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June 2007
June 2007



Authors: P Careil, R Simon, Foseco Europe

This paper describes the differences between granular fluxes and powder fluxes in
terms of efficiency, environmental emissions and cost savings. The application of
fluxes in aluminium foundries uses both cleaning and drossing, and the difference
between these two groups of fluxes is shown in terms of melt cleanliness.


8 Authors: M Freyn, Foseco Ceska; R Kendrick, W Hops, Foseco Europe

INSURAL ATL, a highly insulating, simple lining system, has been designed for optimum
performance. INSURAL ATL liners are precast to shape, highly insulating, fully fired and
delivered ready for rapid installation. The INSURAL ATL liner is fitted into a conventional
steel shell and surrounded by a highly insulating backing material for secure fitting
called INSURAL 10. The complete system is quickly installed and instantly ready for use
with no further firing necessary.


11 v
Authors: P Careil, F Medosevc , Foseco Europe

Bronzes and Gunmetals are an important group of copper base alloys that are used
extensively for applications where good pressure tightness and wear resistance
properties are critical. This paper focuses on the different stages of the process of
producing a casting, particularly metal treatment, feeding and filtration, giving
recommendations on the steps necessary to achieve high quality castings. In
addition, the role of simulation in ensuring optimum filling and solidification of the
casting is described.


15 Authors: P Careil, R Simon, Foseco Europe

For many years metal treatment using chemical additives has been conducted
manually. Subsequently, flux dispensing machines - single operated or in
combination with degassing units have been introduced to improve this key step in
foundries. Sometimes, however these machines do not function satisfactorily, as
blockages can occur during the metal treatment process. To overcome such problems
and to ensure that metal treatment can be completed in a single operation and
without any blockage, the MTS 1500 system has been developed. Nearly all
treatment steps, such as grain refining, modification, cleaning and element removal,
can be carried out using a wide range of newly developed additives. In addition, the
MTS 1500 has been designed to provide foundries with metallurgical, environmental,
health and safety and economical benefits.

Edited and published by the Marketing Department at FIL

Granular and powder fluxes for
aluminium alloys. Cleaning efficiency,
cost and environmental aspects

Granular and powder fluxes for aluminium alloys. Cleaning efficiency, cost and environmental aspects
Cleaning fluxes are designed to remove aluminium oxides and other
Introduction impurities from the melt. The action of a cleaning flux takes place within
the melt, beneath the melt surface, by trapping the oxide particles and
For many years powder fluxes have encouraging them to float out. The flux has to be in intimate contact with
traditionally been used for the metal the melt, therefore it should be plunged and stirred intensively within the
treatment of aluminium and aluminium molten metal.
alloys, however these fluxes possess
certain disadvantages such as dust Drossing fluxes are designed to agglomerate the oxides in the dross and
generation during application, high toxic to separate them from the liquid metal leaving dry and powdery dross.
emissions, and problems of inconsistent Skimming is thus facilitated and metal loss due to aluminium
efficiency due to their morphology. entrapment in the dross is reduced. The flux should only be mixed with
the dross on the melt surface to avoid the re-introduction of oxides and
In order to overcome these disadvantages, other impurities into the melt.
fluxes in dust free granular form have
been developed. This paper describes the In order to have a better understanding of the cleaning efficiency in
differences between granular fluxes and aluminium melts, a test programme has been devised to compare the
powder fluxes in terms of efficiency, melt quality with the use of different flux recipes, morphologies and
environmental emissions and cost applications: i.e
savings. The application of fluxes in
aluminium foundries uses both cleaning cleaning vs. drossing flux
and drossing, and the difference between
these two groups of fluxes is shown in granular vs. powder flux
terms of melt cleanliness.
standard vs. Na-Ca free flux
The Prefil (Pressure filtration) test was
used to verify the molten metal Flux overview
cleanliness and results from tests on six
products are presented.
The following products were examined in the practical study (Table 1):

Theory Product Supplied state Application Type of alloys

COVERAL* 90 Powder Drossing Standard
Traditionally, powder fluxes have been COVERAL GR 2510 Granular Drossing Standard
utilised commercially in foundries for COVERAL 105 Powder Cleaning Standard
nearly 70 years. Much research and COVERAL GR 2410 Granular Cleaning Standard
development work in flux morphology has COVERAL 67 Powder Cleaning AlMg and
been carried out during the last few years (Na-Ca free) and drossing hypereutectic
and from this FOSECO has developed a AlSi alloys
full range of granular fluxes for all types of
COVERAL GR 6512 Granular Cleaning AlMg and
application in aluminium foundries.
(Na-Ca free) and drossing hypereutectic
AlSi alloys
Compared to powder fluxes, granular
fluxes are easier to apply and to spread
Table 1 Application and supplied state of tested fluxes
over the molten surface since they are
fines and dust free, therefore application
rates can often be reduced significantly. Experimental work
Additional benefits are better consistency
in chemistry from grain to grain and the The Prefil test (figure 1) was used to determine molten metal cleanliness
fact there is no segregation during flux and to give an on-line quantitative measurement of oxide films and other
transportation or handling. Granular fluxes inclusions [2]. The flow-rate of molten metal through a micro filter at
have 100% grain uniformity in chemistry constant temperature and pressure is monitored and used to plot a
since each grain will represent the same graph of weight filtered vs. time. Inclusions in the metal, such as oxide
chemistry as the flux recipe. Moreover films, quickly build-up on the filter surface during a test, reducing the
granular fluxes are less polluting to the flow-rate through the filter. Therefore the slope and overall shape of the
atmosphere, therefore emissions are weight filtered vs. time curve indicates the level of inclusions present in
greatly reduced [1]. the metal (figure 2).

Figure 1 Operation of the Prefil test, which outputs a weight, filtered vs. time curve and a filter residue for metallographic analysis


1200 Clean Increasing

(High Flow Rate) Inclusion


Weight (g)

600 High Inclusion Content

(Low Flow Rate)



0 30 60 90 120 150
Time (s)

Figure 2 Introduction to Prefil Curves clean vs. dirty metal

Oxide films affect the initial slope of the curve (20 - 30 seconds), with a
slope that decreases as the number of oxide films increases.

Fine particulate inclusions such as TiB2, fine Al2O3 or carbides cause the
curve in the Prefil test to deviate from a straight line. The loading of fine
particles can be inferred from the point at which the curve begins to
deviate from the initial slope.

Acceptable cleanliness can therefore be defined by using Upper and

Lower boundary curves. If a test curve falls between these boundaries the
metal tested is acceptable. Boundaries are defined by prior knowledge
from previous tests.

Granular and powder fluxes for aluminium alloys. Cleaning efficiency, cost and environmental aspects
The build-up of inclusions on the filter, which is known as an inclusion Melting was carried out in a 230 kg
band, can often be seen with the naked eye in metallographic samples. capacity electric tilting furnace. Initially
The width of this band gives a quick indication of the level of inclusions 50 kg of ingot was charged and melted
within the metal. and held at 750C. Turnings were then
charged into the furnace, and the lubricant
Prefil curves are usually defined by comparison to industrial data. Each on them allowed to burn off while they sat
Footprint is compiled from an upper boundary that relates to super clean on the surface of the melt. Once this was
material and a lower boundary that relates to the industrial range of completed, the turnings were then
data. Figure 3 shows an example Prefil plot illustrating the window for plunged into the melt and vigorously
alloys that are not grain refined. stirred in.

The furnace was then allowed to stand for
approximately 30 minutes and then
1200 skimmed before a Prefil test was taken.
Upper boundary
Clean metal
Increasing amounts of turnings were then
Lower boundary added in a similar manner until the metal
Dirty metal
was considered dirty enough to replicate
industrial practices, as measured by the
Weight (g)

Prefil technique.

600 Preheated clay graphite crucibles were

used for transferring the metal. This was
400 stirred before transfer and reheated to
700C before the flux additions were made
(0.1% by weight for granular / 0.35% by
weight for powder).

Manual stirring of the flux was carried out
0 30 60 90 120 150
Time (s) for 1 minute with the induction power off.
The melt was then heated to 740C and
Figure 3 The Prefil World Class Production Window
held for 10 minutes. After holding the
induction power was switched off and the
Experimental procedure metal drossed off (figure 5).

Tests were carried out on AlSi9Cu3 alloy type made up from in-house The metal temperature was again raised to
ingot and turnings (figure 4). 740C before a Prefil test was taken.

Figure 5 Melt with addition of flux

Figure 4 Starting stock material for melt make-up


The Prefil graph (figure 6), shows the cleaning characteristics of each
flux. These characteristics are the result of a curve subtraction technique,
as outlined below.
Flux Curve - Control
Efficiency = x 100%
Clean Reference - Control

This is effectively a comparison technique, allowing all the flux tests to

be compared side by side despite their different reference values. The
vertical (y) axis is cleaning efficiency, with positive efficiency above the
x-axis, and negative below. Thus, those points above the zero point show
cleaning and inclusion removal, whilst those below show inclusion
generation, possibly from the flux or other complex interactions with the
metal. The horizontal (x) axis is a Prefil inclusion characteristic, which is a
complex interaction between test time and inclusion shape and size. The
inclusion size ranges in the diagram reflect the following approximate

fine oxides 1-10 m

mixed inclusions 10 -100 m

coarse inclusions >100 m.

The cleaning efficiency gives a summary of the impact of inclusion

removal from the melt. All tested flux recipes gave a positive cleaning
effect and improved the melt quality. The cleaning efficiency starts from
average 25% up to 160%. Figure 6 does not show a significant variation
in cleaning the melt from different inclusion sizes for each flux.




Cleaning efficiency (%)







Coarse inclusions Mixed inclusions Fine inclusions

Figure 6 Cleaning efficiency for all tested fluxes

Granular and powder fluxes for aluminium alloys. Cleaning efficiency, cost and environmental aspects
Cleaning vs. drossing flux
The COVERAL GR 2410 cleaning granular flux gives the best melt quality
in the test. Compared to COVERAL GR 2510 drossing granular flux, the
cleaning granular flux performed about 20% better in terms of inclusion
removal. The same result was shown by the comparison between
COVERAL 105 cleaning powder and COVERAL 90 drossing powder
(figure 7).

In addition to a strong cleaning action the use of a cleaning flux provides

a light and dry dross, and the metal content left in the dross is similar
compared with the application of a simple drossing flux.




Cleaning efficiency (%)







Coarse inclusions Mixed inclusions Fine inclusions

Figure 7 Cleaning efficiency comparison between cleaning and drossing fluxes

Granular vs. powder flux

All granular fluxes, which were used in this test, provided a significantly
better melt quality compared to powder fluxes. The granular fluxes
performed up to 100% better than the comparable powders. Even with a
much lower addition rate of 0.10% compared to 0.35%, the melt cleaning
with granulated fluxes was much more efficient (table 2).

Granular Powder
Application vs.
Product Efficiency Product Efficiency

Cleaning COVERAL GR 2410 158% COVERAL 105 102% + 56%

Drossing COVERAL GR 2510 137% COVERAL 90 65% + 72%
Na-Ca free COVERAL GR 6512 125% COVERAL 67 25% + 100%

Table 2 Cleaning comparison between granular fluxes and powder

Standard vs. Na-Ca free flux
All of the sodium and calcium free fluxes used in the tests can be used
for both drossing and cleaning. As they contain no sodium or calcium
salts the range of available raw materials and recipes is limited. The
cleaning efficiency of the melts were, however, found to be close to
standard granular fluxes (figure 8). If specified to use Na or Ca free
fluxes, dependent on the alloy, the result showed a measurable quality
improvement with a dry low metal content dross.




Cleaning efficiency (%)







Coarse inclusions Mixed inclusions Fine inclusions

Figure 8 Cleaning efficiency comparison between standard and Na-Ca free fluxes

Environmental aspects

In a further study the environmental emissions during flux use were

measured. The study was carried out with two fluxes, which are in
powder and granular form. The test was made on different types of
furnaces and under different conditions [3]. Table 3 shows the average
analysis of two drossing flux recipes:

Flux A mild exothermic drossing flux

Flux B sodium free cleaning and drossing flux

Flux A Flux B
Powder Granular Powder Granular
Concentrations in mg/m
Total particulate 1.5 0.46 1.35 0.52
Total Cl 0.73 0.72 0.83 0.82
F 11 3.4 7.5 3.6
Nox - - - -
SOX 8.5 1.6 4.9 2.5

Table 3 Overall comparison of emissions for several furnace types in several conditions

Granular and powder fluxes for aluminium alloys. Cleaning efficiency, cost and environmental aspects
The overall indications from the work are that the amount of emission is
significantly reduced using the granular fluxes. This work highlights that
the most significant advantages are to be had by going from powder to
granular flux, rather than changing the formulation of the powder flux. 1. R. Gallo; Development, Evaluation and
This really supports the theory that the morphology of the flux is a very Application of Granular and Powder
significant contributor to the type and quality of pollutants that may Fluxes in Transfer Ladles, Crucible and
emanate. The move from powder to granular fluxes will improve the Reverberatory Furnaces;
working environment by the reduction of pollutants in the atmosphere. Foundry Practice 237 (2002)

2. N-Tec Ltd. The Prefil technology;

Cost aspects Report number 040109; (2005)

The price of a granulated flux compared to a powder flux is higher due 3. S.R. Sibley; Granular fluxes for
to its manufacturing process, however as shown in the trials, the aluminium alloys, environmental and
addition rate of granular fluxes is significantly lower. Besides the technological advances;
stronger cleaning impact and the environmental benefits of granular Foundry Practice 227 (1996)
fluxes, there can also be an economical benefit which is illustrated in the
following example (ME = money equivalent, it does not relate to a
certain currency)

Powder A Granulate A

Selling price: 1 ME / kg 2 ME / kg
Addition rate: 0.35% 0.10%
Price per treatment of 100 kg: 0.35 ME 0.20 ME

The use of granular flux therefore can give a sensible economical

advantage per treatment in spite of its higher unit cost.

Conclusions / summary

Fluxes in both powder and granular form have been compared in terms
of melt cleaning efficiency using the Prefil Test and have shown the
granular fluxes to be superior in all cases.

Different applications require different recipes but generally cleaning

fluxes give better melt quality than simple drossing fluxes, however, the
actual dross quality of both types of flux is similar.

A change to a granular flux from a powder flux significantly improves

working conditions by reducing the amount of pollutants in the

In addition to technical and environmental benefits, the higher efficiency

of granular fluxes results in lower addition rates and significant
reductions in overall treatment costs are frequently achievable.

INSURAL ATL ladle lining at
For example, if a conventional lining with
Introduction an expected temperature loss of 8C per
minute is used then a super heat of 80C
Energy costs and environmental considerations continue to put financial may be necessary leading to increased
pressures on the foundry industry. Concerns with global warming is oxide formation and higher dissolved
resulting in governments taxing both companies and individuals into hydrogen levels. Whereas an INSURAL ATL
becoming more fuel efficient. To remain competitive foundries will have lining system will only have a temperature
to look closely at all working practices to see where cost savings can be loss of around 3C per minute and so for
made and more efficient forms of metal melting and holding will have to the same treatment time will only require
be considered along with good recycling practices. 30C of superheat. This reduces the holding
temperature of the melting furnace, leading
The foundry industry, where energy consumption is a major factor, must to cost savings.
consider improving insulation along with sophisticated temperature
control and monitoring in order to reduce costs. Figures 1 and 2 show the relative
insulation of traditional linings against
One particular area of the foundry which is often overlooked is that of INSURAL ATL liners, an Infra red camera
transfer ladles, where costs are often not considered to the extent that is used to compare the energy emitted
they ought to be. Although these ladles are of fairly simple design they from both systems and the reduction in
can play a key part in controlling quality as well as cost of production. heat loss is clearly evident.

When looking for the ideal transfer ladle lining material a number of
factors have to be considered. Many foundries use traditional refractory
concrete linings which are poor insulators and difficult to dry completely.
These linings can be a source of hydrogen pick up as they can take many
days or casts to fully stabilise.

Other foundries use crucibles to line ladles but these are inherently
conductive and therefore lose heat rapidly.

When looking for the ideal lining material a number of factors need to be
considered mainly good insulation properties, metal cleanlinesses and
speed of replacement.
Figure 1 Refractory concrete ladle seen through an
INSURAL ATL, a highly insulating, simple lining system, has been designed Infra red camera showing the level of energy emitted
for optimum performance in all these key areas. INSURAL ATL liners are
precast to shape, highly insulating, fully fired and delivered ready for rapid
installation. The INSURAL ATL liner is fitted into a conventional steel shell
and surrounded by a highly insulating backing material for secure fitting
called INSURAL 10. The complete system is quickly installed and instantly
ready for use with no further firing necessary.


To obtain optimum energy utilisation for melting more foundries are

now using central melting, where large melting furnaces provide molten
metal at the correct temperature on a fast and economic basis. For
foundries that use this system it is becoming more popular to carry out
Figure 2 The same ladle after being lined with an
metal treatment in the transfer ladle so that casting can begin quickly INSURAL ATL lining
after transfer. Cleaning, degassing, grain refinement and modification
can be completed quickly, particularly in a system such as the automated
FOSECO MTS 1500 process, but even here a total time of 10 minutes
may be required. For such a holding period insulation and temperature
loss is an issue and so a highly insulating lining is essential.

INSURAL ATL ladle lining at NEMAK CZ
Metal cleanliness Thermal shock

To maintain casting quality the avoidance of oxide skins Many ceramic and refractory materials suffer from
and non metallic inclusions is very important. Oxide films thermal shock and thus have to be carefully preheated
and inclusions will reduce mechanical properties, act as before use for a considerable period of time, this being a
nucleating sites for porosity and unwanted intermetallic costly process. INSURAL does not have this problem and
compounds, as well as increasing the chances of lack of metal can be safely poured into the ladle even when it is
pressure tightness. A ladle lining which avoids the below 150C with no adverse effects.
formation of an oxide skin or, which makes any skin very
easy to remove, will ensure there is no cross Preheating
contamination between metal transfers and there will not
be a build up of oxide which can grow before breaking
Many refractory concretes have high thermal capacities
away to give hard inclusions in the melt. Using a lining
and will chill the molten metal on filling if not preheated
material which is non wetting will therefore be
close to the metal temperature. It is not unusual to see
advantageous. INSURAL ATL is such a system where the
these refractory concrete ladles being continuously
skull of remaining metal can be easily removed once
preheated with strong gas burners when not in use.
cooled, leaving a clean dry lining for subsequent
INSURAL does not suffer from this problem and minimal
transfers, compared to a conventional lining as seen in
preheating is required. To prevent hydrogen pick up,
figure 3 where a thick skull can be seen.
INSURAL should only be preheated after standing for
many hours, such as weekends, but in normal working
conditions little or no preheating is required. The
avoidance of preheating offers the foundry a significant
reduction in energy usage.

Wear resistance

INSURAL ATL transfer ladles are available in sizes up to 2

tonnes, however, with larger ladles significant impact is
experienced on filling. This impact will often be focused
on the same position every time and so the ladle bottom
can erode. Larger INSURAL ATL ladles are supplied with
INSURAL 180 wear plates to avoid this erosion. These are
Figure 3 A conventional concrete ladle after 4000 fillings,
showing a heavy build up of oxide
of a material strong enough to avoid erosion and are
fitted into the appropriate position in the base of the liner.
The regular use of a refractory coating such as CERAMOL*
258G (supplied as liquid, ready to use) or TERRACOTE*
Flexibility of shape and size
7667 (supplied as a powder) can further improve the ladle
lining cleanliness of the INSURAL ATL liner, as shown in
INSURAL ATL liners are installed in a steel shell
figure 4.
surrounded by INSURAL 10 backing powder. This means
that an INSURAL liner can be applied in almost any ladle
size or shape (figure 5). Although there is a
comprehensive range of INSURAL ATL liner shapes,
sometimes the capacity of the transfer ladle has to be
slightly reduced. However, the low density of INSURAL
compared to most refractory materials means more
aluminium can be transported without compromising the
capacity of the crane or forklift.

Figure 4 An INSURAL ATL ladle, which has been coated regularly,

after 4000 fillings.
The metal skull in the base is still easily removed by a gloved hand

This ladle has now been replaced by an INSURAL ATL
1000 ladle lining giving a safe transfer weight of 900 kg
molten metal. The ladle lining was installed in 4 hours,
painted with CERAMOL 258G and put into service
following careful heating. In order to use a tapping
temperature of 750C and a delivered temperature of
710 C the ladle liner is mildly heated and a temperature
of 380C is maintained on the INSURAL surface. The gas
consumption over the full period of the project was
measured and a reduction in gas usage of 90% was
found. The gas usage was reduced from 3.117 cu m per
hour to 0.29 cu m per hour.

Further advantages of using the INSURAL ATL 1000 ladle

liners are: minimum cleaning and maintenance compared
to the old refractory concrete lining system, less
Figure 5 Various ladle shapes and sizes aluminium skull remaining after each pouring operation,
and a reduction in hydrogen pick up due to lower melt
Case Study tapping temperature. The first INSURAL ATL 1000 liner
installed at NEMAK CZ gave a life of 12 months with 20
Nemak CZ produce 5,000 tonnes of gravity die cast transfers per day.
cylinder heads per year by the gravity die process.
Melting is carried out in gas fired tower furnaces and is
transferred by forklift using a 1000 kg capacity ladle, see
The advantages of the INSURAL ATL lining system for
figure 6. The ladle is moved to a treatment station for 10
aluminium transport ladles are:
minutes rotary degassing before being transferred to the
casting line.
High insulation

Good refractory cleanliness, avoiding the carry over of

oxides and other inclusions

Minimum or no preheating required, offering energy


Enables lower tapping temperatures to be used, again

saving energy

Excellent resistance to thermal shock

Wide range of sizes and capacities available

Can be fitted to most existing steel ladles

Supplied ready for use

No drying required

Fast relining.
Figure 6 INSURAL ATL1000 IB-Ladle with a capacity of 900kg

When the foundry was first commissioned a conventional

refractory concrete lining was used and a gas fired
preheater maintained a temperature of 800C on the
refractory surface. This was necessary to avoid excessive
temperature loss.

Sand cast bronzes and

Sand cast bronzes and gunmetals

For this reason, it is often advisable to both degas and deoxidise
Introduction gunmetal melts before casting. The technique used is the oxidation-
deoxidation process.
Bronzes and more specifically gunmetals
are common alloys used for pressure-tight
castings such as valves and pumps.
Oxidation-deoxidation process
Gunmetal is also used for bearings where
loads and speeds are moderate. The main During melting, an oxidising atmosphere provides a barrier against
elements of these alloys are copper, tin, zinc hydrogen pick-up. This is achieved by the use of CUPREX* fluxes
and lead. Gunmetals have improved (CUPREX 1 tablets or RAFFINATOR 91 powder flux). The CUPREX fluxes
corrosion resistance due to the tin and good are placed in the bottom of the hot crucible (1% of the charge weight)
fluidity for casting aided by the zinc. Lead is followed by the charge. It is recommended to melt and bring to pouring
added to improve the machinability. temperature as rapidly as possible. Whilst melting proceeds, CUPREX
flux evolves oxidising gases, which bubble up through the melt and
Gunmetals are the favoured alloys for sand preclude hydrogen. The flux cover protects the melt from further
casting. In order to get good castings, it is hydrogen absorption.
essential to be aware of the key steps of
the process, which are metal treatment, If the charge materials contain scrap, which is oily or dirty, a larger
feeding and filtration. Moreover simulation quantity of hydrogen will find its way into the melt. Thus extra degassing
of the castings is essential to design will be necessary. Also in the case of special castings required to support
moulds right first time. relatively high internal pressure or to be specially sound and free from
porosity, the melt is degassed with LOGAS* 50 briquettes or alternatively
Typical alloy compositions of bronzes and with a rotary degassing unit (FDU*). Finally, just prior to pouring, the
gunmetal are given in Table 1 together flux layer is skimmed off and surplus oxygen removed by plunging
with recommended pouring temperatures DEOXIDISING TUBES DS into the melt in order to get an adequate
for various casting section thicknesses. deoxidation and to maximise fluidity.

It is necessary to check the correct pouring temperature, skim and cast

Melt treatment without delay, taking care to prevent slag entering the mould cavity.
Positive slag control can be achieved with the slag coagulant SLAX* 20.
Bronze and gunmetal alloys can be melted
in crucible, reverberatory or induction Molten bronze and gunmetal alloys should never be held in the furnace
furnaces. However, with any of these, for prolonged periods, the moulds must be prepared in advance to receive
hydrogen can be a problem, giving rise to the metal as soon as its melting and fluxing treatment is completed.
porosity. This may be derived from the
products of combustion of the furnace
gases, from water vapour in the Cu-Sn-Zn-Pb < 15 mm 15-40 mm > 40 mm
atmosphere, from water in refractories 83/3/9/5 1180C 1140C 1100C
and from scrap metal. Hydrogen is less 85/5/5/5 1200C 1150C 1120C
soluble in bronze than in pure copper, 86/7/5/2 1200C 1160C 1120C
however, it can cause severe porosity, 88/10/2 1200C 1170C 1130C
especially if the alloy cools fairly slowly as
Table 1 Typical alloy compositions with recommended pouring temperatures
in sand casting.
Aluminium removal
Steam reaction Aluminium is a common and very deleterious impurity in gunmetal and
The steam reaction corresponds to the bronzes. As little as 0.01 % is enough to cause leakage of pressure tight
reaction between cuprous oxide (resulting castings, as aluminium oxide films and stringers become trapped in the
from a reaction between copper and the solidifying casting. ELIMINAL* 8 can be used to remove aluminium from
atmosphere or copper and water vapour), the molten alloy.
which is soluble in the molten metal, and
hydrogen. Indeed during cooling hydrogen Metal mould reaction
can react with the cuprous oxide present to Molten metal cast into either green sand or a dry sand mould is
form copper and water vapour (steam). immediately exposed to a steam atmosphere with which it will react.
This water vapour will remain trapped in In most cases the metal oxide forms a tough and relatively impermeable
the metal as a severe form of porosity. skin thus stopping further reaction quite effectively. With certain alloys,

however, or if the oxide skin is affected by other factors
(such as the presence or absence of deoxidants,
impurities, etc.) protection is not provided and further
reaction can take place. Metal/mould reaction will The widespread use of ceramic foam filters has
therefore be most likely to occur in alloys that are introduced a new dimension into the running and gating
inadequately or excessively deoxidised particularly where of castings. Filters have several important effects:
phosphorus or magnesium are the deoxidants used.
They effectively trap dross and oxide films
The water vapour formed when the molten metal enters
the mould, having given up its oxygen to form an oxide They control metal flow
skin, releases a quantity of hydrogen. Such hydrogen is
very active and can enter into solution in the molten They reduce turbulence
metal unless the oxide skin formed on it is very strong
and protective. The use of ceramic filters allows the traditional gating
rules to be modified while still achieving quality castings.
With leaded or lead free gunmetal containing zinc, a Ceramic foam filters have a distinct advantage over the
phosphorus content of 0.03% or above is enough to extruded type in that there is no separation of the initial
cause the reaction. A residual phosphorus content 0.06% metal stream, hence the possibility of reoxidation at the
to 0.08% is usually sufficient to produce an appreciable filter face is reduced. The provision of a ceramic foam filter
effect. For gunmetal alloys and bronzes a severe reaction immediately after the base of the sprue changes the flow
can be prevented by coating the moulds and cores with patterns markedly.
MOLDCOTE*, MOLCO* or TENO* coatings.
The filter requires a certain amount of pressure and time
to prime, so the flow of metal is temporarily arrested on
Running and feeding encountering the filter, this allows the sprue to backfill
excluding air from the incoming metal. Metal exits the
Methods best suited to long freezing-range alloys should filter in a single turbulence-free stream at low velocity,
be used, with unpressurised or slightly pressurised hence the runner fills gently and the gates operate as
systems based on ratios such as 1:4:6 or 1:4:4. This type of designed. The casting then fills without the entrainment of
sprue/runner/ingate system can provide a useful source of air and oxide films. The beneficial effect of filters is their
feed metal to the casting as long as the gate remains ability to eliminate turbulence, although they also filter
unfrozen. Where additional feed is required, generous any gross dross inclusions which may be carried over
feeders must be placed on the heavier sections, as is from the melting unit. Bronze and gunmetal alloys
usual for long freezing-range alloys. KALMIN* S feeder especially benefit greatly from filtration in the mould.
sleeves are particularly suitable for bronzes and Because of the higher temperature compared to
gunmetals. Due to the usage of a high proportion of light aluminium-based alloys, SEDEX* ceramic foam filters are
refractory raw materials, a density of 0.45g/cc is achieved, recommended for copper-based alloys instead of SIVEX*
ensuring highly insulating properties. KALMIN S feeder FC filters, which are usually used for Aluminium alloys.
sleeves extend the solidification times by a factor of 2.0-
2.2 compared to natural sand feeders of the same size.
From these results, Modulus Extension Factors
(MEF) of 1.4-1.5 have been calculated. Though KALMIN S
feeder sleeves can give more than 33% of their feeder A number of software packages are now available which
volume to the solidifying casting, it is recommended that model the flow of metals into dies or moulds and allow
a maximum of one-third of the feed metal volume should the filling and the solidification of the casting to be
be fed into the casting so that the residual feeder modulus simulated. Computer modelling is being increasingly
is adequate in relation to the casting modulus at the end used for the design of dies and moulds in order to reduce
of solidification. For this reason, it is recommended to the lead time required for making new castings.
consider modulus as well as solidification shrinkage in
order to determine the correct feeder. FOSECO provides Predictive fluid flow software, MAGMASOFT being one
tables allowing KALMIN S feeders to be selected with the of the best known, uses physics-based modelling to allow
desired modulus, volume (capacity) and dimensions. mould filling to be studied and its effects on casting
soundness to be assessed. Ideally such modelling should
enable the onset of turbulence during mould filling to be
predicted and the effect of gating systems on the
temperature distribution within the casting to be studied.

Sand cast bronzes and gunmetals
The first step in any flow modelling
investigation is to obtain a 3D CAD model
of the mould cavity and all of the
boundary conditions such as alloy type,
mould and core materials, coating used
etc. The filling simulation indicates the
direction of flow, the velocity and the
temperature of metal at any point and any
given time during the filling sequence.

This type of analysis is used increasingly

to identify and eliminate potential sources
of defects such as hot spots, cold laps,
misruns and oxide defects. Feed metal
requirements are quantified and optimum
pouring temperature proposed.
Increasingly it will be possible to have
dies and moulds designed right first
Figure 1 Simulation of a gunmetal casting ( before feeding system optimization)

The simulation of an existing feeding

system, with two natural risers and two
KALMIN S 7/10 K feeder sleeves shows
two disadvantages: The two natural risers
are ineffective in terms of yield, and due
to the height of the natural risers the
sprue cannot work effectively (figure 1).

Figure 2 shows the addition of a round

SEDEX ceramic foam filter 50mm O
x 22mm x 10 ppi and four KALMIN S 7/10
K feeder sleeves. The filter controls the
metal flow rate by keeping the velocity
low, leading to a reduction in turbulence
and higher quality standards. Figure 2
shows the mould filling after 0.6 seconds.

Figure 2 Simulation of a gunmetal casting ( after feeding system optimization)

Figure 3 shows the smooth filling of the
mould. The scale on the right hand side
gives the velocity by colour, any figure
below the critical velocity of 50 cm/s is
shown in blue. Figure 3 shows the mould
filling after 5.3 seconds.

The cut-through of the casting sprue

shows no porosity and the casting is
pressure tight. The replacement of the two
natural risers (figure 4) by two further
KALMIN S 7/10 K feeder sleeves brings a
saving of approximately 5 Kg metal and
therefore a higher yield. Moreover with the
two further KALMIN S 7/10 K feeder
sleeves, the sprue is able to supply more
metal to the casting giving higher feeding

Figure 3 Simulation of a gunmetal casting ( after feeding system optimization)


Copper-based alloys and particularly

bronzes and gunmetals have been used
for over a thousand years because of their
corrosion resistance and their good
combination of castability, machinability
and strength. They are used for cold and
hot vapour armatures, acid armatures,
pumps and valves, and also for bearings
where loads and speeds are moderate.

In order to get high quality castings, it is

very important to pay particular attention
to the different steps of the process and
particularly to metal treatment, feeding
and filtration. In addition, simulation of the
castings is strongly recommended in order
to obtain optimum filling and solidification
and therefore improved quality. Figure 4 Simulation of a gunmetal casting ( after feeding system optimization)

MTS 1500 automated Metal
Treatment Station

MTS 1500 automated Metal Treatment Station

Introduction MTS 1500 Technology

Todays aluminium foundries operate in a The machine

competitive environment and are focused The MTS 1500, an automated metal treatment station (figure 1),
on production of higher quality castings comprises five components (Foundry Degassing Unit - FDU*, the hopper
with low scrap and waste rates and system, a screw dispensing unit, an automatically controlled baffle plate
increased productivity. In order to and a control panel) as well as consumable products (fluxes and rotor)
compete, an improved metal yield in a specifically designed for the MTS 1500.
safe working environment is essential.
These needs must be fulfilled in order that The FDU is a rotary degassing unit, this forms the basis of the
the foundry can: MTS 1500 by providing a firm and stable platform. Generally, most of
the existing FDU types are compatible.
Provide the customer with the best
quality product The hopper system is made up of one or two containers in order to
supply one or more different fluxes (for example, cleaning and/or
Produce castings that are reliable, safe, modifying). The hoppers are closed to prevent moisture pick-up; a
and conform to specification minimum sensor checks the product level to prevent shortage during
a treatment.
Be competitive in an increasingly
difficult market The flux dispensing unit is mounted on the hopper outlet and
allows for a fully automated dosing of flux into the vortex. The
Ensure the working environment is dispensing unit is an electrically driven screw feeder which is
safe, healthy and stress free capable of delivering accurate and consistent amounts of flux.
Changing the length of duration that the screw operates can control
Improve the environmental the amount delivered.
performances as set out in ISO 14001
The automatically controlled baffle plate is an electrically driven
Operate a profitable and successful two-position device that controls the speed of the metal at any time
business. during the treatment cycle. In position A (deactivated), the baffle
creates the vortex needed for the efficient mixing of the treatment
One process stage within the foundry that products. In position B (activated) the baffle plate eliminates the
impacts on all these needs is metal vortex to create optimum conditions necessary for cleaning and
treatment. Having the optimum metal degassing.
quality is fundamental to the production of
quality castings but it is arguably the most
difficult to control and has potentially the
biggest impact on the environment. The
optimisation of metal treatment processes
has been the subject of much
development work in the recent past,
which has resulted in new, more efficient
and cleaner treatment processes. One
such improvement, the MTS 1500 -
automated Metal Treatment Station - is a
recent development by FOSECO that
addresses all the various technical
requirements and is capable of making a
significant contribution to the modern
aluminium foundry.

Figure 1 The MTS 1500 automated metal treatment station

The control panel contains a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) to
enable the optimum treatment cycle, to establish, maintain and
ensure consistent treatment. The PLC regulates the principle
functions of the MTS 1500 machine: lifting and submersion of shaft The MTS 1500 offers the foundry several
and rotor into the melt, the shaft and rotor speed, the dispensing of benefits that can be divided into four main
the desired quantity of flux/fluxes, the positioning of the baffle plate categories: metallurgical, environmental,
to initiate and terminate the vortex as well as the flow rate of inert gas. health and safety as well as economical
Consumable products
The XSR rotor and COVERAL* MTS fluxes are products, which are key to Metallurgical benefits
the satisfactory performance of the MTS 1500. The use of COVERAL MTS fluxes in
combination with the MTS 1500 machine
The novel design of the patented XSR rotor enables foundries to get metallurgical
(figure 2) helps to create the optimum vortex benefits such as consistent mechanical
during the addition of the treatment and physical properties, homogeneous
products. In addition, it is highly efficient in microstructure and composition,
removing oxides and dissolved hydrogen acceptable levels of metal cleanliness and
from the melt. controlled gas porosity.

A range of new fluxes branded COVERAL The technology is of interest to all

MTS has been specifically formulated for foundries but particularly those in which
use with the MTS 1500 which includes the castings are required for safety critical
cleaning/drossing, sodium modifying, grain applications.
Figure 2 XSR rotor
refining, and element removal fluxes (Table
1). All these fluxes have been developed to Environmental benefits
keep smoke and fumes to a minimum. With the introduction of increasingly strict
environmental legislation, there is greater
Name Application Classification emphasis placed on foundries to reduce
COVERAL MTS 1524 Cleaning/Drossing Xi-Irritant the amount of pollution they produce. ISO
COVERAL MTS 1560 Cleaning/Drossing, and other key accreditations provide
Not classified necessary guidelines on how to achieve
Na free
COVERAL MTS 1565 Cleaning/Drossing this. The MTS 1500 helps foundries to
Xi-Irritant achieve better environmental performance
Na-Ca free
COVERAL MTS 1572 Sodium modification T-Toxic by the use of fewer consumables (flux
COVERAL MTS 1576 Sodium modification Xn-Harmful and inert gas), lower dross levels, reduced
COVERAL MTS 1584 Grain refining + cleaning Xn-Harmful emissions as well as shorter treatment
COVERAL MTS 1591 Cleaning/Elements removal Not classified times and melt superheat with associated
energy savings.
Table 1 COVERAL MTS flux range

Health and safety benefits

Process steps
The MTS 1500 contributes to a healthier
A standard treatment cycle with MTS 1500 is in four steps:
and safer environment. Unacceptable
emissions are reduced compared to
Shaft and rotor introduction: the shaft and XSR rotor are lowered into
conventional treatments because the MTS
the melt. Then, the baffle plate is moved into position A where a
1500 uses less flux, the action of the
vortex is created.
vortex draws the flux down into the melt
where it is quickly mixed into the metal,
Vortex formation: the rotor speed is increased to a point where a
and the flux used in the metal treatment is
vortex is created around the shaft.
fully consumed and does not continue to
react post treatment. As the MTS 1500 is
Addition of fluxes: the required amount of flux(es) is dispensed
a fully automated process the operator
directly into the vortex and drawn down into the melt.
involvement is reduced and a safer
environment results.
Vortex termination and degassing: after the additions are complete,
the baffle plate is moved into position B where the vortex is
stopped, thus initiating the degassing phase.

MTS 1500 automated Metal Treatment Station
Economic benefits
MTS 1500 enables foundries to make substantial cost savings by reducing
treatment costs and improving performance.

Treatment costs can be minimised because inert gas and flux

consumption is reduced, aluminium losses in the dross are lower and less
labour is required. General performance is improved by fast metal turn
around, reproducible metal quality, increased reliability and decreased

A set of case studies for different melt treatment steps such as cleaning,
grain refining, sodium modification, and/or element removal gives an
overview of the process and attendant benefits.

Grain refining
The grain size of cast alloys is dependent on the number of nuclei
present in the melt as it begins to solidify and on the rate of
undercooling. Grain refining improves hot tear resistance, reduces the
harmful effects of porosity and redistributes shrinkage porosity in
aluminium alloys. Titanium, particularly in association with boron, has a
powerful nucleating effect and is the most commonly used grain refiner.

Case study 1
A test in a die casting foundry for brake components for automotive
industry was carried out to compare AlTi5B1 rod with the newly
developed COVERAL MTS 1584 grain refiner. The treatment was carried
out in electrical heated crucible furnaces (Table 2).

Die casting foundry FDU plus manual MTS 1500

Product used AlTi5B1 rod COVERAL MTS 1584
Alloy used AlSi7Mg
Furnace type and capacity 800 kg; electrical heated crucible
Treatment temperature 730C
Addition rate 0.10 % 0.04 %
Titanium yield 46 ppm 55 ppm
Boron yield 4 ppm 3 ppm
Dross weight per treatment 12.0 kg 4.5 kg

Table 2 Trial parameters and results for grain refining

A comparison of yields for the two treatments can be seen in figure 3,

and the respective microstructures can be seen in figure 4.

Figure 3 Yield comparison for grain refining trials

AlTi5B1 rod (0.10%)

Dendrite Arm Size (DAS)

207 m 161 m
Before After

COVERAL MTS 1584 (0.04%)

Dendrite Arm Size (DAS)

186 m 120 m
Before After
Figure 4 Microscopic structure for grain refining comparison

The material costs per treatment for AlTi5B1 master alloy (at 0.10%
addition rate) and COVERAL MTS 1584 (at 0.04% addition rate) are
generally similar, although this depends on specific master alloy prices.

The microstructure of the castings was improved by using COVERAL

MTS 1584; the result was supported by thermal analysis curves.
Additionally the grain refining granular product assists with cleaning and

Grain refining with COVERAL MTS 1584 in combination with MTS 1500
technology is a new and effective option for titanium boron nuclei
addition into aluminium alloys.

Sodium modification

Modification is normally recommended for Al-Si alloys with 5 - 13% of

silicon content and sodium is accepted as one of the most effective
modification agents. It improves feeding properties and hot tear
resistance and reduces shrinkage porosity. In the past, powder fluxes,
tablets and metallic sodium were the most common products added
manually. The new MTS 1500 technology gives the opportunity to
automate and control the process using granular products.

Case study 2
The problem faced by a gravity die casting foundry producing safety
critical componets was variability in flux additions due to operator error.
This variation could be significant resulting in unacceptable scrap levels.
A MTS 1500 treatment was introduced as seen in Table 3.

MTS 1500 automated Metal Treatment Station
Gravity die casting FDU plus manual MTS 1500
foundry (automotive) treatment
Flux used Powder flux COVERAL MTS 1572
Melt capacity 500 kg
Treatment temperature 740 760C
Amount of flux used/ 4.5 kg 1.8 kg
Sodium pick up 150 ppm 150 ppm
Variation in sodium 13% 5%

Table 3 Trial parameters and results for sodium modification

Once the MTS 1500 treatment cycle had been optimised there was less
than 5% variation in the sodium content of the treated metal as the cycle
is constant. The foundry saved 60% of the amount of modification flux,
but the biggest benefit for the foundry has been achieved through
producing sounder castings with reduced scrap rates.

Case study 3
A sand foundry intended to change its melt treatment practice to
MTS 1500 to achieve a better consistency. Due to its particular location
near a housing estate, the use of a non-toxic material was not allowed.
FOSECO developed an environmentally acceptable product which is non-
toxic i.e COVERAL MTS 1576. The parameters for the process are outlined
in Table 4.

Sand foundry FDU plus manual MTS 1500

Flux used Modifying tablets plus COVERAL MTS 1576
drossing granulate
Melt capacity 450 kg
Treatment temperature 740 - 760C
Type of alloy AlSi6Cu3
Amount of flux used/ Modifying tablet: 0.25% 0.23%
treatment Drossing granulate: 0.05%
Sodium pick-up 80 - 100 ppm

Table 4 Trial parameters and results for sodium modification

The intensive mixing of product with the melt given by MTS 1500
enabled the use of a non-toxic sodium modifier. The use of COVERAL
MTS 1576 with MTS technology reduced significantly the operator
involvement, and minimised the number of injuries caused by burns.
Also it improved the working environment, which is benefical to the
employees and to the local community.


Melt cleaning fluxes are designed to remove aluminium oxides and

other impurities from the melt. The action of a cleaning flux takes place
within the melt, beneath the melt surface, by trapping the oxide
particles and encouraging them to float out. The flux has to be in close
contact with the melt, therefore it should be plunged and stirred
intensively within the melt (figure 5). Figure 5 The action of a cleaning flux

A successful drossing agglomerates the oxides in the dross and The major economic benefit for the
separates them from the liquid metal leaving dry and powdery dross. foundry has been achieved by the
Skimming is thus facilitated and metal loss due to aluminium reduced quantity of dross and aluminum
entrapment in the dross is reduced. loss. The MTS 1500 provides a more
intensive mixing of metal with the melt
Case study 4 treatment product, which gives a better
This is a wheel foundry, part of a European foundry group, operating a segregation of melt and oxides. The total
considerable number of melting furnaces. The molten metal is transfered amount of aluminium lost has been
by forklift to the low-pressure machines in an 800 kg transfer ladle. reduced by about 50%.
Degassing and melt treatment are carried out in this ladle. Table 5
outlines procedure and result using MTS.
Element removal
European wheel foundry FDU plus manual MTS 1500
For special types of alloys (pistons or Al-Mg
flux addition
alloys), the removing of sodium, strontium,
Production capacity 20,000 tons per year
and calcium is essential. COVERAL MTS
Number of ladles treated 65 - 70 ladles per day
per day (INSURAL ATL 800 ) 1591 is a granulated flux, which provides a
Treatment temperature 730 760C strong cleaning action while removing
Type of fluxes used COVERAL GR 2410 COVERAL MTS 1524 these elements. This product is fluoride free
(0.05%) (0.03%) and emits low fume.
Amount of flux used per cycle 400 g 20g 240 10 g
Flux amount used per year 6,000 kg 3,600 kg The first results achieved with COVERAL
Dross weight per treatment 7.2 kg 4.4 kg MTS 1591 showed very low levels of
Dross amount produced calcium, strontium and sodium in the
per year 108 tons 66 tons melt. Further trials on a longer period of
Metal dross content 44% 36% time have to be conducted to confirm
Amount of aluminium lost these results. The main goal is the
per year 47.5 tons 23.8 tons replacement of chlorine use in foundries
as chlorine is a hazardous material for
Table 5 Trial parameters and results for melt cleaning
people and the environment. It is likely
Figure 6 compares the amount of dross and aluminium currently lost that the chlorine use will be restricted in
per year. the future.


MTS 1500 system is a fully automated

metal treatment station which performs all
metal treatments in one single operation.
It eliminates the influence of operator
error and is consistent and reliable.

The use of MTS 1500 has given foundries

significant metallurgical, environmental,
health and safely and economic benefits.

Major cost savings are obtained by

reduction of gas consumption, flux
Figure 6 Comparison of dross amount and aluminium lost for melt cleaning consumption, aluminium loss in the
dross, energy costs by reducing treatment
The installation of the MTS 1500 has resulted in immediate times and furnace temperatures, and
improvements in reliability, granular additions are precise and metal labour costs. In addition, MTS 1500 gives
quality is consistent. The annual granular flux additions have been a fast metal turn around, reproducible
reduced by 20%, resulting in much lower emission rates. metal quality, increased reliability and
decreased maintenance.

All rights reserved. No part of this
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All statements, information and data

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Foseco International Ltd. 2007

Editorial policy is to highlight the latest Foseco products and technical developments.
However, because of their newness, some developments may not be immediately available in your area.
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Foseco International Limited
P.O. Box 5516
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