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CASE 1: a project of cooperative CASE 2: use the scaffolding CASE 3: activities to introduce

learning in 3rd. 1 fast finisher-1 method to work geographical maths in English area. Youre in a

slow student. aspects in 5th level. CRA.

THEORY Explain cooperative learning and Scaffolding (U. 14)-support in learn. CRA: rural schools with different

groups working. U.14-22 Cross curricular levels in a class

(In a general way)
(Fast-Slow: diversity) Geography (unit 5) Infant educ.+1st level

AUTHOR Kagan (everyone Works the same Bruner Gardner: multiple Intellig.

things but sharing the tasks) (Vigotsky-Piaget) Krashen: Affect. Filter

STRUCTURE OF 3 sessions 1 session Different activities

ESA (Harmer) Oral for infant educat. And 1st

level can write-copy-join-order

ORIGINAL ACTIVITY - In groups they do a miniature - Engage: locate UK cities and 1.Little monkeys song (1 write)

model of London city introducing flags in a map. (Watch a video to 2.Dinosaur/indians song (count)

the most famous buildings. help pupils and support them) 3.Geometric shapes to register
(Explain some of them)
- Study: create the Union Jack behaviour in a wall-chart

with the help of the teacher. 4.Make additions and colour

- Activate: fill and order the shapes (1st level write/inf oral)

cities in the map. (Alone)

LAW D.108: aim B,A/KC.4,5,6 D.108: aim H, F, D Or. 15 May 1999 CRA

RD.126: transversals Competences 2, 1, 7 D.108: KC. 2, aim G

Or. 16 July diversity Contents: socio-cultural item D. 38/2008 + D.127 multiling.

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