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Joint Research for Brighter Regional Security Future

Presented at the 21st ARF HDUCIM



Galby Rifqi Samhudi

Hanief A. Hakim Harahap

Randy Arbina

(Postgraduate Students in Indonesia Defense University)

Historically, defense diplomacy was conceptualized in the United Kingdom with its
main development has been colored by contemporary defense and security related
studies. As the time goes by, the relevance of defense diplomacy has been felt by
most of the countries around the world as the justification to change their approach
towards international system in such a way. With the end of cold war, the tendency of
using military, weapons, and other hard instruments were losing their domination as
democratization prioritizes peaceful means for countries to deal with various issues.
Hence, the introduction of smart power that combines hard and soft powers has been
popular in the recent international relations studies as well as practice nowadays.

In the region of Southeast Asia, where the violence is not the part of problem solving
to state-to-state conflict for decades, conflict of interests are dealt with a proper
negotiation and other peaceful means. Similar shared history and culture in this corner
of the world have been believed as the reason of accustoming Southeast Asian
countries not to contest their military power. Therefore, harmonious environment is
successfully been maintained showing the rest of the world that Southeast Asia is the
most peaceful land to live in.

Nevertheless, due to its apparent death, the discussion of defense and security issues
were considered as a sensitive talk to be done in the regional fora. It can be obviously
observed through the early idea of ASEANs establishment as the economics and
culture are the ones to receive more focus from Southeast Asian leaders. Even though
politics and security cooperatives have been stated in various agreements signed,
common security interests are put in the second priority of ASEAN for years.

The fact can be clearly understood by assessing Southeast Asian countries

development back to their early independence. Common interest for bolstering their
economics whose strong relation to development had been ingrained in the mind of
head of states.

Besides, many assume ASEAN is neither a military alliance nor a regional security

As the things change, now Southeast Asian countries are able to use defense
diplomacy to achieve two kind of interests that were known crossing each other up,
national development and national security. Looking to the current international
political system that is globalized as ever, the countries should take advantage of
every single opportunity available on the board of international politics chess.

The opportunities are won by those who play elegantly with their available domestic
source and national ability towards international politics

That what makes Indonesia strongly believes that defense diplomacy is a

comprehensive vehicle to each state to fight for their interests abroad. A lot can be
achieve by states, and a peaceful situation is also maintained for common benefit. In
other words, the spirit of competition is there, but the soul of fair play is continuously
growing in the same time.

To materialize such a promising scenario, a state should have such quality of human
resources. That is where education and training institutions play their role. In this
context, Indonesia assigns its Defense University to seed chosen future generation to
learn important materials regarding national as well as regional security.

To come up with a relevance idea, Indonesia Defense University trains its students to
be familiar with current international issues. Related up to date materials will be the
source opening up students mind to various world paradigm. Besides, competent
instructors are chosen to guide the students throughout academic discussions in
classroom and other fora.

Theory and practical facts are bridged with different approaches to enable
stakeholders in the governmental body processing potential public policy. In fact,
students are also introduced by how the mechanism of decision making process
works. Hence, the idea proposed is not only theoretically well-built, but also adaptably
applicable. So the government could take the benefit from the university aside from its
internal circle.

In recent years, the development of security issues is not just a matter of military.
Defense and security are expanding to other issues such as, economy, environment,
political, social and cultural as well. Therefore, the urgency to cover those issues is
becoming the responsible of both military personnel and civilian experts. Furthermore,
Defense University should be the first body to test civil-military relationship in
addressing current security problems.
Basically, Defense University has the ability to initiate a particular joint institution for
security studies research and other related matters. The joint research institution
would analyze and identify potential threats that will endanger the regional security
and stability. Furthermore, it shall be an instrument to build confidence building
measures between its members. In other words, further cooperation will be the
manifest of the institution.

The body will be a relevant institution to promote defense diplomacy through education
and research. For instance, such joint institution could be started in a limited area like
terrorism in its early stage. From that starting point, members could expand the area
of the study to other issues supposing its performance and future needs.

Furthermore, sort of institution is also addressed to identify the advantages and

weaknesses of each country towards threats. In the end of the day, the product of the
institution would not only be the source of security policy for each country, but also the
symbol of Confidence Building Measure among members. So, it could contribute to
the creation of peaceful and stable region.

In the end, throughout ASEAN Regional Forum of Head of Defense

University/College/Institution Meeting, hopefully, the ties of cooperation between its
members will be strengthened. In the future, solid cooperation of the members is
expected to enable the establishment of Confidence Building Measure in the region.
Moreover, Indonesia Defense University is pleasure to initiate the creation of joint
research institution on Southeast Asia Security Studies under ARF. That will be a real
outcome of the meeting since defense diplomacy practice in this corner of the world
still needs more improvement.

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