the ARC as
required by its design data, such as test report.
4. File task.
4.1 Close work tracking record.
4.2 File all ARC required by design data during conformity inspection.

AIR 6.1505 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1506
Title: Evaluate Statement of Conformity (SOC)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-07 Statement of Conformity
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Task Description:
To perform evaluation of Statement of Conformity
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Review form Statement of Confomity.
3. Review each section for its correctness to the project.
4. File task.
4.1 Close work tracking record.
4.2 File SOC as part of conformity inspection document.

AIR 6.1506 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1507
Title: Issue Conformity Inspection Record (CIR)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-07 Statement of Conformity
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Task Description:
To complete conformity inspection in the form CIR
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Fill out each column of form CIR using ballpoint or ink pen:
1.1. Type or Production Project number, refer to each CIP number or each
alteration project or other assign number as requested in the RFC.
1.2. Manufacturer is organisation applying TC or any organisation requesting
for an alteration.
1.3. Model is aircraft type designation sought for TC or aircraft type being
1.4. Period from starting the inspection to final date before submission
inspecton record to Subdit Engineering (through CCM).
1.5. Inspector performing inspection.
1.6. Nomenclature is inspection item being inspected.
1.7. Drawing is all referenced design data used for the inspection.
1.8. Date & change is date and revision level of each referenced design data.
1.9. Number item found SATISFACTORY or UNSATISFACTORY is number
of item being inspected and put in the correspondence column.

AIR 6.1507 Page 1 of 2

1.10. Unacceptable Condition or Corrective Action is description of
unsatisfactory condition of inspection. Disposition of correcting
unsatisfactory condition shall be described in this column.
3. Any unsatisfactory condition shall be monitored for further corrective action.
For corrective action given by Engineering or Material Review Board shall be
described in column #10, and item in column #9 shall be revised accordingly.
4. File task.
4.1 Close work tracking record.
4.2 File CIR with all referenced design data and return to Subdit Engineering
using Conformity Completion Memo.

AIR 6.1507 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1601
Title: Conduct ACSEP Audit
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-31 ACSEP Audit Report Cover Page
DAAO Form 21-32 ACSEP Rating Checklist
DAAO Form 21-33 Result of ACSEP Audit Findings
DAAO Form 21-34 ACSEP Record of Findings/Observations
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-07 Aircraft Certification System Evaluation Program
Task Description:
To conduct Aircraft Certification System Evaluation Program (ACSEP) Audit
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Prepare schedule for audit, including:
1.1. Start date of audit,
1.2. Duration of audit,
1.3. Facilities to be audited,
1.4. Product lines at facilities to be audited,
1.5. Number and disciplines of auditors assigned,
1.6. Additional auditors required,
1.7. Number and disciplines of auditors-in-training and team leader-in-training.
1.8. ACSEP number.
3. Select team leader and team member, consideration for selecting team member:
3.1 Team composition,
3.2 Team size,
4. Notify facilities to be audited,

AIR 6.1601 Page 1 of 3

5. Pre-Audit Team Meeting, review he following audit elements:
5.1 Current quality system and corrective action history to be avaluated in
selected area,
5.2 Team functional assignment,
5.3 Audit Plan,
5.4 Audit objective,
5.5 Working relationship of the facility,
5.6 Organisational structure of the facility,
5.7 Approved quality system documents,
5.8 Agreement with the facility to be audited.
6. Pre-Audit Conference, team leader shall:
6.1 Introduce team members,
6.2 Give brief overview of ACSEP,
6.3 Provide audit scope and objectives,
6.4 Review detail agenda,
6.5 Review administrative arrangement for pos-audit conference,
6.6 Discuss ACSEP audit Feedback Summary sent with notification letter.
7. System Audit, evaluate 6 major systems comprised of 17 audit subsystems:
7.1 Management,
7.2 Engineering,
7.3 Manufacturing,
7.4 Quality,
7.5 Service/Product Support,
7.6 Communication with DAAO.
8. Team Member shall as appropriate conduct:
8.1 Review DGCA approved quality systems manuals,
8.2 Review design system and quality system data,
8.3 Review other facility procedure,
8.4 Review purchase order or quality requirements on priority parts supplier,
8.5 Evaluate compliance or observance to facility procedures and
requirements when applicable,
8.6 Request re-inspection to determine compliance with current system

AIR 6.1601 Page 2 of 3

8.7 Identify and document additional standardise audit criteria that required to
be documented,
8.8 Detect and report non conformance and area may need improvement.
9. Records findings and observation on DAAO Form 21-34.
10. Audit team meetings:
10.1 Daily meeting.
10.2 Final Critique meeting.
11. Post-Audit Conference, team leader shall conduct a post-audit conference with
appropraite senior management and cognizant supervisory personnel of auditee.
11.1 Introduce DGCA personnel,
11.2 Give a brief presentation of overall result,
11.3 Explain surveillance PI or PM corrective action and follow-up procedures,
11.4 Remind senior management of ACSEP audit feedback summary and
encourage to complete the summary,
11.5 Request final comments.
12. Post-Audit Activities:
12.1 Prepare ACSEP Audit report,
12.2 Sending ACSEP Audit report,
12.3 Requesting Corrective Action,
12.4 Tracking Corrective Action,
12.5 Corrective Action Follow-up,
12.6 Other Actions based on ACSEP Audit report,
12.7 ACSEP Quality Improvement program,
12.8 Record Retention.
13. Database Management, to provide a capability to detect shifts in performance
and statistically significant trends for industry as a whole.
14. File task.
14.1 Close work tracking record.
14.2 Maintain supporting file on DAAO office.

AIR 6.1601 Page 3 of 3

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1701
Title: Conduct Audit as Team Member
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an audit process in order to certify or recertify an organizations
compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing an air operator
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. to study and expand as necessary the audit checklist as applicable to the function ass
2. to become familiar with the companys policies, instructions and procedures;
3. to be familiar with the auditing procedures and associated documentation;
4. to conduct and document audit field work through all phases of the audit;
5. to ensure that all findings have supporting evidence;
6. to maintain contact with the Team Leader and ensure that the audit progressis
reporteda ndp otentiaplr oblemasd dressed.

AIR 6.901 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1702
Title: Conduct Audit as Team Leader
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an audit process in order to certify or recertify an organizations
compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing an air operator
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Maintain ongoing communication with the Audit Manager;
2. Plan and manage the audit activities of the team, where necessary assigning
Deputy Team Leaders;
3. De-brief management upon completion of the audit of his/her speciality area;
4. To be familiar with the auditing procedure and the associated documentation;
5. To become familiar with the company's policies, instructions and procedures;
6. Draft sections of the report as required by the Audit Manager.

AIR 6.902 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1703
Title: Conduct Audit as Manager
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an audit process in order to certify or recertify an organizations
compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing an air operator
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Ensure that all relevant sub directorates within DGCA as well as company
officials have been advise of the audit dates;
2. Ensure that non audit activities with the carrier are reduced to a minimum
throughout the audit period;
3. Ensure that any activities between DGCA and the cornpany are co-ordinate
through the Audit Manager during the audit period;
4. Maintain contact with the Director as appropriate and report progress of the field
work, potentjal problems, changes to the objectives or scope of work and other
significan matter arising during the audit;
5. Maintain ongoing communication with the senior management of the company;
6. Ensure that all decisions and approval required from the Director are obtained
on a timely basis;
7. Exercise line authority over assigned audit staff and observers and control time
and resource budgets;
8. Ensure that all functions of the audit team have been completed prior to
releasing the individual members;
9. Ensure that all audit finding items are based on specific regulations/standard and
supported by objective evidence and detailed analysis;

AIR 6.903 Page 1 of 2

10. Prepare the draft audit report/post-audit letter and debrief the DAAO
Management committe as applicable;
11. Co-ordinate the post audit meeting with senior company management and
12. Brief the Directoor of any audit finding items which may substantiate
enforcement action in accordance with KM 29 of 2009. Administrative
sanctions on violations against law and regulations in the Airworthiness sector"
and/or Aviation Act. No. l of, 2009.

AIR 6.903 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1801
Title: Conduct Dangerous Goods Inspection as Team Member
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an Dangerous Goods Inspection process in order to certify or recertify an
organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing
an air operator certificate.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. to study and expand as necessary the Dangerous Goods Inspection checklist as
applicable to the function ass signed;
2. to become familiar with the companys policies, instructions and procedures;
3. to be familiar with the Dangerous Goods Inspection procedures and associated
4. to conduct and document Dangerous Goods field work through all phases of the
5. to ensure that all findings have supporting evidence;
6. to maintain contact with the Team Leader and ensure that the audit progressis
reported and potential problem as adressed.

AIR 6.1801 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1802
Title: Conduct Audit as Team Leader
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an Dangerous Good Inspection process in order to certify or recertify an
organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing
an air operator certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Maintain ongoing communication with the DG Inspection Manager;
2. Plan and manage the audit activities of the team, where necessary assigning
Deputy Team Leaders;
3. De-brief management upon completion of the audit of his/her speciality area;
4. To be familiar with the auditing procedure and the associated documentation;
5. To become familiar with the company's policies, instructions and procedures;
6. Draft sections of the report as required by the DG Inspection Manager.

AIR 6.1802 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1803
Title: Conduct DANGEROUS GOODS inspection as Manager
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an DANGEROUS GOODS inspection process in order to certify or
recertify an organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation
in pursuing an air operator certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Ensure that all relevant sub directorates within DGCA as well as company
officials have been advise of the DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection dates;
2. Ensure that non DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection activities with the carrier
are reduced to a minimum throughout the DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection
3. Ensure that any activities between DGCA and the cornpany are co-ordinate
through the DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection Manager during the
DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection period;
4. Maintain contact with the Director as appropriate and report progress of the field
work, potentjal problems, changes to the objectives or scope of work and other
significan matter arising during the DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection;
5. Maintain ongoing communication with the senior management of the company;
6. Ensure that all decisions and approval required from the Director are obtained
on a timely basis;
7. Exercise line authority over assigned DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection staff
and observers and control time and resource budgets;
8. Ensure that all functions of the DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection team have
been completed prior to releasing the individual members;

AIR 6.1803 Page 1 of 2

9. Ensure that all DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection finding items are based on
specific regulations/standard and supported by objective evidence and detailed
10. Prepare the draft DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection report/post-
DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection letter and debrief the DAAO Management
committe as applicable;
11. Co-ordinate the post DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection meeting with senior
company management and DGCA;
12. Brief the Directoor of any DANGEROUS GOODS Inspection finding items
which may substantiate enforcement action in accordance with KM 29 of 2009.
Administrative sanctions on violations against law and regulations in the
Airworthiness sector" and/or Aviation Act. No. l of, 2009.

AIR 6.1803 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1901
Title: Conduct Reliability Monitoring as Team Member
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an Reliability Monitoring process in order to certify or recertify an
organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing
an air operator certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. to study and expand as necessary the Reliability Monitoring checklist as applicable
to the function ass signed;
2. to become familiar with the companys policies, instructions and procedures;
3. to be familiar with the Reliability Monitoring ing procedures and associated
4. to conduct and document Reliability Monitoring field work through all phases of the
Reliability Monitoring ;
5. to ensure that all findings have supporting evidence;
6. to maintain contact with the Team Leader and ensure that the Reliability Monitoring
progress is reported and potential problem as addressed.

AIR 6.1901 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1902
Title: Conduct Reliability Monitoring as Team Leader
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an Reliability Monitoring process in order to certify or recertify an
organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing
an air operator certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Maintain ongoing communication with the Reliability Monitoring Manager;
2. Plan and manage the Reliability Monitoring activities of the team, where
necessary assigning Deputy Team Leaders;
3. De-brief management upon completion of the Reliability Monitoring of his/her
speciality area;
4. To be familiar with the Reliability Monitoring ing procedure and the associated
5. To become familiar with the company's policies, instructions and procedures;
6. Draft sections of the report as required by the Reliability Monitoring Manager.

AIR 6.1902 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.1903
Title: Conduct Reliability Monitoring as Manager
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an Reliability Monitoring process in order to certify or recertify an
organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing
an air operator certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Ensure that all relevant sub directorates within DGCA as well as company
officials have been advise of the Reliability Monitoring dates;
2. Ensure that non Reliability Monitoring activities with the carrier are reduced to
a minimum throughout the Reliability Monitoring period;
3. Ensure that any activities between DGCA and the cornpany are co-ordinate
through the Reliability Monitoring Manager during the Reliability Monitoring
4. Maintain contact with the Director as appropriate and report progress of the field
work, potentjal problems, changes to the objectives or scope of work and other
significan matter arising during the Reliability Monitoring ;
5. Maintain ongoing communication with the senior management of the company;
6. Ensure that all decisions and approval required from the Director are obtained
on a timely basis;
7. Exercise line authority over assigned Reliability Monitoring staff and observers
and control time and resource budgets;
8. Ensure that all functions of the Reliability Monitoring team have been
completed prior to releasing the individual members;
9. Ensure that all Reliability Monitoring finding items are based on specific
regulations/standard and supported by objective evidence and detailed analysis;

AIR 6.1903 Page 1 of 2

10. Prepare the draft Reliability Monitoring report/post-Reliability Monitoring
letter and debrief the DAAO Management committe as applicable;
11. Co-ordinate the post Reliability Monitoring meeting with senior company
management and DGCA;
12. Brief the Directoor of any Reliability Monitoring finding items which may
substantiate enforcement action in accordance with KM 29 of 2009.
Administrative sanctions on violations against law and regulations in the
Airworthiness sector" and/or Aviation Act. No. l of, 2009.

AIR 6.1903 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.2001
Title: Conduct NDT Inspection as Team Member
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8300, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an NDT Inspection process in order to certify or recertify an organizations
compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing an air operator
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. to study and expand as necessary the NDT Inspection checklist as applicable to the
function ass signed;
2. to become familiar with the companys policies, instructions and procedures;
3. to be familiar with the NDT Inspection procedures and associated documentation;
4. to conduct and document NDT field work through all phases of the inspection;
5. to ensure that all findings have supporting evidence;
6. to maintain contact with the Team Leader and ensure that the inspection progress is
reported and potential problem as addressed.

AIR 6.2001 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.2002
Title: Conduct NDT inspection as Team Leader
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9760; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an Dangerous Good Inspection process in order to certify or recertify an
organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing
an air operator certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Maintain ongoing communication with the NDT Inspection Manager;
2. Plan and manage the NDT inspection activities of the team, where necessary
assigning Deputy Team Leaders;
3. De-brief management upon completion of the NDT inspection of his/her
speciality area;
4. To be familiar with the NDT inspectioning procedure and the associated
5. To become familiar with the company's policies, instructions and procedures;
6. Draft sections of the report as required by the DG Inspection Manager.

AIR 6.2002 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.2003
Title: Conduct NDT inspection as Manager
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an NDT inspection process in order to certify or recertify an organizations
compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing an air operator
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Ensure that all relevant sub directorates within DGCA as well as company
officials have been advise of the NDT Inspection dates;
2. Ensure that non NDT Inspection activities with the carrier are reduced to a
minimum throughout the NDT Inspection period;
3. Ensure that any activities between DGCA and the cornpany are co-ordinate
through the NDT Inspection Manager during the NDT Inspection period;
4. Maintain contact with the Director as appropriate and report progress of the field
work, potentjal problems, changes to the objectives or scope of work and other
significan matter arising during the NDT Inspection;
5. Maintain ongoing communication with the senior management of the company;
6. Ensure that all decisions and approval required from the Director are obtained
on a timely basis;
7. Exercise line authority over assigned NDT Inspection staff and observers and
control time and resource budgets;
8. Ensure that all functions of the NDT Inspection team have been completed prior
to releasing the individual members;
9. Ensure that all NDT Inspection finding items are based on specific
regulations/standard and supported by objective evidence and detailed analysis;

AIR 6.2003 Page 1 of 2

10. Prepare the draft NDT Inspection report/post-NDT Inspection letter and debrief
the DAAO Management committe as applicable;
11. Co-ordinate the post NDT Inspection meeting with senior company management
and DGCA;
12. Brief the Directoor of any NDT Inspection finding items which may substantiate
enforcement action in accordance with KM 29 of 2009. Administrative
sanctions on violations against law and regulations in the Airworthiness sector"
and/or Aviation Act. No. l of, 2009.

AIR 6.2003 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.201
Title: Approval of Major Repairs and Major Alterations
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To determine that data meets regulatory requirements for field approval prior the major
alteration or major repair of an aircraft.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive formal application for major repair or alteration for field approval.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review operator's submitted data for compliance with airworthiness
requirements and completeness enough to proceed with evaluation/approval
2.1 Review data to determine if proposed application is accurately classified
as major alteration or major repair.
3. Determine if data is beyond scope of field approval; coordinate with DAAO
Engineering, as required.
3.1 Evaluate proposal; review aircraft records for previous alterations/repairs.
4. Analyze results of evaluation.
4.1 If data is incomplete or does not meet regulatory/ airworthiness
requirements, return data to applicant for corrective action.
4.2 If data is approved/accepted, advise applicant.
5. Evaluate alteration or repair after data approval/acceptance, during and after
accomplishment of alteration/repair, as appropriate.
5.1 Schedule appropriate conformity inspection when appropriate to verify
workmanship and compliance with approved or accepted data.
6. Review the approval for return to service.

AIR 6.201 Page 1 of 2

6.1 If data was previously approved, operator must complete DAAO Form for
Approval for Return to Service; retain original; submit duplicate to the
DAAO office for processing.
6.2 If data was not previously approved, operator must submit both copies of
DAAO Form for major repair or alteration to the DAAO office for
7. Process DAAO form for major repair or alteration Form.
8. Document task.
8.1 Close Work Tracking Record.

AIR 6.201 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.202
Title: Field Approval of Major Repairs and Major Alterations
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s:
Regulation References: CASR 43
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To determine that data meets regulatory requirements for field approval prior the major
alteration or major repair of an aircraft.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive formal application for major repair or alteration for field approval.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review operator's submitted data for compliance with airworthiness
requirements and completeness enough to proceed with evaluation/approval
2.1 Review data to determine if proposed application is accurately classified
as major alteration or major repair.
3. Determine if data is beyond scope of field approval; coordinate with DAAO
Engineering, as required.
3.1 Evaluate proposal; review aircraft records for previous alterations/repairs.
4. Analyze results of evaluation.
4.1 If data is incomplete or does not meet regulatory/ airworthiness
requirements, return data to applicant for corrective action.
4.2 If data is approved/accepted, advise applicant.
5. Evaluate alteration or repair after data approval/acceptance, during and after
accomplishment of alteration/repair, as appropriate.
5.1 Schedule appropriate conformity inspection when appropriate to verify
workmanship and compliance with approved or accepted data.
6. Review the approval for return to service.

AIR 6.202 Page 1 of 2

6.1 If data was previously approved, operator must complete DAAO Form for
Approval for Return to Service; retain original; submit duplicate to the
DAAO office for processing.
6.2 If data was not previously approved, operator must submit both copies of
DAAO Form for major repair or alteration to the DAAO office for
7. Process DAAO form for major repair or alteration Form.
8. Document task.
8.1 Close Work Tracking Record.

AIR 6.202 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.203
Title: Process a Malfunction or Defect (M&D) Report
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121, CASR 135.
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To process a Malfunction or Defect (M&D) Report required by ICAO and State
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive reporting a Malfunction or Defect (M&D).
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review operator's M&D Report.
2.1 Contact operator for clarification, as necessary.
2.2 Conduct on-site inspection, as appropriate.
2.3 Determine if a report is required.
3. Submit M&D Report.
3.1 Report serious airworthiness problems to appropriate DAAO office and
Aircraft Evaluation Group immediately by phone.
3.2 Advise Aircraft Certification Office responsible for the product of the
equipment service difficulty, along with any recommendations.
3.3 If airworthiness problem is determined not to be critical to safe flight,
submit report within 72 hours.
4. Conduct investigation if trends are identified.
4.1 Determine if there is a need for a change in the operator's policies or
5. Document task.
5.1 Close Work Tracking Record.
6. Future activities.
6.1 If necessary, take appropriate action to resolve deficiencies in operator's
policies and procedures.

AIR 6.203 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.2101
Title: Conduct Human Factor Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an HUMAN FACTOR inspection process in order to certify or recertify an
organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation in pursuing
an air operator certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Ensure that all relevant sub directorates within DGCA as well as company
officials have been advise of the HUMAN FACTOR Inspection dates;
2. Ensure that non HUMAN FACTOR Inspection activities with the carrier are
reduced to a minimum throughout the HUMAN FACTOR Inspection period;
3. Ensure that any activities between DGCA and the cornpany are co-ordinate
through the HUMAN FACTOR Inspection Manager during the HUMAN
FACTOR Inspection period;
4. Maintain contact with the Director as appropriate and report progress of the field
work, potentjal problems, changes to the objectives or scope of work and other
significan matter arising during the HUMAN FACTOR Inspection;
5. Maintain ongoing communication with the senior management of the company;
6. Ensure that all decisions and approval required from the Director are obtained
on a timely basis;
7. Exercise line authority over assigned HUMAN FACTOR Inspection staff and
observers and control time and resource budgets;
8. Ensure that all functions of the HUMAN FACTOR Inspection team have been
completed prior to releasing the individual members;

AIR 6.2101 Page 1 of 2

9. Ensure that all HUMAN FACTOR Inspection finding items are based on
specific regulations/standard and supported by objective evidence and detailed
10. Prepare the draft HUMAN FACTOR Inspection report/post-HUMAN FACTOR
Inspection letter and debrief the DAAO Management committe as applicable;
11. Co-ordinate the post HUMAN FACTOR Inspection meeting with senior
company management and DGCA;
12. Brief the Directoor of any HUMAN FACTOR Inspection finding items which
may substantiate enforcement action in accordance with KM 29 of 2009.
Administrative sanctions on violations against law and regulations in the
Airworthiness sector" and/or Aviation Act. No. l of, 2009.

AIR 6.2101 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.2201
Title: Conduct Aircraft Type Rating required Inspection
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: CASR 91; CASR 121; CASR 135; CASR 133; CASR 137;
CASR 141; CASR 147; CASR 57
DAAO Forms: Form 120-07; 120-08; 120-09
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 8335; SI 8400 Vol. II, SI 120-02; SI 141-1
Task Description:
To involve in an AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING inspection process in order to certify or
recertify an organizations compliance with appropriate Civil Aviation Safety Regulation
in pursuing an air operator certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Ensure that all relevant sub directorates within DGCA as well as company
officials have been advise of the AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection dates;
2. Ensure that non AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection activities with the
carrier are reduced to a minimum throughout the AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING
Inspection period;
3. Ensure that any activities between DGCA and the cornpany are co-ordinate
through the AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection Manager during the
AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection period;
4. Maintain contact with the Director as appropriate and report progress of the field
work, potentjal problems, changes to the objectives or scope of work and other
significan matter arising during the AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection;
5. Maintain ongoing communication with the senior management of the company;
6. Ensure that all decisions and approval required from the Director are obtained
on a timely basis;
7. Exercise line authority over assigned AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection
staff and observers and control time and resource budgets;
8. Ensure that all functions of the AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection team
have been completed prior to releasing the individual members;

AIR 6.2201 Page 1 of 2

9. Ensure that all AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection finding items are based
on specific regulations/standard and supported by objective evidence and
detailed analysis;
10. Prepare the draft AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection report/post-
AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection letter and debrief the DAAO
Management committe as applicable;
11. Co-ordinate the post AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection meeting with
senior company management and DGCA;
12. Brief the Directoor of any AIRCRAFT TYPE RATING Inspection finding items
which may substantiate enforcement action in accordance with KM 29 of 2009.
Administrative sanctions on violations against law and regulations in the
Airworthiness sector" and/or Aviation Act. No. l of, 2009.

AIR 6.2201 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.502
Title: Manage Safety Meetings, Events and Activities
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: 4.4.004, 4.4.026, ops 4.5.001, 4.4.009
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To plan, prepare, and manage safety meetings and presentations in accordance with the
district Aviation Safety Program plan.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need to plan, prepare, and manage safety meetings, programs, and
2. Review annual district aviation safety plan to ascertain the number/types of
programs and presentations to be scheduled.
2.1 Open Work Tracking Record for each program scheduled.
3. Schedule programs.
4. Coordinate programs with counselors, participants, sponsors, and the aviation
5. Reserve audiovisual equipment, materials, and aids.
6. Make audiovisual aids, as appropriate.
7. Prepare camera-ready copy for the program flyer.
8. Prepare program announcement for mailing.
9. Submit copy of announcement to office manager for approval.
10. Arrange publicity.
10.1 Mail news releases or copy of announcement flyer to local newspapers,
television and radio stations.
10.2 Send copy of flyer to fixed base operators, flying clubs, and military aero

AIR 6.502 Page 1 of 2

10.3 Request aviation organizations to place announcement in their newsletters
or calendar of events.
10.4 Give advance copy of flyer to guest speakers.
10.5 Publicize event through web sites, voice mail systems, electronic mass
communications systems, as appropriate.
11. Confirm arrangements for the facility and equipment.
12. Confirm arrangements for the transport of equipment and materials to program
13. Manage/conduct the presentation.
14. After the program, check the equipment and audiovisual aids for readiness for
future use; repair or replace items as necessary.
15. Close Work Tracking Record.
16. Future activities.
16.1 Evaluate effectiveness of current presentations and activities.
16.2 Modify planned activities, if indicated.
16.3 Issue Pilot Proficiency Award Program wings and/or Aviation
Maintenance Technician Award Program pins.
16.4 Manage future events in accordance with district annual plan.

AIR 6.502 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.504
Title: Issue an Aviation Safety Award
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To recognize individuals and/or organizations for outstanding support of aviation safety
activities within the district Aviation Safety Program.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need to issue an Aviation Safety Award.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review candidate's accomplishments.
3. Assure that a background review of the candidate's aviation record is conducted.
3.1 If accident or enforcement action is recent or of a serious nature, defer or
omit the award.
3.2 If no accident or enforcement action or occurrence does not impact the
suitability of the award, obtain the DAAO office manager's concurrence
and prepare the certificate.
4. Complete DAAO Form for Aviation Safety Counselor of the Year Award
Competition and have the office manager sign it.
5. Present the Aviation Safety Award.
5.1 Prepare news release for the local media.
5.2 Note the award in the DAAO newsletter and counselor bulletin.
6. Place copy of Safety Award in the DAAO file.
7. Close Work Tracking Record.
8. Future activities.
8.1 Review counselor achievements and solicit recommendations from other
inspectors, local aviation organizations and counselors in order to plan
future awards.

AIR 6.504 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.505
Title: Evaluate Accident or Incident Reports for Trends
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 830 Amdt 2
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To review, analyze, and evaluate accident and incident records to identify trends.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need to evaluate accident/incident reports for trends.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review and evaluate accident, incident, and midair collision reports.
3. Record and analyze data from the reports.
4. Determine how the data can most effectively be presented to district airman.
4.1 Plan to modify current schedule of district safety seminars and aviation
safety activities to emphasize the information, as appropriate.
4.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
5. Future activities.
5.1 As new information becomes available, add it to the appropriate records
and continue to monitor trends.
5.2 Adapt existing audiovisual aids to local scenarios and develop new
materials to supplement the nationally distributed publications and aids.
5.3 Publish pertinent information in the newsletter for airmen.
5.4 Schedule guest speakers with expertise in applicable areas to speak at
safety seminars and flight instructor workshops.
5.5 Discuss emphasis areas to solicit ideas and urge their participation in
projects to educate and inform airmen.

AIR 6.505 Page 1 of 1

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.506
Title: Process a Flight Assist Report
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To provide appropriate information, assistance, and counseling, if needed, to an airman
who has received a flight assist from Air Traffic Control.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need to process a Flight Assist Report.
2. If notified by Air Traffic Control (ATC) that a flight assist is in progress.
2.1 Make arrangements to meet the pilot after the flight is completed, if
2.2 If unable to meet the pilot personally, try to arrange for an Aviation Safety
Counselor (ASC) to meet the incoming flight.
2.3 Provide or direct the ASC to provide all possible assistance and
counseling, if indicated, to the pilot.
3. Open work tracking record.
4. Upon receipt of the CAA Flight Assist Report form; verify that all necessary
information has been provided by ATC; evaluate the information; and determine
a course of action.
4.1 If there are omissions, contact the reporting facility to obtain the missing
4.2 If no additional information is available and there is insufficient data to
identify the pilot or aircraft, terminate the task.
4.3 If circumstances don't warrant further action or the report has arrived
beyond the time when positive response can be accomplished, terminate
the task.
4.4 If pilot resides in another CAA's jurisdiction, send the Flight Assist Report
to that office for follow-up action.

AIR 6.506 Page 1 of 2

4.5 If Flight Assist Report indicated that a violation of the Civil Aviation
Regulations (CARs) has taken place or the event may have been reported
as an incident, coordinate with the operations unit supervisor.
4.6 If counseling would benefit the airman, contact the pilot.
4.7 If counseling is not indicated, contact the airman to confirm the
circumstances of the flight.
5. Conclude processing the report.
5.1 Notify the reporting facility of the action taken.
5.2 Place the CAA copy of the Flight Assist Report and other materials in the
appropriate district office file.
6. Close work tracking record.
7. Future activities.
7.1 Update district ATC facilities' lists of ASCs, if appropriate.
7.2 Provide information regarding contributing factors to flight assists at
future safety seminars, if appropriate.

AIR 6.506 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.508
Title: Process a Remedial Training Action
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 65, AC 65-01
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To determine if an airman whose file has been referred to the Safety Program Manager
by an investigating inspector is eligible for the remedial training program and, if so, to
provide an appropriate remedial training course syllabus and training agreement and to
oversee the training until it has been completed.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive investigative file and a recommendation that an airman be considered as
a remedial training candidate.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Schedule a personal meeting with the airman to determine eligibility for the
remedial training program.
3. Review the case and causal factors with the investigating inspector.
3.1 Consider the inspector's evaluation of the airman and recommendation on
proposed training.
3.2 Coordinate with other inspectors to obtain sufficient information to
develop a training syllabus.
3.3 Obtain Head of Personnel Licensing concurrence.
4. Draft a training agreement and remedial training syllabus.
4.1 Determine the approximate training time required to prevent a recurrence
of the same type of violation by the airman.
5. Conduct an eligibility meeting with airman.
6. Evaluate the airman to determine if the airman is a good candidate for the
remedial training program.

AIR 6.508 Page 1 of 2

7. If airman responds in a positive way, finalize the terms of an acceptable training
agreement and syllabus.
7.1 When agreement on content of agreement and syllabus, sign the
agreement; direct airman to sign the agreement.
7.2 Place copy of training agreement and syllabus in the case file.
7.3 When airman sends documentation that required training has been
completed, verify that documents are in accordance with training
agreement and notify investigating inspector of the completion.
7.4 Return case file to investigating inspector.
8. If airman displays an untenable attitude or moves the meeting into a conflict
situation, terminate the meeting immediately.
8.1 Advise airman that he/she will not be accepted for remedial training and
that enforcement action will continue.
8.2 Document the findings and return the airman's file to the investigating
inspector for further action.
9. If airman fails to meet any requirement of the remedial training syllabus or
training agreement, notify the investigating inspector and return the case file.
10. Close Work Tracking Record.
11. Future activities.
11.1 Update DAAO list of approved training sources, as appropriate.
11.2 Coordinate with Air Traffic Control facilities, as appropriate.

AIR 6.508 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.701
Title: Approve a Safety Management System
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None.
Regulation References: AC 120-92 Amdt 0
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9859
Task Description:
To ensure that a Safety Management System that is proposed for use at an air carrier or
AMO will comply with the recommendations of ICAO or other regulatory standard.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive a draft copy of the proposed Safety Management System (SMS) or
System Safety plan with proposed implementation schedule from an air carrier
or AMO.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review the SMS document to be certain that it contains at least the following
3.1 Safety Management. Definition of an SMS. Corporate safety policy with
top management commitment. Specific duties and responsibilities of the
safety office, safety manager, safety review board (SRB), safety action
groups (SAG), safety library, individuals, etc. Must answer fundamental
questions of who does what, when, where, why, and how.
3.2 Reporting Programs. Voluntary reporting programs. Mandatory reporting
3.3 Risk Management. Hazard identification. Risk assessment of new hazards
and any proposed changes to the organization. Risk mitigation processes.
Filing and retention of analysis and mitigations in safety library database.
3.4 Safety Promotion. Implementation of risk mitigations. These may be
accomplished by the Safety Action Group or equivalent department. The
system should also include such things as a newsletter, monthly safety
reports, or other means to notify concerned personnel of changes.
Establishment of a Safety Library to act as repository of all safety actions
and information.

AIR 6.701 Page 1 of 2

3.5 Safety Assurance. Audit processes: internal and external. Formal
emergency preparedness plan.
3.6 Appendices. Definitions. Etc. Given your special knowledge of the air
carrier or AMO, be certain that the proposed SMS is appropriate to the
size and scope of the organization and is customized to its current
4. If the proposed SMS meets the minimum requirements, issue a letter of approval,
authorization, or acceptance for the SMS.
4.1 If not, return the SMS document to the organization along with a letter
documenting deficiencies.
5. Place the approved SMS document and a copy of any letters in the operators
6. Schedule a follow-up inspection to observe SMS implementation and future
7. Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.701 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.702
Title: Inspect a Safety Management System
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None.
Regulation References: AC 120-92 Amdt 0
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9859
Task Description:
To ensure that a Safety Management System in operation at an air carrier or AMO
continues to comply with the recommendations of ICAO or other regulatory standard.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive an updated copy of the Safety Management System (SMS) or System
Safety plan that is presently in use at an air carrier or AMO.
2. Open work tracking record.
3. Review the SMS document to be certain that it contains at least the following
3.1 Safety Management. Definition of an SMS. Corporate safety policy with
top management commitment. Specific duties and responsibilities of the
safety office, safety manager, safety review board (SRB), safety action
groups (SAG), safety library, individuals, etc. Must answer fundamental
questions of who does what, when, where, why, and how.
3.2 Reporting Programs. Voluntary reporting programs. Mandatory reporting
3.3 Risk Management. Hazard identification. Risk assessment of new hazards
and any proposed changes to the organization. Risk mitigation processes.
Filing and retention of analysis and mitigations in safety library database.
3.4 Safety Promotion. Implementation of risk mitigations. These may be
accomplished by the Safety Action Group or equivalent department. The
system should also include such things as a newsletter, monthly safety
reports, or other means to notify concerned personnel of changes.
Establishment of a Safety Library to act as repository of all safety actions
and information.

AIR 6.702 Page 1 of 2

3.5 Safety Assurance. Audit processes: internal and external. Formal
emergency preparedness plan.
3.6 Appendices. Definitions. Etc.
4. Schedule a visit to the air carrier or AMO.
4.1 Interview key safety personnel and observe the SMS in daily operation. Be
certain that the SMS is appropriate to the size and scope of the
organization and is customized to its current operation.
4.2 Visit the Safety Library and review safety analysis and action reports.
4.3 Review internal audit reports and the formal emergency preparedness plan.
5. If the SMS is deficient in any way, debrief the organizations management team
and follow-up with a letter documenting deficiencies.
6. Place a copy of any letters in the operators file.
7. Schedule a follow-up inspection if necessary.
8. Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.702 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.801
Title: Conduct a Ramp Inspection of Foreign Registered Aircraft
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121, CASR 135, SI 8300
DAAO Forms: DAAO form 120-13
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To sample the quality of maintenance and degree of compliance with the operator's
operations specifications and Civil Aviation Safety Regulations on in-service aircraft.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Initiate ramp inspection of foreign-registered aircraft.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Prepare for inspection.
2.1 Obtain copy of Air Carrier Ramp Inspections Job Aid.
3. Make an official, but courteous, introduction to the flight crew; state purpose of
3.1 Request to see airman and medical certificates; review certificates; ensure
they meet duty position and are applicable to aircraft being operated.
4. Inspect aircraft documents.
4.1 Inspect aircraft airworthiness certificate.
4.2 Inspect aircraft registration certificate.
4.3 Inspect approved maintenance program.
4.4 Inspect Letter of Authorization for use of Minimum Equipment List.
5. Inspect aircraft's interior.
6. Inspect aircraft's exterior.
Ref: ICAO, Article 17
Ref: ICAO, Article 20
Ref: ICAO, Annex 7

AIR 6.801 Page 1 of 2

7. Inspect servicing and maintenance areas.
8. Inspect ramp and gate condition areas.
9. Analyze results of inspection.
10. Debrief operator; diplomatically explain each discrepancy; offer suggested
corrective actions and DAAO assistance, as applicable.
11. If air carrier representative disagrees with inspection findings, prepare a written
report of findings and recommended corrective actions; address to operator and
place copy in Air Operators DAAO file.
11.1 DAAO will mail report to state civil aviation authority, State of the
12. If serious uncorrected safety deficiencies exist, immediately advise foreign air
carrier principal inspector, who must advise foreign air carrier and/or state civil
aviation authority.
12.1 If foreign air carrier CEO or state civil aviation authority fails to take
corrective actions, initiate swift enforcement action.
13. Document task.
13.1 Close Work Tracking Record.

AIR 6.801 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.802
Title: Issue Operations Specifications to a Foreign Air Carrier
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Operations Specifications are divided into six parts, each of which has an
assigned letter designator and contains consecutively-numbered standard
1.1 Part A, General . Part A paragraphs are generally considered to be the
responsibility of both Airworthiness and Operations. Contents of these
paragraphs must be carefully coordinated between Operations, Avionics,
and Maintenance ASIs before approval. Approval of these paragraphs may
be indicated by the signature of any one of the three assigned PIs.
1.2 Part B, En Route Authorizations, Limitations, and Procedures. Part B
paragraphs are primarily the responsibility of the Operations ASIs.
Coordination between Operations, Maintenance, and Avionics ASIs is
essential to ensure that the aircraft equipment is properly installed and
certified to perform the approved operations.
1.3 Part C, Airplane Terminal Instrument Procedures and Airport
Authorizations and Limitations. Part C pertains to fixed wing airplanes
only. Part C paragraphs are primarily the responsibility of the Operations
ASI. Coordination between Operations, Maintenance, and Avionics ASIs
is essential.
1.4 Part D, Aircraft Maintenance. Part D paragraphs are primarily the
responsibility of the Maintenance and Avionics ASIs. In their absence, the
principal operations inspector (POI) can prepare and issue OpSpec D095,
Minimum Equipment Limitation Authorization.
1.5 Part E, Weight and Balance. Part E paragraphs are primarily the
responsibility of the Maintenance ASI. The Maintenance ASIs must

AIR 6.802 Page 1 of 2

carefully coordinate the Part E OpSpecs authorization with Operations
1.6 Part H, Helicopter Terminal Instrument Procedures and Airport
Authorizations and Limitations. Part H is the rotorcraft equivalent to the
Part C paragraphs for fixed-wing operations. Operations ASIs are
primarily responsible for preparing and approving the paragraphs in Part
H. (Part 121 and 125 operations will not have Part H in the databases.)

AIR 6.802 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.804
Title: Approve a Foreign Aircraft and Imported Part
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Regulation References:
CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
CASR Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules
CASR Part 121 Certification and Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and
Supplemental Air Carriers
CASR Part 135 Certification and Operating Requirements: for Commuter and Charter
Air Carriers
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-40 Checklist and Inspection Records-Issuance of Certificate of
DAAO Form 21-21 Application for Airworthiness Certificate
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Advisory Circular 21-2A Procedures for The Issuance of An Indonesia Certificate of
Airworthiness (C of A) for An Imported Product
Task Description:
To certify an imported product (aircraft) and/or make an airworthiness determination of
acceptance of an aeronautical part into Republic of Indonesia (ROI)
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Review application for DAAO certification of an imported product (aircraft) or
airworthiness determination of an imported part (engine, propeller, material, part
or appliance).
3. Review all required application documentation for eligibility, completeness and
NOTE: Documentation should be in Bahasa or English language.

AIR 6.804 Page 1 of 3

4. Determine if there is a bilateral agreement for acceptance of the imported product
or part between the State of Manufacturer and ROI.
5. Make airworthiness determination of an imported product (aircraft).
5.1. Verify aircraft conforms to ROI Type Certificate Validation and is in
condition for safe operation.
5.2. Determine eligibility of aircraft for airworthiness certificate using aircraft
type certificate data sheet or aircraft listing, as applicable.
5.3. Aircraft manufacturing record, including aircraft configuration or build
standard, deviation list, non conformance or repair/rework list,
manufacturing inspection and test record, production flight test report, for
a new manufactured aircraft.
5.4. Determine that aircraft is properly registered and registration marks are
properly displayed in accordance with CASR Part 47 Aircraft
Registration and CASR Part 45 Aircraft Identification and Marking.
5.5. Ensure aircraft has identification plate in accordance with the CASR Part
45 Aircraft Identification and Marking
5.6. Ensure aircraft has met all applicable airworthiness standards, all
airworthiness directives, noise and emission requirements.
5.7. Ensure aircraft markings, placards, approved up-to-date flight manuals,
weight and balance report, compass swing, FDR read out, CVR record,
logbooks, maintenance records, equipment list, and other required
documentation and data accompany the imported aircraft and are in the
Bahasa or English language, as applicable.
5.8. Inspect aircraft records; determine status of required inspections, life limits
and regulatory compliance, as applicable.
5.9. Ensure that aircraft has been maintained in an airworthy condition and
there is no evidence of deterioration due to improper storage or
transportation, including ATC Transponder Test and Altimeter & Static
System Test.
5.10. Ensure that configuration variations, modifications and major repairs that
are not approved are identified and approved or differences resolved
before aircraft is granted an airworthiness approval by the DAAO.
5.11. Ensure all aircraft systems have been satisfactorily checked for proper
5.12. Perform flight test (by operations inspector)
6. If all applicable regulatory requirements have been met, issue airworthiness
6.1. Make aircraft logbook entry showing that aircraft meets the requirements
for the airworthiness certificate.

AIR 6.804 Page 2 of 3

7. Issue Standard Airworthiness Certificate or Special Airworthiness (restricted or
special flight permit) with operating limitations as applicable.
8. If aircraft does not meet all applicable regulatory requirements, deny
airworthiness approval; notify applicant in writing, stating reasons for denial.
9. Examine, review and route certification file;
9.1. Document Review airworthiness documentation from exporting country
for eligibility, completeness and currency.
9.2. Determine that product conforms to approved type certificate and is found
to be in a condition for safe operation, as applicable.
9.3. Ensure product has been subjected to the manufacturer's final operational
check, as applicable.
10. Task
10.1. Close work tracking record
10.2. File all documentation

11. Determine the airworthiness of engines, propellers, materials, parts or appliances
imported into the ROI.
12. When applicable requirements have been satisfied, aircraft engine, propeller,
material, part or appliance is deemed acceptable for import into the ROI.
13. Document task.
13.1. Close work traking record.
13.2. File all documentation

AIR 6.804 Page 3 of 3

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.804
Title: Approve a Foreign Aircraft and Imported Part
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Regulation References:
CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
CASR Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules
CASR Part 121 Certification and Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and
Supplemental Air Carriers
CASR Part 135 Certification and Operating Requirements: for Commuter and Charter
Air Carriers
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-40 Checklist and Inspection Records-Issuance of Certificate of
DAAO Form 21-21 Application for Airworthiness Certificate
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Advisory Circular 21-2A Procedures for The Issuance of An Indonesia Certificate of
Airworthiness (C of A) for An Imported Product
Task Description:
To certify an imported product (aircraft) and/or make an airworthiness determination of
acceptance of an aeronautical part into Republic of Indonesia (ROI)
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Open work tracking record.
2. Review application for DAAO certification of an imported product (aircraft) or
airworthiness determination of an imported part (engine, propeller, material, part
or appliance).
3. Review all required application documentation for eligibility, completeness and
NOTE: Documentation should be in Bahasa or English language.

AIR 6.804 Page 1 of 3

4. Determine if there is a bilateral agreement for acceptance of the imported product
or part between the State of Manufacturer and ROI.
5. Make airworthiness determination of an imported product (aircraft).
5.1. Verify aircraft conforms to ROI Type Certificate Validation and is in
condition for safe operation.
5.2. Determine eligibility of aircraft for airworthiness certificate using aircraft
type certificate data sheet or aircraft listing, as applicable.
5.3. Aircraft manufacturing record, including aircraft configuration or build
standard, deviation list, non conformance or repair/rework list,
manufacturing inspection and test record, production flight test report, for
a new manufactured aircraft.
5.4. Determine that aircraft is properly registered and registration marks are
properly displayed in accordance with CASR Part 47 Aircraft
Registration and CASR Part 45 Aircraft Identification and Marking.
5.5. Ensure aircraft has identification plate in accordance with the CASR Part
45 Aircraft Identification and Marking
5.6. Ensure aircraft has met all applicable airworthiness standards, all
airworthiness directives, noise and emission requirements.
5.7. Ensure aircraft markings, placards, approved up-to-date flight manuals,
weight and balance report, compass swing, FDR read out, CVR record,
logbooks, maintenance records, equipment list, and other required
documentation and data accompany the imported aircraft and are in the
Bahasa or English language, as applicable.
5.8. Inspect aircraft records; determine status of required inspections, life limits
and regulatory compliance, as applicable.
5.9. Ensure that aircraft has been maintained in an airworthy condition and
there is no evidence of deterioration due to improper storage or
transportation, including ATC Transponder Test and Altimeter & Static
System Test.
5.10. Ensure that configuration variations, modifications and major repairs that
are not approved are identified and approved or differences resolved
before aircraft is granted an airworthiness approval by the DAAO.
5.11. Ensure all aircraft systems have been satisfactorily checked for proper
5.12. Perform flight test (by operations inspector)
6. If all applicable regulatory requirements have been met, issue airworthiness
6.1. Make aircraft logbook entry showing that aircraft meets the requirements
for the airworthiness certificate.

AIR 6.804 Page 2 of 3

7. Issue Standard Airworthiness Certificate or Special Airworthiness (restricted or
special flight permit) with operating limitations as applicable.
8. If aircraft does not meet all applicable regulatory requirements, deny
airworthiness approval; notify applicant in writing, stating reasons for denial.
9. Examine, review and route certification file;
9.1. Document Review airworthiness documentation from exporting country
for eligibility, completeness and currency.
9.2. Determine that product conforms to approved type certificate and is found
to be in a condition for safe operation, as applicable.
9.3. Ensure product has been subjected to the manufacturer's final operational
check, as applicable.
10. Task
10.1. Close work tracking record
10.2. File all documentation

11. Determine the airworthiness of engines, propellers, materials, parts or appliances
imported into the ROI.
12. When applicable requirements have been satisfied, aircraft engine, propeller,
material, part or appliance is deemed acceptable for import into the ROI.
13. Document task.
13.1. Close work traking record.
13.2. File all documentation

AIR 6.804 Page 3 of 3

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.805
Title: Issue an Export Airworthiness Approval
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
CASR Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules
CASR Part 121 Certification and Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and
Supplemental Air Carriers
CASR Part 135 Certification and Operating Requirements: for Commuter and Charter
Air Carriers
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-18 Authorized Release Certificate
DAAO Form 21-19 Application for Export Certificate of Airworthiness
DAAO Form 21-22 Export Certificate of Airworthiness
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Advisory Circular 21-2A Procedures for The Issuance of An Indonesia Certificate of
Airworthiness (C of A) for An Imported Product
Task Description:
To process an application for export approval.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application for export airworthiness approval
1.1. Open work tracking record.
2. Review application for export airworthiness approval.
3. Review application for export airworthiness approval.
3.1 Determine "Class" category of product to be exported.
3.2 Determine if the product is "new" or "used" and meets applicable
3.3 Ensure product conforms to type design.

AIR 6.805 Page 1 of 2

3.4 Ensure product conforms to airworthiness requirements of importing
3.5 Determine if a written letter of acceptance is required from importing
country before an export airworthiness approval can be issued, for any
exceptions exist.
3.6 Review export application for eligibility, completeness and compliance
with airworthiness requirements applicable to the class of product to be
4. Schedule inspection of product; coordinate with applicant, as applicable.
5. Inspect product, as applicable.
5.1 Ensure that product conforms to the requirements of the importing
country; ensure no conflicts exist.
5.2 If conflict exists, advise exporter of requirements to resolve conflict(s)
before an Export Certificate of Authorization can be issued.
6. If product meets all applicable regulatory requirements, complete
7. Issue export approval.
7.1 For Class I products, an Export Certificate of Airworthiness, DAAO Form
7.2 For Class II and Class III products, an Airworthiness Approval Tag
(Authorised Released Certificate DAAO Form 21-18).
8. Document task.
8.1 Forward DAAO Form 21-22 Export C of A to appropriate importing
country CAA office.
8.2 Close work tracking record.
8.3 File all documentations

AIR 6.805 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.805
Title: Issue an Export Airworthiness Approval
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
CASR Part 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
CASR Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules
CASR Part 121 Certification and Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and
Supplemental Air Carriers
CASR Part 135 Certification and Operating Requirements: for Commuter and Charter
Air Carriers
DAAO Forms:
DAAO Form 21-18 Authorized Release Certificate
DAAO Form 21-19 Application for Export Certificate of Airworthiness
DAAO Form 21-22 Export Certificate of Airworthiness
Guidance Material References:
Staff Instruction 21-02 Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Approval
Advisory Circular 21-2A Procedures for The Issuance of An Indonesia Certificate of
Airworthiness (C of A) for An Imported Product
Task Description:
To process an application for export approval.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application for export airworthiness approval
1.1. Open work tracking record.
2. Review application for export airworthiness approval.
3. Review application for export airworthiness approval.
3.1 Determine "Class" category of product to be exported.
3.2 Determine if the product is "new" or "used" and meets applicable
3.3 Ensure product conforms to type design.

AIR 6.805 Page 1 of 2

3.4 Ensure product conforms to airworthiness requirements of importing
3.5 Determine if a written letter of acceptance is required from importing
country before an export airworthiness approval can be issued, for any
exceptions exist.
3.6 Review export application for eligibility, completeness and compliance
with airworthiness requirements applicable to the class of product to be
4. Schedule inspection of product; coordinate with applicant, as applicable.
5. Inspect product, as applicable.
5.1 Ensure that product conforms to the requirements of the importing
country; ensure no conflicts exist.
5.2 If conflict exists, advise exporter of requirements to resolve conflict(s)
before an Export Certificate of Authorization can be issued.
6. If product meets all applicable regulatory requirements, complete
7. Issue export approval.
7.1 For Class I products, an Export Certificate of Airworthiness, DAAO Form
7.2 For Class II and Class III products, an Airworthiness Approval Tag
(Authorised Released Certificate DAAO Form 21-18).
8. Document task.
8.1 Forward DAAO Form 21-22 Export C of A to appropriate importing
country CAA office.
8.2 Close work tracking record.
8.3 File all documentations

AIR 6.805 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.901
Title: Issue an Aircraft Type Certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 23 Airworthiness Standards : Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter
Category Airplanes
3. CASR 25 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Aeroplanes
4. CASR 27 Airworthiness Standards : Normal Category Rotorcraft
5. CASR 29 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Rotorcraft
6. CASR 36 Noise Standard : Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21.04
DGCA Guidance Material References:
1. SI 21.01 Type Certificate Procedures
2. SI 21.31 Procedures For Approval of Data
Task Description:
To determine that data submitted meets regulatory requirements for type certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application DAAO 21-04 accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data (technical description of the aircraft including
adequate information to permit to determine the applicable amendment of
the CASR that should be the bottom of the certification basis)
2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 Appointing a Project Manager (PM) an FOEB Chairman a MRB

AIR 6.901 Page 1 of 2

2.2 Hold a familiarization Type Certification Board (TCB) with applicant.
2.3 Appointing a Certification Team (CT)
2.4 Hold a preliminary TCB meeting with the Certification Team and
2.5 Establishment of Certification Basis
2.6 Receive compliance program from applicant (draft compliance check list)
2.7 Receive data for evaluation from applicant
2.8 Evaluate type design and the data submitted from operator
2.9 Specialist meetings as required between DAAO and applicants
2.10 Performs conformity inspections and Witnessing Test
2.11 Performs engineering compliance verification
2.12 Issue an Experimental Airworthiness Certificate when satisfied that
conformity inspections and engineering compliance shown allow first
flight with required safety levels.
2.13 Hold pre-flight TCB meeting
2.14 Flight test performed by applicant
2.15 Review applicant flight test results
2.16 Issue Type Inspection Authorization (TIA)
2.17 Flight tests performed by DAAO specialist and applicant
2.18 Performs reliability testing and functional
2.19 Approve AFM and Airworthiness Limitation
2.20 Released Type Inspection Report (TIR) and draft summary report
2.21 Final TCB meeting
2.22 Issue a Type Certificate

3. File task.
3.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
3.2 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.901 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.902
Title: Issue an Engine Type Certificate
Approval Date: 13 march 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 33 Airworthiness Standards : Aircraft Engines
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21.04
DGCA Guidance Material References:
1. SI 21.01 Type Certificate Procedures
2. SI 21.31 Procedures For Approval of Data
Task Description:
To determine that data submitted meets regulatory requirements for engine type
certificate issuance
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application DAAO 21-04 accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data (technical description of the aircraft including
adequate information to permit to determine the applicable amendment of
the CASR that should be the bottom of the certification basis)
2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 Appointing a Project Manager (PM) an FOEB Chairman a MRB
2.2 Hold a familiarization Type Certification Board (TCB) with applicant.
2.3 Appointing a Certification Team (CT)
2.4 Hold a preliminary TCB meeting with the Certification Team and

AIR 6.902 Page 1 of 2

2.5 Establishment of Certification Basis
2.6 Receive compliance program from applicant (draft compliance check list)
2.7 Receive data for evaluation from applicant
2.8 Evaluate type design and the data submitted from operator
2.9 Specialist meetings as required between DAAO and applicants
2.10 Performs conformity inspections and Witnessing Test
2.11 Performs engineering compliance verification
2.12 Issue Type Inspection Authorization (TIA)
2.13 Performs reliability testing and functional
2.14 Approve Manual and Airworthiness Limitation
2.15 Released Type Inspection Report (TIR) and draft summary report
2.16 Final TCB meeting
2.17 Issue a Type Certificate

3. File task.
3.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
3.2 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.902 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.903
Title: Issue a Propeller Type Certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 35 Airworthiness Standards : Propeller
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21.04
DGCA Guidance Material References:
1. SI 21.01 Type Certificate Procedures
2. SI 21.31 Procedures For Approval of Data
Task Description:
To determine that data submitted meets regulatory requirements for engine type
certificate issuance
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application DAAO 21-04 accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data (technical description of the aircraft including
adequate information to permit to determine the applicable amendment of
the CASR that should be the bottom of the certification basis)
2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 Appointing a Project Manager (PM) an FOEB Chairman a MRB
2.2 Hold a familiarization Type Certification Board (TCB) with applicant.
2.3 Appointing a Certification Team (CT)
2.4 Hold a preliminary TCB meeting with the Certification Team and

AIR 6.903 Page 1 of 2

2.5 Establishment of Certification Basis
2.6 Receive compliance program from applicant (draft compliance check list)
2.7 Receive data for evaluation from applicant
2.8 Evaluate type design and the data submitted from operator
2.9 Specialist meetings as required between DAAO and applicants
2.10 Performs conformity inspections and Witnessing Test
2.11 Performs engineering compliance verification
2.12 Issue Type Inspection Authorization (TIA)
2.13 Performs reliability testing and functional
2.14 Approve Manual and Airworthiness Limitation
2.15 Released Type Inspection Report (TIR) and draft summary report
2.16 Final TCB meeting
2.17 Issue a Type Certificate

3. File task.
3.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
3.2 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.903 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.904
Title: Issue an Aircraft Type Certificate Validation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 23 Airworthiness Standards : Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter
Category Aeroplanes
3. CASR 25 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Aeroplanes
4. CASR 27 Airworthiness Standards : Normal Category Rotorcraft
5. CASR 29 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Rotorcraft
6. CASR 36 Noise Standard : Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21.04
DGCA Guidance Material References:
SI 21-03 Validation Procedures of Foreign Type Certificate (Aircraft, Engine and
SI 21.31 Procedures For Approval of Data
Task Description:
To determine that data submitted meets regulatory requirements for type certificate
issuance validation
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application DAAO 21-04 accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data (technical description of the aircraft including
adequate information to permit to determine the applicable amendment of
the CASR that should be the bottom of the certification basis)

AIR 6.904 Page 1 of 2

2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 Hold a technical briefing with Indonesian potential customer (Pre
Application Phase)
2.2 Appointing a Certification Team (CT)
2.3 Evaluate preliminary Data as Submitted by applicant
3. Type Design Review
3.1 Conduct Familiarization Phase of aircraft
3.2 Review compliance data as submitted by applicant
3.3 Conduct engineering inspection on the assembly line
3.4 Flight Test Evaluation
3.5 Conduct Manufacturing inspections (if necessary)
3.6 Hold meeting with local authority state of design to ensure Continuing
4. Conduct reporting as result of validation activities as described above/
5. File task.
5.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
5.2 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.904 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.905
Title: Issue an Engine Type Certificate Validation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 33 Airworthiness Standards : Aircraft Engines
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21.04
DGCA Guidance Material References:
SI 21-03 Validation Procedures of Foreign Type Certificate (Aircraft, Engine and
SI 21.31 Procedures For Approval of Data
Task Description:
To determine that data submitted meets regulatory requirements for type certificate
issuance validation
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application DAAO 21-04 accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data (technical description of the aircraft including
adequate information to permit to determine the applicable amendment of
the CASR that should be the bottom of the certification basis)
2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 Appointing a Certification Team (CT)
2.2 Evaluate preliminary Data as Submitted by applicant
3. Type Design Review
3.1 Conduct Familiarization Phase of Aircraft Engine
3.2 Review compliance data as submitted by applicant

AIR 6.905 Page 1 of 2

3.3 Conduct engineering inspection on the assembly line
3.4 Conduct Manufacturing inspections (if necessary)
3.5 Hold meeting with local authority state of design to ensure Continuing
4. Conduct reporting as result of validation activities as described above/
5. File task.
5.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
5.2 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.905 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.906
Title: Issue a Propeller Type Certificate Validation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DGCA Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 35 Airworthiness Standards : Propeller
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21.04
DGCA Guidance Material References:
SI 21-03 Validation Procedures of Foreign Type Certificate (Aircraft, Engine and
SI 21.31 Procedures For Approval of Data
Task Description:
To determine that data submitted meets regulatory requirements for type certificate
issuance validation
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application DAAO 21-04 accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data (technical description of the aircraft including
adequate information to permit to determine the applicable amendment of
the CASR that should be the bottom of the certification basis)
2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 Appointing a Certification Team (CT)
2.2 Evaluate preliminary Data as Submitted by applicant
3. Type Design Review
3.1 Conduct Familiarization Phase of Propeller
3.2 Review compliance data as submitted by applicant

AIR 6.906 Page 1 of 2

3.3 Conduct engineering inspection on the assembly line
3.4 Conduct Manufacturing inspections (if necessary)
3.5 Hold meeting with local authority state of design to ensure Continuing
4. Conduct reporting as result of validation activities as described above/
5. File task.
5.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
5.2 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.906 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.907
Title: Issue an Aircraft Supplemental Type Certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 23 Airworthiness Standards : Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter
Category Airplanes
3. CASR 25 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Aeroplanes
4. CASR 27 Airworthiness Standards : Normal Category Rotorcraft
5. CASR 29 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Rotorcraft
6. CASR 36 Noise Standard : Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21.04
DGCA Guidance Material References:
1. SI 21.01 Type Certificate Procedures
2. SI 21.31 Procedures For Approval of Data
Task Description:
To determine that data submitted meets regulatory requirements for type certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application DAAO 21-04 accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data (technical description of the aircraft including
adequate information to permit to determine the applicable amendment of
the CASR that should be the bottom of the certification basis)
2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 Review the data as submitted by applicant

AIR 6.907 Page 1 of 2

2.2 Conduct compliance inspection
2.3 Conduct compatibility examination
2.4 Issue experimental certificate
2.5 Conduct compliance determination
3. File task.
3.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
3.2 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.907 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.908
Title: Issue an Engine Supplemental Type Certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 33 Airworthiness Standards : Aircraft Engines
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21.04
DGCA Guidance Material References:
1. SI 21.01 Type Certificate Procedures
2. SI 21.31 Procedures For Approval of Data
Task Description:
To determine that data submitted meets regulatory requirements for type certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application DAAO 21-04 accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data (technical description of the aircraft including
adequate information to permit to determine the applicable amendment of
the CASR that should be the bottom of the certification basis)
2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 Review the data as submitted by applicant
2.2 Conduct compliance inspection
2.3 Conduct compatibility examination
2.4 Issue experimental certificate (if necessary)
2.5 Conduct compliance determination
2.6 Issue a Supplemental Type Certificate

AIR 6.908 Page 1 of 2

3. File task.
3.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
3.2 Close work tracking record.

AIR 6.908 Page 2 of 2

ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.909
Title: Issue Propeller Supplemental Type Certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 33 Airworthiness Standards : Aircraft Engines
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21.04
DGCA Guidance Material References:
1. SI 21.01 Type Certificate Procedures
2. SI 21.31 Procedures For Approval of Data
Task Description:
To determine that data submitted meets regulatory requirements for type certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application DAAO 21-04 accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data (technical description of the aircraft including
adequate information to permit to determine the applicable amendment of
the CASR that should be the bottom of the certification basis)
2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 Review the data as submitted by applicant
2.2 Conduct compliance inspection
2.3 Conduct compatibility examination
2.4 Issue experimental certificate (if necessary)
2.5 Conduct compliance determination
2.6 Issue a Supplemental Type Certificate

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3. File task.
3.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
3.2 Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.910
Title: Issue an Aircraft Supplemental Type Certificate Validation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DGCA Job Task #s:
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 23 Airworthiness Standards : Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter
Category Aeroplanes
3. CASR 25 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Aeroplanes
4. CASR 27 Airworthiness Standards : Normal Category Rotorcraft
5. CASR 29 Airworthiness Standards : Transport Category Rotorcraft
6. CASR 36 Noise Standard : Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21.04
DGCA Guidance Material References:
SI 21-03 Validation Procedures of Foreign Type Certificate (Aircraft, Engine and
SI 21.31 Procedures For Approval of Data
Task Description:
To determine that data submitted meets regulatory requirements for type certificate
issuance validation
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application DAAO 21-04 accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data (technical description of the aircraft including
adequate information to permit to determine the applicable amendment of
the CASR that should be the bottom of the certification basis)

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2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 Hold a technical briefing with Indonesian potential customer (Pre
Application Phase)
2.2 Appointing a Certification Team (CT)
2.3 Evaluate preliminary Data as Submitted by applicant
3. Type Design Review
3.1 Conduct Familiarization Phase of design
3.2 Review compliance data as submitted by applicant
3.3 Conduct engineering inspection on the assembly line
3.4 Flight Test Evaluation (if necessary)
3.5 Conduct Manufacturing inspections (if necessary)
3.6 Hold meeting with local authority state of design to ensure Continuing
4. Conduct reporting as result of validation activities as described above/
5. File task.
5.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
5.2 Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.911
Title: Issue an Engine Supplemental Type Certificate Validation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 33 Airworthiness Standards : Aircraft Engines
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21.04
DGCA Guidance Material References:
SI 21-03 Validation Procedures of Foreign Type Certificate (Aircraft, Engine and
SI 21.31 Procedures For Approval of Data
Task Description:
To determine that data submitted meets regulatory requirements for type certificate
issuance validation
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application DAAO 21-04 accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data (technical description of the aircraft including
adequate information to permit to determine the applicable amendment of
the CASR that should be the bottom of the certification basis)
2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 Appointing a Certification Team (CT)
2.2 Evaluate preliminary Data as Submitted by applicant
3. Type Design Review
3.1 Conduct Familiarization Phase of Design
3.2 Review compliance data as submitted by applicant

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3.3 Conduct engineering inspection on the assembly line
3.4 Conduct Manufacturing inspections (if necessary)
3.5 Hold meeting with local authority state of design to ensure Continuing
4. Conduct reporting as result of validation activities as described above/
5. File task.
5.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
5.2 Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.912
Title: Issue a Propeller Supplemental Type Certificate Validation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand, Scheduled
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 35 Airworthiness Standards : Propeller
DGCA Forms:
DAAO 21.04
DGCA Guidance Material References:
SI 21-03 Validation Procedures of Foreign Type Certificate (Aircraft, Engine and
SI 21.31 Procedures For Approval of Data
Task Description:
To determine that data submitted meets regulatory requirements for type certificate
issuance validation
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application DAAO 21-04 accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data (technical description of the aircraft including
adequate information to permit to determine the applicable amendment of
the CASR that should be the bottom of the certification basis)
2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 Appointing a Certification Team (CT)
2.2 Evaluate preliminary Data as Submitted by applicant
3. Type Design Review
3.1 Conduct Familiarization Phase of Design
3.2 Review compliance data as submitted by applicant

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3.3 Conduct engineering inspection on the assembly line
3.4 Conduct Manufacturing inspections (if necessary)
3.5 Hold meeting with local authority state of design to ensure Continuing
4. Conduct reporting as result of validation activities as described above/
5. File task.
5.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
5.2 Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 6.913
Title: Issue a Noise Certificate
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Job Skills
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DGCA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
1. CASR 21 Certification Procedures for Product and Parts
2. CASR 36 Noise Standard : Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
DGCA Forms:
DGCA Guidance Material References:
Task Description:
To determine that data submitted meets regulatory requirements for type certificate
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive application accompanied with package data.
1.1 Open work tracking record
1.2 Check package data ( Indonesian TC and TCDS, STC(if necessary), noise
certificate from previous state of register, flight manual concerning noise
2. Follows the requirements as described below:
2.1 review package data as submitted
2.2 conduct compliance inspection
2.3 issue noise certificate
3. File task.
3.1 Filing all documents in the DAAO office file
3.2 Close work tracking record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 7.001
Title: Evaluate an Extended Range Operations with Two-Engine Airplanes (ETOPS)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification/Evaluation
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121, AC 120-42, SI 8300
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 42-02; DAAO Form 46-02; DAAO form 46-03; DAAO
Form 46-04; DAAO Form 46-05
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
Determine that the Operators ETOPS Program meets DAAO regulatory requirements and
policies including System Safety Attributes when applicable. Document and identify any
deficiencies in the Operators ETOPS Program and ensure those deficiencies are corrected
prior to program approval.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Evaluate an Operators Extended Range Operations with Two Engine Airplane
(ETOPS) by first becoming familiar with the DAAOs ETOPS regulations and
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
1.2 Review DAAO ETOPS regulations and politics.
2. Review Operators ETOPS submission including manuals, forms, procedures,
including continued airworthiness and line maintenance procedures.
2.1 Determine if Operators procedures and policies are in compliance with
DAAO ETOPS regulations.
2.2 Notify Operator of any deficiencies that require corrective action prior to
program approval.
3. Determine that the Operator ETOPS manual contains controls, process
measurements, interfaces, and management responsibilities.
3.1 Notify Operator, in writing, of deficiencies requiring corrections.
4. Coordinate an Enroute evaluation/demonstration of the Operators ETOPS
procedures and document the results.
5. Coordinate an evaluation of the Operators dispatch/flight release ETOPS
operation and document the results.
6. Conduct surveillance on program.

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7. Close Work Tracking Record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 7.002
Title: Evaluate a Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM) program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification/Evaluation
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAOA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 410-01 ; DAAO Form 410-02
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To ensure an operator's aircraft and maintenance program meet regulatory requirements
for operations in Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM) airspace.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request for approval to operate in RVSM airspace.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
1.2 Update Tracking Record in a timely manner during evaluation process;
make separate Tracking Record entries as required.
2. Conduct pre-application meeting in coordination with operations inspectors;
inform operator of required documentation, DAAO requirements for initial and
continuing approval to operate in RVSM airspace, and timing of events.
2.1 If operator requests deviation from DAAO RVSM Guidance, forward
request for assistance to DAAO Office.
3. Review/evaluate operator RVSM application in coordination with operations
inspectors; ensure content complies with regulations.
3.1 Review operator's airworthiness documents; ensure aircraft has been
approved by appropriate airworthiness authorities and aircraft
manufacturer for RVSM operations.
3.2 Determine if aircraft evaluation is covered by group approval or must be
evaluated as a non-group aircraft.
3.3 Evaluate operator's configuration list detailing all components and
equipment relevant to RVSM operations for function and minimum
equipment fit.

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3.4 Evaluate operator documents showing required inspections and/or
hardware and software modifications have been completed on each
airframe that will operate in RVSM airspace.
3.5 Evaluate operator's submitted continuing airworthiness RVSM
maintenance program; ensure program includes scheduled
inspections/tests to verify systems continue to meet RVSM standards.
3.6 Determine operator facilities are available and adequate to ensure
continued compliance with RVSM maintenance requirements.
3.7 Evaluate operator's maintenance documents/manuals and minimum
equipment list procedures for RVSM maintenance.
3.8 Ensure operator's program contains all regulatory maintenance practices.
3.9 Ensure operator's program contains all regulatory maintenance training.
3.10 Ensure operator's test equipment has the capability to demonstrate
continuing compliance with all parameters established for RVSM
3.11 Ensure operator's test equipment calibration program meets regulatory
3.12 Evaluate any additional special procedures needed to ensure continued
3.13 Evaluate 'non-group' aircraft ground flight test requirements for ensuring
continued integrity and accuracy of altimetry.
3.14 Ensure in-flight defect reporting procedures require sufficient detail to
enable maintenance to identify, troubleshoot and repair height-keeping
system discrepancies.
3.15 Evaluate operator's past operating history for incidents related to height-
keeping indicative of weaknesses in training or aircraft.
3.16 Review operator's program and requirements for verifying and monitoring
altitude-keeping performance.
3.17 Review operator's procedures for DAAO notification of completed
monitoring requirements.
4. Conduct RVSM validation flights as required; verify RVSM maintenance
procedures are used effectively.
5. Analyze results of evaluation.
5.1 If discrepancies are found, notify operator; evaluate corrective action.
6. Submit necessary data to the appropriate Aircraft Certification Office for
7. Inform operator that any variation/modification from initial installation that
affects RVSM approval requires clearance by airframe manufacturer and

AIR 7.002 Page 2 of 3

8. If all regulatory requirements for operations in RVSM airspace have been met,
issue letter of authorization or issue/amend operations specifications, as
8.1 Direct questions regarding issuance of operations specifications to
appropriate office.
9. Document task.
9.1 Register approved airframes on DAAO Approvals Database.
9.2 Close Work Tracking Record.
10. Future activities.
10.1 Closely monitor operator incidence of height-keeping errors and operator
actions to rectify errors.
10.2 Consider removing RVSM operational approval if operator response to
height-keeping errors is not effective or timely.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 7.003
Title: Evaluate a Category II and Category III Program
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification/Evaluation
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: CASR 121
DAAO Forms: DAAO Form 42-01; 42-02; 42-03; 42-03; 42-04
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To evaluate an Operator's Category II or Category III Lower Landing Weather
Minimums Application/Program/revision to ensure that maintenance policies and
procedures comply with the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive operator's application for Category II or Category III Program/revision
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Coordinate application with Principal Operations Inspector.
3. Verify operator's submitted data for.
3.1 Validate basis for application to conduct lower minimums.
4. Contact type certificating region.
4.1 Determine aircraft/equipment approvals for lower minimums operation.
5. Resolve deviation requests before proceeding.
6. Coordinate evaluation with DAAO Engineering, as required.
7. Ensure submitted lower minimums programs meet all requirements of DAAO
Guidance as required.
7.1 Evaluate operator's maintenance manual/procedures.
7.2 Evaluate lower landing minimums maintenance training programs.
7.3 Evaluate test equipment and standards.
7.4 Evaluate functional flight checks policy/procedures.
7.5 Evaluate Minimum Equipment List procedures.

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8. Evaluate existing maintenance inspection program and recordkeeping for
completeness and adequacy for lower minimums.
8.1 Ensure existing reliability program is adequate for lower minimums
operations, as applicable.
9. Evaluate operator's validation tests.
9.1 Confirm airworthiness of Category II or Category III airborne equipment.
10. Analyze results of evaluations.
10.1 Advise operator/applicant of any deficiencies.
10.2 Evaluate corrective actions.
11. Prepare final report with analysis and recommendations.
11.1 Coordinate findings with Principal Operations Inspector for sending all
documentation to DAAO.
11.2 If all requirements have been satisfied, approve airworthiness portion of
lower landing minimum maintenance/inspection program/revision.
12. Document task.
12.1 Close Work Tracking Record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 7.004
Title: Evaluate an Avionics Equipment Approval
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification/Evaluation
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
To evaluate the approval of avionics equipment and instruments to ensure compliance
with DGCA Regulations and industry standards.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Receive request to evaluate avionics test equipment/program.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
2. Review applicable regulations to determine which instruments and/or equipment
require approval.
3. Verify approval.
3.1 If equipment data plate does not indicate appropriate approval status,
determine method by which equipment received approval through
operator's records.
3.2 Ensure all avionics equipment requiring DAAO approval has appropriate
documentation for that approval.
3.3 Ensure that the equipment is used only on the aircraft for which it is
3.4 Ensure that any spare instruments/equipment are approved.
4. Review air carrier documents, as appropriate.
4.1 Ensure that instruments and equipment are appropriately identified.
5. Analyze results of evaluation.
5.1 If deficiencies are found, notify operator in writing; evaluate corrective
6. Document task.

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6.1 Close Work Tracking Record.
7. Future activities.
7.1 Conduct follow-up inspections, as required.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 7.005
Title: Conduct a Validation Test
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Airworthiness
Training Category: Certification/Evaluation
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: None
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Document 9760
Task Description:
Determine that a Certificate Holders validation test procedures enable test to be
completed within the appropriate time and accordance with DAAO regulatory
requirements, guidance, and policy.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Determine the need for a validation test and notify the Certificate Holder.
1.1 Open Work Tracking Record.
1.2 Notification from Certificate Holder of change/addition of aircraft to
operation. Determine if a validation test is required, notify Certificate
Holder, and request Certificate Holders plan.
1.3 Develop validation test requirements.
2. Assemble DAAO Team, determine validation test requirements, communicate
those requirements to Certificate Holder, and request validation test plan.
3. Evaluate Certificate Holders validation test plan.
4. Conduct a pre-demonstration meeting.
4.1 Accomplish DAAO pre-demonstration meeting, inspection, and operator
5. Observe the Certificate Holders validation test and document the results.
6. Document and debrief validation test results.
7. Conduct surveillance.
8. Close Work Tracking Record.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 9.001
Title: First line duties and responsibilities (examples job priorities, administrative
duties, operational duties and standards, ICAO and DGCA, effective delegation
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Supervisory responsibilities for proper management of employee benefits, including
necessary functions associated with employee pay checks, leave, health, and retirement.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Completion of forms, paperwork, banking, and Internet functions as required to
receive pay check.
2. Obtain information on DAAO benefits, registration, and tracking procedures.
3. Obtain information on annual and sick leave allowances, use of leave, and
tracking procedures.
4. Obtain information on health care options, completion of required paperwork,
and use of the health care system.
5. Obtain information on the DAAO retirement program, employee options, and
tracking procedures.
6. Describe supervisory responsibilities associated with the management of
employee benefits.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 9.002
Title: Leadership and Communication Skills
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: NONE
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Supervisory responsibilities to ensure accurate accounting of employee time and
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Completion of forms, computer, or Internet functions as required to properly
account for employee time worked, holidays, overtime, etc.
2. Procedure used to request time off, including sick leave, annual leave, or
3. Time and attendance accrual and tracking procedures.
4. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of employee time and

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 9.003
Title: Creating an effective work environment
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Supervisory responsibilities for the management of employee training and development.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Obtain information on DAAO training program procedures and requirements.
2. Employee specialty training choices and options.
3. Procedure used to request or schedule formal training courses.
4. Procedure used to request or schedule OJT.
5. Training tracking functions, including access to employee training record.
6. Voluntary employee development programs.
7. Promotion requirements, procedures, and options.
8. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of employee training and

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 9.004
Title: Recognize and reward performance
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Supervisory processes, procedures, and systems used for routine and emergency office
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Overview of all communications systems utilized in the office.
2. Verbal communications procedures, access to supervisor or manager, contact
procedures, etc.
3. Email communications, procedures, and systems.
4. Use of telephone systems, phone books, voice mail, cell phones, etc.
5. DAAO policy on employee use of Email, Internet, and telephones for personal
6. Emergency employee notification procedures.
7. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of office communications.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 9.005
Title: Provide and receive constructive feedback
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Supervisory responsibilities for the use of commercial and proprietary computer systems
and software.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Describe the computer systems used in the office.
2. Use of commercial computer software programs utilized in the office.
3. Use of proprietary computer software programs utilized in the office.
4. Procedures for computer access to DAAO websites and databases.
5. DAAO policy on security of information technology.
6. DAAO policy on personal use of computer systems.
7. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of computer systems.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 9.006
Title: Self-development based on feedback
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated FAA Job Task #s: None
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO policies on the management and conservation of government resources.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Describe office policies to manage the assignment and scheduling of
administrative and technical personnel.
2. Describe office policies on the prioritization of assignments.
3. Describe the DGCA policy on use of government vehicles.
4. Describe the DGCA policy on use of office equipment such as printers and FAX
5. Describe the office policy on conservation of supplies.
6. Describe the office policy on conservation of energy, including electrical power,
heating/cooling systems, gasoline, etc.
7. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of government resources.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 9.007
Title: Tools for managing employees (examples communication and motivation
strategies, coaching, stress indicators, conflict management and problem solving,
handling change)
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe DAAO and government standards for supervision of ethical conduct of
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate government and DAAO documents that establish standards for the
ethical conduct of employees.
2. Describe government limitations on moral, legal, financial, professional, and
political conduct of employees.
3. Describe procedures for obtaining legal clarification of ethical standards and
review of special circumstances.
4. Complete any forms that may be required for the full disclosure of employee
financial interests in aviation companies.
5. Describe any recurrent or ongoing training requirements associated with ethical
6. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of security protocols.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 9.008
Title: Monitoring progress and performance
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific.
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: PP Nomor 53 Tahun 2010
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe supervisory responsibilities for labor union relations.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate government or DAAO documents that establish policies for participation
in labor unions.
2. Describe options for employee participation in labor unions.
3. Describe government limitations associated with labor union activities in the
work place.
4. Describe supervisory responsibilities for labor union relations.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 9.009
Title: Conduct and Discipline
Approval Date: 13 March 2013
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated DAAO Job Task #s: None
Regulation References: SI 8300
DAAO Forms: None
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe supervisory responsibilities and procedures for the application of disciplinary
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate government and DAAO documents that describe employee disciplinary
2. Describe employee disciplinary process.
3. Describe employee opportunities for legal or union representation during any
disciplinary action.
4. Describe employee options and procedures for appealing disciplinary actions.
5. Describe supervisory responsibilities and procedures for the application of
disciplinary procedures.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 9.010
Title: Travel
Approval Date: October 1, 2006
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated FAA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
CAA Forms:
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe supervisory responsibilities for the management of official travel.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate CAA documents that describe travel policies and procedures.
2. Describe procedures used to obtain supervisory approval for official travel.
3. Describe procedures used to schedule official travel and complete travel
itinerary arrangements.
4. Use of travel software and/or websites.
5. Describe policy on the reimbursement of expenses and procedures used to file a
travel claim for reimbursement.
6. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of official travel.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 9.011
Title: Security
Approval Date: October 1, 2006
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated FAA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
CAA Forms:
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe supervisory responsibilities associated with the security of government
buildings, equipment, and sensitive information.
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate CAA documents that describe security policies and procedures.
2. Describe authorized uses for official government identification.
3. Describe security procedures used to obtain access to government buildings.
4. Describe procedures used to protect official file cabinets and databases.
5. Describe procedures that have been established to for the security of automation,
computer systems, and information technology.
6. Describe procedures used to safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized
7. Describe procedures used to obtain official approval for dissemination of
sensitive information.
8. Describe procedures to be used in the event of a security breach.
9. Describe government policies that have been established to safeguard
government employees from bodily harm.
10. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of security protocols.

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ITS Job Task #: AIR 9.012
Title: Recruitment
Approval Date: October 1, 2006
Comments: Not Operator Specific
Inspector Type: Operations / Airworthiness
Training Category: Management
Frequency: On Demand
Associated FAA Job Task #s: None
Regulation References:
CAA Forms:
Guidance Material References: ICAO Doc. 9734
Task Description:
Describe supervisory policies and office procedures used for the recruitment of new
Job Performance Subtasks:
1. Locate CAA documents that describe recruitment policies and procedures.
2. Describe system used to advertise position vacancies.
3. Describe procedures used to establish minimum qualifications for technical
4. Describe the interview and selection process for new employees.
5. Describe supervisory responsibilities for management of the recruitment process.

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