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Applications of
Quantum Physics

Sean J Freeman
September 2016
Quantum Mechanics:
Central to almost all areas of physics.
Important in many areas of current technology from silicon
electronics to superconducting magnets
Huge potential areas of technological importance: quantum
computing, dots, cryptology, graphene,
Prominence of uncertainty and probability can appear to
confound understanding

I think I can safely say no one understands quantum

mechanics Richard Feynman.

Best to adopt a pragmatic approach.dont worry, chill out

and learn to accept the weirdness.

Shut up and calculate! David Mermin

Teaching and Learning QM
Started learning it nearly 30 years ago.
Approach used to behere are a few
idealised simple low-dimensional
examples to learn onfollowed by how to
deal with the harsh realities of real systems
(3D, many particles, difficult or complex
Now ways of actually building useful small,
low-dimensional systems so the idealised
examples have become reality quantum
dots, wires and boxesand well meet
some of them.
Explore these and other applications of
quantum physics as we revisit, work up and
extend your knowledge and
understanding of quantum mechanics.
22 lectures.
Information and concepts, a few examples.
Illustrate interesting points and flaws.
Ill write the bare minimum on the board.
Stop me and ask questions.
I will ask you questionsplay the game and
keep me happy!
I may wake you up if you fall asleep.
Mobiles off.
Correct my mistakes.
Feedback and Examples Classes
Third year problem classesgo to them!
Examples to practise concepts and problems.
More extensive and challenging problems in
environment with direct help.
Intension is that the examples are attempted
BEFORE the class; class is to provide help
where needed.
Ask questions: of each other, of your class tutor,
Classes the place where you can get personal feedback on
your progress in understanding in the material.
Books and Reading
You should ALL be reading around:
(i) To reinforce your understanding from lectures.
(ii) Material can be presented in different ways;
maybe you dont like my way. Seeing a different
way might give you deeper insight.
(iii) Books contain worked problems and examples
which will help you to do tutorial and workshop
examples and exam questions.
NB: a deep, dark secret about physics problems
(iv) Reading books helps you to learn independence
by educating yourselves.
Recommended Texts and
Supplementary Reading
AIM Rae, Quantum Mechanics, Chapman-Hall 5th Edition (2008)
Damn! - they published a 6th Edition convert references by
adding 3 to the chapters quoted.
S Gasiorowicz, Quantum Physics, Wiley.
F. Mandl, Quantum Mechanics, Wiley.
David A.B. Miller Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers,
Cambridge (2008).

Plus many more texts, shop around, see what takes your fancy

If you need a sanity check on the basics A.C. Phillips Introduction to

Quantum Mechanics (Wiley) is by far the best simple intro at second
year level; also look at the second year summary.
Web Page / Handouts / Downloads
Third year of teaching this course,
many things are on mywebpages:
Blackboard will give you the link
OR more directly

Summary notes, supplemental notes, problems, exams,

references, reading, pictures
Let me know if you spot mistakes and typos.
The Master Plan

Week Wednesday Friday Problem1Classes

1 1 Intro'and'the'Basics'of'QM 2 Tunnelling'Simple'Barriers
2 3 Tunnelling'and'WKB 4 Resonant'Tunnelling
3 5 Trapped'Particles'and'Nanocubes 6 Quantum'Dots Sheet'1:'PHYS20101,'Wk1,'L1
4 7 Conductance'of'Quantum'Dots 8 Orthogonality'and'Dirac'Notation Sheet'2:'Wks'1R3,'L2R6
5 9 Perturbation'Theory 10 Quantum'Wires
7 11 Angular'Momentum 12 Spin Sheet'3:'Wks'4R5,'L7R10
8 13 Magnetic'Moments 14 Adding'Angular'Momenta
9 15 Other'TwoRState'Systems 16 Manipulating'Spins Sheet'4:'Wks'7R8,'L11R14
10 17 SpinROrbit'Coupling 18 Zeeman'Effect
11 19 Entanglement,'Identical'Particles 20 Quantum'Key'Distribution Sheet'5:'Wks'9R10,'L15R18
12 21 Quantum'Teleportation'&'Computing 22 A'Christmas'Lecture'PLUS'Q&A
Additional1Problem1Sheets: Sheet'6:'Wks'11R12,'L19R21

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