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Borough homes still NYCs best bargain.
Malliotakis speaks PAGE 9
on state of business
Assemblywoman Nicole
Malliotakis was in Bolton Land- How is your content marketing strategy?
ing recently, speaking at the 2016 PAGE 6
Annual Meeting of The Business
Council of New York State, Inc.
The Business Council is a leading WEEKLY MEETINGS
business organization in the Attend an event in the borough this month.
state, representing the interests
of large and small firms, as well PAGE 5
as local chambers of commerce,
and professional and trade associ-
Malliotakis appeared as part of
the Legislators Roundtable por-
NYS Women support new state president
tion of the Government
Affairs/Presidents Council Meet-
ing, where she discussed the
states business climate, mini-
mum wage impact, and other con-
cerns regarding overregulation.
"Despite our recent successes
in repealing the MTA Payroll and
phasing out the 18-A assessment
in utility bills, New York still
ranks 49th out of 50 sates when it
comes to business climate. Over-
regulation, bureaucratic red tape
and new mandates and minimum
wage increases are making it
harder for businesses to survive,
grow and create jobs in New York Special to Business Trends
State," Malliotakis said. "The gov- The business and professional women of the Staten Island chapter of NYS Women, led by Christine Olivieri Don-
ernor's START-UP NY program ahue, president, support Theresa Fazzolari as she takes the helm as state president of the organization. Pic-
has been a failure, spending $53 tured, from left, are Catherine DeStefano, Rosemarie Mangano, Elisabeth Miccalizi, Theresea Fazzolari, Mar-
million on advertising while only garet Barry, Elaine Croteau, Ann Celia, Rosemarie Dressler and Donahue.
producing 408 jobs. Government
at the city, state and federal level
needs to get out of the way and
allow entrepreneurs and job cre-
ators to innovate and create."
Linda Baran, president of the
Transportation takes to the sky
Staten Island Chamber of Com- Business Trends ca is the winner of its worldwide design com- Bayonne, N.J., and was selected among engi-
merce, attended the conference petition for an aerial cableway system to con- neers, planners, architects and cableway de-
and said, "It is important for the After nine months of anticipation, the nect the borough to the rest of the region. signers who entered the gondola design com-
business community to come to- Staten Island Economic Development Corp. Leitner-Poma of America proposed aerial
has announced that Leitner-Poma of Ameri- connections to Manhattan, Brooklyn and please see SIEDC page 12
please see BRIEFS, page 2

Happy 30th!
Linda Baran celebrates 30 years at
Staten Island Chamber of Commerce.

Monthly Update
business climate, economic Organizations that have partic-
BRIEFS growth and jobs. The organiza-
tion helps member companies cut
ipated in the Community Service
Awards event in the past include
Continued from page 1 costs and provide important ben- Jewish Community Center of
efits to their employees, and Staten Island, Staten Island Men-
serves as an information re- tal Health Society, Eden II Pro-
gether and advocate for and source center, providing an array grams, Community Health Ac-
against issues that affect the busi- of news and update services, sem- tion of Staten Island, Staten Is-
ness climate in both the city and inars, networking and individual- land Legal Services, Lavelle
state. Having a local representa- ized regulatory and legislative as- Preparatory Charter School,
tive, like Assemblywoman Mallio- sistance to members who need it. Richmond University Medical
Foundation Financial Advisors 
takis, speaking about policies
that have impacted Staten Island Honor unsung heroes at
Center, Alice Austen House Muse-
um, Project Hospitality, Snug
Financial Advisory & Wealth Management
     and New York City businesses
like tolls, minimum wage and awards dinner Nov. 20 Harbor Cultural Center and
Botanical Gardens, Seaman's So-
Stock Investing * Option Strategies
labor issues brings statewide at- Honor your unsung heroes at ciety for Children and Families,
Exchange Traded Funds * Retirement Accounts
    tention to our concerns." the Community Service Awards, Harbor Lights Theater Company,
Call Today
 for a Complimentary
 Four other participants repre- to be held Sunday, Nov. 20, at 11 Richmond Choral Society and
senting their legislative confer- a.m. at the Vanderbilt at South SCORE.
Ronald P. Cutrone ences were state Sen. Frederick J. Beach. We invite you to recommend an
 & Advisor  Akshar, II (R-Binghamton), state In November of each year, the individual for a Community Serv-
Circa 1985 Sen. Tony Avella (IDC-Queens), Staten Island NFP Association ice Award. Simply RSVP to sub-
Foundation Finanacial Advisors state Sen. Roxanne J. Persaud (D- hosts the Community Service mit your honoree's information.
1336 Forest  Suite 201, Staten Island, NY 10302 Brooklyn) and Assemblywoman Awards, a special event designed Reserve a table of 10 ($550) at the
718.727.5100   Shelley Mayer (D-Yonkers). to enable nonprofit organizations awards brunch via check to: Stat-
The Business Council serves as in the borough to thank volun- en Island NFP Association, 669
A Foundation Lasting Through The Ages. an advocate for employers in the teers and employees who deserve Castleton Ave., Building A, Staten
Securities offered through Western International, Inc. Member FINRA, SIPC state political and policy-making recognition for outstanding serv- please see BRIEFS, page 10
    arena, working for a healthier ice.

Salmon Real Estate Has Lots To Rent
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Sweetbrook Nursery constructs planting beds at PS 13

STEVE WHITE/Business Trends

Sweetbrook Nursery and Garden Center located on Forest Avenue in Mariners Harbor donated their time
and labor to construct five planting beds that will be used as vegetable gardens for grades one through
five at PS 13 in Rosebank. Pictured, from left, are Jose Bauista, Co-owner Steven Korkowski, Frank
Sanchez and Carl Petrigno.

bers and invited guests only. Call sary. No charge. Call 718-727-1221.
MONDAY Michael Anicito at 646-606-2111. E.L.I.T.E. (Executive, Leadership,
Bus. Outreach Ctr of SI/WBCLDC Business Network Intl. (BNI) Net- Interactive, Team, Effort) Net-
Small Bus. Counseling work Alliance Chapter: Z-One working Group: 1110 South Ave. 8
MWBE/BOC Capital: WBCLDC, 705 Lounge, 1821 Richmond Ave. 7 to a.m. New members welcome. For
Forest Ave., 2nd Fl. By appointment 8:30 a.m. For info, call Timothy info, call 347-273-1375.
only. For info, call 718-816-4775. Houston at 718-981-8600. College of S.I., Small Bus. Dev. Ctr.
Kiwanis Club of Richmond Co.: Rotary Club Staten Island: LiGre-
LaFontana Restaurant, 2879 Amboy please see EVENTS, page 8
cis Staten, 697 Forest Ave. 12:30 to
Rd. 7 p.m. Call 718-420-1966. 1:30 p.m. Members and guests wel-
College of S.I., Small Bus. Dev. Ctr. come. For info, call 718-370-3140.
Business Counseling: CSI, 2800 College of S.I., Small Bus. Dev. Ctr.
Victory Blvd. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. No Business Counseling: Chamber of
charge. For info, call the SBDC at Commerce, 130 Bay St. 9 a.m. No
718-982-2560. charge. Call 718-982-2560.
College of S.I., Small Bus. Dev. Ctr.
Business Counseling: CSI, 2800
TUESDAY Victory Blvd. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. No
Greater New Dorp Networking charge. Call the SBDC at 982-2560.
Group: 8 a.m. Perkins, 1409 Hylan
Blvd. For information, call Steve
Lombardo at 718-702-8623. WEDNESDAY
Richmond Business Connections: Bus. Outreach Ctr of SI/WBCLDC
Z One, 1821 Richmond Ave. 8 a.m. Small Bus. Counseling
For information, call Ronald P. MWBE/BOC Capital: WBCLDC, 705
Cutrone at (347) 258-8131 or visit Forest Ave., 2nd Fl. By appointment only. For info, call 718-816-4775.
SI Business Friends: 7:30 - 8:45 Richmond County Referral Source:
a.m. Hilton Garden Inn, 1100 South Comfort Inn. 7:00 to 8:15 a.m. For
Ave. For information, call Dr. Richard info, email
Bove at 718-938-5978 or visit Staten Island Business Council:
Andrews Diner, 4160 Hylan Blvd. 7
Bus. Outreach Ctr of SI/WBCLDC a.m. Members and invited guests
Small Bus. Counseling only. For info, call 347-855-4488 or
MWBE/BOC Capital: WBCLDC, 705 send an e-mail to info@sibizcoun-
Forest Ave., 2nd Fl. By appointment
only. For info, call 718-816-4775.
Bucks Business Network: Hamp-, Ultimate Think ton Inn, 1120 South Ave. 7:45 a.m.
Tank: Lorenzos, 1100 South Ave. For For info, call 718-351-2557 or visit
info, visit
Kiwanis Club of South Shore: Kiwanis Club of Brighton: Jodys
LaFontana, 2879 Amboy Rd. 7:30 Club Forest, 372 Forest Ave. 7:30
p.m. For info, call 718-370-2770. p.m. For info, call 718-348-0505.
SCORE Business Counseling: S.I. Kiwanis Club of North Central:
Bank & Trust, 1550 Richmond Rd. 9 LiGrecis Staten, 697 Forest Ave.
a.m. to noon. No appointment nec- 7:30 p.m. Call Len Bosso at 718-442-
essary. No charge. For info, call 718- 7804.
SCORE Business Counseling:
Business Guild I of the S.I. Cham- Chamber of Commerce, 130 Bay St.
ber of Commerce: Hilton Garden 9 to 11:30 a.m. Appointment neces-
Inn, 1100 South Ave. 7:45 a.m. Mem-

in our opinion

66 Willow Avenue

Only two more debates to go Staten Island, NY 10305

Were not so sure we could take any more than that Publisher
Executive Editor

hankfully, there are only two tiques, fact checking and even some Instead, it made us a little
more presidential debates name calling at just about every turn. ashamed not necessarily that Clin-
plus a vice presidential de- Clinton and Trump havent been too ton and Trump are our candidates, but
bate and only about five weeks be- kind to each other. Even when they that campaigning for the top office of Director
fore a new president is elected. We say were on the stage together in their our country has turned into a com-
that not necessarily because we cant first debate, televised to the entire plete circus. Director
wait for either of these candidates to country, they couldnt play nice. There are some proposed policies of
enter office, but because we, like many Trump interrupted Clinton on nu- Clintons that we like. There are some Director
others, are simply sick of listening to merous occasions. Clinton went over from Trump that we like as well. But JANET WARREN DUGO
them campaign. her allotted time once or twice. They what we dont like from either candi- Publisher Emeritus
Whether you are for Democrat threw insults at each other in round- date is the path that they are taking to DAN McDONOUGH, JR.
Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald about ways, each calling the other a try to get elected. Chairman

Trump, you can agree that the cam- liar at different points of the night. Its a shame that our presidential Business Trends is mailed each month to the
paign for this presidency, which still This is not what we were hoping to elections have turned into this, but its business and community leaders of Staten
Island. To be added to the mailing list, e-
has more than a month left, has been see. The first presidential debate last something we will have to live with for mail To submit a
ugly. Monday did not make us proud. It did another five weeks. Thankfully, Nov. 8 news release, email
For advertising info, call 718-775-3154 or
There have been accusations, cri- not fill us with joy. is not that far off.

How does your business content

marketing strategy stack up to the competition?
By BRIDGET WESTON POLLACK Budgeting for content marketing Facebook as part of their content market- still popular, but blog posts with images in-
Youre doing so much to keep your small ing strategies, but dont feel discouraged if terspersed throughout the post (about
business running day in and day out. You CMI reports also revealed that mar- you prefer another network. Twitter, every 75-100 words) get double the shares
barely have time to think about marketing, keters allocate between 28-32 percent of LinkedIn and Instagram are all popular, than those with fewer images. Hows that
but you know you need to. Whats a great their total marketing budgets to content along with video-hosting services such as for motivation to create visual content for
way to get the most out of marketing ef- marketing. If this investment seems low, YouTube and Vimeo. your small business this year?
forts? remember that generating content market- The social media component of your Not sure if your content marketing
Since most customers prefer to get infor- ing material takes time you may be sur- content marketing plan also should be strategy is working for your business?
mation about a company from content prised at how long it takes you or your strong. Forty-five percent of those sur- Meet with a SCORE mentor for another
marketing rather than advertising, its team to create engaging marketing con- veyed by Wasp Barcode Technologies re- perspective on your efforts for absolutely
worth putting money and/or time behind tent! ported using social media marketing to free.
creating this content. More than 50 percent of content mar- promote specific products or services.
But a strategy is useless if you create it, keters say creating visual content is a pri- Thirty-eight percent said they share infor- Bridget Weston Pollack is the vice president
then ignore it. ority this year, so if you dont have a Photo- mation about sales and discounts, and the of marketing and communications at the
Forty-four percent of B2B marketers re- shop or Illustrator whiz on staff, it might same percentage reported using it to gain SCORE Association. In this role, Bridget is re-
port meeting daily or weekly to review the be time to outsource some of your content likes and fans. sponsible for all branding, marketing, PR and
effectiveness of their content marketing ef- creation needs. What about visual content versus the communication efforts. She focuses on imple-
forts. Almost half of B2C marketers do the written word? Buzzsumo notes that Face- menting marketing plans and strategies for the
same, according to the Content Marketing Social media choices book posts with images get 2.3 times more organization to facilitate the growth of
Institute. Seventy percent of small businesses use engagement than those without. Blogs are SCOREs mentoring and trainings services.
Save the date for the 19th

Event Chair Ambassador

John Alexander Mark Russo


November 10, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

The Vanderbilt at South Beach

Paula Monteiro Richard Travers Visiting Nurse Association Congressman Daniel Donovan
IDB Bank NRG Energy of Staten Island 8GTTC\CPQ0CTTQYU

Center for an Urban Future Superior Confections Gail Castellano Bobby Giurintano
TF#PPWCN Richmond County Savings Bank 

For more information, visit

or contact Jodi Guagliardo at

Monthly Update
9:00 a.m. Call 718-981-0700. Victory Blvd. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For

EVENTS SCORE Business Counseling: SI

Bank & Trust, 1550 Richmond Rd. 9
info, call 718-982-2560.
Community Emergency Response
Continued from page 5 a.m. to noon. No appointment nec- Team (CERT): 7 p.m. For info. and
essary. No charge. Call 718-727-1221. locations, call John Tidona at 448-
Business Counseling: CSI, 2800 Rotary Club of North Shore: LiGre- 7160 or
TEMPORARY PERSONNEL / STAFFING FOR YOUR: Victory Blvd. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For cis Staten, 697 Forest Ave. 7 p.m.
info, call 718-982-2560. For info, call Christine DeHart at
Custodial / Superintendant Needs 718-448-4725.
Vacation Coverage Business Network Intl. (BNI) High
Achievers Chapter: PKs Restau- Bus. Outreach Ctr of SI/WBCLDC
Handy Man Repairs THURSDAY rant,1281 Arthur Kill Rd. 7 to 8:30 Small Bus. Counseling
Interior / Exterior Maintenance Bus. Outreach Ctr of SI/WBCLDC a.m. For info, call Timothy Houston MWBE/BOC Capital: WBCLDC, 705
Small Bus. Counseling at 718-981-8600. Forest Ave., 2nd Fl. By appointment
Emergency Staffing MWBE/BOC Capital: WBCLDC, 705 only. For info, call 718-816-4775.
Business Guild II of the S.I. Cham-
Truck with driver available (local) Forest Ave., 2nd Fl. By appointment ber of Commerce: Hilton Garden
only. For info, call 718-816-4775. Inn, 1100 South Ave. 7:45 to 8:45
Kiwanis Club of Staten Island:
LiGrecis Staten, 697 Forest Ave.
a.m. Members and invited guests
only. For info, call Lou Rizzo at 718-
SCORE Business Counseling: St.
emp shows
shows u
p at
at yyour
our b
usiness aatt the
the ttime
ime rrequired
equired 7:30 p.m. For info, call 718-967-4345 490-0057.
George Library, 5 Central Ave. 10
One person
person oorr several
several Business Guild III of the SI Cham- a.m. to noon. Appointment neces-
Rotary Club of South Shore: Man- ber of Commerce: Hilton Garden sary. No charge. Call 718-442-8560.
sion Grand, 141 Mansion Ave. 12:15 Inn, 1100 South Ave. 8 a.m. New
SCORE Business Counseling: Rich-
p.m. For info, call 718-987-2061 or members welcome. Call Nick Testa
One call
call to
to P
roject-One does
does it
it ffor
or y
ou! mondtown Library, 200 Clarke Ave.
visit at 646-823-4494.
10 to 11:30 a.m. Call 718-668-0413.
a l l Jean
J e a n ((718)
718) 7
61-8390 Rotary Club Mid-Island: New Dako- College of S.I., Small Bus. Dev. Ctr.
ta Diner, 921 Richmond Ave. 7:30 to Business Counseling: CSI, 2800

Parisi Rampulla & Lenza, P.C.

Staten Island homes for sale still 78 Martin Avenue | Staten Island, NY, 10314

New York Citys best bargain (718) 761-3333

By JAMES PRENDAMANO Short Sales, Mortgage Modification,

tunity far outpacing rentals. Inc., Staten Islands premier real es-
Across the board, realtors However, with the completion of tate firm, specializing in all facets of Foreclosure Defense
agree that Staten Island is the The View on Nicholas Street and transactional real estate.
best place for people to invest in a Urby Staten Island on Front
home, condominium or co-op. Street, young adults are recogniz-
My belief is that the Staten Is- ing that they can live affordably
land real estate market should see
steady growth over the next 12
months marking the third con-
secutive annual growth period in
in Staten Islands North Shore,
just a 20 minute, free ferry ride
away from downtown Manhattan.
These young adults will become
Now Available
as many years. Several factors the future homeowners on Staten A SE A SE
contribute to this trend: Island, ensuring that the residen- FOR LE FOR LE
Interest rates remain at an all- tial real estate market will contin-
time low, offering buyers attrac- ue to thrive into the future. An-
tive terms and enticing many to other factor that will help to en-
enter the market to take advan- sure the future health of the Stat-
tage of these rates while they last. en Island residential real estate
Inventory is low. Its simple market is the notoriety large
supply and demand a lack of scale projects such as Empire
product results in higher prices. Outlets and The New York Wheel Luxury high rise Manhattan style condo living with panoramic view West Brighton - Forest Avenue
Lastly, we must take a look at have been receiving. These proj- from the living room, dining room and kitchen. This wonderful one PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING
how investors view the invest- ects are attracting attention from bedroom, one bath unit has a wraparound terrace facing the water-
ment chessboard. The United around the globe, establishing Desk Space: $400/month
side with fabulous views of Manhattan, Verrazano bridge and the
States is still seen as one of the Staten Island as a viable alterna- entire harbor. Included is parking, outdoor pool, storage facility, Private Office: $800/month
safest places to park money in tive to the other four boroughs, doorman building, washer and dryer, all appliances and near shop- Forest Avenue: Office Building
real estate. As we continue to see where cost of living prices are far ping and restaurants. Join the excitement as the entire Esplanade
shaky markets in Europe and higher.
Use of conference room, parking, and utilities.
waterfront becomes a walkway from the largest wheel in the world.
Asia- we will continue to see an Staten Island homes for sale Renee 917-842-5690 Call Robert x217.
influx of foreign investment will continue to increase in value
money in the real estate market. as its population grows, making Todt Hill Secluded on
If you take a look at the stock real estate within our borough a Isles #1 hill is 3112sf
market, many feel we are on the great investment. To be sure that gem with 4BR/4bths/
verge of a bubble considering the your Staten Island home for sale almost acre on cul
de sac betw pond/
historic highs, so they consider is priced right, call us today at
woods & SI Academy/
real estate as a safe, long-term (718) 816-7799 for a free evaluation
Co Club. LR w/ FP,
play. of your home.
FDR & granite EIK slide
Staten Island has always been to wraparnd patio. Fam
the bedroom community to New James Prendamano is a managing rmSfor (1) billiards-
York City, with ownership oppor- director for Casandra Properties, library-gym-0.75 bth 821 CLOVE ROAD: Bottom floor in medical/dental/non-profit of-
& (2) ofc or TV. Htd fice building, in excellent condition. Has reception area, 2 exam
6-car drvwy & 2-car rooms, office, 2 bathrooms, nurses station, recovery area. Pos-
PROFESSIONAL WEBSITES. garage/workshop: sible to reconfigure. Extremely convenient to buses, SIE, Forest
$1,499,999. Call NYS-
Ave, Victory Blvd. Ample street parking. Call Mary Spillane, NYS
PEASANT PRICES. licensed real estate
Lic. RE Salesperson, X223 to discuss opportunity to rent floor
saleswoman Norma-
Sue X 216 or purchase building.


Results for You
Contact our Commercial Division for
Your gateway to better business and better living on Staten Island more information about:

Office Buildings

Monthly Update
All proceeds support the Relocating the summit to a new
BRIEFS SIMHS's services for children and
families with special needs.
venue across the Verrazano-Nar-
rows Bridge was a logical next
Continued from page 2 For more information and to step in its growth as a prominent
receive a detailed brochure, call business event, said SIBOR CEO
(718) 442-2225, or visit Sandy Krueger in advance of the
Island, N.Y. 10301. event.
Please join us for this unique Real Estate Summit a Talking about global real es-
occasion where family, friends tate requires that we expand hori-
Sometimes you want to sell your home quickly,
and without all the fuss. Maybe it''s because of the passing of
and colleagues gather to honor success on Sept. 15 zons beyond our boundaries. We
a loved one, a divorce, or just the desire to get the job done the awardees. Realtors and other business see this initiative evolving into a
without having to fix all that's wrong with your house. Feel free to reach out via people seeking stronger ties to in- citywide program.
Either way, when you want to sell quickly or (718) 355-6228 ternational commerce were The daylong event also includ-
and as-is, give 302 Wholesale a call. with any questions. drawn to the 10th Annual Global ed the Global Real Estate Sum-
Real Estate Summit & Expo, held mits 2016 media partners: The
SIMHS hosting Sept. 15 in Brooklyn. Real Deal; Staten Island Media
Co-hosted by the Staten Island Group (Staten Island
FOR YOUR HOME IN AS-IS CONDITION. fundraiser Oct. 8 Board of Realtors and the Brook- Advance/; Star Net-
AND OUR CLOSINGS ARE DAYS, NOT WEEKS, AWAY. The Staten Island Mental lyn Real Estate Board, this years work, and Brooklyn Home Re-
Health Society is hosting a Touch- gathering attracted hundreds of porter.
A-Truck Fundraiser on Saturday, attendees to the Dyker Beach Golf Presenting sponsor of SIBORs
Oct. 8, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Course, where the summit was 10th annual Global Real Estate
Vanderbilt, South Beach, parking held in a borough other than Stat- Summit was InterContinental
lot. en Island for the first time in its Capital Group.
The event will be an exciting 10-year history. Experts at the symposium dis-
hands-on experience for kids and "This event is important not cussed a range of topics, such as:
adults, who will learn about and just for Staten Island but for all Financial Issues in Global
Call Today! explore firetrucks, police cars, the boroughs, said Ron Molcho, Transactions; Marketing Across
school buses, construction equip- a SIBOR director and chairman Borders: The Developer Connec-
888-985-0425 ment and more, and meet the peo-
ple who serve and protect our
of the Global Real Estate Summit,
during an interview with Spec-
tion; Paradigm Shift: The
Multi-Cultural Millennial Effect;
community. trum News NY1. Today our busi- The Renaissance of Staten Is-
Admission is only $5 and in- nesses are no longer limited to lands North Shore, and A Bro-
Visit us on the Web at cludes many extras for kids, such our locale. We are able to engage kers Perspective: Rules of Inter-
as face-painting and crafts. with clients across the globe. national Engagement.

Sweet 16s

Birthday Parties
Much much more!
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When the news is sweet,
We Tweet! SIEDC to secure funding for feasibility study
When the news is bitter, gineers, planners, media and aca- According to the SIEDC, the
We Still Twitter! SIEDC demics chose the Elm Park to
Bayonne route.
proposed route would connect
commuters to the Hudson-Bergen
Continued from page 1 The SIEDC plans to proceed Light Rail system in New Jersey.
Follow us at with work to secure funding for
the feasibility study of the proj-
The trip across the water would
take approximately six minutes, petition. Ultimately, the SIEDC
jury comprised of architects, en-
ect, which is expected to cost
more than $60 million.
with a gondola leaving every
minute, and would cut the trip
from Elm Park to the World Trade
Center PATH train to 33 minutes.
Aerial cableways and specifi-
cally gondola systems are quickly
becoming a popular method of
urban transportation across the
globe, according to SIEDC offi-
These cost effective, environ-
mentally sustainable and excep-
tionally reliable projects have
been implemented most famously
in Medellin, Colombia, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, La Paz, Bolivia,
Mrida, Venezuela, Madeira, Por-
tugal, London, England, and
across southeast Asia.
The success that these sys-
tems have had in connecting sub-
urbs with central business dis-
tricts has led to a significant in-
terest in the technology from
American cities. Municipalities
including Tampa, Austin, Chica-
go, St. Louis and Washington,
D.C., all have serious proposals in
the works for aerial cableways.
New York is no exception, with a
proposal to connect Brooklyn and
Manhattan that was introduced a
few years ago, and now Staten Is-
The SIEDC has been pushing
for innovative transportation
projects on Staten Island for more
than 10 years. After championing
the West Shore Light Rail, it
began to look for other creative
options to solve the boroughs
transportation issues.
Staten Island residents en-
dure some of the longest public
transit commute times in the na-
tion, and new options are need-
ed, officials said.
A full public presentation for
the gondola plan is expected to
take place next spring.

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Linda Baran celebrates 30 years at Chamber

Linda Baran is celebrating her York State and plays an active
30th anniversary at the Staten Is- role in the Five Borough Cham-
land Chamber of Commerce, in- ber of Commerce Coalition.
cluding the past 12 years as the Outside of the Chamber, Baran
Chambers first woman president serves on the board of Notre
and chief executive officer. Dame Academy, and is an adviso-
I cant believe it has been 30 ry board member for the Small
years! Baran said, laughing, at a Business Development Center at
surprise luncheon thrown by her the College of Staten Island. She
staff on Sept. 8. When I look is a past president of the Staten
back, the time really has flown. Island Rotary Club.
But I think, for me, a real meas- Baran has served on Gov.
ure of my life at the Chamber is Cuomos Community Rising
when I think about all the people I Planning Committee. She worked
have met. Thousands! tirelessly in the aftermath of
It is incredible what the busi- Hurricane Sandy to provide re-
ness community has gone sources and information to affect-
through here September 11th, ed Staten Island businesses, and
the 2008 recession, Hurricane continues to advocate on behalf
Sandy and even the tremendous of Sandy recovery and relief.
population growth the Island has Under Barans direction, the
experienced, she said reflective- Chamber has undertaken the for-
ly. At every step of the way, our mation of the East Shore Local
members have been a rock for the Development Corporation. Baran
community, and I have made so has also been an active member of
many great friends along the New York City Planning's East
way. Shore Resilient Neighborhoods Special to Business Trends
As for the future, My passion Advisory Committee and the Bay Above, Linda Baran is pictured
now is the future of Staten Is- Street Corridor Advisory Com- at her surprise party with staff,
lands workforce, Baran said. mittee. Chamber board members and
We have to support our kids, pro- Baran is a diligent advocate for family. From left are Joyce Suss,
vide them with real, meaningful improved transportation on Stat- Glen Cutrona, Tina Berbari,
training and get them work. This en Island, including a strong pro- Frank Scarangello, Lou Baran,
will keep them safe and help our ponent of a transit solution on Ryan Gleason, Meagan Dev-
business community stay the North Shore and has met with ereaux, Michele Esposito, Kristin
strong. numerous high ranking officials Foye and Michael Assenza. To
Three years ago, Baran from the Federal Transit Admin- the right, Baran is pictured on
launched the Chamber's Young istration, Federal Highway Ad- her first day at the Chamber.
Entrepreneurs Academy to en- ministration, Port Authority,
sure the success of the next gen- MTA, and the NYS and NYC De- U.S. Small Business Adminis-
eration of business leaders. partments of Transportation, tration Woman in Business
Going forward, Baran sees the among other transportation agen- Champion of the Year 2010
Chamber taking a more active cies. St. Rochs Women in Business
role in the area of workforce de- In 2003, Baran received a cer- Award October 2009
velopment. tificate in nonprofit organization New Dorp High School Hall of
In May 2004, Baran was elected management from the U.S. Cham- Fame inducted May 2008
by the Chambers Board of Direc- ber Institute of Organization St. Johns University Presi-
tors as the first woman president Management at Villanova Univer- dents Medal May 2007
and CEO of the organization, sity, Villanova, Pa. She has also World of Woman Woman of
which was established in 1895. received the following awards: Distinction March 2007
Prior to that, she served as the in- 50 Most Powerful People in Woman in History Celebra-
terim president for seven months Staten Island, City and State Mag- tion March 2006 honored by
and held the position of vice pres- azine September Councilman Michael McMahon
ident of finance and resources. CSI Celestial Ball honoree Richmond County Business &
Baran has worked in many areas December 2014 Professional Women's Club 2006
of the Chamber, including fi- 2014 Staten Island Top Woman Business Woman of the Year
nance and operations, member- in Business Star Network Salvation Army Community
ship development, community re- Soroptomist International of Service Award 2005
lations, special events as well as Staten Island - Ruby Award 2013 College of Staten Island Col-
government and legislative af- The Inter-Agency Council for lege Award 2005
fairs. She serves on the board of Aging of Staten Island Commu- Baran is a native Staten Is- Beach and currently resides in three children: Jenna, Frank and
the Chamber Alliance of New nity Service Award 2012 lander who grew up in Midland Great Kills. She is the mother of Louis.
WEDNESDAY TOBER 5, 2016 9:00
OCTOBER 0 A. M. TO 3:00 P. M.




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