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7 H1.4.3 Use historical perspectives to analyze global issues faced by humans long ago and today.

7 W2.1.1 Describe the importance of the development of human language, oral and written, and its relationship to the development
of culture verbal vocalizations standardization of physical (rock, bird) and abstract (love, fear) words pictographs to abstract
writing (governmental administration, laws, codes, history and artistic expressions)

7 G2.2.2 Explain that communities are affected positively or negatively by changes in technology

8th Grade P3.1 Clearly state an issue as a question of public policy, trace the origins of an issue, analyze various perspectives, and
generate and evaluate possible alternative resolutions

8 P3.1.1 Identify, research, analyze, discuss, and defend a position on a national public policy issue.


Looking at a few of the Michigan standards that have to be taught to you, this
assignment comes as a fun way to explore some of them. Please take an issue from
long ago or today and using verbal vocalization, (a written article) either explain
something that affects our communities, analyze or discuss a position on a national
public policy, (possibly giving alternative resolutions to that policy), or write about
how technology is making a change in our world. What makes fake news
believable? It is intertwining real facts in your writing with your make believe

Since we dont have our iPads yet you will do this article as a small poster. We will
vote on the posters that are most believable.
For an A Grade For a B Grade For a C grade.
News Article Article uses at least Article is about a fake Article is about a fake
Writing Piece one of the suggestions news event. Writing news event. Writing
from the above is clear to understand, is clear to understand,
paragraph to write stays on topic, has few has only 5 or more
about a fake news or no grammar grammar mistakes and
event. Writing is clear mistakes and has at is written to fact in it
to understand, stays on least one true fact in it seem like it could be
topic, has few or no that makes it seem like real news. Writing is at
grammar mistakes and it could be real news. least 5 sentences long.
has at least one true Writing is at least a
fact in it that makes it page long.
seem like it could be
real news. Writing is at
least a page long.
Poster Design Poster is colorful, neat, Poster is colorful, neat, Poster is colorful and
and very little of the and only some of the neat. Article is either
white paper is left white paper is left written directly on or
showing. Article is showing. Article is glued to the poster.
either written directly either written directly There is some design
on or glued neatly to on or glued to the in the poster.
the poster. Borders poster. Some thought
and design are well has been put into the
thought out borders and poster

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