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Running head: LESSON # CASE STUDIES 1

Lesson 4# Case Studies Chapter 7


International American University

MGT 500 Organizational Behaviors and Leadership



Suki Andrews, Sales Supervisor, Listo Systems

This case study is about a sales supervisor by the name Suki Andrews, who noted the problems

existing at Listo system. After going through a short discussion, she found out that due to the

organizations impassiveness and exclusion led to loss of sales and customers (Chaudhry &

Javed, 2012). Many complaints were received from the customers, that there have been

impediments in bill filling. Furthermore, there is negligence and underperformance and therefore

should act like a leader and show some authoritative nature to her employees.

Strategic Issues

Indication of task behavior in Sukis actions

After Suki has recognized and established the problems that have taken place in her department,

she called a meeting and updated her employees allowing them to get the answer for the affirmed

problem and get serious equally. She made them aware that she would check and trail on any

complaint from customers.

Considering if the situation is favorable or not, task behavior should be applied. Since the

situation is unfavorable then Suki should apply task behavior (Chaudhry & Javed, 2012). Her

actions that indicate task behavior are:

i. She indicated less discussion

ii. Decision are made by the leader only

iii. The roles of the employees are made by the leader; Suki

Level of task behavior

It can be considered that task behavior of Suki is moderate to high. This is because her behavior

is more directive than supportive.


Suggestions of Relationship behavior in Sukis action

When relationship behavior is discussed, it means the making and binding of contacts with all

the staff rather than concentrating on tasks as well as sharing of options. The results of Sukis

behavior actions are:

i. She adopts to ways of communication that are top to bottom as well as the vice versa

ii. The level of discussion is limited but the opinions of the employees are considered

Level or Rate of Relationship behavior

The analysis shows that Sukis level of leadership is very low, it can also be considered as very

limited. Her task can also be considered task oriented as compared to relationship centered. Her

behavior is considered one that has been able to reach maturity level but that of her employees is

very low (Lam & O'Higgins, 2012). This is the reason why the employees are not able to

undertake their tasks in a better way. It is wise for her to improve her task behavior as compared

to what she is doing currently.

Leadership style

I propose that Suki has S1 type of leadership since he has low task relationship. Likewise, it can

be analyzed that she is more concerned about task completion as compared to creation of better

and working relationship with her employees. This means that this type of leadership is called

telling (Lam & O'Higgins, 2012). This type of leadership takes place when the leader decide

what to be done while the employee follow them.

Sukis leadership style with the case situation

I consider that Sukis leadership style is one that matches with that of a mature nature of the

people he manages. The maturity level is M1. In a situation whereby the employees are not ready

to handle their tasks, then their maturity level is considered to be low, this means that they do not

show their interest to the discussion of their leader.

Analysis of Findings

Not until the clients raise complaints Suki is not concerned about her responsibility. Her task is

to ensure that she manages and supervises the bills as well as other regular tasks but she is not

undertaking this in the best way possible. According to situational leadership theory, the success

of a good leader is dependent on her/his ability to meet organizational needs so does that of the

employees (Lam & O'Higgins, 2012).


It can be concluded that leadership is one of the key pillars of a successful organization such as

Listo. If Suki is able to keep her leadership trail to better end, Listo will be a better organization

that it currently is. For example, she should adopt transformational leadership style to be able to

change what is at stake, and the company will perform better.


The following are the main recommendations of what Suki should do:

i. To get a better relationship related approach that will increase the employees relationship

to hers.

ii. She should change the type of leadership style she is using from telling to

transformational leadership in order to boost organizational performance and success

(Preston, 2012).


Chaudhry, A. Q., & Javed, H. (2012). Impact of transactional and laissez faire leadership style on

motivation. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(7).

Lam, C. S., & O'Higgins, E. R. (2012). Enhancing employee outcomes: The interrelated

influences of managers' emotional intelligence and leadership style. Leadership and

Organization Development Journal, 33(2), 149-174.

Preston, T. (2012). The president and his inner circle: Leadership style and the advisory process

in foreign policy making. Columbia University Press.

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