ENSC3008 Structural Analysis - Tutorial 1

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ENSC3008 Structural Analysis - Tutorial 1

1. A member has the cross-section shown below. At a particular x coordinate on the

member the axial stress is given by

x(y) = 50 + 440 y MPa

and the shear stress by

(y) = 6000 y (0.1 y) MPa

where y is in metres. Compute the stress resultants at this section.

80 mm

100 mm

40 mm

2. The axial bar shown below has EA = 10 000 kN and is subjected to a distributed
axial load varying as indicated. Use Macaulay brackets to define the loading
function. Compute and plot the axial force diagram and the variation of displacement
along the bar.

20 kN/m


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