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Speak Up Weekly Test (Online)

Name: Paul Time: 3:00 4:00

Date: August 25, 2017

VOCABULARY (1000 Basic English Words 2: Unit 10)


1. 11.

2. 12.

3. 13.

4. 14.

5. 15.

6. 16.

7. 17.

8. 18.

9. 19.

10. 20.

week idea fan clear practice

floor polite luck present favorite

1.someone interested in a famous thing or a person

2.a thought or plan
3.most liked make clean by removing items
5.nice to other people
6.good fortune
7. a period of time lasting seven days
8.the part of the room people walk on exercise in order to become better give something to a person in a formal way
11. a specific day of the month or year
a. calendar b. date c. week
12. to keep on doing something
a. practice b. continue c. train
13. a table that shows days, weeks, and months of a year
a. post b. calendar c. week
14. something a child plays with
a. floor b. toy c. train
15. to put up a sign or other writing
a. receive b. post c. train
16. something flat used to write on
a. calendar b. floor c. paper
17. to repeat something in order to become better
a. train b. present c. practice
18. to move the body along with music
a. train b. practice c. dance
19.the chance for someone to do something
a. continue b. turn c. favorite get
a. present b. receive c. practice
Complete the sentences

favorite received train fan continue

practices turn date polite luck
paper clears floor week toy

1. Its my ________ to go to the bathroom. There are a lot of people now in

the cinema.
2.The soccer team _________ every day. They need it for the next match.
3. Mika is very ____________. She respects older people.
4. I will go to my grandmothers house next __________.
5. Good _________ on your test! You can do it.
6. Kendra spilled a lot of milk on the _______.
7. Julie is a _______ of Apink. She likes them so much.
8. The team have a new captain to __________ them.
9.Please __________ doing your homework. I will be back soon.
10. Math is Johns __________ subject.
11.Gina _________ the table after lunch.
12. Maria ______ a wonderful gift on her birthday.
13.What is the _______ of the baseball game?
14.We wasted a lot of _______ for our art homework. I cannot draw well.
15. The little boy was playing with his ______car when I saw him.

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past continuous).
1. When I (do) the washing-up, I (break) a plate.

2. While Tom (play) the piano, his mother (do) the


3. He (drink) some juice and then he (eat) a few


4. I (have) dinner when I suddenly (hear) a loud


5. When my father (work) in the garden, an old friend (pass)

by to see him.

6. She (go) to school, (take) out her textbook and

(begin) to learn.

7. When it (start) to rain, our dog (want) to come


8. When Jane (do) a language course in Ireland, she (visit)

Blarney Castle.

9. When I (be) on my way home, I (see) an


10. I (not / understand) what they (talk) about.

11. ring, sit

We ___________ at the breakfast table when the doorbell ___________.
12. meet, work
He ___________ a lot of friendly people while he ___________in California.

13. leave, shine

When they ___________ the museum, the sun ___________.

14. play, come

The students ___________cards when the teacher ___________ in.

15. sleep , watch

While the children ___________, their parents ___________TV.

16. start, water

It ___________ to rain while she ___________the flowers in her garden.

17. open, rain

When I ___________ the door, it ___________.

18. have, swim

While Henry ___________a drink at the bar, his wife ___________in the sea.

19. hear, talk

He ___________ a loud bang while he ___________ to his friend.

20. take, eat

While he ________ a shower, his dogs __________ his steaks.

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