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Historya: Story of our History

By: Mc Kristian A. Algara

Historya is a stage play presented by the Historya-Cultural Dance Production. It

depicts the rich history of our motherland, the Philippines. The stage play shows us a glimpse
of how deep our past is. It refreshes our Filipino hearts. The Historya crew showcases the
widely diverse cultures and traditions of our country in an artistic and eye-catching way.

I am amazed on the way they presented our story and history. The actors are well
trained, the props and costumes matches the era they are presenting. Along with that, the
background music complements the presentation very well.

I am mesmerized by the depiction of the cultures and traditions of every main island.
The presentation of each era and each cultures and traditions are brief but substantial. They
focus on every little aspect of various cultures and traditions. It is one way of showing how
diverse the three main islands of our country.

Overall, Historya is a well presented stage play that accurately depicts our history and
story. The presentation is a mixed of history and art. It helps me to reminisce the origins of
our Filipino ancestors and how wonderful our customs, traditions and beliefs are during
various eras that passed.

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