Week7listeninganswerkeys - Education in Another Country - Recruitment Agency - Various

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1 Week 7 Listening Answer Keys

2 Education in Another Country, part 1 --- IELTS Foundation p 138

3 --- Answer with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

1 Why are the audience visiting the university? An Open Day

2 What are the speakers best memories about? special occasions
3 Where is the speaker from? Pakistan
4 The speakers that in his country a degree from a British university helps to get
a higher position / a good job
5 What subject did the speaker graduate in? Politics (NOTE: he mentions
Economics, but he only studied that for a year)
6 After graduating, which organization did the speaker work for in his own
country? Ministry of Education
7 Having a British degree shows employers that the student is (any of these:
flexible / independent / good in English / fluent in English)
8 When did he finish his post-graduate course? last year / the previous year

3 Education in Another Country, part 2 --- IELTS Foundation p 138

5 --- Complete the notes with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

1 Read the instructions carefully so you know exactly what type of answer is
required, eg multiple choice, no more than 3 words, etc.
2 (no answer required here)
3 Read the information questions carefully in order to identify the type of
information required, eg name, location, date, etc.
4 (no answer required here)
5 If you are not sure of the answer, make a note of a possible answer to include
6 In the extra time section transfer your answers carefully then quickly check your

4 Recruitment Agency
Questions 1-6 / Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer
email: 1. edwinari@worldnet.com
nationality: 2. New Zealand(er)
reference (professional) Job: manager of 3. play center
reference (personal) Job: 4. professor
Special current 5. first-aid certificate
qualifications certificate of competence in 6. sailing

Questions 7-10 / Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer


Location Name Children Special requirements
London Benton girl and boy be keen on
7. sports
near Oxford Granger 8. twin boys be animal-lover
be willing to 10. cook
9. Scotland Campbell four girls when camping

5 Sports Leisure Center

Questions 11-12 / Choose TWO LETTERS, A-E

Which TWO sources of funding helped build the facility?

A the central government

B the local government
C a multinational company
D. a national company
E. city residents

Questions 13-14 / Choose TWO LETTERS, A-E

Which TWO pre-existing features of the site are now part of the new facilities?

A. football stadium
B. playing fields
C. passenger hall
D. control tower
E. aircraft hangers
Questions 15-20 / Label the map below
Write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions 15-20

15 hotel E
16 transport hub B
17 cinema A
18 fitness center D
19 shops F
20 restaurant C

6 Various (New Insights into IELTS p 31-34

2 Introductions

Intro Key words and phrases Topic Own Possible

knowledge Development
A Example: recognize handwriting /
scientific studies
B Bamboo -- Chinas most famous
plants / 300+ species
C Staple Foods -- most common staple
foods / most common methods
D How Children Acquire Language/ 3
main features

6 Chess / Complete the notes with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER

Origins of chess
Some say game began in Afghanistan and 1. Northern India
reached Europe by 2. 1400s
variations played in Japan and 3. China
Chess now

todays 4. chess pieces named after English chess master

First 5. championship in 1866

Lasker played Capablanca in 1921

Capablanca consider among the top 6. three names in history of game

8 Children Learning Languages
Complete the notes with NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer
The Study of Child Language Acquisition

Fascinating because people have an 1. natural interest in childrens learning

2. Important because it leads to greater understanding of language

3. Complex because of the difficulties encountered

Complete the notes with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER

Discussion of 4. research methods includes the use of diaries, recording, and tests

Speech in infants 5. first year of life Children become aware that they can speak

Speech in children 6. under 5 years Linguistic analysis becomes possible

Choose FOUR answers from the bow and write the correct letters A-G
A. language
B. listening
C. reading
D. speaking
E. spelling
F. thinking
G. writing

Educational approaches, i.e. ways of developing 7. language in schoolchildren

a) focus on 8. speaking

b) how to teach 9. reading

c) review of contemporary ideas on development of 10. writing

11 Australian Animals


Animal Brought By Reason

1. Rabbit settlers for food

fox settlers 2. for sport / for fox hunting

cane toad 3. sugar cane farmers to kill beetles

Beetles effect on sugar cane
Beetle lays eggs
Eggs become grubs
Grubs eat the 4.cane roots
Sugar cane 5. dies

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C

6. The cane toad originated in
a. Central America
7. In Australia, the toads
b. multiplied in number
8. The farmers plan failed because
c. they believed the reports they read
9. The sugar can industry
c. survives alongside the beetle
10. The second lesson to be learned from this story is that
c. caution is necessary when dealing with nature


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