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Lesson Plan #2-Gr.

Topic-Action Heroes—Superheroes?
Lesson Description: This lesson will get students introduced to writing a good
paragraph, and starting on their writing projects.
Knowledge: Students will know the Assessment/Evaluation
main format of a paragraph
- Paragraph Assignment-Rubric(out of 5,
1 mark for each sentence)
Skills/Abilities: Students will write a -“ “
good paragraph.
Affective: Students will begin to enjoy
writing in a format they choose.

Materials: handout(formats), overhead, yellow/red/green sentences, writing

supplies, example of finished piece.
Prerequisite Learnings: topic sentences
Set: MMCW:

Courage: The ability to face fear.

Stereotype: beliefs that are widely

accepted, but not necessarily true
Development: Wild Mind Writing: if I was a
superhero what would I be like?

-ask if anyone wants to share writing Mini Lesson: Paragraph writing

-show paragraphs on overhead, get
students to guess main idea, state a
topic/concluding sentence.
-green yellow red sentences activity, get
kids to go in groups and put them in
order, write down their finished
paragraph on the handout
-go over as a class
-give students a topic, get them to write
own supporting details and conclusion

Hand out sheet with various writing

assignments, describe each
-show own work(each draft)
-Let students start working on their own
choice assignment
Closure: Ask if anyone has any ideas or writing
they want to share.

Professional Goals: Clear speaking, students able to understand explanations.

How to write a good Paragraph

Important points to remember:
• GO! Have a topic sentence that catches the attention
of the reader, and states the main topic.
• Yes, CONTINUE…3 supporting or body sentences
describe the topic more in detail
• STOP!!!! An ending sentence stops the idea, lets the
reader know the topic is over.
• ALWAYS indent the first line of the paragraph(make
space at the beginning of the first sentence)

Topic: ______________________

Green Topic Sentence:


Yellow Supporting Details:

• _______________________________________________________________________

• _______________________________________________________________________

• _______________________________________________________________________

Red Concluding Sentence:










Topic Sentence:

It is a perfect sport for living in Canada, because in most

provinces we have snow for at least 5 months of the year,
so there is plenty of time to hit the slopes! Also, because
all you need is a board strapped to your feet, there is not
a lot of equipment you need to buy. This sport is also a
lot of fun to go with friends, even if itsjust going to Fort
Qu’Appelle for the day.
Concluding Sentence:

TOPIC: ________________________________
Topic Sentence:
I love them, but I hate it when they go places with me.
They always stop to talk to EVERYONE, even if they don’t
know people that well. They tell stories about things I did
when I was little to all of their friends, my friends and my
teachers! And anytime they have to leave me or drop me
off, they kiss my face and get it all wet, or hug me until I
can’t breathe any more!
Concluding Sentence:

Any BRIGHT ideas???

• Poem(limerick, haiku, rhyming)
• Rap song
• Short Story
○ Tall tale
○ Nursery rhyme
○ Myth
○ Fantasy
○ Sci-fi
○ Romance
○ Historical
○ Mystery
• Research report
• Pamphlet
• Book review
• Movie review
• New article
• Children’s book

• Letter
• Fan letter
• Speech
• Script(play, puppet show, movie, skit, radio
• Interview
• Instruction book
• Cook book

 If you have any other ideas, ask Ms. Martinuk, Ms.

Wyatt or Ms. Belof first

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