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CHAPTER 4 cebn (pet, Ratt, nT Thus ce thay Note that: dam kf Hence since ann x 1.0. kone we have a ‘Thus, ‘Time constant = CR = 5 x 300 = 1500 sec B42. For this systen Cdim-adt, Haar, Carix a(bn (Dra = 0.008 JH att Hdl] =~ 0.008 Edt Assume that the head moves down from H = 2m to x for the 60 sec period. ‘Then Vi tay =o verde EB (zt ot) =-00re32 (oe-0) vhich can be rewritten as xF—«& #792/3)° =— 2/480 XE = SSIS — 2/8 G0 = F.L08P Taking logarithm of both sides of this last equation, we obtain bog, x = boy, 35057 RELACSZ m- B43, From Figure 4-49 we obtain the folloving equaticnar MOBS. 2 2,69) He =) LO nog &@ a + Me _ nO 25 For each of the above equations, a block diagram can be drawn, as shown next. & a6) Hds) {ZI O,6s) 26) “F fe a6) eG) oe) -37- Simplifying this block diagram successively, we obtain a reasonably ifted block diagram as follows: ey ote ——_* ___.. Ries least TRACE Hs? From this last block diagram we obtain H2(s) as a function of 01(s) and Q4(s) as follows: a yee Mls (2, C15 +) CRGSH/) TR GE [a6 + (reseed) B44. Figure (a) below is a block diagram of the given system vhen changes in ‘the variables are small. Since the set point of the controller is fixed, r = 0. (Note that, r is the change in the set point.) To investigate level of the second tank subjected to oy ‘The transfer function between H2(s) and Qq(s) can be obtained as Hab) Re CRQ +t) UD (Ri St )CRaStitKRa Fron this equation, the response fa(s) to the disturbance input Og(s) can be obtained. For the unit-step disturbance input ‘me ate ve obtain 4 As on or ne) = & 5A) = RR: Re stendy-etate error =~ ieee ‘The system exhibits offset in the response to a unit-step disturbance input. B45. Note that Copy = 3 tt where q is the flow rate through the valve and is given by fink v=—R% Hence Me. tith CH= R from vhich ve obtain Be) _ Fe Rest For the bellows and spring, we have the following equation: Ay = hx ‘The transfer function x(s)/Pj(s) is then given by =X? RO A? Bel PD BO ~ R Rese7 In this block diagram, Z(s) is fhe Laplace transform of the small dit of the diaphragm of the pneumatic relay. The transfer function Pp(s)/é(s) is given by 6) _ _6 Ki ks = Seaver many wel. £6) ath aA ¢ (thik eR ‘The control action of thie controller is proportional. ‘Thus, the controller is a proportional controlier. B47. Define the pressure of air in the bellows as Fi, + po- ‘Then Coy agat , f= 454 Hence d A-P cAe= or ROB Rw a ree +ga4p &(s) Ath oy q ALb hk Ath Rs+) Assume that K,K2>1.° Then 2G) bark _RCst/ bk £0)" a+b a = Gest ‘Thus, the control action is proportional-plus—derivative.- The controller is @ proportional~plus-derivative controller. . a6) __b KK Gs) arb 7, KkaA_ A _7 ath Ce RS+7, Tf KK p21, then -41- Bb RL 7 G7 "ath “eka A = (er 7 + Bes. ath eT ‘The controller is a proportional-plus-integral controlier. — E@ 2 KK = e6) "ate +e K Ga A Petes Z b Rk Reystl Ress] If RyK 1, then ab / EG)” a+b _@ A fetes are & Reasti Rest] wae) = in( ha Hae )(R5 +1) = / (+ fe te * Bast hCs) ‘Thus, the control action is proportional-plus-integral-plus-derivative. The controlier ig a PID controller. B10. Referring to the figure shown on the next page, we can obtain the equations for the system. For the diaphragm and spring assembly, Axe kt 26). , Ad X6) k For the jet pipe, Brkt, Afdungadt da. z Kr = =3ce aan” Gf Te) _K 20) Afis For the pilot valve, MN Pady =3,dt , Da=keu 4 tk ee a A Wy Pa Yo) Ta) AAs A simplified block diagran for the system is shown below. Xe) Tae zm [eee From this block diagram ve obtain -@3- Yo) . XO 8 my. Kr Ae _ ik XO Ded 26) XD ae ARs ks _ _Keks Ad Apfe AAA B41, Define displacements e, x, and y as shown in the figure below. From the block diagram we obtain the transfer function Y(s)/@(s) as follows: late & Yo _' ates” 2 tb ath yy Ob) 44 Ka "are a4 5 ate We see that the piston displacement y is proportional to the deflection angle 0 of the control lever. Abo, from thé eysten diagram we ooe that Ear each b. a value of y, there is a corresponding value of angle ¢. Therefore, for each angle @ of the control: tever, there 1s a corresponding steady-state elevator angle ¢. B4-12. Since the increase of vater in the tank during dt seconds is equal to the net inflow to the tank during the same dt seconds, we have Ooh = Ch + fa Bo) kt @ ; x= Gaps Bquation (1) can now be written as follows: Cb = Rt pep eh tf -# (a Note that Bak2 =k zipk (3) By substituting the given numerical values into Equations (2) and (3), we obtain 2thengepy—2h a ae A Taxing ‘the Laplace transforms of the preceding two equations, assuming zero initial conditions, we obtain 2s HG) =—Y6)+ Q4ls)- 2H SY) = HG) By eliminating Y(s) from the last two equatione, we get 287 4/3) = -HG) +t $Qab) ~25 HG) Hence (25*+4 25¢/) HO) = 5 Qa(s) from vhich we get Hb) _ Ss Qué) 2524254] B413. For the system kA = k(%-8) where A is the area of the bellows and zis the displacement of the lover end of the spring. Also, gakf[xue , yar? ‘Thus Yo=t xe, Yb) =—-Zke) Hence APs) = k [X6)~26)] = k[x0) + YO) = kr EAD) ‘Therefore, Wo. kD KA _ kA fa © Fb) sk(ir) kOstk) B414, Define 8p = ambient temperature 0, = temperature of thermocouple 02 = temperature ‘of thermal vell Ry = thermal resistance of thermocouple Ro = thermal resistance of thermal well Cy = thermal capacitance of thermocouple C2 = thermal capacitance of thermal well hy = heat input rate to thermocouple hg = heat input rate to thermal vell ‘Then, the equations for the system can be written as C,d8, =h at CaO = Che- Wott where hy = (82 ~ 01)/Ry and hg = (6p - @2)/R2. ‘Thus ve have Reet = Oe de 8 Bax OL TR, R, By eliminating 62 from the last two equations, we obtain 96. ‘ OB) RGR SPE RG ARC tRAG)S +1 RyCy = time constant of thennocouple = 2 sec ‘RyCz = time constant of thermal well = 30 sec Rd = al, & a5 Zab eC, = Ra or 7) = 8 sec Hence the denominator of 6;(8)/@2(5) becomes as RGRe S*+ CRG +R FES stl bos" +385 +/ = (KbS/5 +1) CBISSH1) ‘Thus, the time constants of the system are T= 2.651 sec, Tz = 36.35 sec -47-

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