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Question 1

Membrane trafficking is the process by which proteins and other macromolecules are
distributed throughout the cell, and released to or internalized from the extracellular
space. Membrane trafficking uses membrane-bound vesicles as transport
intermediaries. Which two cellular organelles play central role in membrane trafficking?
Response: Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Response: Golgi bodies

Question 2
The extract from a particular tissue stimulates the effervescent degradation of hydrogen
peroxide. Such extract is abundant in what particular cell organelle?
Response: Peroxisomes

Question 3
A certain dye was used to stain a sample of hepatocytes. The dye binds to nucleic
acids in general and causes them to give off a bright green fluorescence under UV
radiation. Among the given cellular components below, which ones will NOT give off
such bright green color?
Response: Centrioles
Response: Flagella

Question 4
What is the correct hierarchy of DNA packaging inside the nucleus?
Response: Nucleosome, solenoid, radial loops, condesed chromatine loops,

Question 5
All of the following are characteristics of nucleosomes except?
Response: The histones are made up of basic negatively charged proteins that
electrostatically attract acidic positively charged DNA double-helix.

Question 6
Choose the two correct descriptions of a mitochondrion.
Response: The convolutions of its inner membrane increase the surface area for
electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Response: It is the organelle that directly utilizes the oxygen gas that is transported by
the bloodstream to the cells.

Question 7
All of the following are true for integral membrane proteins except?
Response: They encompass the perimeter of the phospholipid bilayer.

Question 8
Match the cell organelle or part whose function is disrupted in each of the described
disorder below.
Response: Tay-Sach's disease - the accumulation of gangliosides (a kind of lipid) in the
nerve cells due to the lack of certain acidic hydrolytic enzyme called hexosaminidase A.
=> Lysosomes
Response: Leigh disease - a rare neurometabolic disorder that results from mutations
that disrupt oxidative phosphorylation. => Mitochondria
Response: Edward's syndrome - a congenital disorder that is characterized by kidney
malformations, structural heart defects and protrusion of intestines outside the body.
This is a consequence of meiotic nondisjunction of chromosome pair no. 18. =>
Response: Cystic fibrosis - a disorder of the lungs which emanates from the disruption
of CFTR protein which is a channel that controls the flow of water and chloride ions
across the cells of the lungs. => Plasma membrane
Response: Nemaline myopathy - a muscular impairment that is due to genetic
disruptions that result to abnormality in structure of actin in the muscles. =>

Question 9
Which two characteristics is common to all cytoskeletal components?
Response: They are made up of components that can polymerize and depolymerize to
control their length and/or form.
Response: They generally function in maintaining the shape of the cell and provide
mechanical resistance to deformation.

Question 10
Traditionally, the lysosomes is thought of as "suicidal bags" that will degrade the cell
once popped due to its content of digestive enzymes. Researches have shown that this
is not the case. What could be the most plausible reason for this?
Response: The acidic hydrolytic enzymes of the lysosomes are stored in an inactive
form that is only activated upon fusion with worn out cell components or ingested
particles and ony under acidic conditions.

Question 11
What is the correct pathway for the synthesis of proteins that will later be released from
the cells such as insulin in the beta cells of the pancreas?
Response: Ribosomes, rER, GA, secretory vesicles

Question 12
The fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane structure describes which important
features of the PM?
Response: The sidewise flow of the phospholipids and the textured nature from the
embedded proteins.

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