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Psy 113 LC on Chapter 12


1. What is defined as the persistent and troubling attractions to unusual sexual

activities or objects? (PARAPHILIAS)

2. These are defined by persistent disruptions in the ability to experience

sexual arousal, desire or orgasm, or by pain associated with intercourse.

3. This refers to the general pattern of sexual physical processes and feelings,
made up of four phases; desire, excitement, orgasm, and resolution. (SEXUAL

4. A device for measuring physiological signs of sexual arousal in women by

measuring blood flow in their genitalia. (VAGINAL PLETHYSMOGRAPH)

5. During the night of Jakes honeymoon, he was surprised because though he

found his wife very attractive and appealing, he was uninterested in
responding to or initiating sexual contact. He recalls a discussion with his
therapist revealing that even if he had no issues at hand, Jake generally had
little arousal in sex. What could Jake be experiencing? (HYPOACTIVE SEXUAL

6. Janet is worried because she would experience persistent pain in her genital
area whenever she would have intercourse with her husband. Her doctor
mentions that this pain is not due to an infection. What disorder could she be

7. This disorder refers to the failure of attaining or maintaining an erection for

the completion of sexual activity. (ERECTILE DISORDER)

8. The diagnoses of paraphilias require such unusual behaviors to be present

for at least how many months? (6 months)

9. Janice reports that she has been feeling aroused with the sight of mens shoes
or their feet. She even mentions that these stimulate her more than the actual
sight of male genitalia. What condition may she be suffering from?

10. Ruben, a 30-year-old male, expressed that he experiences strong feelings of

arousal when he caresses the hair of children and sometimes attempts to
hold their genitalia. He mentioned that for the past 2 years, he fantasizes
more sexual instances with children than with adults. What condition may he
be suffering from? (PEDOHEBEPHILIC DISORDER)

11. What refers to sexual relations between close relatives for whom marriage is
forbidden? (INCEST)

12. The offspring from a father-daughter or a brother-sister union have a greater

probability of inheriting a pair of ___________ genes, which are genes known to
have negative biological effects such as serious birth defect. (RECESSIVE

13. What disorder is characterized by intense and recurrent desires to obtain

sexual gratification by watching unsuspecting others in a state of undress or
while they are having sexual relations. (VOYEURISTIC DISORDER)

14. This is a recurrent, intense desire to obtain sexual gratification by exposing

ones genitals to an unwilling stranger. (EXHIBITIONISM, EXHIBITIONISTIC

15. For the past year, whenever Chris would ride the LRT, he would be
recurrently having arousing fantasies of touching unsuspecting passengers in
sexual manners. He reported to have had multiple instances of rubbing his
genitals against other passengers whom he finds attractive whenever the
train would be crowded. What condition may he be suffering from?

16. Since the overwhelming majority of people with paraphilias are men,
neurobiological research speculates that these kinds of hormones, which
regulate sexual desire, play a big role. What are these hormones?

17. This is defined by an intense and recurrent desire to obtain or increase

sexual gratification by inflicting pain or psychological suffering (such as
humiliation) on others. (SEXUAL SADISM)

18. This is defined by an intense and recurrent desire to obtain or increase

sexual gratification through being subjected to pain or humiliation. (SEXUAL

19. There were six examples of cognitive distortions and justifications in sexual
paraphilias and rape that were stated in the book. Give at least 1.

20. This statute requires law enforcement authorities to make information

available to the public regarding known sex offenders for both the
communitys safety and awareness. (MEGANS LAW)

21. Incestual acts between father and daughter have been considered more
pathological than those between brother and sister (TRUE)

22. Sexual intercourse is the last phase in Kaplans model of the sexual response

23. The study of Weisberg and colleagues (2011) showed that people who blame
themselves when their body doesnt perform well in intercourse experienced
more arousal in future sexual encounters. (FALSE, LESS)

24. Women who experience pain when attempting sexual intercourse show
sexual arousal to films of oral sex but their arousal declines when they watch
a depiction of intercourse. (TRUE)

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