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Nombre: Rocio Altamirano

Museums or sports centers: which one should local authorities give their
money to?

Most people understand that local authorities cannot give monetary support to
every facility in a town. This means that authorities should prioritize the most
important facilities when deciding to provide funding. However, it is hard for people
to agree on which facilities are the most important in a town. For instance, are
museums more important than sports centers? Or is it the other way around? This
is not an easy choice.

On the one hand, we have museums, which preserve the past for future generations
to see. From cutlery to weaponry, museums store items that represent little pieces
of our history. Not only we can learn about what life was like centuries ago, but in
many of them we can also get a glimpse of what is happening right now in other
places in the world.

On the other hand, there are sports centers, necessary for people to keep a healthy
lifestyle. With obesity and its associated illnesses being such a problem nowadays,
these places are becoming more popular. However, staying healthy is a much more
personal decision to make, and not everyone is up for going to a place to do exercise,
especially when there are other options like jogging, riding a bike or just walking.

Even though I think both are very important for entirely different reasons, I believe
local authorities should give their money to museums. It is true that they are not very
popular today, but that is the very reason why they should receive funding outside
of peoples donations and admission fees. They are educational places that have
much more value than what they are worth in money, for which no effort to keep
them open should be considered too much.

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