Chole Cystitis

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Does This Patient Have Acute Cholecystitis?

Robert L. Trowbridge, MD Context Although few patients with acute abdominal pain will prove to have chole-
Nicole K. Rutkowski, MD cystitis, ruling in or ruling out acute cholecystitis consumes substantial diagnostic resources.
Kaveh G. Shojania, MD Objective To determine if aspects of the history and physical examination or basic
laboratory testing clearly identify patients who require diagnostic imaging tests to rule
CLINICAL SCENARIO in or rule out the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis.
A 72-year-old woman with a history of Data Sources Electronic search of the Science Citation Index, Cochrane Library, and
poorly controlled diabetes, coronary ar- English-language articles from January 1966 through November 2000 indexed in
tery disease, and hypertension pre- MEDLINE. We also hand-searched Index Medicus for 1950-1965, and scanned ref-
sents to the emergency department erences in identified articles and bibliographies of prominent textbooks of physical ex-
complaining of nausea and vomiting. amination, surgery, and gastroenterology. To identify relevant articles appearing since
As an emergency department resi- the comprehensive search, we repeated the MEDLINE search in July 2002.
dent, you elicit the history that the pa- Study Selection Included studies evaluated the role of the history, physical examina-
tient felt well until 24 hours ago, when tion, and/or laboratory tests in adults with abdominal pain or suspected acute cholecys-
she developed anorexia followed rap- titis. Studies had to report data from a control group found not to have acute cholecys-
idly by bilious emesis. She describes titis. Acceptable definitions of cholecystitis included surgery, pathologic examination, hepatic
mild upper abdominal discomfort but iminodiacetic acid scan or right upper quadrant ultrasound, or clinical course consistent
with acute cholecystitis and no evidence for an alternate diagnosis. Studies of acalculous
is unable to further localize the pain and cholecystitis were included. Seventeen of 195 identified studies met the inclusion criteria.
reports no abnormal bowel move-
ments, gastrointestinal bleeding, or Data Extraction Two authors independently abstracted data from the 17 included
studies. Disagreements were resolved by discussion and consensus with a third author.
chest pain.
The patient is febrile (39C) and Data Synthesis No clinical or laboratory finding had a sufficiently high positive like-
appears uncomfortable. Her lungs are lihood ratio (LR) or low negative LR to rule in or rule out the diagnosis of acute cho-
lecystitis. Possible exceptions were the Murphy sign (positive LR, 2.8; 95% CI, 0.8-
clear and cardiac examination reveals
8.6) and right upper quadrant tenderness (negative LR, 0.4; 95% CI, 0.2-1.1), though
only a fourth heart sound. There is the 95% CIs for both included 1.0. Available data on diagnostic confirmation rates at
moderate epigastric tenderness and laparotomy and test characteristics of relevant radiological investigations suggest that
guarding throughout the abdomen the diagnostic impression of acute cholecystitis has a positive LR of 25 to 30. Unfor-
but no rigidity. Pelvic and rectal tunately, the available literature does not identify the specific combinations of clinical
examination results are unremark- and laboratory findings that presumably account for this diagnostic success.
able. Electrocardiography shows no Conclusions No single clinical finding or laboratory test carries sufficient weight to es-
changes suggestive of ischemia. Labo- tablish or exclude cholecystitis without further testing (eg, right upper quadrant ultra-
ratory testing shows a leukocytosis of sound). Combinations of certain symptoms, signs, and laboratory results likely have more
17 500 103/L, serum transaminase useful LRs, and presumably inform the diagnostic impressions of experienced clinicians.
levels twice the upper limit of normal, Pending further research characterizing the pretest probabilities associated with different
and a total bilirubin level of 3.2 clinical presentations, the evaluation of patients with abdominal pain suggestive of cho-
lecystitis will continue to rely heavily on the clinical gestalt and diagnostic imaging.
mg/dL (54.7 mol/L). In considering
JAMA. 2003;289:80-86
the differential diagnosis for the
patients presenting complaint and
laboratory results, you wonder Why Is This Question Important? Author Affiliations are listed at the end of this article.
whether the suspicion of acute chole- Corresponding Author and Reprints: Kaveh G. Sho-
Acute cholecystitis accounts for 3% to 9% jania, MD, 533 Parnassus Ave, Room U137, UCSF Box
cystitis is high enough to warrant fur- of hospital admissions for acute abdomi- 0120, San Francisco, CA 94143-0120 (e-mail: shojania
ther testing.
nal pain.1-4 The majority of patients pre- The Rational Clinical Examination Section Editors:
senting with upper abdominal com- David L. Simel, MD, MHS, Durham Veterans Affairs
Medical Center and Duke University Medical Center,
plaints are subsequently found to have Durham, NC; Drummond Rennie, MD, Deputy Edi-
See also Patient Page.
a relatively benign cause of pain (eg, dys- tor, JAMA.

80 JAMA, January 1, 2003Vol 289, No. 1 (Reprinted) 2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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pepsia or gastroenteritis),2,5 but the pos- explicitly defined biliary colic in simi- lar area.22 One study28 reported that 7%
sibility of acute cholecystitis mandates lar terms (eg, a steady right upper quad- of patients undergoing cholecystec-
the completion of a comprehensive and rant pain lasting for at least 30 min- tomy exhibited hyperesthesia in this re-
at times laborious diagnostic evalua- utes), but others have used the term gion, but no patient exhibited the Boas
tion. The importance of this clinical di- without definition.19 Copes also stresses sign in the original sense. None of the
lemma is only magnified by the fre- that biliary colic localizes to the mid epi- other studies reviewed below assessed the
quency with which abdominal pain is gastrium as often as to the right upper Boas sign in either form.
encountered in clinical practice.6-8 quadrant. A recent systematic review19
Traditionally, the diagnosis of acute supports this observation, as upper ab- Accuracy of Diagnostic Imaging
cholecystitis was followed by a several- dominal pain exhibited test character- Ultrasound of the right upper quad-
week cooling off period before pro- istics comparable to right upper quad- rant has emerged as the most com-
ceeding to surgery. Most clinicians now rant pain. Thus, the clinician should monly used imaging modality for sus-
advocate early cholecystectomy (ie, inquire about both pain in the upper pected cholecystitis. Meta-analysis of the
within several days of the onset of symp- quadrant and more generally pain in the diagnostic performance of ultrasound in
toms),9 on the basis of lower complica- upper abdomen. The clinician should detecting acute cholecystitis indicated an
tion rates, reduced costs, and shortened also ask the patient about fat intoler- unadjusted sensitivity and specificity of
recovery periods.10-14 These findings sug- ance, as abdominal discomfort follow- 94% and 78%, respectively.29 The inves-
gest that delayed or missed diagnosis ing fatty meals may have a predictive tigators included in their analysis ad-
increases morbidity, though this impact value similar to that of biliary colic.19 justments for verification bias30-32 (also
has not been specifically addressed. Physical findings most famously as- called workup bias33), which refers to the
sociated with the gallbladder are the distorted diagnostic test characteristics
Definition of Cholecystitis Courvoisier and Murphy signs. The observed when the decision to proceed
Defining cholecystitis as inflamma- Courvoisier sign has evolved in mean- with a gold standard test (eg, cholecys-
tion of the gallbladder implies a patho- ing,20 but standard definitions describe tectomy) is affected by the results of pre-
logic state. What clinicians usually mean the sign as referring to a palpable, non- liminary tests such as right upper quad-
by acute cholecystitis, however, is the tender gallbladder in a patient with jaun- rant ultrasound. Patients with a negative
presence of this pathologic state (seen dice.21,22 Courvoisier observed that di- ultrasound result will undergo chole-
macroscopically at laparotomy or mi- lation of the gallbladder occurred more cystectomy only in the setting of ex-
croscopically by the pathologist) in the commonly when obstruction resulted tremely typical clinical findings. The
setting of a plausibly related clinical pre- from malignancy, rather than from be- consequent loss of patients with atypi-
sentation. Practically speaking, chole- nign conditions such as gallstones. cal clinical presentations reduces the op-
cystitis is a syndrome encompassing a While this association is real, the sign portunity for false-negative ultrasound
continuum of clinicopathologic states. should not be elevated to the status of a results, thus inflating the apparent sen-
At one end of this continuum is symp- law,20-22 as recent reports confirm the sitivity of ultrasound and its associated
tomatic cholelithiasis, with acute at- occurrence of the Courvoisier sign in rule out power. Conversely, specific-
tacks of pain (biliary colic) that resolve biliary conditions other than obstruc- ity and the associated rule in ability
in 4 to 6 hours. At the other end, that tive malignancies.23 of ultrasound are underestimated.
which is typically associated with the The Murphy sign refers to pain and ar- Adjusting for the effects of verifica-
term acute cholecystitis, is a clinical rested inspiration occurring when an ex- tion bias in the above mentioned meta-
picture in which biliary colic is longer aminers fingers are hooked under- analysis29 indicated that ultrasound de-
lasting and accompanied by fever, labo- neath the right costal margin during deep tects acute cholecystitis with sensitivity
ratory markers of inflammation, or cho- inspiration.21,22,24 Data addressing the use- of 88% (95% confidence interval [CI],
lestasis.15,16 Gallbladder inflammation fulness of the Murphy sign in evaluat- 74%-100%) and specificity of 80% (95%
without gallstones (ie, acalculous cho- ing patients suspected of having acute CI, 62%-98%). Sensitivity for the de-
lecystitis) typically occurs in critically ill cholecystitis are discussed along with tection of cholelithiasis was compa-
patients and is consequently associated other findings from the systematic re- rable, but specificity was higher at ap-
with a high mortality rate.17,18 view presented below. The only other proximately 99%. Radionuclide
physical sign we identified as specifi- scanning has slightly better test char-
How to Elicit the Relevant cally associated with acute cholecystitis acteristics for the diagnosis of acute cho-
Signs and Symptoms was the Boas sign. Originally this sign re- lecystitis, but offers no evaluation of al-
Copes Early Diagnosis of the Acute Ab- ferred to point tenderness in the region ternative abdominal diagnoses and has
domen15 points out that biliary colic is to the right of the 10th to 12th thoracic the disadvantages of greater inconve-
a misnomer, since biliary obstruction vertebrae,25-27 but contemporary sources nience and patient exposure to radia-
produces pain of a steady, nonparoxys- describe hyperesthesia to light touch in tion.29 Computed tomography of the ab-
mal nature. A majority of studies have the right upper quadrant or infrascapu- domen, though useful for the evaluation
2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, January 1, 2003Vol 289, No. 1 81

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of suspected complications and con- graphic imaging (hepatic iminodiacetic ease was an evaluation of the diagnostic
current intra-abdominal conditions, is acid [HIDA] scan or right upper quad- value of iridology56 (iridologists believe
inferior to ultrasound in the assess- rant ultrasound), or clinical follow-up that intricate neural connections be-
ment of acute biliary disease.34,35 documenting a course consistent with tween major organs and the iris permit
acute cholecystitis and without evi- diagnosis of general medical conditions
METHODS dence for an alternate diagnosis. through inspection of iris pigmentation
The initial electronic search queried the Summary measures for the sensitiv- patterns57,58). In this relatively well-
MEDLINE database for the period Janu- ity of the evaluated components of the designed study, the accuracy and preci-
ary 1966 through November 2000 (lim- clinical examination and basic labora- sion of iridological signs for the diagno-
ited to English-language articles) using tory tests for cholecystitis were derived sis of cholecystitis were barely
the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) from published raw data from the re- distinguishable from values expected by
acute abdomen, abdominal pain, cholecys- ported studies meeting our inclusion cri- chance alone (=0.06 to 0.28 for the
titis, cholelithiasis, gallbladder, and gall- teria. A random-effects model was used 10 possible observer pairs).
bladder diseases. These terms were then to generate conservative summary mea- Unfortunately, analogous studies
combined with various combinations of sures and CIs for the sensitivity and like- have not been carried out with conven-
MeSH terms, title words, and text words: lihood ratios (LRs).36-38 For LRs, a sum- tional clinical maneuvers related to the
physical examination, medical history tak- mary measure is reported only when diagnosis of cholecystitis. In fact, as
ing, professional competence, sensitivity more than 2 studies were identified; oth- noted in a previous article in this se-
and specificity, reproducibility of results, erwise a range was reported. ries,59 the precision of even the most ba-
observer variation, diagnostic tests, deci- sic components of the abdominal ex-
sion support techniques, Bayes theorem, RESULTS amination (eg, guarding, rigidity, and
predictive value of tests, palpation, percus- Of 195 studies identified by our search, rebound tenderness) remains unchar-
sion, differential diagnosis, and diagnos- 17 evaluated the role of the clinical ex- acterized. Poor reproducibility for ab-
tic errors. The Science Citation Index and amination or basic laboratory test in pa- dominal examination would erode the
Cochrane Library were also searched, tients with acute abdominal pain and assessments of sensitivity and specific-
and a hand search of Index Medicus was possible acute cholecystitis and also met ity provided by different investiga-
conducted for the years 1950 through our inclusion criteria (TABLE 1).39-55 tors. Presumably, then, one can infer
1965 using the terms cholecystitis, acute Twelve of these studies40,42-47,49,51-54 en- a certain degree of interrater reliabil-
abdomen, and gallbladder. Bibliogra- rolled patients specifically suspected of ity from the fact that multiple studies
phies of identified articles were searched having acute cholecystitis, with inclu- demonstrate modest sensitivity for these
for additional pertinent articles, as were sion of many of these studies based on signs in diagnosing important abdomi-
the bibliographies of prominent text- patient referral for radiology testing (ie, nal conditions.59 Nonetheless, further
books of physical examination, sur- HIDA scan or right upper quadrant ul- assessments of core components of the
gery, and gastroenterology. An elec- trasound) for the confirmation of a clini- abdominal examination would be a wel-
tronic search of MEDLINE was repeated cal diagnosis. The remaining 5 stud- come addition to the literature.
in July 2002 to look for any relevant ar- ies39,41,48,50,55 enrolled patients presenting
ticles appearing since completion of the with abdominal pain and did not re- Accuracy of Signs and Symptoms
more comprehensive search. quire a specific suspicion of acute cho- No single clinical or laboratory finding
Two authors independently ab- lecystitis for patient inclusion. Each of had a negative LR sufficiently low to rule
stracted data from the identified stud- the 17 studies evaluated a variable num- out the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis
ies, and all 3 authors reviewed these data ber of clinical and laboratory findings in- (Table 2). One possible exception was
for inclusion. Included studies evalu- cluded in the workup of suspected cho- right upper quadrant tenderness, with a
ated the role of a clinical test (including lecystitis, ranging from 1 to 9 parameters negative LR of 0.4, though the 95% CI
history, physical examination, and ba- per study (TABLE 2). for this summary estimate included 1.0.
sic laboratory tests) in adult patients with Moreover, the rule out power of this
abdominal pain or suspected acute cho- Precision of Signs and Symptoms finding may have been artificially in-
lecystitis. Included studies were also re- Measurements of laboratory param- flated by the effects of spectrum and veri-
quired to report data from a control eters and objective clinical signs such as fication bias (discussed below). Elderly
group of patients subsequently found not temperature are assumed to have high patients may be particularly prone to pre-
to have acute cholecystitis, with suffi- precision, but the reproducibility of other sent without signs or symptoms refer-
cient detail to allow construction of 22 aspects of the clinical examination for able to the right upper quadrant.60
tables. Finally, studies were required to cholecystitis remains largely unknown. Similarly, individual symptoms,
define cholecystitis on the basis of an ad- In fact, the only study identified as as- signs, and laboratory results were with-
equate gold standard, including sur- sessing the precision of some aspect of out positive LRs sufficiently high to rule
gery, pathologic examination, radio- the clinical examination for biliary dis- in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis.
82 JAMA, January 1, 2003Vol 289, No. 1 (Reprinted) 2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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In fact, none of the positive LRs were tory findings assessed in this review. Pa- study 39 incorporated clinical fol-
above 2.0, with the exception of the tients with upper abdominal tender- low-up in the diagnostic protocol.
Murphy sign, which was associated ness, fever, abnormal liver function Spectrum bias61 (or, more recently,
with a ratio of 2.8. The 95% CI for this results, or other typical findings more spectrum effect62) distorts test charac-
summary estimate included 1.0, but it commonly undergo further evalua- teristics in a manner similar to that pro-
is worth noting that the use of the Mur- tion (eg, diagnostic imaging) for acute duced by verification bias, but on the
phy sign was especially prone to veri- cholecystitis than do patients present- basis of inadequate representation of the
fication bias. Thus, the true positive LR ing without these findings. The loss of relevant disease and disease-free states in
might exceed the estimated value. patients with atypical presentations the patient samples used to challenge the
from study samples overestimates sen- test of interest. The prevalence of cho-
Limitations of the Literature sitivity and underestimates specificity lecystitis in the study populations was as
The problem of verification (or work- for the findings evaluated. Supplement- high as 80% and averaged 41%, in con-
up) bias30-33 was discussed in the sec- ing the diagnosis of cholecystitis with trast to the prevalence of 3% to 5% among
tion on diagnostic imaging, but likely clinical follow-up would mitigate the patients presenting with abdominal pain
affected all of the clinical and labora- effects of verification bias, but only 1 of less than 1 weeks duration.1,2,41

Table 1. Studies of the Diagnostic Performance of Clinical and Laboratory Findings in Detecting Acute Cholecystitis
Sample Consecutive
Source Study Period Selection Criteria Design Size Patients Basis for Diagnosis
Adedeji and 1985-1990 Acute abdominal pain and age Retrospective 431 Yes Clinical follow-up
McAdam,39 1996 70 y
Bednarz et al,40 1986 1983-1984 Suspected acute cholecystitis Prospective 70 Yes Surgery (43%)
and referred for HIDA scan Clinical impression (57%)
Brewer et al,41 1976 1971-1972 Abdominal pain Retrospective 570 Yes Multiple
Dunlop et al,42 1989 1982-1986 Acute abdominal pain and Prospective 270 Yes Pathology (71%)
suspected acute Clinical impression (29%)
Eikman et al,43 1975 Not stated Suspected acute cholecystitis Prospective 38 Yes Surgical (38%)
and referred for radiology Clinical impression (62%)
Gruber et al,44 1996 1990-1993 Positive HIDA scan results and Retrospective 198 Yes Pathology
underwent surgery for
suspected acute
Halasz,45 1975 1969-1974 Suspected acute cholecystitis Retrospective 238 Yes Surgery (65%)
Other (35%)*
Johnson and Not stated Positive HIDA scan results and Retrospective 69 No Pathology
Cooper,46 1995 underwent surgery for
suspected acute
Juvonen et al,47 1992 1988-1989 Suspected acute cholecystitis Prospective 129 Yes Pathology (95%)
referred for ultrasound Ultrasound (5%)
Liddington and Not stated Abdominal pain Prospective 142 No Clinical impression
Thomson,48 1991
Lindenauer and 1959-1964 Underwent cholecystectomy Retrospective 200 No Pathology
Child,49 1966
Potts and Vukov,50 1992-1995 Abdominal pain requiring Retrospective 117 Yes Pathology
1999 operation and age 80 y
Prevot et al,51 1999 1997-1999 ICU patients with suspected Prospective 32 Yes Pathology (50%)
acute acalculous Clinical impression (50%)
Raine and Gunn,52 1965-1973 Suspected acute cholecystitis Prospective 156 Yes Pathology
1975 and underwent surgery
Schofield et al,53 1986 Not stated Abdominal pain and suspected Prospective 100 Yes Gallstones at laparotomy
acute cholecystitis
Singer et al,54 1996 1993 Suspected acute cholecystitis Retrospective 100 Yes Pathology (44%)
and radiology testing HIDA scintigraphy (56%)
Staniland et al,55 1972 Not stated Admission for abdominal pain Retrospective 600 No Surgery
of 1 week
Abbreviations: HIDA, hepatic iminodiacetic acid; ICU, intensive care unit.
*Radiology testing and clinical follow-up, exact proportions not specified.

2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, January 1, 2003Vol 289, No. 1 83

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Ideally, subgroup analysis would gen- evaluate cholecystitis likely have lower findings as the means of diagnosis.
erate values for sensitivity and specific- sensitivity but higher specificity than sug- Unfortunately, the correlation between
ity in patient populations with substan- gested in the available literature. In other clinical and pathological diagnoses of
tially different prior likelihoods of words, as with verification bias, spec- cholecystitis is poor.63 Gallstones occur
disease.62 Because available data often do trum bias produces overestimates of the commonly enough that their pres-
not permit such analysis, one has to make rule out powers of tests for acute cho- ence, even in the context of inflamma-
qualitative inferences about the differ- lecystitis and underestimates of their tory cells, may be true but unrelated
ence between the prior probability of dis- rule in powers. with respect to the patients acute pre-
ease in a particular patient and the preva- Other limitations to the existing lit- sentation. Overdiagnosis from this and
lence in the population used to evaluate erature include the retrospective design other available gold standards likely
the test. For instance, a high prevalence of most studies, modest sample sizes, resulted in an overestimation of the
of cholecystitis among study samples re- unblinded assessment of key out- prevalence of acute cholecystitis, with
duces the opportunity to detect both comes and test results, and the vari- consequent distortion of the useful-
false-positive and true-negative results, ability in criteria for establishing a diag- ness of clinical and basic laboratory find-
and thus will overestimate sensitivity and nosis of cholecystitis. The included ings. Finally, studies assessing both cal-
underestimate specificity when the test studies varied between accepting cli- culous and acalculous cholecystitis were
is applied to patient populations with a nicians diagnostic impressions (usu- included in the review. Although these
lower prevalence of disease. Thus, clini- ally incorporating imaging results), find- entities share many clinical traits, the
cal findings and laboratory tests used to ings at laparotomy, and pathological nonspecific presentation of acalculous

Table 2. Summary Test Characteristics for Clinical and Laboratory Findings in Included Studies*
Summary LR (95% CI)
No. of Sensitivity Specificity
Finding No. References Patients Positive Negative (95% CI) (95% CI)
Anorexia 2 41, 55 1135 1.1-1.7 0.5-0.9 0.65 (0.57-0.73) 0.50 (0.49-0.51)
Emesis 4 41, 46, 53, 55 1338 1.5 (1.1-2.1) 0.6 (0.3-0.9) 0.71 (0.65-0.76) 0.53 (0.52-0.55)
Fever (35 C) 8 40, 41, 44, 46, 50-53 1292 1.5 (1.0-2.3) 0.9 (0.8-1.0) 0.35 (0.31-0.38) 0.80 (0.78-0.82)
Guarding 2 41, 55 1170 1.1-2.8 0.5-1.0 0.45 (0.37-0.54) 0.70 (0.69-0.71)
Murphy sign 3 39, 46, 54 565 2.8 (0.8-8.6) 0.5 (0.2-1.0) 0.65 (0.58-0.71) 0.87 (0.85-0.89)
Nausea 2 46, 54 669 1.0-1.2 0.6-1.0 0.77 (0.69-0.83) 0.36 (0.34-0.38)
Rebound 4 40, 41, 48, 55 1381 1.0 (0.6-1.7) 1.0 (0.8-1.4) 0.30 (0.23-0.37) 0.68 (0.67-0.69)
Rectal tenderness 2 41, 55 1170 0.3-0.7 1.0-1.3 0.08 (0.04-0.14) 0.82 (0.81-0.83)
Rigidity 2 41, 55 1140 0.50-2.32 1.0-1.2 0.11 (0.06-0.18) 0.87 (0.86-0.87)
Right upper abdominal quadrant
Mass 4 40, 45, 53, 54 408 0.8 (0.5-1.2) 1.0 (0.9-1.1) 0.21 (0.18-0.23) 0.80 (0.75-0.85)
Pain 5 40, 45, 46, 54, 55 949 1.5 (0.9-2.5) 0.7 (0.3-1.6) 0.81 (0.78-0.85) 0.67 (0.65-0.69)
Tenderness 4 40, 45, 54, 55 1001 1.6 (1.0-2.5) 0.4 (0.2-1.1) 0.77 (0.73-0.81) 0.54 (0.52-0.56)
Alkaline phosphatase 120 U/L 4 42, 46, 49, 51 556 0.8 (0.4-1.6) 1.1 (0.6-2.0) 0.45 (0.41-0.49) 0.52 (0.47-0.57)
Elevated ALT or AST 5 42, 46, 49, 51, 53 592 1.0 (0.5-2.0) 1.0 (0.8-1.4) 0.38 (0.35-0.42) 0.62 (0.57-0.67)
Total bilirubin 2 mg/dL 6 40, 42, 43, 46, 49, 51 674 1.3 (0.7-2.3) 0.9 (0.7-1.2) 0.45 (0.41-0.49) 0.63 (0.59-0.66)
Total bilirubin, AST, or alkaline 1 52 270
All 3 elevated 1.6 (1.0-2.8) 0.8 (0.8-0.9) 0.34 (0.30-0.36) 0.80 (0.69-0.88)
Any 1 elevated 1.2 (1.0-1.5) 0.7 (0.6-0.9) 0.70 (0.67-0.73) 0.42 (0.31-0.53)
Leukocytosis 7 41, 44, 46, 50-53 1197 1.5 (1.2-1.9) 0.6 (0.5-1.8) 0.63 (0.60-0.67) 0.57 (0.54-0.59)
Leukocytosis and fever 2 44, 52 351
Yes 1.6 (0.9-2.8) 0.9 (0.8-1.0) 0.24 (0.21-0.26) 0.85 (0.76-0.91)
No 0.5 (0.4-0.7) 1.6 (1.4-1.8) 0.30 (0.27-0.33) 0.44 (0.34-0.54)
Abbreviations: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; CI, confidence interval; LR, likelihood ratio.
*One study evaluated C-reactive protein, but was not included since C-reactive protein is not a part of the routine evaluation of patients with abdominal pain or suspected acute
cholecystitis.53 Pain followed by emesis was reported in 1 study (positive LR, 2.5 [95% CI, 2.1-3.0]; negative LR, 0.04 [95% CI, 0.04-0.6]).
Summary measures provided only for findings discussed by more than 2 studies.
May not equal sums of Ns in Table 1 because not all studies applied all tests to all patients.
Greater than upper limit of normal (ALT: 40 U/L; AST: 48 U/L).
White blood cell count 10 000/mL.

84 JAMA, January 1, 2003Vol 289, No. 1 (Reprinted) 2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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cholecystitis likely eroded the value of clinical, laboratory, and radiological larly, many of the classic descriptors of
several clinical findings. tests. We know that ultrasound of the angina have surprisingly little impact on
right upper quadrant has a sensitivity the assessment of chest pain.67 This dis-
Combinations of Findings and specificity of 88% and 80%, respec- sociation between commonly accepted
and the Clinical Gestalt tively.29 Working backward, we can in- harbingers of disease and evidence-
Even with the above limitations, it seems fer that the composite clinical evalua- based determinants of disease probabil-
unlikely that individual clinical or labo- tion generates a pretest probability of ity undermines the role of expert opin-
ratory findings have positive or nega- approximately 60% before the results of ion in identifying key clinical findings
tive LRs of sufficient magnitude to play ultrasound are obtained. This posttest even for common conditions. Conse-
a decisive role in the diagnosis of acute probability of 60% for the clinical sus- quently, tempting as it is to open the
cholecystitis. Thus, one might look to picion of cholecystitis reflects the diag- black box of the clinical gestalt for cho-
combinations of clinical signs and symp- nostic power of the clinical evaluation lecystitis, doing so will require further
toms to facilitate, confirm, or exclude the prior to ultrasound as well as the pre- study of specific clinical findings or, more
diagnosis of cholecystitis. Unfortu- test probability. At this stage in the di- likely, combinations of findings.
nately, only 3 included studies42,44,52 spe- agnostic process, the pretest probabil-
cifically evaluated the value of such com- ity reflects the prevalence of the SCENARIO RESOLUTION
binations. Two studies evaluated the diagnosis, which is approximately 5% Your differential diagnosis for the pa-
combination of fever and leukocytosis; among patients presenting to the emer- tients presentation includes viral hepa-
the third reviewed various combina- gency department with abdominal titis, cholecystitis, and gallstone pancre-
tions of liver function tests. Assess- pain.1,2,41 Thus, the clinical diagnosis of atitis. To validate your impression and
ments of the LRs of the above combina- acute cholecystitis formulated on the ba- help establish the relative likelihood of
tions demonstrated no benefit over their sis of history, physical examination, and each, you ask the emergency depart-
individual components, suggesting that basic laboratory testing must increase the ment attending physician to evaluate the
these tests did not function indepen- pretest probability from 5% to 60%. patient. She regards the likelihood of cho-
dently of one another. Indeed, fever and Achieving this increase in pretest prob- lecystitis as high enough to warrant di-
leukocytosis may be seen as different ability requires that the gestalt compris- agnostic imaging. In fact, her clinical im-
manifestations of the same underlying ing certain clinical and laboratory find- pression is that cholecystitis is the leading
process of nonspecific inflammation, so ings have a positive LR on the order of diagnosis, so she recommends urgent
it is not surprising that combining them 25 to 30. To put this range in perspec- right upper quadrant ultrasound. The ul-
provided no synergistic diagnostic value. tive, typical angina has a positive LR trasound subsequently reveals the pres-
Similarly, right upper quadrant pain and of 115 for the diagnosis of coronary ar- ence of gallstones, gallbladder wall thick-
the Murphy sign likely reflect the same tery stenosis greater than 75% in adult ening, and a sonographic Murphy sign.
underlying pathophysiologic process (ie, men. Nonsloping depression of the ST These findings, in the context of the pa-
local inflammation and peritoneal irri- segment of at least 2.5 mm during exer- tients presentation, virtually confirm the
tation), so that these findings would not cise electrocardiography has a positive diagnosis of acute cholecystitis.68
be expected to function independently LR of 39 for the same diagnosis.64 Thus,
of one another. our estimate for the diagnostic useful- THE BOTTOM LINE
Although the existing literature does ness of the clinical gestalt in diagnosing The existing literature identifies no single
not identify specific clinically useful acute cholecystitis, approximate and finding with sufficient diagnostic power
combinations of findings, the impact of speculative as it is, confirms the impres- to establish or exclude acute cholecys-
such combinations can be estimated us- sion of many clinicians that the overall titis without further testing (eg, right up-
ing available data. In 2 randomized tri- clinical assessment plays a crucial role in per quadrant ultrasound). Combina-
als of early vs delayed cholecystec- arriving at a diagnosis. tions of certain symptoms, signs, and
tomy,13,14 laparotomy failed to confirm It is tempting to supplement the ex- laboratory results likely have more use-
the preoperative diagnosis of acute cho- isting literature by asking experts for their ful LRs, and presumably inform the di-
lecystitis in 5 of 99 patients (95% CI, opinion on which specific findings drive agnostic impressions of experienced cli-
1.9%-11.9%)14 and in 0 of 104 patients the clinical impression for or against nicians. Future research may allow the
(95% CI, 0%-4.4%).13 Given a likely bias acute cholecystitis. Unfortunately, dis- development of prediction rules that
toward confirming the preoperative di- cerning the key elements of the clinical combine basic demographics with clini-
agnosis, let us assume that the actual assessment can prove deceptive, even for cal findings to distinguish patients who
false-positive rate for the clinical diag- experienced clinicians. For instance, a re- require no further testing from those who
nosis of cholecystitis is higher (eg, 15%) cent clinical model for the prediction of require continued diagnostic evalua-
than suggested by these values. pulmonary embolism omits hypox- tion, as is currently possible with the
A 15% false-positive rate would im- emia and pleurisy from the algorithm for evaluation of suspected pulmonary em-
ply an 85% posttest probability for all determining pretest probability.65,66 Simi- bolism.66,69 Until then, the clinical evalu-
2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, January 1, 2003Vol 289, No. 1 85

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