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Exploring the Mark of Cain Connection to the Mark of the Beast.

Written and Copyright © 2017 by David Ross Goben. All rights reserved. July 3, 2017. Revision 11.

Here we will study similarities that could bookend the Mark of Cain with the Mark
of the Beast. To do so, we must first establish what the Mark of Cain was and
that his Line survived the Flood. We will also ponder the path that could have led
to their salvation, a path embracing ethics of Shepherd Service founded in the
Garden of Eden when priority passed from Angels to Man; ethics many Angels
refused to embrace, not realizing the endless torment that choice would reap.

A host of the Angels saw this superior peerage granted Man as an unmitigated
affront, and a third of their number rose up in rebellion. They declared God unjust
and have endeavored ever since to rob Him of His Power and to hijack His Plan.
These seditious Angels wrought calamitous war on God in a battle to restore
their standing. As Heavenly war raged, they seduced opportunistic men to join in
their cause by distracting their devotions to God with the alluring enticements of
glorious power and entrancing technology. Ten score of these Fallen Angels
descended through the heavenly portal above Mount Harmon to seed daughters
of men with mighty hybrid progeny, to whom men offered up blood sacrifice,
raising them up as seers so to divine the mystery wisdoms of their unseen lords.

We will study how they bound us in a beatific dystopia, ensnaring us by smoothly

flipped oaths, and ever demand our obedient deference to a hijacked genealogy.

NOTE: Genesis seems to have no issues with other people living in the land
alongside Adam and Eve. The difference is Adam (Hebrew Adamah; “To Be Red
(Blood)”, from Akkadian AD.AMU; “Made of God”) and Eve (Hebrew Chavvah,
Akkadian KA.VA; “Vulva (Mother) of the KA (Living)”) were chosen to reign with
compassion and with what is now referred to as Princely Service. These are the
selfless principles exhaustively laid out in Chapter 6 of the Book of Numbers, the
principles that in time would spawn Christianity through its adherents, the ascetic
Nazorite Order of Qumrân by the Dead Sea. These are requirements God gave
to Moses for those seeking privileged separation for devotional service to God
(refer to

NOTE: We are about to venture into “dark territory”, into places that until recently
I had never dared openly discuss, a vista filled with the weird and the disturbing,
with gods, 6-fingered giants, dark priests sacrificing unwilling victims to Saturn, to
seeking long life by drinking the blood of children. All real. All verified. Is it this
that is so unsettling, or the dark secret oaths that have for eons concealed them?

SIDE BAR: The truth of history is seldom as read in our history books. We often
chide many ancient stories as simply myth, yet the truth is that this term “myth”
just means “a story”. What makes this interesting is that our venerated term
“history” is from Middle English, which means exactly the same thing: “a story”. A
greater truth is that the ancients recorded history just as fastidiously as we do.
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As a student of history, I study history’s origins and the truths hiding behind it. I
have written endlessly on it. I could bore you with examples of how history has
been bent, twisted and molded to suit the agendas of history’s victors. Yet, the
revision of history’s record falls not just in their hands, but also on its losers.
Consider the Dead Sea Scrolls. It wields history penned by losers of a contention
for power between two religious/political orders at a Nazorite monastery, a former
Hasmonean military fortress that had been built strategically atop the desolate
cliffs above Wadi Qumrân to the west, toward Jerusalem, near the fresh water
outlet of the Jordan River to the north, toward Jericho, and overlooking the vast
Dead Sea that spanned the far horizon, sweeping from the south to the east.
These scribes lived in an ascetic Exodus-styled commune to farm, tend livestock,
trade labor, study and copy sacred texts, and slowly walk prayer stations while
porting heavy pots of fresh water from the Jordan River to the north and the
deeply saline Dead Sea water below them. These prayer walks, with frequent
stops, timed to their cadenced prayers, afforded them rest from the toil of porting
these burdens, but it also gave them a rhythm to accurately mark time, enabling
them to crow each hour with reasonable precision. This ported water was stored
in cisterns, using the fresh water for drinking and daily baptism, and the heavy
Dead Sea water was stored so to settle it and slowly sift it to extract small white
beads of Manna, a tradition extending back to the time of Melchizedek, which
were molded into conical cakes or wafers, and eaten with grape wine during the
evening Eucharist. They waited quietly about the communal tables at this Love
Feast until the Manna raptured them within a blazing Shekinah glow about their
heads. Then, they not only saw, but spoke with Angels. From those beyond the
veil to the Hidden World, they were given prophecies and taught lessons in
Mystery Wisdom, and finally mourned when they once again became mortal.
NOTE: The Shekinah, the “Dwelling” or “Presence of God” (also called Hebrew
“Qodesh ha-Ruwakh”, or “Holy Spirit”), describes the creative nature of God.
Unlike teachings borne from early woman-hating Christian leaders, these titles
are strictly feminine, not masculine. This is also why some associate Shekinah
with Egypt’s goddess Hathor, yet as a likewise singular, separate Being.
The Nazorite had two orders: the strict Torah-literalist Hebrews, conducting
services in Hebrew, and the slightly more liberal Hellenists, conducting services
in Greek. The Hebrews followed their revered Teacher of Righteousness, and the
Hellenists were led by whom Hebrews titled the Wicked Priest, because he
revealed Levite priestly secrets to the laity. As they debated prophecies of Daniel
and Isaiah, on Mose's Law, and calculated prophecy timetables, the Hebrew's
power ended in 6 CE when a calculated prophecy holding them in power failed,
and just as the Syrian governor Quirinius granted community authority to the
more cooperative Hellenists. The Hebrews, who penned their community history,
later abandoned Qumrân and migrated east to Iraq and became known as the
modern Gnostic Mandaeans. In 68 CE, two years before Jerusalem fell, the
Hellenist Davidic King Followers likewise fled Qumrân in all directions when an
earthquake left its buildings too unstable, and became known as the Christians.
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Although scholars adamantly insist the events of this history took place 100 years
before they actually did, the reason they do so was to deny the obvious, which is
verifiable on many levels, but it all comes down to these Hebrews, even today,
heralding their Teacher of Righteousness as being John the Baptist, and they call
the Hellenist's Wicked Priest Yeshua ha-Mashiac; Jesus the Christ.

In my tome, “A Gnostic Cycle: Exploring the Origin of Christianity” (link to book or

free PDF download is found at the end of this document), I broke down hundreds
of facts behind Christian history. The truth is, however, I only revealed the first
two layers of discovery, exposing but a portion of the deeper truths. The
remainder I felt few people were ready to accept back in 2005, because too often
truth is stranger than fiction, and the actual truth of history can often send the
mind reeling in disbelief. Since then I have peeled more layers back and pen
them here and other papers on my public Google Drive Folder.

Because victors pen history, we must be wary of intrigues that can twist the facts
meted to us by those who claim authority over those facts, typically via a puppet
media, where such facts are always twisted, bent and remolded, making those
bearing it, especially those of shady intent, appear more heroic and just. Editing
is used to hide anything that does not shine favorable light on them. Investigators
of such distortions are typically mocked as “conspiracy theorists”, projecting onto
them false senses of ignorance and tinfoil hats. Yet, they seek only explanations
for the thick trail of known conspiracies covering up history's truths. Investigators
must therefore imagine what that truth was, and so theories arise because those
behind conspiracies seldom willingly confess the hidden facts. A great example
of this is the Donation of Constantine, now known as the most famous forgery in
history, which alone establishes the vast power that the Catholic Church claims.

Many of these hidden facts are thankfully concealed only by the thinnest of veils,
being nothing more than open secrets. One tiny fact can often reveal everything.
Consider for a moment how many so-called conspiracy theories have later been
verified to be actual fact once the truth is finally revealed. Probably the latest
examples are the Deep State, the Bilderberg Group, and the New World Order.
Without these hidden truths, the facts not hidden can too often make little sense.

Other times, these facts are hidden not by conspiracy, but because they were so
well known and of such common knowledge that they were not written down; it
would have been just stating the obvious. The Mark of Cain is such an example.
There was likely no conspiracy to hide what this Mark was; it was just a matter of
it being so obvious to everyone of that time. The truth is, this Mark was vital to
the survival of those bearing it, and they bore it proudly because it lifted their
stature among men to heights seldom imagined by those seeking greatness and
power. They were desperately sought out and competition was utterly fierce,
sometimes through epic wars, to negotiate the best contracts for their services.
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From Genesis we learn that a Mark was placed upon Cain that has followed
through the generations of his seed. This would mean that this Mark was not just
some symbol imprinted on their foreheads as many might assume, coming from
millennia of cleverly enhanced tales in attempts to keep these stories interesting.
Conversely, It had to be an obvious mark that was sealed into Cain’s very DNA,
thus enabling him to pass this prominent Mark on to succeeding generations.

The Bible does not reveal what the Mark of Cain was, like many unsaid things
that were either redacted or else so blatantly obvious as to not merit mention.
The point is that this Mark identified him and his lineage for all to see. In studying
the details of his ancient lineage we are able to establish with certainty what that
Mark actually looked like. We will soon expose and explore it in greater detail.

Cain’s title was Q’ayin in Hebrew, a title I will hence employ. It means “Acquired”,
though this term is much too vague. It is not of receiving a thing, but of scheming
to take it. We will break this title down further when we look at its Akkadian roots.

Q’ayin, a devout tiller of the earth, at one point attacked and killed his shepherd
brother Abel (Hebrew Havel, meaning “Breath”) in jealousy because God favored
Abel’s offering from among the best “fat portions from some of the firstborn of his
flock”, but not his own offered fruits, because they were not from the best of his
harvest. Scholars argue this is allegory for a transition from herdsman to farmer,
but it can also be allegory for falling from shepherd service to regal subjugation.
Genesis is truly brimming with countless insightful, instructive, and debatable
symbols. Indeed, by this essay's end you will discover a deeper reason for Q’ayin
taking the life of Abel, which could be quite startling and awakening.

Text analysis shows the Tree of Life can also be allegory, not as a tree giving
immortal life, but as a symbol of the Dynastic Kingship God transferred from the
Angels to a chosen bloodline of men. When Adam and Eve’s right to choose an
heir was abdicated after they partook from the Tree of Knowledge, which can be
allegory for the quickening of inner perception that could also lead to evil, ending
their Dynasty was the same as losing immortality. The right to lead a dynasty
would by default fall to the next in peerage, which was the unborn Q’ayin (we will
later learn Q’ayin may have already been conceived; a plot by the Serpent when
he tempted Eve with the Tree of Knowledge, to acquire through deceit Adam’s
Royal Line). Even with Q’ayin’s later murder of Abel, yet before the birth of the
third son, Seth, Q’ayin held senior peerage. As with royalty today, the one with
highest peerage at the time of succession bears sovereign right, but that did not
prove final perpetuation by the new sovereign's line upon the next succession.

NOTE: Our interest in Royal Peerage and Nobility is due to the once-common
belief in those with enough Cainite blood having a prescient ability to commune
with spirits beyond the Heavenly Veil, to intercede on behalf of those in their
domain. Peerage follows descent through the Bloodline of Q’ayin. Yet, according
to Mesopotamian accounts, it also follows the Bloodline of the wife of KA.IN
(Q’ayin), LU.LU.WA (Luluwa), who was said to be a goddess; one of the elohim.
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For me, this gets a bit foggy, because the angelic sires of the Nephilim were
sexless, though those Fallen elohim were said to sire children by the blood of
daughters of men. Still, with respect to the odd alien abduction account, this
might also go both ways in deference to tales of Greek goddesses breeding with
men, though too often chided as “myth”, even as we call our own tales “history”.

NOTE: “Royal” means “Divine”, “Shining” and “god/demon-possessed (godly)”.

NOTE: Many Bible tales paint Q’ayin as a selfish lout, or he thinking Abel a fool
to give God his best sheep when God would have no use for blood or burnt flesh,
but there is thin proof for such embellishments in scripture or Bible commentary.

More, the Hebrew text also seems to show that Abel’s blood might not have
simply seeped into the soil. The fact that the earth Q’ayin acquired dominion over
swallowed this blood was because Abel’s peerage and legacy were consequently
absorbed by his elder brother. Yet, this spilt blood truly cursed the landscape of
Q’ayin’s domain. A deeper reason for Q’ayin’s new status, and perhaps why God
did not administer the harshest judgment upon him, is something that may hold
greater bearing on Q’ayin’s Mark as we further peel back these mysteries.

God judged Q’ayin for Abel’s murder, cursing his beloved soil to bear him no fruit,
and set him to a wandering life. His Bloodline later turned to working mystical
wonders in metal, making those bearing his blood highly valued, and later we will
examine this unique craft. To our point, Genesis 4:13-15 states: “Cain said to the
Lord, “My punishment is more than I can bear. Today you are driving me from the
land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the
earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.” But the Lord said to him, “Very well;
anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the Lord put
a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.”

SIDE BAR: In the Septuagint, Vulgate and Syriac Bibles, the Hebrew for “Very
well” in Genesis 4:15 was translated instead to “Not so”.

This is my frustration with translation, especially if it is driven by preconceptions

or agendas. We must drill to their sources, appraising the source cultural
meaning behind words, and analyze translator notes. One example of thousands
is in Romans 5:7. There, a cited Hebrew anecdote had used the term “rasha”,
meaning “wicked”, but rather than properly translating it to Greek “kakos”, they
used instead Greek “agios” (“holy” in English, but as “righteous” in the KJV),
rendering it incorrectly to: “For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet
peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.” Would it not make
more sense that scarcely for a wicked man would one die? Broader examples
are the many references to sheep and lambs using the common Greek term
“erpeton”, used for any “creeping thing” like small four-legged animals, birds, and
even cattle (cattle were no bigger than Great Danes until after the Middle Ages),
yet it meant goats more than sheep due to an excess of goats in those regions.
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It can get worse. There are dozens of verses added to the Greek text decades,
or even centuries after the originals, and many verses that never existed AT ALL
in any Greek text. For example, John 7:53-8:11 relates the story of an adulterous
woman brought before Jesus. Though a wonderful story, it did not exist in John's
Gospel until the Vulgate Latin Bible was written in the late fourth century.

There are also 131 double-negatives, mostly as Greek “ooh may”, meaning “not
no” and “not not”, to express an emphatic positive, but all are wrongly translated
to negative “not”. For one thing, it makes Thomas the Apostle an ardent doubter
rather than an ardent believer. Consider this direct translation of John 20:25 from
Greek to English: “(Told) (then) (him) (the) (other) (disciples) (saw) (them) (Lord)-
(the) (then) (said) (he) (if) (not) (see) (on) (those) (hands) (him) (the) (marks)
(the) (nails) (and) (lay) (these) (fingers) (me) (to) (those) (marks) (the) (nails)
(and) (lay) (me) (this) (hand) (to) (the) (side) (him) (not) (no) (believe).”

There are also over 1700 word citations that have changed or flipped meaning
since penned in 1611 King James English, not counting the same of Greek.

Many errors are from poor punctuation. The fact is, Greek punctuation did not
exist until the ninth century. Chapters were not used until the sixth century, with
but two samples found from the fifth century. Chapters were made where there
were simply evident breaks in the sense of the text. Verses did not exist until they
were first introduced in 1551 as a means to reference smaller portions of text.

NOTE: Thomas was Prince Philip Herod I, the once-senior peerage son of Herod
the Great and Mariammee II the Hasmonean. Thomas (meaning “Twin”) was
father to Salomé and the former husband to Herodias, his half-sister by Herod.
Like Jacob’s twin, Esau, Thomas was denied of his regal inheritance by his half-
brother, Herod Antipas, when their shared father divorced Thomas's mother and
next wed Malthace the Samaritan, who held greater royal peerage, already
mother to Antipas. Herodias then left Thomas for Antipas so to keep the Herod
family line of peerage succession strongest. Cynical and bitter, Thomas joined
the anti-Antipas ascetics of John the Baptist, who later told him to follow Jesus.

NOTE: Koine Greek (Common Greek), from which we get the term “speaking in
coin”, was introduced by Alexander the Great to simplify communication across
his expansive empire. This policy also significantly contributed to the enormous
proliferation of written works, which could be read by all Greek-speaking people.
Greek was for centuries the most common language spoken in the ancient world.

NOTE: Every verse in the Hebrew Bible, or any sacred Hebrew text, begins with
a silent Aleph; the first glyph of the Hebrew Alphabet, or Alephbet. The reason
for this was to maintain a concise mathematical form so it cannot be altered
without detection, being used to easily determine if the sacred text had been
distorted. Interestingly, the opening verse of Genesis is the ONLY verse in the
entire Hebrew Bible that for a very special reason does not begin with an Aleph.
Without the Aleph, its mathematical integrity fails. It is normally translated to “In
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the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Yet, from Hebrew it
roughly translates to “Beginning Father Elohim-created and heavens and land”,
rendering to “At the beginning the Father created elohim, the heavens and the
land.” Yet, if the Aleph is reinserted at its start, as it should be, it becomes: “The
Father of the Beginning created the elohim, the heavens and the land.” Note
that elohim is a plural, meaning “gods” or “angels”. Notice that the hidden (often
cited as secret) name of God is also revealed by this intentional scholarly error.
I find it interesting, in consideration to the vocations of Q’ayin and Abel, that God
directed Adam and Eve to eat fruits of the earth, as they and Q’ayin labored to
produce, but not the meat of their flocks that Abel tended. It is also curious that
God favored the aroma of burned meat and of blood over the fruits of the earth.

From John's Apocalypse (Greek Apokolupsis, meaning “to reveal”), we learn

the Mark of the Beast was a sign identifying those who worship (work-ship; “to
labor for”) the Beast out of the sea, who is usually identified as the antichrist
(“instead king”). This Mark is equivalent to his name or number, which Revelation
13:18 reports to be encoded 666. The Greek term used for Mark was
“charagma”, and was most commonly employed to designate document or coin
imprints; a seal. The association with the sea can seem odd, but in those times
the sea was often linked to the Lord/Prince of Earth. ruling from “underneath the
world”, the AB.ZU or Underworld by Mesopotamian accounts. The AB.ZU was
the vast sprawl of ancient gold mines found thickly across South Africa, Yet, the
Underworld was later commonly identified with the Mediterranean or Red Sea,
because in those directions is found South Africa. We will also show what ancient
texts, like the Bible, define a Beast as being.

NOTE: The Number of a Name is acquired by taking the numeric value of each
glyph in a name and summing them together. In ancient times, letters were
typically used to designate numerical values, such as the 22 letters of the
Hebrew Alephbet representing various numerical quantities from 1 and into the
millions. For example, the first 10 letters have the values 1-10. The next 9 letters
are valued 20-100. The remainder represent values from 200, 300, and so on.
Take the name TARSUS, or TRSV in Hebrew and Greek. T (Tav) has a value of
400. R (Resh) has a value of 200. S (Samech) has a value of 60, and V (Vav)
has a value of 6. We add these together, 400+200+60+6, and the sum is 666.

Before I present my thoughts on what this Mark of the Beast might be, I would
first like to flesh out our backdrop of that question by exploring the Mark of Q’ayin
more deeply, which I feel bears great relevance to the Mark of the Beast. From
my research, and from others who have endeavored to navigate this often quite
confusing labyrinth of inquiry, I conclude that a great bond exists between these
seals that lays beyond the fact that both concern those who would justify willful
and rebellious disobedience to God through often self-delusive reasoning, such
as by flipping the meaning of their defiance, and even the blame for it.
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Q’ayin’s title was KA.IN in Akkadian, Mesopotamia’s root language, from “KA”,
“The Living; Spirit; the Human Soul that survives death”, and “IN”, “a scheme to
take a position of power”. The deeper meaning of this title will hold profound
portent once you understand what this title truly relates in the story of Genesis.

KA.IN was ancestor to the practitioners of Cainite religions around the world. A
few generations after he founded Scythia, descendants also founded many Dead
Sea-centered tribes, collectively called the Amalekites, like the Canaanites,
Phoenicians, Hittites, Amorites, Hivites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Philistines,
Edomites (founders of Sodom and Gomorrah – Herod the Great was also an
Edomite), and other child sacrificing demon-worshippers who depended on the
mystical properties of fresh blood or Dead Sea water, used to enhance spirit
sight and to extend life. To that end, we must first more fully understand exactly
what descent from the unique bloodline from Q’ayin represented.

NOTE: Mesopotamian KA.IN can also be identically expressed as IN.KA (Inca),

which spawns interesting considerations when studying the blood-drenched
Cainite religious practices that were known to take place in the Americas.

These Cainites were known as the insidious blood-lusting Amalekites, once

nomads of the Negev and adjoining desert and were a hereditary enemy of Israel
from Exodus times to the early Jewish Monarchy. They descended from Amalek,
who took his title from Malek (Moloch), his demon god. He was grandson to Esau
by Esau's son Eliphaz and Timna, Eliphaz’s noblewoman-concubine, the half-
sister to one of Esau’s chiefs, Lotan, and in fact Eliphaz’s very own daughter
through an adulterous relationship with the wife of Sier, Lotan’s father.

Esau (meaning “Hairy” or “Rough Hair”, and mind you, in the Bible to emphasize
one being “hairy” is to denote them being extremely hairy, on an order of looking
akin to Bigfoot), founder of the Edomites and father-in-law to a pharaoh, was the
robust, tall, very hairy, red-haired, and likely 6-fingered “twin” brother of Jacob;
the sons of Isaac, the son of Abraham. These peculiar genetic traits were also
held by Ishmael, son to Abraham by Sarah’s handmaiden, Hagar the Egyptian,
who was a present from Pharaoh Thutmosis III. Handmaidens (ministers) were
typically a lower-peerage sister, so Hagar, a member of Court (all members of
Pharaoh’s Court were of royal stock), could be a sister to Pharaoh or to the
Queen. I strongly advocate for her relationship being to the much less genetically
pure Queen, part due to Hagar’s emphasized Egyptian title, but mainly because
Pharaoh was a foreigner, who married into the Amenhotep Dynasty to strengthen
Egypt's then-weakened royal blood, which we will also discuss.

Esau was clearly not an identical twin, nor did he look to be progeny from his
blonde father Isaac. Indeed, it seems Esau was more likely sired by a Nephilim
or a Fallen Angel, who may have been trying once again to hijack God’s Plan by
usurping His blessing bestowed on Abraham’s Bloodline by Esau, as they
previously successfully did to Adam using Q’ayin. Though the attempt with Esau
failed, as it did earlier with Ishmael, their bloodlines were still a bane on Israel.
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NOTE: In understanding that both Ishmael and Esau, as well as all their direct
descendants, were hairy as apes, one can much better appreciate how Jacob
fooled his father Isaac into thinking he was Esau by binding his arms in lamb
skins. It also explains why Sarah rejected Hagar so vehemently after previously
giving her to Abraham so he could bear progeny, because she could clearly see
that Ishmael was most definitely not seeded by Abraham. It is also no wonder
Esau's and Ishmael's direct descendants forbade their likenesses to be depicted.

Interestingly, Pharaoh was half-brother to Abraham (meaning “Father of Many”,

though originally Arian Abrahm: “Mud”) and to Sarah (meaning “Princess”) by
different regal mothers from their shared Royal Mesopotamian father, Terah.

Pharaoh’s mother would be expected to be Terah’s main, senior-peerage wife,

though certainly of higher peerage than Abraham, otherwise Abraham would
have been sent to Egypt in order to reinvigorate its diminishing royal bloodline (a
country’s royalty has absolutely nothing to do with the nation within which it is
contracted, but had everything to do with the value of their blood. Consider the
Germanic House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, now called Windsor, that is sovereign in
England). Sarah’s mother would seem to be of equitable peerage with Pharaoh,
perhaps by a junior sister to Terah’s senior-peerage wife. Abraham’s mother
would also have high peerage, but obviously lower than Pharaoh and perhaps
even Sarah. His mother could have bore more common Semitic blood.

By the evidence of Pharaoh’s anxious fawning over Sarah, I do suspect that

Egypt’s Semitic Queen had especially less regal peerage than Sarah, and, by a
clear sense of it, also less than Abraham, which may be why Pharaoh had been
sent by Terah after a marriage contract had been sealed, in order to strengthen
Egypt’s weakened royal blood after it had been diluted by a recent prolonged
occupation by Syrian Harkos invaders, where Egypt's bearers of royal seed had
been sullied by being mixed with much more common Syrian Semitic stock.

Abraham had likely intended Pharaoh to sire for him Isaac, because Sarah and
Pharaoh could produce the highest regal peerage. Pharaoh was also anxious to
seed better stock. Perhaps Abraham and Sarah had abstained from children for
this very reason; to give their progeny the highest peerage through Pharaoh.

Though not of Abraham’s loins, Isaac was of his genetic line by Sarah, Abraham,
and Pharaoh's father, Terah. Because Sarah was wife to Abraham, as one flesh
in God’s eyes, and she bore Isaac who Abraham desired of her, then Isaac was
a legal son with full rights to inheritance from Abraham. Indeed, royalty originated
the rules governing peerage inheritance and marriage contracts, where nations
competed to contract bearers of the most senior Q’ayin blood. Even the term
“kin” comes from tracking genealogy from Q’ayin. The royal extravagances, its
pomp and its vacuities of high life, debauchery, and living beyond reproach came
incrementally as offered “perks” to entice each generation of bearers for contract.
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As we will soon understand, all three siblings would have been INSTANTLY
recognized as royals, due to the mysterious, though highly visible Mark of Q’ayin
that each of them bore, and so Abraham and Sarah would most certainly have
been well received in Court. This trumps objections made by those unaware of
their then-evident regal marking, thinking Abraham was literally just some smelly
wandering shepherd, claiming such a common man would never have been
received at all in Pharaoh’s Court, nor would Pharaoh get all hormonal for Sarah.
They would be right if Abraham and Sarah had indeed been of common stock.
NOTE: The Book of Jasher said Sarah was Abram's niece and sister to Lot. This
may be due to calling younger siblings nephew and niece in those days,
particularly if they were raised separately, as was calling children raised together
brother and sister. This was common fare, especially in large royal households.
Pharaoh may not have been privy to Sarah’s marriage to Abraham, but he would
know they were his siblings. Marriage between them might not be assumed if
either Abraham’s royal peerage was so low he would not seem an advantageous
suitor for Sarah’s valuable blood or if they were actually brother and sister, borne
of the same regal mother, where their having children would be disastrous
(Terah, who sealed their marriage, might have had designs on Egypt’s throne,
and may have planned all along for Pharaoh to sire Abraham a son). Respect
between all regals, even upon learning of an indelicate deception over Sarah’s
marital status, meant that this matter would have been handled most amicably,
especially if Abraham and Sarah were full brother and sister, thus giving the
appearance that Pharaoh had provided them with a kind service. This is unlike
how it would have been had Abraham and Sarah not been of ample regal stock.
From the Amalekites we get the original horrific legends of vampires. The
Amalekites did not even look to be wholly human. This was not just a matter of
the Israelites dehumanizing their bitterest enemies to justify cause against them,
or that God wanted Joshua, and later King Saul to utterly wipe them out, but they
appeared to be hideous large-headed creatures whose heights varied from very
tall to very small. They bore large eyes, oversized canine teeth, sallow flesh, and
each hand and foot bore 6 fully functional digits. These strange and dangerous
entities were brutal to their captives and craved the taste of fresh blood, and they
also tried to breed with everything in the region, to include with all animals, which
is why God ordered all these hybrids to be wiped out. This is the true root of
Racism; discriminating between those fully human and those of hybrid breeding.
NOTE: To be fair, this 6-digit trait, called Polydactyly, along with at times double-
or partial double-rows of teeth, seemed common to many descendants of Q’ayin,
just like their natural ability to commune with the spirit world. This included those
like Jacob, son of Isaac, Jacob’s second but senior-peerage wife Rachel, his
father Isaac, and his mother Rebekah; Rachel’s aunt. Further, double-rows of
teeth would also explain why those like Moses, Pharaoh Akhenaten, and many
other regals suffered impaired speech. The assumption Moses stuttered because
he could not speak Semite well is naive due to the great intellects bearers of
Q’ayin’s blood had. The meaning for all this will become clearer as we continue.
Page 11

Depicted in story, perhaps due to generations steeped in slavish devotion to their

dark god Malek (Saturn), Amalekites appeared to be somewhat like Gollum in J.
R. R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” literary trilogy. Indeed, they are described very
much like the sinister demons (meaning “crafty and wise”) depicted in European
art during the Middle Ages. Interestingly, this would also perfectly describe
presumed extraterrestrial “grays” of UFO lore, and even the legendary UFO
researchers J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Fabrice Vallée had argued that those
creatures, with their vaporous, elusive vessels, were likely not extraterrestrial at
all, but rather that they are more likely Earth-based inter-dimensional demons.

Many Cainite nations populated the lands wrapping the entire Dead Sea, to
include the great but corrupt Edomite centers of Sodom and Gomorrah, which
God smote by thickly saturating it with pitch and brimstone (superconductive
high-spin monotomic platinum metals like iridium, silver and gold, to a level more
concentrated than even human blood and its nervous system) and setting it to
fire in disdain for their unbridled libertine passions, back in the days of Abraham.

God had commanded Joshua at the end of their exodus, as they made their way
north from the Sinai Peninsula and the eastern side of the Dead Sea, to not just
conquer the peoples of Canaan, which extended from Lebanon southward to the
“Brook of Egypt” and eastward to the Jordan River Valley, but to utterly annihilate
them to their very last man, woman, and child, saving alive nothing that breathes.

Why not just conquer and subdue the people of Canaan as God commanded His
people to do on other campaigns? What was it that God found so abhorrent as to
be unforgivable and undeserving of His Grace and Mercy?

Many of the giants peopling Canaan, who Joshua’s spies reported that by
comparison made themselves appear as grasshoppers, escaped Joshua’s
invasion onslaught, which was bolstered by local nations who took up arms with
Joshua to be free of their Cainite oppressor’s yoke. The giants and their followers
fled on a fleet of great Phoenician ships, sailing west across the Mediterranean
Sea to Malta, near Crete and Italy's boot, and then west to Sardinia, a colossal
island west of Italy (many had also fled east to found the Silk Road nation of
Khazar). Due to the cyclopean stone structures found on these islands, they are
known to this day as Islands of Giants. They later migrated from Sardinia to
sanctuary across Europe, Asia, and even the American continents, taking with
them their religion of blood-lust, human sacrifice, cannibalism, their worship of
their demonic god Malek, and imposing it upon all who they conquered.

As tales were passed down, they in time inspired the ancient Phoenician legends
of La Merica (from the American Indian title Amaruka; “Land of the Plumed
Serpent”), and Avilion in Celtic lore; a pure land beyond the western sea,
beneath the Evening Star, filled with fruit trees that never needed tending and
immortal inhabitants (inspiring the search for the Fountain of Youth), long before
Amerigo Vesspucci, who some modern historians speculated might have inspired
the naming of the Americas, began his not very noteworthy expeditions.
Page 12

For example, in Deuteronomy 20:16-18 in God’s discourse to Moses: “But in the

cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance,
you shall save alive nothing that breathes, but you shall devote them to complete
destruction, the Hittites and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Perizzites, the
Hivites and the Jebusites, as the Lord your God has commanded, that they may
not teach you to do according to all their abominable practices that they have
done for their gods, and so you sin against the Lord your God.” You can also
refer to Samuel 15:2-3, where God commanded King Saul and the Israelites:
“Thus says the Lord of hosts, “I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing
them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. Now go and strike Amalek
and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man
and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.””

The Mark inherited from Q’ayin was seen mainly in their heads, which consisted
of naturally elongated skulls (not made by head boarding or binding, because
that cannot increase the size of the brain, which was at least 20% greater than
normal), they lacked a saggital suture line that normally extends from the skull
crown to its back, they had large canine teeth, larger ears, sometimes double- or
partial double-rows of teeth, pale skin, and they had larger, wider blue or blue-
green eyes that are set in narrow, extended, almost serpentine and effeminate
faces. Their porous, but extremely dense bones were hard like tooth enamel, and
permeated by dense webs of powerful red micro-fibers. They also seemed to
have exhibited, especially in ancient times, 6 perfectly functional fingers on each
hand and 6 toes on each foot. They also tended to be tall, they continuously grew
even taller as they aged, and the number of their days were tremendous. Indeed,
from among them, the giant Magog the Scythian Japhethite, famously known as
the King of the Giants, was who the Romans later used as their iconic model for
Jupiter (Zeus), the king of their council of gods atop Mount Olympus.

NOTE: Scythia, where Q’ayin built his center, is the central Eurasian region that
originated all the world's royal bloodlines, no matter a nation’s native ethnicity.
Their gigantism seems not due to pituitary abnormalities because they lived
legendary spans and were extremely robust (it seems an enzyme coming from
the father's genes was not present, which would turn off the adolescent growth
spurt, much like Liger cubs sired by a lion and a tigress). Even King Gilgamesh
(AKA Nimrod) was rumored to be 10 cubits tall. One then wonders about Queen
Elizabeth II, yet the German Nazi, Prince Philip, was more royal than her (the
reason behind their marriage was to strengthen the bloodline). Yet, Princess
Diana had greater peerage than even Philip. Indeed, had Diana’s child by
Egypt’s Prince Dodi Fayed been allowed to be born, that child would have
possessed far more regal peerage than Prince William, and would have had the
full unchallengeable right to assume England’s Royal Crown.
Page 13

The Cainite bloodline was diluted by breeding with ‘commoners’ (genetically fully
human) by the need for genetic diversity. This went against God’s Will and their
promise to Him. According to the Book of Enoch, the sons of the Watchers
(Nephilim; sons of Fallen Angels; bene ha-elohim; sons of the gods) promised to
God not to breed with the Seed of Man in exchange for taking some of their
number aboard the Ark so their hybrid flesh would not perish. Forever scheming,
perhaps this was a backup plan, because a great multitude of others, to include a
host of their human laborers managed to actually survive the Great Flood by
taking sealed, and likely nail-biting refuge within the great labyrinths and tunnels
of deep underground cyclopean cities, only recently discovered, or revealed
through discovery by ground-penetrating radar, beneath the countless ancient
megalithic stone complexes found throughout the world, presumably built in
anticipation of the long-expected Great Flood. However, the Nephilim’s hybrid
descendants felt compelled to break that ancient vow to God in order to avoid the
otherwise disasterous misfortunes of inbreeding within their narrow gene pool,
from which crossed eyes, mental-impairment, and hemophilia are common traits.

As a result, the former 6 digits of Cainite regals have come to exhibit the typical 5
digits we find today in the descendants from Q’ayin as their angelic blood slowly
thinned to become much more common, especially approaching Christian times.

It might be interesting to note that to this day mothers instinctively count their
newborn children’s fingers and toes to make sure they did not have 6 digits, this
practice coming from a time when this was how one could verify if the child’s
father was a man or a god. This can also result from a genetic defect, but the
ancient children of the Nephilim had 6 perfectly functional fingers and toes.

Also, American Indians greet each other by their displaying a full palm. This was
not to show that their fighting hand bore no implements of battle, as Europeans
displayed, but to demonstrate that they were not one of the cunning 6-fingered
Sky People, like the extremely tall Cloudeaters, who might have ventured forth
out of the earth from a Kiva, a sacred Stargate, such as the powerful Kiva atop
Mount Graham in Southeastern Arizona. For centuries, Indian tribes living in the
vicinity of a Kiva would periodically bribed the Sky People with gifts and even
sacrifice to keep them from crossing over into this world and bringing ruin.

NOTE: I call the people of my half-native blood Indians to honor the title given
them by Christopher Columbus’ personal description of the Caribbean island
people. This Genoese man’s coarse Spanish called them “una geste in Dios”, or
“a people in God”, not as some reference to the Indus River Valley. Honestly,
based upon maps provided him by his Templar sponsors (his navigator and ships
were also Templar, and his father-in-law was a Templar Grand Master), he
KNEW it was not India. Besides, Spain was seeking Cipangu; Japan. Columbus
described them as “In Dios” because they were very spiritual, and even shared
stories and traditions coming from both Judaism and Christianity. By the way, did
you know that when Columbus sailed in 1492, it was common knowledge to
Europeans for two millennia, since Pythagoras proved it, the Earth was a globe?
Page 14

The Flat-Earth story we have been taught was in truth simply a made-up literary
device inserted centuries later in an 1828 book by Washington Irving, called “A
History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus”, to make the journey
seen more heroic. Even the American Indians knew that the Earth was a globe.

NOTE: Before people start citing the Bible, stating a couple prophets declared
the Earth as being flat, they should read it instead in Hebrew, where we will
clearly see that they were not discussing the planet Earth, but rather the
surrounding LAND, much as one in Kansas would declare that its land is flat.

Alarmingly, the Vatican had somehow forced or bribed their way past the protest
from the San Carlos Apache Tribe, who had passed a resolution declaring that
Mount Graham was sacred to them, and they also held the deed to that land.
Despite the solidarity and protest by other Indian Nations, entities within the US
Government allowed the Vatican to construct their Vatican Observatory, with its
binocular infrared L.U.C.I.F.E.R. telescope, directly atop this dangerous Mount
Graham Stargate to the hidden realm of the interdimensional Sky People.

One is left wondering, perhaps in bewilderment, why architects felt it necessary

to build atop portals to Purgatory, just as CERN and the Gotthard Base Tunnel in
Switzerland had been, and why satanic rituals, complete with truly bizarre and
quite elaborate Luciferian fertility pageantry were played out during their opening
ceremonies, leaving many spectators wondering what was going on, save those
understanding the purpose of these extremely dark and demonic religious rites.

Genesis 4:1 cites Q’ayin's unique genetics was due to being sired by the Lord.
The KJV reads “And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare
Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.” Yet, if we actually bluntly
translate Hebrew DIRECTLY, it THEN reads: “Adamah, learning Chavvah his
wife became pregnant and bore Q’ayin, declared, You got a man together with
Yahuah!” Mesopotamian texts, which this story was drawn from (and mind you
they worshiped Lucifer as Lord (Baal; El), not God) claim KA.IN was sired by the
god EN.KI (“Lord of Earth”), the Lord of the AB.ZU, or Underworld (“underneath
the earth”), referring to the vast gold mines of South Africa, but later to the
Mediterranean or the Red Sea, which Mesopotamia associated with the Persian
Gulf, where EN.KI first tried to extract gold. They all point in the direction of the
AB.ZU; the Underworld of South Africa. EN.KI’s symbols were the fish and goat.
Mythology likens him to the Greek titan Zeus, Prometheus, Apollo and with
Neptune. Commentary from the Babylonian Captivity cite Q’ayin’s father as the
Garden Serpent (technically, a hominid with reptilian features), who seduced Eve
(a careful reading in Hebrew indicates he did more than just talk to her), and was
tied solidly to EN.KI. Also, EN.KI’s younger, though senior-peerage half-brother
was EN.LIL (“Lord of Storms”). Mesopotamian texts report EN.KI was jealous of
EN.LIL’s higher peerage, and felt that he, as elder brother, should be supreme
commander. This might be compared to the god Hades and his eternal conflict
with Zeus, and how Hades believed Zeus had tricked him into reigning the
Underworld, and he should instead be the rightful King of the gods.
Page 15

But this genetic quality was not original strictly to Q’ayin, who was 1/2 god, but it
also came from Q’ayin’s wife, Luluwa, who was said to be a full goddess, which
would make their children’s blood 3/4 angelic. To my thinking, in analyzing the
“rules” of these stories, I imagine instead that Luluwa was perhaps 1/2 goddess,
imagining Luluwa as being progeny from an angel and a human mother because
I cannot yet work out to my flawed thinking of how she could be a full goddess,
unless the stories of goddesses bearing children by men is true. Even so,
Mesopotamian texts cite that the grandfather of LU.LU.WA was EN.LIL, who had
senior peerage to EN.KI, and these texts also cite that her mother was NIN.MA,
the half-sister to both EN.LIL and EN.KI. Assuming that logic would make Luluwa
at least 3/4 goddess. Regardless of my likely skewed confusion, in time this
unique bloodline, from which all Cainite Kings, Queens, Priests, and Priestesses
have descended, was called Royal/Divine Blood, which Middle English called
Sangrayle, or, with its French influence, as Sangreal.

All royal blood descends directly from the line of Q’ayin. And all royals are proud
of it, warts and all. This includes the many among them who obsess in sexual
deviance with children and with blood rituals, and too, the recent skeletons
exposed from certain closets, such as a Buckingham Palace butler running a
child sex ring right from within the palace, or of 10 children from the Kamloops
residential school in British Columbia disappearing during a 1964 private picnic
with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, the outstanding 2013 British Columbia
warrant for their arrest regarding these missing children, and countless lists of
other scandals. Indeed, as of November 2013, over 50,000 native children had
been tortured, sexually abused, and many murdered at the Catholic-owned
Canadian Indian Residential Schools, and this does not include the over ten
million Catholic Priest child sex abuse cases that have been documented.

Descendants of Q’ayin also had absolutely tremendous intellects (you can even
discern this quite easily when meeting any of regal blood today), some with a
profoundly genius aptitude for engineering and technological marvels, and their
legendarily astute leadership was desperately sought and honored with the
utmost fealty and respect by all those who bought contracts for their services.

This was also why priests, who were originally also from among the genetically-
hybrid descendants of Q’ayin, began to wear their tall miters, priestesses with
their “tall” hair, wigs and habits, just like kings and queens with their tall crowns,
to highlight and adorn their elongated skulls, and later by those who wanted to
simulate or imitate those greatly-coveted enlongated heads. They had also been
set apart genetically, admonished not to breed with the common people so that
the race of Man would remain pure (the origin of why the Jews were to keep their
race pure. Though Judaism is not a race, it actually referred to keeping the
Human Race pure within their tribes). The descendants of Q’ayin were also to
breed only with their own, to keep their blood, their great intellects, and the marks
of their head and their hands, which displayed their mark of royal stock, highest
Page 16

in peerage. It was from Q’ayin that we also get the phonetic terms King and
Queen. Indeed, the stories of a princess awaiting their prince, or the story that a
princess could only marry a prince, and to even be locked away to keep her
breeding virtue pure comes from this genetic consideration.

So what is the Mark of the Beast? According to the Book of Revelation, it comes
down again to a Mark in the head or the hands (the ancients also understood
hands to be up to the elbow. Indeed, “clasping hands” was originally the clasping
of each other’s forearms or wrists). I have meditated very long and hard on this.
Many people in modern times tend to think of this Mark as a barcode, and more
recently as a biometric chip beneath the skin or injected nanotech. Without this
Mark one cannot buy, trade, or sell anything. They could be right (for Lisa
Haven’s take on it, see However, even these
things, such as barcodes and biometric chips, can still be removed, disabled, or
pirated, even if the technology were highly advanced, as seems to be evidenced
by numerous documented implants being removed from alleged UFO abductees.

The idea of a removable or hackable chip or barcode can argue against them
being the Mark of the Beast. The Mark of the Beast is supposed to be something
that was permanent, indelible, and could NOT be removed once it was taken. It
seems also to be something prominent, perhaps just like the Mark of Q’ayin.

However, one has to also wonder why such a prominent, permanent, indelible
Mark would cause God not to extend His Grace and Mercy upon anyone who
received it? After all, in reading the Hebrew and the Christian Bibles, these books
are literally stuffed with God’s Grace and Mercy being extended to anyone and
everyone, whether they were Jewish, whether they were Christian, or neither of
these. No matter how deep into inequity they were steeped, it is taught that they
are still redeemable and worthy of receiving Grace and Mercy from God if they
but truly changed their hearts and returned repentantly to His fold.

So what would cause God NOT to extend Grace and Mercy to someone after
they had willfully received this seal? If you understood the story of the times of
Noah and the Flood that cleansed the world of great inequity, you must consider
what that inequity was. It is hinted at within Genesis. Yet, it is laid out much more
clearly in the Book of Enoch, which had been considered part of the Hebrew
library 2,000 years ago. Genesis 6:1-6 simply related abridged cliff-note details
about events that were commonly known to all people of the time in that biblical
region, because they were all intimately familiar with the Book of Enoch (now
technically called Ethiopic Enoch or Enoch 1, because there were two later books
from Christian times). The Book of Enoch was quoted often by both Jewish and
Christian writers, and it was quoted even by Jesus Himself (the best translation
of the original source material I have found was done by R. H. Charles, which
can be found freely at such places as
Another excellent translation of this original source material is by M. Knibb, with
its introduction and abundant expository notes by Andy McCracken, and can be
found at
Page 17

In Enoch, God refused Grace and Mercy to those willfully corrupting the Seed of
Man, those mixing human with non-human flesh; chimeras the ancients identified
as Beasts. This identifies the Beast of the Apocalypse as a hybrid human, who is
possessed by the Prince of Earth. I imagine that any “resurrection” that might
come to pass will be by him afterward possessing a clone. As in the days of
Noah, these Beasts are hybrids by Fallen Angels and humans. They are not
brute animals, but of making Man’s flesh no longer that fashioned by God, like
the human/angel-hybrid titans called Nephilim, who, after their deaths from the
Flood, were then called the Raphaim (Deadites) or Demons.

Consider genetic manipulation. This is not just producing different breeds of

wolves by favoring specific traits of a wolf’s very rich gene pool, engendering
breeds like a Golden Retriever or a Teacup Chihuahua, or tending the ancient
small beaded wheat-like maze to yield robust stalks of corn. Genetic
manipulation is altering the DNA blueprint of organisms by replacing genes or
editing DNA sequences, creating Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). This
might one day render normally sterile hybrids fertile (consider the Cheetah, which
seemss to be a naturally domesticated, genetically identical, though fertile trans-
species hybrid of canine and feline). Such manipulation makes the plant or the
animal that this manipulation was performed on no longer the plant or the animal
that God had designed it to be, a thing that God considered an abomination.

GMO food is also less nutritious for the simple fact that the body has a lot of
trouble “understanding” how to properly digest it because genetic frequencies no
longer vibrate at a rate that previously allowed effective recognition of genetic
trigger mechanisms. Thus, nutrients are not efficiently absorbed. It is possible to
literally starve to death by feeding oneself solely on a diet of GMO foods.

It is the very same principle with Man. Alter his DNA, or alter his genes, and he is
no longer truly Man; he is technically non-Human, a chimera, even if the outward
appearance is little different. Technically, his DNA would no longer vibrate in
resonance with the frequency it was designed to flow with in its many genetically
harmonic possibilities of his rich gene pool. A deeper understanding of the new
science forming around DNA electrical frequency tells us that DNA might begin
not as a molecule, but rather as a wave form. So, perhaps it had, in a way, been
in fact “spoken” into existence, much as the more simplistic language of the Bible
explained? Refer also to “New Science: DNA Begins as a Quantum Wave” at

SIDE BAR: I LOVE the idea of Darwinism, but no one has yet been able to find a
single natural trans-species organism. Honestly, the fossil record should be full of
them. Indeed, if natural trans-species migration was possible, it would actually be
impossible to find an organism NOT in a trans-species stage, simply because
trans-species evolution requires untold millions of intermediate variations. Being
that viable variations will be VERY rare, this would actually require TRILLIONS of
generations (the past 5,000 years has seen only about 250 human generations).
Page 18

Only genetic engineers hacking DNA are able to cross species boundaries. But
has anyone ever wondered why the progeny are always sterile? Might it have to
do with DNA harmonic frequencies? Do they require a more intelligent designer?

Our bodies consist of 37.2 trillion cells (some say over 200 trillion, which includes
symbiotic bacteria we are co-dependant with), where EACH cell is packed with
hundreds or thousands of highly animated, highly mobile, electric-powered, and
incredibly programmatically-smart molecular machines, Each molecular machine
is composed of typically hundreds or thousands of individual proteins that are in
turn assembled from varying arrangements made from 21 different proteinogenic
amino acids, where each must be linked in an exacting harmonic sequence,
otherwise they cannot function or properly conduct their assigned electrical
frequency. Each are assembled by a master binder machine that assembles a
single protein based on the RNA program strip magazine provided it from the
DNA strand by transport molecular machines, as other recognizer and retrieval
molecular machines collect the requisite amino acids needed by the RNA strip
and deliver each to the assembler in the proper order. The resulting string of
protein is then folded and rolled in an exacting sequence so to carry a specific
range of electrical impulses, or they cannot function. This rolling and twisting
process requires the aid of a huge hinged barrel molecular machine, plus
innumerable separate molecular machines that are designed to manage the
precise twisting and folding process, which are again programmed from RNA
instruction strips of chained molecules that are transcribed, in mirrored form, from
the DNA master instruction set. And all this to assemble but a single strand of
protein. The amazing thing is that all this activity is actually happening at a scale
smaller than the wave band width of visible light, but it is all happening at speeds
that are absolutely staggering. Indeed, when you watch an animated simulation
of these machines in action, people often think that the animation is sped up, yet
the ACTUAL process is up to 10 million times faster than the animation shows,
meaning that even if we could see these complex nano-machines, they would be
moving countless times faster than our eyes can possibly follow.

All this is programmed by the most complex list of instruction codes imaginable,
directing the construction, assembly, and programming of not only the molecular
machines that communicate back and forth with each other through latticed
layers of electrically-charged liquid-crystal water, but every component of that
cell; the ENTIRE complex organism, to include programming basic muscular
behavioral patterns, involuntary functions, and even the programming so that a
baby is able to instantly recognize a human face at the moment of birth.

NOTE: The belief that these molecular machines communicate only by electro-
chemical reactions rather than self-generating electrical signals through its highly
conductive liquid-chrystal medium would quickly pollute cells, because these
hundreds of thousands of nano machines are communicating back and forth at
an unbelievably blinding speed, and a cell would quickly die long before it would
have time enough to develop to a point where it could divide and propagate.
Page 19

The most fascinating part is that after you use all the DNA sequences that exist
in a cell to build and program a complete organism, there is absolutely NO
SPARE DNA INFORMATION LEFT OVER. Where is the so-called “junk DNA”
we keep hearing about, or the old DNA that we presume no longer is used, such
as sequences that manage the operation of aquatic fins and ancient gills? The
thing that stunned geneticists the most when they began mapping the DNA and
gene sequences of all the sample species, including humans, was that they were
startled to find that there was NOTHING left over! The DNA strand for each
organism is designed specifically for that organism, and is not able to support
any function not already active within it (refer to this video exploring the inner life
of a single cell at,

The chance of even the simplest protein strand accidentally forming during the
course of a trillion years is a statistical impossibility. And even if it did, how does
that protein sustain itself in the infinite ranges of the deep vacuum of space until
millions of other variant or similar proteins form so they can accidentally find each
other across the wide universe and somehow accidentally bind in an exacting
order and create the DNA strand that would make all that construction possible
(additional complex molecular machines are required to even bind most of these
countless components), to create even the simplest self-sustaining, self-
replicating organism? The odds of this happening by accident are the same as a
tornado ripping through a chemistry lab and assembling a viable, living and
highly intelligent human. It will not happen! Not by random chance, anyway,

When we see a scrap of paper, we know it was intelligently designed. When we

see a bridge, we know it was intelligently designed. When we see a house, we
know it was intelligently designed. When we see an automobile, we know it was
intelligently designed. But when we see a human being, we are instead expected
to accept that it accidentally assembled into a sentient, self-aware, thinking,
dexterous, self-mobile being capable of articulate communication and
autonomous thought?

Some people, like my late friend Lloyd Pye, did not believe in evolution because
of the intense mechanical complexity of life. He, however, believed “They”
(Aliens) did it. But if Outside Intervention did it, then who or what made THEM?

I remember fondly the days when Darwinism actually made sense to me. Sadly,
the more layers of discovery you examine and peel back, the more this theory
absolutely falls apart. And it was such a nice theory, too…

So, consider that the sign of the times, as Jesus said in Matthew 24:37-39, will
be as it was in the days of Noah: “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the
coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they
were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that
Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all
away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
Page 20

I constantly ponder what the Mark of the Beast has to do with the Days of Noah?
One also wonders about the prominent Mark to identify it. I keep coming back to
the Mark of Q’ayin and how those who bore this Mark were the corrupted Seed of
Man, and to those unrepentant, God would not extend His Grace and Mercy.

We need to consider that the Mark of the Beast may have something to do with
technically making us no longer wholly human by editing in foreign DNA using
something like Gene Therapy. Gene Therapy is transplanting normal genes to
replace missing or defective genes, to correct a genetic disorder. However, it can
also be misused to alter characteristics of a cell or of an entire organism,
depending on the function of that cell. Consider, in contrast, the more natural
operation of Stem Cells, gestated in bone marrow (this is why cancer in bone
marrow is so devastating), which is a natural undifferentiated cell the body
produces that is capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of that same type,
and from them other kinds of cells can arise due to local electrical frequencies of
that organism issuing triggers to alter the cell into the type needed for function.

Why would anyone be tempted to alter their DNA, the blueprint that makes them
who they are as a biological being? Such choices could be enticing if it played to
petty vanity or to desperation for life. Consider genetic enhancements that allows
one to seriously boost their intelligence and simplify problem-solving, to get
larger, fuller breasts or even fuller lips, or less wrinkled skin, all without the use of
shelf-life implants or toxic injections, to enhance men’s testosterone production
and muscle definition, to extend the length and girth of a penis, to become taller,
change skin, hair or eye color, change sex, to regrow hair, to become immune to
deadly diseases, reverse debilitating disorders or the ravages of age, to run
faster, be stronger, or to add animal genes to accept organ transplants from that
animal without also needing to take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of their life.

One must also understand that these genetic alterations are not reversible. There
is no way to restore oneself to their previous genetic makeup; one’s previous
harmonic genetic frequency. Genetic alteration has no return path. It is rather like
this insane push to allow very young children, say of ages 4-7, whose brains are
far from being developed enough to enable them to make long-term decisions
(the brain is not fully developed until age 24), nor are they sexually mature, nor
have they entered into the hormonal awareness of that sexuality, to give them
the mental capacity to make an informed decision about their own ultimate
sexual identity. Once that choice is made, and requisite hormonal treatment and
surgery have been administered, this choice cannot be reversed, which might
explain why their suicide rates skyrocket to catastrophic levels once they mature.
It is treacherous to start, anyway, because in youth one tends to first tribally bond
with those like them (boys with boys, and girls with girls) until their hormonal
development switches on and directs their budding sexual preferences, which
are typically different from their more youthful partiality, when each sex thought
the other one had “cooties” (a term first used in a 1917 British Military Service
Manual, and may have come from the Malayan word “kutu”, meaning “lice”).
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Those pushing these agendas seem by all evidence to be those who worship the
God/Lord/Prince of Earth; the Father of Disobedience; the Beast; the leader of
Fallen Angels, who they invoke as Baphomet. In art, Baphomet is a transgender,
trans-species hybrid. For example, Baphomet is worshipped by Rosicrucians and
the 13 degrees above the 33 of the Scottish Rite of the Masonic Lodge. I confess
I am, or rather WAS, a 3rd degree Master Mason. Before I was raised up, I was
told I had to believe in God. What I did not realize at that time, until I began to
research the higher degrees of the Lodge, is that ultimately, this god, which they
signify by a capital “G” (standing for "Geometry", the mathematical science of
Architecture and Masonry, and a rendition of the Sun Sign of Venus), and ever
admonishing us to “Look to the East” to the Morning Star, is not the God of
Abraham, who is the Progenitor of the Beginning, but is heralded as Lucifer;
Baphomet; Moloch; the Architect.

SIDE BAR: Baphomet was worshiped by the original Freemasons; Egypt's Levite
Priests (not from Jacob’s son Levi). They served under High Priest Semenkhkare
(Aaron), Pharaoh Akhenaten’s co-regent. When Pharaoh was exiled to the Sinai,
they went with him. Their job was to turn base gold into superconductive high-
orbital-spin gold, which has a gravitational attraction of less than zero. This
superconductivity allowed it to transfer its anti-gravity property to anything it was
applied to, like cyclopean stone. Scientists working with this exotic matter believe
that 44% of its mass exists outside our dimension in what Mesopotamians and
Egyptians called the Hidden World. They believed someone with enough of it in
their system could, by Will, even move between worlds. It is also called ORMUS
or ORME; Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements. It is found in things as
dark grapes, in USA’s Mohave Desert sands, meteor impacts, atomic explosions,
and it densely saturates the Dead Sea and even our very Blood and nervous
systems. This quality is also found in other platinum metals, such as iridium,
which, in its ORMUS state, and which rudimentary testing mistakes as carbon
(as it had been for years), comprises 5% of our brains. This is many times higher
than any other Earthly creature, and is certainly higher in descendants of Q’ayin.

This ORMUS is what is called the Sorcerer’s Stone, the Food of the Gods, and
the Mesopotamians called it SHEM.AN.NA; the Highward Firestone. It was
MFKTZ to the Egyptians and Manna to the Hebrews, both meaning “what is it?”.

When base gold or other platinum metals are transmuted by a powerful electric
arc, it forms small fluffy white balls that can drift on the wind like dandelion seeds.
Egypt made so much of it that at one time they were even desperately short of
gold. They transmuted it at the remote temples of the 18th Amenhotep Dynasty,
the Messeh Pharaohs, such as at the Hathor Temple in the south of the Sinai
Peninsula atop Mount Horeb (now called Mount Serâbît), also known as the
House of Gold, commanded by Jethro, father-in-law to Moses by his daughter,
Zipporah, Moses’ second wife, according to the Book of Jasher (this book is older
than Exodus. See In that book,
Jethro, clearly a royal member of the 18th Dynasty, was the Egyptian Governor
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(local king) of the Sinai. The Semites called him El Shaddai (“Lord of the
Mountain”). Because these temples billow voluminous and metal-putrid smoke
and blinding electric arcs night and day, they were put in high and remote open-
air places, like mountain tops, so not to befoul the air of any population centers.

These Levite Architects were centered in the city of Mal-lawi (“Land of Levites”),
next to Amarna on the Nile. They used wooden staffs to litter each twin winged-
sphinx-adorned Ark of Contract. The term “Ark” came from the non-conductive
bark of the sacred arcadia trees, which these boxes were made from. These
trees are found in Egypt, the Sinai Peninsula, the Judean desert, and the Negev.
These special arks were highly electrically charged and used to transmute gold
into the light fluffy superconductive powder of ORMUS. Levites wore special
sleeveless black robes with white linen aprons, intricate gold breastplates,
jewels, and walked barefoot (see Exodus 28). They also had tassels hanging
from their uniforms to drag the ground to keep them from being electrocuted.
These uniforms, called Archons, meant “architects”. They honored the planet
Venus, represented by Egypt’s goddess Hathor, and which the Hebrews called
Lucifer because of its brightness, or the Star in the East, or the Child of Dawn,
This is often symbolized by the crescent of Venus and a 5-pointed star, and is
also associated with the color green, to signify the fertility Venus represented.

ORMUS, available by time-consuming extraction from Dead Sea water or by

transmuting very scarce platinum metals, was superior to the charged blood of
terrified sacrificial victims, the more potent menstrual blood of sexually-excited
Vestal Virgins, and the even more powerful blood of terrified sacrificed children.
ORMUS and blood were called GRA.AL or Ambrosia (“Nectar of Supreme
Excellence”). Cainite monarchs and priests consumed it while it was still viable,
to enhance prescience so to speak past the veil to their gods by augmenting
production of serotonin, adrenalchrome and DMT (N-Dimethyltryptamine) in the
Pineal Gland. These things heighten intelligence, are responsible for a sense of
spirituality, allows us to dream, and repairs telomerase caps on DNA strands to
extend life. When used by those from the line of Q’ayin, who already produced
much greater quantities of these chemicals, the effects were staggering.

ORMUS pressed into bread wafers, or as the conical cakes made for the Priest-
King Melchizedek of Canaan (historically, he was its Egyptian Governor/king)
and later by Qumrân’s mystics, extracted from Dead Sea water in a tradition from
Melchizedek, and eaten with dark grape wine, was the origin of the flesh and
blood sacrificial sacred meal, the Eucharist, by the ascetic Nazorite, pronounced
Nazareth, from “Keepers of the Covenant,” at the Qumrân sanctuary above the
northwest corner of the Dead Sea. They used Chapter 6 of the Book of Numbers
as their guide for separated Christine daily life (a separation from Canitism using
Princely Service rather than subjugation), were titled, depending on who they
dealt with, as the Poor, the Galileans, the Brethren, the Saints, the Bathers, the
Men of Essa (Isaiah), Esseens, the Puritans, the Physicians, the Apron Wearers,
the Multitude, the Mysterious Ones, and various other epitaphs.
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NOTE: Has anyone ever wondered why Moses needed Bezaleel (meaning “In
the Shadow of God”) , son of Hur, a master metal smith and chief architect in
charge of the work on the Tabernacle, a descendant of the Master Craftsman,
Tubal-Cain, fashion the Shew Bread (“Shew” means “Showing”, but more
specifically, it means “Shining”), creating it from the golden Cainite calf idol to
Baal (El; Malek; Saturn – the planet from which we get the terms Sabbath and
Saturday), which Bazaleel had previously cast under orders of the Levite Priest
Aaron when Moses was at the temple complex atop Mount Horeb, which Moses
then forced the Children of Israel to consume. This substance was no doubt
ORMUS, and it is no wonder that the Israelites then witnessed, through their
suddenly incredibly heightened spiritual perception as DMT was then raging
throughout their brains and expanding them, the might and power of God. You
might want to examine more closely the story that relates how Moses had all the
gold from the calf idol reduced to powder, had it washed in water, and then made
his people drink of it in Exodus 32:20, “And he took the calf which they had
made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strowed it upon the
water, and made the children of Israel drink of it.” If you heat gold, it will melt to a
viscous mass and then re-solidify upon cooling. However, by applying an
extremely hot electric arc, gold transmutes into a powder form that is the new
darling of modern science; superconductive exotic matter.

NOTE: Israel, or Yiśrāʾēl, means “Triumphant with God”. Many critics will
absolutely insist that the term Israel derives from the titles of the goddess Isis,
and the gods Ra and El. This is a conclusion drawn especially by those who do
not venture beyond basic first-level discovery. However, in studying the evolution
and origin of these words and the chronological timeline of their usage, this naïve
English transliteration by such armchair linguists can only be applied to more
modern titles. For example, The title “Isis” is actually a late Greek term derived
from Egyptian Aset or Eset (ST, meaning “throne”). Besides, she was not an
important goddess or worthy of a temple until Roman times (until then, Saturn –
Malek or modern Amen-Ra – was most important, which used Venus and Mars
as the combined pupil of Saturn; the all-seeing eye of EN.KI, as opposed to the
younger Jupiter of EN.LIL). Thus, this Isis-Ra-El speculation is rather ridiculous.

I suppose this is much like how one might get excited by transliterating English
terms like Genesis to Genes-of-Isis, or rearrange the term Disease to Dis-ease.
Even further, the association of Saturn with God, where the term EL was a
common reference to one’s chief god, comes from a time when, in the ancient
past, planets were representatives of gods. Saturn was said to once be the
largest visible planet in the northern sky, followed by Venus and Mars, aligned
perhaps by collinear orbits of Saturn, a splay-arcing Venus, and red Mars, to look
like a giant all-seeing eye on our north polar axis (Jupiter was apparently hidden
out of sight beyond Saturn) – clearly the planetary alignments were perhaps far
different in the past than they are today. Regardless, ignoring all that for now, by
that time EL was a commonly used epitaph, much as how even atheists will say
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“goodbye”, not caring that it is a contraction of “God be with ye”, or we, in

moments of distress or exasperation, sigh “God!” Refer also to my post on “Open
Letters to Advocates of the Electric Universe and Expansion Tectonics Theories”,
listed at the end of this essay.

I had once wondered if the Mark of the Beast actually had to do with demonic
possession? Firstly, identifying one “possessed” is quite easy for ordinary people.
You can spot the possessed from afar. One thing that makes me nervous about
all this is that Flakka (AKA Bath Salts) can be mixed in water and be sprayed up
your nose or into your mouth by force, such as from a spritzer bottle. Its effects
are instantaneous, but thankfully not permanent. Believe it or not, it instantly
disconnects your mind from your body and you seem to immediately act
possessed. Indeed, some radical revivalist “Christian” sects, mostly those more
interested in fleecing people for money by “healing” the demon-possessed, even
do this to their own laity, and videos of it can be found online. Just do a search
on YouTube for Bath Salts or Flakka and you will find lots of videos of people
high on this stuff and seem possessed by demons. As I always tell people, if you
have seen anyone high on Flakka, you WILL believe in demonic possession.

In considering this, I honestly wonder if people are being conditioned to accept

the disruption of their natural genetic frequency to better enable possession by
foreign entities. Why? Because much as the chemicals found in foods and
inoculations have human fetus or even animal DNA that can initiate effects like
Gene Therapy. They also often contain neuro-toxins like mercury, aluminum, or
lead, or contain debilitating toxins like formaldehyde and hydrofluoric acid, which
can disable or disconnect the mind, and can even cause severely debilitating
cavities to form in the brain. All this can make many susceptible people reclusive,
or even act as if they were possessed or tormented by disembodied demons.

If a soul cannot maintain control of their body, then it can be taken over by one or
more entities. Even so, a demon possessing someone cannot remain hidden and
pretend at being 'normal' for long, but must vent their nature. They are unable to
sustain absolute body command because the human spirit is far more powerful
than they, or those who are desperate to rule humanity ever want us to realize.

For this they especially hate Christians or Jews. They do not want it known that
one can cast them out by invoking the authority of Christ or the Father in Heaven.
This might sound out-and-out eye-rolling ludicrous to anyone untested against
the thick, oppressive, smoke-shrouded feeling one gets from a demon’s dark
presence, which can also trigger in the brain a pungent scent of sulfur or rotting
flesh. Having had experience in facing demons, and having grown up in likely the
most demon-haunted house in Iowa (thanks in part, oddly, to playing with a
presumably innocent Ouija board), I know what I am talking about, and have
even been witness to agnostics and even atheists immediately becoming
Christian once they have actually witnessed a truly demonically-possessed
person (for examples of the demons haunting my childhood home, see my post
on Globalist Symbolism, listed at the end of this essay).
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Could the Mark of the Beast be a form of Transhumanism? Transhumanism

defines the belief that the human race can force-evolve itself beyond its present
physical and mental limits using science and technology. Beyond enhanced
prosthetics, it is to alter the DNA blueprint of the human form. It is people setting
themselves up as God, to alter the human species. It is like taking many people’s
absolutely slavish addiction to their smart phones and devices to extreme limits.
Without these devices, when families get together for the holidays, they might
actually talk to each other instead of just sitting around the dinner table, heads
bowed in hushed, reverent silence, and staring at their phones. It is almost as if a
great many people already have been genetically altered to automatically raise
their phones to their faces whenever a switch in their butts is compressed as they
sit down. Worse, brain scans of people staring at phones, staring at televisions,
and even playing video games have the very same brain scan patterns as people
high on Heroin, registering alarmingly little actual, almost flat neurological activity.

The biggest hurtle to Transhumanism is a belief in God, especially via Judaism

and Christianity. So what do we now see? We see a growing deluge of attacks
on Judaism and Christianity. I find it odd that when one Muslim citizen is killed in
a battle zone, it is treated, as it should be, as a great and regrettable tragedy, but
if an entire community of Christians in the same zone has its men beheaded, its
women raped, and its children sold into sex slavery, hardly a word is said about it
in the Main Stream Media, except as one more ho-hum headline dully scrolling
on a news screen ticker. You do not see politicians pounding fists on tables and
demanding something be done, nor do you see violent paid activists shouting to
the heavens about this great injustice and gross violation to human rights as they
wail, gnash their teeth, and break store windows to steal electronic products.

Yet, if you do say something, you are always labeled a racist. The term of Racist
is tossed so heavily about, even at those clearly not doing anything racist, that it
has now lost all its meaning. Honestly, the entire foundation of racism did not
have ANYTHING to do with ethnicity or skin color, but it had EVERYTHING to do
with the difference between human and hybrid-human people in the long past.

It is bad enough that world elites (which, at its root, means “of EL”, from which we
get the words Elder, Elevate, Elect, and so on, referring to Baal, the Saturnian
god of the Cainites, symbolized by a black cube, or its flattened representation as
a hexagon or a 6-pointed star), and many stars of stage, music, and screen
seem to be possessed through things like Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the
Monarch Mind Control Project (MK-Ultra) to reshape their Will.

Leviticus 17:14 states: “The Life of all flesh is in the blood.” The Hebrew word for
Life means “The Spirit of the Flesh”. This is the Living Soul that interacts through
the complex total-emersion neural interface of the brain, spine, and gut that in
turn drives the flesh (note that our gut, which is suspected of performing part of
our actual thinking process, possesses far more neurons than the brain and
spine combined!). The medium agent, that which enables our interdimensional
Page 26

connectivity to a compatible body, would seem to be the high-spin ORMUS that

exists in a state in both this world (56%) and the Hidden World (44%), which fully
saturates our neural network and our blood. It is also interesting to note that after
death, the body’s blood is no longer viable, as though it had lost something. That
something might be its rich ORMUS content. Upon death, this ORMUS becomes
immediately undetectable, causing a sudden weight loss of about 24 grams. One
wonders why satanic practitioners, all the way back to the Cainites and their
demon gods, were obsessed with viable blood, wonton sex and the corruption of
God’s creation of Man, which the Fallen Angels refuse so vehemently to serve?

Throughout my search for the Mark of the Beast, I have always believed this
Mark to be a Nephilim trait, like the Mark of Q’ayin, such as having 6 fingers and
elongated skulls. For example, Pharaoh Akhenaten, Queen Nefertiti, all of their
daughters, and Tutankhamen, Akhenaten’s son by Kiya, his junior wife, Nefertiti’s
younger sister. They shared elongated skulls, big ears, large canines, huge, wide
bluish/greenish eyes, red or blonde hair, and narrow, extended serpentine and
effeminate faces. By the testimony of countless alleged “repeat” alien abductees,
it could point to the hybrid children, said to be theirs, presented to them to touch
and teach during each frequent abduction. These hybrids appear to be passable
as humans, but they do clearly have larger heads and big, wide pale-blue eyes. It
would seem that they also possess immense prescient abilities, being able to
exert profound mental control of all humans around them who are untrained in
blocking them. It would also seem that the “aliens” have already bred many
millions of these hybrids. Could this be the Mark of the Beast; these hybrids
being the bodies the Raphaim, the Deadites, seek to possess so to exist once
again in this physical realm as before the Flood, and in our place by killing us?

This makes me think of the “Fringe” SyFy TV series, with its genetic hybrids and
its hidden interdimensional world, crossed to by either extreme technology or
extreme prescient capabilities. This is to include the mysterious and prescient
trans-human Observers (Watchers), the Men in Black, who observed Mankind
virtually unseen. Eventually these Observers, with their advanced biometric
technology and their unique, not-quite-human physical appearances, took control
of the Earth, making all surviving humans a subservient menial class that they
planned to in time exterminate. Yet a scheme was hatched to defeat this plan
through the protagonists’ contact Observer, who ultimately chose to serve the
needs of the humans, to great, but gladly given sacrifice of himself.

One has to wonder what is behind the literally millions of alleged extraterrestrial
abduction cases, the deceitful lies these entities always lull their captives with,
their acute mind control, their absolute obsession with their victim’s DNA, and
their incessant drive to create hybrid offspring with them. Are the Fallen Angels
and their demonic progeny trying to create new fleshly bodies so they can once
again inhabit flesh upon the Earth, from which God had banished them to the
Purgatory of the Hidden World at the time of the Great Flood?
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One thing I have wrestled with for years is that, from all my lines of reasoning,
Yeshua ha-Mashiach (Jesus the King), the first Priest-King since Melchizedek
(Melek-Tsedeq; King of Righteousness) had also to descend from the Line of
Q’ayin by his father and mother, a Royal Davidic King and a Royal Hasmonian
Queen, tracing that line through the Messeh Pharaohs (Anointed Kings) of the
18th Amenhotep Dynasty, back to Abraham, and by him back to Q’ayin. Like his
brothers and sisters, like James Justus (Yacob the Righteous) and his sister
Yudi, and even the bride companion law required him take, Jesus was likely tall,
slender of face, had a slightly extended skull, large bluish or greenish eyes, and
maybe even 6-fingered hands (though by this time it was less likely). This might
be why he was often instantly recognized and known even to the Romans, even
in far-off Rome, because of his visibly obvious pedigree from the gods. Rome’s
own emperors, since Julius Caesar, also seemed to be of such genetic ilk, and
this may be why the Romans had declared them and their bloodlines as the sons
of the gods and of the true line of Kings, some whose pedigrees traced through
Sardinia and Malta, the Islands of Giants. This may also be why Jesus seemed
to have had such free movement throughout His Roman-occupied land.

NOTE: Those who say Jesus was ordinary-looking are at odds with most reports
that state that people instantly recognized him, even if they did not know him.

So did Jesus truly bear the Mark of Q’ayin? And how did he rise above it?

To explore that, we must look back to what took place between Abraham and
God, why God changed his name from Abrahm, and why God set him apart from
others of Q’ayin descent. I believe it has to do with Abraham abandoning regal
subjugation and taking up selfless Princely Service, principles of commitment
that his Line through Jesus enjoined; the ethics of a devoted servant to their
people through a democratic government by the people and for the people, but
unlike Cainites, never over the people. It was to serve and protect their people at
any and all costs. By this creed, a royal did not own the people or the land, but
served the people of that land. By the same token, royals were not served by the
people, though the people were expected to take up common cause with their
sovereign when aid was asked, to fulfill contracts for the service of their royals.

Princely Service was the selfless service that the Fallen Angels had vehemently
refused to render to Man. The refusal to render that service to those who God
had placed in peerage above the Angels was to God abominable. Therefore,
perhaps, as in all other transgressions, there can actually be a path back toward
redemption for even the most offensive act, for through Abraham a way back to
God had been found. He began as lordly Prince Abrahm, a Military General of
E.RI.DU in Mesopotamia on a campaign to maintain common cause between
Mesopotamia and Egypt, to keep Egypt from falling to Harkos invasion from Syria
in the north, as had happened previously, which sullied Egypt’s royal blood, and
why Terah had agreed to reinvigorate it by dispatching his senior son to wed the
highest-peerage female Amenhotep regent in Egypt and become its Pharaoh
with her. It ended as Abraham, the leader of a campaign to Salvation.
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NOTE: E.RI.DU, “place of going afar”, Iridu, was the likely source of the Egyptian
word Habiru, a name for Semitic raiders and nomads, which became Hebrew.

Abraham settled down near his kin in the otherwise corrupted and blood-
drenched lands of Canaan, near the precious Dead Sea. His family enjoyed
complete freedom from harassment by the Amalekites, as well as receiving their
absolute respect, because he and Sarah bore the prized Cainite blood and Mark.

Abraham’s bloodline was blessed because his Q’ayin descendants down through
Jesus bound themselves to ethics of Princely Service. This is also what made the
Children of Israel, the descendants of Seth, God’s Chosen; God set them apart
from all nations to be ruled not by gods through Cainite regals, but by themselves
through cooperation. Sadly, with soft living and no trials to test souls, they often
lapsed from responsibility into laziness, and would demand to be subjugated by
Q’ayins, forgetting yet again that personal responsibility, discipline, devotion, and
repentance leads to salvation. So, out of His love, God gave them descendants
of Q'ayin who devotedly served Him. Were it that later regal hijackers of that
blessed Bloodline remembered these lessons as they became comfortable in
their soft and lofty positions, distracted by enticements of glorious power and
entrancing technology by those Fallen Angels ever seeking to subjugate us.

If rebellious Angels had dared to gamble all, to risk plunging from such dizzying
heights to the lowest of the low, all in an effort to gain but a small foothold over
Man, who they have endlessly mocked as just stupid and petty fools, one really
has to wonder where Man TRULY stands in the sight of God and in His Plan.
Why else would such blindingly glorious angels risk Eternity for what they declare
is so very little? We might seem, and maybe are as innocent as they chide, but
we did not just get off the turnip truck. If they are truly hell-bent on rising above
such foolish and naive beings, we have to dare ask if we truly are as mighty as
God says that we are. If that is the case, then what can Fallen Angels really offer
us that we should help them tear us down from our rightful place in Heaven?
What empty, cheap baubles can they wave in front of our wide and curious eyes
to convince us to surrender to them our rightful estate in exchange for living as
but lapdogs on a plantation of dystopian apathy? Who is truly the fool?
It is curious that demons, like psychic vampires, always seem to feed from death,
war, blood and stress. Demons were reported at sites of bloody battles, plagues,
and mass murder. The appearance of demons and spirit contacts proliferated
after the Civil War and World War I. The appearance of foo fighters, UFOs, and
even of small, big-headed and big-eyed “gremlins” were reportedly seen during
World War II, the Korean War and the Viet Nam War. The spilling of blood, which
holds the Life of all Flesh, gives demon vampires spirit energy, to gain power to
enter our world. Why does the New World Order and its related bodies, like the
United Nations, the European Union, and radical progressives, push false flags
to incite war, to try voraciously to incite conflict with Russia, North Korea, and
even Europe by saturating it with volatile non-integrating Cainite worshippers of
Venus? Are the Fallen Ones trying to cross over into our world en masse?
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Worse, since World War I, Nelson Rockefeller pushed for audio frequencies used
by radio and later television be retuned from 444Hz to 440Hz. Though a simple
key change from A to A-flat, 444Hz is very calming, and is why it is called God’s
Frequency. 440Hz is a very agitating frequency that is shown to cause paranoia,
fear, stress, and health issues. This is why it is called Satan’s Frequency. This
certainly could have something to do with people becoming more stressed after
listening to radio and television broadcasts, which are all now tuned to 440Hz.
Indeed, the steady audio tone you hear when a television station goes off the air
is set to that irritating 440Hz. My feeling is that if these frequencies were tuned
back to 444Hz, or even to 432Hz, the world would be a much happier place. Yet,
I fear a darker purpose is behind leadership around the world choosing to adopt
440Hz as the World Frequency, and that is so that demons from across the veil
can feed off all this stress. If you have doubts about this, search the web for
444HZ or 440HZ to see for yourself exactly what I am talking about. For
example, a YouTube video plays them to compare these frequencies at Is this use of 440Hz a means to feed demons like
they were at a smorgasbord?

Will their coming be heralded by following an event involving mass bloodshed? Is

it this power of our blood that allows them to appear, allowing them to cross over
from the Far World? Will they then seek to destroy most of humanity so to spill
enough of our blood so to empower the rest of their numbers to cross over?

Honestly, when UFO Disclosure comes, I would not welcome these Deceivers as
our “space brothers” until they can answer why they love discord, violence,
stress, debased fetishes, and viable blood, and why they absolutely hate and
absolutely fear the light in Christian hearts of Jesus, Yehoshua, Yeshua, Essa, or
a Christian's favorite epitaph that makes His presence personal to them?

NOTE: After reading this essay, please read Bram Stoker's Dracula, or see the
Francis Ford Coppola film of that book, and you will see them in a new and very
enlightened light.

FINAL NOTE: The regal root bloodline was chosen by God in the Garden of
Eden, a bloodline that was pristine and not tainted by non-human seed (Akkadian
E.DIN, meaning “Water Steppe”, where a steppe is a grassland plain without
trees, save those near lakes and rivers). Children born of Adam and Eve held
peerage by the order of their births. In respect to that and the fact that Q’ayin was
firstborn, the reality remains that Q’ayin was not sired by Adam, but by non-
human seed, which diminished the ranking of his blood. Regardless of the fact
that he was sired by a god, either the Serpent/EN.KI or by the Lord (El/Baal),
depending on whose books you read, it was still not from the chosen and pristine
human bloodline. Even if the seed had been from Yahuah Himself, Q’ayin’s blood
would still be tainted. Even with that, because Q’ayin was still the first, and at the
time the only child, by default he was the sovereign regent until he came of age,
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when he could assume that regal post (by traditional royal standards, this was
when he was 36-40 years old and he had a bride, typically aged 16-20 years old,
who was pregnant and with child for at least 3 months, but who knows what
ascension rules were back when lifetimes were legendary). When Q’ayin was
coming of the age to assume sovereignty, he could do so only if there were no
contenders. However, once Abel was born, and even though he was younger,
Abel still held senior peerage by the fact of he being the spawn of both Adam and
Eve (though they were dethroned, their blood was still the pristine and
foundational human bloodline, just as modern competing royal bloodlines, even
superseded or abdicated ones, are all still rooted in Q’ayin). and thus he held
birthright to it. When Q’ayin murdered Abel, Q’ayin suddenly again had first rights
to be sovereign because he once more held senior peerage. Later, when Seth,
the next son to Adam and Eve was born, although he, like Abel, now held senior
peerage, sovereignty had already been assumed by Q’ayin, and therefore Seth
could no longer claim it, except by recourse of war, until Q'ayin died.

What this also means is the right of inheritance after the generation of Q’ayin’s
sovereignty ended should have then follow the higher-peerage line of Seth. For
some strange reason this did not happen. How were we distracted? What
smoothly flipped oaths, soft, redefined words or misdirecting lies convinced us to,
not just give up, but to ignore our birthright? How did we forget that the Bloodline
of Seth is from whence all pristine humans claim ancestry? Does this not make
all of Seth the inheritors of TRUE regal ascension? So why do we acquiesce to a
hijacked bloodline of those who are chimeras; those who are not wholly human?

Finally, remember that the Father of the Beginning ALWAYS turns evil deeds to
good ends, so take heart in knowing that everything Evil will work out to
accomplish Good in the end.

Below on the left is a bust of Akhenaten, also called Mosis, the monotheistic
Semitic Pharaoh who was exiled in the eastern province of Egypt in southern
Sinai near Mount Horeb (now called Serâbît), along with a vast retinue of
followers. The story of Moses has been shown to be strongly based on
Akhenaten (see the Domain of Man website: The
middle bust is of his Queen, Nefertiti, who joined him in exile and was lovingly
called Meri (Beloved) by the Israelites (she was later “forgiven” by Egypt because
they desperately needed her regal blood, and so she returned). The last bust is
of their daughter Meritaten, who bore the precious and highest-peerage regal
Egyptian blood into Canaan. She, and her sisters, was one reason why Seti I
(later called Ramesses II) pursued the Israelites after his father, Pa-Ramesses
(later called Ramesses I), had let them go. Seti did manage to get the extremely
valuable Nefertiti back as his prize, though her daughters did manage to evade
him. His pursuit was also to revenge the sudden illness and death of his elderly
father that he had good reason to blame on Akhenaten. Later, after Akhenaten
organized his forces, he tried to make flight up into Canaan, the land of his
ancestors, but Seti blocked his escape at Pe-Kanan (Gaza). There, Seti met
Page 31

Akhenaten at the top of a mountain in face-to-face combat. Seti damaged one of

the elderly Akhenaton’s eyes and then quickly slayed him. He left the body of
Akhenaten unburied on the mountain to be desecrated by carrion-eaters, to deny
him the Afterlife. Seti then had a great many of Akhenaton’s Habiru followers
cruelly hacked into pieces. He finally returned to Egypt and ordered all known
depictions and records of Akhenaten and his son, Tutankhamen, to be rubbed
out. Devotees, however, carefully concealed the crypts of Tutankhamen and, just
to be sure, Nefertiti.

Author of "A Gnostic Cycle: Exploring the Origin of Christianity"

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