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Some advice on advice


If you can distinguish between good advice and bad advice, then you dont need advice.

I have followed one great advice and that is not to follow any advice or any adviser.

It has a corollary in Fox Law: To decide not to decide is a decision. To fail to decide is a

I do not want to lose the prerogative to experiment and experience life in my own way
through my own stupidities.
However, at the same time when wisdom gained through previous experience by enlightened
great souls is available readymade it would be unwise to overlook it or not use it as
Isaac Newton says, If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.

But excessive blind following of the beaten tracks may not enable to generate or creative new
avenues or worse still may not even make us see other healthy pastures around.

We need to strike a balance and cautiously choose to get influenced or be indifferent or ignore.

Both proliferations of advices as well as conscious avoidance of them emanate more or less from
the same sources.

This ambivalent position viz viz advices is more so in a society like our present time with
excess of communication and nexus of newer horizons.
We are a society ever willing to choose and swing between adopting
anarchy for expediency but
binding belief for benefit;
compromising for convenience but
desisting out off unfulfilled deep rooted desires;
encouraging everyone else to be broad minded but
fending off faith disturbing findings;
generous in advices for others but
hypocritically hiding oneself behind healthy public views and filthy private practices;
instigating others not to get insulated in ideologies but
jilt anything that disturbs ones own ideological insulation ;
kindle kindness in others but
leave even loved ones in lurch;
mock at lack of motivation but
negate any participation through nuanced excuses;
object to preaching by others but
preaching others constantly;
questioning the reasons and relevance for everything but
requiring unquestionable acceptance of ones own reasons;
savoring scandals and sensational news about others with selective amnesia but tacitly toe ones own scandalous
activities ;
unleash unloving criticism on others ambitions but
vilely venerate with uncritical love ones own ambitions;
wantonly and wisely ignore ones own grave mistakes but
x-ray into others minor short comings;
yoking others to share ones burdens but
zapping them in good times.
Advices present themselves in black and white but with a grey area of uncertainty
where we must not linger on too long.
All these remind me of George Bernard Shaws famous

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world.

The unreasonable man adapts the world to himself.
All progress depends upon the unreasonable man.

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