Rakhine State (: Rakhine Pronunciation Burmese Pronunciation

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Rakhine State (Burmese: ; MLCTS: ra.

hkuing pranynay, Rakhine pronunciation

[ki pn]; Burmese pronunciation: [jki pjn]; formerly Arakan) is a state in Myanmar
(Burma). Situated on the western coast, it is bordered by Chin State to the north, Magway
Region, Bago Region and Ayeyarwady Region to the east, the Bay of Bengal to the west, and the
Chittagong Division of Bangladesh to the northwest. It is located approximately between
latitudes 1730' north and 2130' north and east longitudes 9210' east and 9450' east. The
Arakan Mountains, rising to 3,063 metres (10,049 ft) at Victoria Peak, separate Rakhine State
from central Burma. Off the coast of Rakhine State there are some fairly large islands such as
Cheduba and Myingun Island. Rakhine State has an area of 36,762 square kilometres
(14,194 sq mi) and its capital is Sittwe.[2]

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